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>Gran Turismo 0
Post racing games or something.
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Why am I getting filtered by the fourth race? R4 is so much easier than this.
Ridge Racer V sucks.
where is the original vroom?
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>a 32fuckingX 3d racing game has visible car damage
Tied with Rage as the peak of the series
The game becomes piss easy the moment you get the improved race cars.
Also the tracks are dogshit.
What's wrong with the tracks?
They seem to have been designed without considering how the game actually plays. Bayside Line has that highway clover that's way too long to drift through in one go, requiring multiple small drifts, each one slowing you down more. God forbid you hit the internal road marking, because they slow you down enough you might as well restart.
The Seaside Route 765 remake starts off with an awful series of corners that are just too tight to consistently perform without drifting, but too wide and with too many consecutive turns to drift.
Another track has an hairpin immediately followed by a tight chicane, basically turning it into a coin toss if the drift shits you out at the right angle to either pass the chicane or start another slide to auto-pilot through.
Most tracks in general have way too many corners, often in sequence, that sit in that dubious area where neither drifting nor regular turning is satisfying due to a mix of track width and corner angle.
Makes me think the game was shat out ASAP to get an early PS2 release in. It gets even more stupid when you consider that most of these become a non-issue once you get your car upgraded, because at that point you have enough torque to repeatedly bang walls and still win.
Fair enough. Have you checked with NegCon? I am emulating and PCSX2 has dropped NegCon emulation some time ago. PS1 RR games are much more forgiving with NegCon, the cars have extra oversteer making the corners easier.
I haven't, actually. Disappointing that it doesn't support wheels, but I'll likely give it another shot with one emulated as a negcon at some point.
it seems to run at a very high resolution for the time too
Are there any good racers on PC from the windows 98 era that aren't NFS or re:volt?
colin mcrae rally games
Grand Prix Legends
Maybe it's nostalgia, but all the announcers from RRV onwards sucked or were just forgettable.

From the few videos I've seen of RRV that actually go beyond the first GP, it does seem like everyone goes with the Mercurio or EO. The EO feels like a lazy R4 drift car as it is.
Does Midnight Club 3 remix have harder AI or is it the same as the og? I've played remix on pcsx2 and og on PSP and remix was way fucking harder to beat.
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It's the hardest car to master outside of the duel cars
Exceptionally bad wording on my part. It isn't easy to drive, but the way it slides when you tap the brakes makes it feel more like a R4 style drift car than an actual grip car.
And yeah, what is the trick to driving the EO?
The trick is to learn the tracks and get used to start turning earlier in the corners. If you are emulating, you can map gas and brakes on the analog triggers of a modern controller. It is possible to do small drifts that last for about 1/2 second by slightly releasing the gas and quickly pushing again.
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What does /vroom/ think of jogcons? Ever used one?
Interesting gimmick but NegCon is much more useful
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i love flat shading and i love that the checkpoints have their own jingles
Yu Suzuki makes great games.
I played with the Testarossa clone, the Mercurio and the EO. The Testarossa clone is pure suffering for the first GP, it's babbyshit easy afterwards. It's biggest boon (high power) is basically null and worthless before you get the race version.
GT3 is getting more fun now that I'm earning 5k per race, but a lot of times there is a single CPU car that is absolutely insane in handling and acceleration. I've noticed it in most of my races.
GT4 has this problem on steroids
I was right behind one and it didn't brake for a single turn, it merely let go of its acceleration. Even on over 90 degree turns the fucker never had to brake once. Meanwhile another version of the same car came in 6th...
I'm VROOOOMIN on Burnout: Revenge right now.
Fun game, not as great as 3.
the "wheel" should've been in place of the dpad, such an ergonomic failure
did you follow my advice in the previous thread? polyphony digital cup bro
>but a lot of times there is a single CPU car that is absolutely insane in handling and acceleration
GT3 has tons of rubberbanding and there are cups where there's a designated car that will give you problems no matter what. then you upgrade the car, try again, beat your times... and it still beats you. It can be infuriating. Also in long series, rivals will get faster in the last 2 races
>GT4 has this problem on steroids
outside of a few "rigged" events (speedster trophy and 206 cup for example), it's not as bad as GT3. It can happen that sometimes you race against an overpowered car because the rules allow it (like a cobra in classic car cups) but at least you can manipulate the lineup by advancing a day, in GT3, many trophies often feature the same fixed lineup
I'm on f355 on dreamcast actually. Damn that game is so a forgotten gem
I think the worst part of GT4 is playing it blind and not being able to know about the a-spec points until the race starts. It sucks to start a race and see that it's worth like 180 (which means fucking impossible).
Monster Truck Madness
Midtown Madness
Screamer 2
Grand Prix 3

Test Drive 5 is kinda shit but has its charm
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>it's worth like 180 (which means fucking impossible).
there are doable 200 pt A-Spec races and impossible 5 pt A-Spec races, the system is ass. Some cars are really good for farming A-Spec points (leaving aside bugged cars like the Dodge RAM which gets 200 A-Spec points almost always). Mid-engined lightweight cars are super good for getting easy high A-Spec scores against more "powerful" cars. But slap N1 tires on a car that's much more powerful than your opponents and it's a 9 point A-Spec race despite being nearly unwinnable due to total lack of grip compared to rivals.

As a word of advice, try previewing a race first to get a slight idea of what you're gonna find. Or you can enter an event, see the car list, and leave without starting the race, it will advance a day but won't impact your win % if you care about that for some reason. Also in the current year, the Gran Turismo wikia already has info of car opponents for every event.
Since we're on the topic of Gran Turismo, I'd love if some wizard could find a code to force simulation/standard tires on rivals for the races in GT3 and GT4. I love driving with those tires myself but doing races with rivals on much better compounds get frustrating. GT4's arcade mode at least lets you force the shitty tires on everyone but it's not possible for the simulation mode.

I've already looked in gamehacking.org to no avail
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Luv me this NSX color, exclusive to GT3.
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Will be a fun night.
Is so
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Thoughts on Toca 3?
Great game, with a great selection of tracks, but the great series reached its peak with the second part.
How good is GT2? Three looks awesome, but my Pocket don't run PS2.
It's great. 3 is 2 with updated graphics and less content in it, you aren't going to miss much barring some tracks.
Is Toca 2 better than 3? How?
Speaking of Codemasters' old stuff. Am I better off emulating CMR 2.0 with enhancement or am I better off pirating the PC port and patching it? Same goes for TOCA 2 I guess.

I feel like 3's driving model is a little bit more challenging. Once you get analog throttle working in 2, you pretty much beat the game.
CMR2.0 is one of the few games from that era that doesn't look like shit in HD, I have no idea how they achieved that. If you have a wheel around the PC port is pretty fun with it, otherwise just figure out how crisp you want the game to look. The port has some weird stuff with it chugging heavily even on modern PCs with some settings on and I've encountered a missing texture, other than that it's exactly the same game. Maybe the lighting is slightly better on pc.
Regarding GT3 I've always found that it felt heavier than 2, but they're the 2 closest games physics wise imo
I think old racing games are probably the only games that look good with resolution hacks.

Guess I'll play CMR 2.0 on an overclocked emu then, yeah.
What should I spend my first dollars on? I don't know cars at all. I like the one Civic. My step-dad unlocked the Horseless Carriage on GT3.
still don't know what game this is
I like the Miata as a starter car in GT3. You can throw that shit around corners like crazy.
>I feel like 3's driving model is a little bit more challenging. Once you get analog throttle working in 2, you pretty much beat the game.
>Regarding GT3 I've always found that it felt heavier than 2, but they're the 2 closest games physics wise imo
I prefer GT2 overall, and not only because it has more "meat" to its campaign and content-wise, but also because suspension plays a bigger part and I like the modeling of the sim tires better (3's sim tires are still too fucking good and you can brake like a madman with them). Overall the cars in GT3 feel heavy as fuck and won't seem to ever lift a little bit in bumps, they're just glued to the road. There's too much grip overall, brakes are too powerful, you can take corners at absurd speed and the only issue is managing corner exit on a few tricky cars like TVR cars. Easily the most arcadey of the series behind 1, which some prefer, but not for me. GT2 is more simple in its simulation, mainly bottlenecked by its hardware but there's more meat in several little details and more stuff to master.
Gran Turismo 0 for the PlayStation 0
2 or 3? Just get something under 900kgs and 120ps or near that, or 200ps or more for heavier stuff. Mk.3 Supras, RX7s and MX-5s are all good options.
I completely agree on 2. The amount of grip you get in 3 with high downforce cars is ridicolous.
I hope GT2 gets decomp'd at some point, I want FFB support and I'm curious how the game manages not to shit itself while running physics at 30/25Hz.
And Civics are a good options too.
>I'm curious how the game manages not to shit itself while running physics at 30/25Hz.
FYI you can force 60FPS via emulation with codes, the physics stay intact (replays can get desync'd tho)
yeah the game always was capable of pushing 60 FPS and it only really breaks the (frankly shitty) rally mode.

it's a shame that the best way to play most of the PS1 racing library is with the negcon and that doesn't support FFB.
What I meant is that usually, with longer physics timesteps (what you're going to get when updating physics 30 or 25 times a second) you're going to get pretty unstable or janky physics. GT2 only really breaks with high downforce cars on huge banked turns on PAL, pretty much the worst case scenario.
I don't know if 60FPS mode also increases the physics update speed
I dun remember if I played GT1, most of my time as a kid was 2 and 3, I still have both. Didn't pick up 4 till my adult years and now I have all of them but Sport|couldnt get into it.
Everyone knew back then.
They perfected the core game in GT3.
I like the feeling of racing on Medium-Soft tires with a fully upgraded car. The perfect balance between a racing simulation and arcade racer.
f-zero remade in the gba engine. may be of interest to someone
I skipped the GBA F-Zero games. How different are they from the SNES one?
NASCAR Racing 3
they dumbed down the handling, toca 3 handles like the us version of toca 2
depends, if you want more challenging ai emulate, for some reason the ps versions of codies games have much harder ai, if you want better frames and graphics play on the pc
Is there any faq about all differences between the versions of PS1 Toca games, including regional changes?
cutting room floor, probably
They only have Toca 3 page
dunno, I only tried the ntsc version of toca 2 out of curiosity and the handling is way more forgiving compared to pal and laptimes are completely different, apart from that the only thing I found different is that tiff needell was switched to an american announcer and the main menu background was switched to an american flag from the uk one
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I'm doing the 1000 miles trophy, wish me luck
OP still hasn't figured out how to make a general.
Why isn't it called /vr/oom?
I don't care, make your own
What game
Gran Turismo 0
welcome to the garage was the good vroom. i miss it
how do I play ridge racer 64 with a wheel? is it even possible?
you'll cowards don't even remember Racin' Force

That image is an unlockable side activity called Motor Toon GP R found in the game called Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 except the first game never left japan so the localized sequel is just called Motor Toon Grand Prix (pic related is us version). The game was made by Polyphony Digital the guys behind Gran Turismo hence why anon called it Gran Turismo 0.
First time seeing this. Looks pretty cool. Like a slightly more advanced WEC Le Mans
>Susumu Matsushita art
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*blocks your path*
Not possible, stick to the PS1 entries
I've been playing lots of flatout 2 recently and yeah it's one of the best racing games ever I just hate the lack of tracks.

I wish I could get into PS1 era racing I just hate the controls
The psp ridge racer one was so fucking annoying I turned him off and never turned it back on
Is the Daytona USA 2 version in that Yakuza game the power edition?
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Anybody here played the Screamer games for PC?
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Only 5th gen system with a wheel was the Saturn, and it didn't have FFB nor pedals
I've done ridge racer 1 for PS1 with my wheel and neocon, does PJ64 or whatever the top emualtor is not support it?
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Anyways, to answer you, maybe? I don't know. Try RetroArch, SteamInput, whatever you can think of.
In some ways it’s never been topped.
Played the demo of the first one for PC. It was the closest thing to RR or Daytona the PC had at the time
I wish there was an easy wheel setup for retroarch or something.
you care enough to keep making these threads but you won't put in one time effort to make them properly
>may 9th
>100 replies
zelda bait threads get this many replies in 2 hours. you're an idiot dude.
For some reason, I like this game more than later IndyCar games. Must be the simplicity
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>Only 5th gen system with a wheel was the Saturn
>I wish I could get into PS1 era racing I just hate the controls
The only thing they lack is ffb and the wheel only goes 180. The controls are fine otherwise.
>Gran Turismo 0
here u go
>no pedals
sega fans just can't catch a break can they?
what's funny is that this is probably worse than a negcon
TXR Drift 2 is fun but god the gymkana tests suck
nah thats more like gran turismo -1 this is gran turismo 0
The wheel I had for n64 when I was a kid, and had saved up allowance and lawn mowing money to buy, had pedals but they weren't analog just click on/off, and the wheel only had 90 degrees of rotation.

>comfy rush and rush 2 tho
Forgot pic
>only 90 degrees
>controller forces you to god arm it
ngl kinda based
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>woah it looks like it is coming out o the screen, 1997 rocks!
>From the few videos I've seen of RRV that actually go beyond the first GP, it does seem like everyone goes with the Mercurio or EO. The EO feels like a lazy R4 drift car as it is.
I completed the whole game with Toreador. Got videos of it too, if anything.
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Been playing this on my Dreamcast and I think I hate it. It's aggressively unfun and tedious but gets shilled as one of the best games on that console.
>*puts on racing tires*
nothin personnel kid
I hated PGR on the XBaws, never got the hype for it. I assume the praise comes from normies who get filtered by sims and REAL arcades. PGR is an in-between that provides little satisfaction IMO.
Now do it with a Shelby Cobra with simulation tires
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Meanwhile, actually best DC racers are picrels
Woops posted wrong pic.
>using a shelby smegma
git gud faggot
The game isn't that hard it just has a bunch of compounding elements that I really don't like.
>restarting an event takes forever
>game demands extreme precision and heavily punishes even scraping walls despite running at 30fps
>boring car selection
>garbage music
>boring track layouts
>career structure is just a linear slog
>way too many events that aren't even races
I made it to chapter 6 and just turned the game off. Like PGR the driving feels great but the game it's trapped in is just shit.
no Kudos to you
blame nostalgia for that
for example, the only car racing games from the 5th gen that still hold up today are GT2, CMR2.0 and Sega Rally (in the arcade) but autists here won't stop until they make you try out shit like ridge racer which is basically enduro with 3d shoeboxes.
Yeah, no cool biodome but I'm still thinking of buying it just to play Daytona 2. I have the XBLA Daytona 1 on my account but Daytona 2 is cooler.
I can hear the music right now
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What's the point of this absurd redline?
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tfw there will never be a racing game this fun again
Making me bust
TXRD2 is the only game I've ever muted the music in. It's a shame because some tracks are really good
On the other hand, TXR2 (not D) music is the best in the series
I hate all the shutokou battle and kaido battle music it just doesn't compare to maximum tune's ost
It unironically changes the tone of the game if you switch him off.

Was there an explanation for why the front cover and most of the marketing material had the Qirex in Piranha colours?

I absolute love ToCa 3, like you wouldn't believe.
grand prix legends is fun with a controller desu
GT4 is better than 3, no, I won't apologize.
and 2 is better than 1, weebs need to apply
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What are the best retro Initial D games in your opinion?
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1 > 2 > 3 = 4
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They all suck, better try Battle Gear 3 or Tokyo Xtreme Drift 2 which have Initial D cars and tracks.
Unless you are a fan of the characters and Eurobeat. In that case, every newer Initial D Arcade Stage game is an upgrade over a previous one so just play the latest one relative to your retro cutoff criteria. But be prepared for awfully braindead physics that make Ridge Racer Type 4 feel like a sim.
Yes, it's not your region. :)
I prefer 1 over 2 too but only slightly. They are different enough to offer different experience.
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based negcon enjoyer
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I love High Stakes so much, /vr/os. It's a perfect simcade game. Even better when played with a negcon.
I know it's not retro, but what's the consensus on RR6? The little I've seen of it makes it look like a beta version of 7.
>The little I've seen of it makes it look like a beta version of 7.
It basically is. More of a curiosity.
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For me it's NFS2SE
What are some non-NFS /vrooms/ that have different tracks all over the world like the pre-Underground era of NFS?
Test drive
Total drivin'
1 is better than 2. Quality over quantity
Other than the crappy Rally mode that you can safely ignore, what "quality" does GT2 lack compared to 1? objective stuff, not "I like the easier drifting of GT1 better", please.
Worse tracks, no SS.11, worse pop up on the reused tracks, no qualifying, worse framerate, worse rubberbanding, worse engine sounds, cars look like they are covered in oil
cruis n world
Let's see
>Worse tracks
The loss of SS11 doesn't mask the addition of Laguna Seca, Red Rock Valley, Midfield Raceway, Apricot Hill, Rome, Grünewald, Tahiti, Seattle and maybe something else I'm forgetting, plus all the other tracks from GT1. You might not like all of 'em, but you are on a bad start already.
>worse pop up on the reused tracks
There are pop up and framerate issues yes, but also it's a game that pushes the PS1 to its limit. Luckily the latter issue is somewhat solved with emulation
>no qualifying
Absolute meme
>worse rubberbanding
They're about the same, but not as bad as GT3.
>worse engine sounds
Not enough space for the shitton of additional engines
>cars look like they are covered in oil
peak autism

You just simply ignore everything 2 has over 1, which is a lot, and focus on nitpicky stuff to say 1 is better. I like 1 a lot but the only reason it wasn't made obsolete by 2 is the different and more arcadey handling.
Viper racing
Magnetic fields/europress rally games
Motoracer series also

Eracer might be also good, there was a huge hype around it before release
>The loss of SS11 doesn't mask the addition of Laguna Seca, Red Rock Valley, Midfield Raceway, Apricot Hill, Rome, Grünewald, Tahiti, Seattle and maybe something else I'm forgetting, plus all the other tracks from GT1. You might not like all of 'em, but you are on a bad start already.
NTA but when I play GT2 I get warm fuzzy feeling when I race on GT1 tracks and feel dread when it's new GT2 tracks. I wonder why.
I'll admit the early game rubberbanding in 2 is really bad and people online act like it's not real for some reason.
also Laguna Seca is really fucking narrow, the scale seems off.
I fucking lost it when I first raced at Grand Valley in Gran Turismo 2 and saw awful popup in places where there was none in the original Gran Turismo. The game looked like it it could fall apart at every second. And the new tracks looked like they were made using badly digitized photo textures and with no understanding of basic color theory.
GT2 kicks the shit out of GT1 with 100s of more cars. Not even close
>GT2 kicks the shit out of GT1 with 100s of more skylines. Not even close
Like I said, GT1 is quality over quantity
Because you were 12 years old when you first played GT1
>muh negative aura energy
They didn't get Laguna Seca right until GT4
and 100s of non Japanese cars, it's GT1 the one where you have to worry about driving and racing Skylines all day long
>but a lot of times there is a single CPU car that is absolutely insane in handling and acceleration
I'm guessing you've never played Xbox 360 era Forza Motorsport
>M. Rossi
I really really want that HUD in gameplay but no one will do a patch for it
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>driving and racing Skylines all day long
based, as long as it's picrel skylines
pink Skyline made me trans
Based. Fuck R34
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Something is capping NFS III to 60fps on my setup and is doing a piss-poor job of it (I can see and feel a frame time spike every few seconds) and I am getting annoyed at tracking down where the cap is coming from as by default the engine has a hard limit of a whopping 64fps.

>mfw trying to troubleshoot
I will never understand why this had 4 laps for the races. It just makes them a bit too long for the tracks. 3 laps would have been fine.
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Insanely fun car to drive in GT4, incredibly sweet and responsive handling, easy on the tires, agile and pointy but also stable, shittons of grip, able to outperform faster cars with ease.
>Try out Paris-Dakar 2001 for PS2
>Physics are unpredictable to the point of being near unplayable
>Try out Dakar 2 for PS2
>If your vehicle so much as comes close to the redline before you shift gears, you get engine damage
>Engine damage slows you down to a crawl within SECONDS, making manual transmission pretty much a suicidal choice
It's like a fucking curse.
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You know nothing about the curse
t. assmad weeb
>crappy rally mode
It's only second to CMR really.
Fucking tourists
Is it anything like Daytona?

GT2 fags should be banned on sight. Take everything that makes GT2 different from GT1, double down on it and voila, you get a soulless modern GT sim wannabe slop and the reason why the series went to shit and took half of the racing genre with it.
GT1fags are just minimalism hipsters, yet compeltely ignore that the little content GT1 has is still worse than 2, literal mental illness.
objectively false, see >>10942795
gt2 can't even recreate gt1 experience at a decent level if you just use gt1 cars and tracks
Really what's the point of shilling GT2 if GT4-GT6 are the same but better? At least GT1 is unique.
gt1 soul leftovers in gt2 make them coming back
>Worse tracks
All new tracks are better than High speed ring, test track and snoozefest 11, about the same qualitiy as the rest.
>SS11 wanker
>worse pop-up and framerate
blatant misinformation it performs similar and with more detail than 1, mid-field raceway kinda chugs but it's more impressive than anything in 1.
>no qualifying
god i love filler
>worse rubberbanding
are you pretending gt1 is hard?}
>cars look like they are covered in oil
yet still look better than the basic ass shading and details from 1
>worse engine sounds
both are just ok, it's basically comparing vacuums
> At least GT1 is unique.
In what way? because it's just jdm shit with worse physics? You weebs playing minimalist are a joke.
every racing game worth playing has at least one tunnel with bright yellow lights at the corners of the roof
I like GT3 the most, and I will neither explain nor extrapolate on my position.
I like GT4 the most, and I will either explain or extrapolate on my position.
>hating on High speed ring and SS.11
Whoa what a faggot
>blatant misinformation
Cope. Running any GT1 track side by side in GT1 and GT2 easily confirms more popup. Worse performance in GT2 is car model related tho
>basic ass shading
It's the exact same shading except it's permanently at the maximum brightness in GT2 as if you drive through brightly lit tunnel all the time while in GT1 it adjusts to the surrounding light level. GT2 has slightly better car models but at the cost of performance.
>basically comparing vacuum
GT2 cars sound weak and faggy
no need to explain, yor'e correct
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I really want to give Toca a chance but its focus on the front wheel drive cars is a major turn off
Watch some BTCC footage from that era, you'll change your mind
>game based on a real UK racing league
>a league made up of modified saloons any old chump can buy
>90% of which are FWD
I get it. It's not the game's fault. It's the irl league that sucks.
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I love proper British race cars though
This. Brits have the coolest sports cars. Lotus, McLaren, TVR, Aston Martins and Jaguars, Caterhams etc. BTCC is just lame
>blame nostalgia for that
>for example, the only car racing games from the 5th gen that still hold up today are GT2, CMR2.0 and Sega Rally

you don't know shit, consolefaggot
>It's a perfect simcade game.

there is nothing simlike about high stakes
>you get a soulless modern GT sim wannabe slop
The series was trying to be a sim from day one. Not GT2's fault they made a big jump on that department and you became prisoner of the easy skill-less drifting mechanic of 1.
Because the only argument of GT3 fags is muh sovl (aka I grew up with it), but there's nothing in it that makes it stand out to the others. I grew up with GT1 and I have immense nostalgia for it (and it definitely has more soul than 3), but I just rather play GT4 most of the time.
Correct, GT4 chads have the arguments on their side.
GT4 automatically loses with that godawful external cam.
if you only enjoy sim racing there is no point of playing retro racing games
Stop playing shitty pc port
ahem, turn left 2003.
>skill-less drifting mechanic of 1
It only allows you to initiate drifts without specific car tuning. Mastering proper grip racing in GT1 gives you faster lap times.
By that logic there is nothing simlike about PC Porsche Unleashed either
I enjoy sim and arcades as long as they're good
GT1 holds up better. GT2 should've been a PS2 title instead. It chugs too much on the 5th gen hardware and has numerous bugs both gameplay and graphics wise
>porsche 935/78 Coupe "Moby Dick"
>dedicated racing car
>In the snow
>localised entirely to a single route in the alps!?
Sounds like an arcade game to me as that is stupidly unrealistic (ergo, not a sim)
We were talking about simcades, not strictly sims
This. Soper v Cleland 1992 is essential viewing for any motorsport fan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI8litf5a2s
he should have been disqualified for that toxic driving
>toxic driving
This happened frequently in the Super Touring era.


I lost interest in BTCC the moment Super Touring ended as a class and we started seeing the BTC-T rubbish from 2001 onwards.
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>plato getting just desserts
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>Dakar 97
Actually I like that janky piece of shit on the PSX.
Shame we never had an actually good Dakar game. Not a single one.
It's literally a desert, now did nobody get it right?
>Your ass is mine-a!
Imagine the terrain deformation from motorstorm applied to a dakar game.
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I find RR3D is continually slept on. Impressive little bitch of a game.

Have you tried Rally de Africa?
I loved Total Drivin.
My mind was blown when I found out that there are bonus races hidden offroad.
>Rally de Africa
That's more of a Safari rally though, innit? I'll try it.
Agree. It was shat on my the critics for petty reasons (16-bit gameplay nostalgia). It's a decent game imo
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I wish it was a Dakar game rather than a mixed racing game. The stages are long and pretty fun to drive in.
>I loved Total Drivin.
I didn't think anyone like this existed.
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I need help from Toca anon. I've downloaded Toca 2 and Toca 3 (PAL versions) and while they look very similar, Toca 2 car handling is more sim like. Is it recommended over Toca 3?
>skill-less drifting mechanic of 1
You are just skidding into oversteer and losing speed. Sometimes it's acceptable enough to beat the AI but in general it's very sub optimal. For actual sim-like grip racing in GT1, use an RWD car, racing tires, racing brakes and set brake bias to 15 front and 7 back. R33 GTR LM in particular feels very much like Pennzoil R34 from GT2 when used with such brake bias.
Well that's just an understeery (for GT1 standards) car by default, just like the Toyota Chaser LM. Anyways, I'm not saying drifting is the way to go in 1, just that the impression I get from people who prefer to play to it is due to the oversteer bias the game has, which now feels unrealistic. Just race with the NSX LM and you'll see there's no way to replicate its exaggerated handling in posterior GT games
That car only appears in western GT1 releases. Jap GT1 has NSX GT1 instead and later games have JGTC NSX cars.
As if GT1's body roll/bumps weren't a disaster.
Tuning skill issue.
It's shit regardless, cope
Anon, GT2 is well known as the buggy one, not GT1. Cope.
>It's shit regardless
If your tuning skill is shit and your suspension craps out after you mess it up with your gay hands then use default settings
This lol. Where is the Toca anon? Bumping up the question >>10946338
I am tired of talking to resident GT2 faggot.
Is it just me, or was this the greatest car destruction racing game ever created?
I am not the GT2 fag you schizo, I prefer 1.
Never played this, is it good? PS1 era Test Drive games ruined the brand for me. Is it less cartoony/exaggerated than Burnout and Flatout? Asking as a Destuction Derby 2 fan.
>>10947595 #
>GT2 is the buggy one
Only in the gt1fag's headcanon, 1 had shitty acceleration bugs when tuning and shit curb physics, all fixed in 2.
lmao even gt1 fags disagree themselves, laughable fanbase
>mostly minor shit only autismos cherrypick over the much improved physics
gt1fags everyone
>Test Drive has 20 fucking games and will get its 21st this year
What the fuck
>is it good?
Could be my favorite racing game soon.
>PS1 era Test Drive games ruined the brand for me.
Yeah, the older Test Drive games were crap, they happened to strike gold with Eve of Destruction because they got the developers of the game Nascar: Dirt to Daytona to work on it.
>Is it less cartoony/exaggerated than Burnout and Flatout?
Yeah, it's going for a much more realistic style, no people ejecting out of cars like Flatout or cars going crazy fast speeds like in Burnout. It is the best depiction of the type of stuff you would see at a local demolition derby I have seen in a video game.
This kills the gt2fag
i literally never ran into 99% of these
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>cars disappearing in garage
>broken track collision data
>ai bugs
>broken textures
>"minor shit"
Never experienced any of those even in my jap copy, keep cherrypicking while coping with garbage gt1 physics and tuning bugs.
>Yeah, it's going for a much more realistic style, no people ejecting out of cars like Flatout or cars going crazy fast speeds like in Burnout.
Fuck, I'm sold
>garbage gt1 physics
Shitting on the arcade style racers while their own game is far from a simulator is why GT are not taken seriously. I never saw this stupid snobbery from CMR fans or Shutokou Battle fans. I rather pretend the series died after GT1
>arcade style racers
Keep telling yourself that gt1 was attempting to be f-zero lmao
>I never saw this stupid snobbery from CMR fans
Maybe because CMR had great physics from the very first game?
>I rather pretend the series died after GT1
Tell us what we don't know, muh minimalism hipster
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>Maybe because CMR had great physics from the very first game?
>i-if you don't blow m-me you missed the point!!
gt1fags are funny
>Shitting on the arcade style racers while their own game is far from a simulator is why GT are not taken seriously.
That's only specific GT fags that do this like the GT2 fag here. I enjoy all retro GT games and most of retro arcade racers and sims. I don't see the point of arguing whether one GT is more sim than another when proper simulators exist.
I don't see CMR fags shitting on other, more arcade like games. Clear enough? Now fuck off and go play iracing or something
>That's only specific GT fags that do this like the GT2 fag here.
He has ruined the thread with his simracing wankery
The point of games like GT or CMR is to deliver a lite simcade experience, not as serious as complex sims but still need a bare minimum of solid driving sensibilities, and gt2 did that better than 1.
>"one simcade is better than another simcade because it's more sim"
Look, I don't even see how GT2 physics are better outside of additional LSD simulation and sim tyres, both of which are optional and really unnecessary in a simcade. GT2 cars have more understeer with default settings but can be tuned to behave like GT1 cars and vice versa. But that's not really the point. The point is that retro racing games are supposed to be fun regardless of their sub genre. If you find one sub genre more fun then stick to it without trying to shit on everything else for not catering to your specific tastes. I don't like how Ridge Racer Type 4 plays compared to Daytona 2 and I just don't engage in RR4 discussions.
GT2-6 not being considered sims in the simracing circle can lead to mental trauma, overcompensation and arcade racing hatred from certain GT fans. Not the games' fault though.
>GT2 cars have more understeer with default settings but can be tuned to behave like GT1 cars and vice versa
Being oversteery isn't the only issue with gt1, it's how much it kills your speed and you can't fix that, among other things.
It's not about being "more sim" but about achieving some standard, all simcades have different take on things, gt1 is alright but lacks some fundamentals. That's why it's hilarious when people shit on 2 for doing what 1 wanted to do but better and with 3x of quality content, pure hipster rant.
People shit on GT2 (sometimes) for having technical issues and much of the new content being lacking quality wise. GT1 is just a less ambitious but more solid and focused experience that you can play through once in a while without going full autist about it and disregarding other games. I guess that's the problem with GT2 - it tries to be everything at once and ppl start to compare its rally mode to CMR, its JDM drifting gameplay to GT1, it's attempts at scenic European landscapes to Need for Speed and its simulation physics to the likes of Grand Prix Legends etc. Later GT games doubled down on this by introducing NASCAR racing, open wheel racing etc. I don't imply GT2 is a bad game, I just don't see it as the game to end all other (5th gen) racing games.
You see GT1 as the game that doesn't do what GT2 does. I see GT1 as nothing more than another game similar to Tokyo Xtreme games, Side by Side/Battle Gear, Touge Max, i.e. weeb JDM drift simcade. GT1 is perfectly good at that niche, I'd even say it's one of the better ones. I can go sideways with my starting Silvia right away without having to sit through racing events that I don't care about just to buy brakes controller and adjustable coils.
>having technical issues
See >>10947736, gt1's weird physics and tuning fuckups (no acceleration, retarded turbolag etc.) were worse than anything in 2.
>much of the new content being lacking quality wise
Only in the gt1 fanboy's headcanon
>muh jdm identity
gt1 was alright physics with real cars, fantasy tracks and an unique solo mode, gt2 is just more of that. You pretend 1 was like this weeb fantasy because of the limited jdm car list, yet 2 has more of those too.
>I just don't see it as the game to end all other (5th gen) racing games.
No one said that, it did a lot of good things though, the "generic sim" complaint is kinda ridiculous considering the only real life track was laguna seca (and a rather free interpretation at that).
You've just proved my point and your autism. GT2 is a jack of all trades, master of none. Even as a car collector/porn game GT4 beats it. I don't get why don't you stick to that one instead. It has even more realistic physics.
>You pretend 1 was like this weeb fantasy because of the limited jdm car list, yet 2 has more of those too.
What's your point anyway? You say that GT1 is a weeb game as if it's a con and then add that GT2 can be a weeb game too as if it's a pro (which I don't quite agree with due to how GT2 stock tuning works but anyway). Do you try to get GT2 to belong in the JDM games discussion despite your dislike of "weeb games"?
NTA but this is sad and weird really
>guys I love jdm and initial d too
>oh no going sideways bad, play gt2 for real physics you weebs
Next time they will complain about Daytona USA having stock cars drifting
The point is that 1 is comparatively worse even by the metric you're claiming it's better at.
>GT2 is a jack of all trades, master of none.
More hipster minimalism wankery as gt2 improved on some of gt1's flaws. And the only reason you are so attached to gt1 tracks is because you spent more time with those few tracks, scarcity gives the illusion of value.
>Even as a car collector/porn game GT4 beats it.
If you are going by this logic then there is literally no reason to play gt1 today outside of the forced weeb identity. But no, all 4 games feature different takes on driving and graphical assets that make them worth playing, some people think 4 is a bit understeery, 3 too grippy etc. Some people see 1 as more "arcadey" which is fine but for that I'd rather play a real arcade game.
>You say that GT1 is a weeb game
No, gt1 is just like any other gt game only with less content, and the only reason minimalist weebs latch onto it is because of less content, rather than a real focus on japanese touge/highway/tracks etc.
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I feel like at least half of GT4's license tests aren't actually about finding the proper fastest line, it's finding the line that doesn't trigger the extraordinarily touchy traction control system.
I have nightmares about the C3 Infineon test.
>Next time they will complain about Daytona USA having stock cars drifting
He is a kind of guy that brings NASCAR games into the Daytona USA discussion. Case in point, using 70s Skyline to prove GT2's supposed jdm cred.
I am glad that you finally see my point. You only choose to disagree because "weebs" or "hipsters" or whatever.
>I'd rather play a real arcade game
Good luck bro. Don't let the "garbage" arcade physics hit you on your way out.
KPGC10 is based though. If it and 240Z were in GT1 then I'd never touch GT2 probably
Those, the Mk.2 Supra, the 2000GT and the added '70s cars in general are the best part of the game.
The skyline guy wasn't me but keep the schizo going bra.
>I am glad that you finally see my point.
This is in your mind.
>Don't let the "garbage" arcade physics hit you on your way out.
I don't hate arcade games, just shit mechanics like halting your car when steering.
>halting your car when steering
Wtf do you even do to have this problem
Post a webm and the car setup. I have no idea what kind of issue you are referring to
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F-Zero X's difficulty levels are a bit fucked. Standard is easy, I can't imagine how easy novice is, but expert feels like an unlockable difficulty and then there's the actual unlockable master difficulty.
Seems that emulating it also makes it harder, but I'm not importing a 64DD for the 2 extra cups and some neat features.
Fuck I want to get into F-Zero but have no idea where to start and have not much free time to play everything in release order. I've seen multiple arguments about 2D vs 3D games. X vs GX. SNES vs GBA. Is there a good rundown?
it still depends on what you like more, if you want real drivers/teams from the peak year of btcc, a more challenging handling model and faster ai play 2, if you want more content play 3, I like 2 more and you can play the pal version on 30fps if you overclock the cpu and force ntsc timing in duckstation without any bugs
This is the 1st F-Zero game I actually sat down and played properly, so I can't help you with that. Cool game though, you just need to learn a few tricks to unlock everything legitimately, but as it is on an N64 they included a cheat for all the little Toms to unlock everything as well.
>you can play the pal version on 30fps if you overclock the cpu and force ntsc timing in duckstation without any bugs
Oh, that's cool. Knowing Codemasters, native US NTSC Toca 2 probably sucks
>simracing circle
Said circle doesn't consider anything other than the game they autistically play as real sim racing. Just go ask what the iRacing crowd think of ACC for example.
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>I like 2 more and you can play the pal version on 30fps if you overclock the cpu and force ntsc timing
Is there any reason to emulate it when the PC version of 2 has been fixed to modern windows? https://cookieplmonster.github.io/2021/05/09/silentpatch-toca-2-touring-cars/
the ai is painfully slow compared to the playstation version for whatever reason
Does the TOCA 2 PC port support wheels?
Apparently it does:
yeah but I couldn't get any ffb out of my g29, still pretty fun
If it's anything like cmr2 you need to have the legacy effects (spring, damper etc.) at non-zero strength, the game actually uses those.
cmr2.0 on a handheld is fucking awesome. you can do a few stages during a coffee break. the only issue is that adjusting the in-game deadzone without a keyboard is a pain in the ass.
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>not playing real handheld rally vidya
never experienced those

are you playing on ePSXe perchance?
problem is that most of the tests use N2 tires, which is not what most of the players will experience through the rest of the game (default road cars ship with S2 tires). I recommend giving a go to the yellowbird on N1 tires and no driving aids around the 'ring till you master it, that will be the best teaching experience you can get in the entire game.
F-Zero X is all about learning the moments you can push hard and those you need to relax turbo usage. There's ton of rubberbanding but also the rivals are programmed to lift off a bit during certain segments of the race. Try using timing most turbo usage in the first half of the second lap and second half of the last lap.
Play SNES, then N64, then Cube. Try the portable ones if you want more of the 2D stuff.
Still never experienced those in all the years I've played the game.
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>finally earned enough to buy a Dodge Viper and fully upgrade it
GT3 is based

constant 60 fps with gameplay that is just right between arcade and simulation (with options to tweak to either side per one's liking), it's so smooth and fun once you get out of that early dismal grind of $1,000 1st place payoffs.
oh another thing about F-Zero X, if you're playing it emulated, you need to tone down analog sensitivity to match the N64's joystick precision, otherwise the ships slide way too easily compared to original hardware. 75% sensitivity is alright but try less if you must to.
No one forces you to complete all the beginner events first before you jump to the amateur and professional ones.
That wouldn't be fun or rewarding though. The whole point of Gran Turismo is to start off with basic cars not meant for racing that you can upgrade into decent race cars. When you finally buy a real race car, it feels really good and you can literally feel the difference in its performance during races.
Lucky you. I played the black label version on release and almost dropped it when my garage got erased at almost the 50% of completion. Going out of bounds happened too. Maybe the pal version was less broken, idk.
Yeah but 3 is really the grindiest of the retro saga
>Maybe the pal version was less broken, idk
Maybe that's that, I used PAL
>marketing material
that's your answer
3 would be so much better if someone patched the rewards to be at least 2x.
It's not just you, I've posted about this on a semi-regular basis. I always say it but Monster Games made a catastrophic fuck up only releasing it on consoles. If it had been available on PC it would still be modded to hell even today.

>Monster Games made a catastrophic fuck up only releasing it on consoles.
Sorry, DEVELOPING it for consoles. The only PC games I've played which were anything like that were a fan made total conversion of Carmageddon II called "Seduction of Destruction" and "Demolition Derby & Figure 8 Race" by Auxiliary Power.
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reminds me of
Didn't know CTR had another sequel on Xbox
Played this a few times, thought it was average at best.

My Viper and GT3 appreciating man.

GT3 and 4 are the same way in PCSX2, despite the emulator's own setup telling you to set the controller input scaling to ~130% for modern pads. I can only assume it's so you get correct diagonal movement in platformers and action games because it makes racing games absolutely way too twitchy.
Yes, 130% is overkill for PCSX2, but 100% feels fine.
turning that down fixed like 90% of my issues with gt4's handling
Problem with that is that it effectively caps max input to 90% too, if you're using the PCSX2 controller settings that's it. You need another kind of external tool like SteamInput or DS4tool to use lower sensitivity without capping the max allowed input.

With a Dual Sense, 100% feels fine for me without the need for finer tuning. I used to play with a Switch Pro controller before which has terribly high sensitivity and I don't know how did I play like that in hindsight.
Amazing what a night of sleep and some coffee does. Truly, we were a Gran Turismo 4: Coffee Break.

I just set it to 100% and it works alright on an Xbone controller, but those have pretty loose/non resistant sticks to begin with and a pretty bad dead zone.

Didn't old builds have separate sensitivity scaling and MAX sensitivity/curve/etc sliders?
>Didn't old builds have separate sensitivity scaling and MAX sensitivity/curve/etc sliders?
I don't know, but I also use the linux version which doesn't have plugin selection so maybe windows user don't have this problem
Windows versions ditched plugins quite a while back too and honestly everyone is better off for it because they all fucking sucked in their own ways instead of "here's what we're using, make it gooder." Probably helps that you've got guys like Silent contributing directly to the code now IIRC.
Now, if they could only make Tourist Trophy playable on PCSX2...

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