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canadian chudjak future prime minister and his Latina wife and castiza brood
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Mestizos like you look Filipino.
u mean the rag head sagmeat Singh?
Hes clearly a basedjak tho
What's wrong with looking this way?
bidenomics at work

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Why doesn't your country have nukes?

We had the holes digged to test it, but it seems some sort of agreement was made not to build one, but I would say there is a 10% chance niggas in the military build and stock a few.
There was the navy nuclear program and the army one. What stops us is mainly the lack of purpose and money, but in an existential war I think they would be built.

germany should be red
poland should be green
what the fuck is iceland?

Why do even fucking chinamen and hindus, who are a microscopic spec in american demographics get all the attention in the american media?

Why does Hollywood pander to niggers so much but never to us?
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Please get bleached more and you will be seen more
They gave you guys this movie and even gave the protagonist a cute white Brazilian gf
This is more recent than black panther too
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They did and will still do like picrel
I'm the recently Latino. I have no Iberian blood in me at all. I'm actually Nordic and Scottish with some Greek . But because of weird laws and regulations republicans passed I'm Latino.
Your stats are just kind of made up numbers because everyone is basically Latino if their family settled in an area before in joined the United States and they aren't German. At least 80% of those look latinos are just like me. Blue or green eyes. Red haired or blond. Canelo is a good example even though he's mixed but his "Latino". Go look at him.

It's not really even a race anymore. No one really takes it seriously. Cameron diaz is a latino. Charlie sheen. Ricky Martin.
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Kek even Bella Thorne is latina

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how would you fix the culture?
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>exile all racists to their own ethnostate.
and they'll still want to get in
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The Chinese already own Canada and Australia and are allowed to buy a bunch of real estate in America and jack up prices
They're on their way out of Canada now. As soon as we can get an election.
Holocaust thier liberals and leftists commies

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Americans can't use now tiktok because tiktok was allowing pro palestine videos.

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conservatives love to rip things away from people, so this doesnt really surprise me
Ted Cruz literally said kids were seeing anti Israel propaganda and the head of ADL said tiktok was a huge problem because Israeli propaganda had little penetration. It’s definitely about Israel and also the US not having access to the data.
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Jewish Americans don't exist anymore, they're all half breeds. All actual Jews are Hasidic inbreds or live in Israel. Those people hate Greenblatt because they secretly wish they could've teamed up with the Nazis like the Lehi militia wanted, pic related. I used to be a rabbid antisemite back when I was 15 but I reformed my antisemitism through enough study of Jews to learn the nuances. You'll get there some day, kid.
Yeah well it's the straw that broke the camels back, but to chalk it up all to Israel is to be ignorant of the subject. I wish they were banning it all because of Israel. That would be based. Fuck libshit hasan piker marxist bullshit. Israelis are the new afrikaners that should be protected.
No its because it's chinese spyware

Friends and family started asking me when I'm going to marry (I'm 26)
I have no idea what to tell them, I haven't been in a relationship since highschool
Does this happen in your country?
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My mom sometimes hints that she wants grandchildren (my stepdad puts more pressure on me about "getting a woman" but it's probably more on her behalf) but I don't give a shit, she made very little investment in me and my development as a person and now she wants me to get married and make babbies when I'm entirely unfulfilled and hate basically everything about my life? fuck that
my mom thinks i'm based enough to get laid all the time for some reason even though i'm a massive incel
whenever i ask to have a serious talk with her the immediate response is "did you get somebody pregnant"
My parents have never asked me that.
Like ten years ago or something, when I was driving, doing some errands with my dad, after few minutes of silence he asked "are there any nice girls in your class", "some" I replied, "you should try dating one" he continued, "yea" I answered.
That was first and thus far only thing either of my parents have said related to relationships, dating and such.
I dont think they expect anything of that sort from me.
Sometimes I even wonder why we were born, they had us at 39 and 40. I have no idea if my father wanted to be a good parent after his first marriage that ended in divorce or if my mother had some last ditch case of baby rabies.
Frankly I dont even have much interest in relationships or even want kids. Or maybe I'm on a spectrum, I dont know but if that's the case then I can safely call quits because there's snowballs chance in hell for me to be worthwhile in womans eyes.
My parents used to ask. When I was in college questions if "there were any cute girls in my classes".
Now they don't anymore. Idk why they thought a shut in nerd who only ever plays videogames would ever be a pussy magnet
I guess boomers actually did have it that easy even with women
shieeeet i've never even touched a women

Little Diomede
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vgh, i drive to russia this winter

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"democracy" edition

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People put staples and shit meant to deflate bike tires ON THE FUCKING BIKE PATH. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Police won't do anything in this community. I'm just told to put up with it, just repair and replace my tires over and over.
how bout i'm using none of em
I forgot he was a freak, you're right. Court of /cum/ is adjourned, see you guys in the new
Cyclists are doo doo monkeys and deserve it
I have been an agreeable rider, following the laws, acting courteously all these years. I'm not putting up with this anymore. There has to be consequences for obstructing the bike path, throwing staples on it and harassing cyclists who are just on their way home from work.

In Mexico, the senate just sacrificed a chicken to Tlaloc, god of rain, to end the drought crsis.
How does your cunt deal with climate change?
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If you hadn't killed their Habsburger emperor and financed countless other rebellions it would probably be a better country
Cringe larp but the massive chud seething this is causing is exquisite
only chilangolards will defend that barbaric behaviour
rain seeding

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Milei turned inflation into deflation in just 5 months. Based?
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Milei is a nutter too, he thinks his dead dog talks to him.
>50 something year old male
>never married only got a gf after he started running for pres
argentina is FUCKED because they decided to vote for le ayncrap man
they'll have to parade milei through the streets wearing a dunce cap by the time this is all over, carry him right to the rio de la plata and throw him overboard
if elections changed anything then they would be illegal
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>X turned bad into bad in just Y months. Based?
Why stop there? They can easily become Somalia if they try

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1999, bring it back.....
she was a minor in this video you sick pedophile cunt that needs to DIE
When I was a kid I thought it was a ridiculous adult woman larp.
>mfw finding out Britney is 42 years old nowadays
where did the time go?
Down the shitter
Oldfags who were around for when this dropped, are you still a virgin

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Sharting is serious business.
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Reminder than this is an actual anon's Tinder profile.
I should try Tinder or Hinge instead of Bumble. I've only gotten two women to like my profile in about a month and each time they appeared as a blurry profile which Bumble wouldn't let me click on to like them back unless I paid like 200 dollars a year for their premium services.
Im generally attractive and get like a 50% chance of a response match to a girl I like. It goes nowhere, they never text or I’m just their beta plan B option

/int/ I'm sorry but--

This is not indicative whatsoever of my appearance.
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I'm sorry but you're getting deported.
No comment.
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This is a correct representation of the majority of Americas demographics and population today.

Why else would a corporation like Nike which spends millions on market research every year choose this particular model, if not to maximise the appeal of their products to the maximu amount of people represented in this ad
post feet
I haven't been to an elementary school in a long time so I have no idea

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