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File: Fake.jpg (57 KB, 575x441)
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Does anyone else think that this was fake? There's a 0% chance that Johnson actually beat this dude. The only possible explanations are that they aren't truly the same belts and are on different levels. Otherwise, the only other explanation is that it was faked/big guy didn't try.
Why do you think it was fake?
Poor manlets forced to be mega-elite just to beat average people
The belts only carry limited meaning. Some coaches are stingy with promotions, others give them out like candy.
Not to mention, it's Demetrious Fucking Johnson
Because there's literally a 100 lb weight difference. Grappling with someone the same skill level and size is already hard enough, let alone against a dude double your size. Either DJ isn't a true brown belt, the big guy isn't a true brown belt, or this is fake.
This may shock you to learn, but DJ is really, really good.
There's a lot of latitude within ranks. The difference between a brown belt who was purple yesterday and a brown belt who's going to be black tomorrow is huge.
It showed that bjj isn't real or effective
DJ is a pro and well rounded grappler, but the other guy has a foot of height and over 100lbs on him. Even a small amount of skill on behalf of the big guy would equal whatever professional experience DJ has

But that's not what happened. The big guy tried a couple of big guy brute force moves which didn't work and then just laid there completely helpless
Know what that means? It means he made it all the way to brown belt with those moves working
that implies, nobody that's around him is able to overcome those techniques easily so he can just do them

Dude put the final nail in bjjs coffin with this performance, showed the world that having a strong wrestling background will fuck up bjj even at their own sport EVEN when the other guy literally weighs nearly as much as 3 of you and is a foot taller
>tiny skilled guy beats big guy with shit skills
>bjj isn’t effective
Fascinating logic
the big guy had bjj skills, DJ was a generalist with a highschool level wrestling base
if that's enough of an X factor to overcome such a massive size difference it shows BJJ is worthless
it shows you're better off being a terminal manlet that can wrestle than a giant with BJJ
How are fatfags so good at mental gymnastics?
It's the only gymnastics they're capable of
>There's a 0% chance that Johnson actually beat this dude
Normally yes but people like Johnson are 1 in a milion.
DJ had a highschool level wrestling base and he outwrestled Henry Cejudo who won Olympic gold. Guess wrestling is fake.
So did aljamaican me crazy 92.5% silver
But that's in the context of MMA, not a pure grappling situation
DJ just got his black belt btw
he literally has 20 years or more of wrestling experience. then probably 15 years of jiu jitsu experience. also why would anyone fake a jiu jitsu match? he got 2nd anyway so why would he fake just to get silver?

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