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What would a world with only white people and japs be like?
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No Latrinx
Nah man, we'd be colonizing the entire universe itself like it's fucking Star Wars
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Why would we want worthless trash that sent our grandparents to death camps? The Japanese are Chinese diaspora and pure gutter trash. Fuck off with your fabulism you VPN nigger. Sure is a lot of Catalonian flags with these kinds of shit posts. Don't think you are being covert you gyrating homosexual anime faggot.

Fuck Israel.
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Lot of race mix
>brown asscrack

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Words can't describe how much we wronged him, he only wanted the best for us...
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America apologizes for ww2, uncle Adolf.

Me and many others have always believed in your cause.

Heil Hitler and the Third Reich
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>t. a brown person trying to dis-arm/dis-enfranchise the Aryan race from one of their maininspirators
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>jewish owned Europe and jewish owned USA
Europe and the USA were not owned by Jews at the start of WW2. Jewish power in the USSR was on its way out. Anti-Semitism was mainstream. Poland was shutting down Jewish NGOs and stripping citizen rights from their Jews living abroad.

Churchill also wanted to continue to push east in 1945.
He actually campaigned for preemptive war against the USSR before WW2, and if Hitler had not made himself the aggressor would have been eager to defend Germany had the Soviets invaded.
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Sieg heil.
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>Europe and the USA were not owned by Jews at the start of WW2

Number fucking one - faggot, Europe was owned by fucking kikes since Cromwell let them back in as well as France allowing them to flourish unabated.

Get the fuck out jew.

Is it a cultural thing?
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Lol poor fags.
>be me 4 months ago
>take day off to go cross country skiing near my house
>wipeout on ice in fluke accident
>feel like I broke my arm and ribs, knee hurts
>walk home in pain
>probably should go to hospital, call gf
>she’ll be home in an hour
>take some Advil, ice sore spots, take a shot of whiskey
>gf texts she’ll be late
>what do I do with an hour and a half to kill?
>jerk off twice to same Emma Korti DAP piss scene
>doctor says I fractured my elbow, radius, three ribs and torn meniscus
>mfw I jerked off twice in this condition
>and fucked my gf in the ass that night

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
This look at literotica and stuff like that. Women love reading porn. A lot of its weird stuff like uncle incest rapey stuff. Not even lying. But there are some women who watch porn they just don’t talk about it.
Cause women get off on attention.
Pretty funny.

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>WW1: 7+28+19+14=68
>WW2: 9+1+19+39=68
>Today: 5+19+20+24
Is he the modern Franz Ferdinand?
Franz Donothing
>Today: 5+19+20+24
WW3 start date was actually 2/24/22 (russian invasion of ukraine)
>2 + 24 + 20 + 22 = 68

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California is thirsty
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It's all the power a leaf will ever achieve
Yeah, if water is diverted, it's going to nebraska to replenish the ogallala aquifer
We already suffer the detroiters, fibs, and -may allah forgive me for uttering this- ohio. The coastal spic menace must get the bayonet
they wouldnt dare expose the underwater bases
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Pic related is an actual plan. If you wanted to drain the Great Lakes I'll ask if you planned on go over or under the Mississippi river.
Just a slip of a knife between your ribs you thirsty cunt

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That would have to be a pretty based false flag.
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Name one thing Iran has done that Israel hasn't done worse.
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The best part is we may never know whether it was glowniggers that killed him or if it was genuinely just sandniggers being dumb fucking cavemen that can't maintain modern equipment, either way get fucked raghead lmao

/pol/, say happy birthday to Malcolm X.
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An honorary nigger since he wanted full segregation for niggers from whites. He knew that multiculturalism would never work.
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I will celebrate his birthday rather than MLK.He is far worthier of respect.
Fuck Mlk, he was a kike dog
Malcolm was based
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Happy BDay

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How can we solve the obesity epidemic in USA /pol/?
>pic related, average american diet
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I'll pass on the rest of the slop but choco digestive biscuits, fuckin love those
your joke went over their heads
Just cut out the fat from her diet. The milk, lasagna, and cake are the worst offenders here.
Are you retarded? The cake and lasagna are the only nutritious thing there
Milk and lasagna*
>oBeSiTy EpIdEmIc
Fuck off back to >>>/fit/

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No one here talks about politics you just post that stupid picture of wojack fucking a fatass.

>Horror as handsome high school jock, 17, is killed and his girlfriend, 16, fights for her life after 'drunk driver' slammed into them at 131 mph in his Mustang that split their car in HALF
>Taeyoung Kim, 21, is accused of causing a crash that killed Marko Niketic, 17
>Kim was driving his 2021 Ford Mustang at a speed of 131 mph in a 35-mph zone
>Police say his blood alcohol content level was far beyond the legal limit

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Time to ban alcohol. And cars. And Asians.
i guess it is there good buddy, i'll be catching ya' on the flip side. all the best t'you and yours man seriously.
>t. retard
based di lung poster

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checkmate, /pol/.
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There are many non Jews who act like jews
then we would have seen some kind of indication that they are decent misunderstood people by now instead of the complete opposite of that every single goddamn day
Well, yea, they are just the minions, the tools of the evil one. blame them sure, but dont forget they are not the last boss.

men are the only valuable species
The eternal vaginal jew.

And I wasn't talking about only the insane women, but anyone in general. It's just histrionics in public then nothing, I don't know if it's part of the military psyop bullshit or some guideline of their jewish cult or a good part of it is reused for multiple lonely suckers or whatever it is.
Meh... not really, closer to children in reality. They always respond very well when I talk to them like I would a kid. Whatever happened to the old code code of "never tell a girl something you wouldn't tell a kid?" Surely I am not the only one who recalls and lives by that still? If you have an old lady then why worry her with issues you can fix on your own. Familiarity breeds contempt is true and in spades with women.

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I think the Olympics this year will go off with a BANG
>will go off with a BANG

More like a BLASt! Mossad is going to do a terrorist act.
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Let's hope !
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>I think the Olympics this year will go off with a BANG


This isn't so bad anons. There is so much more clarity and inner peace within me as I grow to accept vocel-dom.

I feel so free to pursue my dreams and chase my passions. I have no one to answer to and can do whatever I want when I want to.

Why do we focus so much on being in a relationship and see ourselves as failures if we are not in one, m
been a volcel since 14
I am 6'6" with deep blue eyes and a trust fund
no, your used pussy is not worth the risk of a lawsuit
no roastie whore is getting a cent out of me

Shut up paco
non-virgins have no value
you will never experience the life of economic freedom that I have
I spend days at a time on my pontoon boat just floating and sun bathing and fishing
I will never share this with the roastie as she has no value
>non-virgins have no value
I'm a non-virgin anon. I have had sex and a relationship. I just felt it was overrated.
men can have as much sex as they want
women however if they want high value men have to be virgins
a key that can open many locks is a master key
a lock that opens to any key is a shitty lock

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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>BROADly speaking
I'd say 16
Do you think she smokes Crack?
nah that's just how bongs age.
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This is 100% a honeypot thread.

Blatinos will eventually form the majority of the police forces and will subjugate whites. It will be brutal. All because of private property
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beet is awesome, he's like a reflection of innocence. I remember they talked to him after Hank died and he thinks when people die they freeze.
found it:

How does a person with a 50 IQ becomes famous? I swear if I ever go to the US I would find a way to become rich and famous overnight. If I am poor and my family doesn't own bunch of hotels and restaurants, I would try that experiment for one year, looking at what kind of morons become Celebrities there...
Yeah I love him. He's a pure soul
Same reason people visit the circus for the freak show, people rubberneck at accidents, and people watch gore/fail videos. The outliers and extremes draw curiosity and attention.

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>No sign of President Raisi's helicopter was found at the coordinates given by the Turkish drone -- Fars News Agency


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Whether it is a rich billionaire to a poor homeless person, everyone has their own set of troubles in this life. No human being is 100% trouble-free.
So what troubles could a female who looks like picrel have in life?
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If I'm not wanted by them I will not care about them.
I have no respect for women of my own race.
Would just love to get to destroy my civilian competition.

Civies are helots.
That's a man
What's with all the name-fucking fags lately.

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>Come to /pol/ every day
>Hindus are actually white aryans with a tan
>No discussion at all about the Indian invasion in the west, except maybe in Canada
>Endless fake AI distraction posts about Muslims posted by pajeets, no one challenges the source
>Endless incel posts/white women hate threats by the seething jeets because no white woman wants them
>Jeets infiltrate inside 4chan as jannies and ban you for even the slightest negative remark about India/Hindus outside of /pol/, and sometimes even in /pol/
>Go to Reddit r/Canada
>Every single fucking post is absolutely boiling over with Indian rapejeet hate
>Based comments everywhere
>Everyone completely brown pilled on the invasion

What the fuck happened? The left got brown pilled while the right is shilling for the invaders? This is top 10 anime character arcs shit!
I noticed this. The Hindus also hate Nick Fuentes for some reason and shit up the Christ generals larping as white pagans.
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Yes they are behind all the pagan shilling on /pol/ They probably watched Vikings and think that if whites become pagans, they will just allow all 2 billion Hindu shitskins in as fellow pagans and let them fuck their women.

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