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yeah building workers care for monuments they renovate have changed a lot theses days... wonder why
>it looks much better than what people were able to do 2 or 3 centuries prior.
Uh no it's kitsh, and it doesn't make sense, it would be like repairing the pyramids with steel and concrete.
>copenhagen stock exchange burns down
I bet labour movements are behind this arson
So one of the oldest structure in nolandmark
>actions of a migrants
Whats the ticker if you are looking to invest in migrant stock?

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Wtf is wrong with indians?
Too many things to list in a single thrwad
Okay I'm not racist and I hate racist chuds here sorry Indian sirs but I have to post it
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There comedy
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Femcel here
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if you look at the pic really closely you can see the outline of her nipple
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Why so many namefags in this thread?
I wanted to see how many posts I make in a day apparently it's about 100 and I've been doing this for 10 years so probably about 365k overall
I've always had this tag
you should give us a better look :)

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Actual eidhs.
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>neet for 5 years
Work has polluted your mind. My supervisors have the same mindset. They think all you can do outside of work is watch tv and get drunk.
Need to BBCmaxx to get full results

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“Giba’s ex-wife, romanian Cristina Pirv, demands his arrest for not paying child support. Cristina Pirv demands alimony of 75 thousand euros. Giba says he hasn't seen his children in 11 months. Giba is considered the best volleyball player in history."
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Better question yet, why after marrying that romanian girl did they move to Poland?
He literally goes to Polish NT games and trains kids.
He says he loves Poland and is Polish now. Given he lives here quite long that's probably true.
Now I kinda fucking scoff at him when I think he abandoned beaches, bunda and sun for this frozen shithole straight out of elden ring.
>Romania isn't Slavic
he made the right decision, Brazil has no future

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Do you eat kebabs in your country?
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He was zainichi Indian, not muslim kuffaar
Yeah once a week at least
p*ris needs to be nuked already
while we're at it, we should nuke m*rseille and gr*noble
it adds to the flavour chud
Spicy river the Frenchmen got there.

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american's are very different and diverse, you shouldn't put them all in one stereotype like that.
t. lil blackout
Kek fact is as much as we shit on snow monkeys. Everybody is scared of negroes in muttmerica. My relative went to UCB Berkeley and the white caretaker lady literally told him to not look towards blacks or make eye contact with them. Do not engage blacks.or they will steal from you. It's scary. Whites might just act like racist or county but you are.in actual mortal danger.if.you are near any of these homeless hood blacks they won't mind punching robbing or killing. My friend went to France and it's even scarier. The blacks do whatever the fuck they want and literally bully average frog white and beat up nafris or whoever even accidentally blocks their path. They are.not.oppressed or anything heck in Parisian nightclubs blacks.will blatantly tongue french women and the french women never stop them. Because they will most likely get beaten up plus France is degenerate and has niggerphilia
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We have child marriage too. We didn't ban it because the actual perpetrators are gypsies and it would be a frontal attack against their identity and freedom.

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Here is your christian japanese tradwife bro
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What is exactly "trad" about this?
Uhh she's hot
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rina mentioned

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why do thirdies love shitty off brands so much? is it that hard to be original? why even pretend to be some disgusting fast food brand when you could be your own thing?
Qual o preço?
Cinquenta mil
Qual a cor?
A cor é prata
Quantas portas?
Ele é quatro portas
Manda umas fotos
They arent very smart
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Bug mindset
>Ooh dat famous
>We do dat!
>We even srap more werr known things on backpack so more profit!
They never wonder WHY something is succesful, they merely know about the WHAT.

Oh, oh, oh, oh (girl it's), it's /int/ernational love (/int/ernational)
Oh, oh, oh, oh (yeah), it's /int/ernational love

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There is hope for india
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just a bit of banta, don't get angry
Neither are very religious anymore
here's better map
also your own sources contradict your claim
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Something like this but zoomed all the way out.

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No more brother wars

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>national animal of spain is a black bull

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"Is at least 99% of the population native to this country?"
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true i guess but u 4got what a litvak is it seems
>Ukraine is 20% Russian.
Doubt that
But they are native to that country
no litvak would never let me forget
>Is at least 99% of the population fully homosexual?

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what are you eating in your country today, /int/? i had a greek yogurt cup for breakfast and an orange for lunch. im probably going to have a rice bowl for dinner
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>orange for lunch
dumb woman
half of a frozen pizza. it's all i am going to eat today.
Based meth addict
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im not a woman, whats wrong with oranges? it tasted good

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