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>inb4 just draw
I do draw but I don't have much time to draw but I have time to observe, work is strict when it came to my hobby.
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>can you get good at drawing without ever drawing?

Yes, that's what I do, everything is in my head, including the success and followers, it looks so real.
Of course. The less you draw the better you get.
You can do a billion cubes in your mind then you won't be able to draw a straight line because you don't have the muscle memory.

ART IS A SPORT, not a theoretical science. You read the rules once, you put them in practice ten hours a day every day for the rest of your life and maybe someday you'll be worth a shit.
you can find answers by looking around or by sheer luck, to questions you find when working at the easel.

you need both

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So, that's what being 30 is like?
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Lol the biggest problem you dipshits have is obsessing over the fact that you're not 17 anymore.

>Think you don't have energy because you're """old""".
>Use mental energy to stress over it and beat self up when things go wrong.
>Feel more tired, rinse repeat.

Stop listening to teenagers and crabs, you're not a senior citizen until you're like 67.
Also if you're actually 30, you're far enough away from whatever energetic life you thought you had that any memory you think you hold is false and just some narrative you constructed from the culture around you.
how old are you?
30. Why does that matter?
There, you can now see I'm """"""le old""""""" like the other whiners here. Go ahead and crab.
All I know is that I'm 30 and have no motivation. In my 20's I couldn-t be stopped
any regret or optimism left after reaching 30?

how long do it take to reach this level if your low int?
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about 2 years, nothing about this compositionally is crazy, the thumbnail is very simple, the horse anatomy and pose is also very basic just enough to show it's a horse nothings really defined, could just drop in a horse photo and paint over it to the same effect, the rendering and painting is the strongest part and it's not insane either
Depends how much time you dedicate to practicing.
just paint it?
About 1 to 2 days
Prized Unicorn.
All creatures able to block it, do so.
Damn good card to end a fight.

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Post your work and I a /beg/ will give you as much constructive criticism as I can
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That's a cute picture
Decent simplistic artstyle that you could push further. There are tons of artists specializing in this sort of drawings
In general you could round out shapes more like with the teddies legs
Also the only truly weak part is the cattle, I feel you could have done that better
I know you don't intend that for me to reviewed but I just saw it and am to lazy to get out of bed
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Sure why not
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Give it to me raw how much I suck.
that top face is fucked
You guys are some early beginners. Even way worse than me because you both lack the understanding of fundamentals
There are only two differences between you as artist. One is that one of you draw on paper while the draws digitally and the other is that the later can utilize reference more

It is hard to give much advice for someone like you because I run risk throwing you to the wolves and that could burn you out
But non the less Id advise you to use heavy heavy reference. Use screenshots of the show and try to replicate them as good as you can or even trace over it.
This will give you a better understanding of why stuff looks the way it looks and how to more easly draw it
Because your mistakes are very obvious
Horns are different size, bangs are weird, her hair in general is on one side bigger for no reason, the hands in general and everything feels flat. And I could go on
Take some time and try at least copy what you see to a good extent than try to understand it

Your work, though a little bit better also suffers from it being flat. For example take thr big files head, though drawn from an angle it dose not feel that way.

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draw this in your style
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I'll post something spicy tomorrow. Gotta shleep
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No colors, for now.
Those hands, man I'm jelly
Nice vibe, like he just found out his first mate hid a casket of rum and everyone has been dry for at least a week.
Best one yet

>mfw trying to apply loomis to anime
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appreciated but I've seen 5 or 6 of this guy's videos and the thumbnails are all clickbait which is especially bad if you can't read moonrunes, can you recommend a particularly good vid from him?
All the professionals I envy and idolize say not to use them so why should I?

Have you seen how much superior Latinos are at emulating manga? They’re practically honorary Asians
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i draw anime with the loomis method
i thought it was standard practice for anime

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I find it easier to draw for long hours, when I see someone else also drawing instead of wasting their time.

Do you guys know of any streamers that show themselves drawing? I'm NOT looking for streams like pic related, where it's just a screencap - I want to see the person behind the canvas as well. Something like Bob Ross, but longer and with more focus on drawing/digital than traditional painting. It would be a dream come true to have a live cam of an mangaka, but I doubt that's gonna happen
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>x artist draws
What does that even mean? Is English your second language?

His process looks really interesting, so thank you for sharing! But I'm NOT looking for streams where it's just a screencap - I want to see the person behind the canvas as well
sabudenego does regular streams for like 6 hour stretches. he doesnt talk or show face but thats asking alot for a nsfw artist plus talking is distracting.
>I'm NOT looking for streams where it's just a screencap - I want to see the person behind the canvas as well
if you're actively watching something while you draw you're ngmi
weird parasocial ngmi behaviour
>actively watching
Eh, not really. It's more about having a companion beside me in the background, something to glance at every now and then and to say to myself: "he's not taking a break yet, so I don't need one either, let's keep going".

>weird parasocial ngmi behaviour
It's an neurodivergent thing. I've recently learned that I have autism and this technique (called "body doubling") is supposedly helpful for people like me so it seemed worth trying out. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni9biXNDZe0
Yeah, it does seem really bizarre, but judging by comments under that video, it may be just what I need.

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What are some things/aspects of art that no one (including this board) is really honest about?
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>Let's not forget that Ditko worked in office environment for the major part of his career, and was social with his co-workers.
That's not true at all.
>Picrel is relevant
Basically bullpen is a myth created by Stan Lee and Marvel artists worked from home.
Back then Marvel had artists living in Canada and Philippines, but even the American ones sent their art via mail.
I heard a similar story in a Tezuka documentary so it's probably the same in Japan.
Nowadays it's mostly E-mail but in big manga magazines like Shonen Jump, the editor meets the manga artist for manuscript review purposes.
>like every fluff-based industry the only things that really count are knowing the right people, being able to read trends and some luck
Animation is basically this, so many mediocre artists are pro storyboarders.
>Nobody will ever accept this, and it's fine
I accept this.
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>I accept this.

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Previous thread >>7115012

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles are welcomed, and encouraged.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

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yah its in the promo thread
No one would take that much work for some shitposting on an anonymous shit board.
>didn't pyw
As expected. You are just envious but your ego is too big for you to admit it.
Or just a massive dunning kruger.
I have not had sex can I make this kind of art?
No one ever had sex here. And no one who draws this shit have sex. That's why they do it. To cope with that. Having sex dries up any deranged desire or motivation to do this shit.
That's why that "no-fap" bullshit is so fucking retarded and criminal. Men need to take that shit out of their system periodically. So their brains can function normally with out the hormonal dis-balance fucking up their thoughts and turning their brains into an sponge full of cum.

I swear cavemen had better value and lineweight control than some of you retards
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>/ic/ of all boards is full of flat earthers
Checks out. Can't believe I ever looked to this board for any form of advice even if the people I asked years ago probably left by now.
They cheated in their little tents, the cheaters
I have an urge to get some charcoal(the grilling kind or maybe make own) and go scribble in some back alleys and underpasses.
This. If these cave pictures seem daunting, it's because they are unrealistic goals for your art.
The cave paintings in Chauvet cave are relatively deep into it. There's no pinholes for them to have used, nor is there evidence of any having used to be there. they were just good at art.

Uh oh! 5 months into 2024, years is almost over and you are already old as fuck but you did make it in time right? WELL POST YOUR FUCKING PROGRESS.

Only NGMI bitches post here without posting their progress
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I made a lot of progress using trad, now I just need to transfer it back to digital
No I ain't showing
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Fuck you, you god damn no draw nigger fuckheads!
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A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?"/"What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

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Anyone have this?

base64decode DOT org
Thanks for the brushes. I'm testing them and they're pretty good.

Thanks, anon.
Looking for LP brushes for CSP, I know the Photoshop one has been shared but some brushes do not work the same, the CSP pack was made especially for CSP so it would work better

Good place for photoshop brushes? (for free ofc)

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rate my agar art /10 /ic/
man is E.coli, blue clouds are Klebsiella pneumoniae, white clouds Staph. aureus, grass is Enterococcus, birds are some Proteus sp. (they break down tryptophan in the agar to make that brown halo, which I thought would give the impression of distance but don't think it worked)
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I figure you could do pretty neat things with a petri dish like this but this isnt it. Lean into the character of whatever ick ypu're using and make something visually interesting.
I think it's nice, if you use streptococcus agalactiae itll make the sky a nice light blue too
You should let your "colors" fight a bit more.
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dinosaur better?
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Anybody else feel inspired by AI. Much like ChatGPT serves as a more direct replacement for google search, AI generation serves as a replacement for google images.Now, instead of having to search through tens or hundreds of images to find an ideal reference, AI can instantaneously generate a pose from a description of tags, or the average of the pose your trying to reference. Say you want to render something, with img2img you can plug in a bare-bones sketch and instantaneously get a near finished product to reference. If you want an idea of anything, such as how to render a drawing, poses, or even the group consensus of the way a character or a your OC is supposed to look, you can use AI.

How can anyone look at this and not be thankful. Just as digital art democratized drawing for those unable to try out digital. AI is democratizing art for those who can't dedicate thousands of hours watch tutorials on digital art, and instead serves as a shortcut for proficiency.
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Janny needs to off his ass cause the same spammer back
AI really needs to improve: needs to able to generate 3 images a second. Needs better integration into draw tablets and digital tools.
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drawing from AI reference will give you wrong details to start from and you will make them more wrong as you iterate on them
how about everyone here mass reporting instead of engaging with the bait?

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Previous thread: >>7154362

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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I don't want to learn how to do things. I humbly wish to already have the knowledge.
Is /dad/ ego the reason why /dad/ is stagnating?
Just charge him $1500 if he is a whale he will pay.
NAMES of dads not stagnating
(pls me be)

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