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Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
Surprised you came back after your first attempt.
Finally got back to sanctuary of darkness and the performance improvements here are massive.
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Maybe a fully modded playthrough with one of those massive galaxy expanding mods. Or Intereorlds. But not Vanilla. We could get x5 in late 2026.
I might do another play if I upgrade my processor. My 3600 struggles with mid to late game with mods installed. I'll be honest the dlc doesn't excite me. I generally hope they fix existing issues and implement quality of life features. I would much prefer a better custom start or start editor to better set the game up as the player sees fit. It would be neat to add or remove factions from the universe. Set who owns what. I could for example give the xenon a nice chunk of sectors like a vanilla faction.
moving from 16gb to 32 gb ram doubled my fps most of time, keep it in mind.
I checked my ram usage after I had a couple mining fleets and a second scout running around and it was up to 20gb.
I'm already at 32gb ram. Samsung Evo nvme however my processor is kind of older as is my graphics card. I'm using a 2060 super 12gb and the game crawls. I'm on a 1440p monitor but at 1080 resolution. I looked at my mod folder and I have around 25 installed. I was leaning towards a used upgrade on the processor to see if that would bump me up some. Many of my mods are like fixing jobs orders and whatever else.
My game freezes in there and I can't progress.
I do a new play through about every six months. I'll hop into the 7.0 release once VRO and Kuda are updated for it.
Yes I've bought a new PC and can't wait. Though Egosoft saying 'later in the year' makes me think we've got a while yet.
A mod to remove that stupid afro is necessary to play this game.
Sensible Demographics in the Steam Workshop
I might play this franchise if they ever moved away from their jank ass clunky 40-year old engine. Europeans being thin, educated, and intelligent, is one of the most successful false memes ever.
The engine is a marvel when you understand the breadth of the simulation and how small Egosoft is.
>old engine
What? That's the first game on this engine, if you don't count the rebirth spinoff
Uh that's the complaint since rebirth is over a decade ago. They reused a ton of rebirth ideas and assets yet didn't keep some of the good aesthetics. X4 at release and now are stark in some ways. We had to fight and uphill battle to get various game starts and custom starts. It was a slog and took years. They kept alot of what people hated in rebirth in x4. The game is essentially rebirth 2.0 especially at launch with how small it was as well as ships but the way it should have been over a decade ago following x3 AP.
Well the game we have now is the best X game yet, so idk what you're bitching about.
I haven't played any of these games, is X4 a good place to start?
I was thinking about setting up a network of trade stations 5 apart that buy from me and sell to everyone, but how do you get the goods moved around? It seems like if you assign trader subordinates they'll just waste a bunch of time moving goods back and forth between station A and B.
How many dlcs do you need to make the game good?
Everything except Tides of Avarice, that introduces more problems than it does features. If you really have to boil it down because $$$ then base game + Craddle of Humanity.
Just wait for a sale when the entire collection is like $30.
scrap empires best empires
Solved my problem by getting the mules and warehouses mod, then building separate stations for storage and trading. It's still really tedious because you have to set up each mule manually, can't just assign it to a group like you can with vanilla miners and traders.
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>mfw i start a new game and have to play the retarded station scanning minigame
thankfully i found a mod that instantly 100% scans all discovered stations
i've seen people complain that wharfs aren't as profitable as they used to be, but why does that matter? it seems to me that once you build a supply chain and have a wharf money has zero purpose
why do you need to scan stations? I never scan any stations ever
>play custom game
>set all annoying plots to done
And you're done.
You still get the silly cutscenes though
>fly up to station part
>it flashes bright as fuck, ruining all immersion
Fuck whoever thought it's a good idea. That god you can mod it out.

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