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/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Previous: >>177304
Heh, buttcheeks
Why do the degenerate pedos who jack off to children's cartoons always feel driven to spam their masturbation material where they know it doesn't belong? 4chan has dozens of boards dedicated to children's cartoon masturbation materials of all sorts, why aren't they enough to satisfy the masturbators? Do the masturbators have some sort of mental illness that compels them to spam their pedo cartoon pics in places where they know its unwelcome?
>pedo cartoon pic
>tits halfway to her elbows
Anon may be a degenerate mentally-ill coomer but it appears he has an adult woman fetish. Cartoon women have been used in arms treatises for decades at least.
take your meds, schizo
Just to upset people like you
>tranime OP
It's over for HEMA
Astronaut gun meme
>complaining about anime
>on 4chan
Newfags get out
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HEMA was over when painted masks and colorful jackets were allowed. It was over before it even started, in other words.
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i will remind them
Tiny pecker compensation albeit
keep telling yourself that
>t. 8 in
>first thing he thinks of when seeing a dude with a muscular body is "wow, I wonder what his penis looks like"
Who's the faggot here?
Fell for easy bait award.
Kendo vs HEMA (sorry)
Hema is just a bunch of autistic larpers beating each other over the head with rubber weapons because there are zero actual consequences to just lunging in and wailing on a dude, unlike actually fighting with weapons. Fencing has a similar problem.

Unless we’re willing to go back to gladiatorial combat or medieval melee standards, Homo will remain the gayest sport on earth for a long, long, time.
>rubber weapons
Are you retarded?
>there’s zero punishment for just lunging with no regard for your own safety.
You’re definitely retarded then. I guess there’s no punishment so long as you don’t mind being concussed with blunt steel.
Did you just find it out? It has been known for years now.
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Got a Sigi King a Month ago and one of my Teammates (wom*n) told me that it was too pretty for training because it would get ruined? Is that true? Isnt wear and tear normal?
She's complimenting your sword and you might be autistic.
t. former HEMA fag
How much do armored combat gym memberships usually cost?
/jsa/fag bait used to be believable
What is this goofy ass shit? Why is he using a saber with a parrying dagger? And why is the saber user going forwards instead of going breaking distance into neutral after getting parried? Looks like some lame choreography thing.
The opponent doesn't want you to know this but the gauntlets on his hands are free.
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HEMA peaked in 2015. My countrys scene never recovered after Covid and seemingly everyone is trans now. Which is fine but I do miss sparring the sort of guy the new club image chases off. Bigots i guess. I remember 20 years ago the first response you got when talking about Fencing was ‘isn’t that for girls’. Now we push the marketing that it is.

It worries me that no one has actually founded a club here in 15 years and with the cost of living no young people are travelling to compete now. Its ogre.
>everyone is trans now
there weren't enough girls, so we had to make them on our own
>everyone has axe wounds
Who could’ve seen this coming
I dont get people that obsess about HEMA not having enough hos doing it.
Like bitch shut the fuck up and fence who gives a fuck who does what focus on yourself.
If one of you posts me at SOM someday without asking I'll be pissed.
It's already publicly available on Youtube. Why get mad if someone reposts it on a Cornish dry stone wall building forum?
The principle, I guess. No good reason.
Tell us which one's you so we know who not to post.
>open hemaratings.com
>longsword has a troon specific division (underrepresented genders)
>no other weapon has such section
I blame ttrpgslop and other nerd media. When will they be cancelled on Tiwtter for putting women and trannies appart?
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Need to make a gambeson soon just for ren faire purposes and I already bought some prequilted cloth. Does pic related pattern look okay? All the ones on youtube have these elaborate patterns that I don't have time to download or buy. I do have a tape measure though. Will this work okay enough?

My girlfriend's brother told me that USA HEMA is a bunch of trannies and fags anyway. I just want to get into it so I can feel like the equivalent of a level 1 D&D fighter one day.
>open HEMA general
>nonstop discussion about trannies
It's easily the most obnoxious aspect of HEMA that you can't discuss bluntly in mainstream HEMA settings so it makes sense that anons would take the opportunity to vent.
Seems pretty ok, but then it depends on what's your purpose. Has it to be historically accurate (and if so, for what century)? Do you need more protection, more mobility, or a compromise of the two?
I want it to be a comfortable undergarment for this chainmail hauberk:


I wanted to do a super-realistic hand-sewn historically-accurate-tools-and-methods gambeson but now I'm using pre-quilted cloth so maybe next time. I just want it to feel as heavy as the real thing and provide a bit of padding for sparring with rattans or something real basic.
A simple design won't be as comfortable as a well tailored one. You might find it a little cumbersome on shoulders, armpits and elbows: if the gambeson is thick and rigid it kinda forces you to stay in T pose. Nothing impossible to deal with, especially after breaking in it using it for some time, just don't expect the same comfort of a HEMA jacket. You can add some gussets here and there if you're willing to put a little more time and work in it, they help a lot.
That's what I'll do most likely. Just cut the fabric today. I'm excited for it even if it's kinda shit I like the idea of it being cut without a pattern. It seems more "real" that way (even though I cheated and used prequilted fabric but whatever).
Funny, none of the trans people I fight annoy me, unlike the cis dude who won't stop making fucking lightsaber noises while sparring
Lamest attempt at bait award.

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