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So, I'm graduating in June and I have my first job lined up. I want to see if all the bullshit I have just discovered is a common global occurrence or even just common in the USA.

So the salary is $62400/yr, which is already not great when compared to my friends salary, but I think it'll be fine. Then taxes after my retirement investment contributions are going to be 17.5%, almost FUCKING TWENTY PERCENT. So, that's 1/5 gone right then. Then rent is $1300/mo. That money to the retirement investment account is gone too. Health insurance + expenses per year will be around $3000/yr. Transportation for my subway/bus transit pass + all my car expenses + gas will be about $5000/yr. Then groceries due to inflation will probably be about $3000/yr. Do you really have so little of your pay left to do whatever you want with? What percent of your salary do you have left to spend on whatever you want in your country? Are my taxes and expenses high compared to other countries? I feel like taxes are probably equal to others, but the expenses are definitely going to be higher.

Alright, next, I want to talk about PTO. So, I learned that you aren't just given your time off days right away, but you accumulate them per hour worked which is bullshit. Is that the norm in your country or no? I will be getting 8 hours PTO per bi-weekly paycheck, and I will also get 11 PTO holidays. Is that considered a good amount? I feel like I am getting fucked, that's only like 37 workdays days (plus weekends) off per year. How am I supposed to travel and just take time to relax if that is all I am given?

No one told me how much of your money goes away to taxes and expenses, and how little free time you are left with when you start working. I think I should just continue onto graduate school to avoid working honestly.
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I'm not, I'm only putting 5% into my pension, I'll start investing probably late this year or next once I've bought furniture for the flat I'm moving into and got other things sorted.
Lmao. Boomers are going to crash the system, here most likely we'll have to work till 70 years for 800 bucks
shut the fuck up you god damn baby
I make $54k per year and that's average.
>rent is $1300/mo
I pay $650/month for 2 bedrooms, rooftop balcony with heated parking.
>Health insurance + expenses per year will be around $3000/yr
"Free" here (around $20 per visit) with a cap on medicine.
>subway/bus transit pass + all my car expenses + gas will be about $5000/yr
I pay around $4500 per year on transportation, mainly my car.
>I learned that you aren't just given your time off days right away, but you accumulate them per hour worked which is bullshit
>Is that the norm in your country or no?
All employees have right to mandatory 25 full workdays of paid vacation every year. But most get far more. When you add other days off on holidays and such most people usually end up with 40+ paid days of vacation.


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How come we call black people monkeys when we're the real monkeys
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same and us Turks are known for being hairy
Stealth BBC thread dont reply
She sad because she have no BBC
How come we call Black People “Black” when they are not Black or People?
You aren’t funny

This joke died 15 years ago

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It's total nonsense, comparing productivity in US dollars is bunk. The AUD traded 1:1 with the USD in 2012, now it trade 0.65:1, did Australians become 35% less productive? No.
Now look at your export surplus
Can you stop growing so much SOY?
Ok? Lol

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And then I miraculously found 800k ethnically diverse artillery NPC shells in my video game!
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>"Hmmm, I'll allow it, but I'll round it up to a million."
Czechs were always black transgender people,
based czechs
Czechs barely even post here.
There's fucking more Belarusians on here than there are Czechs. It's crazy.
If you weren’t such chuds you could have found some too and wouldn’t be so jelly of our good guy status

most based country on this planet
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>אללזכ ללללל
למה הם התכוונו בזה?
Based on what?
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I will die for Israel

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panas gan edition
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i haven't opened those catbox files but I can guess it's that anon who jogs on rail tracks that have small rivers along it
>all high libido girls are prone to be big tittied
that explains why my gf is always horny
swim in it
nothing in your life is holding you

Guess the country
Hint: It's not Japan
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guess this ;3
If I were a /k/ frequenter, I’d try to identify the gun and locate its country of origin
Glock from Austria
/k/anon cool! :O

Do you love Finns? If so, what's your favourite Finland fact?
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I disliked saunas until I found one where I could lie down
>I don't know what it's from lol
good troll, almost fell for it
Jag kommer prata svenska när jag bestiger dig sötnos

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edycja femcelki nie istnieją
każda kurwa ma 40+ bodycount
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aaa... źle przeczytałem, nieważne
przywiślański chlew
zesrano się o ajfona
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przynajmniej ograniczyć sie da

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Does my character look nipponese?
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>AAAACK nooooo my sonserino killed me


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how often do you say the n word?
I say it once or twice a day
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I'm gonna say it now
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I live in a rural area and the Swedish version is part of daily speech.
Pretty rarely
I’ve said it while joking with a friend a few times though
psychic ytpipo racism waves

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pumice edition
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you avoid everyone since you never go outside
Every atheist and anybody preoccupied with debating religion at all have been fat drug addicts with mental health issues
>"If he had simply announced, 'Hi, folks; I'm God,' that would have been heard as 'I'm Yahweh,' because the Jews of his day didn't have any concept of the Trinity. They only knew of God
the Father-whom they called Yahweh-and not God the Son or God the Holy Spirit. So if someone were to say he was God, that wouldn't
have made any sense to them and would have been seen as clear-cut blasphemy. And it would have been counterproductive to Jesus in his efforts to get people to listen to his message. Besides, there were already a host of expectations about what the Messiah would look like, and Jesus didn't want to be pigeon-holed
into somebody else's categories. Consequently, he was very careful about what he said publicly. In private with his disciples-that was a different story, but the gospels primarily tell us about what he did in public."
I was the cunt who is triple digit body count and got pegged by a milf so please don’t tell me I haven’t lived
the trinity, one of the main concepts of christianity, is never mentioned in the old testament anywhere (arguably not even explicitly in the new testament), how come such important concept has no trace at all in the most sacred book of that time? btw new testament was only compiled in the 4th century

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Swede bros WTF? Can you explain this?
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sweden was killed by someone on purpose
they are just too retarded
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Explain what? This country is shit. Has been for 10+ years. Nothing new so stop acting like it's news worthy.
>they are just too retarded
this kinda
Swedes are by far the most credulous people on the planet
>sweden was killed by someone on purpose
look at ukrainian males.
they all including refugees are supposed to become fertilizer in their soil by western countries.
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They don't belong here. Cold and dark. The shitskins aren't built for the north.

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>ywn be a Riot Officer in America and beat up retarded College students on Campus and get paid for it
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most people dont care outside of the chance of it potentially leading us to war
the media is jewish owned so any pro or anti israeli sentiments get amplified a thousand fold
the refugee camps with iphones and BMWs, screw them
Id pay to do their job
You have iphones and BMWs too so stop bitching it couldnt be that bad

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What is their endgame?
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We're so back
>a studio that mainly does niche point & click adventures tries to do a big IP in a new genre
no wonder it crashed and burned
It is pathetic how little soft power and cultural impact Germany has, considering their size and economy
Like how tf is it possible people have more awareness of Swedish culture than German culture? Something is wrong with Germany
>Like how tf is it possible people have more awareness of Swedish culture than German culture?
They do?
They're fucking idiots. Instead of supporting pianha bytes they want to create shit from scratch and just let experience and fanatically loves devs go down the shitter

They should fucking move to Poland, we'd give them millions of gov gibs for the next Gothic

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