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File: redmuscle.png (598 KB, 1920x1080)
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Muscle girls
File: Gladiator.png (798 KB, 1920x1080)
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Based thread
Best girl indeed.
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Edited to be 16x9
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Please sir, can I have some moar?
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>No Noi
this is officially the worst muscle girl thread in the history of muscle girl threads, maybe ever.
Am I the only one who got pissed off at how they cover Chun Li's thighs and legs with pants in the new SF? This woke stuff really ruin everything. Chun Li helped me through puberty and let me appreciate thighs and flashes of panties. And now they ruin it in the name of "Muh feefee hort"
mystery is sexier
Mystery is pointless if we knew what's in it. Let the thighs free!
Don't worry, they'll let you see them again with a 20 dollar skin.
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File: mirko wallpaper.png (2.77 MB, 1920x1080)
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made this one for my wife
this is a blue board
she always wore brown leggings/pantyhose or whatever, the pants she's wearing now are still skin tight enough you can see her cheeks, they're just blue now. It's like complaining her alpha out fit (the coomer one in fortnite) isn't sexy enough.

I don't like moral busybodies who need fictional women to cover up either, but you're jumping at shadows in this case. She (along with Cammy) still has her classic outfit unlockable in game, it's not DLC, you just have to do world tour.
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made another one
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Based Ghislainechad
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Based Noiposter
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based noi enjoyer
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Not as beefed up as most of the others in here, but they're fairly toned with defined muscle so I think it counts.
love it, the art quality is on another level.
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Here's the page from the artbook. Crop it to suit your wallpaper needs.
too much muscle girl art is in portrait

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