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Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
What's the best offense as a flank on TG arena? I've found building a castle out of sight and then surprising them with 2 petards and a group of crossbows to be effective but having 6 villagers on stone early on and building a castle feels like such a big investment
A siege push feels like it can be easily defended by a mangonel and some walling behind. Even a defensive castle can shut it down completely if the opponent was on stone too
Eagles in a siege tower is fun but feels too slow, by the time you have 10 of them, the opponent seems to have 3 TCs so they have plenty of room to garrison and shoot them down
I've tower rushed sometimes too and has worked more often than not I think. Is that the answer?

TG Arena feels different to 1v1 because there it's just about getting relics and pushing in early imp but in TGs, you don't really need to fight for relics so you can just start the push in castle age
I like knocking on enemies gates with MAA asap
then get some archers to attack repairers.
Alternatively lock your enemies gates with stuff of your own to force them to build new gates if they want to leave or destroy your buildings, then snipe their villagers.
All of this in Feudal while they think they can boom freely.
If you main:
You are a casual player
why havent they buffed hand cannoneers yet? it's very sad.
I tried siege crossbows in siege tower but the tower is just so expensive and makes everything akward, if I played with a friend I could ask him to make the tower
Out of GL members everyone is casual and out of the top 10 it's a hobby and allows them to appear in S-tier tourneys
The only buff they need is nicer sound effects.
Siege Tower might as well not exist.
Just make rams to transport units and still be useful afterwards.
You NEED those 8-10 xbows in his base in that moment and rams are not that fast
Yea but that's a ton of wood and gold wasted on on something useless while a ram can break the wall permanently while also threatening a town center, coupled with archers to hurt villagers who try to take on the ram it can cause so much more trouble even in arena than a siege tower putting in a few archers inside the base who have no way of getting out if met by skirms.
Dunno man, just talking out of experience, a ram takes way too long to break the wall and the rewalls that the opponent will naturally do
>if met by skirms.
That's a big fucking if. If the opponent was waiting you INSIDE the walls with skirms of all units he is just spec cheating
Dead gaem. Have you guys tried the onlyfarms challenge? 300 pop on arabia, Magyars so your vills don't' die to wolfs
Ratats archer..
Ladder anxiety is so gay if you thing about it, we all suck ass anyways
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I can finally say I boom like Daut and better than the every member of the china team
It's over. The lord of the west have fallen
>What's the best offense as a flank on TG arena?
Depends the civ match up, there's no solid definitive answer.
The bugs won't be fixed before 2030
Maa rush is literally dead because units just attack the vill they want even on stand ground, is infuriating
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>Maa rush is literally dead
Weakling mindset
>kill master templarer in siege of jew city
>"If you strike me down, I will grow more powerful than you can possibly imagine"
oh shit, should I restart?
Persian players:
May I get a build order for MAA? or is it just a standard 20 pop feudal with double barracks & blacksmith?
>double barracks & blacksmith?
Go 19 pop with no dark age mill and no eco upgrades, it's pure suffering but you can get three fletching archers at a decent time or an archer+spear really fast. Lure t least two deer and make three farms before the blacksmith and that's for generic civs
Is anyone else crashing a lot during matchmaking?
19-21 POP 4 MAAs rush + infantry armor, after which I get Supplies and keep making MAAs, my pocket has Scouts to handle the archers while I either kill the Scouts or rush the everloving shit outta of the pocket
Murder Holes was a waste of resources, but now it's useful in Imperial Age.
Thanks for the Hera vid summary
How do I bust open a castle without trebs?
Your mom is a murder hole
Fast imperialo turks castle drop.
>No mill maa
Don't teach noobs bad habits ghost master, 20-21 pop with loom, lure 2 deers then scout, you can go 22 if your opponent is likely to maa too and you will have a stronger eco for it. If you can't get damage and he is making archers don't upgrade maa, use the resources for eco and skirms
Rams and petards
Fun fact: You need exacly 7 petards to raze a castle
Not my intention, its just how i play
What i usually do is lure all deers for all the food possible, get Lumbercamp, Barracks, gold mine and a mill, in that order, then inmediadly get a blacksmith
Only do this in team games or vs cavalry civs in 1vs1
Oh wait LOL you replied to the wrong guy, >>1746262 that post is me
Bloody phoneposting
>Don't teach noobs bad habits ghost master
Fine, I would advice people to not play and talk about civ splitting instead. He is decent Elo and post his games, I would say he is among the highest Elo in this mouth breather website
>20-21 pop with loom
19 pop with huns feels so smooth, it should be illegal, try it
nothing of value, just like nili

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