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it's all for the wrong reasons
these leftist pro-muslim groups think israelis are white colonizers
at the end of the day they are still anti-white, anti-west and need to be removed along with said jews and jew supporters
Jews should be banned from White countries just like brown people. They all undermine the interests of Whites.
Both Jews and Muzzies are bad.
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this is a joke and nothing more then a joke ffs.
I agree this is true, but the silver lining is that a lot more people are now open to hearing criticism of jews and israel without immediately shutting down and calling you an anti semite.
i dont like leftist / mudslime antisemitism. it's just both so gay and violent, and so serious. in contrast, right wing antisemitism is just all good fun and mockery.
ah, that's what i'm talking about. haven't clicked that one yet when writing my post.
oi mate you got a loicense for wearing a silly hat in public? Show us yer foreskin or it's off to the tower for you
police officer was literally trying to save his life from the protesters and yet, he is labeled as an anti-semite?
>right wing antisemitism is just all good fun and mockery.
you think we've been kidding all this time?
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What an incredibly subversive and jewish post.
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they used stock footage? huh
>a minor crime is committed against a jewish person
>a special type of high priority law enforcement is deployed and an entire media report is run on it
Meanwhile black people are murdering each other by the dozens every day and now one gives a fuck. (((They))) really are the untouchable class in current American society.
the jews manage to "fool" the europeans since ww2 and make them their ally despite doing every thing to destroy their economy and values while controlling the narrative.... Few years later push for open borders and finance an invasion of muslims that hate israel into europe.
Is this like that tale of the scorpion and the frog?
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they killed six million jews in the world war 2 dude. give them a break
As a Jewish person, I'm actually concerned about left wing antisemitism. It's pretty much almost a black lives matter riot aimed at Jewish people.
I personally think Israel is shit and I don't like them either, but Palestine is also shit and it's wild how many people are falling for Hamas propaganda.
Most of the right side antisemitism is either satire jokes/trolls or people that are all talk no action.
Jewish hate crime didn't go up at all when right antisemitism was hot. It skyrocketed when free palestine started happening.
Right extremists are a lot more civilized than the left extremists, and as much as I hate to admit it I understand their hatred, the 0.001% of us that are rich enough to control everything are garbage human beings that fucked up all of our lives including mine, but at least I can sit down and talk to you guys and come to equal terms of "fuck the rich" most of the time.
>/pol/ always on about "dotr/gas the kikes race war now"
>every time there's a spike in hate-crime it's almost never white neo-nazis
it's honestly pretty fucking funny just how much of a non-threat /pol/ is when you consider how often they get blamed.
Hamas has no resources or ability to create propaganda at a global scale. Mainstream media narrative in the west IS the Israeli narrative. Its just that Israel is so unhinged and retarded no one other than zionist Jews, evangelical Christians, or deranged neoliberal expansionist warhawks can take their side in this. The talking points of anti-israel leftists have been fairly constant and predate Hamas by decades. Its just that the Palestinian leftists i.e PLO sold out and the only ones left carrying an armed resistance are Hamas. Leftists are much more pragmatic in political alliances in times of need. But otherwise they consider Islamists to be facists. See Egypt, Tunisia, and Chechenya.
>Hamas has no resources or ability to create propaganda at a global scale.
im pretty sure interested parties like iran and russia do.
These are the right reasons that are also true.
>anti west is bad
Go enlist in Ukraine, kike
you fucking neonazis sure like to count them as white when trying to list out white achievements.
People forgot nazis are a far left ideology. Is only natural this is happening after allowing lefties to run free.
>People forgot nazis are a far left ideology
>2 centuries of capitalism
>no national socialists or third positionists in general
>One communist country start existsing
>third positionists suddenly everywhere and all saying that Judeo Bolshevik Russia is the real enemy not the west and splitting leftist vote and leftist factions in general.
Cop was fired for keeping this man safe
Iran doesnt either, and the entire western world is against them and Russia. For all the Russian bots you hear about you only ever hear Russian talking points in alternative or far left media. Russian influence on global narrative is fairly weak. The world just stopped caring that much about the western narrative so it may seem like the Russian/Chinese one is picking up steam in comparison. Its just that western hypocrisy is consistently proved on the global stage while they behave in deranged amoral ways when it comes to their interests and pear clutch with others do it.
good post, kike. but it's not just "fuck the rich" tho. sean last has an excellent video essay on the jq which i fully recommend
there is also a video by ryan faulk, which is ofc more sarcastic in nature
they detail how specifically jewish elites have turned the united states increasingly progressive. the influence of aipac on the us is self-evident. the fact that the us allows a foreign state to have that much control over its war decisions is insane, but you can't speak about it (unless recently if you are a mudslime concerned leftist). jews tend to hate christians, hate traditionalists, hate nationalists and try to undermine any ethical identity of europeans.

but then again, many of the greatest minds of european history have been jews, at least since the 19th century. and they are ofc not monolithic, there are a lot of very honest and upright jews as well who respect europeans and value european culture. and i recognise that ashkenasim have european heritage and therefore some sort of claim to living among or alongside europeans in europe.

so, i dunno. my hopes are that we can find some sort of honest arrangement where we don't pretend that kikes are menace but at the same time acknowledge their humanity and their place in european culture. that would ofc require the humility ot the jews to recognize that many of the so-called "antisemitic" accusations are just plain truth. we'll see.
relevant typo. it should read:
>don't pretend that kikes aren't a menace
so kikes are a menace and we shouldn't pretend otherwise.
feminism was good though
>Relief Supplies and Actions
>The occupying power has the duty to ensure that the adequate provision of food and medical supplies is provided, as well as clothing, bedding, means of shelter, other supplies essential to the survival of the civilian population of the occupied territory, and objects necessary for religious worship (GCIV Arts. 55, 58; API Art. 69).
Maybe if these fucks stopped trying to justify war crimes people would be more sympathetic
latest AI track just dropped !
every 'jew' achievement is something they stole from Whites, they're parasites, incapable of anything without their host White people and societies.
being a goyim with power and authority is inherently antisemetic
>he was punched in the face repeatedly
>left with broken ribs...
Sounds unbelievable, but it happened.
watch janice fiamengo
feminism has brought some good stuff, like liberating women to pursue a career if they choose to do so, but many, many more bad stuff, like suggesting they should do so. and, as almost any progressive movement, it was driven by ill intent from the very start, as carefully laid out by prof. janice fiamengo (who's been a feminist herself, mind you). that woman deserves a medal for her work, btw.
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They sat on the right wing on their legislative chambers.
However, that is the only thing that makes a party left or right wing: where it sits in the legislative chambers of a given country at a given time. Left and right are not different flavors of meme fluid.
>I am worried about the reaction to your presence
>b... but we achieved so much together goyim
Feminism is a movement that seeks to get more power for itself, under the pretenses that it speaks for all women, and that women don't have enough power.
For a considerable number of moments and periods in time that was true on certain issues, but when a movement accomplishes its initial goals, its members and constituent organizations will be looking for purpose and will try to stick around to do more things that they really don't need to do, because, particularly for organizations who are employers who have employees who will have to find work again.
And that's when they start screwing things up.
>joins opposite rally, average jew wants people to hate him
>jewish "nation" surrounded by people that hate them
unironically how do they get away with the victim card? 6 gorillion from 80 years ago?
>like liberating women to pursue a career
Given the rest, this is practically a minor thing. The biggest achievement is crackdown on prostitution and age of consent. Of course the movements that did this were first and foremost Christian and only then feminist, but they were feminist nonetheless
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>that video is from 2010

Jews deserve all the hate they get.

>People forgot nazis are a far left ideology.

Fuck off you retarded boomer cuckservative loser.
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>According to the idea of the NSDAP [Nazi party], we are the German left. Nothing is more hateful to us than the right-wing national ownership block.” - Joseph Goebbels
>"The only problem for the Social Democrats at the time was that they did not have a leader." - Adolf Hitler (back in the day, social democrats were just like communists but wanted reform over revolution. They were not welfare capitalists like they are today)
>"It would be better for us to go down with Bolshevism than live in eternal slavery under Capitalism" - Joseph Goebbels
And let's not forget that Goebbels was a literal Marxist, he was generally loyal to Hitler but the biggest dispute came when Hitler denounced Marxism. And the other thing was that Bormann who was also in the top four most likely people to succeed Hitler was also a Marxist and not only that, he also spied for the Soviet Union after Hitler attacked her. He was the Agent Werther.
They love to boast about their sense of humour, but are the most fragile, humourless, wretches on the planet.
Nice quotes. Meanwhile nazi Germany exterminated kikes, executed communists, promoted strong family values, promoted a mixture of private and public ownership that encouraged industry and individual merit and willpower, and burned tranny "sexology" books.

Thinking they weren't rightwing because they weren't pure-strain libertarian bozos or ineffectual religious cuckservative zionists like you doesn't mean they weren't primarily "rightwing".
Interestingly however:
>29 April—one day prior to his suicide—Hitler declared both Himmler and Göring to be traitors. He stripped Himmler of all of his party and state offices and expelled him from the Nazi Party
If Hitler were to choose a successor that day, it is a high chance it would be Bormann and if not him, Goebbels.
>Meanwhile nazi Germany exterminated kikes
did not, they are still here. And Himmler did it, Hitler barely knew and did not want to talk about it. The only instance where death camps are mentioned to Hitler that were written or testified that they actually happened, he said to never talk about this again.
>executed communists
Those that it could find, which was not a lot of them to be honest considering that Goebbels and Bormann were Marxists
>promoted strong family values, promoted a mixture of private and public ownership that encouraged industry and individual merit
Contradictory. Family values are in complete contradiction over individualism, it is impossible to have family values without socialism, without complete subservience of private businesses to the state and their eventual elimination.
>and burned tranny "sexology" books.
Like everyone else.
>Thinking they weren't rightwing because they weren't pure-strain libertarian bozos or ineffectual religious cuckservative zionists like you doesn't mean they weren't primarily "rightwing".
I am not a libertarian, retard. Right wing IS zionism and IS libertarian bozos and oligarchs serfs. Without exception
Oh yeah and one more thing, it did not "execute" communists, it imprisoned them. Many, most of those imprisoned were still alive by the end and in fact received prominent positions in the DDR
The hard pill to swallow for alot of conservatives and altrighters is that the current culture of the west i.e globohomo is a natural progression of western culture from the early 1900s. The Jews filled a demand by degenerates whites while the non-degenerate ones were either not institutionally imbedded or simply turned the other eye for profit. How many Irish catholics in banking? Or WASPs in show biz that turned the other eye? Its not just the Jews, liberalism is the problem.
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yes, but jewish people tend to be more liberal than europeans, they sort of tip the balance. without influential jewish people, american policy would be way more dominated by republicans than by democrats. the same probably goes for prewar europe. it's a natural progression only under jewish influence. it's unclear what would have happened without them.
>it's unclear what would have happened without them
Not really. The European stock in the US was uniquely conservative/puritan compared to the avg european in Europe. You didnt need Jews in denmark, Sweden, UK for them to turn globohomo. They were always far more liberal than american whites. My point is that liberal/conservative dont matter in the grand scheme of things because when you zoom out they both end up at the same conclusion. The pozzed, identityless, sexually degenerate modern society. Concepts like racism, xenophobia, nationalism, religiosity are inherently at odds with soceities built on liberalism. If you want your societal values conserved or promoted, you dont give those who despise them free reign to constantly attack them.
Wtf seagulls are based?
seagulls are niggers
>hangs around where you don't want them
>steals food
>makes awful noises 24/7
>just general pests that ruin your vacation
kill seagulls. behead seagulls. roundhouse kick a seagull into the concrete.
One of them controls your country and allows brown people inside, guess who
>Football banter and jokes
all joos need to be dangling from trees or cooking in ovens
>Hamas has no resources or ability to create propaganda at a global scale
Do they have a gofundme or something? Me and a few of my lads would like to place some commissions, their videos are professionally edited so I'm sure their editors would be capable of making some good shit
have you talked to ordinary people? they WANT brown people inside, because of their cuisine
>The European stock in the US was uniquely conservative/puritan compared to the avg european in Europe
This is false. America was always more liberal on porn, age of consent and alcohol than Europe.
>age of consent
in 17th century, age of consent was set to 15 in the eternally glorious Russian Empire
In early 19th century, age of consent was still 8-10 in USA.
Pedophilic nation, pedophilic (western) values
Completely false lol. In most of Europe the age of consent was at menarche until the US raised in late 1800s. Till today most European countries have lower ages of consent than the US. American cinema had significantly stricter regulations compared to French or German cinema as early as 1910s till today. Think the whole cant show nips on American TV shit. US was conservative compared to western europe until 1960s.
America still marries children, retard. Nobody does that in Europe except illegal gypsy camps
David Horowitz, the Jew in the video, used to be a communist.
What happened
No, you are retarded. Thats like saying North Korea is a democratic-republic.
Stop cherry picking. The age of consent in france is literally 15. Americans allow marriage just as an arrangement not consumation at 15.
>muh only 0.000006% of us are ebil goy

This BS again. It’s the other way around.
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>antisemitism is rising
you love to see it
Damn my pet seagulls flew all the way to the UK!
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