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We all know /ic/ is a hilariously toxic shithole, but most art communities are poisonous in one way or another, being either vapid hugboxes filled with meaningless ball fondling or burnt out hoods filled with gangbangers who relentlessly fling their shit at every sincere question or discussion. I'm curious about why, in all things, artists are so resistant to the very idea of authenticity, of actually talking about art and what they like about it.

The zeitgeist everywhere online is self-deprecation, self-hate, and a complete refusal to take what one does seriously, or talk about it without having to wink at the audience or debase themselves in some way.

For example, an artist posts a piece that moves me. I leave a comment along the lines of "I love this, the two figures seem to represent [blah blah blah.] Was this your intention?"

Artist responds with "yeah I guess lol it's really just a bunch of pretentious crap tho I'm garbage glad you like it but whatever it's shit lol nobody cares anyway."

This is the default mode. On /ic/ art related questions are always met with "kill yourself" or immediately turn into a shitshow of hot takes. One gorilla takes a shit, another gorilla runs with it, takes another shit, and by the end it's just five monkeys jerking off in a pile of their own feces. It's impossible to discuss or analyze art for art's sake without some sort of meta-aware self-deprecating zoomer showing up to shit everywhere in an act of defiance against what they perceive to be "cringe authenticity."

Why? Why are artists like this? Is it some weird maladaptive coping mechanism for having been shamed or bullied for drawing dinosaurs in highschool? Is having a passion for character design (or even anime titties) that embarrassing? Why do artists have such shit self-esteem, and why do they perpetuate it by internalizing negativity? At what point did artists go from casually talking about what they authentically love to refusing to take their work seriously?
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Elaborating further: You also have to keep in mind that opinions' validity on most social topics is entirely SUBJECTIVE and whether something is "right" or "wrong" depends a lot on the person judging's PERSONAL VALUES AND BELIEFS.
Hence why nobody can be safe of RIDICULE or other kinds of social/reputational attacks no matter what they say.
Which results in everyone acting ultra humble or beyond a 7 layers of irony mask JUST IN CASE they get the attention of a subhuman mob willing to dogpile them. Irony and acting humble are the ultimate defensive mechanisms.

This of course could be avoided if most interactions happened IRL instead of online and people were legally allowed to have fistfights and beat the every living shit out of each other 1 on 1.
P.S. Social media favors mob rule. And the mob's individuals can be the weakest pieces of shit because you're not legally allowed to punch them in the face.
Tl;dr: Social media forces most non-anonymous accounts into public comformity with whatever is currently popular or deemed the "acceptable" opinions to have, while individuality and going against the grain is taboo.
That's why people can't be authentic.
Expressing genuine interest leaves you vulnerable. Combine this with the fact that online posts are all pretty much archived at this point, you end up in a situation where your worst, most embarrassing moments could constantly follow you online. Not everyone is prepared to deal with this, (I would say like, 99.999% of people aren't, especially at the scale that it occurs online), so the self-deprecating persona appears as a self-defense mechanism, more or less. The alternative is expressing your genuine self online for just a moment, then opening your real self up to getting harassed, made fun of, made into a "meme", or at the very worst becoming the object of some schizos attention on a message board where they make it their life's goal to harass you as long as you have an online presence in any form. Its easy to see why people end up being so aloof, doubly so if it happens to be their job.
I don't resist, anon.
I do dislike the idea of being known. What happened to
"abide in thy own mystery"?

One of our algorithms is to want to know things. I think you'd get a kick out of "Incompleteness Theorem" and "The Speed of Dark."

Being known is fundamentally an idea. We condition "I know" after so much accurate guessing about stuff mixed with hindsight and other tricks around memory.

>The confines of the individual ego...
It's important to have note the qualitative difference between Self and Ego, anon.
also, I absolutely agree: thought is limited.

Intellect is like a scalpel anon. I don't get the sense you use it with a lot of love for other people. That's how I know what I know.

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I had a problem with this. But then I started watching Bob Ross videos. He taught me everything I needed to know to become a great Mangaka.
you have to draw a lot bro. jimmi hendrix annoyed his parents for years with shitty ass solos before he got good. the thing is he was enjoying it the whole time
How many hours are you drawing?
What are the exercises/studies you do?
>keeps drawing
>gets better
>keeps drawing more
>get worse
I don't understand
i think it has to do with fatigue. dodson talks about it, and if you're tired of doing something, you won't operate on the same level as someone who doesn't mind putting in the work. i find myself doing it a lot, and it's a hump i need to get over if i am to ever improve as a beginner

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Why does drawing traditionally or in a sketchbook calm me while doing so digitally fill me with stress?
Anyone else have this dilemma?
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It's been a tough April at work. The two group leaders were out sick for over a month,and only one made it back,so I haven't drawn much from the exhaustion. I have bounced back, and this is my latest finished work, and presently I am working on something similar. I want a tshirt design,just for myself to make a prototype of,so what time I have to draw has been leaning in that direction. Anything I put to paper is a win.

To me at least.
And this is the present work,a whimsical design and experiment.
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I'm the opposite, sketching on my PC feels great because I can erase quick and easy, but if I do that too much on paper it ends up being a mess. For lineart I stress the fuck out when doing it digitally for some reason.
Could be your eyes are just light sensitive I get a head ache sometimes if things are too bright. Try making your background a grey color before starting

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>get off from work (corpocuck job)
>too tired to draw
i thought it was just a meme but now i understand, this is awful
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Never heard of this guy, but this seems to be a matter of taste here. To me this is incredibly generic work and nothing id ever consider "good" beyond raw technical proficiency. Honing your realism skills to this level also seems pointless as a hobbyist with the advent of AI. I mean people can like what they want, just a very limited definition here.

It's self-serving to my opinion but this seems more correct.
>be me
>work in construction
>moving heavy shit 8 hours a day with a 30 minute lunch pause
>coming home from work
>go to kickbox
>come home
>1 hour minimum of drawing
you have no excuses, it's the damn internet algorithm that is frying our brains.
Just close the tech and pick yourself up from your table, start drawing,just let the pen do whatever, eventually you will feel in a mood to draw, it's even kind of relaxing, it just takes mental fortitude.
This is why artists have always been vagrants and wanderers who lived on the peripheries. Bohemians and counter culture weirdos, poor people, etc. Live light and only do the bare minimum to stay fed and have a room to sleep in. You don't need most modern amenities or entertainment, they are largely distractions for plebs to escape from their discomfort of their own skin anyway.
>There's been studies that have shown there's a cut off point for learning optimization somewhere around 2.5 to 4 hours.

that's cool, yeah that 1 buzzfeed study that 1 time, but in practice it's alot different, art progression doesn't work the same way, you could draw 8 hours and finally get a good piece have a breakthrough that's happened to me a ton of times. & it's not as though we are studying or learning and pushing ourselves that entire 4 hours of drawing, we're just drawing and painting most of the time repeating shit we've already done.
also no one in the top % of anything is doing it for 4 hours a day, so there's no argument.

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>Art brings self fulfillment
My ass.
This shit is demoralizing, I've been drawing for over 20 years and I still hate my work.
But I've sunk too much time into this hobby.
I'm fucked aren't I?
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It's okay, but maybe you'll enjoy it if you git really gud.
Do you have any original stuff?
This is true right up to the point that the mental illness kicks in and you neck yourself because you drew an eye too small.
I have a hard time believing that you drew this because you love the character or the show.

Are you chasing trends because it's trending? Because there's your fucking problem you imaginationless culture slop zombie.

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How has your art evolved and changed overtime?
Are you currently happy with it or not?
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Same here but my new style is drastically better than my original. I'm considering rebooting the older chapters.
>>characters are all suddenly off model now
Is this really important in a webcomic/ comic/ manga? I'm pretty sure that its to be expect, as time goes by and the artist changes for better or for worse, that the style is gonna change.
As long as people recognize it to be the same character than its probably fine.
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>have a webcomic
>art style changes
That's normal. Are you that autistic Mikufag?
nta but I've always thought that seeing an artist's change of style over the course of a long-running webcomic to be one of the most appealing parts about making a long-running work such as that.
Even if the style shifts to something I'm not particularly fond of, I still think it's fascinating to see their natural growth over time. (It sure as hell beats stagnating all those years, after all)
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I'm happy with my evolution.

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Anybody else feel inspired by AI. Much like ChatGPT serves as a more direct replacement for google search, AI generation serves as a replacement for google images.Now, instead of having to search through tens or hundreds of images to find an ideal reference, AI can instantaneously generate a pose from a description of tags, or the average of the pose your trying to reference. Say you want to render something, with img2img you can plug in a bare-bones sketch and instantaneously get a near finished product to reference. If you want an idea of anything, such as how to render a drawing, poses, or even the group consensus of the way a character or a your OC is supposed to look, you can use AI.

How can anyone look at this and not be thankful. Just as digital art democratized drawing for those unable to try out digital. AI is democratizing art for those who can't dedicate thousands of hours watch tutorials on digital art, and instead serves as a shortcut for proficiency.
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I swear I mostly remember him for also making it his mission to shill it on almost every platform
not sure too if the other AInigger a constant twatterfag as well
>honestly the one time I decide to use google lens and get treated to see this bonafide fag
seems to have worked you guys into a frenzy
Left is unironically better.
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Janny needs to off his ass cause the same spammer back
AI really needs to improve: needs to able to generate 3 images a second. Needs better integration into draw tablets and digital tools.

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I'm going to be honest. I care DEEPLY about social media engagement when it comes to my art. As far as I'm concerned, if my work doesn't get enough likes, it's bad art.
Yes, I draw for clout
Yes, I draw for followers
Yes, I draw for approval and validation
Why the fuck else would I even bother posting anything online?
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And you are not a real woman!
>I don't give a fuck about numbers, they mean nothing to me. I do, however, care to have a space to collect and display my work for people to see.
When people talk about these numbers, they are usually referring to the numbers of people seeing their work.
nice duck
Most of my stuff is questionable so honestly I post it here
>It's not porn though

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Do you practice urban sketching regularly?
Practicing urban sketching is the only thing that gets me out of the house, and it has been essential for me to improve my freehand drawing and observation. I usually only carry 3 fine line pens and a sketchbook, but I'm thinking of getting some watercolors. I usually go to squares that aren't very busy, as I still have difficulty dealing with crowded environments.
It's a very positive and therapeutic activity. I used to be very depressed, but when I'm in crisis I always take my materials and go out to draw, regardless of the time of day. I don't think about making beautiful or perfect drawings, I just let the stream of consciousness flow and capture the essence
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>Im unsure about the paper size, I am very used to a4 but I think smaller is better bc it forces me to sketch small and concentrate less on details but its akward to hold when sitting in comparison to a clipboard (which i normally use)
go out and try whatever paper size you want, there's nothing I can say that beats your own observations and preferences
>sunny day is nice for the motive but my eyes bleed after a while of staring at my white paper, I hate wearing sunglasses tho
i feel like you're being melodramatic
draw in the shade, get tan paper, get a parasol or let your eyes bleed
>people distract me, and I hate interacting with beggars and the like, especially when they keep returning to annoy me
when beggars approach me I like to pretend I speak russian or ukranian, I scream in their face "Niet niet, mugshiki ne strelyaite, no inglesh no inglesh" or some shit you'd hear in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>Niet niet, mugshiki ne strelyaite, no inglesh no inglesh…
not them, but LOL
clever anon

>(/wishes i’d have the brazenness to do this the next time a bored retired lady settles down determined to chat all morning)
There are probably times of day or days in general when there are less crowds around, find out what those are
Google maps can help for this, it uses phone data to see when places are the most and least busy or something
For distractions you can bring headphones and listen to some ambient or relaxing music
A4 would be too big for me on location, A5 hardbacked sletchbook is perfect
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If you can wake up as soon as the sun rises, it's a good time to visit places that are usually crowded. I recommend you visit small villages near your city too, it's really nice to draw too. I recommend getting an electric or normal bicycle, it's very useful.
Something that /travel/ talks about a lot, first try to appreciate the place you're visiting, capture it and try to apply it through your drawings, no matter how aesthetically ugly it may be. Look at it as more than just drawing, but as something that also brings you inner peace, where you can connect with natural and man-made beauty.
The great authors of comics and manga look for inspiration in everyday life, they leave the house with their sketchbook and start observing and drawing, but they try to use all their senses when observing. This is why we are able to connect so easily with the works of authors such as Jiro Taniguchi and Hayao Miyazaki. Regardless of the type of story you intend to draw, whether it's fiction or fantasy, the elements you've absorbed in everyday life will be extremely useful
Real life commission? Neat. You can always see what it is about, maybe you will end up with a friend instead.

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Commissions are a waste of time, build your audience or cater to niche audiences instead.
im so sick of artistic discourse being stuck around income.

i just want to make pictures i like and have a good time doing it while getting better at my own pace.

ai made all of that moot anyways, youre worrying about a train thats already left the station.
I have no competition apart from AI, before AI I was dominating that place. Sadly you can't find high paying clients there anymore, high value clients are dwindling in reddit, 80% of my client base is now from twitter.
Isn't reddit the absolute worst site for comissions and promoting your work?
tfw when I never promoted my commissions and my queue is always full
Same, if I actually worked 8h a day I'd be making 60K from home doing what I like, plus 40k from artist alley and 10K in passive income.

Is copying, and understanding, Bridgman's over and over actually valuable?
I heard some artists talking about it, what do you guys think?
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He is probably the faggot that started a thread saying he got better by not drawing always, yet never posted a shit
no, because i'm not a narcissist and don't need asspats. the bridgeman hands guy is also a furry. you should be ashamed of defending him.
shut up bitch nobody cares
Are you what people call a crab?
because that head is pasted on. You'll only need to study the body

Post facial expressions.
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how hard is it to just resist the impulse to type things, this is nothing. These posts are filler
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heres some random episode from a telenovela

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Video Course General v.28

Hampton edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

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I swear cavemen had better value and lineweight control than some of you retards
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design your your own chaevet cave bear and i will turn them all into a gif, please keep it 898×547
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I thought the more recent hypothesis was that seeing the paintings by torchlight would give the impression of movement, since fire flickering would change which parts of the image are visible, sort of like a prehistoric flip-o-rama.
You do realize cavemen still probably had more formal hands on training with teachers than most
>/ic/ of all boards is full of flat earthers
Checks out. Can't believe I ever looked to this board for any form of advice even if the people I asked years ago probably left by now.

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How many artists are you supposed to study and shamelessly copy style-wise once you have basic enough fundamentals to draw from imagination decently?
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The rules state 7, but screw the rules, I have money!
What kind of a question is this? Copy to learn, draw from imagination to practice.
Dont grind fundementals to be able to draw from imagination, draw from imagination so you can understand fundementals
>How many artists
At least 1.
How ever many you want but honestly you still need to make sure to have room for your own

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