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Schade, dieses Mal hast du leider nicht gewonnen!
Typisch, ich gewinne nie in irgendwas
qöq massiver nichtsbürger heute wieder nachdem die polspasten hysterisch ww3 geschrien haben
ich geinne oft rabatt codes für dinge die ich nicht will

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the highest paying job would probably be really hard and I'd lose it quickly
being mrbeast's best friend would probably be really hard and I'd lose him as a friend quickly
the highest paying job is being really rich
Same because he seems like a completely insufferable faggot

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Having grown up in good ol Canada in a very typical non diverse white suburb in the 2000s I had admittedly lived a very sheltered life -- ignorant about the outside world for a good while about my life
during my teen years I started getting exposed to the whole liberal - "wypipo bad" agenda and could never quite place my finger on this weird social dynamics in our society where every other race is allowed to be racist and be proud of themselves and hate on white people openly but we weren't supposed to respond in any manner because "wypipo bad"

But now in college I have finally come to a very diverse place with lots of international students and one of my roomates is an Australian htn that took a gap year and travelled all through Asia for a year thanks to his rich parents.
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Did you copypaste this from .org
yeah OP's some canadian darkie nigger that browses looksmaxx or some incel message board.
Tl:dr watch codex pajeet. It will reveal Canada's future.

>muffled mariachi music in the distance
flip the image around you retarded phone poster
Can't going 90 down freeway
A normal day in L.A.

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>Traduzir post
everytime he does a podcast in the US he talks about his black side
I'm white and I make them use their whole dick :)
He pretended to convert to Islam and now his audience is mostly shitskins.
He pretended to become a muzzie. Yeaterday however he was literally begging for wypipo pardon after telling them they were fucked but he realized he gets more rage-engagement and likes from brownvels by attacking white people

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You can say about Denmark "they have a specific lifestyle" but that doesn't mean sterility.
It just fits you or doesn't.
Same with Austria/Italy, Bavaria, etc. - you choose what's closest to your heart.

But Switzerland is a lifeless country. Perfect things are not friendly to life.

It's OK for me, I hike in the mountains most of the time. And most people go there to make money, so they get over it.
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This is my dream physique
I looked similar + broken nose
I was gonna make a joke and post f1nn5ster's onlyfans pics, but I'm not gonna do it because I respect czech bro's thread.
do it, i am to lazy for googling

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In your opinion, what is the ugliest language?
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Any Germanic language besides English, French, Serbocroatian, Arabic, Chinese
oh like italian is so much better, you fat WHORE
Actually it was meant to prevent future posters from mentioning German, but it didn't work
Didn't know downies had their own language.
i think portogese is pretty ugly actually.
it sounds like an eastern european language, but a little dirtier.

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This was what college was like in the U.S. in the 1960s.
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If it was natural, man wouldn't have made clothes
Its interesting. Cultures where this is common are often less homosexual and generally dont give afuck about it.
Homosexuality is so weird and taboo in said cultures where nudity is common that is not even something that comes across their minds. Not even a topic for jokes or discussion. Is not a thing. Simply unthinkable
Straight men were unironically less insecure about their sexuality before homo stuff became normalized.
LMAO I always remember when we invited an American dude living here to typical summer cottage experience of weekend of heavy drinking and going to sauna by the lake. The dude came into sauna with his boxers on and we were like 'what the fuck', and then he'd just stare at the ceiling and more 'what the fucks' were said and then he shouted how he doesn't want to look at our cocks. What kind of person would stare at other people's cocks? LMAO. Needless to say we spent the rest of the weekend relentlessly bullying him and his insane cultural quirks.
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>there are 59 jews in acre
I don't see 59 Jews within my acre.

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>women in /MENA/ and /isr/ lusting after us white twinks for weeks now

We're so back. Skinny white men keep on winning. I am now pro multiculturism again
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/mena/ boys want to pound out your pink bussy
There are no gays in middle east
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Look into the face of the “girl” who likes you. Don’t worry, he’ll be gentle on you.
the semitic race will be bred out of existence by the BWC.
90% of Egyptian men would marry a white twink and not call it cay.

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Pahoittelut jo etukäteen, mutta onko kellään lyhyttä videota 2010-luvun alusta jossa gandalf sanoo frodolle ”N##kerit vittuun keskimaasta, L4Kupellet.” Nostalgiasyistä kaverinkanssa tahdottais katsoa tää video vielä kerran.
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ai mikä vika tämmösessä? eikö ne ihan samaa (ja isompaa) kuormaa verä?
kandeisko men panee
ampukaa toisenne, pedarit
niinhän sitä äkkiä luulisi kun on noin komiat vehkeet ja kaikkea mutta noilla värkeillä kuormaa tulee joku max 30 tonnia missä täkäläiseen yhdistelmään saat 45 tonnia plus kärryn voi irrottaa välissä ja käydä tiputtamassa nupista jonkun kuorman pois

esim jos ajan cleetuksen terminaalilta 1000km billy-bobin terminaaliin niin euroautolla mulla olisi hyvän kuormansuunnittelun ansiosta mahdollisuus puolivälissä pätkiä kärry irti ja käydä nupilla johonkin maatilalle viemässä pari lavaa tavaraa ja sitten kärry mukaan ja loput tavaran billy-bobille

jenkit ajaa suoraan yhtä kyytiä sen maatilan ohi ja purkaa koko lastin billy-bobilla ja sieltä lähtee joku swamp-cleetus piripäissään jakoautolla ajamaan 500km taaksepäin viemään ne pari lavaa sinne maatilalle ja tulee varmaan vielä tyhjänä takasinkin

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How do we make Israelis more tolerant to people of different backgrounds and faiths?
I've seen the video, and the bar does look full. Later, he finds a different bar.

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Mexican suffering on full display.
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>olive oil
>the pot calling the kettle black
they'll chainsaw each other's heads off because they can't just be satisfied with their paradise it's pathetic
Ikr. At least americans have a reason to slaughter each other

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kexo wallax phen de spora gitmesem dışarı çıkmıyorum vallax + vücudum iyi diye normi sanıyolar amqq
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pHenim wücut iyi de değiL öyLe maksat insan içine çıktım hawa aLdım demek
ne kadardır gidiyon oqlim 1 yıl falan olduysa ne yaparsan yap vücudun iyi olmuştur
spora gden failed normilerle sçanlyıoz yav bak sen şu işe

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>Heaven on earth
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So true
we just had a chud self immolate in protest of trump's trial
the USA is a fucking shithole in 90% of the country
sounds like a problem taking care of itself
actually I was wrong turns out he wasn't a chud just a schizo


but your post is right regardless

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