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What was his fucking problem?
No greeting lines mod was a big improvement for the game on replays
No one ravaged his area.
Todd is into humiliation play.
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Nazeem is refreshingly based, as I largely judge Skyrim NPCs based not only off of estimated wealth, but also how often they get to The Cloud District. Also Nazeem is a credit to his race, Redguards tend to be lower IQ than most Tamrielians yet Nazeem against all odds is perhaps the wealthiest citizen of Whiterun Hold probably

I saw Ysolda literally walking into The Cloud District recently. I always figured she was a cringe af highly overrated marriage candidate until this point, because I thought only based af elite niggers like Lord Nazeem, the Dragonborn and Yarl Balgruff etc were even allowed inside of The Cloud District without facing at least a 10 year prison sentence in the Dragonsreach dungeon. But seeing as how Ysolda gets to the Cloud District sometimes maybe I'll marry her idk this changes things. Having second thoughts. How often does she get to The Cloud District? I'm too busy to stalk her and memorize her weekly routines. Was Ysolda actually based?
Reddit post
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>Realizes Nazeem and Donald Trump share a little overlap in personality aspects
Nazeem's IQ is literally more than double that of Donald Trump's. Live with this information and cope with it
I laughed
Incel post
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>This post is too reddit to handle
Bullshit. That post correctly describes Redguards as a low INT race, but if you attempt posting any factually accurate Redguard INT Lore on any TES subreddit do you know what happens? Ironically enough the jannies all seethe hard as fuck, angered that the post is too 4chan to handle, so within 60 seconds or less you get immediately censored in the form of having your post and your account deleted forever
For me, it’s the bard in Dawnstar
He was right though wasn't he OP? You don't get to the Cloud District very often.
Remember when the Cloud district was going to be a thing.
Karita is not a marriage candidate, none of the bards are. And even if you could marry her, why would you? I doubt she's ever even been to the Cloud District, and she knows damn well she is not prominent even to be permitted to get inside. In fact I'm not even sure I've ever seen her leave the Windpeak inn
No I actively strive get to the Cloud District as often as possible in my horny lizard wizard Arch Mage roleplay, presumably Nazeem is being sarcastic to my Dragonborn, he is well aware that I frequent the Cloud District and am a popular guy up there
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I always found it odd that the Whiterun guards actively refused to keep the black Al'ikir mercenaries out. I wonder if Hammerfell has a settlement named Blackrun in which the town guards strictly forbid Nord, Imperial and Breton mercenaries from entering within the city walls. Meanwhile Lord Nazeem quietly grins as he witnesses the town guards disrespecting his fellow Redguards as if thinking to himself:

>"Fuck you nigger I already got mine! So why in Oblivion should I give a skeever's ass whether or not you end up getting yours too, you milk drinker pigs? By the Eight, stop quarlling with the guards, fools! Don't you realize you violent uneducated foul smelling savages make the rest of high status decent Redguards look bad when you do engage in such shitty behavior? Go off and find somewhere else to lollygag in your wretched poverty, ugh. How embarassing, hopefully they don't try to murder any innocent children, as I fear things may get nasty if these dishonorable hired thugs are not exiled immediately!"
They're not allowed in because they caused a ruckus and one of them was jailed, and the guard ain't gonna relax around them anymore after that
Bethesda cut his farm and manor house outside of Whiterun that he was meant to have.
I miss the high elf wizards in Morrowind calling me "snowman" with derision, usually right before I split them in twain.
>I always found it odd that the Whiterun guards actively refused to let the black Al'ikir mercenaries in.
Oops thats what I meant to type there
If you hate Nazeem, watch this video:

>inb4 "tuber eceleb literalwho blah blah blah"
Nah, this guy's funny as shit. Give him a shot.
He's stuck in a shit game.
Wtf does this video have to do with hating Nazeem? I for one always thought Nazeem was pretty based for a Redguard. But after watching your video I must admit I now realize Nazeem is 10 times more based than I had previously assumed he was
>takes retard bait and gets emotionally triggered
he's a nig, they always get uppity when they get some money
>Donald Trump's IQ level: 74
>Nazzem's IQ level: 151
I never really liked Yarl Balgruff the Greater I mean yeah he was alright but wouldn't Nazeem be a superior Yarl for the people of Whiterun? Probably. I wish vanilla Skyrim included an optional questline to assassinate Yarl Balgruff and install Nazeem as the new ruler of the land. I guess Bethesda didn't have enough time to program cool stuff like this because Todd was too busy freakishly obsessing over how much he stands to profit financially off his 11/11/11 marketing gimmick
Doesn't Nazeem claim to be a tax policy expert? What kind of tax policy does he suggest for Skyrim exactly? Probably that Redguards must be exempt from paying taxes as it encourages additional immigration from Hammerfell, and that Nordic tax money is most wisely spent in tribute to Redguards in the form of free gibs. Is this a smart tax policy?
Get out of here.
> I found it odd they knew not to relax
American hands typed this post.
go for a dip in the water under the bridge
There is no problem with Nazeem. The only problem is hypothetical in nature. Which is to say if Skyrim were released in 2024 hypothetically, we all just know the game would be written so that the game forces Lydia (and your wife, if you move her to Whiterun) to cheat on you with Nazeem. Nobody wants that. If you're some deranged pervert who wants to RP cucked by Nazeem, install mods, because there is no need for garbage like that to force its way into the vanilla Skyrim MQ
I can understand not relaxing around Alikir thugs and saying "No you can not enter the city main gate. Go back to Hammerfell please." but if you can't relax around Nazeem you're taking your racism to paranoia tier leves perhaps
Oh, but actually if Nazzem is a successful Redguard then where is his flying pyramid? Checkmate lib'ruls!
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>why doesn't he just govern his own Oblivion realms and shit?
Nazeem is pretty successful but it's not exactly like he is the Godking ruler of all Redguards
Go on...
What game?
The most RPG ever made to date, Elder Scrolls 5
The problem is he never had a father growing up. Nazeem's dad was constantly incarcerated for smoking skooma and thievery etc, as a consequence Nazeem has a subpar understanding of manners and ettiquette
Its because if they let the Alikir in, they'll be actively encouraging the Elvish Gestapo to come in and fuck their shit up moreso than they already have

Noones racist to Redguards because Nords and Redguards have historically been allies against Reachmen and Orcs, and because theres bigger fish to fry in terms of people to hate (Imperials and Elves)
True at least Redguards don't tend to automatically worship the Daedra by default, unlike Orcs and Reachman
More money, more problems, right Nazeem?
>didn't watch the video
I did

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