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U N C O N T E S T E D !
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Fuck off to v
Contested, sir.
beaten by Disco Elysium
Should I start with 1 or 3?
This is the official play order
Fallout 1 > Fallout 1.5 > Fallout 2 > Fallout Nevada > Fallout Sonora > Fallout NV
The rest is not canon
>F2 before Nevada and Sonora
But why? They take place before F2.
Fallout takes a big shit on it.
>Fallout Sonora
Why the fuck would I play an RPG that doesn’t have an English translation?
A retarded slav typed this
f1>nevada>sonora>f2>f1.5 - eventually Fallout Tactics as a twist
rest is oblivion with guns and not canon
Just play 1 and leave it at that. Don't listen to the others telling you to play anything after it. The tone of the other games in the series don't hold a candle to the first one.
1 is short, so I'd go with that one. It will be cool to play 3 afterwards and appreciate the transition to 3d
What's wrong with prequels?
B a s e d
I'd say 1.5 hits close in tone
Play 1 with the Fallout et tu mod.
I played it for 20 minutes, died to the first rat and never touched it again. Total garbage. Fallout 3 on the other hand is great.
now fuck off to v
What do you guys think about my Fallout inspired bartering system? Basically copied the OG fallout minus the bottle cap currency.


Pic related I'm basically making Ancient Greek Fallout
I like Geneforge series more than fallout 1 and 2.

Kek. Took me off guard. Besides that, it looks great. Keep working on it, Anon.
wtf i love slavs now
Play Fallout 1 then 2 then Underrail
It does. Here: https://github.com/RadMuravTeam/Fallout-Sonora-ENG
Geneforge is annoying in that everything dies in 1 hit
been playing fallout 1 & 2 recently however i keep making shit builds any advice for special and skill selection?
I remember I did a full str sledgehammer user when I was a kid and the game was pretty easy
AGI and INT > everything else.
Small Guns is the meta weapon skill.
Speech is very powerful.
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Well I'm tyhinking of playing fallout 1.5
As for fallout 2, what do we think of the fallout 2 restoration update patch, FO2 tweaks and inventory filter?

I think I'm gonna need this
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>Giant Ant was hit for 7 hit points and was killed.
i still don't see the problem anon
I second this.
I was playing fallout 1.5 and took a whole town without firing a shot...
...in mediocrity
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AHEM how do I cure crippled limbs? the doctor in town just heals my hp and heals my radiation.
I have a doctor's bag that the doc had just lying around but my skills are too low to fix

And how do I get rid of the god damn dog? I had one leg left but I crippled it when trying to literally kick him out
Doctor skill (savescum if necessary)
or just wait it out, the injury should heal itself in few days/weeks
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Well, is there any time limit in FO2?
And I don't know how to get rid of the dog... my weapons break before I can get him below wounded and I can't plant dynamite on him.. can you bury him in a grave or give him some sort of poison?
Most versions of F2 should have super generous time limit of 10+ years.
As for the dog - ask yourself, what would Red do? ;^)
uhh who?
I'm thinking of giving underrail another try after this big troll move. Completely stumped right now; everyone keeps breaking their weapons
The girl in the >>3440294 image.
Anyway. Some crits when aiming in the eyes have chance to instakill regardless of HP. And there's late game location where you can instakill any follower via dialogue (intended primarily as gotcha prank, but it does get rid of the dog).
Red would make love, not war. But the time for diplomacy is past. We are making hot dogs.
I've tried overdosing the dog in jet but it's just not working. stupid game!!!!
Correction: instagib crits are only possible with Better Criticals perk (which you can't take because prerequisites include PE 6 and LK 6), so your options are either blocking it in some corner and patiently punching it in the head, or provoking random encounter with something that has automatic weapons and hoping the dog eats burst before you do.
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It wasn't meant to end like this
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i'm sorry old pal.....
you didn't finish the game
I am a gamer therefore I game
Question for Fallout 1 heads, How do I steal the Power Armor part from Rhombus's room? I have a very high stealth skill and yet he keeps catching my ass red handed. I can't seem to keep the door open long enough to just run out. I have the silent running perk btw.
just don't get caught
I think you need to go back (to the Codex).
based game enjoyer
From what I remember, and I'm not sure if it was meant to be this way... probably not... but the first time he catches you in his room, he just kicks you out. If blow that chance for a freebie, and get caught in his room again, it causes problems for you. There might be another way to do it, but that's always have I've done it.
apply several bottles of beer/booze on him to lower his Perception down to 1
Is outdoorsman the most important skill in the game since realistically getting put into a shit encounter while traveling is the 'most common, and probably only, way to die with no counter measure?
No, not in Fallout 1 anyway, it doesn't do anything to encounters except for the dehydration or falling from rocks one. Fallout 2 is where the skill is more valuable, though not by much.
I dabbled a bit with both Nevada and 1.5; both follow the Black Isle formula really well, have good settlement design, pay attention to the logic of the world and represent natural expansions to the base game (F1). The problem lies in the core concept they follow, though. This is what I will try to define as a key difference between what Black Isle did and what Troika improved upon, and that is narrative and dialogue design. It perhaps even ties with the perspecitve itself; perhaps I'm biased in saying that first person is more immersive (and Bloodlines does have some immersive sim elements.)

For example, all this intricacy in world design that hits you in Project Nevada - Scavenger cartel, running liquor from Flagstaff, insulated settlement vs open world - makes sense and works well. What does not work at all is the way you go from point A to B, C, D etc. Characters sometimes offer additional info to flesh out the world, but they are quick to trust, quick to assign quests, and often you feel like just running around and confirming prompts. Take the initial Garage City feud: the opposing faction leader immediately gives you a counter-quest (another Black Isle deja vu) and sends you back. And this repeats throughout the game. The design isn't bad on paper, but in practice it feels very much like a one sentence affair thrown back and forth ad nauseam. Like in Black Isle games, I mostly feel like I'm activating the game states (who I'm antagonizing, who I'm siding with) rather than dealing with characters, since their purpose is laid bare by the need to flesh out the world. And to go back on the original premise, I never feel immersed as a character, I feel like I'm hovering in a drone watching things unfold. Again, maybe it's the perspective. I don't know... maybe the narrative elements of the world stand in contrast with combat sequences. It's not like you can do much with Fallout's gameplay so perhaps they should've looked for a way to interconnect them.
Speech > Small Guns > Repair > Science > Lockpick
I'll shill my vaporware wherever I please thankyou very much.
Brothers and sisters. I want to play fallout 1 again.
From my understanding fallout 1 et-tu which converts it to fallout 2 with all the benefits, like pushing party members away is the best way to do this.
Can you also add other mods on top of that like fo2 tweaks?
dont play 3
1, 2, Tactics, 3, NV and then 4
Tactics is not canon, and not even an RPG.
You level up therefore it's an rpg
Besides, it's fun.
No Speech checks, no RPG.
Fun is relative, the game starts alright but I hate how it pulls "diversity is our strength" inviting ghouls and supermutants and intelligent deathclaws into the Botherhood getting sold as the "good" ending.
its more fun than fallout 2
Lol, sure. I'll give you that. It isn't stretched out tediously thin and doesn't subject you to constant barrage of references and meta jokes.
Don't listen to this anon, Underrail is only for the severely autistic.
Why is that? Because building a character is too complex or something?
That's the idea. It also has a lot of subsystems it doesn't explain to you, so you kind of have to learn which feats (think fallout perks but they come every 2 levels and they are much more essential to your character). Combat is also difficult unless you know what you're doing. Again, you'll have to learn how combat works and how to manage your resources. This isn't really a game where you can just buy a bigger gun and brute force your way through encounters; you sort of have to play smarter. I like it, but it's certainly not for everyone.
so it is said you need 7 int if you're gonna do crafting, otherwise get 3. How true is that?
Can you buy better stuff than you can craft?
Does not having 7 int, and the perk, turn my craftables into shit? Or can you actually craft something usable below 7 int?
How do you use the speedhack in sfall?
here i will save your thread
i dont think i ever got a crippled limb in either game
obligatory you didn't beat the game

had to spam the doctor's bag, it was pretty straightforward
How'd you make it/get started with game design? I'd like to try my hand at making something like this
2 is boring as shit desu, 3 is boring, new vegas is good though. i'd play 1 and vegas.
So, I installed and played Fallout 1 for the first time yesterday. I didn't play it when I was younger and was never really interested in anything with turns. I'm obviously very aware of it's reputation.

I played it for about 45 minutes lastnight and died on 4 separate playthroughs on the way to Vault 15 in random encounters. On the fifth, I died within about 3 minutes of getting into Vault 15.

I'm not having a go at the game, but what the fuck am I doing wrong here?
Did you go to shady sands or whats her name town? You can recruit Ian there. Other than that just run away from random encounters if you're not well equipped
This sounds like bad luck, assuming that you’re going in a straight line and not wandering in circles. You should have like 0-1 random encounters on the way. I had football buddies back in the day who got filtered there by radscorpions. Not much you can do besides reload
I got into lots of combat, no cheats or anything. I just never got a crippled limb
Random encounters will fuck you, just run away from them and save a lot. Dunno how you managed to die in Vault 15 tho.
well actually I only got it after that dog joined the party
I used Godot. Don't do it unless you want to dedicate almost every slither of free time you have for years on end.
i think it looks great, really like 9 skills grouped in threes
what's the name?
I wish I could play it for the first time again. Replaying it now last having played in 2006 maybe and it’s just too easy. Everyone says to max agility and pick certain traits and perks but this breaks the game and makes it less enjoyable. Should have done a low INT melee grug build instead.
Fallout 3.

Then you can ignore the rest, none of them measure up to the masterpiece that it is.
All rpgs take a big shit on disco communism
damn skippy
fuck off to vr or /a/ u loli tranny fisheyed bugman
>Everyone says to max agility and pick certain traits and perks but this breaks the game and makes it less enjoyable
Max agility because otherwise you can only do too little before waiting for each enemy to take their turns infividually.

If there is a mod to allow all enemies to act simultaneously making combat faster, it would make max agility less of a necessity for pleasant gameplay.
The first game was desolate and destroyed but the progress was seen and the world moved on from the pre-war times. 2 and New Vegas feel more like wild west games, civilization is coming back. The joke about Bethesda being obsessed about the 50s aesthetic and how people live in tin shacks with skeletons has been around for a while but out of jealously I guess they decided to nuke the original setting, setting back the whole thing just so they can make the west coast as generic as their shit.
What’s it like having marvel comics taste?
I feel like major cities shouldn't look that destroyed after 250 years after the war
Well they would be more overgrown with flora to be sure.
They should look worse as more decay occurs.
The buildings aren’t going to be fixed- concrete and rebar require sophisticated production and manufacturing networks to produce and to maintain - that’s not happening anymore.
>Amerucan walls
Buildings shouldnt exist atall
Build a character with melee or unarmed tagged, you dumb faggot.
t. Triggered chink angry at Americans making fun of his tofu-construction buildings.
1, 2, and nv. anyone giving you different answers is wrong
NV is closer to 3 than it is to 1 and 2. Never could get into it, same with 3.
This is the truth. Everyone that says shit about NV being the true successor to 1 and 2 has bethesda derangement syndrome. Bethesda is dogshit through and through but I'm not going to let my dislike of their games make me pretend NV isn't big bang theory/rick morty brained shit. NV has better quest design and makes better use of the dialogue system but it's not like an OG fallout.
>you have to play like this to make the tutorial area less obnoxious
bethesda apologists
nigger, please
1. if you have this much trouble in the temple, you're clearly trying to play a min-maxed build, in which case you probably have a fuck ton of intelligence anyway and have more than enough skill points to get plenty of skills to serviceable levels by the end game where you would need it
2. if you're such a pro at this game, maybe you should try being less of a whiny faggot and consider the loss of a tagged skill as a challenge like i do. i have made many characters with melee or unarmed and outdoorsman tagged to have more "fun" in the early game, and a more loreful character, and it never inhibits my ability to succeed in the end game or do everything i want to do
3. you have to fight like 6 ants to finish the temple if you just run through it... who the fuck cries about the weakest enemy in the game?
4. if you care so much about the exp in the temple and HAVE to kill everything, why the fuck aren't you whining about all the traps you have to disarm with shit traps skill and how you feel forced to tag traps to cope with an extra 5 minutes? lol, what a fucking baby
5. eat some spinach you gangly armed fucknut
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I just picked the premade female character, which is charisma, with idk 7-8 int?
Anyway, the forced combat sucks. I've reached the marcus' city now and stopped playing.
Started playing jagged alliance 1.13 with better ai again, shit is the GOAT
7 int is still pretty good. being a non-combat speech character, you're pretty much expected to just run past everything anyway unless you really want that extra exp... which does help, you can level inside the temple if you kill all the stuff, and earlier if you disarm all the traps, but she wasn't designed to do combat anyway. her stats are absolute dogshit even for guns.
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Yeah she's kinda total trash. I've had to rely on party members for everything until now. I though having a high char would open up new stuff but I'm not seeing much other than being able to have a party of 5. I also had to use the option to control party members because they'd just rush in every random encounter and kill themselves, when I wanted to run away.

Anyway I've put some points into small guns so she can at least shoot a pistol (since she has that one handed perk). Been pumping big guns, got the perk that gives str for wielding weapons and gonna remove the one handed disability next level.
Yes I pretty much just wanna see my chick carrying big guns.
The devs were forced to put it in the game. They tried to keep it out or at least make it optional as a tutorial and they were shot down. It sucks but it's not hard to get through. Just do it you goon.
Chitsa is just a trap for new players that only see a pretty face. She's designed for players that want something more difficult and is not meant to be a first time character... not to say that she is a "bad" character in that she is incapable of finishing the game, but all the interesting parts of the game are practically absent in her playthrough for at least until the mid->late game, and her "strengths" (ie, high charisma) is of arguable usefulness, since the companion system is not very well implemented and they aren't even that good to begin with. Better with mods, but not by much. Also charisma is a notorious dumb stat for being almost pointless, unless you get off on NPC's saying "you're hot".
I'm a big gamer, I can take care of myself
clearly not, since you got filtered before the halfway point of the game because you chose a shitty premade.
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>pretty face
by the way she is in no way pretty. Quite monstrous looking, i'd say
Really I think people just pick her for the challenge above anything
She was "pretty" for the time the game was released, and it's obvious that was the intent with her design. Whether or not she appeals to you is irrelevant, zoomer.
Uh yes I could make an albino black bald dude with 10 charisma and it wouldn't make it any more okay
Well whatever this "argument" is, it's not very interesting.
Play a combat character and you may (or may not) enjoy the game more.
I already did a hammer/shotgun guy for fallout 1 20 years ago and thought I would try something different this time, but apparently the different is not very good
>Yes I pretty much just wanna see my chick carrying big guns.
Chitsa won't even be able to do this until you get power armor with +2 strength, and she'll still be bad at it because her perception is mid.
If you want to Big Guns, just play Narg, or better yet, make a custom character with strength, perception and agility. If you want to be lame, you can dump charisma too because no one gives a fuck about an ugly dude.
bethesda fallout fucking sucks
I could never bring myself to finish Fallout 3.
Play Fallout 1. If you really liked the gameplay, then play Fallout 2. If you liked the story/atmosphere but would prefer to play an FPS then move on to New Vegas.
I already have the perk that gives +3 str, so she has 7 str now. Do you need 9 str for big guns?

And does perception really help that much? I can just pump big guns higher. I thought it helped mainly for sniping
been really enjoying fo1 so far gizmo had a really funny voice
Some big guns require 6, others require 7. Weapon Handling perk will at least let you use the weapons without penalty, but her strength will still be low, and she won't be able to carry shit. Most of these weapons are ridiculously heavy, and the ammo can be heavy too.
perception is important because it determines range penalties. having a high weapon skill helps offset it, but you will still be heavily limited by low perception.
the formula is;
Chance to hit = (Weapon Skill + (8*Perception) + Weapon Perk) - ((4*Distance to Target) + Target AC + Lighting Penalty + Aimed Shot Penalty)
the shit that will really fuck you in the long term is distance to target and AC.
same, i think i got a crippled limb once ever
AI generally don't target anything other than your torso, combined with having to make a crit and then a certain roll of the crit to get a crippled limb (that doesn't outright kill you), and it's fairly rare.
[weapon perk?]

If all else fails I'll have to make my party carry me. It's like playing a bard...
>I'll have to make my party carry me
Remind me, which game (or mod) are we talking about?
Weapon perk is a hidden modifier on some weapons. The most common is weapon accurate, I think, which just gives a bonus to hit chance. I dont remember what the other ones are, but you can see them on the wiki.
As for companions carrying you, well good luck with that. Cassidy is probably the only one that is really useful late game. Sulik is good early on, but his usefulness falls off late game because of his lack of being able to use decent weapons outside of the .223 pistol. All the others are barely even worth mentioning. Their gimmicks wont carry them through late game enemies and their powerful weapons. You'll more than likely be save scumming their insta-deaths.
Is there a mod for Tactics that's equivalent to Fixt or the Unofficial Restoration Patch? Something that fixes the broken perks and other bugs?
nothing that doesn't also change the game in ways that people don't like. Google Equilibrium and Redux if you care to try it.
fallout 2, and some mod has an option to control party members
redux was made by the person who made new vision for tactics ogre (which is a great mod btw), so the quality is probably high. Unfortunately he put the fallout tactics mod on hiatus
hm, yeah overriding companion AI with direct control might make it possible, vanilla F2 would be a shitshow
The time limit makes me nervous just thinking about it. The main reason why I haven't given it a shot.
For what it's worth, time only passes at a noticable rate when you're traveling on the overworld map. It barely passes when you're inside a town.
So as long as I'm not dicking around I should be fine?
Doesn't that discourage exploration? So don't treat it like Baldur's Gate and explore every square on the map?
There's a lot fewer locations to go to in Fallout, and the vast majority of the world map is empty wasteland with no reason to explore it. But yeah, if you make a reasonable effort to be focused on your task and not "lol and then the RPG protagonist fucked off and ignored his holy quest and then spent six months in the hills killing trolls or whatever" you should be OK.

Without spoiling, there's also a second hidden timelimit after the first, and it's possible that one method you might find to ameliorate the effects of the first time limit, may have unintended harmful consequences for the second.
>"lol and then the RPG protagonist fucked off and ignored his holy quest and then spent six months in the hills killing trolls or whatever" you should be OK.
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, anon.
It's been a long long time since I played, but IIRC the rough order of how you want to do the early/mid game is something like Shady Sands and Vault 15, then Junktown, then the Hub, then Necropolis. I left out a few optional side forays there, like Shady Sands' problems with radscorpions and raiders, and there's a few side quests that open up back home in Vault 13 after enough time has passed. Main thing is, you need to get directions/locations of where to go next breadcrumbs from characters in the world, the world map is huge and empty and your vision range is quite small and if you just go fucking off in a random direction from a town, you'll only waste a ton of time and fight a bunch of random encounters.
There is no time limit in the steam version of Fallout 1, and as far as I know there isn't one in the GOG version. You would have to install from the CD or some other patchless version to have it, as this was done years ago.
To be more specific, there was a time limit to finishing the game, otherwise you would get a game over, but that is no longer the case. There are, however, time limits to resolve certain things in the game if you want the "good" endings for each location, some of which are actually bugged and never trigger anyway. The only major time limit I can think of, or at least the one that I always got, was whether or not you finished the game shortly after Necropolis, and The Hub was always bugged and never triggered properly.
None of this matters, though.
Aletheia: Return of Odysseus
I'm thinking of trying this. I had it as a kid but never beat it because I was young/dumb. I've been playing CRPG's lately but am a bit annoyed by them. I find them fun/engaging, but I play for 15 hours, long enough to figure out the mechanics, and then get burned out by the fact I need to start over. I'm stubborn and don't want to use build guides because it makes me feel retarded.
Thanks anon, I haven't played much Fallout since the CD versions back in the day, and that's where my memories come from. There's the obvious water chip timelimit, and then the second one for the supermutants to raid and destroy Vault 13, which is decreased by paying to (((ship water))) up there. Then the only other time related thing I can think of is eventually the supermutants invade Necropolis and kill all the ghouls
>Point Black
>Golden Gecko
>My erection is invading the gecko personal space

Similar bullshit:
>You have been critically hit for 1hp, feel the pain
>Still knocks me down

>Minor enemy that does 3hp dmg at best rolls nat 20 or something
>Hit ignores armor
>Go down to half Hp.

>Your shoot miss the bandit and hit bandit
>Critical hit
>Bandit was killed

In part I missed that on newer games but on the other hand the first case is always most likely than the later scenarios.
>>Point Black
THIS, except with point blank burstshot
Fo2 is not a great game.
The start is agonizing
The game does not begin until you get a 10mm and a steady supply of ammo.
I tried playing vanilla as much as I could but if you are planning to play it, do the config edit to enable highlights because a lot can be missed. You are intended to have a tabletop mindset and explore with the cursor every item in the room but the are instances where your vision is blocked by scenery so I have to consult the guides often because I could not see an item in the same room because the view blocked by a wall or a tree, it also gets in the way of looting items and that also impedes quest progression.

I am starting to believe that the only connected theme among Fallout games is that all of the need tinkering.
Yeah the waterchip time limit remains, but I don't think it was ever too much of a problem for most people. It was the time limit that destroyed Vault 13 that usually got people, because it's never mentioned and just happens if time runs out. The other time limits I mentioned are hard to prevent but don't affect the end game, so they're not a big deal really.
Don't listen to this baby. Tag melee or unarmed and don't be a whiny faggot about it.
Anyone know who reveals San Francisco on the map? Only person I know of that does it is the random encounter traveler woman who will give you directions, but otherwise I don't think I've ever found a legit way to reveal it... maybe sometime in the past that I've long forgotten.
>wait for enemies to take their turns
>wait for enemies to take their turns
>wait for enemies to take their turns
reload doesnt take a whole turn, dipshit, unless you're running 1 agility and bruiser trait for 3 ap.
Fallout 2 is so terrible, bros. I actually think the Bethesda games are less goofy in hindsight. Replaying it as an adult was a mistake.
Kill yourself piece of shit shill and go watch your goyslop show
Standards were lower when Fallout 2 came out. Not a lot of choice back then, so we had to be content with it.
>Toddler Howard's TV show ends up as infantile as Bathesdaslop games
>Somehow its a smash hit
I am loosing faith in humanity. At least other slop shows had *something* going on, either characters, cool concept or decent looking action scenes or humor that isn't "claw my eyes out its so bad" cringe. Meanwhile this... this sludge (not even slop) is just 1/3rd shittier Silo, 2/3rds shittier Mandalorian where all the characters are idiots, action is shit covered in ten feet of fake looking red jelly blood and humor is so bad it gives me first-hand emberasment for watching it.

Oh and also it takes a massive shit on Fallout by killing off NCR, which would have been an alpha move if the show was any good, but now its one of the few bits of actually good humor, because you can see how much of a toddler meltdown Toddler Howard ia having.
Kek why did you even watch it, you moron? So you could come tell us how much you predictably didn't like it?
>"but i tried my hardest to like it, oh how i wished and hoped!"
Don't give me that bullshit
>Why did I watch it
Big rating on IMDB, watched other shows already and a buddy recomended it. Tge cold open with the nuke drop was good, but then the first and second episodes were complete shit. After that I felt the need to see it through because of morbid curiosity as to how it can be this highly rated while being worse than a late-career Jason Statham film
Well more proof that they don't need to appeal to people like you lol, always whining yet always watching
normalfags are quite literally retarded
Im out if the loop.
What is Fallout 1.5?
thats a shitty mtl
But I pirate
Yes you pirate anyways
give me a fun build for resurrection
Try small guns, speech, lockpick, with high agility and intelligence
It's a classic Fallout mod:
TBQH at least for me it feels really fucking boring and bland, at least in comparison to Sonora or Nevada. The first and only run i did couldn't be bothered to go past Sedit, and places like PROGEMA feel literally unfinished since you can't barely explore it. At least the Robobrain gimmick is fun.
At the time I didn't care that much beyond not replaying it, but now that fallout had been dragged through hell it doesn't sit right.

It does have considerable good parts at least
NV is called the successor to 1 and 2 because it continues the narrative of those games. Its quality as a game is irrelevant.
you're retarded. congratulations
Don't max agility because you can leave cap out room for taking drugs. Especially in fallout 2 where you will be on jet in serious fights
Is there a mod that deletes the main quest and oasis and vaults from fallout 3
Max agility is for min-maxing noobs. I always pick 8 agility because it gives you 9 AP and I just take Action Boy at level 12 for 10. There are also 5 stats you should never max because 4 have the +1 bonus later in the game and Luck can increase by 2 if you go to NCR and get scanned.
NV is a lot better than F2 from a quality standpoint. Nostalgia is the only reason why Fallout 2 has any fans at all.
I mean action boy stacks with it
In fallout 1 addiction is a real problem before you get the water chip if you won't savescum addiction
But in 2 you do dungeon crawls and so on where you can easily be on common buffout and psycho the whole time and living with jet addiction isn't too difficult either, so you can be rolling around with 16 AP from 6 base agility
...you guys used the drugs in FO1 and 2?
yeah, mostly just to unlock perks and dialogue options
I know you can stack ap, i just dont put much value in over 10 because the breakpoint for most guns is 5 for 2 shots or 4 for 2 +reload. You can squeeze out a third shot with the right build, but its not necessary unless you get hard over being "OP".
*without drugs, that is. Fast shot and bonus ranged shot + action boy x2 for 12 ap and either 3 or 4 attacks, maybe more, depending on the gun. I never use drugs.
With the right weapon AP 12 + BRoF alone gives you 4 shots a turn (or 3 aimed), AP 12 + BRoF + Quickshot can push it to 6.
I didn't bother getting specific because the basic idea is there and doesn't really need to be explained. I never do it anyway. I stick with 10 AP and more well rounded characters rather than one built specifically for throwing as many attacks at enemies as possible. The game is more fun when it's actually a challenge and not a fucking faceroll because you murder everything in one turn.
I never use drugs in games
Combat is the worst part of Fallout (1 and 2), even devs themselves realized that and offered dedicated skill to bypass most of it. If you are gonna get involved in combat you might as well try to get it over quickly.
I enjoy all aspects of the game. I find it entertaining to overcome challenges with "less desirable" builds. My current character is some slut that managed to get through Vault 15 with Cassidy and only a leather jacket. She has a shit ton of hit points, though, since you need 8 endurance to become a porn star.
is there a way to start Sonora through Steam? Nevada's launcher had an option for that but Sonora doesnt have one
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What does this do exactly?
Exactly what it says, you get awareness and educated level one right from the start but you get a 20 percent penalty from all experience you get.
All this recent fallout shilling and shitposting has made me think about playing Oblivion again. As stealth archer.
This is not the place, I know.
But I tried plying wastelabd 2 and already got 2 game over in AG center in less than 2 hours of gameplay.
Fallout never filtered me like this. Fuck Fargo
playing 1 and 2 will make you realize todd is a genius
1 is a good game
2 is dogshit bloatware
3 is good
NV is really good
4 is bad but entertaining
I've been trying out fallout et tu mod and there seems to be content missing? I am only up to junk town but I was sure there was a quest in shady sends to fix their well. I was also sure that in junktown there was some toilet you blow up with a bomb, climb down then get a gold watch to give to an npc. Now there is none and the npc just says "where did I put it?" when clicked on... does this mod remove a ton of content? even though I enabled the fixt mod with it?
>larian makes the next fallout
>in the style of originals
>everything le hardcore fo fans have been whining for
>it has gay marriage in it
What would be the reaction? Same as BG3 from codexers?
you gotta grab the mod that speeds up combat otherwise it's kinda unplayable
yeah item and enemy highlighting are the GOAT
>select chit-chat option when talking to barkeeper
>he decides to give me a beer on the house
>my character automatically drinks it during dialogue
fucking drugs in games, man...
Any nudes of your character?
my memory of it is pretty faded, but aren't you pointed towards Navarro when you come back with GECK and then one of quests sends you to SF?
I've never gotten addicted to the alcohol in this game. Didn't even know that was possible.
Not that I recall. Hakunin does mention they "went south" and "they were going to cross the great salt water" or some shit, but that doesn't really help find San Francisco. The only other option I can think of is that it's either Vault 13 or Vault 15 that you can learn about a military base to the west, and then at the Military base there is a map that will reveal San Fransisco, but that's kind of useless because it's like 2-3 days travel on foot (like 1 day if you drive) from there so you're practically already on top of it. I was just curious if there was any dialogue in the game, other than the traveler, that would unlock it, but I can't remember any and couldn't find one outside of just people mentioning it. Like supposedly the hubologist inn NCR will mention it, but he actually won't talk to you after he does his scans, so you can fuck yourself out of that mention.
If it was truly everything the hardcore fans whine for, I would also able to sell the fag to slavers. Sounds like a good deal.
>it has gay marriage in it
There was at least 1 gay (Davin) and several lesbians/bisexuals (Miria, Leslie Bishop, Miss Kitty, maybe more) in Fallout 2.
I would not want this simply because Larian's not great at writing based on BG3. They may deliver on ammount of content and presentation but I don't think they would "get" Fallout.
I don't think they "get" anything other than Rivellon.
Can't be any worse than Bethesda's delivery. Won't be as good as the original but I still see potential to make something on par with 2 or New Vegas if nothing else.
I really don't see them making something as good as 2/NV. Better than bethesda is pretty much a given unless they really fuck up on a fundamental level.
Could easily be better than FO2. Gameplay was poor and writing/content was millennial wittyness with talking animals and pop culture references. Larian can easily perform better.

Only concern is visuals, since FO is Boyarsky's masterpiece.
one mod re-allows it on fallout 2, apart from fixing many other stuff
>>larian makes the next fallout
>>in the style of originals
The exploding outhouse is in Modoc in F2.
Also, it's been forever since I played, but I don't think there was much of a quest with the shady sands well, you just use repair on it and get some XP for fixing it.
you can also ask about "crop rotation" and get some XP for that
I have steam versions of fallout 1 and 2. Played both once over 20 years ago. I'd like to try them again, what to do? I don't care about additional or restored content, gameplay changes etc. but i'm open for QoL changes, like item highlight etc. (was it already in fallout2?). So, what mods?
I think the steam versions include some patches, like the highlight thing. If that's all you care about, then you should be good to go.
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you NEED fallout et tu for highliting in fallout 1 and speedups, and for equipping npcs
and for fallout 2 you NEED sfall or the restoration project, which comes with sfall, and fallout 2 tweaks to speed up the game and a lot of qol features
the enemy highlighting in that was bugged last i tried, so turn it off and use the one from sfall if it doesn't work
Playing F3 for the first time since New Vegas came out via TTW and holy shit this is difficult. Why's everything so god damn spongey?
Bout to switch profiles on vortex and just go back to regular New Vegas.
Tried using this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82850
but didn't seem to make much of a difference, I don't even know if it works in TTW.
Original fallout was a good excuse to have wild west and medieval shit with modern guns and shit like cloning and mutants.
You could even still have wastelands like in the original Fallout, just put the setting somewhere other than the areas furthest ahead in rebuilding.
But no, it's just going to be Fallout 3 and 4 on repeat
I'm playing Sonora and I can't hit anything. I have 7 PER and 8 AGI and 120% small guns. Point blank a shotgun only has 50% chance to hit. WTF is going on? Did something change? I haven't played the original games in many years but I'm certain this build is good enough
Sonora fucked around with the weapons, pistols and SMG's are small weapons while rifles (shotguns, automatic rifles, minigun) now are big guns.
If you went all in on small guns focus on SMG's and point blank burstshot.
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Do you guys ever accidentally kill children in these games?
>you NEED the fanfiction mod
You can use all the QoL improvements with Et Tu without any extra story content if you're smart enough to edit a text document that clearly describes all the options.
This happened to me too. Stupid. I opened up the save editor and just gave myself the points in big guns that I wasted on small and carried on.
This mod is dogshit desu. I'm not sure why it's shilled so hard. Also, the encounter rate is fucking AIDS. I'll move a fucking millimeter and I'm already in another encounter. It almost feels bugged.
If you don't like it feel free to move right back to 4/76 since it's probably more you thing.
>It almost feels bugged
It probably is, i don't remember it being bad. Bugged was the Fallout Tactics one, fuck that shit.
fucking knew it. Stupid mod, thanks for nothing.
>the encounter rate is fucking AIDS
Holy hell I kept dying to bandits I don't remember the original encounter rate being this bad.
The mod is alright so far I don't know if it gets better. Some things are weird but I chalk it up to translation
Can you faggots actually tell me why 3 is bad? And if it is so bad how can you suck off NV whens its basically made with the same engine
It's not the engine. It's the world. It's the characters. It's the quests. F3 has dogshit retarded main plot and side quests that range from okay to horrible. Also the DC was a massive letdown even if I understand the constraints of the time.
3 and NV are far closer together, than either are to 1 and 2.
So is Fallout London actually finished? Supposedly over a hundred quests and zero footage.
Supposed to have released last week but they've indefinitely delayed it because of he next gen patch, which would be convenient if it was all just smoke and mirrors
Shitty story, the goofy side of the setting, bad voice acting. The thing is that all of what makes Bethesda games fun in the first place is there, so while it's insufferable in some ways, it can still be fun to play if you like open world games.
Alsi I would think it's fairly obvious that Obsidian is better at writing dtory and dialogue. Some might argue it's pretentious schlock that thinks its smarter than it is, all of the problems with Fallout 3 are toned way down in NV, so for people who like that sort of thing, they tend to be on the NV side of the argument.
>zero footage
>multiple dev blog videos and showcases of features they're working on

And the next gen patch apparently broke a lot more under the hood than you'd expect from the very short list of new things it adds. Script extenders are borked atc.
Im pretty high right now, and i was just thinking about how funny and/or crazy it would be to see my retarded chosen one doing a retard-run into klamath, have a quick grunt with torr before squishing the radscorpions, happily watch them rip apart rats and hulksmash king rats skull "like a wet paper bag" with his bare hands, wrestling down a mr handy, and then fucking off into the wasteland again.
Never played Oblivion, but have been replaying Fallout NV, and you can pretty much do the stealth sniper bit there too, getting Skyrim stealth archer flashbacks, except in Fallout NV enemy head falls off after almost every shot. Stealth part is very similar (and op) in these games. VATS seem almost useless, only use it in emergy close quarters combat, and melee for the teleport, didn't waste any perks for VATS bonuses.
The encounter rate in Sonora is jacked up severely compared to F1 and 2. I just beat those games back to back and the difference is staggering.

It's a shit mod, fuck off and stop shilling it. Also NMA said some butthurt Russian put malware in it. I knew there was a reason why smart app control mysteriously blocked it for me.
Nice logic, go back to Fallout 76 retard
Also come back when you actually have proof for that claim besides some schizo rambling on NMA lmao
I like senora a lot. Much more than Nevada. Nevada had a bunch of weird things like the metal detector and the convoluted detective quest where you had to steal receipts from random people in Vegas. Senora I feel I don't need a guide to get through the BS, it flows better. Besides the small guns complaint I'm enjoying the mod a lot.
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Why are companions in this game so utterly retarded? What compells the AI to rush towards right in front of the enemy group with a knife instead of shooting from a distance? Why is this game like this? Who programmed this? Every time I recruit this motherfucker Ian he aways rushes towards the enemy like a fucking idiot and it's driving me nuts
The party members are retarded in F1. I just let them die. You don't really need them.
I'm using him as a live backpack to store items that I want to sell later
Ian's default AI is set to close the distance and use pistol/submachinegun/knives to attack. If you don't want him to use knives, talk to him, trade, take away his knife and make sure he has enough bullets to use with his guns.
>Every time I recruit this motherfucker Ian he aways rushes towards the enemy like a fucking idiot
give him SMG (the one from Valut 15) and take away his knife, makes him more likely to shoot and actually hit someone
Ah ok, I haven't played either game in over 10 years so I am likely mixing up the two of them. Though there was still missing things as the game never let me fix the well. (even with over 100 repair) Chatted with everyone and there was no option to talk about crop rotation either. Maybe my science wasn't high enough.

There were a few other things too. Like after entering the BoS I couldn't get any quests except the one for delivering grenades to the library and stealing the part to repair the power armour. I was sure you could give those FEV holodisks to the elder researcher lady, with the option of giving them to the Hubs librarian if you didnt join BoS. But maybe I was confusing that with 2 as well?
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>play FO1 for the first time
>get sent back out into the wastes after getting the chip
>hrm, I wonder how I can get leads on the Mutant Leader
>maybe if I found the Boneyard, I could get more clues there
>but I don't wanna ask around for its location, I hope someone brings it u--
>Midget: Hey motherfucker, I'll pay you 200caps to go to the Boneyard
>oh oka-
>you are now in the Boneyard
>talk to NPCs
>hey your guards said you had a job for me (they didnt')
>hey, so I assume you work for guy/town (I haven't heard the name I'm using before)
>oh well, I'll go to the next area and ask those NPCs about the Mutants
>find the Followers
>hello traveler, what are you really here looking for
>"You're right. I'm looking for a water purification chip" (I'm not)
What the fuck is going on
You're not actually paying attention
No, I get what you mean: I have been paying attention and I've noticed what you're referring to, i.e. the fact that, prior to this point, the game has already often brought up dialogue choices and such regarding characters and topics my dude wouldn't have known or talked about yet, and so one should just expect things to be a bit fucked, but it's just that it's just so incredibly pronounced in the Boneyard
Grab fallout et tu and enable the option to control party members. Makes the game way less frustrating.
Why does this trigger normies so much?
I always thought it was stupid as fuck that power armor and drugs accounted for perk pre-reqs. If it at least disabled it when you remove the armor/drugs wear off, that would be one thing.
Stfu gook.
Zoomers have no patience and need their instant gratification power fantasies.
I feel like FO 1 & 2 have a more anarchist vibe, it feels like a dirty uncle taking you to mexico to fuck whores and buy fireworks.

Fallout NV + Trash all really lose that crazy criminal libertarian vibe.
FO back in the day was super immersive that way, you really felt like there were no rules and you could do whatever you want. Most RPG's back in the day, even the good ones, were just straight up rail roads and FO offered this unprecedented freedom.. I'm kind of glad I picked it up again after all these years.
why do the steam version of 2 have the base stats capped?

I remember clearly that if you had a stat you put to 10 in character creation and then upgraded it during gameplay, you could go over 10 and the description would change from heroic (10) to godly (10+). I don't see any reasons to do this as the base stats have very little bonuses, so it isn't like it is game breaking. Is it just one of those anti-fun patches?
You're thinking of Fallout Tactics.
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>Also come back when you actually have proof for that claim
>Extended release
Then stop getting shit from shady 2nd party pages and get it from the Author's page you dimwit?
Even then you're fucking retarded, you're using the logic that just because there's one bad apple the whole bunch is bad
Seriously nigger, go back to 4/76, watch the goyslop show and don't come back
I got it from the official page. You fags got BTFO. Stop trying to trick /v/ into installing your poorly hidden malware.
Also, for anyone wondering: the extended release is the only version that works with the English patch which is the one packed with malware. The Russians shilling Sonora know this which is why they're so butthurt that I'm exposing them. Don't download that trash.
Being made by russians is the reason i wont even touch these mods.
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Are these Russians with us in the thread right now anon?
How do you know a ruskie is lying? He's typing. Niggers of Eurasia.
I remember playing Nevada and liking it, but the translation was very awkward, lots of untranslated words, what's it like right now?
Probably. /vst/ and /vm/ is full of them, no reason they would not hop boards. Geo flags should be avaible on all boards, so you'd know context for all posting.

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