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is picrel worth it?
analogue shit is the definition of forced soul
you're a serious goy if you buy it
Define worth it? You probably won't notice a significant difference between this and a $50 chinkheld. The screen is gorgeous and I use mine a lot but you are paying like 6x the price for what? a 10% improvement?
The Pocket for sure. The screen is amazing, it can play GBA carts, and you can play many other platforms if you add an SD card.
>says it’s overpriced trash
>says he loves his and uses it all the time


It’s also 200 bucks, so it’s only 2-4 times more expensive than the competition.

I don’t even own one and I’d rather dish out for this and its sleek design and god tier screen/LCD shaders.
You can emulate handheld games on toasters these days, and a lot of the visual charm of these was in their garbage screens, now with backlight in some cases. You just won’t get that on a cheapo. Also, don’t some graphical tricks like transparencies only work on original hardware or pocket?

If they are ever in stock ever again, I’ll buy one.
I said it is poor value for money and stand by that. Analogue rape you with shipping so it is closer to $300. I think it is the best way of playing GBC games but it really is hard to justify the price gap between it and the cheaper options if you are a poorfag. I can only recommend the Pocket to people who consider $300 not much money.
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$300 dollars is like 4 trips to McDonald’s now, I’m shocked they can keep the price so low.
I don't get why you wouldn't just get a chinkheld.
Why murder a GBC with mods?
Why bother with FPGA for a system that emulates perfectly as it is?
Yeah, the screen on the Pocket is nice, but the thing is practically irreparable given Analogue doesn't sell parts. Not to mention the support on their side is absolutely garbage. It's 2024 and you still can't remap buttons, letting you put start and select on the X and Y buttons for GBC, something OpenFPGA lets you do.
Hell, the base functionality is there, on GBA you can choose to make X and Y the L and R buttons.
Then there's the issue with wiping Pokemon saves. I put FireRed cart into sleep mode by accident instead of turning it off and my save was deleted. Latest firmware too.
Luckily I keep regular backups but that was half a game's worth of progress gone because I accidentally used a stock feature.
I thought there was custom firmware and you can load your own roms from SD now.
What’s even the point of using carts?
There's OpenFPGA which is basically a ROMloader
Then there's their stock option to load your cart's ROM. OpenFPGA doesn't replace their OS, it's just another option on the menu.
>What’s even the point of using carts?
Using carts is nice, I guess. Especially if you already have your childhood carts. I also have this weird autism/OCD with Pokemon where I like to use carts or it doesn't feel 'legit', which is fucking weird because I don't have that attitude towards anything else.
If you have a GBC lying around get the OLED kit off Aliexpress.
If you don’t, get the Analogue Pocket.
modded gbc
if you want an fpga device that plays a bunch of portable games analogue
Holy shit the happy meal in your country costs more than a big mac set in my country. Are you in America???
i am a resident chinkheld vertislop enthusiast and love the snobby nature of the anal log and think they're an interesting proposal, but the dpad on those things is too shit to be excusable at that price

it's usually just people like reddit game uncle who only play pokémon title screens and thus the dpad doesn't suck enough to stand out there, but for going full abxy/shoulder buttons to accommodate other systems and being the "premium" option, it's merely serviceable, which i don't think is acceptable at that $200+ mark

did you know hdmi out is proprietary and is only achieved through the $130 analogue dock? you can't just use usb-c normally

and again i'm fine with all that at the end of the day, like i said i don't mind them occupying a premium space like a fake apple, but i draw the line at bad dpad cause i actually play some games
If you're asking about this, then you have a little money to throw away. Right? So grab yourself a new-ish cellphone. 4-5 years old. A galaxy, because ifags literally just discovered emulation.

Grab yourself whatever Bluetooth console controller you like most. Doesn't matter which. I use PS4, personally. You can even use joycons or grab a backbone. Pretty much any Bluetooth controller will work.

Get a controller clip designed for that bitch and the largest SD card your new phone can handle. I also grabbed a USB-C to HDMI cord to be able to plug into a TV, but that's me.

Following so far? Great.

Now you go on the app store and grab emulators for everything from atari 2500 all the way up to switch. Retroarch works great but the UI sucks. So I use a lot of individual emulators instead.
You're on your own finding roms, but it ain't that hard.

Put it all together and you have the best emulation set up ever. Sure, PC can do more at better specs and etc. But can it fit in your pocket?

If you already have a phone, then you've gotten the most expensive part out of the way already.
If you think this is inferrior to one of these scam handhelds: you are a moron. A 5 year old galaxy phone has better specs, a better screen, potentially an actual warranty and can emulate more. Plus you can use whatever controller you want.

You're welcome.
>It's not 600% markup
>It's only 200-400% markup
Wow, when you put it that way I'm still definitely not buying one because I'm not retarded
Pocket probably
None of the GBC screen upgrades get the GBC screen look right and the unmodded screen is not enjoyable to play on
You could also just emulate with one of those Chinese handhelds
door dash also adds like a 25% extra cost per item
official hardware, always
your phone
The pocket is a nice luxury bit of kit but the Miyoo Mini + with onionOS and a cheap speaker replacement might be a better option if you want to save some cash. I've got both. Depends how much you love Gameboy games. It can do other systems but it's screen ratio isn't ideal for them. FPGA is cool but a retroarch backend has a lot of benefits.
>forced soul
what the fuck does that even mean? this is tiktok grade vocabulary
I'm in Northern Ontario, Canada and even here a nugget Happy Meal is only $4.79 CAD in-store. What country are you from?
If you want to make use of link cable/IR functions with another person it can be, since the analogue pocket supports that flawlessly whether it's between two analogue pockets or an analogue pocket and real hardware
>what the fuck does that even mean? this is tiktok grade vocabulary
I think he meant to say "forced based"
Does that clear things up for you?
It means it was astroturfed, you hypocrite using the tiktok grade grammar.
>It means it was astroturfed, you hypocrite using the tiktok grade grammar.
No, I'm pretty sure it means it has forced soul.
Nta, but you still sound like you're just learning English.
You don't even know what astroturfing means.
Buddy I WISH this thing has some forced soul going for it. I'm a big fan of Phil Fish and I would argue that the flashy animations he made for the SG and NT added a lot of character to the experience, while the Pocket feels quite dry and unassuming in comparison. The menus are all painfully drab and utilitarian
>what the fuck does that even mean?
It's fake. Artificial. An imitation. Corporately correct. A lookalike. Not genuine. A deception. A mock. Inauthentic. Fudged. The soul isn't real soul. This has been a thing since the entire fucking SOUL VS SOULLESS argument started before Tiktok was even a thing. Is mindlessly calling things "Tiktok" the new "Reddit" for your generation?
NTA but
I couldn’t give a shit about that, as long as it works
My main problem is everything about the design of the hardware except for the awesome screen
Who the fuck designed this thing?
Make something actually usable
Actually it's the exact opposite. The Analog Pocket is the definition of Apple Product. It's made to look as clean and simple as possible by graphic designers, not by engineers or hardware developers. It's a bunch of trust fund millennials from California paying people in China to make and assemble their drawing for them to try to sell them at a 400% markup to hipsters. This isn't a corporation trying to emulate something soulful, it's a bunch of idiots trying to remove the soul deliberately to be more hip and modern, like an Apple product.
This is you are not a soiboi.
Don't listen to these faggots, I got a pocket like 3 months ago, I've beat and played more stuff on this than any console in the last 4 years or so. Open FPGA with the dock, CRT, flatscreen or handheld, it's really the only way I'm playing anything these days, just cracked a million on gator pinball.
If you notice everyone on here hates anything that costs more than a few bucks, like even if you're talking flash carts on original hardware they'll complain about Chinese made analogue pocket but they have no issue buying the cheapest n64 flash cart off eBay.

Fuck these faggots, pocket has great veraatility, does it lack the Nintendo soul? Yeah a little, but Nintendo hasn't had any soul in quite sometime, and the chink handhelds are just as soulless, so you might as well dock it to a CRT and play with whatever controller you want.
>Don't listen to these faggots, I got a pocket like 3 months ago, I've beat and played more stuff on this than any console in the last 4 years or so.
Name a console that's released in the past four fucking years though?
Why you would spend so much money to play shitty handheld games is beyond me.
Do the alternatives allow you to connect with real link cables? If not, that's a flagrant absence of soul.
>If you notice everyone on here hates anything that costs more than a few bucks
Half the board says to buy a Steam Deck, you dishonest piece of shit.
The alternative is a legitimate GBC that's modded. Of fucking course a real GBC is going to have the fucking infrared and wired connection compatibilities, you fucking idiot.
>bro just gut out and mod a GBC and lose the characteristic way the screen looks in the process
No thanks, I'd rather get a pocket that lets me use a real link cable and has accurate screen filters until someone comes up with a better alternative.
How does it compare on a CRT to a Gamecube with the Game Boy Interface?
I didn't realize the real GBC used fake link cables? You also don't have to mod a GBC at all, it's just if you want the screen, idiot.
I want a backlit screen with screen filters and the ability to use a link cable and IR functions. No, I will not be gutting a GBC and dealing with screen accuracy tradeoffs like some third-worlder. It would be nice if you would stop posting like a hysterical woman and just tell me an alternative that has these features. I'd get one of those instead.
pocket. been playing a shitload of games recently because of it and they look amazing on it. currently playing advanced wars every night in bed.
I quite like my Analogue Pocket for SNES and GB. Then again, I got mine for free. Don’t know that I would ever buy one.
It wobbles but i never missed a diagonal on it which is more than you can say for 90% of the chinkheld space. Whose got the best dpads these days in your estimate?
What a retarded post.

Yeah, I see way more steam decks than chinkhelds posted. Dishonest piece of shit, besides traditional emulation is nigger emulation. Fpga is the way of the white man fag
Even the US isn't this bad. You must be from a third world country.
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East coast JewSA. Not some huge city either, regular town.
We are fully Weimar now.
Inflation like this means war is next.
300 dollars for an analogue pocket seems like an almost impossible deal from where I’m standing.
Btw genius, if I wasn’t from the USA why would my prices be in USD?
You're one proud, "white man fag" that's for sure.
More than one country uses dollars for currency, anon..
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I suppose you’re right.

Remember when a McChicken and McDouble were a dollar?

These three sandwiches would cost me $20.60 cents for pickup.

I can not believe how bad shit is, this country is going to fucking explode.
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Inflation is only one factor driving up costs, and prices vary wildly around the nation. See: https://pantryandlarder.com/mccheapest

It mostly has to do with local costs incurred by the management of these restaurants ie insurance rates, property tax, minimum wage hikes etc in those specific areas. Either way, this stuff is terrible and you shouldn't be eating it if you can help it.
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>For Tetris
Game Box Plus
>For Pokemon
GB300, X6, RG35XX, Miyoo Mini etc.
>For Game Boy Camera, Printer, link cable, Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble etc.
Modded GBP and GBC are cheaper, but to be fair the Analogue Pocket does still give you the additional option of other systems

I'm very biased towards budget handhelds, but I will say unless you specifically want to use original Game Boy hardware and accessories, it's better to just get a proper emulation handheld. If you want to splurge you can spend the extra money on a nice case and maybe one or two secondary handhelds.
for chinkhelds the vita clone dpad that retroid and ayn produce are the gold standard now imo with their sticks, miyoo mini/mini plus in second for snes-style

i generally dislike anbernic shit but their rg arc one is pretty good, shame about it not running saturn perfectly though (what were they thinking kek)
>american shitty product overpriced.
just grab the GB boy is better,play original cartridges and come with a few games included and was 34 dolars.
go with unmodded original Hardware or buy a chinkheld
Only if you're a turbo nerd. Just emulate on your Android device.
The thing is turbo nerds are too smart to buy this schlop
>everyone on here hates anything that costs more than a few bucks

90% of this board are NEET/latin american and despise anything that costs more than the shitbox office PC they salvaged from a dumpster.
if you only want GB+GBC
Funny Playing FPGBC + cheap Chink flashcart, comes to about $100 total for everything you need.
>ergonomics of a real GBC (shits on the Analogue Pocket)
>larger screen than GBC mods
>cheaper and easier to build than a GBC mod
only real advantage the Analogue Pocket has besides more systems is the screen.
Neither. Get a chink gb boy
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OBVIOUSLY its "worth it"
moronic take
rent free


OP, i suggest you get both.
get an UNMODDED gameboy pocket AND an analogue pocket
be sure to use the "pocket update utility" and grab all the fpga arcade cores and system display filters etc

its great and supports a ton of systems\boards
its basically a portable misterfpga
it is a godtier device
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This unironically looks cheaper than Dollarama water ring games.
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>water ring game
>"on/off" button
Confirmed (((one of them))) with an investment in the Anal Log, no wonder you keep pushing it so hard around here despite everybody constantly telling you to fuck off.
for the BEST device
>everyone telling me to leave
its just you, one person.
the guy who is mad about pocket
>its just you, one person.
>the guy who is mad about pocket
I'm another anon, and I think you need to GTFO.
I'm tired of listening to how you spent hundreds of dollars on a device that a chinkheld could do for a fraction of the price.
Yeah, you made an investment in the Anal Log. You're embarrassed about it. You won't admit that you made a mistake. We get it. You're a fucking manchild.
Let everyone see how deranged an analogue pocket owner is.
Is schizophrenia a side effect of purchasing the Analogue Pocket or are Analogue Pocket purchasers already genetically prone to developing schizophrenia?
>See: https://pantryandlarder.com/mccheapest

A lot of the prices on that site haven't been updated in over a year.
Im new to this thread. I really like my Analouge Pocket. Its expensive yeah I admit. I do really like the screen. I bought it from someone with a loaded SD card full of roms and hacks. Been enjoying Kickle Cubicle and Pokemon Omega Red. Game Boy Color and GBA games are incredible on it.
There is an fpga gbc kit you can buy now, pretty cheap too if all you're looking for is gb/gbc. Only thing it's missing is an IR port, but I doubt you'll be sending mystery gifts anytime soon.
I don't even think it's particularly expensive for what it is - a nicely designed boutique console. It's the extras including the dock (and the fucking postage) that increases the cost but the base handheld for 200 bucks is fair enough. It's not perfect, I have my own issues with it - the dpad has the usual diagonal mis-presses and using the shoulder buttons is uncomfortable. If they make a GBA style revision with a better dpad I'd definitely pick one up as well.
>made in china
so is the iphone
but obv the iphone has better build quality than bargain bin famiclone shitware devices
None of that made me feel outraged or indignant.
you are trying WAY too hard kid
I'm going with the oled screen mod on my gbc, just waiting for it to come in
Currently playing Shufflepuck café and getting head. Fuck bros analouge pocket life is good
This is /vr/ you’re talking about, everything here needs to be chinkshit except your new in-box mint medical CRT with gold plated Monster cables, those need to cost thousands of dollars unless you’re a poorfag LOL
>it can play GBA carts
these are doordash prices. not real prices
More like 300 trips to mcdonalds you fat cunt.
you will hate it
instead of "emulating" aka PRETENDING to have the games while being a dirty\filthy degenerate piratefag
This thread was on page 10 when you bumped it. Are you lonely?
oh have you tried it?
I haven't seen that on any reviews of it or anything but maybe I missed it
It turns the water on and off.

Yeah, that's the thing, a $240 device shouldn't have a bad d-pad. Sucks no one will make a good FPGA handheld.
why would I want my 4MB files to be encased in cheap plastic
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Don't support some fucking goyslop artificial scarcity shit anon.
Also is there really a fucking contest?
Where do you think you are?
>glitchy crappy ips chinese screen "mod"
maybe reddit is a better fit for you
Pocket hardware is great. Screen is great. Core count is great.
>ergonomics are worse than every real iteration of a real Gameboy
>Analogue is a lazy faggot company that prides marketing success over the customer. being forever out of stock and keeping prices jacked up is losing them money over lowering prices and ramping up supply when the demand is there.
FunnyPlaying or someone needs to whip them with a superior portable multi-core fpga. It's the best, but that's easy when there's zero competition.
That's not an IPS mod retard holy fuck are you so braindead that you didn't even read the goddamn filename I hope you crash into a fucking semi and crawl into the African wilderness and get your legs torn off by zebras in a stampede, as you lay there bleeding out a crow slowly pecks at your skin until your muscles are fully exposed for vultures to devour via entering your anus slowly, and the nearby beehive sees you as an active threat for the remaining hours of your life
>worth it?
> That's not an IPS mod
bruh that is not a real GBC screen, i don't know what it is but it looks warbly as fuck. if you think its OEM then you're retarded and/or you got scammed.
furthermore i just noticed it has a red fucking dpad KEK that is not legit whatsoever
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you're too much of a brainlet
>Why bother with FPGA for a system that emulates perfectly as it is?
it's for collectorfags to feel more important, that they wouldn't settle for anything less than fpga and this illusion of authenticity that can potentially run software like ags aging cartridge even though inaccurate emulators perfectly run the (popular) games they play anyway
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>a 10% improvement?
more like the $50 ($64 desu) chinkheld has the 10% improvement if you enable runahead/preemptive
Why are you not using filters? That is the whole point of the Pockets 1440p screen.
Get something Retro Game Corps or Taki Udon reviewed, whatever looks good and was shown to be good, it you want to actually play games. My RG280V is technically "old" or outdated in terms of tech, but emulation of retro games has been good enough since the PSP, and now some of these handhelds are powerful enough to emulate that.

Want to blow money on something nice?
Save up even more for a steam deck and install retro arch on it, and then pop one of the filters on. The LCD filters it has do the same job Analogue's own bullshit does, with far more options for customization.

Want a vertical form factor one? RG351V, I've used it personally and it's fine too. There's genuinely no reason to buy an Analogue Pocket unless you want to flex, which a couple hundred Dollars isn't even that big of one, when there's already an existing handheld for any possible niche use case you have.
>there's already an existing handheld for any possible niche use case you have.
Yeah, this is why I bought the pocket. It fills my niche use case.
>take a real screen
>add a light that illuminates over top of the real screen
>you have a "real GBC screen" with light on the front of it
not hard to understand
Frontlights are not ips screens. They're like wormlights but inside the gameboy. The plastic film thing goes on top of the screen
it's nice to have both, but if I had to choose, probably would go with the pocket. also I think it's funny how some people have waited years to get their hands on a pocket, while I just checked their store randomly one day and saw that it was in stock, and it arrived within two days
i understand the concept just fine, but look at that screen, its like a 2004 palm pilot. that is not a frontlight i'm sorry. a real GBC screen has well defined and smooth pixels, look at that jank ass crap, i don't care what the thumbnail says, i have eyes and a real GBC and my ass that's a real screen.
GBC, analoge products are emulation.
The frontlight plastic is textured in order to refract the light passing through it onto the screen. That's what's resulting in the different appearance, because you have to look through the frontlight panel that sits in front of the screen, you retarded ape.
>modded GBC or analogue pocket
did your mental bandwidth delete the space for the thread topic or are you just pretending to be stupid.
should be noted it only looks like that cuz of the camera capturing it and it looks fine in person I have a mod like this
Analogue pocket is emulation, retard.
hardware emulation* but still emulation nonetheless
NanoBoyAdvance and Mesen are much better emulators than Analogue Pocket.
what do i buy if i want to emulate up to ps1 n64 saturn era but want dual analog and prefer it to be wider grip? that anbernic one?
Anal log
With the release of the new powkiddy is there any reason to acquire left besides supporting California?
>company called analogue
>handheld is digital
Fucking scam.
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tardpostin again?
wrong the games are played OFF the cartridge
>tldr; the best videogame purchase i have made in the last 10-15 years EASILY
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>the most fucking obvious bait ever
>tardpostin again
holy fuck this site is retarded why can't I escape
Probably not, I think it's better to have a cheap/pocket friendly device that you won't care when it gets dinged up, and an expensive home handheld that's bigger and more capable, like a steam deck or w/e the china shit is

But if you're like me you probably have some real hardware like a ds/3ds or psp/vita or gbc. If you do, softmod those first(or buy a flash cart, w/e is applicable), they usually have better buttons and d-pads than chink shit
your mother is ashamed of you
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Just get a FPGBC kit. $100 for everything including chinkshit aliexpress flashcart (works fine), cheaper and easier than modding a GBC and you don't have to risk fucking up a real GBC
Why are there black borders on the screen?
I don't see the point of buying an anal log. Part of the charm with handhelds is their shitty low quality hardware. A chinkheld will get the job done without issues. People who absolutely need to pay a premium for this sort of thing are brainless consumers that probably buy cars new.
>Part of the charm with handhelds is their shitty low quality hardware.
Most honest Anbernic shill.
I don't own any chinkhelds but if I did I'd probably get one of those and spam about how shit it is and yet a better value than the distilled onions that is analog pocket.
>a better value
Nobody disputes this. The Pocket is a superior product for supreme gentlemen such as myself. Stop being poor.
Because it's a shit screen, not even 2:1 resolution
hot garbage
Just emulate or mod some other handheld so you can play all sorts of games.
This. Play snes instead
>again, openfpga
tardpostin, nothing about the pocket being the BEST is bait
the pictures honestly don't do it justice, but the oled screen looks great imo
I just feel there are much better alternatives, for less cost on the market. These are designed for people who NEED to consoom the latest Iphone every year.
Retard alert. Its great for $80

Integer scaling is the default setting. You can increase the screen size if you want
based anon making tiktokers seethe
>what the fuck does that even mean? this is tiktok grade vocabulary
No, this is 4chan grade vocabulary. Don't pretend its any less retarded than tiktok
What is so special about that model of powkiddy?
it's $60something on aliexpress at the moment, has 720x720 screen, RK3566, wifi & hdmi
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Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking anon. Wasn't saying your fucking post was bait I was saying
is bait you fucking moron.
I heard some touchy faggots don't like handled threads now?

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