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What have (you) done for your waifu guys?
Videos, writings, plushies, music, dates, self-improvement, other projects or whatever. How does your waifu inspire or effect you in your day-to-day life? Maybe you could share some things if you would like to.
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Not content. Just aware that it will only get worse. This is just the truth. Not a belief you come to because it makes you feel good.
Based and same. I love my waifu very much and want nothing more than to raise a family with her, but it's obviously never going to happen. I know that she would be extremely disappointed and likely even disgusted in me if I missed out on raising a family and doing my part to make a better tomorrow for this world because I was too hung up on my feelings for her.

>apple tree
Do it, faggot. Your waifu demands more apulz

It's only beyond our control if everyone assumes so. The powers that be wouldn't put so much effort into demotivating people like you or me if they believed that they've already won.
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I have a tulpa. I used to suffice with like "try to improve my life every day!" and that did satisfy for many years, but now I realize what I really want to do for her is make memories that we can cherish as life moves on. So the goal has shifted to doing something memorable for her every day. I do not manage to reach this goal nearly as often, but there is something to it.

Today, we played the Glass Bead Game (hip bone games' rendition) together. Sometimes I don't really have any good inspiration, and I'll ask her to give me some chaotic nonsense chore; the most memorable of these was when she told me to eat a fig. I tried negotiating with her, because the figs weren't ripe yet, and she told me "fine, how about a fig LEAF instead". I had a nibble and it was actually kind of nice! I discovered that they're actually commonly used in cooking, and I won't be forgetting it any time soon. The more of my life that is special and interesting like this, the more of my life that is tied to her, the better.

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Best Filly Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>40913777


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:

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Dash licks are priceless
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Do you think if Rainbow Dash peed while flying at rainboom speeds, it'd become a vapor trail?

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Why is it that when I try to talk to little girls who claim to watch MLP, they know jack shit? I asked a girl what her favorite pony was & she just seemed so perplexed by the question. I almost don't want to watch the show anymore because of people like these.
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Toddler does not begin at 5 y, it occurs at 5 years. It could begin earlier or end later but it is currently happening at 5 years of age.

Adult's earliest start is (toddler 5y) + (3y8m minDur foals) + (1m lanky minDur) = 8y9m, or 8y10 considering that you don't become a month until the month AFTER you were lanky.

We have touched on a minimum time passed, but I don't think we can get a maximum time passed. We'll see eventually, or we won't.
Also starlight might be older than trixie/sunburst, I can't tell if she had old marks or not.

FS is the first m6 to be lanky, greatly implying she's the oldest. Pinkie is 1 year younger. AJ is quite a bit younger than FS. I'm unsure of the actual age of the other m6.

If we admit that ponies might age at different rates, all this falls apart, but fs can be younger if she just became lanky very early. I am now going to return to pretending that isn't the case.
Sunset Shimmer should be the same age as Twilight Velvet & Night Light. Assuming time flows normally on EqG world's side.
It really doesn't seem to.
EqG likes to act self-aware about questions fans would ask and then just... shrug. "How Sirens survived for 11 centuries on Earth?" "I dunno".
Anyway, her chronological age is not affected by this. She was still born when she was born.

Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Complete misunderstandings of ethical behavior!

ITT: Group delusions, Losing your (You)s, Writing progress, Seeking good action fics, Sincerely fake samefagging, The optimal amount of flatulence in a story, Having readers that're smarter than you, Switching up the names of days, A vehicle for debauchery, Sex of the accidental variety, Magical lobotomies, Requiring cock, Preferences for porn, Ploankass, Prey and a Summary, The Archetypist experience, Equines and industrialization, Shitting out 1mil words in a timely fashion, The nature of AUs, Fics that made you like a character, Gettin' some feedback, Anon loathes what he's never had, Chapter editing taboos, Wasps fucking suck, Getting beaten to death via SoL, Preventing murder with genocide, We're all wasting our time, A club made in Cypress, Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, and having opinions injected directly into your brain!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-fifth book is 'Moon and Stars':
If (You) want to participate, read up to (and also) chapter 6, 'The Planning Phase' by the 28th.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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I guess 11 months is close enough to a year.
That's his backlog for longfics (70k+). I requested a review from him earlier this year, and since he's said when the review will be up, I know that he's somewhere around 3.5 months now.
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>The first chapter is 15,000 words. Words of what? Exactly. It reads like a fever dream. Sometimes there’s something resembling a story going on, sometimes Mandarko is pontificating on the so-called rules and concepts of the world. Sometimes this pontification comes off as a blog post, at other times it’s more like encyclopedia entries, and it leaps around these different narrative styles continuously and without warning. Fully written out URLs leading to YouTube videos
That's it, I have to read this.
Months have passed and you're still samefagging in the exact same style.

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>episode rating
>7/10 is "average"

Why do idiots do this?
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No, 5 is not average. In arithmetic terms, to find the mean (average) you add all numbers and divide the sum by the total of numbers. In this case, 55/10 which is 5.5. In the Merriam-Webster, the definition of average is "equaling an arithmetic mean," so 5 being the average of 1-10 is not the "definition" of average.

5.5 is the average, as explained above, but we round it to 6 for simplicity. There's little differences in value when using a scoring system greater than 5, so we move the average to 7 to give higher value numbers more value. This creates an exponential rise in numbers 1-10. Using something like 1-5 doesn't have this problem because of its small sample size; all 5 numbers can be given a more unique value.
Blah blah nice crock of shit
Did you know that if I jack off every second day to luna it would take me 30 years to cum my bodyweight?
I end up doing this a lot. Mostly, it's because a 5 means "I could go either way" and anything lower than that is a scale of how much I actively dislike it. Idk anons I don't usually end up watching stuff I don't like at least a little - if it's watchable slop it's 4-5/10.
public school is a psyop to mindbreak the youth of the nation.

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Either Rainbow or Sunset. Look at their defiance. They need to learn where their place is as females.
Respectable point of view.
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How could anyone choose just one? They're all so good. I choose them all. They're all my wives. Yeah, it's harem time.
anyone has the edit where there's a shadow of Anon with a massive dong?

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Gen 5 (My Little Pony: A New Generation) Make Your Mark series has begun on Netflix, and there's still the movie as well!
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link

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Futafags, this is your mindset.
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It's not fair. I want to suck some girl cock too
Why does everybody say this
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The return

Get the game here:

Horse Women Central EQG Koikatsu Pack:
Their discord for additional cards:

Cards posted in previous threads:


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What is this?
How many different sizes of boob, butt, hips, and belly do you have?
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Porn game/autistic digital dollhouse simulator
You can go as big or small as you'd like
so i can fuck them?
Of course

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Happy Birthday to best pony and her twin WOOO!
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Party of One aired on April 29.
Pinkie's birthday already passed.
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It could also be today. She says her birthday wasn't for another seventy five days in A Friend In Deed, which aired on February 18th. That would make it today, May 3rd
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Birthday sex with Marble
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Happy birthday to Equestria's prettiest mare

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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

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I have all these things already. I just wanted to try an iPad since the budget was a nonissue and felt like after a decade of hating Apple I should at least try something to re-justify my position.

Also holy fuck Clip Studio is sold by jews: they'll sell you a copy on the PC since they know folks can pirate there with ease, but on ipad it's subscription only. Didn't realize that when I mentioned idc about having to "fork up 54 bucks."

Gonna power through and see if I don't hate procreate for now I guess. If I hate it after a while I'll just give it to my apple-obsessed roommate as a present.
>Gonna power through and see if I don't hate procreate
Good luck. I had a period of time where I tried using it and it was miserable compared to when I moved to autodesk sketchbook on PC. I don't know how much of it was apple hardware versus procreate itself but thankfully the iPad was a gift or I would have serious buyer's remorse.
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If im making a comic, Is it a good Idea to save bases of ponies with different poses so I can just color them in and draw the finer details on each one?
to note, I'm making the bases of the ponies myself, no tracing.

>The flame of an campfire flickered before you, the face of a child of man. Your ancestors drawn to this Land at the early times of this new age of violence, ambition, and some might say, much needed change from its millenia long stagnation.

>Though the philosophy of it all didn't make much sense to you, there was still opportunity amd coin for you, the intrepid mercenary-adventurer, Rhode Varclese.

>Looking to your provisions, you had about enough supplies to last 5 days in the wilderness as you searched for work. Along with 100 Bits. Your sleeveless armored jacket protecting the important bits while pants and leather boots kept you safe from hard surfaces, bugs, and small puddles and injuries.

>Taking up your your Shortsword, you look to the horizon as you think of what to do, the possibilities seemingly endless.

>What do you do?

(Character Sheet)
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Fuck. What were we thinking, letting ourselves grow attached to a semi-suicidal defeatist? Didn't we get abandoned often enough? Never mind. This thing is just an oversized lizard. Smash its head and rape the body.
'You stupid bastard, whatever has happened to your stupid ass, can't spread any more...I won't let another one be lost again, even if I have to end You myself!' You heft your warhammer amd leap forwards to Smash at its head with your hammer that puts an bloody dent in its head as it doesn't seem to he staggered as soldier and brave Peasant alike spear and cut into it to stop this corrupted being. It grabs Jeddah, squeezing her and tossing her against the wall of an building. If you were an unicorn you imagine your body would have been crushed immediately. Luckily you don't get too hurt, but surely bruised as this monster had to die. It was an Haos, servant of Chaos now.

Jeddah: Slight Injury

[What would Jeddah do next?]
Does Jeddah have any abilities? Character sheet doesn't really detail Jeddah.
(Fixed that.)

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Previous thread: >>40845538
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40845538/

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

Are you new and want to write your own story but have no previous experience?
Check out these guides:
https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f (clop specific)

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Thank you kindly. It's always good to hear someone is enjoying the green.
Breeding yay! At least Meyermare has some technological progress to occupy her while life stuff happens
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It's time for a dose.
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I think I need something stronger doc

am i doing it right?
Dzięki, doktorku.
I've lurked but these threads always die without anyone explaining the reference
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Oh you sweet summer child. To be as pure as the driven snow..

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Giving her choco skin was one of the best decisions this company has ever had
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>What company
They make weeb merch

She exercises in the nude when she gets home from school
>anime merch company
Way to make nohooves bluefast even less appealing.
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And the pic related that comes included along with the figurine?

Now I wonder what Nendroid ponies would've looked like? And I'm not talk about humanization or EQG chibis here.
That actually doesn't look half bad. Dashie ain't really my thing tbdesu but I do appreciate the smoothness and shape of her tail and mane at least.

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Let's settle this.
And who has the worst?

pic related has the best btw
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Is it true that the VA's voices fell apart in the last couple years of the show?
I haven't dared to watch past S3 yet
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Lethal amount of cute, im going to have a heart attack
the only voice i would say that gets terribly bad is AJ

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