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With the recent interest in Fallout, I decided to pick up Fallout 3 again. I'm planning a Moira-centric run using the Craterside Enterprises mod, and I am wondering what NSFW mods would work best with it. I have heard of the Quo Vagis and Seducing Women mods, but I'm not big on the idea of banging anyone other than Moira.

Would also appreciate advice on other recommended Fallout 3 mods.(And no, I am not doing a ToTW run, this is just Fallout 3 alone as Craterside Enterprises is not ToTW- compatible)
why not play something good instead
I already played the shit out of New Vegas. And besides, I like Moira, okay? She stuck out to me when I first played Fallout 3 all those years ago.
>recommended Fallout 3 mods
best one is an external program called the uninstall wizard
But Fallout 3 is good
>Craterside Enterprises mod
What is it?
only if you are underage or braindead third worlder

Its a mod centered around romancing Moira
Ok tranny
I had to stop playing Fallout 3 at Megaton because this bitch's dialogue and voice acting was giving me second-hand embarrassment
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I like Moira too, everybody else in the wasteland seems so sad and gloomy, yet Moira, 10 of Spades and Dukov are pretty much the only 3 characters in the game who seem like theyve genuinely never been depressed in their life. Craterside Enterprises is a decent mod, plenty of fun content within to discover. However the mod has a fatal flaw, Lorewise Moira is a lover, not a fighter! not very immersive bringing her into combat. Id imagine if she encountered a Talon hit squad or a Radscorpion she'd pee her pants, cry and accidentally shoot her eye out in a panic. Yet in the mod she'll just bravely fight back as any other follower would. if you wanna explore the wastes with your waifu, install a secondary mod to make her hide behind corners in combat and also stuff her in Power Armor that way minimal Lore is violated when installing CE

Quo Vegas is fine to install with CE. You become a faction leader who operates a bar/brothel/strip club/magazine publisher. You dont have to sample your merchandise and cheat on Moira if the player doesn't select the dialogue options to enage in sexual relations. Or just bang them all before finishing the Wasteland Survival Guide quest so youre not cheating on her I guess. You can also advertise Moira's buisness in Quo Vagis, so good Lore synergy

the best FO3 quest mod is Mothership Zeta Crew. I'd recomend installing, you can essentially become Emperor of Space with Moira as your top shiphand. Without going overboard on spoilers, you recruit over 200 Enclave defectors to start your own space faction anytime after completing the vanilla Zeta DLC

Alton IL was overrated hot garbage, install at your own risk

Maybe install all 3 "We Want More" trilogy if you're starved for more misc content scattered in the wasteland

Avoid any mods that alter the layout of Megaton's buildings, they tend to cause mod compatibility glitches with Craterside Enterprises. also do consider TTW and consider using setscale 0.9 on Moira probably
And. I forget how to make Craterside Enterprises TTW compatible my bad, but despite what the Nexus page claims I've brought her to Vegas with this mod before. Maybe I was playing an outdated version of TTW idk? and Craterside Enterprises is definetly highly incompatible with Seducing Women (or any mod that even slightly alters Moira's dialogue for that matter) btw
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>i was filtered by the quirky merchant nerd girl NPC
That is your own fault for not quite understanding how roleplaying works. You realize there is nothing preventing you from simply murdering Moira Brown if you, the player, determine that the town ain't big enough for the both of you? Alternatively, if you're roleplaying a cowboy who prefers to find non-violent solutions to the problems he encounters, the game doesn't really prevent you from just telling Moira Brown:

>"No, bitch, fuck your research book! Why would I want to do your stupid side missions you freak? In fact, your overly enthusiastic attitude is pissing me off lady! So I'm never coming back to your shitty stinky store, I'll just handle my future Megaton barterings with normal merchants like Gob, Church, Andy, Jenny and Leo. Bye!"
>with the recent interest in fallout
You mean the recent desperate shill campaign that youre part of?
Samefag. Todd isnt sending his best.
Starfield failed and you will never be able to recoup losses no matter how hard you try. Just give it up.
Starfield was a success. Todd is enjoying a lot of money, even more after the Fallout show is loved by everyone. Stay forever mad and die coping.
>just ignore the bad content bro
I haven't even played Starfart yet, calm down
I like Moira too. Love that bubbly personality, so rare these days even in media.
>the Fallout show is loved by everyone.

lol that garbage?
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Normal Moira or Crispy Moira?
Niggas simping over a quirky reddit-science girl will never not be offputting
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Bullshit, I actually love Todd but even I just feel sorry for the man at this point. Sure he has material wealth, but after his latest trio of failures (76, Starfield and Amazon TV Fallout) Todd Howard is living in disgrace as an international laughing stock. I actually wish there was some way I could fix him, save him... But there is nothing we can do unfortunately, Todd dug himself into his own grave here and must live with the consequences of his actions. He may make millions of dollars per minute, but money isn't everything, and in a strictly spiritual sense he obviously is in dire poverty these days and this saddens me
>Amazon TV Fallout

Anon, I know you want to push a narrative, but Fallout TV did quite well. Critically its down well, audience wise its done well, more people are playing Fallout thanks to it, and more people are download mods because of it. The fact that Nexus had to issue an apology due to increased traffic speaks volumes
nuked megaton and killed her after she turned into a ghoul.
>Todd sold his child's soul to profit financially off the societal anti-intellectualism problem instead of attempting to solve it
You're just confirming my point here bro
You're not convincing anyone with these apologetics.
No u

Consider yourself lucky, at least you did not reach tranquality lane, and have not died of cringe.
We're reaching new levels of making shit up to keep the narrative going.
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>no guys you're all wrong!
>Akcshually Todd Howard is FINALLY having his great artistic awakening at age 54, right now!
>come on now, did you not all see how BASED the new Fallout TV show is??
>obviously the most impressive Televison show of all time, amirite? Todd can NOT stop winning!
Thank you for narrating your phoney apologetic story to us sir, what a fantastic speech
I'll simp for moira all day. Must protecc autist chick.
Keep making things up, they won't be true anyway.
Go preach your Earth is Flat crap and your Todd is God crap elsewhere you cretin. He failed us, Todd fell off the horse and broke his back, it is as Wulf said "the Empire is old and dying now" and it's time for something new. Bethesda has given us great times in the past but now the time has come for the beast to die
>Todd Howard is pretty based and successful
>Because Starfield was a based complete 100% wholesome success, prove me wrong
Oh yeah?? Well actually Starfield was GAY!! What do you have to say to that, shill?

Heh...check and mate, kid
None of those three have been objective failures. They turned huge profits. Only Starfield is seen in negative light by fans now.

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