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I'm fascinated with the possibilities between different unit types and gear/tactical instructions. I'm only about 10 hours into the game and trying to dip into the finer details before the difficulty curve becomes less comfy.

What builds are you guys running and what lessons have you learned?
Jozef + all knights instakills everything
Balance is fucking trash in this game. I tried making a squad with a sword/shield guy up front and 3 pikemen, it couldn't even defeat a cavalry unit.

Just stick to using the main guy and some magic/healing in his squad + Jozef and cavalry. The rest are pointless.
Rolf + Archers + Fencers

I have seen so many enemy comps where they rely on having multiple rogues and so a dedicated `Fuck evadeĀ“ team always helps.
It never gets hard. It's more about seeing just how hard you can overkill stuff with you unit comps. I really liked my main one of Lord, Landshnekt in front, Viking, sniper and knight in back. No healing, but it just obliterated everything without needing healing. You can make some real nasty shit later on. I never fucked around much with the elves, beasts and angels, but it seems like you can have some bullshit dodge based builds.
Flying units are the primary counter to cav
Not a bad idea. I noticed the AI was using fliers to try and rush our spawn so I was planning to build Rolf into a dedicated point defense specialist.
Eh, fine by me. Like I said I find the current difficulty comfy.
>no pc release

Why Vanillaware hates money?
They weren't allowed to make a PC port.
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It's the other way around
Amalia, Celeste, Charlotte and Gilbert seems to kill everything for me so far but I am not sure if that is just because she's level 40.
A squad of knights to roll over everything, a squad of archers for the annoying flying things
Knights are so goddamn good. Very satisfying to wipe out a whole line of them with one griffin though.

This game was awesome. I kinda wish they had a more open version though. Like a sengoku Rance style map with more freedom. You're kind of scaled into a linear path in this one with the level of enemies. I want multiple routes and more focus on each of the 5 nations you would choose to go into. The linear nature means I'll probably never play it again. Still really enjoyed it though.
is this game easier to get into than a regular rts? I'm like playing chess and turn based strategy games, but I can't get past the micro and multitasking needed to play rts games. having to manage a bunch of moving parts at once seems less like strategy and more like crazy making, for me at least. I especially hate the idea of having to drag click select a bunch of tiny units which move about on their own, while being careful to not accidentally select nearby units.
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You build whole squads with different units, and they fight automatically with the enemy squad when they get into contact. Your number of squads grows over time, but you can try to keep them low and focus on high-powered squads that can deal with anything the opponent throws at you. Maps also get bigger with all kinds of bullshit everywhere, though you can also pause at any point, take your time to analyse the map and give commands while paused.
It really isn't as stressful as your regular rts with a million mouse clicks per second.
Most of the fiddle bits in this game is about the composition of your squads, programming their skills and equipping them.
Is Mythical Horse Commander good enough to find something to emulate it
I married my cousin.
Hell I'm enjoying it.
Right now I'm playing around with single-class squads on a whim. It has been interesting to see how well various units can handle things without support. I expected swordmasters to have a hard time, but with the right equipment and massive evasion from their rapport bonus they can actually take on nearly anything.

Given your issues with traditional RTS games, you would probably find UO much easier to get into. The complexity in UO is largely front-loaded, in that designing your squads is the real meat of the gameplay, while managing your squads in battle is comparatively very easy and simple.
Typical retarded jap dev.
I mean most of them have caved in at this point, its pretty normal now for Japanese devs to release their games on PC these days.
To everyone complaining about no PC release:
Just get a ROM
That's illegal
So is you being here underaged
Do you really call it a ROM for modern carts? I suppose since saves aren't stored on-cart it's not necessarily wrong, the carts are Read-Only Memory in that sense. But most everything is flash memory these days, including Switch, so wouldn't it be an image?
Languages are full of grandfathered terms that don't make full sense in a modern context. When you refer to a game ROM everyone knows what you mean, the exact details of the specific console don't matter.
Coming back to this on the off chance anyone still cares. Gonna post a couple comps I've had consistent success with:

1. Alain + Scarlett + Literally Anything - Alain (Lord) gets broken extremely quickly and can be paired with almost anything. Scarlett (Drill Tits) has natural synergy with Alain as a healer and magic attacker. My advice is to throw a mounted knight in to buff Alain even further with Cavalier Call and maybe a backrow archer for anti-dodge/flying. Though anything will work fine. This is a hard one to fuck up.

2. Heavy Cav Section - Cavalry is a force multiplier that melts infantry and can buff other cav. Knight + Radiant Knight + Dark Knight all synergize very well. Radiant Knight can also be your magic attacker if you get them a Runic Blade. Honestly difficult to think of what else this one needs. Shaman may be the way to go, just for debuffs, to make this unit even more tanky. Could maybe throw a Thief up front to dodge tank but that's only really necessary if you're super worried about fliers.

3. Air Cavalry 1 - I've found 2 specific air cav comps that have become some of my best performing units. I'll list them with front row on top followed by back row.


This unit shreds cavalry and does very well in air to air combat, Ochlys and Fran buff each other and Sharon keeps everyone's health topped off. Kitra is there for extra DPS but honestly I'll probably swap her for an archer or swordsman. Maybe even a magic attacker.

4. Air Cav 2


This is the god-tier air to ground attack unit. Lex's ability to block arrows is the only thing that makes his whole class worth using. Chloe can heal and help with anti-air and Primm can heal. I can basically just wipe every watchtower on a given map with this comp
cat hood on rando, ramona/wereowl for pp feed, yahna/sorcoress with millenium staff and amber sniper lens, and blindness/debuff res of your choice
nice turn 1 killer

Actually you could do this with any flavor of charged attack, like yunifi's ice arrows if you want to mix some freeze stuff
I had a real fun magicless armour busting combo that I made with just left overs. Was fencer back middle, 2 hammer warriors either side and whatever tank you want in the front. Fencer clears out any dodge tanks and the hammer warriors are seriously underrated.
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>the PC users are all dirty pirates
>release only on console
>it get pirated anyway(on emu)
>HA, we were right!
I may try this. I've been struggling with fitting them in. They seem almost too specialized and don't have enough health/defense to be in the front row.
OP here again,

I reorganized my units last night. Will post here if I've found anything worthwhile. There's a few I'm pretty optimistic about
Would appreciate some gear tips.
>Unicorn Overlord
Does it have freeplay, or is it a linear story game?
You can go wherever you want, but the areas are linearly leveled, so you'll probably just end up taking a linear path. The campaign map was a bit of a letdown I think.
Empire Total War kind of letdown, or Dynasty Warriors Empires kind of letdown?
I mean it works, so not Empire TW and as far as I remember, DW Empires was awesome. I think it's more that I was expecting Rance with multiple routes and a freeplay option. But Rance is Rance and no game is Rance. So instead it's more just like an ogre battle or fire emblem campaign with a bit of wiggle room over which battles you do when. Still just a single linear story.
Will put on my backlist then, thanks.
What I meant about dw Empires, as I only played the later ones in the series, was that most interesting maps were cut from the DW, making it quite samey.
Oh right, yeah the later ones were kind of boring. The earlier Empires games felt more like strategy hybrid games. You actually needed to work with your armies. Later ones were just excuses to let you make an OC and interact with DW characters. There was no real reason to play them instead of the base DW games. Fuck I want a new good DW game. I've played some SW stuff, but it's just not as good a series.
I've enjoyed the map so far, but your mileage may vary.

It's segmented into 5 zones. Tutorial high medieval land, desert dragon land, forest elf land, icy beastman land, and church+angel land.

I'm currently on Elf Land. Tutorial Land is kinda generic and prefeunctory but you can run through it pretty quickly. Dragon Land is a nice step up and has some cool story beats. Elf Land good so far as well.
Each land gets less and less content and is shorter and shorter than the last. They really are best to worst in the order that you are sort of forced to do them. The story also kind of meanders because of the structure. It's just 4 separate stories that all sort of follow the same idea of "someone has been possessed or invaded this land and we need to help the natives push them out". And then there's like 2 minutes of "oh and also here is the background of the main villain, go defeat him." After 13 Sentinels the story feels quite weak and it left me waiting for some kind of twist or revelation but it's all pretty straight forward tactical RPG story. The gameplay is very addictive though.
Back again, here's some comps that have worked for me. For context I'm generally leveled around the 20s and in Elheim.

1. Heavy Cav

Touched on this last time, so I'll keep it brief



Slap these together and run wild.

2. Heavy Infantry



That second one is a bit of a work in progress. Tips appreciated. Also just genuinely unsure how to fit mages into my stacks. They're too slow and fragile. I think I may try to work them in among the elves once I have a few more.
>Also just genuinely unsure how to fit mages into my stacks. They're too slow and fragile. I think I may try to work them in among the elves once I have a few more.
Ever tried a combo squad like Trinity Rain? Those can be deadly if you can pull them off. The Cat Hoods are usually involved in the process to make charge attacks release faster but the disadvantage of this is that since you're banking every resources you have to pull the combo, one wrong move and you might get wiped out instead, like Featherbows blinding your Trinity Rain user, making his move miss completely or an Owl pulling off a Quick Dispel to your Quick Impetus user, blocking you off to quickly pulling off your combo.
A team of Dragoon Dive with Frozen Conferral + Trinity Rain is even more deadly, and you can pull this one of in one squad only.

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