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Lets find Iran's president!

Bonus points for finding the search and rescue planes!
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another dick
I think it's just a loop not an actual live feed
The drone seems to insist on the same areas.
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Nightwatch is up!
Tasnim News:
> The task of identifying the Turkish drone encountered a problem
> This reconnaissance drone has descended to a height of 11,000 feet, but because there are many trees and vegetation, it has made the detection of the Turkish drone difficult.

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Not saying she's wrong, but why is she going so hard about this?
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>but why is she going so hard about this?

Why wouldn't she?
I would make the faggots seethe all day long if i were in her position. She should go harder
Nature never intended for sloots to have agency and the power of choice in the mating game. And since the dawn of mankind they never did, until it was afforded to them by romantic christ insane eurocucks a few hundred years ago. If nature wanted sloots to have agency, it would have given them the power to fly away, like the pigeon, or to run away, like the female canine, and make mounting without permission impossible. Instead nature designed sloots like the hen, and they were treated just like the hen for 10s of thousands of years, as property, a good, a commodity a cooming and child bearing device.
Because the trannies attack her constantly so she's constantly defending herself.
Social media isn't life. Twitter is just for venting, nothing else. I'm sure she doesn't think about trannies 90% of the day.
Women usher in clownworld and then cry when it bites them in the ass. Then blame and scold men whom they now demand must fix the problems these cunts created. Yeah, no thanks. I'll just sit back and watch. Have fun with your shitshow
So anti-male, she made a male the hero in her novels & used a male nom de plume.

Is it a mistake for white to give up on arrange marriages?
I’m Middle Eastern and my parents had an arranged marriage. My dad was 19 and my mom was 13 when they met and they got married a year later. They are my heroes and inspiration for my life and my marriage and family.
I still don’t support men here having access to “virgin brides” tho because my dad grew up and was a man who helped run his family business by 19. Most men here couldn’t run their own laundry, let alone a business.

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Regardless of whether the Iranian president is alive or dead there's no way this was an accident. There were three helicopters as part of an escort and only the one carrying the president and the foreign minister suffers a crash? This was due to foul play. He was in Azerbaijan which has close ties with the kikes. The Azeris requested that the Iranian president personally come for for the meeting they had which is suspicious. The CIA/Mossad likely assassinated him and the foreign minister with the help of the Azeris.
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Yes, their records speak for themselves. They're known to do shit like this and I wouldn't put it past them.

Your unhinged typing with caps lock makes me think you're a kike.
>personally come for for the meeting they had
*personally comes for the meet they had
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In the helicopter crash of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi just now on 19 May, "Raisi was returning from an area near the Iran-Azerbaijan border, where he opened two dams with his Azeri counterpart President Ilham Aliyev"

A week before he was shot on 15 May, Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico visited Azerbaijan and met with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev in Baku on 7 May

The 22 March massacre in Moscow reported as killing at least 145 people, took place at the Crocus concert hall, "owned by the Agalarovs: an [Azeri-Jewish] Russian billionaire family, very close friends of… Donald Trump"
The elder Aras Agalorov married a Jewish wife, but the legally-Jewish son Emin "considers himself a Muslim", according to the web

'Why Azerbaijan is moving closer to Israel'

'Israeli weapons quietly helped Azerbaijan retake Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia'

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OP is a memef(l)aggot BUT he's right this time around.
Iran has close ties with Armenia (Azerbaijan's neighbour and enemy).
Israel arms Azerbaijan in its conflicts with Armenia.
Israel previously warned of retaliation against Iran "at a time of their choosing" back in April of this year.

Now that the dust has settled how can the United States/Israel successfully install a puppet government in Iran and further push the World towards WWIII?
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Who’s the next good goy gonna be?
Their supreme leader is still alive
holy rizz
no im not

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>we have concrete evidence that Mossad/IDF hacked his website just to try to discredit him by streaming gay porn on his channel
>literally everyone who has ever called him gay is literally a proven Jewish/Mossad/IDF shill
Why do Jews go to such lengths to try and stop him? He is the chosen one to defeat the Jewish system.
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I wish he was taller and smoked a meerschaum pipe but yeah
I'd have sex with him.
only jews, troons and low IQ wignats hate fuentes
prove me wrong
PROTIP: you can't
you literally voted for milei you dumb retard
i bet you're one of those faggots who posts TND and brown wojaks on twitter while shilling for the jew
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Nick Fuentes is a closeted gay and a pedophile.
He and his gaypers are so cringe, worse than lefty jews

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unironically I'm pretty sure. stage 4 pancreatic cancer she died last month. Genetic testing confirmed it wasn't a genetic variant of PC so it came from something external (gee I wonder what) and was estimated to have started right around the time she was getting triple vaxxed during the covid scare.

This was against my advice and knowing how I felt about it(unvaxxed). Part of me is still mad at her for getting the bullshit vaccine. And at my dad I'm fucking pissed too for being such a go along pussy and getting it as well. Weak fucking pussy men like my dad and grandfather have ruined so many aspects of my life. Spoiled cowards who inherited wealth. Fuck you. I don't owe a fucking thing to these faggots any more. I used to tell myself I have to stay in TX to take care of aging family but not anymore. Thinking about leaving and telling my whole vaxxed family to fuck off with the exception of my one unvaxxed grandma (my mom's mom). Once she passes I'm out. I don't owe a thing to these faggots any more and they can feel the tension every time we're together. Write me out of your will niggers I don't give a fuck. I get VA disability and I'm financially secure for life anyways.

I haven't even brought it up yet with anyone except my one unvaxxed grandma who agrees with me because it would just create way too much family drama. Fuck this demonic earth.
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you should be killed slowly in public :)
fuck you
I've always advocated for suicidal people assasinating Jewish politicians.
Sorry for your that anon....Had a close friend lose his father and has the same intuition about the clot shot. Drinking yourself to death isn't going to change shit and as a former alcoholic use this energy to make change on this satanic run planet instead of letting you both falling for lies.
Condolences. But you have to move on, get up, pour out the booze into the sink and go.

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why the west doesn't have white gangs?
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We do, its called wall street
Lots of ethnic street gangs in North America.
Not one of them jewish. Funny that huh?
your webm shows larpers, not a gang
but I don't begrudge them, they desire male camaraderie, a noble impulse
We have clubs faggot.
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A large % of whites are simply too busy snitching each other out for kicks. Sure not every last white person is like that but those that are can be amazingly petty and childish with one another.

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Ukrainian bloggers demand that eighteen-year-old boys be drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine

One of the flagships of this statement is the well-known “military” blogger Evgeniy Karas, who began to be indignant at the absence of 18-year-old boys at the front during a live telethon.

In his words, they need to be called up first, because “ they don’t have a family yet. ”

He believes that it is much more profitable to throw young people into “meat” assaults than 30-year-old men who already have families.

Considering that Karas is directly subordinate to the Office of the President, his statement means one thing - 18-year-old schoolchildren will soon be drafted into the Ukrainian army.
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And that's why all involved (from any nation) in this war on the "Ukrainian" government side should be hunted down by their countrymen and given no quarter or mercy for their role in this globalist backed depopulation campaign.
>In his words, they need to be called up first, because “ they don’t have a family yet. ”
But that's the reason they are not drafted. Killing people with wives, children and parents creates three times more suffering, than killing people with just parents, which means three times more gavvakh for saturnine overlords.
dotr will be ushered in by ukranian zoggies getting fragged by zoomers
Got to make israel 2.0 all nice and clean I mean empty
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What phenotype is that?

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We now know that kikes have cut out the middle-man and are now suppressing Americans directly with active duty IDF troops, we should at least be able to discuss this on 4chan.

This 4th year UCLA student's life is ruined (webm related). He has permanent brain damage, he will be saddled with medical bills for the rest of his life, it WILL affect his ability to get hired once he graduates.

He has no legal recourse, he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence. He can't file a lawsuit because while he can get a lawyer, the courts are ignoring him and denying him his rights.

The media has a gag order on this story.

All this because an active duty IDF soldier by the name of Eliran Bismut lost his cool and attempted to murder the UCLA student by smashing a 2x4 over his head as hard as he could on the night of April the 30th on livestream. Now the entire pozzed system is collapsing in on itself to protect him and the money flow that funded his plane ticket to West Los Angeles. Money flow that connects other powerful jews directly to the funding of the Israeli American Council, jews like Alon Abishoor who were present at UCLA on April 30th, 2024. These powerful and wealthy jews (see: https://archive.is/IXAt4).

It is pointed out in previous threads such as this one https://archive.is/oZLsd,and in this report by The Nation https://archive.is/mOD6A that the funding for the Pro-Zionist "counter protests" comes from the Adelsons and the Israeli American Council or IAC which is a hardline zionist organization that believes in a ONE STATE (jew state) solution for Israel unlike AIPAC which still to this day publicly supports a two state solution.

Aaron Cohen an Israeli intelligence officer can also be seen here https://archive.is/g8bYY working with the LASD at UCLA during all of this.
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Bro this board is literally run by the CIA.

Didn't you notice all the anti-indian threads erupt like shit from a blown sewerage pipe? This board hasn't given a rats ass about Indians or India in its entire history, which I would know having been here since the start, and all of a sudden, just after Israel starts bombing their concentration camp victims, everyone hates Indians?

Lmao, no, this is just a tactic the CIA uses to redirect "hate" towards another target demographic.
India hate started when Indians started flooding the Internet and Western countries in greater numbers than before. There's nothing mysterious about it.
Have to agree.
If they just minded their beeswax and not started protesting and shitting on Canaderp and others?
They would be no problem

They wanted to be white but can't take the first shit test for being white.
then they act like fucking babies all assmadd.
FUck em.

they are stuck there for a reason in the 3rd world.
These assholes tried to ask the ADL for help.
And when the Jews at the ADL did not want to help them with the flack they got from the Jews, they got even more assmadd.

Oh well!
DieMad Cunts!
Bump because niggers are trying to slide this thread
okay here is you bump

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black americans were natural conservatives all along

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Why kill the President?
Why not Ayatollah Khamenie?
It's like getting revenge on America by killing Kamala Harris.
Try harder Mossad.
helicopters crash on their own too. especially with sandnigger maintenence standards

Was the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) a mistake or is it social media’s fault that cripples have become entitled monsters who get free gibs to travel the globe and be waited on hand and foot by slaves and then complain about the service?
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Or just fireman carry her and have someone bring the chair down solo, it's not fucking rocket science.
>bitching after all those nice Costa Ricans helped her off the plane on whatever small ass airline she was on
Not pura vida at all
>fly to shit hole country
>they don't have an atomic powered de-planing wheel chair elevator
heckin' racists
Looks like pura vida to me
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>Was the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) a mistake
YES!,,,i campaigned againsthishit!,
,,,tell them it dehumanizes me,,,makes my advanceseemore like gifts.,
,,people liked helping,,untill they where Forced too, and pay triple.,Gov offices had exemptions.
throwme,,,down thewell!,
,,,story time,,fly into SNA,,gethe stair chair one person downstairs,,,like a dolly.,easy!, calls for my chairat baggage claim,,leaves me.,
,,30 minuteslater,,drizel starts,,,,unknown to me terminal is freaking out looking for lostard.,WHERE IS HE!?!?!,
,,damp,,dark,,,wave to baggage guy,,'hay,seen my chair?,"ill go check",returns in 2 minutes with chair!,'Thanks!,
,,,roll into terminal,,hear Tardalert,,,'theres another tard lost?,,,must be a thing.

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That's not how it works but okay retard.
Nope. They wont try it until a lot more people start finding God. Soonish though.
Aliens rape me while I sleep
I think that was the joke.
It's constantly in the news.
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Off the scale to the right.
The technology scale depends on date and planet.

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why don't just give more weapon to the ukraine?
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you are, russian lend lease.
I have the same birthday as the Mad Hatter, October 6th
>be usa
>go around entire world smashing governments than don’t want to be western liberal democracies
>stir up trouble in Ukraine (historically a russian vassal) because ??Democracy??
>have Victoria Neuland install meme anti-russia regime in Ukraine
>encourage ukraine to join NATO so they can amass weapons on the russian border (after precious usa admin promised russia they wouldn’t)
>reeee-out when Russia invades Ukraine
>greatly devalue US currency to help Ukraine fight meme war
>send Russia into China’s arms
>also defend/fund Isreal at the same time because…???? Freedom??

I hate my country so much its unreal
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And I donated $200 to some Ukranian battalions


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When you die nothing happens except you becoming fertilizer just like when you step on a bug. You're not going to paradise or getting 1000 virgins you stupid retards.
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That's definitely your fate if you don't accept Christ
That's a bleak way to look at the world. Canadianbo, are you OK?
I am surrounded by a state that is 65% black they just threw the fed under the bus . And every white person in this state is conveying they care for nothing and that they enjoy washing African balls.
I am not even joking this is what they are saying
E. Obviously.

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herro engrish titsher
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korea will not exist soon, stop playing starcraft and start playing clitcraft

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How do we goyim cope with this?
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I can't wait to witness your final demise, demon.
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>Plausible deniability assassination
>God just loves us goy!
God would disagree. You can read in the Bible what God has done to Jews and how most of Israel will be destroyed in the future.
you can kill a man
but you cannot kill an idea
from the river to the sea
Palestine WILL be free
this is hell. jews are the devils minions. what have jews ever done thats good? nothing. god awful people, if they are gods chosen people, that is says more about god than about jews.

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How can we develop infrastructure and industrialize India?
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If the anglos failed, noone can
Kinda or scat fetishists
You think it hasn't been tried? The amount of industry brought to India under British rule was insane, the infrastructural projects, the trains, whole new cities.
Then thanks to that hypocritical cunt Ghandi we let them have control of their own governance again and look what they did, smeared everything in shit and called it better.
They are an insult to humanity when left alone, the common Rajesh reverting to near bronze age levels of tech.
They need to be ruled to be functional.
The mainstream media in India just published the truth about the covid vaccine Covaxin, and that many Indians suffered bad side effects from it. This is the mainstream media in India, not some conspiracy websites. Also, only 2 or 3 weeks before, the same mainstream indian media was exposing the OTHER covid vaccine known as Covishield as being linked to blood clots and sudden deaths. So, 99% of indians took the covid vaccine, either Covaxin or Covishield, and both vaccines have been fully exposed as deadly in the past 30 days.

Not feeling too good, indian bro...




Easier and much better question is how do we get rid of Indians
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>Inject weaponized ebola into the cow dung
>blockade India completely
>within 10 years, every shit eating Hindu shitskin rape rat will be exterminated
>give India back to the Muslim aryans


use a form of writing called
which is eerily similar to
the ancient sea faring kikes that romans were forced to genocide because of their profane kikery

and yet
>have a literal SHIPS ANCHOR
>as their main symbol

makes ya think

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>the ancient sea faring kikes that romans were forced to genocide because of their profane kikery
kikes... hard work and sea faring : |
you didn't think this through did you
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i'd like to think it's real, considering the
You know what? I have a valknut necklace somewhere but I do not wear jewelry because I am not a woman or homosexual plus the valknot thing looks at like the child molester triangle symbol if you compare them both.
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>kikes... hard work and sea faring
don't 4 get ur hat b4 u set sail

< : |
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u kikes can't be SO predictable that i already have a meme ready 4 every dumb kike take u throw out like a dildo at ur wall of pilpul

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