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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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>AQW Guides and Information
Boosts and Events Calendar: https://www.artix.com/calendar
AQWG New Player Guide: https://sites.google.com/view/aqwg-net/new-player
Enhancements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wupDvLuPnRC0fF0aNPc7rzrri7X1YcYy7S2s5Z6o_F4
Boosted Items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iQZopOtK7PJNCwhXoOawYvxYgECX1X6ksOzOUNOU-rE
Soloing Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ByzuQqKQkCLsqyo2HR4WI7akRERY2bpDUHQFUBxUYiU
Farming Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RoPfjKD4Hy-gP_rETUISMllKoi8VpRkMApZdTPP5fe8
Ultra Comps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fPIjy2BcPgt4pQZYxnbtO0nwPfpdbesz_iXG21o64oI
Balance Patch Notes: https://www.aq.com/gamedesignnotes/AQW-ClassBalance-PatchNotes-8927

>Other Games Guides and Information
AQC New Player Guide: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/New_Player
AQC Content Order: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gUeAhoF2rg0pKxbmXpRO9SLEBmrGA44-Sga1SplSEKc
DF New Player Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g6AYyWQhVUi_wx3ITTMaBVzL2D6MZQ0bLfiGXcR1USk
Guide to DF Guides: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gyr3vcvJtlBkxUud89iPe8r68_Qp6TY2cBDl3ujQDOw
AQ3D Starting Tips & FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZEXvZIL5MrdcZHr0gi6aM6Wh_b0s7X1BJx8GnrWHTY
AQ3D Game Plan: https://aq3d.com/game-plan/
>Gift 5k AC
>Receive 5k AC
This was a good gifting event, will spend the ACs on some Chaos gear, one of the major and frequently updated evil factions in AQW.
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Can't wait for the numerous upcoming Good content like the Jus Divinum plot and Dage the Santa LQS.
I've been wanting to get back into AQW for a while, should I just make a new account now and start playing or wait for that new unity remake thing they're working on?
>What are you guys grinding?
Back to the Void Aura mines and I'm still at 3.9k ;_;

Also it seems like I underestimated how ded this board is so maybe we can make new threads after the old one hits page 9 or 10
Start now so you can have cool shit for when you transfer
Will do anon, just made a new account and now I'm getting back into the groove of things. I'm following the new player guide linked here and it's made a world of difference. I got the red sword mentioned in the guide and got it my first kill, I found some dude soloing that boss and hopped in, somehow managed to survive and the first kill the sword dropped so I think I'm set!
Fuck yeah this looks awesome
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>90 posts in the last thread were by me alone
You guys better pick up the slack this time around.
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I feel a little out of place since most people just talk about AQW.
I'm busy being stonewalled by IE.
That would unironically be my fault. You have my apologies.
>best good content is reskinned evil content
thanks I hate it

...why did you censor your name? the fuck kind of schizo shit is that?
We finally got some AQC, DF, and AQ3D guides now.

>Doesn't know about the hacker known as 4chan
what's the easiest/fastest 51% damage boost weapon you can get? i'm a returning player and only have the 30% burning blade, never done these "mini raid" ultra bosses either
What Artix Entertainment game has the hottest girls?
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PSA for oldfags: you can now get the original Necromancer armor if you got rank 10 Doomwood. I remember being frustrated by it not being available and the only way you could wear the armor was by using the class, but now after 15 years they finally added it. Just go to /necrotower and buy it from Sally for 0 ACs.
>AQC, DF, and AQ3D
The games are super easy why the hell would anyone need a guide?
>but but I'm lost
Then explore faggot
You can also buy it from Vayle in /necropolis.
Master Ranger armor is recently available too and also 0 ACs.
If only all the other rep classes are 0 ACs that would be really nice
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>Classes will all become 0 AC + 0 AC armor variants will be added
They were all suppose to be 0 AC, but AE promptly forgot after delays.
Vayle also has Necromancer in other colors, but they are all members.
Yeah, I don't know why they're being so slow about this. I went and got the armor of each one of the classes I have so I don't forget about it later and also to store it freely, but they're clogging my inventory until they become AC tagged (I can't store them normally without exchanging them for other non-AC items because I did the bank glitch back when it worked, so now I have almost 600 non-ACs in the bank). Looks like they are updating at the pace of one armor per week practically, Arachnomancer still doesn't have a Rank 10 armor for 0 ACs, event classes might take an eternity to have their armor updated. Seriously, what's up with these guys?
I wonder how many I made...
This will be the quickest one and if you have Lord of Order class you can just leech those ultra bosses.

If you have membership and don't want to do those ultras then this one might be faster. Doing non-mem NSoD still takes you like a month(?) if you bot 24/7
Original Adventure Quest hands down
oh yeah, i should've mentioned i'm f2p. spent too much money in my youth and trying to restrict spending on f2p games even if it's something cheap like $5 or so.

i don't think i've done the quests for this place so i'll take a look, thanks. i also have lord of order but i still feel like finding people to do the ultra bosses with will be the hardest part
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In terms of design and fan art? Early AQW since Miltonius created some pretty sexy designs and has experience drawing porn.
In terms of in-game official art? AQC like >>3324240 said, see pic related for example. There's a NSFW fan art of this NPC too BTW.

I never bothered with Exalted Apotheosis since I have enough 51% weapons, but those Ultras are soloable if you have the right classes.
You likely don't so get more supports, IIRC Frostval Barbarian is meta for Exaltia and easy to get. Also, do dailies/weeklies at reset time.
What do you guys think of the LQS's? I'm leaning towards getting Paragon of Joy but god damn 2k ac is a lot.
If you're not saving your ACs for something useful then just go buy it.
I have 6.3k AC. I really can't be bothered getting a chrono because I have LR and CAV, and the only things I really want need to be IoDA'd. Buying this would probably be a waste and cut into my naval budget but the armor is sorta neat and the Caladbolg is really cool.
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In case you guys didn't notice, they are having a double all boost this weekend for the holidays.

First time buying membership LQS, White Lotus Acolyte is cool. Get PoJ if you like the armour or sword.
PoJ keeps selling out and the website is laggy as fuck though. Also, reminder we'll get 1k free ACs soon.
>Also, reminder we'll get 1k free ACs soon
OH FUCK yeah totally forgot about this! Hell yeah, I'm deffo getting the set now.
The fuck, did it even get restocked??
Ain't no way it's selling out in fucking MILLISECONDS. I refreshed that bitch a billion times, Christ AE fix your shit.
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>LQS restocks are about to end, still haven't released the polar bear rider armour for the Frostlorn Titan LQS.

Not sure if it's a caching or server issue, but the restock doesn't show up until a few seconds after the stated time.
Watching third-worlders seethe with their slow internet has been great though, they're begging for more/no restocks.
With DF it's not for main quests it's for the Inn super bosses. Even the mid-tier ones are harder than 99% of games I've played
I'm legitimately getting so angry thinking about Paragon of Joy that it's hard to focus on anything else.
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Tagged yourself in the picture.
I managed to get it on the very last restock.
They really should've just had a 24 hour ingame shop that changes which set it's selling every 2 hours, resetting at the 12th hour.
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>Soul vs. Souless
I know most AE players are lolicons, but AQC's adult Aquella is still better.

I didn't even try the first 2 times since I wanted Legion/Mirror fans to have a shot.
Got it on the 3rd time/2nd restock easily, their website was dogshit though.
I remember watching a YouTuber a while back and he had equipped (dual wield) Soul Mender and Soul Ripper. Looked cool as fuck and obviously specially made just for him. Does anyone else remember this?
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I will always love DF lolis
You mean this staff only weapon?
Holy shit yeah that's it! God it looks so cool, wish it was available.
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If you have a notable tic then maybe you can just count, for example I usually include a image.

I prefer curvy teenager Thursday and her lesbian girlfriend even if the art is more sanitized.
5.7k Void Aura and by the 26th I'll finally get NSoD.
Fucking kill me
You've got this, anon!
Merry Christmas, everyone
Merry Christmas anon!
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Happy Frostval! Never heard of this Christmas thing.

I hope you are botting or doing the SDKA/members quest.
My auto-clicker is doing so much work and I have SDKA.
Farming indulgence and soon NSOD. I really need to work on packet manipulation because scripting long quests is really annoying and require tweaking to not waste much time, still need to get it right.
Should always farm NSoD whenever there's a boost. I can't imagine myself getting 5-7 Void Auras per 25+ mins.
Remember to do your friendship with Gravelyn since its 20 Void Auras if at max hearts
And I came with the realization that a random normalfag using a macro recorder is able to do it better than me, but I'm too lazy to searching something or making a script to that
>Remember to do your friendship with Gravelyn since its 20 Void Auras if at max hearts
I just remembered this now. Is it once a week?
>I just remembered this now. Is it once a week?
daily that needs 2 weeks of foreplay
>Never heard of this Christmas thing
In AQW, Malgor died (got thrown into an eternal time loop) for your sins
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I own every chrono classes.
Now buy me MoM and/or 12k ACs with membership
Little comparison between chrono prime, quantum chrono and swot?
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Just beat Champion Drakath with a Lord of Order, Paladin Chrono, Legion Revenant and a fucking Dragon of Time. I'm absolutely gobsmacked.
Calendar versions or AC versions?
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You're gonna be a little specific. Each of them has different niches. You want to know the potential nuke damage per cd? Potted? How it perform against soloing hard hitting bosses? I don't have friends so, I can't really speak on boss KPM in a group. I take video requests too. SSoT and PCM are pretty much my only classes that I use on a daily basis.
AC versions. Can't be arsed to pay shipping costs.
Ok let me rephrase,
If lucky with one small ac donation, I could get one chrono class. I know they have own niches, but I wonder if there is some all-rounder, good for everything, but not outstanding in particular scenarios.

Long time ago when asked somewhere got those 3 suggested (swot for niche use) and I don't remember if there were changes to those classes.
Why? That looks like a fairly easy lineup, PCM can tank all taunts.
Nulgath Birthday can't come soon enough
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Celebrating the sacrifice of a fatherless, incompetent, peace-loving failure? Couldn't be me.

The only class missing from standard comps is SC, LR's buffs/PCM's heals are compensating.

Planning on getting Chrono ShadowSlayer later? The manual "auto"-attack looks interesting.
Don't worry senpai, I got not just one, but two shitty decision flowcharts Chronomancers.
If I don't have VHL or CAV but have LR, what should I get?
SSoT is okay-ish at farming. Decent for solo, can dodge hard hitting enemies and is able chainkill in a group with just LOO + LR. You could also get NCM and it's also good at soloing bosses too but what the point if you're gonna get Legion Reveant or Archmage? Sure, it's the best 2nd farmer but I'd rather get a class that can kill a high HP boss quicker. These are the only two classes I consider as generalists. This is just my opinion and so, take my advice with a grain of salt.
>standard comps is SC, LR's buffs/PCM's heals are compensating
PCM can make Champion Drakath a joke that you don't even need SC. Unless your LOO is skill issuing on mana issues.
>Planning on getting Chrono ShadowSlayer later? The manual "auto"-attack looks interesting.
Yep. Can't wait to yeehaw.
>le reddit flowchart
There's a lot of things I'd like to rant about this chart but maybe later.
Thanks anons
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F.a.m is changed to senpai? What a niche gimmicky, was it common before?

For casual or challenging content? Anything serious has damage shields.
Maybe TK for casual; it's braindead, dodgy, fast. Inconsistent without forge though.
Definitely not NCM though, no real point since you already have LR.

>These are the only two classes I consider as generalists.
Common consensus agrees, unless there's a good single-target farmer.
>PCM can make Champion Drakath a joke that you don't even need SC.
Apparently pubs have issues with the dodge/mana, so I mentioned LR.
>Unless your LOO is skill issuing on mana issues.
I didn't even know this was possible, had no issues just timing heals.
>There's a lot of things I'd like to rant about this chart but maybe later.
Unfortunate, I posted these flowcharts hoping for some seethe.
>Arachnomancer telling me, the Legion Revenant, in an Ultra room to swap to LoO
You have to be utterly fucking stupid and yes they kept dying within the first few seconds.
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What Ultra was this, is Arachno even meta in any Ultras? I know it's useful in several 7-player Challenge bosses.
Ultra Ezrajal. You may laugh.
Ezrajal is pretty much do whatever the fuck you want as long the LOO is healing at each nuke (assuming you aren't low level that your heals are dogshit or have less than 3k HP). But it's not a class I'd use in pubs anyway. Warden pubs should be your only concern because fuck him.
>Third-worlders are still asking for another restock of Paragone of Sadness
Hahaha, the seething and coping is delicious. AE's shitty website fucked over so many of them.

How do you even die that fast? Ezrajal is easy enough that it's soloable lmao. Arachno's main niche is boosting (DoT) damage in parties, which is not something I would try against a countering boss in pubs.
It's finally over
Btw there's another easy one you can get in the Shadowfall merge. Vaal, Elysium, Smite, and that one forge enchant for dexterity.
I'm farming Void Auras again for the other 51% and for Elysium. Already got all the Forge enchants except for the Weapons
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Congrats, still hoping you did the SDKA/members/dailies quests. I recent got the 9.3k Void Auras needed too.
Got Elysium first (just now) since I already had a 51% and LEW needed it. Unfortunately, VoT is still pretty bad.
Fuck yeah, just got Heros Valiance today bros. Did a test with my LR
Valiance'd 40% weapon: average 10k
Awe Blast regular weapon: average 4k
Surprised it was that much higher, maybe got a bit lucky on the crits. Obviously Valiance is 30% and I was using my Awscended daggers so another 40% on top of that. Either way, big damage, me likey.
Was also working towards Elysium until I realized I needed fucking Void Auras so absolutely the fuck not I ain't doing that shit. Not doing forge capes either, the stat boosts are painfully minimal and the grinds are awful. Going forward, I have no idea what to do but I'm reminded of that scene from the Warcraft episode of South Park where Cartman says "What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game."
Shit.. Did I miss the christmas shop said events? I missed it last year. If I MISS IT ONCE MORE.

The LQS?
Most people did since the chase set kept selling out in nanoseconds.
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I dunno. I dont read patch notes. I just know that this would be my 4th year missing Christmas, and I'm on my 7th year of forgetting Halloween. I have bad habbit to remember things at the last second.. or actually days thereafter. I've tried using the calender, a timer and.. Alright maybe I've not done much to let myself remember.. but this time, I made it, right??

I have a rope in my closet, I normally forget why I have it there, but always so on Christmas such as this, I remember it. They're obviously related.
No wait, it was 4th on 2020, it's 23 now then.. 7th.. 7years? then.. noo.. 10years of halloween have I missed tehn? that cant be . where did the time go? where did i go
Unironically get therapy anon, get some help
go get Arcana
>f.a.m is changed to senpai
How nu r u?
desu senpai baka onions gamer
i can't even remember half of the word filters
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The Frostval event is still going until January.

Genuinely haven't wrote f.a.m in a decade.
Haven't seen other people using it much neither.

Cvck is KEK. That one is common enough,
So I'm doing Malgors questline (you motherfuckers were right, Malgor did nothing wrong) and I just finished Deadlines. Found out there wasn't any button to the next part of the story but found out it was World's Core so /joined to get there. Did I miss something? Because it feels like we just somehow appeared in the mana core and now dealing with Tara for some reason. I'm really confused, please tell me I skipped an area on accident or something.
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Forge capes are a pain, but the helmets are easier and worth it.

There is nothing in between the two maps, see pic related.
Wtf? Classic AQW storytelling I guess...
I'm not doing any of that shit ever again in my life. If an AQW reset happened I'll finally be free.
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The lack of a next button was indeed weird, but I thought Tara was decently foreshadowed in the previous parts.

Why do Ultras if you don't need the insignias or enjoy the mechanics? That pause on Malgor is a nice touch though.
I feel like AQW as a whole has a severe unknowable content problem. For example, having Story in the book of lore only contain the Chaos saga is dumb, plus the Quests section in the BoL not actually having every quest location, plus the Story tab in the Map being it's own thing entirely, and not a single one of them having Elegy of Madness among other sagas is just so confusing and I say that as a supreme oldfag.
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They made Elegy of Madness canon to the main story too, so that really needs be to fixed.
Alina said it's something they plan to address, but I guess they are leaving it for Infinity.
That being said I'd like to rate some of the sagas off the top of my head (not that anyone gives a shit but hey, it keeps the conversation going).

S tier:
Elegy of Madness (Best aesthetic in the game, story runs laps around most other AQW stories, quests don't overstay their welcome, great rewards, seriously in my opinion the best content the game has to offer post-Chaos saga endgame)
Shadows of War / Malgor (The items and monster designs really aren't too amazing here but where it shines is the story. This felt a little more than just a save the universe type of deal, it felt personal and the stakes were insanely high, straight up killing off or disabling some NPC's to this day)

A tier:
Chaos Saga (Cheating a bit here since obviously it spans a LOT of quests, individual stories, etc. It's not without it's faults though, the chunk between Sandsea and The Span was honestly not that interesting and having to do Bloodtusk twice was a risky but dumb move by AE. Thankfully we get Mirror Realm kino and the Finale which was good but I feel like they wrote themselves into a very VERY deep ditch with the Dragon of Time stuff which we still have to suffer through. Again not perfect by any means but still a lovable saga and the "meat" of AQW. Going to take this opportunity to say Chaos Slayer is still a great class)

B tier:
Throne of Darkness (Pro: Artix came back to write a new questline. Con: Artix came back to write a new questline. Overly cliche and full of lol randumb humor that Artix never seemed to grow out of until he manifested an OnlyFans addiction. Falls flat around halfway but up to that point it's relatively enjoyable. Great quest-end rewards too and I still see people using classes from their respective reps, and of course Arch Pally.)
Friday The 13th (This is more A- to B+ tier. Classic AQW storytelling gets me grinning from ear to ear. Also back when they tried voice acting which was... Anyway I still love it. Good ugly rewards too.)
Man that's so silly. They already have an event map, it just takes a couple hours to make a new tab in the Story at least, we've seen them do it before.
C tier:
Memets Realm (Who would've thought a walking talking onahole gets her own saga? Some of the maps are pretty neat but that's about it. Story is horrendous, something about dreams because she's the dream Moglin so nothing feels like it has any weight or coherence. Writing serves to exist nothing and I'd argue there was too much of it. Just another boring saga with meh rewards)
Seppy's Saga (Cuck jokes aside, it's full of "why didn't x just do y" story beats. Lame quests, something about the avatar of light helping Victoria out of nowhere then dying out of nowhere and ehhhh, just really didn't like it. Would be D tier but we at least get to see baby Gravelyn)

D tier:
Zombies (I'm sorry, this is just really plain. Almost zero rewards and a plot that plays out like a shitty B movie. Guess that's what they were going for but it should've been a Halloween event instead)
Seraphic Saga (Was just... There. Odd story with strange motivations, boring aesthetic, quests that drag on. You only ever play this saga to get Legion Revenant items and that's it. Not horrible just forgettable)

E tier:
Infernal Invasion (The AQW dev team played Diablo 3 and decided to spend a solid year making a saga based on it. Horribly boring and painfully uninspired)
QoM (Had big shoes to fill and squandered it. The writers seriously had no clue what do it and just winged it. Horrible)

F tier:
Doomwood (Fuck me I hated this saga. Absolute nothingburger quests, Vordred was sorta cool? Artix darkness reveal was such a pathetic attempt to save the saga it still embarrasses me to think about it. Also introduced Necromancer and Blinding Light of Destiny which lead to people botting which lead to AE banning botters which lead to a 60% player decrease which lead to a population that was occasionally in triple digits which lead to AE introducing anti bot measures such as grindy quests and now we're here. All for a saga who's story is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things)
Fuck it, I'll rank the Chaos saga too but from worst to best. Do note I'm NOT going to include the finale for reasons that don't entirely seem fair. Also using the Wiki for help here:

Mythsong (Bloodtusk not last? What's going on? Well God damn I just hated this area. AE clearly got some literalwho musician and this arc was almost entirely an advertisement for her. This was also back during the voice acting era so expect horrible quality 2010 Flash dialogue. It's also worth mentioning the Wiki has each Chaos Lord jotted down along with their effects to the world, status, notes, etc. Under the ones for "Objective" and "Effect" are completely blank)
Bloodtusk (Already mentioned it before but having to do everything twice is stupid. Also hated the Horc/Troll aesthetic and I remember virtually zero characters. The only redeemable quality this has is Horc Evader and Troll Spellsmith being slightly good classes (they were really good when they came out)
Sandsea (You know, I just really hated the aesthetic. Desert levels in games just never does it for me. Also I spent 7 hours straight farming for Runes of Awe here a long time ago which I still remember not-fondly)
The Span (Quite a laundry list of meta storytelling tropes and time travel. Another one I can't really explain as it's been so long but I distinctly remember being bored the whole time)
Darkovia (Vampire Wolf boy commits racial genocide because he's Naruto. Questline goes on for FAR too long, I mean for the time they certainly did, nowadays not so much. Recycled assets up the wazoo and I'm pretty sure the overall story for this was short asf)
Arcangrove (We're starting to get into the good stuff, albeit slowly. Arcangrove is another who's quests go on for far too long and the story is only mildly interesting. The biggest takeaways from this is the Nulgath larvae farming spot, Shaman and Stonecrusher classes, really great Miltonious designed aesthetic and, of course, that fucking music man.)
Thunderforge (I'm going to honest, I sort of enjoyed the Onslaught story and even though their designs didn't age well I still think they look cool as fuck. The boss and NPC designs took a massive leg up and so too did the backgrounds. I'm just in love with that typhoon Asian goth environment. Maximillian was also sort of interesting as a character and the story mostly kept me engaged. Also Darkblood Stormking is still one of the most badass names for a class)
Yokai (Yokai was the last arc for 2009 (yeah they really did 3 fucking arcs in 1 year, crazy) and in my opinion also brings a close to a particular segment of AQW. Everything after felt a little more refined or experimental while this still captures that classic AQW feel. Quests are short, sometimes long, the humor is great, even the journey to get to Yokai was interesting. Kitsune might not have been the most interesting Chaos lord but everything else certainly was and it was clear AE put a lot of love in researching Japanese influences)
Swordhaven (Finally telling the tale of King Alteon and his demise. This was also fairly short running roughly the same length as Darkovia but it's just balls to the wall action action action with an incredibly sad payoff that we all knew was coming for 4 years)
Dwarfhold (I just love that stupid nigga Vath so goddamn much, nigga really enslaved dwarves for no reason at all. Kino classic aesthetic, interesting minigames, large sprawling environments, a story that serves itself and featuring AQW's very first war. Dwarfhold doesn't get a lot of recognition these days but god I still love it for what it is and the Vath/Stalagbite drops are still really awesome)
Mirror Realm / Xing & Xang (Who on God's great earth doesn't love these 2 chaotic bitches? Drakath might've been le evil badguy but Xing & Xang really exemplified the word "Chaos". It's worth noting I'm not just counting their own little saga here but also their entire involvement throughout the Chaos saga (it's only fair since I did the same with Alteon). As for their finale and boss fight it's still one of the most fun in the game. being a DoT and shitting out mega jizz damage onto Xiang never gets old. Also the mirror realm as a whole is such an interesting concept and gave way to Lord of Order and one of the best Quibble shops of all time)
Chiral Valley (You knew this was coming. Where it all began. You honestly just can't beat the storytelling and the jokes, it's like the OG team was all working on this with an unbridled passion and it shows. Kicking off the Chaos saga would've been difficult but it's clear they fully understood the medium and established a lot of conventions that would be continued to this day. The J6 backgrounds are still beautiful as fuck, the Nulgath monster designs are fantastic, the Beleen jokes are actually funny, Cysero did wwhat he does best and I don't know what that is but I know he's there in spirit, Rhubarb, Artix, Reens, man it all really just came together. Seriously have a look at those old Design Notes, it's such a blast from the past reading stuff by Sepulchure telling you to join Evil and Alteon telling him to get fucked, join Good. I really miss this era of AQW, I know a lot of people do. I used to come back home after school and sit on the family computer playing this game for an hour then playing outside on the trampoline or at the playground. I used to call my friend on the home phone and play along with him which fucked up the phone bill a lot. No theory crafting. No social media. No massive releases or even daily releases. No grinding. Just enjoying what was on offer and making friends in a little Flash mmo.)
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am i crazy or is there no perma giftbox set this year?
I can't wait to get rgow so I can get rid of this stupid fucking parrot
What is it with this community and obsessing about doing things "optimally?" Not even in multiplayer content, I've had people chimp out at me for prioritizing one grind over another because it's not "the best" way to do it, then get angry when I don't take their advice. What drives a person to be this rabidly autistic and try to dictate another person's free time?
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Because this is a game designed to make you work, not have fun. You work to get better gear that lets you work more efficiently to get even better gear. By now most players already have optimal gear, enhancements, classes etc and when you're at that point, the only thing you can really do is teach people how to optimize their playthrough which I feel like goes against the principles of the game.
I've said this time and time again, so long as you have a comfortable farming class, comfortable solo class and maybe a +30% weapon, you really don't need anything else to complete most content in the game. I have Chaos Avenger and Legion Revenant, arguably the best soloing and farming classes in the game, and I still go back to playing Blazebinder, Abyssal Angel, The Collector (yes I did the 90 day long quest. I hate myself) because they're marginally more fun than nuking everything in the room before they can breathe. You just play however you want and only focus on yourself because it's your playthrough that matters, not some S tier fag trying to tell you whats up. These rules do NOT apply in Ultras though, fuck off unless you're level 90, have Arch Paladin or Stonecrusher at least and Awe enhancements.
Don't insult my pet damage boost like that
where can you get loli gravelyn
>Also this week, we've begun work on the Paladin rework!
>The prevailing design space we wanted for Paladin can be summarized as "Big heals, big bonks." To follow this theme, Paladin will be intended to be played as a Strength class. Notably, this means being unable to crit.
>Overall, Paladin will be trading a lot of shielding ability in exchange for massive -Boost potential, and more consistent healing skills. As well as more damage!
>There's some other neat skills that haven't been previewed here, such as Solemn Vow, that changes effect based on your HP%, and more!
is it going to be good bros
Honestly, I feel like a lot of the newer classes are fun enough to play
How long do I have to donate AC? January 9th, right?
>big youtuber makes video on AQC and AQW
>no influx of porn
Fuck... I just wanna fuck the huntress...
>>big youtuber makes video on AQC and AQW
lay it on me sis
never heard of him
>two (2) hour long video
christ, i should be thankful it's not one of those gay 5+ hour long analysis videos (or maybe it is) but seriously wtf
Happy New Year, bros
Dude, this is old...
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Would be an improvement
Favorite Ultra Boss?
"none" is not an option
Let's do a poll. For me, it's Malgor.
My son, of course
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good morning I hate the new meme sweater
Holy sexo
>Haven't been able to play for almost a month due to classes and visiting family
You say that like it's a bad thing, only reason to follow up on this game is play AQW infinity on release
which games you niggas playing? aqw? aq3d?
AQ. Dragonfable. AQW. that's it.
can u make cute waifus in aqw? whats wrong with aq3d?
>whats wrong with aq3d?
2D > 3D
>can u make cute waifus in aqw?
That's literally why anyone plays it, to dress like anime girls.
Only Dragonfable. It's their best game anyways.
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making an account NOW
Excuse you, I play it to dress like an edgelord.
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I need to get into AQ3D.
you really do not
No you don't :)
Another dull Nulgath birthday....
Also the Fa Bank Pet really should've been the 1k gift reward, or at least the chaos twins. Vordred is fucking ugly as shit.
frogsneed on /vrpg/
Huh, didn't even know it was
They improved Tercessuinotlim, made a Nulgath package reward and Nulgaths bday items like the pets are back. So not totally shit but still would've been nicer to have more stuff or a return of old items since Milt is officially back.
Surprisingly, I enjoy AQW farming more than GBF farming.
get back into the meat mines danchode
Why? AQW farming is arguably more tedious
Is the Nulgath Birthday Pet even worth it? The 1.5k ac one btw. Just doesn't seem much better than rolling Wheel of Chance + Return Policy.
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Did a droprate comparison and man, I still don't know. Seems kinda shit if anything like it doesn't give Essences which I really need.
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nulgath has 'emmies
the choice is obvious
That's the rare one though. I mean party hat Nuly
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if you need an easy source of blood 'emmies asap or want nulgath caladbolg buy him. totems was another highlight but since you can buy them with dirt and gold now... that's something to consider. he's still a good value THOUGH
Ehh I'll think about it. Might get ENNH at some point plus Archfiend (I don't need it but hey, it's a class) so it is appetizing. Just a shame the next best thing is a fucking 5k AC pet
>just nulgath head dancing
>Male is a hulking armoured suit while female gets a bikini.
Classic, also isn't this the 1st non-Heromart Milton art since 2022?
>even the sword is a booby lady
It's always okay to marry your sword
>loving the female armor
>my alt doesn't have nearly enough ACs for it
>could get the reverse version on my main four times over but I don't want to be a tranny
decisions, decisions
Oh well, fuck it. If this post ends with 1,3,5,7,9,0 or any kind of dubs then I'll get it.
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Meh. This guy is worshipped way too much. Sure, he was the first artist who made every shit in the game back in the early days but he's just that replaceable.
>Hero and Gravelyn learn that the new girl's real name is Anarky, and her father is the Nation traitor they're hunting down
>Gravelyn asks about the supposed super weapon
>Hero asks about who thought her name was a good idea
We're such a dork...
The pauldrons are so fucking stupid, they can't even raise their hands.
Unity version when? I want to play the game but it's so choppy
Years. The tech demo was bare bones anyway.
>Check fan art
>Someone spent an exuberant amount of money on porn of their OC
But why
I had no idea people still played this lol. I remember playing this in middle school years ago. I also remember a game with mecha battles maybe its the same game? Idk.
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Can someone tier list the nuglath pets pretty please?
tier list are for fags
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Holy shit finally. Doing this without a pet and without doing ultras was a bitch. Still vastly more enjoyable than LR's grind.
Never played the game, but fucked a crazy chick who used to work there yeeeeeeeeeears ago. Always reminded of her when I see one of these threads.
Did she have an Onlyfans page or daddy issues by any chance?
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>want to skip the roentgenium grind with ultra nulgath but too scared to join a group
I mean 2 gems out of 15 every week isn't really 'that' good to begin with. That's partly why I skipped it completely.
Congrats! The RNG isn't that bad, but the mandatory 15 day wait is rather boring.
Luckily I prefarmed a full stack of those potions while doing LR so I was good to go. Problem was killing Ultra Alteon thousands of times for wheel shit, that got reaaaaaal boring.
If I had to do it again, I'd probably buy that 1.5k ac birthday pet. Seems kinda shit but those blood gems and totems were fucking with my brain I swear to god. Also if I knew about /Originul sooner I would've done the daily there too ontop of my nsod dailies.
All in all, I'm really happy with VHL. It's insanely fucking powerful and I love just shitting out mega 20k pops every couple of seconds.
No this was well before onlyfans. Daddy issues, probably don't most absolute whores? I was far from the only one who had a ride.
Pub it.
Post it
It's even worse when it's someone you know.
when you're friend with that person*
Post it sis
Blue board, anon.
Apparently catbox is dying at some point in the future
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What if the Hero and Grimm switched places?
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AE, you guys wouldn't be hiring writers by any chance would you? I swear I can easily do a better job than... this.
small indie company please understand
When one of the earlier faction wars was released, the devs copy pasted the same description for over 100 items, you'd get Nation items referring to Dage and armor as blades.
I love the art of this game. Idk what the game even is, but the art is on point.
AQWorlds. It's a tough sell these days because it's NOT newbie friendly at all (you're contesting with over 15 years of rare never-again-released weapons/classes/armors etc) but it's still a pretty decent game.
The art ranges from "dios mio la shit-acabra" to the greatest piece of artistry you've ever seen in a 2D game.
Case in point for the former; Exalted Apotheosis, and case in point for the latter; Hollowborn Alignment Aspects
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>Exalted Apotheosis
I dunno about that, the sheer clusterfuck is charming in its own right.
AQW's EA is a direct copypaste from DF, right?
Pretty much, yeah
I can't never not remember that one DeviantArt keyblade pic. If someone knows which one I'm talking about, please post it.
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Here you go.
Stan Steel bros, our response?
Ah yes, thank you.
>+51% dps
Looks perfectly fine for a game whose playerbase is 90% SEA
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>The art ranges from "dios mio la shit-acabra" to the greatest piece of artistry you've ever seen in a 2D game.
So true.
How's the new update?
Can't speak much on Nulgath-fans behalf but it's alright. 500 free AC, story with Karnage is a fair bit longer and concludes (?), few extra things in the chest, some merge shop stuff, a new enchantment tied to a new endgame quest from a house item.
Again I'm happy for Nulgath fans but this sort of stuff, especially not that enchantments grind I mean dear God, isn't for me. Apparently we get even more stuff next week so here's hoping they put out a farming pet because I wouldn't be caught dead spending 5k on Cringe & Baboon.
>500 free AC
Log in brother, it's the honorable hero time of year. No quest or anything, just saw 500 AC pop into my inv.
hell yeah finally a decent cape to got with this. i am a sucker for angel wings
please be in swordhaven...
There were already a dozen farming pets for Nulgath items throughout the years, some are rare but still easily obtainable since everyone and their mom has an IDOA.

As for the new endgame grind, a lot of players already have 90% of the requirements since they're prerequisites for something else. I just thank god that ugly Beetle General armor is not required.
>I just thank god that ugly Beetle General armor is not required.
It is for Radiant Goddess of War, aka the end game item to end all end game items.
>a lot of players already have 90% of the requirements since they're prerequisites for something else
You would think so, but they really aren't. I have basically every endgame class, all of the forge enhancements, 51% dmg items, random stuff for badges... Pretty much everything that doesn't require you to do ultras (and are non-mem). And while I do have a lot of these quests and maps unlocked, and have a buttload of random Nulgath items like gems and diamonds, I haven't even heard about many of the items needed to do the fiend shard quests.

Not sure if Ravenous will be worth it, I can imagine it is, but the 40% all tagged armor is practically RGoW lite.
>aka the end game item to end all end game items.
The only reason I'm never getting that item is because it has the word goddess in its name.
Well off the top of my head Ungodly reavers, AF Deathlord, DB of destruction, and the Roentgems can probably all be maxed out through insignias.
And you think 90% of the playerbase does ultras? And especially to that extent?
Every guild right now is just dedicated to Ultras (or ERP) besides its still one of the easiest Ultras so it can be done fairly quickly.
If they want to speed up their farm, otherwise you do you.
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>Marry >Fuck >Kill
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They couldn't have picked an uglier design for the final endgame weapon/armour of Nation.
How'd you manage to post this before Lae posted it on Twitter?
Lae... Is that you? Please make a Hollowborn Blade of Awe.
Beleen bros...
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look closer
It does look quickly made for the farm, not a fa of heaven/hell themes in general but the void eyes will always look cools.
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Has she done anything outside of the Battleunder quests?
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What is the easiest Ultra to kill with randoms?
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I ain't winning shit from the weapon contest brothers....
Any of the Time Inn ultras, you can even solo some of them.
Minor event stuff thats all
Where is Drakath?
>Where is Drakath?
Why would he be in a group picture where the leader absolutely despises him?
Dage and Nulgath are together and they despise each other.
>but but gravelyn hates him
They've been allies far more than enemies
Dage and Nulgath both work for her. Gravelyn only allies with Drakath if she's forced to, and even then the Hero usually has to be involved in some way.
>evil leaders.png
>Dage and Nulgath both work for her.
Nope, even in recent cutscenes Nation were willing to attack Gravelyn for interfering
>Gravelyn only allies with Drakath if she's forced to
And that disproves my point how?
Gravelyn, Dage, and Nulgath are all Evil
Drakath is Chaos
It's that simple
I don't think it's fair that AE artists are/were allowed to participate, it's going to totally fuck up the results.
soloing warden is literally rng
Archmage makes it easy to solo, the HoT is just too strong.
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Yulgar's Inn has fallen. Billions must idle.
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Was the class a mistake?
>Fills your Ultra Boss rooms
I mean, it's a legitimate if not optimal option for Darkon at least.
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VHL is still good in ultras but if you're pubbing, they're only concerned about safety. Also, if I see a SC in a speaker lobby I'm leaving because it's fucking slow.
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This isn't even a lot of text
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No, LR was the mistake.
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Why are AQW players afraid of socializing?
Socializing with who? Lmao.
The afk people in Battleon?
Or do you mean the afk people in Yulgar?

I already have VDK and AM but even I know that shit is impossible to do if you didn't get in at release. That's the inherent problem with creating group only content in mmos, shit becomes impossible for anyone to catch up and do after a couple months of release.

>/join battleon
>"Hey can I get help with [challenge boss]?"
>/join yulgar
>"Hey can I get help with [challenge boss]?"
Man, I wish I had friends I could kill Ultras with.
Ehhh, I used to get annoyed at Miltonius but I'm starting to respect him more and more as releases come out. He's definitely overrated and his quests all suck, but you can't claim that his art isn't unique and creative at least. Compare him to all the other garbage major armour artists like Lae, Dage, Kotaro, etc. And it also feels less samey than stuff like Darkon gear which is technically good, but kinda boring.
I can at least expect at least something from Miltonius, not so from the other guys. At this point I'm more excited for Akumi Wars than anything AE is doing, even as someone who loved the Drakath and QoM/Malgor sagas.
AQC player here.
Why the hell do players fall for the Golden Giftbox meme so much when an Ultrarare has less than a 3 percent rate?
If they made Ultrarares drop more often, and/or lowered the ratio required to trade in commons and rares for them, I'd actually spend the money on the Z-tokens to buy them with.
It's pretty gay desu when you realize that cheaper/better GGBs would attract more players willing to spend the money on them in the first place.
>featured gear shop got updated
It's shit.
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what did he mean by this
Fort Sneed (formerly Chuck's)
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Fort Sneed?
>Finally fix my computer so I can play again
What have I missed?
>cheaper/better GGBs would attract more players willing to spend the money on them in the first place.
I don't think so. If you're still playing a 20 year old flash game you're pretty fucking bought in I think and if you were ever gonna spend money you would have by now.
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Funny enough, even though people claim the AQW IoDA is $100 (this is actually the fuckhuge AC pack that also gives an IoDA), they actually math out around $30 apiece. Still pretty crazy for a single old item that whales spend on bullshit like Werepyre Slayer Wings, but not quite gachatard-level.
AE's current business model of catering to just a few whales is not going to survive the next decade, mark my words.
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wtf miltonius why would you give it invincibility every time you kill the mobs, healing back to 100% HP that's done often, reduce damage taken like 90% buff if you ever do any real damage, two rows of infinitely respawning protection so melee guys can't hit it, a status effect that instantly kills your unit if not dispelled and a huge healthbar to boot?
Is there anything even really worth getting in there? Most of the "meta" gear is on the rare shop isn't it?
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That's enough for RGOW, nice.
Good job bro now dunk that parrot into the trash bin
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Wonder if the sword tip on the right is Yara's?

Congrats, hope you didn't have to do this in pubs.
I can't be arsed with First Speaker when taunts are still bugged.

Never bothered with the parrot, I did Archmaster then HotLB.
>hope you didn't have to do this in pubs.
Haha... that's our Anonymous!
I'm almost done with it. just need some FUARKING elemental cores
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It's finally over...
Mostly mid as expected, but there's a few gems. Any winners here?

Congrats again, I'm just got HotLB and have no desire to get RGoW.
I can't draw to save my life, unfortunately
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Opinions on the upcoming changes? Smite and Avarice looking good.
In particular, I expect Smite, Anima/Pneuma, Avarice builds to be great.
Curious about Absolution and Hearty too; don't care about Ravenous.

Judging by the winners, neither can most of the fucking contestants lol.
>Enforcer/Protosartorium (light rework)
Rustbucketsisters... our response?
Literally every single art submission looks like a lamp.
About damn time, the new enchantment needed a buff and Avarice was never used because of the 50% defence debuff that makes it impossible for late game farming.
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Avarice is best-in-slot for some tanky soloers and farmers, hopefully more classes can use it full-time now.
A lot of third-worlders are seething about the Dauntless nerf though, they keep translating it as Fearless lol.
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Its probably just giving them the legend rank 10 passive the other member class clones got.
Any news on aqw infinity
it's dead sis
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>Make Elergy of Madness
>Never try that hard again
What the fuck is wrong with AE?
At the very least, the story seems to have more focus than whatever they were doing with the Queen of Monsters and early Malgor
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>Updates to various classes, enhancements, quests, monsters, and a replacement for an existing scroll.

>Dauntless: Damage: 220% - 660% > 190% - 570%
The nerf was bigger than I expected, especially on classes that can't lower their HP.
>Forge Helmet Enhancement: The turn in requirements have been replaced with...
Great QoL change, the helmets are really good for the effort they take (especially Vim)
>Absolution: Removed the Ascended Paladin Staff turn in requirement.
The artist who IoDA'd the 3 quest items wasted one IoDA lol. RIP Bozo.
>Avarice: The number of required Indulgence and Penance have been reduced from 75 to 50.
Going to farm Avarice now, especially with the negative debuffs reduced.

What are your thoughts, Anons?
Thanks for reminding me to actually farm these
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>Of course, this is still too much of a change for die hard fans of the old school. To which my solution is to flash that meme of the little girl saying, "WHY NOT BOTH?".
>Specifically, with this Dragon below, we are putting both versions in the game. The new dragon with the improved shading will be in the new Dragon's Lair's revamped story.
>But, as a bonus, we will build a second version of the fight featuring the original dragon... along with some funny cutscenes to say in game what every old school fan of the game is thinking.
>That is both funny and a good solution. "Keep what everyone loves, and also make it better."
So like NostalgiaQuest? Also, Twitter/X's image compression is shit, wish artists would move off it.

I bet Artix is going to make gender change free during Pride/Transgender month to fuck with you.

Surprised they reworked Enforcer/Protosartorium, it's nice that RustBucket is unchanged.
Dauntless lost less than 15% of its damage and none of its stats. The crit and haste buff are what matter and nothing that exploited it before this week will be unable to do so after.
Hearing what people thought about it I thought it was going to be unusable. It's still far and away the best physical forge enhancement.
Is the first one in the second row the black knight? If so I'm gonna fucking hang myself.
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sleepy frogzard
Remember playing that shit as a kid.
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No, I think that's a Jus Divinum soldier, now this pic is the revamped black knight.

Checked and tested the update (with friends). [Smite, Anima/Pneuma, Avarice] is nice.
[Valiance, Anima, Avarice] CAv now ties with Dauntless' solo DPS in most scenarios.
Dauntless is still better for hard-hitting mobs, though it scales less with pots & supports.

Supposedly, Ravenous is better than Valiance for both CAv and VHL. Can't confirm myself.
Seen Dauntless/Ravenous VHL comparisons, but unsure on regular gameplay relevancy.
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achievable natty?
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>Mogs all your MIDzards
i look like this
Based, especially if you're racist
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Didn't an anon want to make a guild?
AQW thread has fallen...
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>enter speaker pub
>exit pub
>Anno Domini 2024
>People still don't know how to fight Speaker
You'd think they'd at least look it up or something
Didn't they say they were gonna remove the bad effects from some enchants? I guess that didn't include Hearty then, huh?
Hearty is a meme enhance, so I didn't expect them to actually fix it
>The lack of IP count means that someone could samefag this thread to bump limit
all me sis
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Pic related come with a fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305821

Someone tested Ravenous with Cav and it had +3k DPS over Valiance.
Higher than Dauntless too unless the monster hits super hard, which is rare.

>Hearty: Outgoing damage and Incoming Healing penalty: -15% > 0%
All enhancements, within a equipment type, share the same total primary stats.
I heard it's now meta on BT, decent on PCM, and has niche uses on DroT.
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Who're the black and pink haired girls?
I can only assume they're OCs
donuts steel?
>they got rid of IP count
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this is literally 4chan the guild
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>Today's update brings changes to a few existing quests and items:
Liking the stable damage range changes, one unstable 51% is enough for me.
Also, got Hollowborn Paragon since I disliked Shogun Paragon's aesthetic.
>Hb Paragon pet is just a reskin of Shogun Paragon, with nothing special to it except being expensive and having the rare tag
>Hb Caladbolg needs the OG Caladbolg to access its quest
>Apparently has no boosts despite the amount of effort it requires, despite the fact that the OG Caladbolg has boosts
Literally what the fuck are they thinking
Hollowborn is good because... because IT JUST IS OK?!?! #BRPride
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We need more antiquity based designs. Dunno if pic rel fits I didn't really look at it
good morning aqwsisters. i fucking hate third worlders who think they're quirky by idling 24/7 blocking access to the artix server
>he wants to play with randoms
Damn, this garbage still is so expensive wtf who pays for it
>he rely on his friends that will inevitable stop playing
They already have. I don't rely on anyone anymore. And other than the mega bosses like Speaker, I have already done pretty much everything there is to do. I'm also non-member. The only time I play with randoms is during new class releases so I can get them with the least amount of hassle possible.
of course the /u/ troon is anti loli
Who is the strongest boss we've fought so far?
my wallet
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How have I not seen this pic before?
>2011 was 13 years ago
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>2005 was 30 years ago
>tfw your account is older than a significant portion of all people alive today
>these people might already playing the same game
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kino soon
>Just found out why it's called Chiral Valley
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I prefer Xitra, not to confused with the necromancer Xitra Regeirk.
just roll over and die boomer
you will be isekai'd into this garbage fantasy world
Galana is obviously the better choice though, Xitra is shit tier waifu.
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I'm one of the winners (pic for proof). Still haven't been contacted about anything yet but the collection chest and coins are in my account. The winners post mentions prize money but I'm skeptical anything will come of it, again, as I haven't heard from anyone. None of the weapons are even in the game yet so I'm confused what's actually going on behind the scenes.
What quest is this?
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holy sexo
i hate tk users
>This is not what you think it is.
>... OR IS IT?!
>You'll just have to wait and see.
>Happy speculating.
>They will be waiting.

Not really a fan of the Grand Prize/Double Dark Surprise winners except like one, but still very nice! Congrats.
>The release of the Draw Your Weapon Contest winner weapons announced for today has been delayed.
if its real, this better not require farming some ultra bosses
Thanks anon!
Man what the heck. I guess there were a lot of winners and they probably want to have custom requirements for each one. Still wouldn't put it pass AE to wait until like December to implement them (I'm still waiting for the Frostval Mirror Caladbolg AE)
I hope it requires RGOW as a prereq.
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Would you?
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kino has arrived
shit didn't mean to reply to that
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>April Fools is over, now I can reveal that something is coming soon
>New class soon
>Reduced Empress' Finger's Damage Resistance by 100%.
>Reduced Ancient Mecha's HP to 180,000 and damage by around 40%.
>Reduced Encore Darkon's HP to 222,222 and increased Damage Resistance by 50%.
Not finishing Darkon's Saga due to my laziness is paying off!
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>My Sovereign Eternal, it is an honor to meet this version of you – the Eternal Dragon of Time.
>I am Haurvat, known as the Fifth Speaker accused of being a nitpicky completionist.
>I hail from another timeline, but explore the expanses of Time and Space to pursue perfection.
>Yours, of course. Though you hold great power, it is a fraction of your original strength.
>I wish to guide you to becoming complete again.
Does every fucking Speaker have Electra/Oedipus complex?

Note to myself, updated Ultras guide.

Is that the climatic final boss of the Rose saga?
How many of the ultra bosses can be soloed? I know pretty much all of timeinn can be and I did nightmare carnax before. Who else?
darkonGODS we are so back
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Just made some P2W whale cope and seethe with some quippy one-liners about botting. Feels great.

Carnax, Exaltia, Flibbitiestgibbet, and Nightbane is soloable, Drakath as well before pot-loading was removed.
Why do my kids keep wanting to fuck me
>some quippy one-liners about botting
What were they
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>My Sovereign Eternal, your loyal Second Speaker is at your service. Malgor, your First Speaker, wishes to wipe Lore clean. Again.
>He believes they disrespect you and hunger for war. Best to stop him before he causes an extinction event. Ah, you seem confused.
So far, Kathool, Jus Divinum, and the 1st(?)/2nd/5th Speakers has referred to us as Sovereign Eternal. Am I forgetting anyone?

>Of note is that Amalia Nathansohn Freud was relatively young during Freud's childhood and thus of reproductive age
>Freud having a wet-nurse may not have experienced the early intimacy that would have tipped off his perceptual system that Mrs. Freud was his mother.
It's really our fault for being an eternally youthful sexy dragon and not breastfeeding the Speakers enough when they were born.

They were bitching that botters aren't actually playing the game and therefore should quit. So I quipped they should also quit since they used AC/IoDA to skip farms.
Extremely low-effort bait obviously, but they kept doubling down and became increasingly angry. Retard couldn't argue their way out of a (metaphorical) paper bag.
Speaker bros, the Sovereign Eternal hates us...
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What the fuck is its problem?
Coolest boss design in the game
Darkon is a visionary
whats that set, bro?
>inb4 oops all Rares
Angry because it saw two filthy meleis in its depths.

>all rare or time gated by a 14 year wall
lol. i feel bad for newer players
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class art looks ass though
>i can get only one
not that bad

not a fan of the face but cant be worse than the possible timegrindy or batshit insane requirements if its a class you have to farm for
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Here's the full size image, I hate Xitter's compression.

The weapon and helmet were just something I had on hand.
Shouldn't be hard to replace, the tail took me a while though.
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>I had
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>sitting on two perfects sets that is still good for the time (year of the wood dragon) and have an event for this sort of thing (Akiba)
>cosmetics stuff at that event are just random dragon-related and only one one wood related thing for some guardsman
what are they DOING
I have no fucking clue why but the team have a habit of sitting on completed designs for months at a time.
if i pull that off will she die
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>Arcana Invoker Class Preview: The 22 Arcana Will Be Yours to Wield!
>needs a total 80 Darkon and Drago insignias combined
>tfw have 130 Darkon and 140 Drago insignias in the bank
feels good mang
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Elysium looking good with the skill CD and mana regen. Wish the 3rd skill was 2-target, but that might be asking too much.

Going to use Arcana's Debris for the ones mergeable with Drago's insignias; the Ultra Darkon exclusive ones I'm farming.

Just a figure of speech, I took that screenshot months ago. I have sold some rares though, mostly old and ugly AC ones.
>If Judgement is active, instead summon The World for 22 seconds, changing the effects of your other skills.
They really could stop with this shit. If the class has multihit then I'm not gonna use it on bosses to pull adds, and therefore it's for farming. But because farming anything takes forever and isn't challenging otherwise I want to shut my brain off and not micromanage cooldowns. Can't they figure something so simple out for themselves? Who enjoys this?
>All of those Passives
Aiiiiieeee, I don't want to pay attention
I dropped this after farming Void Highlord and completing the the Drakath arc. Should I continue? The chaos bitch storyline feels so disjointed and I'm less invested.
The last half of Malgor is kino, and Darkon's story is great. The Queen of Monsters storyline is really aimless.
I just logged in and saw I farmed NSOD as well. Fucking hell I'm retarded. Has the balance changed since archmage dropped?
Not really. It's generally expected for you to have a top tier support class in addition to VHL and LR, but that's mostly for Super bosses. I wonder if that one anon still has the list of meta classes.
Any new Gravelyn content?
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There's been some, but mind you I haven't played for a few months.
Gravelyn might be the only reason I force myself through the story desu.
>continue the New Years DRAGON saga today
>MONKEY armors because ??
I'm begging AE to move on from the Yokai storyline. It's so boring and the aesthetics are Genshin Impact tier garbage.
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>this class is le good with elysium
reddit the class
same famalam
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Who cares about adds? Those are either fodder mobs or set to aggro when you attack the boss anyways.
Though from the skill descriptions, it seem to be more focused on soloing. I don't want to think when soloing ugh.

Gravelyn will show up in Yokai Dragons, they're releasing the non-Frostval Gravelyn bank buddy >>3445261
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>It's the purple hair. It means good danger. O_O

LR is also a top tier support, but it's so common nowadays you'll need another support.
IMO the newer guide >>3445144 lists classes and comps more frequently used in pubs.

With the farming & questlines required for Elysium, you could get AF or maybe even LR faster.
Arcangrove rep is a bitch too. I have been enjoying Elemental Warrior with Elysium though.
>Enter new region
>Talk to important looking dude
>Murder 50 random monsters/people
>Kick the ass of some giant monster
>Get paid while the guy from before thanks me
The life of a hero is hard work
Whatever happened to the Steam release? I wonder if it will kill all botting.
It will be released in 2XXX. Trust the plan sis.
thanks to whoever helped me kill death's head at citadel tonight i'm farming on a new account out of boredom
Just... play a different game?
The last news was in February
Does anyone use Dragon Knight? I stopped playing years ago and got back to farm xp. I was wondering if I should continue using it, what are the recommended enchants and if not, should I go and buy the minimum amount of acs for infinity titan (stonecrusher) and what enchants should I get for that class?
It should be fine for most content, though Infinity Titan is a good investment (for AQW lol) if you have the cash to spend. I believe that its buffs are considered different from Stonecrusher's, so they actually stack.
The general rule for enhancements (not counting Forge stuff) is
>Magic -> Wizard
>Physical -> Lucky
There are exceptions, i.e. DoT wanting the Healer enhancement for the big HP boost, but sticking with these generally produces serviceable results.
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>I was wondering if I should continue using it, what are the recommended enchants
I literally linked an enhancement guide in the first reply, thanks for confirming AQW players can't read. >:(
DK was a mid/late-game soloer last I checked , but it might be annoying for general use since the CDs are long.
Pneuma is almost always best-in-slot for casters, but the cape will depend on the weapon enhancement.
Smite would be good if you slightly delay pressing the 5th skill or just use Awe enhancements if too lazy to farm.

>should I go and buy the minimum amount of acs for infinity titan (stonecrusher)
IT/SC is only used in a few Ultra bosses and Challenge bosses are flexible on class comps so it's not necessary.
SC is now AC-tagged as well and supports are not really needed in casual play, but it's nice to skip 3 reputations.
IMO a package with a bank pet would be better or FireLord Summoner if you don't already have a good farmer.
Check if you have members-only classes though, Chaos Shaper, Legendary Hero, Elemental Warrior are good now.

IT & SC's buffs does stack when I tested, but it's pretty niche since haste and defence both cap, so rarely useful.
DroT also doesn't need Luck or Wisdom since DoTs can't crit, which is why Wizard enhancement isn't as useful.
>Super Deepthroat vibes on the right
>bank pet package
>when the only bank pet you need is coming soon
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Already posted, I also don't associate with bastard children especially not non-rare/seasonal ones.
I’ve been confused reading up on what they’re actually doing with the unity port
At first I thought it was going to operate as a fresh start classic style server, where they start from the beginning and work their way forward. But now I get the vibe they’re just porting everything randomly as they get around to it?

Shame really, I have a lot of attachment to my AQW character but I wouldn’t have minded starting over on a new version of the game
People still cheat/bot on other steam games, don’t see how AQI will be safe from it.
Can you even f2p this thing? If not, anyone wants to sponsor me xD?
is there a way to open wiki links in my browser instead of the shitty one built in i don't want to give them ad revenue
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Has adblock and item preview, also open-source.
The botting clients would probably also work.
it's gonna cost 2k acs isn't it
i only have 1.6k fuckkkkkk
That better be the MC with Gravelyn.
>he skips the story
>he can't read file names
Man I really love the Harem Gauze, the only good thing that ever came out of the Middle East.
In my defense they both look the same and I the story became way too disjointed when the angels/demons showed up so I quit.
good news, my wish for the set on the right is granted today
I can’t believe the fans whining for the past two years gave us the Darkon Class
>Gravelyn bank buddies are 2k ac each
Otherwise wouldn't bother me but separating the two variants rather than having one purchase is a bit scummy.
>Gravelyn became a Bank pet just to stalk you
My evil empress can't be this cute
Is it me or majority of people on AQW are subhumans?
Some motherfucker hacked my account, deleted my outfit sets, banked all of my items, and then used sixty IoDAs on rare consoomer bullshit like Eternal Flame and Voltaire Hair. Subhuman is absolutely the word to use to describe the kind of grub-eating chimp who does this shit.
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Voltaire Hair is flex? Never could have guessed.
I didn't think so either, but it's on the list of popular IoDA items which makes this chimpshit behavior. I'm far more offended at the choice of items redeemed than the hack itself.
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>tfw when her best outfit only shows up once
>Immediately drops everything and brings an army when she hears you need help
>Only decides not to invade Yokai because she doesn't want to stress you out
>Almost murders the Emperor of Steel when she thinks he's a threat to you
Gravelyn is so clingy...
....why did you have sixty IODAs and how the fuck did you get your account hacked?
Passive accumulation from daily spins, and they bought several. I'm guessing it was specifically AQW targeted because my account is mega old and they didn't even try to hit any other AE accounts (trivially discoverable from account management).
>AQW isn't well known enough to have dedicated drawfags
>Barely any (good) art of the girls
Life is simply... unfair
The drop rate for the Gravelyn house guest is so fucking low
gotta pay the gravelyn tax chud
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Which Gravelyn did you pick, lads?
Finally got her
what boss do you farm?
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Newest event boss
Bring HP Vamp
Absolutely loved using dsg to tear into this boss
Be honest, anon-frens, do I look like a douche?
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Forgot pic.
The helmet looks dumb. Then again I rock the VHL set with NSoD and think I look really cool so who knows.
the helmet makes you look like an asshole but it fits the set
2010 sovl
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>This Friday.. prepare to visit the Arcana.
New World boss or just a Challenge/Ultra boss?

Unholy Reaper of Nulgath would look better, but rare lol.
I, personally, also dislike dual-wielding polearms.
Betting on Ultra boss that makes the grind easier
we already have an ultra route tho
Weapon recommendations for RGOW?
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Fashion-wise? Anything by Despera that matches its colours, since RGoW has their distinct art style.
There an archive of some sort that let's me know which work is theirs?
Lol, no.
This game's wiki is so damn bad. It's little more than a glossary.
It's missing all kinds of info that you'd expect a game's wiki to have. Like artists.
...Why would you expect a wiki to have that? Never in the history of anything have I cared about the devs of a game so much that I'd find it noteworthy information who worked on what when looking up information relevant to gameplay.
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Check their Xitter, there's some aquatic animal sets coming soon: https://twitter.com/desperamon

Most gachas without an unified art style lists the artists, but then again, those are fucking gachas.
I'm shocked AE never transitioned into a gacha company. Shallow gameplay, low spec graphics, long grinds, and FOMO inducement are right up their alley
>Have dozens of artists on standby at any given time
>Release content borderline every single day
>Have experience developing idle questing games, Unity games and mobile games
>Have tons of great characters made up over the years
>Write enough lore to make Tolkien blush
>Thousands of paypigs who throw hundreds of dollars at a moments notice
>Despite all this, still NEVER make a gacha
Looking at this game always makes me want to host a private server. Too bad the emulators I used to have no longer work.
>animations I'll always need to have off because the game can't handle them
T-thanks Darkon
Holy fuck I am mad.
>decide to look up if emulators for AQW still exist in the 2024th year of our lord
>find a surprisingly active looking forum with file uploads and tutorials
>bite the bullet and even join their discord server because they might have some more stuff there or people to help troubleshoot shit
>seems legit so far
>download one of the emulator + db + website combos
>spend the next 6 hours dockerizing the shitty tacked together composer app and db because it's all running on a decade old technology
>find all sorts of retarded shit like whoever put this together had a working paypal store (for pay 2 win I'm guessing)
>seems to be working, cool
>download the l33tspider aqlite client to hack in the loader because you can't do flash in a browser anymore
>fucking works
>start the emulator
>floods the terminal with java errors
>some fucking vendor lib that wants to connect to a discord bot is breaking the emulator
>spend the next hour disabling it
>there's another error with zero usable logs or error messages
>it's not past midnight and I've been at it for 8+ hours
>download another emu because I refuse to fuck around with java any longer
>it's the same fucking thing but without the discord thing
>gives some other error
>in utter desperation download another older one
>they can't fucking all be written in java, right?
Holy fuck did some bloke come across the community a decade back and put together a single working emulator that now all these rabid script kiddies are using to look cool and make a quick buck on paypal? I'm really getting that feeling. But whatever, at least the oldest one (the original I guess) seems to be running, it just cannot connect to the db because it probably uses a different schema. I'll look into it after I had some sleep. Christ.
Some employees browse 4chan, don't give them ideas.
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Dressing up made this questline more fun
Honestly think Void Highlord looks better animation wise.
>all that grinding items for the darkon class
wake me up when i can just buy it, skipping all that
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>he can't just buy it
>she doesn’t have it yet
i dont have the classes and am too retarded to do ultras...
Man I really knew us zoomers had taken over 4chan when I started seeing threads about Artix games regularly.
The new class is pretty bad. Expecting some buffs.
Then those fuckers should hurry up and give a summer Gravelyn event with swimsuits.
Bad numbers or something else?
So how many of you guys brought the Gravelyn bank pet? I'm tempted but 2k ac is still 2k ac, that's a lot.
Does it do anything aside from being a bank? I'll probably use the AC I have on Legion Revenant.
You can't buy Legion Revenant silly
Don't you need AC to unlock the quest for it?
You need to be part of the legion if that's what you mean
Yes but you can resell the armor immediately afterwards so you only have to spend 120 ACs
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>I'm tempted but 2k ac is still 2k ac
Thats the price of every bank pet
Mirror Caladbolg of Cheer is finally in the Paragon of Joy shop, took 4 months.

Arcana Invoker just got a buff, those of you who have it, what do you think?
Heard it was more of a mechanics change and still a better farmer than LR.
...did you just take a screenshot of my wife without her permission you worthless cunt?
Hey that wasn't me, that was Artix, I just reposted it
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>12.22.23 LQS POJ IYKYK
4.5 months actually, another 6 months for the first contest winner.

Drago is easy, a CAv once taunted the wrong mob and we still won.
>Drago is easy, a CAv once taunted the wrong mob and we still won.
Does levels below 100 mean a harder ultra? im on 88 right now, not sure if i should be 100 to be on the safe side.

>that pic
holy shit
>P.S. So, I flew back to my hometown for a funeral. While it was a sad time, I am grateful for the opportunity spend time with family there. While there, I went to a store to pick up medications and a man standing next to me dropped item without realizing it.
>I picked it up to help him and then the man collapsed. His hand was shaking uncontrollably. I rushed to help him and then swiftly went to alert the store's staff so they could call in an ambulance. But as the staff went back to the man... he was gone.
>He had suddenly stood up and walked around to the cash register to check out. It was so surreal. Have ever been in a sorta weird head space and then additional strange things happen around you that sorta breaks your brain?
>Because then I went back to the hotel. As I was walking down the hallway to the elevator a hotel staff person yelled out to me, "Hey!". He warned me that a man was roaming the higher floors without pants. It was one of those sorta days.
I see Artix is playing the Elergy of Madness Saga for Arcana Invoker.

>It would take an infinity. This was not why we named the game Infinity!
You could have fooled me!

I was only level ~90 when I killed Ultra Nulgath for my first 51% weapon and Drago is way easier.
I recommend lv95 and a 51% if you plan on being the DPS often, maybe Absolution if you're LoO.
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I was hoping the Classic Blade of Awe was gonna be this....
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>Vote for the Arcana Invoker Badge
>Help choose the character page badge art

>Check out the 3 options for the Arcana Invoker Class character page badge art below.
>Log in to AQWorlds and vote by Thursday, May 9th.
>The winning entry will be used on character pages starting Friday, May 10th.

>How to Vote
>1. Log in to AQWorlds
>2. Click the Polls button on your Game Menu
>3. Choose your favorite option and hit submit

That's what originally Alina implied, but I guess they lost the old Blade of Awe files?
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Alina has this version in the tweet, so I doubt it was somehow lost in the two days prior. I'm guessing it'll be released later.
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That's the AQC version, I meant the old AQW version. Though they directly ported AQC items for the recent Nostalgia Quest update, so maybe?
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Spot on, you guys are right. Found these replies from Alina. QRD: just coincidental timing and the OG BoA is still planned, just currently lost somewhere in the files.
>I recommend lv95 and a 51% if you plan on being the DPS often
Don't forget to use pots. They really do make a difference.
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Derp, should've check the replies first. Confirmed the old AQC version is coming too.

Most AQW players seems allergic to pots I didn't mention it, but definitely if possible.
I always use Elixirs/Tonics even for casual play, though I'm too lazy to use potions.

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