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Any other promising games coming out this year?
all of these games are crap. wasted quads.
Against the Storm mogs everything you play
Tlatoani has released? Nebuchadnezzar left me hungry for more
according to https://store.steampowered.com/app/2925280/Tlatoani_Prologue/
it releases in 11 days, not sure if full version of EA ...
Oh man, I thought the guy disappeared and scrapped the game. Glad to see it back.
I'll try Song of Syx and Tlatoani.
Manor Lords I was forced to pirate, so I don't really trust the devs. Same for Frost Punk.
Against the Storm is just a pass for now due to the art style.
>comes to 4ch with high hopes and dreams of promising futures
Why would you do this to yourself?
All you’ll get here is vitriol.
>Against the Storm is just a pass for now due to the art style
why? I think they pull off the warcraft 3 aesthetic better than any other game that has tried
>they pull off the warcraft 3 aesthetic
That's the problem anon. WC3 was like that because polygon limitations, as much as a design choice emulating Cartoons & Todd McFarlane. Seeing it in 2024 is like a disappointment more than nostalgia.
Also it's just hard to see; both UI and Unit-wise. I know they're trying to go for a gloomy feeling, but when buildings having color matching the trees (green,red,purple-brown) + black background icon on black windows it's just hard on the eyes.
if you mean you have hard time distinguishing resources on ground theres a hotkey 'B' which shows 2d icon representation of every resource you discovered
Fabledom and Norland both come out next month. Fabledom will probably be whatever but Norland could be the game that solves Rimworld, or at least medieval Rimworld mods, if they actually pull it off
Synergy supposedly comes out Q2 2024 and looks cool
Hollywood Animal, The Movies-like from This is the Police devs, is set for 2024 release if that counts as a builder
Nta, but honestly though 4chan, at least /vst/, is one of the calmer and "mature" in terms SMS. Seriously post-2011 internet is shit, plus the 2020 lockdown grew the autistic population exponentially due to people on the edge just falling off.
>Meso American city builder
Took long enough.
Songs of Syx is one of those games that make me ask myself "why wouldn't I just play dwarf fort". But the others look interesting.
It looks nothing like WC3, are you on crack? League of Legends perhaps.
You could think of SoS as a casual dorf fort. A weekender version of it, and it was made by one guy so what more can you ask? DF didn’t escape ASCII hell until Gaben got involved.
Tilesets were always available for DF and the Steam release is just a particularly ugly and bankrolled one.
In songs of sex you can have more than 30 citizens without your CPU combusting.

Would be nice if it had z levels though
>Go on good boards
>Have good experience
Wow its crazy i can enjoy this place
keeping my eye on the crust
Yeah I've been here for 10 years now.
I stay on /int/ and /g/ and where I can laugh at AI and crypto shills, or be jovial with Brazilians, I like those things.
>Would be nice if it had z levels though
>why wouldn't I just play dwarf fort
Because it's actually functional as a game? Dwarf fortress is laughably easy, there's no incentive to expand or build anything large. Only thing syx lacks in fluff.
How's Nebuchad? Better or worse than the classic Impressions games?
Norrland is a glorified mobile game. Dont know anything about fabledom. The only game in the OP that is mid is SoS, the rest are straight trash.
>frostpunk 2
Mobile game
>manor lords
Screenshot simulator
>mexican builder
Nebuchadnezzar (not even good) clone
>against the storm
Furry bullshit
My impression is that of the impressions games clones it has matured into the best one after its updates.
It's on par with Pharaoh. At least the base game is. The expansion added a lot of stuff but I haven't played it yet.
>Song of Syx
I tried the demo but couldn't get into it.
That's just a clone of the same game Tlatoani is copying
The guy you're replying to wouldn't know. He doesn't play any of these games, just whines about them
About time
I want to love Songs Of Syx but it’s so complicated
Basically, in Songs Of Syx I build the warehouse, forage food, and maybe get a pasture in before my population just mysteriously dies off. And yes, I made sure to install a well right off the bat.
you're retarded and don't deserve help.
I bet that's what your mother said when she gave birth to you
>Seriously post-2011 internet is shit
Gaymer Gate and the 2016 US elections ruined it
yea she said it to you.
great comeback. the one on your mothers chin was more satisfying.
You just no u'd me you literal downie, lmao.
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>not widespread smartphone access for first world poors and then global poors
Why the fuck would you play DF in current year? Base game Rimworld blows it the fuck out in every aspect.
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Laysara launched week ago in EA.
It's a mix of Frostpunk and Anno, with really nice music. Comfy as fuck.
different sorts of games in the level of macro focus alone
I play all of them, you just watch your favourite streaners play them on your iPad on thevway to school
Reminder that you cant rotate buildings in this game becaise the lazy scammer dev only modelled one side of it. Its a 2d screenshot simulator
You are crap, wasted singles.
I understand why SoS and DF keep getting compared but they're very different games. It's an apples-to-oranges comparison.

>DF has Z-Layers. SoS Doesn't.
>DF is a Base-Building Sim like Rimworld in the scale of dozens colonists. SoS is a City-Builder in the scale of thousands of citizens.
>DF combat is mostly based around trapdoors and defense structures with smaller-scale melee combat. SoS combat is mostly based around large armies with Total War mechanics, and aditionally sieging fortifications and siege engines.
>DF's Overworld map layer is an optional feature you can choose not to interact with for the most part. SoS Overworld is an unavoidable part of the game, with many 4X mechanics that will start affecting your nation you as you grow your city.
>DF's management is centered around keeping individuals in check, while SoS is more so about Population/Demographic management.

In shorter terms, DF is a Micromanaging Simulator, while SoS is a Macromanagement Sim.
They aren't comparable like people say they are outside of both being fantasy strategy games centered around building a thriving colony.
The mesoamerican city builder look so cool, shame that as someone who actually did a master's on mesoamerican cultures I can see the gamefication of it made it all historically inacurate, still waiting for ASS creed to make a mesoamerican game, just because out of every sin they commit, their historical cities are top notch
My up ratio for slav lords hit just over 175 times already in 10 hours wtf
Kys retard.
Look for a different hobby if you hate videogames.
Because you can't have 13k dwarves in DF?
Norrland looks good
I thought he finally added multi-thread support. Is it just the steam version?
This, none of these look good
tried against the storm. felt like I was replaying the same map over and over again. And then I get punished with hours of lost progress..
rimworld is not a sandbox for starters, and DF definitely ain't a city builder.
>song of syx
good but barebones. needs at least 3 times more content desu.
promising, low chance it works because there's nowhere near the research on mesoamerica. Hope they don't abandon it unpolished like Nebuchadnezzar did holy shit who the FUCK makes an impressions clone without job priorities?.
>against the storm
>procedural time-based city builder with roguelite elemnts
literally worst genre combo imaginable, and it literally has no lore despite being a fantasy story centric game. its shit. harpies are cute tho'.
>manor lord
haven't checked them out
There is actually a lot of research on mesoamerican societies
songs of syx is anything but barebones.
>no lore
theres lore you are just mindless hater who never even played the game, it avoids the biggest flaw of most city builds which once you figure out basic building block game becomes kinda solved and only variety are campaign maps once those run out its over, Against the storm not only has different random quest every match, biomes with different resources which completely change the gameplay, great progression system and difficulty scaling, it has self generating campaign map which is different every time. Not to mention its very polished and has great UI (will admit its confusing at first cause it has a lot going on). Theres a reason it has overwhelming positive reviews on steam
>good but barebones
What? Are you retarded?
>needs at least 3 times more content desu.
Completely agree, I want much more differences between races architecturally for example and unique building graphics for things like homes and production buildings based on race. I also want processed foods other than bread.
against the storm is not bad, but it doesn't even feel like a colony builder
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There's this game I'm looking forward to called Kaiserpunk, it's a grand strategy + city builder combo which I think is interesting. There's only going to be be one city and whatever happens in the city will of course affect the map.
>Manor lords on sale
Is it worth getting? I really enjoyed Anno 2077 but was a bit dissapointed by the rts elements. Is this game in the same boat?
It just came out and is very early in early access. It's playable but still very limited and obviously in need of further development.
>obviously in need of further development
I didn't buy it based on that non-committal blog post talking about future development and the shady marketing tactics.
Not to state the obvious, but you can always hoist the sails and give it a try before buying.
It's the second time I read someone say Nebuchadnezzar was abandoned, what happened? Did the dlc flop? I was in the beta and stuff seemed at least promising.
Oh my science you HAVE to get Manor Lords it is the GREATEST GAME EVER
That's what I did. Game has crashed more than a few times. Content is sparse as is the tree. The only interesting thing here is the zoning for housing with its addon's and upgrades. Fields pastures and marketplace are also neat. Other games have some free form zoning all that before so not as novel. Sc2000 is zoning in rectangles as well and that's a quarter century ago. Nice to see east Europa toy with old concepts.
You need to get better at samefagging
scope seems insane for a jank dev but could be interesting. those AI portraits suck though
Nta, but also played. It's not broken or anything, but it doesn't live up to the hype it built-on and definitely need more polish & bug-fixing (especially in the UI and AI). Unless you want to invest in the game to do better, stay off until they fix it IMO.
The dev used to post threads here and is very knowledgeable. I have an older version on my laptop and there's nothing super gamey about it. You have to build your city according to Mesoamerican cultural values of symmetry and cleanliness and nobles have to have their own quarter of the city built just for them. There's an important trade system because lots of crucial goods aren't available in every biome so you HAVE to specialize production on what you can grow/make in your region and export it in exchange.
Being contrarian isn't a real personality trait.
is that game actually free or am i seeing things?
>This is an Open Alpha of Tlatoani
'prologue' means it's a demo with its own steam page
>'prologue' means it's a demo with its own steam page
What are game devs doing? That shits for doujinshis when the fucking artist couldn't finish their book in time for summer comiket.
Also WTF is this closed demo shit? Like if you're going to do that leave it private to your first backers or higher actual experienced play testers of the genre.
Yeah, and the concept is very niche so I really hope it works out for them. Grand strategy and city builder in one is something I've always wanted only in a different time period and setting but I'll take what I can get. They said that there's going to be a demo so we'll know more then.
europoor jank simulators and SEA trash started doing it and it caught on a few years ago
>It looks nothing like WC3, are you on crack? League of Legends perhaps.

but league of legends looks like wc3. It's basicly a wc3 custom map. Not as much as dota, perhaps.
It gets them more visibility before release.
Blame the game, not the player. It's Steam that is retarded by allowing this sort of constant clutter in the new releases section.
These games always end up with the most badass names only for it to be a 'sire we are running low on food!' aaaah game

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