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Name a better RPG pre-made party member than Kim Kitsuragi.

>Kim at the disco.mkv
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>boring game=boring thread
He's like Dak'kon if he was gay and Asian-er and not cool.
Disco Elysium is closer to a visual novel than it is an RPG.
It's a point and click adventure with RPG elements, not a visual novel.
It's rpg. Or you have never played a campaign without fighting?
Not even close. You have a full overworld to explore and lots of people and objects that interact with your RPG stats that are also tied to your equipment. No combat doesn't mean visual novel. I mean, Rance isn't a game despite having combat, lmao.
Matej from Felvidek is on par
rpg stats are superficial and not used for combat.

disco elysium is not an rpg without fighting, it's not an rpg period. it's an adventure point and click with superficial dice rolls.
This discussion is getting tiresome, i advice the mods to ban any poster that spams "not rpg" comments.
Disco Elysium is absolutely a RPG, its just not a very good one, it does have good dialogue design in the sense that it keeps you engaged with its good voice acting and clever describtion, also the ways it lets you interact based on your skills, but thats like the only really good aspect about it.
When you look at the other parts of the overall package you will find a mediocre game.
Music = mediocre
Art style = mediocre
i know both are super subjective but at least thats my take, compared to other rpgs the soundtrack really doesnt stand out at all, and the art is basic and boring, the design reminds me of modern art pictures where its just a bunch of shit merged together and you have to squeeze something out of it in a pseudointellectual manner.

The real problem though stems from its poor game design and poor world design aspects, pretty much anything outside of a written dialogue in the game is not even average.

And after playing through it a 2nd time its cracks started to show, the story isn't that complex or over-reaching, its pretty much on rails on the most part, and if you dont like whitewashing communism it can be borderline offensive at some point.

I try to be as objective and less biased as possible so i admit, its a good game in a vacuum, but its not the masterpiece its proclaimed to be.
>>3460173 This guy thinks that roleplaying is playing a role. When he plays pen and paper RPGs, he thinks he should pass persuasion checks when he does an elaborate improv performance. But he doesn't want to demonstrate how his character performs a somersault, because he has a fat ass so that doesn't count.
t. Jozef
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>Name a better RPG pre-made party member than Kim Kitsuragi.
She's sexy but she doesn't have enough hentai to justify her sexiness.
the music is a masterpiece so is the game
It’s not Role Playing Game. It’s Roll Playing game. And you do indeed roll dice in this game.
>You suffered 2 Morale damage.
Welcome to Revachol, binoclarde
>rpg stats are superficial
Your stats affect every aspect of the game. There is no combat. It's one of the greatest RPGs of all time.
>if you dont like whitewashing communism it can be borderline offensive at some point
Only communists in the game are an obese cunt, two theorycel idiots and a deranged incel. Fucking fascism has a better representation in that game.
>fascism is when you have a small peepee and are afraid of women so you want to control them
>b-but look, there's also an African supremacist who thinks that black people are superior, so funny haha
I cant think of a more overrated turd than Disco Elysium. Its the perfect example of "im14andthisisdeep" game
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She's so sexy that she doesn't need hentai
>And after playing through it a 2nd time its cracks started to show, the story isn't that complex or over-reaching, its pretty much on rails on the most part, and if you dont like whitewashing communism it can be borderline offensive at some point.
This. I had fun with my first playthrough, and tried to do a second with a different build, and was very disappointed.
And communism is when you wallow in your own failure. Also advanced racial theory is one of only two ways to stop drinking.
>Also advanced racial theory is one of only two ways to stop drinking
Based and redpilled.
Kim is a flat-headed literal thinking Moralist who would utterly fail to solve the case without Harry's unorthodox style. I don't like him as a character but I think he's a good foil (and friend) for Harry, especially a Harry with high Inland Empire.
No idea why people claim Disco Elysium is about politics when it fundamentally isn't. Politics are present but are completely irrelevant to the case and are merely just a way to flesh out how you choose to roleplay Harry and how you want him to view and see the world. Revachol doesn't change in any way politically from your actions and the whole game is a murder mystery.
Could Harrier have solved the Kira case?!
Also all political talk and quests from harry are just a crutch to cope with his failures. Endurance isn't ranting about wömen because of fascism. It's ranting about them because harry never got over being dumped.
I rejected this interpretation for a long time, but in the end I was forced to accept its validity.
Ulala Serizawa.
>gary stu
>gay self-insert fantasy
>'self-aware' tokenization
Read a book
I *am* reading a book - The Communist Manifesto
Easy to make a good one if you only have one also his whole appeal is being grounded and juxtaposition of him against Harry bs.
I can't get off unless it's pictures of her getting railed by La Carl. I don't like the penguin stuff.
Should I play Disco if I am a shooter guy? I don't like reading walls of shitty texts.
Wow maybe one day you'll graduate to non-fiction.
Both Inland Empire and Logic + Visual Calculus Harry could easily clear it.
>Wow maybe one day you'll graduate to non-fiction.
Manifesto is non-fiction, though. Das Kapital is fiction.
Robert Kurvitz - Designer and Writer of the game

>"As a self-described "hardboiled Marxist-Leninist," Kurvitz is a follower of Hegelian dialectics, which he describes as "the central principle of Elysium's worldbuilding." Dialectics and other leftist historical theory were essential for Elysium's development, forming the basis for critical elements of the world's history, such as the innocentic system."
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Who the fuck is Ian Gua?
Nobody. It's random letters.
>t. Ian Gua, who accidentally posted his selfie here
You do realize that half of the other writers for the game didn't share such sentiments?
She didn't merely dump Hairy, she divorced him and aborted their baby. I'd develop a drug addiction too if that happened, holy shit.
This. The communism route (or it may have been the neoliberal one) makes some implications that Harry's wife may have left him in part due to the fact that being in the RCM isn't a well-paying job, basically socioeconomic factors is why he is alone and miserable.
I used to be a heavily politicized loser chud myself, this game helped me realize that politics are just used as a way to cope with one's situation and shift blame, once you accept that you have some control over your situation and stop blaming the jews/1%/orange man or whoever or whatever else and focus on improving what you can then you'll find that you suddenly care a lot less about politics.
That's why it's always the most pathetic people who seem to be the far-left/far-right types, like malformed trannies or obese /pol/tards, they don't want to actually improve themselves and would rather blame some political entity instead.
>I used to be a heavily politicized loser chud myself, this game helped me realize that politics are just used as a way to cope with one's situation and shift blame
You're a glowie astroturfing and none of this has happened to you.
They weren't actually married. And abortion is most likely just Harry's brain tormenting him with worst possible scenarios just like dream version of her making fun of him for bing poor.
Yes, if CIA wants one thing is to loser weirdos to not get "radicalised" into sending money to grifting podcasters or attending goon marches. They would just hate for you to do something stupid they could use!
You absolute fucking retarded nigger.
>You do realize that half of the other writers for the game didn't share such sentiments?
You gonna have to back that up with sources and facts boy.
Politics are central part of the worldbuilding in the game, i dont mind them and in fact i think they add nice layer to the depth of the story and its world, but it wasn't done in a good way.

Anyone with a working brain can see and notice that the game and its devs (writers in this case) are clearly soft on one ideology and completely ignorant on others, adhering to stereotypes and mere shallow memes probably picked from Reddit to make their political commentary on them.
At the same time they go out of their way to give subtlety and nuances to another that allows the player to look at it from multiple perspective creating a genuine and honest look at it, at the same time completely mishandling all others.

This may not be easily noticeable to people who didn't study the history of the region and the cultural significance of Estonia and Eastern Europe as a whole, but its there.

Its not a big part of the game to crticize so its not a major issue, but it can get annoying, its a game that relies on its writings so for it to have issues even there is kinda disappointing, because when you start to look OUTSIDE of the writing things don't look good for the game at all, its AT BEST mediocre, AT BEST!
No I don't. You can watch interviews of the devs and that's common knowledge to anyone who has a rudimentary understanding of the development process of the game. The fact you don't know this is actually alarming. The 'lead' Dev was a communist but all of the other developers had entirely differing political views and didn't want the game to be a political softlean.
I mean he didn't have to say it outloud, its so obvious if you play the game and pay attention to how things are handled, because if it was the other way the game will be critically panned and most of the fans will pretend its shit, there is always someone gaslighting discussion when it comes to Disco Elysium.

Anyway the writer himself had to say it outloud so now you have to be retard to not see it, lol.

And again, i personally dont mind it, the author can take whatever position they want, they just have to handle the story well, at the same time people have the right to make criticism on their art.
The story is mostly good at least when it comes to video games, save for the political part, some side quests and the last quarter of the story. its not bad, however when you start to look outside of it, there is nothing else there, the music, the art style, the world design (not worldbuilding) the gameplay, the rpg mechanics, the progression and customization, like none of that is good, its even below average.
I can't sing the praises of this as the pinnacle of its genre when it does nothing well except for the dialogue.
>its AT BEST mediocre, AT BEST!
The main problem with the game is that it doesn't really lend itself well to multiple playthroughs outside of completionism because the mystery of the murder mystery is removed once you've done a full playthrough. It's not really a rewarding thing to solve it once you've already beaten the game since you know who it is and where to go to find out who it is. Sure, there are different builds and different political views you can give Harry but these don't really impact the world, it just determines how Harry looks at and navigates it.
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because it was made by a commie and chan users cannot imagine enjoying any media at all made by someone with political beliefs contrary to theirs so they'll make it a point of contention to argue the handful of times the game touches on the topic represent it as nothing but commie propaganda whilst overlooking all the other times it lets you be incredibly racist and sexist if your own volition without real consequence
4chuds btfo by smart apolitical analysts
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Why would you draw this?
Is this a reference to the voice actor sexually harassing Chinese women using his "Asian" voice/as Kim?
>Both Inland Empire and Logic + Visual Calculus Harry could easily clear it.
Problem is - Revachol already has it's Kira case in the form of Square Bullet Hole Murders. The file is in Harry's ledger and can be browsed and remembered, meaning that Harry worked on the case, and we know that he did not solve it.

The final text implies that the Square Bullet Holes murderer is still at large"
> "On Rue de Saint-Geromea square bullet slides into a square-shaped chamber."
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Disco Elysium OST is bigly overrated
>want to replay game
>remember the quest about the dead drunk at the pier
i can't put myself through that again
Political ideologies aren't divided into "racist", "do nothing at all" and "communist" which is the exact same retardation that the writers fall into.
The art, soundtrack, story, and even the writing itself is good, but when the only options I can pick in a dialogue are "glorious communist revolution", "I hate niggers", and "I am a stupid fucking liberal that wants to get stepped on by corpos" over and over it gets a little annoying.
There is no actual conversation going on in the game because the writers don't understand the ideologies that they are critiquing.
They don't understand why people are racist. There is a line where someone is talking about how degenerate genes make people listen to mariachi music.
They don't understand that there is a middle ground between putting every rich person on a pike and being an ancap.
They don't understand that you can be a liberal and not a Fukuyamist.
I would like the game if the creators didn't openly despise me.
Im finally replaying it now and it has a lot of laughable stuff in it. When you take the flashlight out of Kim's car your perception skill goes "That's a flashlight, you can see things in the dark you can't with out it". Guess he couldn't think of something purple to write for that one. Good writing my ass.
Characters like Leo don't even talk like human beings, it makes me wonder if buddy has less social interaction than me or if he's just that much of a hack. The idea of fans thinking Harry or Kim are good characters makes me ill. He literally has a halo motif behind his head like religious iconography, in his portrait. That's how much the author's gay little perfect Asian twink fantasy Kim is.

The world of this game is laughable, in the first 10 minutes you get referenced to "Mazovianism" the Marxism analogue, spoken down to by various token ethnics about class struggle, flip your lid over a cartoonish racist making a totally innocuous comment, and the fucking corpse of the murder victim tells you communism killed him.

This game is about 2 things, 1 is a pseudo-intellectual exploration of communism with the depth (and style) of a tweetstorm, 2 is being shoehorned into roleplaying an old white pathetic loser who's spiralling the drain for borderline inexplicable reasons (no his relationship history is not enough to be believable).
But the worst thing about this game by far is that it has no edge, no teeth, balls, spine, or gall. So many missed opportunities to explore the idea of roleplaying a deadbeat cop over the course of a politically charged week. If the concept weren't in the mincing hands of an embarrassing sissy it could've been good.
>i'm gonna ride this fence till it cuts though my pelvis
Chud incel
I always hear this game has an amazing story but i never read the reasons why its so amazing?
Its more of an rpg than j"rpgs".
You need to watch breadtube reviews of Disco Elysium.
I completely agree, the writing can be good sometimes but it also can be so bad, there was a lot of moments that you feel the writers pulled the lines straight from the depths of reddit.

Your last paragraph sums it up nicely, its a very pseudo-intellectual game, i have not found an actual smart fan so far, all people you see drooling over it are 16-20 year old that want to be seen as intellectual for consuming such a piece of high art (lmfao ofc)

I want to say i disagree with your previous post, you called the art and the soundtrack good, i can agree that the writing can be good for the most part but its not the best written game evar, however the music is absolutely not good, i can't recall more than 2 memorable tracks throughout the whole game, reminder that this is a 20-30 hours game, for it to be so underwhelming on the music part says it all.
I can search through Youtube for various games soundtrack like Zelda, Castlevania, Elder Scrolls and Final Fantasy etc.. Disco Elysium has nothing not only on the most iconic games but even most iconic roleplaying games when it comes to music. There is no world that this music can pass as good.
As for the art style yes it looks like those oily painting, but i found it ugly and devoid of subtlety and symbolism, its too superficial, but if you think it looks good i won't disagree much, its not bad after all, i just dont think its anything special when you compare it to other isometric games.
I see you haven't touched on the gameplay aspect, i know its minimal but even as minimal as it was, it was extremely shallow and disappointing.
Overrated game is overrated.
No I dropped it after the first few hours it's nothing but shitty walls of text.
To be fair I also don't give a fuck about alcohilism, drugs, mental health, politics, and whatever else

I just wanted to solve a murder mystery
>He literally has a halo motif behind his head like religious iconography, in his portrait
Religious iconography has very bad implications in the game. Kim might appear like an angel to Harry because he is reliable, but he is a Moralist. Also the halo is literally just a light bulb and it's described in a scene later in the game.
>in the first 10 minutes you get referenced to "Mazovianism" the Marxism analogue, spoken down to by various token ethnics about class struggle, flip your lid over a cartoonish racist making a totally innocuous comment, and the fucking corpse of the murder victim tells you communism killed him.
10 minutes? Even if you said 20 that's a load of shit.
>spoken down to by various token ethnics about class struggle
Quoting this again because what?
Would the game be considered a masterpiece if Henriette was locked into being a fascist chud?
Fun fact: Lena, the cryptozoologist's wife beliefs on race are not really any different from Measurehead's. She is just a very nice about it and will give you a pen commemorating the green kindly ape, our closest cousin alongside Orientals.
old white women are racist, what else is new?
Im trans btw
We know
Game doesn't shit on her for this, she is overall portrayed as a kind and inteligent. That's hardly a characterisation you'd expect from the "chudslayer 3000: the video game", wouldn't you?
Ah so, you were köping
that's why I love them. Young women are so vile in comparison but old women I always give a hand
Does liking Disco Elysium make me attractive to female gamers?
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Stunning to me that this reddit ass shit ass commie ass game is so popular here. The moment they censored the word "faggot" to not upset any feefees is the moment I dropped that shit and got a refund. Can't believe I drank the Kool-Aid in the first place.
If you genuinely believe this bleeding-heart, performative, pretentious, purple prose populated putrid GARBAGE is the best RPG of all time I would suggest you kill yourself immediately. Even the tourists from BG3 are better.
Trans rights are overwhelmingly supported everywhere outside of your /v/ermin concentration camp and /pol/ gulag.
What a non-sequitur ass remark. Did I mention trannies at all in my post? I'm literally gay you mouthbreathing bootlicker. And if a game wants to say the word faggot, they should have the balls to say faggot. Not tiptoe around it.
No, especially if you can relate to the main character. Women don't like failed men.
He's a paid shill, ignore him.
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I hope so. Can't post anything on this fucking board any more without some glowie making it about trannies.
Last for trans rights
no :)

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