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Any hot woman, who do extreme sport
ronda rousey is not sexually attractive
She is sexually attractive
>small tits
>man face

Lol women just literally need to be skinny and not fat to be desired by 99% of men
Look i just can’t find a good look woman ok ok Here >>154535
Sorry i ment op. I can’t find a good picture >>154541
Look i can’t find a good pictire sorry
I don’t find any good picture
Your standard must be really low to think this crybaby is "hot" op
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Judo and bjj girls are cute
Oh bitch sorry, i can ’t find a good picture
This, Judokas, are the most beautiful.
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Aight boys, important question. After watching Perez fight on the prelims yesterday, what's the best WMMA fight to watch from a man perspective.
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Gina Carano will always be my goat.
One more for good measure.
20 years later, people still think Jaime Koeppe is Gina. It's hilarious.
My bad, I just googled gina carano and grabbed the first couple pics. They do look alot alike.
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For me it's Rose
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Move over MMA wrenches
>pussywhipped beta virgins have to shit up every board with their pathetic fawning and mewing

Fuck off to a coomer board already. This is for sports, not putting bitches on pedestals.
If we throw them up there, that could be extreme
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Old school
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you guys need some climbing muscle mommies
Beggars can't be choosers and if you aren't more attractive or richer than average man and aren't into men, you're a sexual beggar.
She's on the cusp but she looks crazy plus the athlete thing probably makes up for it (no offense)
While it's not an excuse, spending most of your life training for the olympics and hanging out with a pro wrestler, that was considered crazy by his peers, probably didn't help.
I'm a simp for Itsuki Hirata
Rose is cute ngl, she even looked good when she buzzed.
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She cute
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Do you wanna roll with me?
You bet
Finnish wife-carrying combined with strongman's keg toss, or perhaps the Scottish caber toss where points are scored not only by the height or distance of his throw but by her sticking a gymnastics-style landing on the podium.
She fucked Turtle
Look i did not found a good picture sue me

Op out
Sunshine waifu
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My wife
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fucked up thumb, 2/10, would not bang
time for some surfers methinks
good taste anon
>that tattoo
lmfao women
Too bad her groomer insisted on that awful buzz cut look.
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Still looks kinda ok
based Marie Ruumet poster. I-I wish I could train with her bros...
Just move to Thai jungle in Chiang Mai
Sorry i can’t one
The answer is and will always be mackenzie dern. Her knockers were so powerful the ibjjf created rules about women's rashguards.
You have dangerously low standards
Should face fuck her like that.
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Tracy Cortez
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close runner up
And an apple to oranges
She looks like having to fuck her husband on his birthday is an inconvenience
Roberta Mancino https://youtu.be/b89_PDSMf3I?si=wEWem9Qj46PpHxtV
Get some standards, anon.
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Puck Moonen
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Breast augmentation, browbone reduction and she will be ideal
My nigga
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she is a white person, the brow is infront of your frontal lobe. she has that because she is smarter than a nigger.
shut up, she is a perfect dutch maiden. dutch slander will not be tolerated on my watch.
anon, this is /xs/. either keep it (extreme) sports-related or go back to >>>/pol/ .
same goes for you. either post about extreme sports or go back to >>>/c/ or whatever weeb board you came from.
I bet her grip is firm.still not sexy at all.id fuck a bucket of broken glass before this monster
Would fill her baby hole with hard dick and hot cum until its creamy. Spread that cream on wheat toast for the carbs
If you mean cum while you twist my balls then yes.her sweater looks absorbent and I'll edge for week to shoot blood upon release then gentle kisses
I agree I'd only cum quarts for her
Shut the fuck up or apply to work for free, jannie-wannabe.
Dutch pussy is the territory of Teutonic Chads.
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Is that a teenage boy?
If that's a boy then I'm a flaming homosexual
Ok >>154535
nope >>154536
The real GOAT was Miesha Tate.
She never got enough credit for her performance in the wmma. Rousey was her kryptonite; Rousey had a forehead like a rock and some of the tightest judo in the game. Tate was overall a better martial artist but Rousey could tank her striking game, takedowns were high scoring, and technical grappling was being suppressed in the UFC at the time because audiences didn't know what they were looking at. It really gave an unfair advantage to Rousey. Holly Holmes was a mediocre boxer with gorilla shoulders, and because Rousey couldn't just forehead deflect anymore, she went down like a sack of hammers. The second Holmes had to deal with a well rounded martial artist she got absolutely clowned on. Tate got the title and was actually untouchable for a while. The rock paper scissors dynamic of the trio revealed Rousey's failings as a fighter plainly, and she was forced to retire. Rousey never had any boxing game, she was a tough as nails one trick pony with a spine breaking hip throw and a tight armbar.
At least he isn't shitting up the thread with /pol/ fuckery, faggot
just say bump you fucking loser its not like you're fooling anyone into believing these are real comments in an active thread ahahah
Your newfag is showing, lurkmoar faggot.
ok then explain it, if its a meme of some kind it seems completely retarded. and lurk how? nothing fucking happens on this bumfuck board, there's nothing to watch
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You now remember Silje.
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>he cant appreciate natural beauty, and upon seeing a woman that is in the local 90th percentile and global 99th percentile he wishes for a surgeon to cave her face in with a sawzall And throw some silicon into her perky a-cups.
Appreciate the differences in beauty anon. Big tits, small tits, a large prefrontal cortex five-head that you could blow your load onto. Or would you prefer another kardashian clone bimbo?
Ok and what
>Tate got the title and was actually untouchable for a while
She literally lost her belt the very next fight.
I stan this Baltic specimen
Cata Diaz
She has the face of that guy from rammstein
Itt: ugly bitches
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My mom practises muay thai kickboxing and karate
>man face

I hate to tell you this anon, but every hot chick looks ~60% like their Dad, idk why but they almost universally do, and once you notice it you gotta be able to get over it
Eat shit and die, faggot.
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For me it's the gook wrestler from netflix

>given the absolute worst team for a strength and endurance obstacle course with 2/3 being women or crippled
>wins anyway through pure seething because fuck you

God I want to pump some kids in her
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My wife
Look i could not find a big boob
in order to be skinny i need to eat like 1200 calories a day, which is hard but doable. but anon imagine having to eat that little just to not be fat. Id rather eat a lot and workout a lot. You get used to eating little but its very hard to maintain
theres nothing wrong with her fucking brow bone tf is wrong with you

The fuck kinda name is Puck

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