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Shark bit his finger
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sharks are so cool brehs
>jews after arriving in America
Isssp issssp isp issssssppp isssssssssp isp isp. Who let this lispy faggot work as a narrator?
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>jews while living rent free in your noggin
mutually benefitting? picrel isn't showing parasites, unlike the ones in your brain, fucking retard
All old sailors know that remoras cause so much drag, that if one attaches to a ship it will stop the ship dead in the water.
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those sharks look fake
that thing is absolutely punished!!
is it from fights among its own kind, or just from hunting??
Fighting his own kind for sure.
now he can tell chicks about his shark scar
Punished Shark. Big Boss's aquatic phantom. He carries out his meme in an environment where Big Boss himself, cannot be.
this looks more like an orca attack the shark escaped, the depth and uniformity of the decent strikes line up, 2-3 hit it side on and chomped down but it got away
Why would anyone feel the need to do this

Go play with dolphins instead
Are you deranged? Dolphins are rapists, it would be extremely dangerous to do this with dolphins.
i mean, dolphins are also predatory carnivores...
I heard it was talking shit.
tfw no shark wife
That's a real chunker
i could never
someone got into it with a boat propeller and lost.
she look like she fuck human male
doubt it
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you mean with all these little pesky anglos saxons attached to them?
yeah, maybe don't stick a thing that looks like a baby seal in front of a shark.
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I wish I could high five a shark like that.
Why would you rub right over her eyes?
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she likes it
Ecosystems with mangroves are so fucking cool.
I heard their skin is like sand paper. Orcas who hunted Sharks ended up with ground down teeth because of it, so they eventually started only picking out the most nutritious part of the shark
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that is NOT a shark
Explains why drift wood is so smooth
Their sand is like sandpaper, that much is true, but the thing about it grinding down the teeth of orcas sounds like bs
I can't find that youtube channel. Would have loved a comfy shark channel.
Implying a Tiger gives a shit. In front of mouth = food.
A croc would wreck a giant great white right?
I don't think either would go for the other, but I doubt a croc could even get a good hold on something as large as a giant great white. if somehow the croc managed, it could death roll and tear up the shark badly. but if the great white got a hold of the croc first, it could probably chomp it in half.
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>Doesn't drop his beer
What a chad lol
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That's a gator and a bull shark. The shark would win if they went hardcore. Stop feeding the wildlife you fucking jackasses.
t. Florida Man.
Yes, I am able to tell that the video is from South Carolina.
>evenly spaced parallel scars evenly distributed along the flank
>not propeller scars
Pick one.
they're not actually cleaning anything, they're scrape and licking the slime off the whale's body, which it needs, plecos and remoras kill other fish this way
Thank you. Didn't realize he changed his channel name.
>evenly spaced parallel scars
except for all the ones that aren't. And if a shark had been that intimate with a propeller down the entire length of it's side, it wouldn't be alive.
>that tiny ass grate
>that fuck huge great white
its okay, he's a friendly shark
Remoras do no do that, they don't even suck on with their mouth, they use the top of their head. They eat debris (food waste / shit) floating next to the shark they hitch a ride with.
hey it's me (>>5488373) just wated to say my bad, actually they do do that
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>"Yes… of pain he has learned much. Of knowledge, of teaching, he knows nothing."
Hey look it's the dumbass from Jaws
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You just know
Now these beaches WILL stay open!
Treasured in soup
china is an abomination
I felt fear
ebin gameraman
I recently saw a video about these sharks
they're apparently toxic but are eaten in Iceland after some time of fermentation
the other cool thing I remember is they keep losing their teeth and growing new ones all throughout their lives
Used to think sharks were cool till I saw that Orca beam the fuck out of a great white. Then I realized they're just dumb fish. Mammals stay winning.
>anthropomorphize every animal the channel
Did you notice the brib in the top left?????
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it's true that orcas only eat the livers of sharks and discard the rest
>blind for 400 years
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>other cool thing I remember is they keep losing their teeth and growing new ones all throughout their lives
All sharks do that, not just the Greenland sharks.
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good eye. I think the gator is looking at him
Hey, where's the cream filling?
what did he mean by this?
looks like you gotta bite.
seriously though, what happened next?
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I would have turned that kayak brown. Source?
>is this food?
>it is not
This is how sharks are, every moment of their life.
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based shark
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Where the Chumbies at?
nice beat anon :)
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If she walks like a Shark, talks like a Shark, bites like a Shark, she's a Shark. Bump.
lispies should be banned from narrating anything
mad lad
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Don't be s s(hr)imp
Thrill seekers enjoy coming close to death.
Lol too real
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Gura is government psychop
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It did that twirly thing crocodiles do.

Also this is the whitest thing ever, playing with a literal shark then going "dam it took mah pinky!"
>playing with
He was trying to unhook it
fuck around and find out
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>is it from fights among its own kind, or just from hunting??
Orca banter.
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>It did that twirly thing crocodiles do.
And this is the niggerest thing posted in this thread.
>massive jowls on the shark
why did they do this?
discovery channel is fake and gay
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I love がうる・ぐら UwU
damn he's fast
how do you know
>how do you know
i follow her on teether
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shark goes up
>blue shark and pilot fish
name a more iconic duo
> It was often said by sailors that sharks and pilot fish share something like a "close companionship";[23] there were even tales of this fish following ships which had captured "their" shark for up to six weeks[24] and showing signs of distress in its absence.[25][26]
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look at her go hehe
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beautiful. is it changing colors or is that just colored light reflecting off it?
afaik they can't change colors like octopuses. So probably yes - some light/shadow effect. Or maybe when its skin stretches its color changes a bit, idk.
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Why didn't they push it back into the ocean?
You have no kind of rod or pole on the boat?
Misread that as a
>government psychopomp
and was distressed by wondering what the hell that would mean.
Since it's changing at the same rate the respective areas are moving in relation to the camera, it's probably an iridescence thing.
Why would they throw away their biggest trophy catch?
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Shark probably were the first to come up with this move.
(Warning: it's a little graphic)
Would you like to volunteer to go try to manhandle a 600 lb predator with razor sharp teeth that is in a state of panic and actively thrashing around?
These vids are why im NEVER going in the ocean again
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>Who let this lispy faggot work as a narrator?
Saltwater crocodiles eat small sharks, but other species don't spend much time in places where sharks are.
Besides what the other anons said, orcas are bros. No wild orca has ever been known to kill a human.
To be fair, the liver can constitute a quarter of the shark's mass and maybe half its calorie content.
>the shark just nonchalantly swims around looking at him like "you fucking goofball, you're not a fish get back on land"
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>Shark probably were the first to come up with this move.
It's a different move though. Sharks spin a little bit (and may instead just move back and forth) to saw their way through flesh with their teeth, and they use the technique on soft parts of their prey. Crocodilians don't have cutting teeth, so they grab on to some part and twist (in one direction) until the connective tissue tears. This typically takes several rotations to sever a piece. The techniques wouldn't work if you swapped the teeth involved.
say what you like, but spinning is a neat trick
shark bros...
what the fuck is wrong with this gay retard?
ran into the side of the aquarium :(
It's the result of inbreeding. Aussies almost wiped out these sharks a few decades ago. So now most of the population is the descendants of a small number of sharks, that survived.
fake and gay
Same vibe
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oc from the diver anon from one of the previous threads
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The gamer posture
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To me, lemon sharks are the most sharky shark around. When I think "shark", I think lemon shark. They have the ideal shark proportions and behavior.
>They have the ideal shark proportions and behavior.
"You may not like it, but this is what peak sharkness looks like." :)
Aside from a slightly pointier nose, pretty much any cartoon shark looks just like that, so you're not the only one who thinks of them when thinking of generic "shark" looks.
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>They have the ideal shark proportions
I agree that they are the best looking sharks
>and behavior
Well, they spend all their lives near the shore. The archetypical shark ploughs the oceans (like great whites or makos) instead of staying in the shallow waters all the time.
>me playing dark souls
Well mostly I mean they're not ambush predators like carpet sharks or something
it got me you won
Thank you for this.
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>GULPS a million souls
so based
It's a derpy shark
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based thresher
Don't worry, they got her off.
yes then I can tell women I wrestled a shark
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UwU that's good news
>shark bumps into the glass at 0:58

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