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I'm officially coming out as trans(national)
I'm Swiss trapped in body of Serbian, I'm born in the wrong country
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what are you talking about lmao. americans blow money constantly
a helpful combination of hormones called rennet is added to fresh milk, which creates solid curds and liquid whey. From there, the curds are soaked in a brine and heated.
I feel with you senpai. I am a trans Texan. The surgery is marrying a cute Texan girl and getting the G but my insurance refuses to pay for all that ;_;

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-1 zogbot
bro did nothing
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Greatest channel on Youtube
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>take his gun
>shoot him anyways

Do the Japanese, men and women, are aware of how obsessed is the rest of the world about their girls?
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they fucking porn would be so much better if they stop faking moaning like lil fags
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yasuoka? come home
japanese men/foreign women couple are more common though.

But white pipo don't noticed it.

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In de oksel van de week-editie.
Vorig draadje: >>196433458
Welkom: mensen die Nederlands praten.
Niet welkom: mensen die geen Nederlands praten.
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rijpe puisten uitduwen > sex
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eindelijk iemand wakker
Ram een gloeilamp in je bek
Hup hup opstaan tijd om fileke rij te doen

Why is this phenomena growing in every country on earth?
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It's the Jews.
Hello rabbi kim
It's because the economy is shit and companies would rather keep boomers fat and happy than elevate young men. Coupled with female hypergamy, this is the inevitable result
you should be president
Girls in their 20s date men in their 30s. Girls in their 30s date men in their 40s. Being a young male sucks though, unless your dad is rich.

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I envy the European man. He can literally just hitchhike to East Asia.
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I'm Greek, you schizo.
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Me too.
What’s the point of being white when you’re a failure
Huge waste of white skin
Still can’t breed stil can’t get a job still can’t socialize or make friends

It’s duh immigrants . If chad knew too he also won’t be getting laid and paid

I would like to go to mc donalds when I'm in Japan to experience the first clean mc donalds of my life.

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>Sending in the military to stop protesters fom criticizing Israel
America about have their own Tainamin square moment??
more like Kent State redux
America is about to have its own Kent State moment.
Yea it's Kent State since this is the exact scenario
The vast majority of Westerners support Palestine and are celebrating the Hamas attacks, including 7 October. An American airman just set himself on fire in support of Palestine

I have been surprised by the amount of opposition to Israel among all sectors of the American and European populations. it seems very clear to me at this point that their ruling class truly didn't expect this level of outrage and lack of support for Israel.
Kill sandnigger lovers
Behead sandnigger lovers
Roundhouse kick a sandnigger lover into the concrete

I thought Italy was the Land of SEXO, what happened?

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Er på jobb nå.
Vært utenfor veggen og hentet to bæreposer med ved. Det ble frost i natt igjen gitt.
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Høres ut som bedrag.
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De er redde
For første gang på over 80 år er de faktisk redde

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the amount of hate this country gets is insane especially for a tiny country
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No, you don't.
but you dont make daily threads about how sweden sucks
there are 3 canada hate threads up right now
Our leaders keep pushing retarded policies that are stupid even by the standards of other braindead globohomo leaders
It's frustrating
what gets me personally is the arrogance where they imply that canada is somehow going to lead the world by example and "do the right thing" when anybody with an iq over 90 knows we're a small ship on rough seas and that we should be doing anything that will plug the holes

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מהדורת תחת
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Post some Noa
Which one? every other girl here is named noa
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>from the river to the sea...
that was taken from anti-bibist protests in israel.

it doesn't concern me, the left's packed with self-hating lesbians and islamophiles wanting america turned into a caliphate, the right wing's inhabited with dumbass retards willing to convert to islam as to 'own the jews' with andrew tate and nick fuentes wanting to embrace 'white sharia'. this isn't really a political problem much as opposed to dumbass american kids thinking they know shit to fill the gap in their heart caused by living in the heart of consumerism and greed in the world
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זה הולך להימחק למה להתחיל ככה תרד

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why are germans like this????????
they aren't
>Centrifugal force scales with mass

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248 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ja tänkte samma läser om ww2 nu
okej börja läsa om historien om Riga eller Sri Lanka
ditt val
God morgon. Vad har ni planerat inför idag?
Man jobbar idag, inte planerar att göra annat
fattar inte varför pizza inte uttalas pissa

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edizione spinta da dietro

primo per i negri sono stupidissimi e puzzano
lo sono ma non si dice dai
distruggo la pussy delle ragazze
distruggo la pussy dei ragazzi
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
oh bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Una mattina mi son svegliato
e ho trovato l’invasor.

O partigiano, portami via,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
O partigiano, portami via,
ché mi sento di morir.

E se io muoio da partigiano,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E se io muoio da partigiano,
tu mi devi seppellir.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I have been watching /asean
And I realized that Indonesian is based
They are worshipping loli god more than Allah
That’s why Indonesian hentai is highest level

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