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I did it bros. I managed to draw two intersecting planes from a vertical length, and also learned to find a height from a perspective length in 2 point perspective.

I still don't know very well how to rotate in an intuitive way, since that should imply moving both VPs and Measuring points in exponential proportion over the horizon. Tell me if I'm wrong, but to simply rotate a given angle I should project that angle from the station point towards the horizon, right?
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Congratulations, now pick up perspective art book and draw some scene from it. Pic related is from
>Framed Perspective, Volume 1: Technical Perspective and Visual Storytelling
good shit keep going
wtf is this? I hate it
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Ignore Pawell he's a schizophrenic. Here's the actual page from the book, it's a good book.

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Is studying art that's as heavily stylized as this right off the bat when I don't even have much figure drawing experience or anatomy knowledge worth doing, or it's better I study realism first and foremost?
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useless demotivation porn

no, you don't really have to. Things like anatomy and perspective are subjects that you study so you can fall back on the knowledge if something doesnt look quite right or you need to problem solve in your art.
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just draw already gabe
damn is that copic or watercolor, either way great rendering in the medium
My goal is to draw.

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When I normally draw, I get something like the left. The vertical line looks almost perfectly vertical to me. But as soon as I flip my canvas, the vertical line looks ridiculously tilted like the right.

I'm assuming to most anons looking at this, both faces' vertical construction lines have the same tilt angle.

So is it just because my actual eyes aren't centered properly? One of my eyes might be a bit higher than the other, does this mean my art is always going to be fucked? Or do I just lack practice?
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when doing digi horizontal flip regularly, it's a good shortcut to have. If your drawing looks fine from regular side but weird when flipped it's because your "eye" is coping and filling in to make it make sense. We humans do have a biased side and percieve a more forgiving image on one side than the other when looking at a facial shape.
Have you ever had this happen though, when you flip it, fix it, and then flip it back and it looks bad but just on the other side, then fix it, and flip it and it looks bad again, etc... in terms of efficiency it seems a bit rough.
>Got a HUGE monitor and started drawing left of center.
>Grabbed a second monitor to hold my references

You mean on the huge monitor, at first, you had something like

> drawing | reference

and then you got a second monitor so your huge monitor could just be

> drawing

and the second monitor could just be

> reference?

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but what are the Breast Exercises to Improve Symmetrical Drawing?
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holy shit anon!! nice curvy sex goddess. perfect clock booba. my only piece of criticism is that the facial expression is a bit too neutral and doesn't particularly convey any strong emotion.
thank you for creating this bro. if you don't mind, buroggu?

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Brushbox for organzing brushes
Could you explain further? I'm interested.
I really like all the new AI features. saves me a lot of time, so I dont have to draw so much, and can play more video games.

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>be begfag
>looks at reference
>looks at shitty proportions from drawing
>try every book method, still retarded
>try blind contour grinding
>still retarded
>line quality is shit too because of fear of inaccuracy

When will it click?
OP here, I've been studying for 2 weeks and am trans if that matters
>OP here, I've been studying for 2 weeks and am trans if that matters

Op here, this is not me.
Both of you, get off my thread
do this
if you're on trad just overlay your paper on the screen

you'll crawl in the sewers before you can fly like an eagle

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So how exactly do all these Chinese fanartists I see on xitter get this cracked ?
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>mostly simply stroke and different brush textures
don't know if you're saying this as a slight but this is actually a lot more impressive than tight rendering
That Lower torso is absolutely fucked, head too big, overall proportions not working well. Typical quality for a chink, "As long as it looks kinda nice."
>don't know if you're saying this as a slight
no not at all I was just trying to highlight that a work close to this isn't as far out of reach with simple techniques
its deliberate stylization, something youre literally too beg to understand. It looks great.
Anyway though yes this image has multiple glaring issues.
The face just looks weird, the rendering is too unblended albeit detailed, and Johnnys legs are just too short.

Draw this in your style
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whyd you make it smaller
not enough bisexual men here
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beg reporting in

Personally, what would need to happen for you to hold your head high and say "I am a great artist"?
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Why would it convince me? Someone that didn't use something in the past means they'll never use it? You haven't addressed anything I mentioned. If anything it would convince me otherwise, how can someone drawing that long not catch that the foot makes literally 0 sense in the sketch?
If I personally liked anything I produced and /ic/ snobs also liked it.
The first is achievable, the second is not.
I deliberately shit on art here that I genuinely think looks good, but it depends. I always play contrarian.
When I draw everyday, and notice myself not hiding that from people. I'm gonna start carrying a sketchbook everywhere ( I work a normal non-art job, so this would really feel weird to do now ) as the last time I kept a sketchbook was waaaay back in the 2010s when subway sketching was a trend in my city).
killbind yourself you retarded ape

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>What model did you use for this?
Looks like something from Sketchup to me.
tell em the name of a supermodel
are those air canada kneepads

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No one is reviving the thread and I think it's so sweet that /ic/ has a space for this, so I guess it depends on me now
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here's my actual attempt at it but I can't really get beyond the rough stage and make it look like actual plants

I'm tempted to try this myself but I don't wanna go insane
No problem!
Thumbnail looks good so then it's just the detailing work from there on, probably best to use some brushes specific for foilage.
It might help to do a weeping willow study
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>try to draw a bush
>it looks like a crappy christmas tree

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>artist significantly less skilled than you has 5 times more followers
It hurts, ngl.
I busted my ass grinding fundies yet some fag who draws like a toddler can get 30k followers from his scribbles.
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If I posted AI art I wouldnt care if it got likes or not , so there's that.
They might draw like a toddler, but at least they don't act like one. Are you seriously complaining about only having 6000 followers? You poor little baby! I'm so sorry you don't have more people feeding your ego! Please don't cry, here comes the airplane! Vroom vroom
That how it be at times anon
>idiot doesn't understand how social media works
>blames god

many such cases!!!

Sell out harder, spread your cheeks wider for the corporate dildo, that's a good little goyim. You will do as you are commanded.
You will post to social media
You will dedicate seven hours a day to staring at engagement graphs and trend chasing
You will automate bots for your revenue stream
You will prompt flavor of the month

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Other then 'I should give up art and kill myself cause I won't make it, ect,' Any advice when it comes to traditional painting or painting/colour in general?
Pic is the finished product, doing tarot cards in the context of my dnd campaign currently. Card shown is Justice, moving onto the fool once I finish this beer and smoke a cig. Pic also shows the brushes I've used.
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>tarot cards
do you enjoy the demonic nighmares and attacks?
my lungs are fucked, and i'l lbe coming for yours faggot
despite my delusions and mental shit, tarots haven't been more then just cards to me. always been more inclined to how a day goes via signs, like burnt toast or good coffee
I'm sure they don't have a negative effect on your wellbeing then
>Any advice when it comes to traditional painting or painting/colour in general?
Practice makes perfect. Pick up a book and learn from someone more experienced than you are. Acrylic is a not such a great medium to learn how to paint. Gouache is not easy, but it's probably what you want. Values are critical.

>Any advice
Stop smoking, stop drinking, don't waste too much time playing games like one of those eternal teenager. Clean and cut those nails, then get a woman and impregnate her twice or thrice. In that specific order, that's preferable, unless you like witches.
love me some witches, and was doomed from the start.
Always liked acrylic, though been wanting to give oil a try if I got enough caps for it. I've used watercolour before as well, and while it's choom not my side of the pond, plus mostly inspired by J.S.S and the fucker that did Disco Elysium's art. I'll check out Gouache, thanks anon

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Frankly speaking, is it worth pursuing a career in the Japanese animation industry? It seems like storyboarding, illustration, concept art, and all other art fields have dried up, in terms of work. However, the Japanese animation industry is underemployed and is constantly looking for work, to the point where they will hire translators just so they can work with foreign animators who don't speak Japanese.

I really want to make art a career for myself. I don't see a future for myself in comics or storyboarding, but animation seems like a ripe, open field. Furthermore, I enjoy drawing anime girls, and I really like watching Sakuga Mad videos on youtube. I think animation is about one of the most difficult and noble things you can do with drawing.

Has anyone else had thoughts like this? Is anyone else in the midst of pursuing a Japanese animation career? What's your thoughts on this?
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if you want to do animation in Japan...take up game animation. Pays better. Much less crunch. (but there's still crunch.)
...but I like anime :(
I can draw much better than you, and I know you seethe about it every day, which makes me happy
uhh no

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>browsing booru
>spot the hardest image imaginable
>check source
>"Page not found"

Why do they do this?
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100% of the people seething about masturbation got mutilated at birth
It's not my fault the rabbi did that to you, bro
> but once I have them I feel a mixture of embarrassment, shame, and obsession with growing the number. When I realize I still can't interact with social media in a healthy way,

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I mean I get part of what you're saying but there's no need to act like a retard about it.
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I don't get how people are still this clueless about the internet or getting offended over people's reactions to their art. Don't bother posting in the first place.
Yeah, how dare they expect decency on the internet. Don't they know humans are trash? Let's all be trash. Let's eat trash, and talk trash, and sleep in trash, and treat each other like trash.

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