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for 5 years i’ve tried to learn the ollie, this summer…this summer will be the one i know it
What the fuck dude, it's not even hard. Can you jump?
Checked. Based anon. I would recommend just riding the damn thing so you are more comfy. Do some hippy jumps so your used to landing on the board.. The Ollie will come more natural then.
friendly reminder anon, jump off the tail and not the ground or else all that energy goes straight into the dirt and not your board
i think what fucks people up is they try to do all the steps of an ollie in a sequence when it needs to be one fluid motion
You just jump and pop the board. I wouldn't say it's easy but you can do it.
You just push your rear foot down and pop the board, while sliding your front foot up to the nose. Thence lift your rear foot while leveling the board with your front foot. This is probably a bait thread but if not, now you know how to Ollie.
I wonder if anyone in the history of skating has heard that advice and then suddenly could Ollie.
Not OP but I’m having a hard time with it too. My problem is in my pop, I’m either jumping off the tail resulting in me getting air but the board only coming up 2-3 inches. Or when I try to jump first then pop as my body weight leaves the board it totally kills the power of my jump and I barely come off the ground
knowing the steps to a trick isnt the same as learing how to do the steps
lmfao all these fuckers are lying to you

you have to have already jumped milliseconds before the pop occurs

basically pretend its sf and ur sagat and ur regular so tiger knee happens with leading left knee
>tiger knee (+kick)
>pop happens behind you (your right foot taps the ground very rapidly using your ankle and calf)
>you've already tiger knee'd so the leading foot is dragging up as the board comes into your foot *
>lift your back mother fucking foot as soon as your ankle snaps, tuck that back knee into your shoulder as you tiger knee

boom city trashcans are your bitch

additional caveats include
>the further back your leading foot is, the more vertical the nose of the board is able to get as it pivots around the center of the board further behind leading bolts
>letting the ground catch your board before you do is sinful
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you can do it. an ollie is just a human jumping while kicking a skateboard in a way that makes it follow your trajectory. it’ll happen. never give up!
Thanks fren

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