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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience.
Previous >>1421104
Love the pic
Cute OP
>even got Zayne's bulge in there
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Now that new thread is up! Behold: the voice actresses of Topaz and Clara simp and are in love with Adventurine, featuring Adventurine's voice actor too!






Now it looks like Clara herself; a minor, would be lusting for and opening her legs for Adventurine. Adventurine grooming Clara and taking her as a "second wife" with Topaz the first wife.
nice collage though we’ll see how long this thread lasts since you added a previous. It’s not a general
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AdventurinexTopaz is official
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Is it Thursday yet ;_;
I have 30 scrolls and a dream, let's go.
Cute collage anon.
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Disney's Cannes Festival event doing cool
now I kinda want to see them do a groovy for a card in this style
Newer one:

take your meds
Eh, its funny to an extent. Though I assume the reason why people can be very "subs not dubs" is because the Japanese VAs/Seiyus they idolize and put on a pedestal would never do something like this for being "unprofessional" and "cringe."
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Any update on the nu c English cd?
When does WuWa release, anyways
mentall illness is not funny
Fuck off retard
May 22 apparently
FUCK I forgot to do kitty cards last week. I’ll never recover from this.
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Lucifer’s selfie card going on banner on the 11th and then in standard in July. Some of his skills look interesting (a little surprised they used his ability to make angels kill themselves into a skill) and it’ll be cool to have a L rank healer
I haven't done any of them since February
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I don't play that brown creature's game
You mean you forgot to "skip kitty cards", right?
Hypmic is releasing a new game that's a "3D rap battle RPG"?
Based edit sis.
I hope it was a typo and they meant end of April. His voice is really hot.
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It's the angel lore for me. If only it was more f2p friendly and the devs less self destructive with their desicions. Been data mining the shit out of it still
Yes, it's just opening and closing a page 9x yet my dumbass still forgot
Wait until you meet the new "Quality Time" feature.

To be fair... I kind of hate idling my phone for the 5 minute workout and study/read time, but we have to do it for 30 days consecutively to get the workout outfits. I find the feature pretty pointless. Can't wait to never use it again once I complete all the achievements.
found out from personal experience that it doesn't have to be consecutive, but it's still annoying since it adds up to like a daily 15 min idle for all of the guys
>Wait until you meet the new "Quality Time" feature.
I enjoy the study/work ones, it's really cute to just chill with them. Haven't found much use for the exercise one, because when you're actually working out you want your phone for music.
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Would you The Nameless Bard whom Venti based his humanoid appearance out of? Would he be a godly boyfriend or husband?
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The earlier days of genshin from 4 years ago. Turning many millennial females into yumejos anime fangirls with Childe, Kaeya and Zhongli.
>Vigil mod gives dmg reduction and dodge to wolves
Well it’s not going to rocket him up to Mlynar-tier but it is a welcome improvement that actually addresses what his kit needs
The desperation of yumes to deny that their favorites are also fujo bait and that the his VA also encourages seeing him as gay.
hoyofags ruin everything
imagine simping for hoyo males
Take your grievances to your Twitter and/or X account
>logos is finally playable
>will most likely be a primal caster
fucking monkey paw
Needing one specific female operator to be usable is such a fucking stupid design
>to be usable
That's the case for the experimental 5* guy but I expect a 6* is going to be more self-sustaining.
Anyone trying out ikemen villain?
I'm sure I'll like their games but I wonder if they'll ever get a switch/steam port like the voltage ones.
I was thinking about it but I really don't have the time these days, and none of the boys were jumping out at me
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Guilongchao/归龙潮 is having its 3rd beta, still 0 news about it outside of China
Total cast announced so far is about 50/50 male/female...for now. Chinese males got mad and accused the game of only catering to women and the staff had to apologize
>Chinese males got mad and accused the game of only catering to women and the staff had to apologize
I know companies can't/won't do it since chinese (and korean) incels are a whole unique brand of crazy, but just once I'd love to see these companies tell them to go fuck themselves instead of instantly folding to them.
The femcels should retaliate.
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Considered reading the cheshire cat dude's route first because of the "self harm and suicide" content warning, but I tucked that away for later and went with the white hair dude since he's the "main guy"
The game's only been out for like two days and I'm barely into the first route, but for various reasons, it seems like it leans to the trashy side like their Vampries game. Maybe you could have figured that from the title, but Cybird has an ok track record to me so I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. Will have to see how it develops.
Incidentally, Ikemen Sengoku does have both a Vita and Switch port, it's just japanese only.
>50/50 male/female
>accused the game of only catering to women
the absolute state of fragile masculinity. it really is genshin's impact because no chink MOBA communities were sperging out like this even with comparable ratios of female:male heroes.
The biggest setback with these kinds of games is being timegated as an f2p, it's basically taking a month to read a route. That said I did enjoy the routes I played in Sengoku, Revolution, and Live.
Even though Sengoku got ported and fully voiced it's still missing the special endings and new characters. I guess since the games get repeatedly updated they don't bother doing more.
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Why are these events so boring, sisters?
Myth memories are great and all, but the event itself is just waiting and clicking again. They're really leaning heavily on the 3D animation to distract us from the fact that the game is empty. The animations are reused over and over again, anyways. I see now why banners are so short. There's nothing else exciting in the game besides the promise of new memories.
Is there any hope the game gets better? Or do original players just fall off because we're tired? I feel like it's missing features... or something.
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I knew it was fucking over as soon as I saw the subclass release. I hope they have him ignore the downsides just like Ray did but lol,lmao this is shartknights
Prison bitch Eiden time

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>shadow of Eiden's cock on wife's face

The events are just glorified dailies that reward you with like 5 dialogue lines occassionally. There is zero gameplay and barebones interaction with the event itself. They're dead set on timegating players as much as possible, not allowing "farming options" thus zero interactivity with events. Not that adding a grind would make events less boring or even better but allowing players to actually play the game to some degree would be a start.
I find myself forgetting to even log in and at this point I haven't for 5 days... I admire sisters who are still going strong...
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>Total cast announced so far is about 50/50 male/female...for now. Chinese males got mad and accused the game of only catering to women
Pathetic losers
Somehow I doubt that the company would respond as quickly to complaining from femcels let alone give them what they want
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Pretty much everything you said 100%.
I'm still playing just to get to Xavier's new myth in either May or June. And maybe see Sylus' reveal in July. I really want to see how they handle adding new love interests, but I hope they do it sooner rather than later because the day 1 playerbase feels fatigued.
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Xavier lost his head after a claw machine session
If you're f2p it's not even worth it to commit to rolling for more than one guy, more love interests sounds like a waste of resources
Even Xavier decided to quit the game.

I have a tiny, tiny hope that once they add Caleb and Sylus, maybe they'll finally make more interesting features and events because all the guys will be present. Like maybe they know Caleb and Sylus fans would complain if too many features are released before their favorite guy is introduced, aka, we already have the Quality Time feature but Sylus and Caleb would have to be added later and we'd play catch up with their achievements.
I know it's more probable that the game is doomed. I wonder how long Papergames will just use its "3D models are expensive so the game doesn't have many features" cop-out. I die inside a little more each time when I see someone quitting who has Aurum Pass still active.
So that’s what happens when you overuse your evol for claw games, I guess
They are a little boring but I wouldn't want them to be much more involved either because I have other games to play too.
No other game does the full 3D POV stuff though, so it's not like they have direct competition.
Sci-fi and pov is good enough for a free game for me so far, a few months in is too soon to doompost.
I hope it gets better with time even though the company is known to be Jewish as hell. The other gachas I've played all had rocky starts and got better after a year or so.
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would you fork over shekels for a home screen shenanigans pack that would randomly upon loading have X character doing some slightly off-screen stuff with eiden?
Does your husbando have the type of character design where his hair is brightly pastel colored? That has to be the most fascinating part of love making with anime waifus or husbandos, the genetics. Imagine the genetics and traits your love child will have between you and your husbando. Imagine the crazy hair color combo your child might get especially if your husbando has like purple, green, blue, teal or PINK hair.
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>Cute boy stuck in a game with 50 girls again
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These really are the only 2 in Black Beacon so far? hul
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Good haul, time to replenish. How'd it go for anyone else that pulled?
Can someone post prison Quincy r2 or r5 screenshot I'm so desperate for quinei food
Maybe it's just me and I'm coming in with high expectations for wife and Quincy but did anyone else feel like the intimacy rooms were boring this time around? Haven't read the story yet but if it's just as bad the writers need to wake up.
yeah they were boring as shit
i haven't gotten edmond so i can't speak on that but i really liked quincy's card especially him getting jealous and possessive over eiden plus i finally got the mating press ive wanted for so long
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In 5 days we're gambling
I really wasn’t that hot on him, but I have to admit that his part in the plot really sold me. I was gonna just save for the cowboy, but maybe I can spare some rolls….
Yes, they completely wasted a great theme and hot outfits

Getting tired of intimacy rooms being filler because they release main story chapters so slow that the characters aren't getting any development
not inspiring me to roll here sisters...
No one should be encouraging you to roll on these disappointments
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this looks like a cutout id glue to my notebook in highschool
Dropped 70 scrolls and didn't even get a spook lol I'm like 300 gems away from my last 10-roll, so we'll see.

Haha, I used to print vocaloid jpgs to glue them on my notebook covers. The nuns at my school always got angry because they said it was diabolical and encouraged competition amongst the students.
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I need to save up on scrolls so I only did one 10 roll and got Quincy.
I'm happy sticking with that.
I know this is not a great place to ask, but, did that Skiff drive with all the Nu:Carnival rooms get nuked? I used it not too long ago, but now it just says "download failed." The backup link I had for Notion doesn't work either. Or maybe I'm just dumb.
I do play the game, I just liked seeing the rooms for the other guys I couldn't get from events.
not the first time it’s been down so I’m just twiddling my fingers till it comes back up backup link is down too so it’s not just you
happened to me too. Does anyone have their email or the discord server? U can check with them. The notion one keeps making me try and log in. This is a travesty I needed to see Quincy’s cards this would ruin my entire year
I’m sitting here crying in my room, the walls are closing in on me whilst I keep refreshing skiff. I will not sleep until I see it. If it wasn’t for you I would have killed myself 5 minutes ago. Thank you Anon my one beacon of shining hope let me kiss you
so notion or someone who reported the skiff got it taken down, not sure if the original owner plans on reworking it
Confirmed?? Could skiff just not be down?
confirmed from the discord it came from :( apparently since notion bought skiff its banned all r18 stuff
Noooo keep up updated, does she plan to make another one? Why’s the notion one gone then?
Agreed. Sex is hot yes, but we got nothing besides that. In a game where chapter updates are every one hundred years, and Quincy in particular has been MIA from them, it left me with a yes and...? feeling. Maybe it's asking too much from the homo gambling simulator.
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mrm has had no problems hosting scenes, wonder why people stopped dumping them on there
Does anyone know the email/discord of the original owner? I'd contact them myself, but I never knew anything about what discord was associated with the drives, or the email. I just feel dumb now.

I'm glad it's not just me.

I even logged in for the Notion link and it just acted like I was making a new account. Didn't redirect me to the files.
Does anyone have the discord link?u Can delete it afterwards I think
from someone who was responsible for at least two of the ones hosted there whoever runs mrm just doesn't want to publish them anymore for some reason, me and a few others have been sending the newer rooms for approval but they just never upload them anymore, maybe the devs told them not to idk
I’m sorry what’s mrm. Was the person not uploading them the same as the skiff person? Coz they were on it with new rooms
so update the op says the skiff is down permanently but they plan on finding an alternative not sure when tho
myreadingmanga.info, where ppl post yaoi djs/manga and videos there are a lot of early nucani hscenes there
Thank you anon. Keep us posted
Could we have an invite link to the discord? Or is it like the op's personal discord?
I feel bad spamming this thread and we'll all want updates on if/when a new drive goes live, so having access to the discord just seems easier.
Ohhh yeah I remember that. It was only h scenes tho, not the story inbetween so overall it was terrible. Being public too meant more would get taken down. Hope fully the one that got taken down comes back
Yeah. The discord link wasn’t on the old skiff one too
oh, that explains it. Oh well.
someone will start a new secret club mirror eventually
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He's cute.
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No thank you not that website, ads are shit and literally everyone knows abt it even randos on tiktok. The one that got taken down was so much more polished. >>1447577
How did anyone get the link?
Tfw I did one 10 roll and got spooked by permanent SSR Quincy instead
The current guild I'm in has been cutting it too close lately with filling all the charms until the contract. Is there any space left in the /vmg/ one?
>people have to wait 3 months for him to enter the regular pool
For NuCarnival? It's NU:Anons (friendly reminder that capitalization matters).
I'm the guild leader, and I can bump someone for you. Just let me know your in-game name so I can accept the right person after you apply.
Yeah for Nucani. I just left my guild so I won't be able to apply for 12 hrs. My in-game name is Vilakkuma. Thanks anon!
No problem. I'll hold the spot and keep an eye out for whenever you're able to apply.
>prettyretards killing themselves.
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Hey lads, divegrass anon here, just a reminder that this weekend our 4cc team will be playing in the Spring qualifiers. Since this thread had the most voters again, Buff Topper remains a medal player. Dates are here >>1445988 , if you don't know what i'm talking about: https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Mads Mikkelsen of twst
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Morvay birthday art
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Pick one or two, which of these fine young boys would you date and romance with and why?
All shit
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>New Genshin boy character designs be like:
wrong, where are his short shorts?
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Wake up amagicest sis, it's time.
Any update on the nu cani archive or the discord link?
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Life is GOOD and the universe has smiled down upon me! I hope they dont cheapen out on the incest...
Woah. woah there. Pink hair?! Don’t you think that’s a little too unique looking? No, no, it has to be short, brown, plain. Remember it has to look like a bland npc someone threw together in like two seconds
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You're not far off.
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>It's a Cyno episode
Finally a reason to log in. Is wanderer getting another rerun without making an appearance in the story again?
Cool of them to give Gaming a desert themed skin so soon after his debut
>ads are shit
If you don't know how to block ads consider leaving the internet.
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Was he forced to wear dresses all his childhood because male banshees are rare?
>mesh boob window even as a shota
Is he just wearing his mom’s clothes all the time?
it's amazing how genshin consistently fails at good outfit design, and it's all down to the detailing. Ostensibly, what you've got here would is a decent base for an outfit utterly ruined by genshinfication. you can recognise genshinfication by the illusion of detail, which when you look closely is actually just golden lines placed everywhere that they can to break up empty space were empty space should be for literally no reason at all, and no actual complex patterning exists. This, of course, leads to outfit designs which are forgettable, boring messes, the only parts which are memorable are the parts that aren't there (eg kaeya's boob window or heizou's pits). The game's popularity, amusingly enough, owes to the fact that it actually has a game, unlike other gacha with better designs.
On phone? Also it’s public so if you post there properly it’ll get taken down and also I’m retarded and I like things sorted out in a nice neat way
If you're a phoneposter, consider looking into Adguard DNS. You don't even have to install anything. It just works.
>I like things sorted out in a nice neat way
Like this: https://myreadingmanga.info/tag/nu-carnival/
You can also download everything and sort it your way on your phone.
>Also it’s public so if you post there properly it’ll get taken down
As if this place wasn't even more public, any link posted here will be found just as easily.
Ugh. Instantly uggo.
The nuked archive was elite when’s it coming back I need to see quincy T.T any updates from the discord?
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>Pink hair?! Don’t you think that’s a little too unique looking?
There was a mass leak about a year ago that had concept art of a cute pink haired slut. I'm hoping the design hasn't been trashed and they'll use it eventually.
>On phone?
Unlike shitgle chrome, firefox on phones has extensions. I never see ads
I applied. Thanks!
aster nucarnival what are you doing here
He will probably be released with Dornman Port
He looks way cuter than that nu:c goblin
that character sheet for ants does not look cuter than assturd sorry
The entire nufag cast (except that one guy) is ugly as hell
Hope you won’t be too disappointed when he ends up being a Venti copy but with shorter, brown or black hair and some npc church clothes
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>Venti copy
That would be great
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>The entire nufag cast (except that one guy) is ugly as hell
Just accepted you! Sorry that took a minute. I usually log-in around reset.
give us the venti archon skin already, mihoyo, you cowards
Nah only Morvay and Olivine
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sisters, the second part of the event
trying to convince myself it isn't all shit and they definitely didn't drop the ball but I can't muster up the delusion
this is why you sisters deserve those ugly npcs
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Happy bday Morvay :))


Spirit Gems x100, Essence Vial (M) x3

Bliss code: 1SBA2G3PNWYGGN3
every single guy from the games discussed here is ugly as sin tbqh
And who do you like big guy
Every single guy posted here should get pregnant
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go off queen
>ribbon wrist bondage continues
what did I do to deserve my wish coming true?
As I said before, Quincy should've raped Edmond. It's the only correct answer
Edmond fags need help. Worst character in the game
Any update from discord for the nuked archive?
Thank god you’re not writing the game
jack off to something that isn't rape porn for once
It's just a basic plain story, you make its seem like this is the most egregious shit ever. Not every event has to have some groundbreaking story
My wife got another guy impregnated does that count
What happened now did Edmond get prison raped by some random guy
desu joseimuke guys in general are pretty ugly...
Edmond fags are bitching because he didn't
Just stick to nitrochi games at this point if you're that obsessed with noncon
attempted (and I mean that generously) in R3, it just isn't that type of game

N+C mobage when?
shittoyo character designs are so awful
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There are still a few cute boys but it's a hit-or-miss. The beta design sheets show that they can come up with good designs but somehow a lot of them get scrapped.
It's because they need their character models to "stand out," so they do that by adding more useless ornaments, more asymmetry, multicolored hair that looks different at every angle. So much gacha trash gets away with it because waifukeks have no standards. Look at Honkai Impact 3rd's latest characters if you want to see a disaster
Freminet is literally perfect.
it's probably just me but what kind of annoys me is that it always seems that they take the good designs in the beta sheets and just sand them down, take away anything that makes them unique and interesting and then they put out the blandest end product they can manage. there was a time I liked some of the male genshin designs but lately it's been so much more miss than hit
I don't play Genshin but it seems like their 3D modelers aren't talented enough to translate the designs or there's some hardware limitations so simplifying them is their only choice. And on the other hand, their character designers don't know how to make interesting "simple" designs for the modelers to work with. Other 3D games have this problem too.
Fine. Eiden should've raped Officer Edmond. It's the other correct solution
Ask your mom nicely for her credit card and get it yourself

Edmond is a slut for his dick so it wouldn't be rape
>Edmond is a slut for his dick so it wouldn't be rape
It could be...
poorfags in the trenches kek
Edmond bends eiden over and rapes him kek
I can’t be asked to scroll up. How long has it been since it went down? How fast could she make a new one, it won’t be here yet
Good, as Edmond should. Eiden needs proper discipline.
good one
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i just rolled quincy btw
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Unfortunately, he's a skip. Hopefully he can spook me later.
hahahahahaha anon. I’m killing myself tomorrow
Not that anon, but I have money. Lead me to the discord
They should have leaned into the roleplaying aspect of his rooms more and done this. I'd like to see fudanshi Edmond more in general.
The archive got removed, the discord is just for updates for when the archive will be back. We have one Anon here who’s on it so they’ll tell us I hope. Pls anon do tell us
The anon won’t tell us ;(
Not surprising because why would anyone want more mentally ill retards joining their discord
It’s not their discord it’s the owners
Good, you’re annoying as fuck
f2p beggars deserve nothing
It’s only one anon they probably haven’t come on.
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Imagine begging to be on a fucking Discord of all things
The absolute state of poorfags
42/61 SSR + 2/2 SR as a ftp
what's your excuse
What about the other 19
Such a great idea. It's too bad Nu:Government are a bunch of vanillafags. This is why Rin will never be a clan member
I'm a latefag
I don't roll for slobbering dogs, retarded robots, or faggot priests
you do if they share a banner
Why are these faggots so against an archive, if the game suddenly gets discontinued then what
Stop pretending to be retarded, no one said they were against an archive. Screaming and begging for a discord link is what rubs people the wrong way.
This >>1448888
Its up when its up
their character designers arent talented either
40/61 SSR 2/2 SR . I’m very sad I couldn’t get any of the fanciful capriccio
ssrs :((
Idk abt rei but grandpa’s one was good
I only take the chance if my absolute favorites are among the filth. Otherwise, it's a no go.
you almost got based for a second there
woah I also didn't get any of those!
sounds like a roll rate conspiracy...
Shut up Garunigger
>sounds like a roll rate conspiracy...
gonna start believing this for real if I have shit luck next banner…
>both whores require fire keys
okay nu:government I see your strategy, but have you considered i'm willing to wait 1 year until I accrue 12 keys???
If there's anyone who wants Kuya rooms (except the SR event) I can share them, since I have them all. The older ones everyone probably already watched somewhere anyway
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I've said this before and will say it again. Cryo men have laid back charisma and borderline flirtatious as personality. Imagine Chongyun, Freminet, Mika once they grow up? Because of that, Kaeya and Wriothesley most likely had to be cute and adorable like those three in the past. And when Chongyun, Mika and Freminet growp up and get older. Imagine the same type of charisma, possible bravado and even confidence they'd have. No doubt many women will cream their panties and spread their legs to grown up and more "rizzed up" Chongyun, Mika and Freminet.
cynonari is a good ship of well designed boys
cute giant ears
cute skin color contrast
cute other things
if a deranged fujo accosted you in the parking lot of your grocery store with a clipboard asking if you'd like to see these boys sit in each other's laps and kiss you would check the yes box, stop playin
"umm ackshully" me at your own peril
The keys aren't as bad when you take in account the spirit fragments you can get.
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i spent all my fragments in the pursuit of large numbies...
They wasted Hosoya on this guy
>Imagine Chongyun, Freminet, Mika once they grow up
Gross. They're fine as is.
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I like him
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>cynonari is a good ship

Hetero ships with female characters of their respective regions or with Lumine.
The ships with female characters that aren’t lumine are usually shit
Did you used to share them for the archive too?
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Girls! How about a Genshin male character design that looks like/is literally pic related?
Goodness gracious! How wonderful…………………………
Nice and easy for the 3d modellers to make uwu
Don't forget! The yume and femporn of a Genshin guy who looks just like him with that hair and clothes making love with Lumine. And so many Genshin fangirls calling him such a great husbando, giving him and Lumine fanon children with the craziest fucking hair color combos imaginable.
I fucking HATE this Genshit Enstars shipnigger
first day on vmg/vg?
hoyonigs are cancerous and turn every place into shit
Very pretty. ToF is so grindy these days though, I haven't been able to keep up
The retard thinks his samefagging isn’t obvious
least mentally ill hoyonig
Is that En*tars or Project Sekai? Either way yikes
ES artstyle no doubt, but what the fuck is it
The best 2D to 3D translation that I've seen in a gacha game was King's Raid. RIP.
sometimes I half-seriously wonder if character designers don't do shit like this just to test how far they can push before people stop being willing to roll
Why do his posts always sound like he's engagement farming on twitter or tiktok or whatever? What is the point of doing that here?
wtf are "trigger skills"
is that what they're calling ultimates now?
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Spose not really a gacha game, but Tourabu warriors did a fucking brilliant job of not only translating the characters to 3d, but replicating the original artist's styles while making sure none of them are out of place with each other.
Usual tranny behaviour, he desperately wants to fit in with his fellow “ladies and gals!”
I’m late but NOOOOOOO
I think I uploaded once but it was not here
buy an ad
Why do you hate mihoyo but i only play star rail from them
Trigger skills are basically a type of counter attack skills, and for healers it appears to be heals that activate "on attack". The characters that have them are original SSR Olivine (at 3 stars), Zest for Life Quincy, Idol Blade, Eerie Escapade Yakumo, Rainy Season Quincy (at 3 stars) & Rei, SSR Morvay, Fanciful Capriccio Kuya (at 5 stars), Desert Dusk Dante & Garu, and Prison Riot Revolt Quincy. Prison Riot Revolt Edmond is a trigger skill buffer.
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Just started Lovebrush Chronicles, who is the best boy? Ayn seems to be the most popular one, though he kinda looks like the 3rd worst boy from Amnesia
For me it's Ayn but it also kinda depends on which story setting we're in.
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Yeah, if you're going to skip one of the upcoming guys probably him or Zuo Le is the best choice. They'll be on the rape ticket anyway. And the 4* snek boy will show up for you eventually.
Ayn's routes tend to be the stories I enjoy the most but my favorite is Alkaid. The one I like the least is Clarence, particularly cause he bullies William (route never).

On a side note, I'm glad the Child Raising Sim is permanent. I only finished one end so far since I've been busy.
I’m one of the few that actually likes Clarence but it’s hard to really recommend him. If you’re just starting out, it’s probably best to take Ayn’s route but desu it’s mostly just pick the guy who appeals to you the most and see how it shakes out from there.

>route never
Why must you hurt me so
Lars was my favourite, but Lars is such a silly name that I dropped the game
DLC when. I need the other boys too.
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Why’s lume always some assistant like she’s not the mc of the game. Do you hate women
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Spirit Gems x500
Vtuber eiden come back to me
Do you even Otome/Josei/Women's Entertainment? I've watched enough trashy Lifetime Originals and read enough female oriented doujins to know women; when self-inserting and immersing themselves in these stories, don't mind and even like self inserting the Plain Jane self insert who's some low leveled assistant to the handsomely attractive Rape Chad superiors. Chicks like when they're the lowly maidens or damsels in distress to be carried and whisked away by the handsome rich powerful Chads or Brads who're madly in love and attracted to lowly females such as themselves.
i have seen it. my people will never be free.
does anyone have a link to the new archive yet? can't be asked to scroll up. I haven't had time to play yet
not f2p faggot
4chan is contrarian central and they're the biggest gacha mobile game developer.
whats got the nu fags like this T.T
Does every nufag in here post like a retarded twitter tranny?
At least two of them do. Bet someone linked this thread somewhere back when that genshin shiptranny started spamming here
some akgfag posted the op image for this thread in their general recently, interesting but probably not related
Yeah that's too recent to be the explanation. If I remember correctly the retard using emojis and typing like a 2014 tumblrfag first showed up a bit after LaDS released. And that "page 10" newfag showed up like a month ago
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Furyu's alchemy school game is launching on the 23rd
Looks like an auto game though. I wouldn't mind an alchemy game that ripped off Atelier's system desu
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This dude is a Yume100 character
I was just going to say that the style reminds me a lot of yume100/yumekuro. Looks pretty cute tho
Gambling time, I'm gonna win the 50/50!
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SarkASS get! Just 50 rolls too.
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>snek requires new mats
Ah fuck
genuinely what is wrong with arknights naming

do they use the same fucking computer the MoD uses to pick operation names
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Sisters I spend a lot of time scrunching up every bit of dia possible for Raf's banner, shit like listening to all unlocked secret/tender moments, speedrunning weeklies, re-doing junior contests with upgraded memories, leveling useless 3* mems to 20, reading new story, achievement hunting... all for it to be a ZAYNE drop FUCK AAAAA
I'm 114/150 for guarantee and cannot get any more dia, it's over. Xavier or Zayne should have gone first!
What is going on with Zayne anyway? Not just in this card, he seemed to be someone else in some of his moments and felt way colder than the "usual" Dr. Zayne we interact with.
Sister you can still use THAT...
dammit edmond it's RIGHT there, just suck it
That intimacy room would have been so much better if he'd just given Eiden a bj as well
Why is this thread full of yumes opposed to homo shit?
Please be patient, he has autism.
HE DIDN’T? what did he do then, i didn’t pull.
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joseimuke. its in the name. We have both
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Used his electric baton thing to turn Eiden on by zapping him. I think he came in his pants as well, it might have been from Eiden rubbing him with his foot but I can't remember. At least the money shot at the end hit him in the face.
Come on anon...why did you post that and tempted me...I am trying to save up for future whore and foxjiji BUT NO HERE YOU GO AND SHOW WIFE GETTING A SURPRISE FACIAL how can I not pull after that revelation?!
I remember in zayne's anecdotes he was acting like another person in one of the stories too. Dude either has split personalities or memory loss
It's Xiao's birthday, say something nice about him!
best boy my cutie patootie
>anecdotes he was acting like another person in one of the stories too
You mean the one that’s set in the future? I don’t think that’s our current Zayne, it’s pretty clearly too far forward to be him.

Tale of Food CN EoS on 18 June 2024
Sad but I guess I sort of felt it coming. I just hope global manages to finish out the story before they pull the plug for good
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XIAO LOVE LOVE LOVE! Today I will actually log in
What a shame. I was hoping cn sisters would always fund global since our servers lasted longer than I expected. I really enjoy this game though even if it has a few too many tasks to do every day, all the food souls are so cute.
Every year just a little more in love with Tabibito
Had some real 10/10 boys, especially the shotas. Exhaustingly grindy though.
birthday sex
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Now it’s Xavier’s turn for a kiss card, rip anyone saving for his limited sun pair, I guess
>rip anyone saving for his limited sun pair
Just look at that ass, they know exactly what they’re doing to me and my gem stash
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If you have the extra funds, you might as well go for him. Maybe you'll like the rooms more than I did, anon

Even if I thought the rooms were mid overall, wife was adorable as usual
Best boy, without a doubt.
meant for >>1451657
did that food game release an english version less than a year before EoS?
it only recently blipped on my radar
I just got the achievement for playing for a full year and I was a day one player so at least it made it that long
Something like that. CN’s been out for 3-ish years I think
Dunno if anyone is still interested in Tokyo Debunkers but it’s out on android now, iOS coming later tonight
>Tokyo Debunkers
it looks like helios
Will try it out later then
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Had to hit pity but I won the 50/50!
the boys will be missed but the grind will not be
Was this the one that seemingly reworked itself into a Twst clone, of all things?
This is cuter than expected, I like the pacing and the boys. Auto battler is auto battler, whatever, at least there's a skip button
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Two more weeks. Hoping I don't have to spend much to get Bassline.
I log in to change Bagpipe's voice to EN dub. I log out.
Are you going for pot? It's 75 to spark him if you're insanely unlucky.
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The artstyle and boy design doesn't stand out much to me but I'll give it a try
Multiverse, they can see each other with varying degrees of clarity.
Myths is an overseer
Normal is a dr
And the anecdote is a mercy serial killer
Just using some singles to get the snek and I roll Hoe wtf my pity. No snek either.
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Any femanons here looking forward to Arlechinno (Daddy?)
Confirmed or theory? I havent read the last few updates
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More voiced chapter updates on the 25th, we'll finally hear Rei (speaking owl) and Rin voiced in game. Wonder what the schedule is for voiced chapters getting released
No pots. Only hoping to at least get 1 Bassline before I get any 6"
Before boys like Childe, Zhongli, Al'Haitham, Albedo, Xiao, Ayato, Kazuha, Neuvillete, Wriothesly and Lyney (the Genshin boys every Yumejo lusted for) came out. Which Genshin boy was or would've been your husbando in the earliest versions? Diluc, Kaeya, Venti? Hell willing to go yuri with Lisa?
Dumb nigger
China and its story existed in the release version of the game
no genshin character is worth lusting over
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They should’ve stuck with the spooky urban fantasy vibe, I don’t give a shit about yet another not-Hogwarts
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>Rei Sakuma approaches (You), asking you out on a date, femanon. What do you do?
Kill yourself tranny
Hm, surprising but ToF global put up a notice that they have no plans to suspend service since they’re separate from the cn version
Is this screenshot from the old version or the current game? This looks spooky, I thought it was a school game
what tf is wrong with this newfag
Just report it, shit like arlecchino and het ship slop is off-topic anyway
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Current game. The intro story is spooky but once you get to the tutorial and summoning and such it’s like this.
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>het ship slop is off-topic anyway
Found the yaoi/BL fag. I mean how odd of you to specifically point out the "hetero slop."
I'm a yume, your genshit hetships are still unwanted here. Kill yourself.
Yume stuff is fine just not whatever that shit was. Also artist?
next banner blade and whomste?
Most likely Olivine
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Isn't the next banner another school theme? I don't think they'd give him that twice.
Blade and whore or kuya.
A morvay aster event would be nice too
this is a rerun is it not?
seems like cn is getting a free version after its servers shut down, but player data won't be transferable.
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NTA but you really need to come up with a better insult. You are boring and you have been repeating yourself dating...idk how many threads ago. Read the title of the board you are browsing. It's a joseimuke board, Google what that shit means. Enstaryumefag isn't going against any rules. She is baiting obviously just to rub and piss you off and you are retarded enough to always fall for her baits lol lame. And i already know how you are going to reply to this kek.
No one believes you. Kill yourself.
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Kek. See? Your 01 braincell and late stage retardation can't let you come up with something better. Actually you should consider kys instead and spare us all from your repeating spam-like replies that offer as much as your existence - absolutely nothing.
That's a rerun for CoD, rule of thumb if it doesn't have the new event hashtag and they are using an old background then it's a rerun. Also we have two White Day Edmonds and two Christmas Quincys, they don't care.
Nu carnival eos when?
God I wish soon. Worthless kusoge
See >>1452393
desu i have been bored of the game for months now
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Open world Nikki is alive and well, beta test is next week
Very interested to see what the gameplay loop is like
I was under the impression they were doing pretty well - Cafe collabs, merch, fully voiced chapters, Bliss release. I think they have at least a couple more years left in them.
The social media engagement is pretty low though, at least on the EN side.
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it's just regular old shitposting sis
The story remains spooky when MC finally goes on missions. The gameplay's like they put three facebook games on a juicer, sure, but I like the story more than I thought I would
The story does have me kind of interested, but the gacha seems abysmal for a f2p. I don't feel ready to dolphin on a game that uses ai images yet either.
Autoslop, Harry Potter fanfic, no pity carryover, and AIslop to boot, this is a lot to stomach
>no pity carryover
Maybe I'm too spoiled by other games, but that's just sad.
and pity is like 500 rolls
lol lmao
Because homo got shit on their dicks (gross)
That seems like the same tranny who shits all over the femporn general on /h/. He’s SO easy to spot.
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Found an old partial rip of the LADS models. Funny thing, the towel costumes just have a black void under the towel, even though the texture has underwear on it.
Xavier actually has/had a full body model in the files marked old though.
Very glad they buffed his butt since the early builds
Yeah, I'm never ever getting limiteds from the gacha, so I'm just dumping my rolls on the standard banner. Now I can't continue reading the story because Case 38 insta-kills my boys, so maybe even I'll end up dropping it lol
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WHB finally decides to allow roll count to carry over in Solomon seals banners and free S-grade rockin’ 80s mullet Leraye for free in next event
>eos when
reminder that nucani consistently mogged every one of erolab's other hentai games so hard they had to separate the categories into "male/female lead" on the site so it would stop looking so embarrassing
fujos are the strongest people on earth
>underwear even has a logo
>could have been an 18+ game
We were robbed.
And the most annoying
not all body textures have underwear but they're Ken dolls so it doesn't matter much - unless you want to look at their naked ass?
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>get snow starch for free
Sadly, an actual R18 otomege seems to be one of the things no one’s willing to do (not really counting WHB because, well, yea). At least LaDS is willing to be a little spicy, I guess
>100 rolls wasted
>and oops is all quincy up to 3 star's
FUCK Quincy really wanted to make me his bitch this time
a good fate to have sister
Should have been me
I’m probably just dumb and blind but does Tokyo Debunker really not have any beginner’s banner aside from the one you have to spend like $40 to use?
you are not dumb, the game is catered to whales only
Yeah the game is stingy af
Don't play this game, but I'm interested, where do they use AI images?
background art for sure and very likely the pics they used for the "sorting quiz" too. honestly wouldn't be surprised if they were also using it for their card art, but those other things have been more obvious.
The personality quiz was the most egregious one lol
Based Quincy having his way with you
the cookies look so fucking stupid lol
I don’t really give a shit about using AI for that kind of thing, new tech is always obvious and kinda ugly at the beginning. It’s shit like this hideous and intrusive UI >>1452418 I can’t forgive. Prices also look exceptionally Jewish.
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>AK anni stream isn't until the 27th
I'm scared sisters, I think they're going to announce Lord modules and it will be an absolute shitshow
Wew, they didn't even try to make it less obvious.
Are there any hebe/younger guys in ikemen villains?
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No unfortunately
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Seeing some of the posts above. Has Ensemble Stars ALWAYS been that bad? Is it because of a certain anon's faggotry? Has it always been an unimpressive joseimuke game and mediocre music game? Or is because some posters are just jealous and sad that they're never going to be Anzu, who's living the dream of being surrounded by cute and hot guys? (All the other boybands other than Trickstar)
>Has Ensemble Stars ALWAYS been that bad?
>Is it because of a certain anon's faggotry?
You don't have to speak about yourself in third person.
See >>1452393
Esemble stars fandom is retarded in general but the eop fans are a bit more retarded as per tradition. Certain anon(s) here proves it as you can see.
I dropped the game pretty early on, so I don't know how the story progresses. I avoid joseimuke games in general except for tourabu. Especially the idolshit joseimuke gacha can't stand them. I started it just because my fav seiyuu were in but this ambiguity made me quit. All idol shit go like you are a free of charge psychiatrist pimp combo manager to the boys and if you squint your eyes a little you can see some yume and fujo bait crumbs from time to time. Not for me i get the people who are passionate about them though just can't vibe with them, i want to know what im playing exactly personally. Could be cool if they were R18 or simply a bl/otome game instead, but by making them joseimuke it attracts both yumes and fujos and if they hate and don't respect each other it creates a very toxic environment and that's another reason to keep people away from it or not freely discuss about it.
And talking about it, didn't try their otome game is it any good?
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Anyone actually yume to Sunday? I mean, he his sister are a pretty "Angel" or winged type fantasy humanoid race.
I'd yume if his design wasn't so boring. At least add some extra eyes, idk.
t. monsterfucker
More female voice actresses being horny for Adventurine:

Get better material or think of better insults, why don't you?
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Vampire Yakumo is the next person getting a 90 contract limited rerun
Tokyo Debunker worth giving a shot?
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Haruka is remembered
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Oh,LBC why must you tease me so
not really.
I’m actually surprised lmao
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What a cutie. How is he not a love interest?
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Poor Ayn, getting cucked by a much younger man
Just noticed that this game’s available for download now, anyone give it a try yet?
Is it because it's English dubs and English VAs? And you wouldn't tell her to KYS if she'd link a video of the JP Saiyuus let's-playing and simping for the male characters, would you?
NEED bratty bf
is there joseimuke without yaoibait
i'm so tired of male gaze coomergames, not even mentioning lesbian shit, but i am also very homophobic and female gaze tends to have gayshit in it
couldnt even finish that post bestie
neko atsume
Pokémon Masters EX
animal crossing
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Oh, he knows, he knows
Are there actual leaks for LaDs?
Or are people just dumb and making stuff up because we're bored?
what are the said leaks?
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Livly island
Technially Hoyo does this, they didn't acknowledge the incels trying to get them to apologize for Furina's designer being a feminist.
Femcels are like the ones here, only complain when their husbandos are gay.
It's getting harder to login by the day, if I wasn't interested in the story and potential onii-chan LI I'd have dropped it by now. When are getting that patch?
I don't even know. When I lurk the discord some people mention "leaks" on Weibo, but never really refer to anything specific.

I'm hanging on for the myths in May and June. Officially, the next chapter release is July.
Is it common for games like this to have very little/no events? Even NuCarnival has managed to keep me more entertained with things.
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Just ignore like everyone else here at this point anon. Hide her posts instead of wasting minutes writing replies to her + solving captcha.

Is there someone here that actually likes eng dubs? Idk why but most i tried for the laughs sound like troll fandubs indeed. 0 effort
is there any update on the nu:c CD translation or had that still not been done?
Yes, I like them because it’s better for immersion
Than again I am a dubfag in general
I like dubs. I feel like hearing something in your own language can definitely be more immersive, and there’s a lot of little nuances when someone speaks that can add character, assuming that the dub is decent. None of that matters if they don’t try, of course.

I also like it when they branch out and don’t hire the same 10 western eng vas doing animu voices. A lot of the actors they got for Arknights are really good.
I like the Arknights EN dub for some characters because they have sick accents.
I wish all games were like Arknights and let me mix and match voice over languages for each character.
Just listened to some voice samples. That's a good dub indeed and I'm not a dubfag to begin with. Had efforts, they didn't try to sound cartoonish. Maybe it's because I'm an esl or/and too invested to jp vas that I still can't stand it tho. I like the sound of jp better too so maybe that's why, but I can finally understand dubfags a little better. Are good dubs rare in general or i didn't search enough?
I get it, some VAs I can't replace in AK like Shinichiro Miki, for example. Sometimes the EN voice is grating too, like Minimalist's dub. On the other hand, I didn't think I would use the dub for an Akira Ishida character (Phantom), but they really went an got a stage actor to do his voice and it's great.
Aren't dubs in general rare? Even rarer for them to be decent.
I like all the italians, I am conflicted with wanting to use dub Mlynar but also jp Mlynar because both are good. Probably the first ever game where I don't necessarily mind the dubs although I very much still prefer the jp VAs.
I would die if I heard Thorns in spanish though
this is really old but does anyone else think it was such wasted potential for aster to not fuck eiden in his ssr and tentacle rape morvay instead? if he was already not that popular that they had to give him a big design, why would they not have him fuck eiden to get up sales? Surely their not edging us with aster fucking eiden since he barely has that much of a fanbase
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Mahoyaku chose female Akira for their anime, I thought only fujos were left playing this kusoge?
Naoyuki Tatsuwa: Washed, hasn't done anything good after leaving Shaft
Liden Films: Pray for the production
Female sage: Yeah, nope. I'll just read one of the manga adaptations if I must lol
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>whb added Solomon seals farming Can get another x10 extra pull monthly and more if you play the mini game too.
Not bad desu pretty fair.
>have to pay to view older events
KEK how desperate.
Overall not a bad addition for now. If only they can do something about the paywalled only cards and consider giving poorfags a chance after months. And do something about the MTL.
New event is funny and cute.
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>skill deals aoe damage
>burst enhances normal attacks
This is so tiring. I just wanted him to be electro support.
Can't say I care either way, dude has a really fucking boring design. I don't know what's with Genshin and their detail clutter soup designs that all look the same
Anyone trying out that Blue Lock game that's apparently Uma Musume but with soccer boys? I've never tried the genre before, I don't know what to expect
I would if its in English
I feel the same way. It'd be great they did something more than add lines to their clothes. I guess I'm more upset that they didn't try to do any different gameplay-wise with him

Good news, it's out.

I haven't read the manga and I'm not into sports so I'll pass.
>another desert character with a shitty build
bravo mihoyo
Has anyone tried the seal farming stages? I've been doing things for Leraye's event so I haven't even looked at them yet but I'm curious as to how annoying they are to get through
Do them anon! They change after 4-5 days are like the angel stages but can do 3 a day and if you pay red gems you can do 3 more additionally. Michael seems to be the harder bc he won't let you use ultimate power on him.
Upcoming LaDS 5* of Zayne playing with his stick and balls
Oh hell yeah here I come Nagi
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>german actor for the EN dub
Isn't the upcoming update the one where they add german and russian voices? I'm so hyped
Oh shit I forgot he’s out with this event, time to grind caster chips
I use to play basic but for some reason got really back into recently. Anyway I got really lucky
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Gonna be busy next week
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Twst is introducing story cards (for a while now) and now a younger version of one of the boys is coming.
Oh fuck, I need to hold strong for his myth pair.
You’re right, they were worth working on. So far, Gabe’s don’t seem so bad but that could just be because I have lots of Satan cards. Honestly kinda surprised too that paying for extra tries with gems isn’t stupidly expensive, too. I was sort of figuring that it’d be something like a hundred per try or something. Maybe pb is starting to come around a little for the non-whales (paywall banners and passes aside)
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>Wah! What are we going to do on the pool table?
LaDS is downright cruel to anyone who ever wants to save. I’m just hoping that they don’t wait years to start doing eventual reruns
Between young, long-hair Rook and the Leona card, they’re really cooking lately
Playing snooker with his balls!
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April Fool's MV but it's all Tori. https://files.catbox.moe/cbfeg2.mp4

Nice. I did a bunch of pulls on Shu's FS2 without it dropping, I'm staring daggers at it now that's on rerun.
Oh fug I need to farm red certs.
LaDS code for 100 diamonds, 10k gold, and 100 stamina:
>4* solar selectors
Nice, finally time to complete some of these pairs
For a photo booth sticker
Amazing how the new Enstars unit look like they came from a different game. lol. My immediate impression is they're all bad.
And absolutely no one is surprised
They look like hibike euphonium knockoffs
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Happy Birthday to Artem!
if you have any thoughts or complaints you want to throw at the LaDS devs, they're running a survey in game right now. It's mostly the usual questions on how you feel about the story, events, frequency of banners etc, but they do have open spots to write your thoughts, too, so if there's anything you wanna bitch about...

Also, free standard ticket as reward for filling it out
Thank you kind anon(s), I can't be bothered to check their official xitter regularly.
The last sideM game eos'd right?
>time counter starting before you engage with enemies
>event stories too short
although I kinda like how low maint their events are desu
>card levelling/progression too slow
>not enough stamina
Anything else? I think I also dont like that weeklies dont gradually accumulate by doing your dailies, if that makes sense.
Button to switch targets in combat.

I’d like for events to have some fighting stages because I want to actually use my damn cards, but I’m hesitant to ask because I don’t want them to be hard or power-creepy.
Oh I also want an option to sort or filter my cards by solar/lunar
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Happy birthday to my beautiful autistic lawyer husband
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Bamco shut down every single sideM game
>I’d like for events to have some fighting stages
I don't think this would be a real problem as long as they stage it so that it's tiered or something so that f2p or low spenders can still finish and get whatever rewards and the higher spenders and whales can do harder stages and maybe get slightly better rewards or something. If they're grinding type stages, just make it so that the rewards are scaled, but not so much so that f2p are screwed if they don't either get better cards or spend to get more stamina to grind with.

Personally, I like the recent exercise event which just stared but I honestly wouldn't mind a bit of combat in an event or two, either
I was thinking of writing something about making kitty cards more interesting or engaging, but I'm not sure what exactly could be done to help. Like, it's a card game so there's only so much that can be done and adding too many new rules or restrictions or whatever would probably just be annoying. Maybe something like the shuffle rules from Triple Triad where you can get a random set of new rules some weeks or something?

I mean, I guess making it so that you can just back out without playing without losing all your chocolates is about the best that can be done which makes me a little sad
My issue with the card game is it's too long, and the rewards aren't exciting since you get enough chocolate just by quitting matches and it takes ages to complete a single button set.
1 year of Star Rail
I asked for UI changes. I'm gonna sound retarded but it takes too many button presses to get anywhere. Even adding a button that goes straight back to the home screen would be nice.

The pair option in the drop down list sorts it so solar cards are first. I do agree on more options to sort/filter cards though like sorting it by atk, def, etc.

Kitty cards is kinda fun but holy fuck, it takes a long time. An option to speed up and turn off dialogue would make it smoother.
Speaking of it, just a quick reminder that our 4cc team is now playing in the true babby cup starting out for us this Saturday. Dates are here >>1454676 and more information at https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for your support.
Same here
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"The Fair of Marvels is about to be held, where all manner of treasures will be gathered!
How could "he" miss such an extravaganza?"

This seems like an interesting concept, though I'm lost on what characters could be on it (Kuya maybe? Blade should also be on it. 3P/2P+SR banner?)
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>gacha Logos
>lord modules
>pure kino Thorns skin
>another robot for Chiave
>Welfare Theresa and Wuhfags have to roll for a limited Flinger
We won
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Core caster with AOE, necrosis and FukuJun
uuuh wheres the boob window
Also he does something to slow ranged attacks and apparently has a talent that executes low HP enemies? Kit is fucking STACKED.
I'm so satisfied, even his E2 is really nice. I love Wuh as well so I'm perfectly happy to drop 300+ rolls on this banner!
> 300+ rolls
Even better, looks like they’re reducing the spark to 200
Or maybe that’s just for older limiteds? Time to get your Chong pot
I really don't like this e2 art
his face looks so bad
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What the actual fuck
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He's pretty, strong, not limited and I'm not forced to roll for Virtuosa after all. I couldn't be happier.
>Talent 1: Chance to hit another target and slow
>Talent 2: Attacks decrease enemy res AND increase arts damage taken

>S1: Infinite duration that puts him around 2k atk and extra range, executes low HP enemies, deals extra damage to other enemies based on the hp of executed enemies
>S2: Increased res, focuses on one target with damage that ramps up and slow (or move speed reduction?), changes targets after killing
>S3: Big AOE, slows and deletes ranged enemy attacks

Looks like the necrosis is from the delta mod making him the second one to be honored throughout heaven and earth.
Ulpipi got teased too
>I'm not forced to roll for Virtuosa
This is what I'm most happy about. I like her but I need my rolls
male banshee cumslut!
Remind me again, we're 6 months behind right?
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He can shiver me timbers any time he wants.

Also a cute THRM-EX skin from the divegrass mode
Endured months of trash and mediocre patches for a good one to finally happen
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>Ulpipi got teased too
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namie jordidi
Aaknights CN Anni event usually happen on November for EN/JP
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Super interesting. So glad he's not limited.
>Attacks decrease enemy res AND increase arts damage taken
>both in 1 talent
They're saving the good stuff for the skin.
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has science gone too far
worse than any seaborn abomination
Inconclusive, need a version with his dick and balls to be sure
ugly art
They're gonna eat all the slugs.
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If that was your desk what would you do sisters?
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he better not be paywalled
>aster and morvay SSRs been missing for awhile
Please be Blade.
looks really out of proportion and strange
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Missing Logos’ boob window…
Love these little nigga like you wouldn't believe
His eventual L2D skin will surely make up for this grave loss
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Old man Xavier…
Imagine if the dorms/myroom actually looked like this instead of 2D.
Still no Chiave skin
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Even if we got one, it would still just be Infukun trash
Do u guys think rin might be in the story? Other than that who else could they be referring to except kuya. Probably not Huey
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What did they mean by this?
Is he immortal?
I'm waiting for Sesa
Yes. A couple hundred years old at a minimum, probably more
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Speaking of that, thoughts on the Sesa-shaped mystery nigga from the PV?
Whenever i see levi i get this strange urge to grab his two horns and pull them with such force that they get ripped off from his skull, leaving him, hornless (and probably in pain).
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You and me both...
Thats hot
one of the best gilf in gaming desu
Aosta skin looks good ok.
cute boys
> playing wind instrument
mega boring
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>Logos is actually drawn by skade
What the fuck? Skade has such a signature face for both her male and female characters to the point where you might even argue sameface, but he doesnt have that. The only similarity is that he’s hot like the rest of her characters.
I'm looking at his kit now and isn't this kinda nutty?
Choosing between "S1: You should kill yourself... now!" and "S3: Volcano Mk 2" is going to be hard.
I guess he was the mystery boy hovering in the far back in that skade illustration with all the guys in it
>Levi never gonna get his cheeks clapped
>free pull after 3 months
These faggots on suicide mission
The angels turned him to a slut. Nice.
>no saliva thread from the lollipop
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Don't you have anything nice to say about the newest idol boys?
rabbitsisters.. it's over
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should have also drawn uncle wagie with 0_0 eyes
Epel twst what are you doing, pretending to be an idol
See >>1458699
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*vihuela aggressively starts playing*
Look at him go.
good design except the retarded sleeves
>have to wait 6 months to see him do his little dance
I really don't see the appeal of idolshit
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Soft tease of Belphie in the WHB twitter banner so I guess he’s the next seals banner after Levi?
only side m had appeal
Guess that belphe since we know how Asmodeus looks like from unholyc. Bet he is going to be hot.
I do, but those look like bugs and not idols
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conan blade time?
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I missed this retard
Agreed, he was gone so long that I started to miss his retard energy
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>Nice Kawk!
Infinity Nikki
I don’t really know anything about what you do in these games but it sure looks really pretty
>got Arturia in 10 and Bassline in 20
Hell yeah, but now I can’t decide if I should keep going for his pot. And I don’t have enough of the new mats to promote him and Diamante
Diluc love is alive and well
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>LDS removed the "download image" from the share options
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Why does he need SEVEN of the damn things
I was hoping Bassline's dub voice would be nice, but I prefer JP this time around. It's cool that they added German and Russian dub though.
You fags are being dramatic. Kuya had the spell last year, so now it's Retard's turn to be the forgotten top
curious about the other 5*. i would love a retarded detective x serious sidekick combi
I just said I missed him, I think you’re the one being dramatic anon
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Whore Watson
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Lil chick time
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>Silverash's redeploy module applies to himself too
>lots of extra attack
>even more extra damage vs bosses/elites
Also lel his talent is currently bugged and he's getting people down to ~2 second redeploy timers
Oh. So it was not a bug kek.
Fuck... I really wanted Whore to wait for another event so that I could recover from rolling on Wife...
Same. I didn't think they would have Rei jump the queue so I'm drained.
Tokyo debunkers said it needed to update, so I, half asleep, pressed the first blue button in the appstore page I saw. Turns out it was the uninstall button. Turns out I never linked my account.
Oh well.
They should just keep that bug as a feature.
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Goddammit why is Whore here so soon!? I used so many rolls getting Quincy and now my favorite bottom is back.
Does anyone know a site that has a highres gallery of Lovebrush cards? Preferably one that includes cards in the CN version too
There's the CN wiki. It's missing some of the newer cards though
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Shhh Rogosu is sleeping.
Finding out those things are wings instead of horns has been the most shocking twist of this chapter
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Still third place.
How about WHB anon?
NTA, but per Sensortower it made $150k combined iOS and Android.
Thanks anon! And that's for the all ages version only right? Not erolabs included? So in the game the game does make money.
Yup! That's all ages only. Erolabs doesn't disclose earnings, all we can assume from their rankings is that it makes less than Nu:Carnival, but more than that bara game.
I'm kind of surprised considering that we haven't had a story update in quite a while though I guess between the last few spicy cards and the workout stuff there's enough to keep people invested
No lie I thought deepspace was kusoge. If I knew they were going with hard nips and cock bulge, I would have joined the hype
Now it is Chiave's turn to be meta.
Investigating eidens dick
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Amazing spaghetti code.
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New shitty idle game aoon
Wowowowow you mean to tell me that a game targeted at girls will do well when the game has actual gameplay????? woulda nevah guessed
Also for comparison Nu:Carnival Bliss made $290k global, iOS+Android.
Thanks anon!
I wish he had more fanart..
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It’s astounding how a professional artist can somehow manage to fuck up “cute wolfboy, cute catboy, cute foxboy”
grabbable waist and pert ass...
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Qani soft legs
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We need a dedicated ABC gang event, not just side stories and background roles.
AK has so many cute boys but I just can't into it.
same. I've been so tempted to get into it but I have a weird autism about starting games that have been around so long. the guys are all top cute though
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what the fuck is the fine for a cat awooing
$350 is too lenient
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The new swordboy is ticking all my boxes.

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