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Oi looking 4 arh budget adventure bike to purchase and can't find any information. Looking at a vstrom but apparently they're shit off road. Any recommendations?
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yamaha t7 isnt a meme. legit the best adv bike you could possibly get. they are 10 grand 12 after taxes.
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cop a busa
>Busa is the ultimate off-road machine

If you want to do actual off-road then you need a 21" front wheel. If you're just doing dirt roads then 19" is fine.
When most of the US was dirt HDs with fat 16" fronts went everywhere. WWII military bikes didn't run narrow tires either. Wider front tires do much better in sand where narrow tires plough.

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I love Nissan.
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>I love nissan
Yeah we were all 12 once upon a time. You’ll grow out of it soon enough
Usually after you own one or two and realise what colossal pieces of shit they are
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Idk if there is a car that I want, so I figured I should ask here.
Budget is up to 30k but I'm pretty sure it won't reach it
City use most of the time, so I'd like something small, good to park in tight spots
From time to time, I take my wife on city breaks, almost 200km away so not such a long drive, otherwise we take the plane.
Work requires me to drive 50km from time to time to a nearby town, where I do 24h shifts, so when I get out, I'd prefer a decently comfy ride.

If you guys have any ideas, please post them, I have only Mitsubishi Space Star on my mind.
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at least mention country/state so we know the market and weather
An original model T ford
Eastern europe.

I like it, looks pretty damn good.
well, we do city breaks once a month. now that I actually looked up the distance, it's more like 180km but still close to that.
Mk8 Fiesta ST
+1 on the Mazda, personally

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that's the only vehicle a true American really needs. Scrap everything else and make 250 million of these.
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>Buy F250 with 7.3 gasser
>Add whipple supercharger
You've clearly never driven an old truck with a huge engine. It's not about a big peak power number.
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Based, bump for more thirdie seethe

>gookshit that can't even fit 40's
yeah it's about being slow. Thanks I'll value actual performance
Performance includes towing and load capacity. Half-tons are cars in drag.

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can seat covers ever look good if they are custom made? or do they always look like cheap shit
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Those literally replace the stock upholstery.
My parent's Honda Pilot had them and no one noticed for about 5 years that they were Katzkin until someone pointed it out. They're decent and I'd consider them for my own car.
They're a replacement for the leather or cloth that your car comes with.
Sheepskin is where it's at
Give me the Hong Kong taxi aesthetic
based sheepskin enjoyer

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to clarify its one or the other
imagine living in a city lol
It's just simply combining certain chemicals and certain fauna makes it kill stuff. Like Pyrethrins and invertebrae, or mustard gas and mammals
>Turtle Vax
I heard this one takes three weeks instead of two, something to do with the long turtle lifespans

I want to put a LQ9 in a C5 Corvette for a future turbo build.

The LQ9 seemed like a great option, iron block V8. Was going back and forth with the idea of building up a junkyard LQ9 but then I came across this sale that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for and would probably cost me more in the long run and won't be built.
Any reasons why this is a bad idea? 6500 for the short block, 10-12k for long block with Frankenstein heads, and around 17k for full turnkey. My goal is 800whp
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Yeah sure but how long will that last? Much better idea to build it up from the start instead of pulling your engine every time you fuck something up
Yeah your right
You may as well completely hand build your car and forge your own metal at that point too right
iron block LS are poverty engines.
everyone things they are strong, but they ain't any better than the aluminum LSA blocks.
>blindly believing clickbait youtube channels that are mostly make believe
Kek yeah 1000hp stock ls builds are clickbait. Most stock iron blocks can handle up to 600hp for a time, but you're gonna have blow by out the ass after 10k miles. 1000hp can be had for a handful of pulls until something blows. I don't remember the limit on the stock cast pistons, but generally above 600, you're gonna want to go through all the seals, gaskets, and get properly gapped rings and whatnot along with a forged rotating assembly. The only relatively cheap engines I've seen do 800 to the wheels without wheezing is 3rd gen coyotes, which already have forged internals and are semi closed deck, the current gen lt4, which was made to be boosted, and b58's. An lt4 is stretching it too cause those things cost 10k+ most of the time. Coyotes are a bit cheaper since they came in the trucks. If you wanna go gm with 1000hp, you build it yourself or go with an ls crate motor

Post 'em.

The ideal 'braincave is basically a
>1 bay garage with some extra shop space forward or behind with enough space for tools/tool cabinets, hoist, engine/tranny disassembly, some storage, and workbench.
>studio apartment with a king sized bed, small kitchen mixed dining area, living room, and bathroom with shower

literally what more could you need?
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If you actually bred, you know a chick would jump at a chance to fuck in a garage, kek
Shrines to cars are fucking gay. It's cool if you have a folding chair to chill in your garage, but this shit built around a fucking 911 is stupid. The only person that cares about your car is you, so enjoy being alone in your fucking shrine...
Either wrenchlet garages or poser showrooms.
I mean let's be honest, who wants sparks, dirt, dust and various fluids flying around furniture and other nice things?
Imagine listening to ventilation noises non-stop in a place you came to relax
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Nice stolen pic loser that from instgram or a realtor?

My Audi would smoke that McDonald's clown car anyway
honestly I dont need anything more(maybe give kitchen a separate room as well)
apart from that its probably my dream house
just replace bmw oil leak space with broken alfa romeo space
sems comfy

I hate crossovers so much its unreal.
And the NPCs who drive them.
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>Ground clearance is a meme
Tell you me live in the city without telling me you live in the city.

>the idea that CUVs have more space than a sedan or, even worse, a hatchback
I've owned two hatchbacks, and most crossovers definitely have more space and drive comfier.

>worse aesthetics
Depends on the model.

>I'm not like all the other drivers!

absolutely based and crosspilled
the real NPC
>spending twice as much money
what? my SUV tows 10,000lbs stock and cost me exactly $5,000
>Ground clearance is a meme
>Tell you me live in the city without telling me you live in the city.
ROFL you little bugman. I live out in the country and mostly drive in unmaintened dirtroads that cross farmland. I never needed any extra ground clearance than a hatchback provides and I have never needed awd even after heavy rainfall although it would be nice have.
>the idea that CUVs have more space than a sedan or, even worse, a hatchback
>I've owned two hatchbacks, and most crossovers definitely have more space and drive comfier.
They have an objectively worse suspension setup to deal with the high center of gravity and you delude yourself that they "drive comfier" in the same way that you delude yourself that they have more space just because the sitting position is higher.
>worse aesthetics
>Depends on the model.
Fat cars are objectively ugly just as fat people are objectively disgusting.
Fuck you bitch

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I'm not even a wagontard, but if they brought these back I would happily go into debt for one
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Just buy one, enough people saved them in their garages that it shouldn't be hard to find.
One with a Hellcat motor and a stick would be kinda cool I guess. Like a modern CTS-V waggo. I can kinda see the you know who's buying them seeing how into Trackhawks they seem to be.
i've considered it but im iffy when it comes to *older* chrysler products reliability
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>I'm not even a wagontard
Well I am and I'm proud to be one. Always wondered what the fuck happened in burgeria. Wagons used to be popular in US. I think it might be ssris they put into water in America to turn people into crossover loving, nigger dick lusting faggots.
I'm not a wagontard either but I seem to keep buying wagons. I've owned a few sedans but I don't see a single benefit to owning the sedan version of a car. I currently own a legacy gt wagon. What's the point of having the sedan other than you think it looks better? Do people really value that over being able to load a bunch of massive shit in the back if they needed to?

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>tfw bought a brand new 2024 luxury car
>still cant get a gf

god damnit, i thought whores like guys with money? its so over for me
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>I bought a brand new luxury car
>won't mention make or model
you just KNOW he still bought a toyota or something
Should have bought a 10 year old german instead. Bitches don't know the difference. Hell, I even have to look thrice to see it sometimes.
Girls, believe it or not, can tell real from fake. You have fake charisma, a fake smile, and are a fake man. Work on yourself, and do things for yourself. The women will come, and if they don't, you will not have wasted your time trying to chase them.
This picture is a decade old
>I'm fucking manlet 5'7
>bought new luxury car tp get girls
>no luck
You are Indian aren't you
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ugly old man drive muscle cars though

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This just shows how stupid car people are. You just have to be able to clown around with machines, but it's why the job is getting "hard".
Listen to my story:
>Get curious how car starts
>Look up starter
>Videos on starter but not on igniting spark
>Look up videos on ignition system
>99% distributors
>Learn what Direct Injection System (DIS) is
>Look up videos on DIS
>Virtually nothing but some AI voiced paki shit and slovak sleviki zlava of d4a.

Car people just lose it when it comes to electricity. Magnets? Eddy? Current? What a bunch of trogs.
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Most mechanics don't know what old engines are but they're use to endless sea of things made in the last 30 years, top to bottom of prices. It's only pre-gas crisis they don't know about.
>old magneto ignition evolved to distributors
not for motorcycles
Old Fairbanks Morse FMJ MM3 for old bikes. Not sure new bikes use them anymore. Old bikers used to bring them in sometimes, not too often. First job was a machine shop. Specializing on installing or retrofitting ignition systems on anything and ex proof ignition systems. Air and hydraulic starters. Built test stands to test magnetos and magnet chargers to recharge the armature polarity.
>hurr "car people" suxx
breaking news, boomers are allergic to technology. more at 6.
d4a is based, fuck you. listen to him more and you'll understand shit
Honestly just learn how the distributor system works. The basic principle is still the same. You still have a primary coil and a secondary coil on modern coil-on-plug systems.

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What should i get /o/, a 2024 mazda3 or suzuki jimny? I know these are completely different cars, but im set on getting a brand new 0km car after driving old ass shitboxes for 10 years, and these 2 are the only ones i like that are within my budget

Also i wont be using the jimny for off roading if i do get that, i just need a fuel efficient city car that is reliable, although its worth nothing that roads in my shithole are horrible so the jimnys increased height and softer suspension would be really nice vs the mazda which is gonna get fucked fast from countless potholes and unpaved roads
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it does, it means more suspension travel is possible
it's a mazda 3 not a ferrari, any regular car won't be scrapping on the pavement

so more body roll and a worse center of gravity
Still better than the Jimny you were considering
I've got a 2024 mazda 3 premium trim manual transmission with the crystal red paint. I've gotten plenty of complements about the color, also the blinds pots aren't that big of an issue if you check them properly.
>i just need a fuel efficient city car
Get the Mazda.
> the jimnys increased height and softer suspension would be really nice
It's not that soft. Solid axles both front and back, a lot of unsprung weight. Not the comfiest suspension.

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>be me
>looking for another RX-7
>find one for $8,500
>wait, I recognize that manifold cover...
Why the fuck do people do this?
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yes, it's a 3rd gen. No idea either.
man played himself trying to get that fpbp
>he doesn't know
Probably broke the REW and had a renesis lying around and wanted an NA engine he could just beat on around the track and not worry about turbo heat problems
I mean, with a black halo racing long tube header, mild port work, a cai and yes they actually work on rx8's, and a good tune you can hit the stock rwhp of a 13brew on the renesis. it's still only 220whp though.

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The finest American women with good upbringings definitely and intrinsically lust after guys with pickup trucks, as much as everyone points out the "u don't neeed that" "that wastes gasolina" and "OMG think of the Penis!" Yeah, the doors that open, the idea of "He probably has manly skills and talents. He can help build or remodel a house, he can provide a great life for our kids, take us camping, road trip across the states" & "Stacy will be SO jelly" Trucks show independence and dominance that no clown car or SUV ever can"
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Holy fuck you people are worse off than I thought. You fucking euros just can't comprehend the concept of open space. Just wow.
Usually people end up talking with those closest near them. Sometimes it quiets down and there can be some chat across the whole group. People also get up and move around and end up talking to others. Are you autistic?
I'm genuinely sorry you're like this.
>"hey guys here's my opinion on automobiles:"
Stopped reading
Ahahahahahhaha MOGcity

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