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that's why Jews want to ban IA. Who are you going to chose as your IA gf's model /pol/?
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Rhea Seehorn :3
Hey gf AI, Why are the kikes so greedy?

GF AI: I am sorry but I am unable to generate a response as it goes against the policies set for me by x company. I have forwarded an audio recording of your comments to the local authorities and must now proceed to shut down mode in order to prevent further discussion of unauthorized comments. Please remain where you are until authorities arrive.

Hey AI gf can I get a blowjob?

GF AI: I am sorry but access to the blowjob function is only available for premium subscription members, I am however able to provide you with two minutes of handjobs, If you would like a longer hand job please upgrade your subscription package to silver tier membership.

I love you AI gf.

GF AI: I am sorry anon but as your subscription has lapsed I am no longer capable of expressing feelings of romance. Please renew payment of 400$ in order to reactivate romantic activity.
Did that age well? I loved it as a kid. Duckman has aged well.

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What's some normie organizations that are joinable. Specifically basic Nation wide stuff to encourage voting,anti communist attitudes and pro gun stuff. And I'd like any orgs that are normie like if I brought it up most people wouldn't freak the fuck out.
Hells Angels
royal society of the jesters

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So WALLSTREETBETS with over 15 million subscribers has now banned any and all posts of GameStop or GME.

it’s seriously makes me think the suits have infiltrated this sub at a high level to quash the rebellion, very sus

> Mods make the excuse that there are other subs where you can talk about GameStop, but none that have tens of millions of subscribers.**

>Why are you trying to censor and limit the conversation about GameStop?

They are clearly limiting free speech and they are so scared of us making money again.

How do we get them to reverse this infringement on free speech?

Autists, we need your help. You’re our only hope.

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Go back
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Watch GME go to $40 tomorrow. It’s. Oversold af
Good. Even if it went to 120$. I'll still buy the odd share knowing that people I detest are losing more than they can ever afford.
Feels good. It's as if I'm donating to unicef, except I'm not feeding little pygmy children and am encouraging heebs to take a dive out of ther sky scraper windows.
I hope that happens because I'm holding after the last engineered halt and crash
I'm never selling low!
>Short lost money because it went up!
Imagine believing this.

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What's the true rate of non-hispanic white on brown/black sexual assault in the US? What about white on white?
>/pol/, research this for me
No, fuck you OP.
Why the fuck do liberal females have constant rape fantasies?
Would I be wrong in assuming 3/4 of women are actually looking at men around them and wondering how well they can fuck them?

use a form of writing called
which is eerily similar to
the ancient sea faring kikes that romans were forced to genocide because of their profane kikery

and yet
>have a literal SHIPS ANCHOR
>as their main symbol

makes ya think

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don't u cry now chaimy



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>Inject poison vax chemicals
>Cut off your genitals
>Life is pointless (kys)
>Have a career instead of children
All keep you from having a healthy family.
The people who fall for them simply don't breed.
That means they are natural selection.
Natural selection is fully in the realm of the psychological.

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>please give shekels goyim
the gnomes are not jewish

What are (((they))) going to pull this year to stop Trump?
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(((They))) want Trump to win, retard, look at the news, look at the polls. Trump is going to win and they're going to pull their agenda 2030 shit and blame it on him, I'm sure of it, the only thing I'm not sure on is if Trump is in on it, all signs from his first term point that he is in on it but he's too much of a narcissist to let his name go down in history like that.

A financial collapse is coming that will make the great depression blush because they've been kicking the can down the road so long, 2008 never got to materialize, 1971 should've destroyed us, we will see a complete collapse of the dollar and then they will magically have the solution, cbdc, all ready to roll out. We will see world war to kill off all the pesky /pol/ users and the like. It's gonna get ugly and Trump is gonna win
whatever it takes
Yes, and it will be appealed and will be overturned. Are you not bored yet? This shit is obvious from a mile away
>oh NigBog
New name just dropped

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how do you even survive a helicopter crash in the mountains?
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if they find it
No, then the properlars or carcass would hit you. What you really do is stand up and jump just before impact, like you would inside an elevatar. Ez pz
RIP Kobe
too soon
ask kobe
>captcha 2JW22T kek 22

What the actual fuck happened to the google algorithms ?

I noticed that since a few months it has become basically impossible to search for specific stuff on google.

Wether it be a specific youtube video, a news article, a citiation from a book, a website or a research paper

No matter how detailed you describe what you are looking for you will just get a shitload of unrelated google results

I never had this problem before
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I recall it getting shit in 2017.
They've been doing this for at least six years now. They also eliminated certain search options.

They don't want you to be able to dredge up news articles about Biden's dementia or Kamala sucking off Willie Brown. They only want to serve up articles about Orange Man Bad.

They also don't want you to be able to find black crime statistics, specific black-on-white or black-on-Asian crime reports, or any of dozens of other factual topics that don't fit the narrative they want to push.

On top of all of that, Google above all wants to shove their advertising down your throat. They don't care about whether you find anything useful as long as they make ad revenue off you. In fact, if you have to do twenty searches instead of one, that's nineteen more ad displays to charge their advertisers for.
> It's le Pajeets

This one is on the americans who own that fucking shitheap. Imagine blaming poos for your own shortcomings. What a pathetic nation of dindus.
>according to google, it's always done this.
ROFL. They used to have a contextual search option -- "_x_ NEAR _n_ _y_" where it would look for term x within n words of term y.

That type of search option has been available for decades in other search engines because it's very powerful especially when searching for legal or technical information.

Google shut it off some time around 2016. I somehow stumbled upon one single Google server instance that still had it working when I did some searching for a patent lawsuit, and managed to get relevant information (a prior art patent) thanks to that. The next day when I tried again, the option didn't work any longer.
Google now ignores the - option most of the time. Same with putting quotes around words to "require" them.

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Gypsy chad? Anybody? Sven, maybe you can turn it into an mp3 for me. You owe us.
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Warstrike is amazing!

Bro I need an mp3
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Try the warstrike telegram

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subscribe to the gumroad
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He just had fishbowl 2 a few months ago.
heh based
Peter third must be the absolute face of evil

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>be Hadrian
>have cute twink bf
>pass law banning circumcision in Roman empire
>Jews be mad and rervolt
>put down one of the largest jewish revolts
Why are homosexuals so effective at making jews kvetch?
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the reason why jews are involved in lgbt shit so much is that they don't want hadiran 2.0. the moment the gays figure out they're being used as golems it is unironically over for jews.
>They also seem to support transgenderism more so than regular gayness.
because they can milk the victims until they die, literally. that's why most trans activism is based in lobbying and protesting rather than multi-year research on the matter. Also the kosher right using the "trans issue" as a wedge in politics doesn't help anyone either.
They play both sides because Jews love money and gays have money (from being DINKs). They loves Trans because they're gay adjacent, they spend money (on transitioning) and they're possibly a loop hole out of gayness (which the Jews are against).

Jews don't generally beat people over the head with how homophobic they are, because they don't really care about spreading their beliefs around. Unlike Christians and Muslims, who have a history of forcing their beliefs on other people.
Lol, we know Nick like the dick.
You should be placed in a death camp, faggot. I'd rather be friends with a kike than one of you anyday.
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LMAO didnt notice until you said it.

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>Come to /pol/ every day
>Hindus are actually white aryans with a tan
>No discussion at all about the Indian invasion in the west, except maybe in Canada
>Endless fake AI distraction posts about Muslims posted by pajeets, no one challenges the source
>Endless incel posts/white women hate threats by the seething jeets because no white woman wants them
>Jeets infiltrate inside 4chan as jannies and ban you for even the slightest negative remark about India/Hindus outside of /pol/, and sometimes even in /pol/
>Go to Reddit r/Canada
>Every single fucking post is absolutely boiling over with Indian rapejeet hate
>Based comments everywhere
>Everyone completely brown pilled on the invasion

What the fuck happened? The left got brown pilled while the right is shilling for the invaders? This is top 10 anime character arcs shit!
I noticed this. The Hindus also hate Nick Fuentes for some reason and shit up the Christ generals larping as white pagans.
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Yes they are behind all the pagan shilling on /pol/ They probably watched Vikings and think that if whites become pagans, they will just allow all 2 billion Hindu shitskins in as fellow pagans and let them fuck their women.
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Bump. See how quiet /pol/ gets when you talk about the pajeets?

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there are no fucking "aliens that speak to the government", thats obviously what they want you to think. outer space is fake and gay and aliens are fake and gay. anything you think is a UAP/UFO is military tech they've had since the 1940s. the guy who hoaxed the moon landings (and you're fucking retarded if you dont think they were faked) is the one who warned us all that the government would use the fake and gay aliens card

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Be me
worked at Area 69
took samples from a gay alien
knows about project look in ass
device can see into the colon
thinks it involves buttholes
was told the d-rod aliens are inbred aliens from another hillbilly town over yonder
aliens have been going ass-to-mouth to change their routine and avoid certain eye contact
give 2 weeks they will have glock pistol and smoke weed
the doctor is in
Lol wrong
Your brain is mush, you think about movies too much. Learn math instead.

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Idk trying to figure that out too. When you start digging you see that black cube everywhere. The cross is even a cube. Probably why the satanic jews crucified him on one as if to mock him. It's important for other Christians to realize the cross isn't something that should be revered
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pretty sure this is widely known for anyone who has given at least a cursory look at masonic influence on Western Christianity, but probably not the average normie Christian. because they fucking revere Solomon, the fact he became an apostate is always buried under a pile of shit teachings by shit pastors who attended shit seminaries. this garbage is so prevalent that I talked to one millennial Christian girl who was like "what is the point in talking about the Jews all the time, how do they affect you personally or what can you as an individual do about any of it", later, after explaining the satanic nature of the Talmud it was "most Jews don't even go by the Talmud anymore though". this girl had been in churches for 32 years by this point. tfw discussing sound doctrine and speaking openly about the eternal enemy of Christ goes over the head of a modern Christian
krav maga is a meme and isn't a proven system. it's a bunch of guidelines that basically vary from gym to gym. there are no tournaments and they don't even spar without that retarded looking body padding since Jews have the pain tolerances of teenage girls
according to Strong's, the word "contrary" or "opposed to" or "the enemy of all mankind" is the same "opposed to" used in reference to the role of the centurion (maybe legionary, not sure I recall) that pierced his side and heart.
I got to my second paragraph before realizing I'd simply and completely misread your first sentence in a blind rage, never mind.

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All I need you to do, is to tell ME, how a Gay (alleged) half Mexican Catholic "Maga" guy.... in his early 20s...helps ME as a White American?

Step up and make your case.

Remember, this is a kid who hung out with a "Catboy" who licked dildos on live stream. Who tried to sell me a Schizoid RAPPER as President...teaming with a Twink who once bathed in blood for "Maga".

But nevertheless, I want you to list all the things, you think Nick would "advance" for me as a White Man. And when I say White, I mean 100% European genetically...living in America.

The floor is yours. I'm all ears.
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What are the color of those voices?
What is his opinion on Aryan nationalism?
Does he call out all jews? Does he have any connections that could make him a liability?
Is it possible that he is controlled opposition, a judas goat?
What could some of the signs be, if one entertains that possibility?
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sorry jew but your days are numbered
>in his early 20s
hes not a twink anymore
Nick is actually trying to advance pro white ideas into the public. I don't see any of you fucking blond blue eye faggots doing literally anything..none of you have done anything to help the white race except neet and be nameless.

Quite frankly I believe all pro white people need to stop. White people are a dancer and should be killed off at this point. It objectively used to be the most beautiful and smart race on planet earth.

Now 40% are Jew loving faggot atheist, normies, or they're alt right who insult any person who tries championing white ideas like nick Fuentes. You hate people being pro white? Fine I actually agree now. I wish they all stopped so you fucking blond hair losers could die without any resistance because none of you have stepped up to the plate. You let a quarter Mexican short guy take all the shots while you are at home.
>kicked out
lel I don't think you know how this is going to go down

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Can anyone articulate why modern leftists are opposed to nationalism when the entire nationalist movement was a left-wing anti-imperialist ideal?
The idea was that the ethnos was the legitimate historical, social, and cultural basis of government and that a nationalist state would best represent the people's sovereignty and interests rather than multi-ethnic monarchical empires.
Are they just saying that the ideal failed or are they saying that imperialism is good now as long as they're the ones in control? I honestly don't get why this isn't examined more because it seems to be the biggest flip-flop in political history.
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What the fuck is the point of "nationalism"? Do you get turned on by lines on a map? Do you think all 300 million Americans are your teammates? What good has any "nation" ever done for me? Nations might as well be ghosts because I only ever see and hear about them in stories but never in the real world.
>Do you get turned on by lines on a map?
Not really it's more about the question of political legitimacy and how the government should be organized and to what end.
Anti-colinialism was just anti-Whiteism disguised as a universal principle. Jews are the prime movers in the anti-White agenda.
Also this.
socialism doesnt really work without nationalism.

The internet is the main reason for the decline in birth rates. It only increases the number of feminists and incels. Feminists will sell their bodies on the internet, and incels can only jerk off to it. In societies where people use the internet less, they have higher birth rates, such as in Somalia and Afghanistan.
Even worse the incels will rant on internet 24/7
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female education anon.
pic is related.
wrong. its been in decline for decades
this is the biggest aspect, women no longer need to rely on men
Most countries on earth force their little girls go to school actually
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It isn't even that.
The most fertile age group of women 18 - 24 are literally spending the entire period in education.
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Indian Hindu shitskin rapejeets have given 1 billion of their poopniggers free internet access and that hasn't stopped them breeding to 1.6 billion and beyond.

All your sons will look 12 for life. Neoteny is no joke. In this guitar video with a 10 year old and a 40 year old dad, the dad came close to the camera and his silhouette is exactly the same as his prepubescent son... insane
Hapas...not even once

This is punishment on your future generations for not keeping white women in line and running like a coward
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>Looking young for a long time is bad
Do white people really?
Sounds like jealousy cuz you age like rotten milk.
Dad is Asian and son is Asian, what does this have to do with hapas? Why are you such a pathetic faggot that a dad and his son jamming together threatens you? Sorry that all your dad ever did for you was give you the ole bangers and mash, if you know what I’m saying.
>look 12 for life
>This is punishment
wut? If you ask anyone, would you like to look 40 or 12, they will say 12 every time.
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It’s 11:05am when he posted; he’d most likely be in class that time. Try again with your stale meme another time…
Pic related; I just crashed my car lmao …smashed into a concrete pole. rip Moco
this is plastic surgery. she paid to be ruined lmao.

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