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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server
Are you looking forward to the first new school in years?
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because i don't have ako
also yeah i did not realize that was a way above average run, i struggled to repeat it, both due to low damage and due to kayoko/hoshno dying, and eventually settled for this.
>Are you looking forward to the first new school in years?
Yeah, if they get playable students within the next half year and don't stay in NPC jail forever. Ideally we'll get banners for the Highlander twins with the second half of V1C3 but we'll see.
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I really really wish I had NY.Kayoko now. I skipped her rerun because I was afraid I wouldn't have enough gems to get NY.Fuuka and Nagisa otherwise, but I got NY.Fuuka early, there wasn't any other banner I felt like pulling on, and now I have almost 3 sparks and all the video guides for all blue content assume I already have NY.Kayoko as a matter of fact and can afford to borrow some other student.
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Once again missing 2 students from the comfy 1 turn comps
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Even peroro is critfish 1T insane for plat now
skipping support students is always risky, good thing nyAkari and oShigure aren't that mandatory for majority of the contents
for meta, probably these 3 type of banner are my "must pull"
>fes student
>single target damage boost
>cost reduction
even dAko got overshadowed by dAru, and people are starting to find comps without gTsubaki for set raid
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Lazy 2T insane clear
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I'm hoping 1T insane will be enough for plat in this raid.
oh yeah i should have used d.ako for my cleanup party. maybe swap serina for o.shigure too
Remember ministories? Yeah neither does nexon.
but we got one not that long ago?
I hope they are good kids.
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Sidelocks twin > Twintails twin
>Abydos story
>MJS collab
Lots of big things happening with BA this month. I really hope everything turns out well and that the goofs from the last update were a one-off.
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Repostan because thread died, is insane salvageable with these units?
it will be a bodythrowing hell, i expect wakamo + borrowed ue50 iroha to do about 50-60% damage, then multiple teams just to chip at the boss
I can't even 2T it.
From my testing, Iroha buffed by Himari can do up to 50% by herself without any other high level students. No need for tank or anything, since Ibuki is invincible.
He has neither Iroha nor Himari...
should I time Himari to Iroha's NS or Ibukiroha's EX?
>No need for tank
nyKayoko just dies right at the start if you don't bring a tank. Iroha spawns behind her.
You use Kayoko for someone else, duh. You still need to do the other half of the boss somehow.
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I'll take it
1200 apologems for no Kirara voice.
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zero chance this holds but it's nice to be plat even if temporarily (day2 plats from doing insane before jps wake up don't count)
Made me check
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Super horny for these gakis
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they unironically paid a truck just to show this on korean streets
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Jp translation update just went live, 1.3k edits
Nice, I can finally read the event story without reservations.
oh no they're going to rush the msq instead of taking time to edit it properly arent they
>Burned 150m credits this patch
T9 and lv90 are scams
Damn I already read the story. Not that I as a JSL can even notice small oopsies like that.
Fucking CN at it again. We all knew they'd be nothing but trouble when it was announced they were getting their own server. Why don't companies ever learn? The CN gacha community shits up everything they touch.
why does it feel like malicious compliance by yostar jp localisers
What's the point of all the fucking bots in the replies
Why do people even make those
Elon-sama made it so you get cash money from people interacting with your posts. So fags make blue checkmark bots which are shown first in replies under large accounts and retards will click on them.
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Fuck you
>kills your NYKayoko
holy fuck
What do the japs think of the new TL?
Will the story update have a decent quality TL as well?
seems to be positive, comments like changed quite significantly from the original script, easier to read, etc
also, outside of twitter i don't think anyone bought their explanation in the tweet
what repo is this?
old stuff is unchanged, looks like they just unfucked the mtl translation for the latest event
nta but I think it's this
why you gotta be a spoonfeeding nigger?
Perorodzilla right now https://youtu.be/WqCx5vAKWpU?si=Aj9LWHdZA7whgo_F&t=90
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Some interesting examples of translation fixes:
perorodzilla torment, first time, 3T (ish)

The first and third teams have some nasty RNG.
>Team 1
NYKayoko choosing to run into bad places
Not enough Peroros dying in wave 2 (this doesn't happen too often though)
Tsurugi getting ahead of Natsu
>Team 2
On rare occassion Rumi will run ahead of Hoshino, but overall this one is the safest one
>Team 3
I had an easy time with this in mocks, but in actual it took me nearly the entire hour to get Karin to crit hard enough. Some bonus info is that this positioning allows for Ui to often (not always) buff BKarin with her normal. Most of where this fails is Karin not hitting hard enough and thus miniperoros won't spawn as quickly.

That said at this point you SHOULD have not much of Peroros health left, so it's not that big of a deal.
>unironically doing security by obscurity
if you don't want info about the repo to get out then make it private and give read-only access only to those who ask you via discord
So now that it's fixed, Natori can stream it, right? Right?
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Thank you again for your contribution.
Mahjong Soul about the upcoming collab

Is that a western woman speaking? I'm going insane
real stream
new video with randoseru Arona that's moe&hot
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anyone that has a UE50 sakurako that I can borrow for set? you get absolutely nothing except gratitude in return because I have nothing to offer
friend code BGBNUUCL
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Shupogaki? Back in my day it was Decagaki. They are now forgotten.
You should post Mari lewds at least once a day as gratitude
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thank you
unfortunately mari is pure and I cannot lewd her
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holy shit UE50 sakurako made a huge difference
I have 43 sec left on stage 67 now, I'll try 74 tomorrow
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oh right a 2nd mistake on this that's maybe obvious

In this "first set" as it were, you're supposed to use BKarin after you use SShiroko for a second time, THEN Koharu and Ui on Koharu. No point in not using her 2 times on that first wave.
doesn't count
I wish I had S.Shiroko. And NY.Kayoko. And Cherino. And Mine. And Hinata. At least my limited wishlist will be completed after I get Nagisa this month, after that it's just perma hell.
replace her with himari
it's almost the same thing
I swear Iroha refuses to attack the small ones until like 5 seconds after they spawn no matter when I summon her
Summon at 2:10
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I see that SKoharu doubters have been publically shamed

That said all of these are UE3 Koharus and there's no way in hell I'm bringing a student to UE3 when they're farmable. Until next year.
Don't have Atsuko?
>Until next year
She's getting reran this year. 1 week is enough for me to bring her from UE40 to UE50.
oh right, it's already 2024

well, same
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fast insane clear seems to be safe
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I NEED her
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>summon iroha at 3:39:900
interesting tech choice to avoid nykayoko from being zapped
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27.593 > 27.652, killing the boss before the phase transition require a ton of critfishing
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No, I don't have Atsuko
But I managed 74 with the same setup and 27 sec remaining so with the same DPS I should be able to do 86 but not 87
this is the first major localization fuck up right? theyre not going to make the same mistake twice right?? i dont feel like rereading stuff twice
It was forced on yostar by nexon
Now that nexon backed off we have nothing to worry about
That explanation was so weird I'm having a hard time buying it
is it really that hard to believe Nexon was tired of JP constantly going off script?
is it really that hard to believe Yostar complied in the most malicious way possible then fucked it even harder for good measure to get Nexon to fuck off?

they said they also updated the v1c3 script to reflect the old policy, do you think they could manage that in a single week if that weren't the plan from the getgo?
i do see criticism from the jp sides that yostar is trying to save cost or laziness by skimping on the localization, which i find it even harder to believe, if you consider how much they spent on promoting the game (advertisement boards for every single new banner, livestreams, real life events, anime, etc), localization costs would be a pittance in comparison
they might've said that in regards to the shit translation
BA JP is normally even more soulful than the original gook script
translation is not something that can be solved by throwing money at it
Do you even have any proof that Yostar is in charge of hiring and managing the translators?
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I like yostar now
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I get horny every time I see that :p sprite of ibuki in game
damn succubus
Does UE50 Iroha make a huge difference for the fast ins clear
pretty significant, same for UE50 sakurako in Set
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How many days left? Ends after reset tomorrow?
it's impossible to do it all in phase 1 or with only 1 rotation in phase 2 without EU50 Iroha
Is it just me or they're playing Daily Routine in the Bounties now?
What about dress Aru? Is there any cope replacement that still kinda works?
seems to be a bug
enter any bounty map for example and go back to the menu with momoka. it comes back to rolling beat
alternative is usual ako+himari+ui+bkarin
if boss left <2m before phase transition, might be better to retreat and use a second team with shun to clean up (shun+sshiroko+wakamo+nymutsuki+etc)
when i was testing i managed to get 27.6m with 2T
2 more days (6 tickets), this raid last 1 day longer than usual
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I'm glad Ibuki is useful and isn't just easily replaced by another support
Do I have to level her ex skill? It's not hitting that much and costs a lot
the damage of the huge iroha-ibuki explosion EX is tied to ibuki's
Yeah. At max it does slightly less damage than Iroha's timed main gun attacks so it's effectively an extra AOE hit. If you buff Iroha every time you use Ibuki's EX (and make sure the buff covers both Ibuki's EX and Iroha's AOE hit) you'll do a lot more damage.
Whats the easiest torment rota

I was practicing
But I find it really hard to get the correct kayoko timing right
Anyone have a dress aru that I can borrow?
So many people in the circle posted positive stamps after watching the anime. Love to see that.
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Why are Seia-chan and Eden Treaty trending on twitter?
Are we sure Misaki is the suicidal one and not Kayoko? Bitch keeps suiciding into peroros
Mobs got voiced before Seia (and Yume might too unless she releases right after Nagisa rerun).
Mika secondaries who barely paid attention during vols 1/2 are surprised by Nagisa showing up and think it means they're guaranteed to adapt Vol3 and even skip Vol2 to do so
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They're not. Uncheck trends for you.
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Sorry for being sexy Seia
I swear the devs just really fucking hate seia or something
Feels like they're just taking the piss with her at this point
Lolis and piss do go great together.
for ins speedrun you only use her combined EX twice, compared to iroha timed skill that occur 6 times, so it's less impactful, but you are squeezing every possible damage possible to skip phase 2
They don't, they just care more about making their game the way they planned it instead of cashing out ASAP. We'd have three Mikas and two Kisakis by now otherwise.
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killing perorodzilla right after the peroros spawn in p2 is at 13k
What are the odds we get a new banner this week? Feels weird to not have anything for a new story drop and the current banners have been up for two weeks already, but we also would have gotten the announcement yesterday if there was something new coming up...
maintenance is on thursday instead of usual wednesday so they might've delayed the banner announcements by 1 day
I hope you're right
>Mika secondaries
t shit stirrer
it's probably going to be kazusa, reisa, and natsu+mari
How ironic right after this raid.
Understandable, but lame. Also weird to run those now when the event archival is only next week, but I guess Nagisa and Toki take priority
Actually, it'd make more sense if those two were rerun this week
Look up the tweets yourself if you don't believe me?
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>Try to use NYHaruka as a swimsuit shiroko replacement
>Works maybe 1 in 10 raids because Shiroko is god while Haruka is dog
>Literally better off ditching cost recovery every time for someone who actually does something
>please just look it up bro, believe me
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it's being perma'd 11th with the change of banners
I'm confused too of their timeline >>1432529 although replace event part 2 with whatever they announce in the livestream on the 20th
I must roll for Kazusa. It's my first dickroll ever. More like heartroll. She's rocking my world in those ytshorts.
what's good about swimsuit shiroko after the initial cost reduction?
Defense down for 30sec alongside a decent attack that will take a chunk out of Tsubaki's HP if it hits and demolishes characters with no evasion or defense/type advantage.
Also comes with cost down as passive anyway.

If you don't have her or Iroha don't bother with PvP.
I'd love to roll a non-meta gal but I started only recently and looked up it costs like €200 to spark. Can't afford that while missing so many useful students
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>I'd love to roll a non-meta gal but I started only recently and looked up it costs like €200 to spark
Usually costs 600~800 in other games so it could be worse
Minori is in 8 out of 10 top teams in my bracket, it's either her or Nagisa
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were there any hina related events between chapter 1 and chapter 3? i feel like i'm missing something
Chapter 1 was just a significant enough impression on Sensei that he's decided to trust her.
>stops an invasion that by letter of the law was not an invasion
>apologizes and dogezas although this was Ako's fault
>gives crucial advice to Sensei for Abydos
>absolutely none of this is necessary nor does it benefit her or Gehenna in any way, it's just the right things to do

>on top of this, assists in a raid on Kaiser territory in the name of Abydos for no price or favor, personally
>Nagisa meanwhile requested a favor for her favor
All of this and she simply amounts to a police chief. If you didn't trust her the most after all this I'd question your judgment of character.
It helps to read her momotalks between Vol 1 and 3, it gets you to understand her character better and makes her breakdown in Vol 3 hit harder. Devs kinda messed up leaving that in momotalks only.
File deleted.
Idk, here's mine

Mostly consistent and easy to execute
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Oh whoops that's a picture of an ugly apartment building.

Here >>1445724
You should probably separate your photos and downloaded pictures....
Think we can expect anything out of the dataminers after the next maintenance?
I do, but goofed out of muscle memory.
No big deal anyway. I don't take pictures of myself or other people
I'll probably dickroll Takane when she comes out even if she's shit for gameplay.
Two weeks of Aoi
Fuck yeah normal 2x
I really need to find good torment teams but I couldn't decide good teams for it. I have most students needed for torment peroro except bKarin, Hinata, and Reisa
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hopefully we get an event after this 2x normal
*a new event
Almost definitely since we're getting a stream on the 20th (and they announced said stream a month in advance).
Guess we're not getting the prologue with the starters and Wakamo animated.
it's nice knowing that even if the stream doesn't give us anything big like limited akira or seia i can just throw the ticket at nagisa trying for a dupe
Why is there an extra day of raid this should have been a comfy plat
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nice game
yea this happen to me multiple time
How about you heal them, dummy?
Chise is unironically a strong sub in, and remember that if you're desperate purple and yellow can work toi
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I'm really glad Ibuki turned out great
That's another plat down
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Torment was honestly easier than malding insane for crits dunno why there arent that many torments
but the starters and Wakamo have their halos in the OP
Most people just try to copy a video they see. When there's more teams like Peroro, they will see more units they're missing compared to the video and decide they can't do it, even though Peroro is actually one of the easiest raids to bodythrow.
Issue for me in peroro is lack of tanks honestly and no natsu or reisa is automatically hardcore sensei must die mode
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How are these compared to the last raid?
I mean in terms of overall players
god damn succubus
That's quite a drop from the previous two seasons. Do people just not bother with Peroro?
I dont have leisa
It's normal for games to spike with anni, gradually fall off, spike again, etc.
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I tried it and remembered the pierce gimmick.
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New guide mission, free 10-roll
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>not called 前編 like prior story releases
>instead called "part1"
>that means they're going to split it into at least 3 parts (not counting the prologue), maybe more
I don't understand. It's gotta take like 2 weeks max to make this. If the story was fully voiced like it should be I could forgive this.
They're setting it up so Yume gets a voice in the anime and the game at the same time.
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yeah thanks, finally got it. It was quite tough
I haven't been buying Utaha since I raised her to *3, do I become an Utaha gamer?
Great work, anon!
Nice japanese blabbing you gigantic faggots
Man, I really hope the new story drop is good. BA needs a highlight after all the hiccups lately.
The anime is a pretty big highlight
It might very well be the biggest hiccup yet
I suggest /vg/ or the nga app if you want to make up some drama. We mostly just talk gameplay in here so nobody's going to buy your shit.
Hey, you brought the anime up first. I also don't want to start shit, I do hope the anime is good but it wasn't the best first impression, that's all.
If anything, I want the new story to be good precisely so people stop starting so much shit.
i was visiting family so i couldn't watch the anime, gonna do it after reset, but the op is so fucking good it's insane
i desperately need the anime to do well so we can get ops for other volumes
ep1 was good. sensei microing the students and them being retarded without him was lame but that was like 10-15 seconds of the episode, everything else was great.
Try putting the game on AUTO. He should have been giving them more commands.
no, i get it, it's just not interesting to watch them fucking run into each other until sensei yells 'hey try shooting the enemy'
anyway looking at 2chan and i'm seeing a bunch of "they should have went the priconne route instead of following the story, it doesnt get good until vol3 anyway" and being filled with rage
like holy shit this ep covers the first 15 minutes of the story(prologue aside) can you at least wait for abydos to interact with non-mobs before whining that it's not trinity
I'm glad they decided to cover the story. The story is great and it's what I wanted to see animated instead of Peco and Kyaru lezzing it out on screen.
The "tactician" sensei thing from early on was always kinda iffy anyways, especially as the story progresses and most groups are depicted as being able to handle that stuff competently even when (you)'re not around
Feels like some early story planning holdover where sensei was intended to be more teitoku or other gacha commander-prota-like initially, before his main contribution shifted to credit card buffs in later vols and F
It's a thing in every chapter. The girls can do "good enough" without sensei but they suddenly become tactical gods when he's in command like in Vol4 where the entirety of Valkyrie couldn't take Miyako's squad while Sensei disables them with just two retards.
Forgot about him taking command again at the start of Vol 4, though to be fair both the Valkyrie mobs and the bunnies early on are definitely some of the factions consistently portrayed as not "good enough" on their own
yeah same, especially since i liked vol1 a lot due to benriya/bank robbery, it's just obviously not going to be incredibly exciting in ep1 before we meet a single enemy or side character.
what we saw in this episode wasn't "good enough". if it was serika it might have felt less bad but shiroko should not be carelessly running into nonomi like that. i'm not expecting them to be srt level but i shouldn't feel second hand embarrassment watching them when sensei isn't around.
they should've just let the girls feel competent and have sensei be a guidance counselor instead of a commander.
hopefully it's just an ep1 thing to let us know what sensei's role is and they don't actively depict him micromanaging them every fight scene.
Imagine if they only release Seia when the anime adapts Vol 3
made a spreadsheet comparing event script before and after fixing for those interested
How long is the maintenance going to take?
6 hours according to schedule
>want to get the leaks and know what happens ASAP
>it ends 4AM my time
So how was the event story?
t. EOP
Like a roller coaster
Is that good or bad
It's the a joke
The title of chapter 3 actually
Then what's your real answer?
Train loli story (also featuring Abydos) soon
How much time left? 2 or 3 hours?
See >>1447131
I ain't gonna convert JST for you
what are we getting on the 17th?
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I miss my global Natsu... do I go for it?
>nagi rerun
>pvp season ends
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>need three (3) aoe healers
>and three (3) purple aoe dps
what the fuck were they thinking?
isn't the gimmick heal over time on the scarecrow?
shanako + borrowed shanako covered 2, kikyou for 3 if you didn't skip her for meta reason else blue aoes would work too
236k does seems difficult
the gimmick is that all heals on anything heals the scarecrow
that's on me for not reading, so xhanae / hanako / atsuko / oshigure for aoe heal over time
i used hanae on the scarecrow and that seems to work fine too, probably want double healer anyway
a bit of testing with some other students
>onodoka is tad bit slow
>tsukuyo is pretty good
>koharu/kokona is decent too
>natsu/mimori can be used to fill up any empty slot
Instead of reading the story I just spent 90 minutes trying to get a good score and I'm just mad.
they are such fucking dorks and I love it
Shupogaki SEX
17 - 24 April Rerun Nagisa, Toki, Koyuki
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I cooked this.
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And lidl loop
Does anyone have an upskirt for Hikari's chibi model yet?
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What the fuck is a kilometer
They should stop requiring us to do JFD on the first day of big updates
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BA really knows their audience
So what are their names
Nozomi is twintails, Hikari is the other one. Their last name is Tachibana.
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>kuchinashi yume
they're keeping her dead, aren't they?
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Keep yume dead but give me the hoshino alt thanks
Even better if she's the blue Hina/Mika
Nothing else datamined?
There's a stream on the 20 so that's likely where the rest of the content is hiding
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Aside from S.Hanako, the Hyakkaryouran girls are also good because sniper rifle users get buffed in this JFD.
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Bets on the gimmick on Set next rotation?
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Got firedrill teams? Heard the Healing is weird here and I'm lacking in Purple damage dealers. I got at least 1 for each team but not much in their rarities aside Hanako.
Use characters with heal over time aoe, like Atsuko, Rumi, Hanako or C.Hanae. Your normal healers like Kokona, Koharu work fine too. O.Shigure can kind of work too but note that your characters will run out of her heal once they down a wave of enemies. One team is S.Hanako, another is a borrowed S.Hanako, third is whatever you have. Kikyou can actually kill even at 3* with a buffer due to the SR buff the stage provides so if you have her she works pretty well as a third team dps.
Alrigh thanks will do that.
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So I rolled NY.Haruna some time ago but I didn't have opportunity to upgrade her. Now, however, we are finally in bonus normals.
I would like to know how viable she still is for PVP, and if possible how ideal PVP teams would look like. Consider I have nearly everyone for the sake of the argument aside S.Shiroko.
I'm pretty sure I have every unit I face and fight aside her. I want to make most use of these normals cause lately I have been getting curbstomped so much I have trouble getting back to top 100.
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Hey lads, divegrass anon here, just a reminder that this weekend our 4cc team will be playing in the Spring qualifiers. Dates are here >>1445988 , if you don't know what i'm talking about: https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN Thanks for the support
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copied this off of twitter. i'm ashamed i never thought of using eimi
how the mechanic works is that every tic of healing on your students, regardless of how small or huge, heals the dummy by a set amount of 6000 HP.
so fast, multiple healing tics (rumi, c.hanae) are really effective
It also turns Tsukuyo into a decent healer, because every single time she gets hit while she's transformed, she heals.
nyharuna+shun+sshiroko is still meta, tank comp seems to counter her, but this pvp season is ending soon
Do i even bother rolling nagisex anymore
Beside greggo and pvp where will she used now i cant think of anything
Hiero, red JFDs, and lots of event challenges
toki need a second buff now that dhina powecreeped her niche
Giving her a bond gear a few weeks before her rerun would have been a good idea to incentivize people to roll for her. But Nexon hates bond gears for some reason.
watch they announce bond gear for her on the live stream, forcing everyone to roll just in case it's actually good
Feel like UI is smoother (again) after maint
my teams (I am going to replace Tsukuyo with SMiyako)
Turn order is always healers first except for the one with SHoshino in it, obviously that one is SHoshino first.
Luckily I had a few of those. Glad to see Tsukuyo and C.Hanae shine like that. Didn’t even need a support S.Hanako in the end
And oof Hanako healed a fucklot and Sena’s AI is good now
>useful for "only" one raid and PvP
that's more than most units
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Anyone got Set tips? I finally have opportunity to farm equipment to beat that mode.
Not only that but she's actually top score in every red raid.
You initially don't take that much damage, but in the time period between reaching 2 atg bars and casting atg you will take a shitload of damage if the difficulty is high enough. So your strat is either going to be take as much damage as you can to kill before that danger zone, or take a lot more survivability so you can live through it and then do big damage after the atg > forced groggy.
Not sure how many of the basics you already know, but the gist is ex skills suck dick so you mostly want characters that will deal damage with aa or ns. The biggest mechanic to deal with is the targeted lightning strikes that inflict -70% atk debuff in a very wide area. These default to targeting the obelisks, but when they strike an obelisk the obelisk gains a status that prevents it from being struck again until it's full healed. The strategy is to position your dps around the right obelisk and keep the left obelisk healed to full so that every lightning strike goes to it. If your dps take the -70% atk debuff you won't kill the boss. There's also a red orb that occasionally spawns, this can only be targeted by ex skills and you want to break it around your party so it buffs them. If it reaches the boss it buffs the boss instead.
Because damage is mostly through aa and not ex bursts, and that most teams will be 2-3 dps, long lasting and/or aoe buffers like D.Ako, Kotama, etc are preferred over Ako Himari. After floor 49 you won't get any non blue armor non tanks to survive so don't bother.
Do you think the anime will be successful as an ad?
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>pvp season ending soon
>red raid fucked even more beyond into a critting shitfest by dhina
idk seems like a shitty deal, its always blue > yellow > red units if you want to a sneaky plat
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at least i was able to use some students that was benched for so long
Sales will be shilled anyway because of the large fanbase. The real question remains on whether or not yostar is willing to make more seasons.
If they're willing to do it for Arknights they're willing to do it with BA which is a bigger IP now.
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these dots aren't relevant at all it seems
They're pins.
>successful as an ad
First you need to define what is a successful as an ad.
yeah but I thought the color might be a hint as to where they are on the grid
found pics on twitter that proved otherwise however
Brings in more money than it costs.
Using my advanced math since I'm on board 2 now I will allow myself to do at most 24 hits per board
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>second board
>only 2 wastes
I think I'm getting the hang of this
1st and 4th board have that stupid 1x2 item that could be crammed anywhere
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meh, lacking a purple aoe makes this jfd hard
Next JFD is minigreg.
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did some quick math
I can only miss 15 times in the next 5 boards if I want everything except the 2x1 pens
bro your momiji???
Haruna/S.Koha will do better than Momiji anyway, especially since Momiji will still need a ton of ligma at this point.
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Happy Birthday Ibuki!
Brings in a good amount of new players into the game, or daily active users in general
reminder that for missions like the "defeat X number of mobs", you can choose to not sweep and enter the map, defeat all enemy nodes except the boss, retire to consume only 1 AP and still have the defeated enemies count towards the missions
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Cutest and sexiest succubus
what is this?
New Aoi missions, spend ap to get points to play battleship with Aoi. Uncover a full item to get special rewards, otherwise get some credits for flipping a square.
is it random all the same?
shit rewards from the 7th round onwards
Making love with Ibuki on her birthday!
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Multi-track drifting
there is a stream at 20th april?
Waiting room for stream is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWDtOqQkCSo
I think they changed Arona/Plana's voices again
shiba taishou should not have been one of the stream seiyuu, he should sound older and like he's seen some shit
should've let the stream dude be the banchou from ep1 instead
It fits too well
Yeah he sounded weirdly too young
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Gregorio is such a complicated piece of shit that they needed to make a whole video explaining it
they should just force greg raid to be at speed 2 in order to be in sync with the bgm just like the recent train fight stage
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Well shit, a lot more stuff counts towards the debuff counter than I thought. Too bad sIzuna and Noa have blue armor...
Damn 8 minutes of talking. All the voice budget went to this.
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i hate these 2x1 pens so much
Man I know the stream is just gonna announce the ASS Club's alts but I hope they surprise me and release someone from NPC prison instead. They seem to be making a big deal out of this one so I want to hope for other big news, too.
Don't get me wrong, I like the ASS Club, but I'm a little tired of all the alts lately.
>upcoming 10 rolls from stream + another 10 from 1.1m followers
pretty good
Join me in being an optimist >>1441812
Last day of JFD. Good riddance.
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can't believe it's been 10 months since i 4*ed her to get just enough extra damage to kill greg
i guess 9 months actually between valentines and schedule
wish they waited two more months since i bet i'm going to end up 5*ing her for daikessen
Anon there's being an optimist and then there's coping like that
I say this as an Akirafan
How is it coping when there's actual evidence pointing to it as a possibility, which is more than basically any other NPC can say?
Do you think they put Shizuko in that image and mentioned her being at Trinity for no reason? Do they have everyone wearing masks for no reason? Why are gamers there?
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Reisa or no Reisa, that is the question.
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Get her with the 3.5 anni selector ticket in three months. Or follow your dick.
Nagi rerun is sus af
it's datamined, I'm pretty sure most people here know with that channel
That one Kamen Rider image with Japan divided into three but it's ASS club, Akira, and Seia
calculator to stop aoi from scamming you
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OK hear me out
If >>1450453 is correct and this next stream does not in fact introduce the ASS club alts, then chances we're getting Seia and/or Akira are high. Probably limited which would SUCK considering we just had the NY Fuuka and now Toki/Nagisa reruns but I think everyone expects these two to have this status and I'm sure the people who care the most about them have the funds reserved for them.
This is all based on the fact that school culture festivals often take place in October. This would also line up rather nicely with the Halo Fest's original slot, which is fitting since the Trinity Culture Festival is obviously its spiritual successor. I also think that it'll utilize the same system as the third anni, with you controlling one of the trinity students and going around interacting with everyone and helping the festival proceed smoothly.
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Tried it with my board for the second round where I clicked the highest % chance
Two misses and one final 50/50, seems good
ignore my deleted post, I had the settings wrong
I hope you're right anon
is nagisa worth rolling for? don't really care for plat i just want to have comfy INS clears
for greg she count as 1 debuff from her def shred, even at 3* she would be useful
Do you have S.Miyako, S.Saki, and Minori? Then you can borrow her for INS Greg.
she's good in a bunch of stuff
she's not the literal best character or anything but if you pull her you will get a lot of use out of her
whatever you do wait for the stream announcements first
>even at 3* she would be useful
Is that true in general or just for greg?
if anything greg is where she's least useful uninvested because she's a primary attacker in greg. (pvp too i guess but she's still not bad)
meanwhile as a support she gains nothing but a bit more healing from going beyond 3*
12 purples from 40x factory M during doubles. What a fucking
my bad, was thinking of extreme not insane, so she would still need some investment for an easy clear
previously ins greg would need UE30 nagisa + UE40 minori + rabbits to 1T
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My event currencies are all 0 somehow. Did it get reset already?
Should get fixed during maint
>5 hours
セイア実装 and セイアちゃん trending again kek
still think she's waiting for kuzunoha story, and rio waiting for decagrammaton. neither really feels ready yet
though if they're willing to try halfassing their translations to cut costs maybe they're also willing to change up their schedule so they can release hyped up characters while the game is at its (potential) peak, instead of when it'd be most fitting.
you're so dumb >>1445782
Turns out D.Hina broke red Greg, she can even kill the boss before the final phase. Red content in this game is truly fucked beyond saving.
based dHina, Aru's era is totally over
Oh no insane is easy whatever shall we do
i expect makoto to break yellow torment, her aoe size + scaling is pretty ridiculous
I hope INS Kurokage is significantly easier next time since we have lvl 90 and T9 gear now, I hated how RNG-reliant it was on the first run.
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Jantama BA emotes: https://files.catbox.moe/2jlqbn.rar
112mb patch?
It's just the event items expiration fix
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>no Mine for red
>try yellow and blue
>deal terrible damage because I suck at Greg timing
>give up and wait for video guides
any koharugods with her summer unit maxed out?
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>not even 2 minutes used in 4 minutes raid
kneel to your queen
Hina is fucking boring
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Does Ibuki still use her NS inside of toramaru?
no, she only heals herself inside it
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another banner where I have shit luck and below 3% rate for 3*
four 3* in 200 rolls
>sShiroko (dupe)
redeemed Toki

past 3 banners, at 520 rolls, I've gotten a total of eight 3*
Got 0 last time (0.23% chance)
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That seems good enough man. You managed to get one of the rate-up units and then sparked the other. It's better than a lot of people could say for their tales.
>past 3 banners, at 520 rolls, I've gotten a total of eight 3*
Yeah, that sounds worse.
But the way I see it your luck is getting better over time. We all have our dry periods.
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I'm starting to think the rates are rigged
Yeah luckily I've gotten one of the banner students. But I'm still missing a lot of non-limited students so it stings quite a lot to not get any 3*
I only have one spark left now so I have to be very careful with the coming banners
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I'm always one or two steps behind the required student check and it's so annoying
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still got scammed lmao
did you remove the 2 square pens from the search?
unless you're heavily refreshing you won't be able to find all the pens
2 square pens are blue
got 7 misses before I found the first one. I'm willing to skip them on 4 but I wanted the purple report ones on 3/6. guess I'm skipping them on 6 too...
purple reports aren't that rare anymore sensei...
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Fairly good luck this time with 90 rolls, even got a stalker (camp) along the way. Probably won't complete the spark unless they announce a bond gear for Toki during the stream, since old red DPSs have been left in the dust by D.Hina.
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>not rolling for Toki because love
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Any madlads here max out their SKoharu? I haven't, and no one in my circle/friend list has either (I'm waiting for the event rerun)

I can offer these. Their skills and eq are all maxed out except for DAru's passive which is 7
(roped someone, but I do have space on my friend list)
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i love 2x1 pens so much
(I no longer have room on my friends list)
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what's with all the updates now?
just downloaded a 200 MB update and when it was done it said there was another one and now I'm downloading another 100 MB update
First one was some elim greg stage fixes, I'm not sure what they even pushed with the second one.
what was wrong with dHina's EX on greg?
According to this reply https://twitter.com/takumiaz/status/1780924347915628896 it seems like one of her EXs got stuck grayed out and occupying a space indefinitely
Shitna breaking the game as usual
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Anyone getting their own Makoto to UE40/50 for this raid? Yellow Greg looks pretty tough since there are so few options for DPS.
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thanks bro
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My insane clears. Probably helpful for nobody since I have all of the extremely niche Greg supports like Mina and the Rabbits while lacking many of the supports that are actually useful outside of the raid like NY.Kayoko and Mine.

Tried following a video guide of the cheesy D.Hina strat for red but Koharu and D.Hina die later on and I can't be bothered to make my own TL to ensure they survive. The Rabbits+Minori strat just werks, and it's very reliable for INS even without memorizing all of the perfect timings. (Also the last phase rush is hella fun)
Is it me or is platting in this raid really easy?
I'm at a higher rank than my usual but I'd wait until the last day. This raid is complicated, a lot of players are either still learning/practicing how to do it or are intimidated by how complicated it is and saving it for the last day.
Anyone can translate from this web ?
Its about anime BD information
I heard about 2nd memo lobby for Abydos group

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whoa, seems like a BD exclusive memo lobby for abydos group yeah
bonus for buying all 4 is hoshino's
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Won't that piss people off? Unlike furniture, L2Ds are a pretty big deal for exclusive content
Watch this makoto nerds
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The wrose part of this fucker is EVEN when I have all the necessary units I still fail. Gregorius is a pain in the ass goddammit. I'll just do Extreme cause no plat is worth the stress.
But thanks I really appreciate it specially since the yellow teams have been only a bunch of Torment clearers.
Make my teams for Greg please. Assume I have Nagichan too
Is greg supposed to be raping S Miyako
my name isn't greg so no
Not possible. You need Ako, Himari, and Mine for one strat (can borrow one only). You need S.Saki/Mina + S.Miyako/Reisa + Minori for the second strat, and you only have S.Miyako. Unfortunately you lack the box to do insane Greg.

Follow these guides to clear extreme:
Red and yellow should be doable with your box. Blue might be harder, you might have to raise your own S.Hanako to UE30 or 40, or use NY.Mutsuki instead. Both are worth raising.
both seia and rio need proper story resolutions before releasing and i will be disappointed if it's them
>DPS isn't UE50? Boss is left at >50% HP at the end of 1凸目, 40% at the end of 2
>Tank isn't UE50? Die halfway through the fight
Yup I'm thinking 3x Extreme for me
It was the ASS club alts after all
well, they are limited, good thing i saved my 10 roll ticket from last month
I love Kazusa but the mask is stupid.
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Are we signing the petitions?
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>Kazusa's VA loves Mika
been awhile since the last welfare student
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lmao Seia
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They fucking ruined Natsu.
confirmed special memo lobby from BDs
>baggy clothes and short as fuck skirt
She looks so huggable
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She's the best looking one of the bunch if anything.
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More bait banners for Set
No they didn't, she looks adorable

I wonder how nips and gooks are reacting, the crowd seemed okay with it but you never know
It's just usual business for nips since they have been dealing with Cygames bullshit for years.
Yostar really be like fuck these revenue sucks for the popularity we enjoy
Unironically what are you trying to say here? My brain is about to shut down
He's saying game entering cashout period.
Eh they had almost nothing in the way of merch for the first 2.5 years so it's not surprising
i like kazusa and yoshimi but i'm gonna feel real bad if i have to use 400 pulls for characters only good against a single color of a single fight
At first glance I think they might work decently on all Set colors in a purely buff role, Not Airi though.
Just get both in 200
Do support uses get counted in set if you fail/quit/die
If the fight is considered finalized (i.e. you time out a raid fight), then yes. Backing out to team formation or failing JFE doesn't lock support out.

There were some news about a bugfix regarding credits payouts recently, but I don't remember specifics.
>If the fight is considered finalized (i.e. you time out a raid fight), then yes.
huh does HP carry over to next fight or is it a "you're fucked AND your supp is locked out"
Oh, it's a newcutie! *smooch*
Hitting a raidboss with more than one team is the intended way at higher difficulties, their HP persists throughout your attempt, but you only have one IRL hour once entry ticket is spent.
That said, there's now three raid flavours on JP with somewhat different mechanics, you may want to read up on them at https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Raid + Elim and LB pages
Not for raid
For wrath of set
The big 6 students mode
Oh, my bad. No, since you're forced to use one team in there, if you fail to kill him the battle is not finalized and support won't get locked out.
Tested it out just now.
Cool. I've been slacking and need to push 75 and maybe 9x today
Likely skipping 100 since no trophy so I feel less bad about not doing so
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Title > trophy
But my title is already my favorite student title
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>can't even do insane greg in any color
it's so fucking over
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Very cute
I'm glad she's free and good because I wanted her
>anon cannot fucking read
>smooches an oldfag
An oldfag really ought to have a handle on how supports work, though
set is a new mode and they do weird fuckery sometimes
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getting filtered hard by blue ins, just gonna 2T this shit for real tomorrow, all these comps requiring 5* mine for survival and i only have mine at 3*
first team i am copying this, but replacing skoharu with shanako and nymutsuki being the hypercarry instead
forgot link
i leveled saki and tried red insane and immediately gave up and just did extreme for all three colors. i have no clue what the organ does and will continue not knowing
still haven't cleared past set floor 24 either...
>all attackers
will either of them be usable at 3*?
We desperately need more source of ligmas
We have full 4 weekly rotating game modes for the whole month now with ever increasing difficulty
These new units don't look very "limited" to me. Also no story update? Really?
clearly they will save it for half anniv
>dont have mine but rolled the rabbits
>try to find a guide video
No one bothered with rabbits on insane
did they stealth nerf the raid
half of the gudie videos are outdated and left you with 1 debuff short
You need to be very exact on timing with some things, can't say for sure without seeing what you're trying but most likely you're casting the first Mine ex too early and her ns is activating before the damage reduction debuff happens so it gets cleansed by red. At the least I can say there has been no change to the number of buffs you need for green, 6-7 for torment and 5-6 for insane.
1T blue with shanako, timing need to be exact, if you fuck up you end up with 7 at the latter half of p1
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>grand raid is comfy you only need to clear once each
>every color is a sweatfest
>even if you are lazy and look up guides all expect you to fish single digit percentage crits and timing frame by frame
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I hate this grand raid so much
just settled with 2T ins. honestly not feeling like resetting for crits and misclicking skill usages when i'm timing things in bullet time
Just find old ones from the first run. You can search the names of the units too.
iori is back for yellow, pretty easy compared to blue insane, just try to position mine close to the team so that koharu can heal everyone
currently 1T red and yellow, 2T blue total of 82.5m is around rank 6.2k rank
Between now and half-anniversary I want to roll on one of the band members, swimsuit Hina, swimsuit Shiroko, Kokona, and the new half-anniversary student. I have 72k gems. No way I can roll now on Nagisa right...
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God I wish that were me
You're definitely going to have to skip some of those. If you're not F2P there's the selector ticket for the permas.
I've already used current selector, but if there'll be a new one I will buy it for sure.
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>3x extreme
>rank 14k
is a single insane clear going to be plat or what?
I'm 3x insane and rank 9920, probably gonna get kicked out of plat on the last day
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oh I see, I guess if you can clear one insane you can clear all of them
did they confirm red set will be outdoors as well?
the gameplay footage they showed in the stream is outdoors
Not really? Red seems significantly easier to me.
Is there a page like this https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?cmd=read&page=オーパーツ逆引き表 but for the unlock potential thingie that came with set?
Potential mats are always the T1 & T2 main character oopart (same as the first one for leveling their skills) in same quantities for everyone + workbooks and credits.
I probably could add this to the wiki, but what's the benefit here?
Yeah I already figured the first part out myself but CTRL-F in this page is annoying, since you have to differentiate between main and sub ooparts. So I have to keep a list of students I potentially want to upgrade and total shit I need.
Basically I just wanted to know what's the most useless one so I can pump it into crafting
>2 weeks of ASS the Rock
>1 week of ninja archival
What awaits after that?
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gamer maids rerun
chinese chef rerun
abydos summer permanent
rabbit summer rerun
shizuko's summer event permanent
summer death penalty rerun
arius summer 3.5th anni event
and throw in vol1 ch3 part 2 in there somewhere too
Great raid is easy
Set is a clusterfuck how am I even supposed to get a rotation down or idk do whatever
I hope maid Momoi/Midori are good.
any of these reruns important? other than s.shiroko
If they sneak in the 2nd trinity summer, you could go for s.Ui for pierce damage buff.
Black Suit has a hella sexy voice
>and throw in vol1 ch3 part 2 in there somewhere too
I was so disappointed when the stream didn't announce that. I hope they don't take too long to update it.
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wonder if they'll do 2 week reruns instead of 1 week for gamer maids and trinity summer since they have a new game mode attached
The gamer maid rerun will likely start on the 15th of May after one dead week so it's anyone's guess whether it'll last until the 22nd or 29th.
>119 Hibiki divine amulets
>do her hard mission x3
>0 drops
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I have a need to breed
I don't understand the debuff dispels at all and it makes me mad. The video says if you don't break organ with koharu then restart but obviously I won't be able to break it with *3 Koharu. But if I break it with Nagisa on the then I have permanently fewer debuffs on the boss for some reason even though he still uses Nagisa like 5 seconds after that anyway
>all of those reruns/archivals
They really should make the archivals not take a whole week on their own, you're effectively rerunning the same event twice but without any rewards
Also I'm guessing Reijo will be the only 100% new character we're getting out of that list, that's rough. Hopefully we get out of alt archive soon.
When the boss does the red organ attack it will do one of two things: if it's at 5 debuffs or less it clears one, if it's at 6 debuffs or more it adds one. Nagisa can deal with it because every hit adds 1 debuff, so you use it while he's midcast to give him a def down to remove, then reapply the def down immediately. If you don't use Nagisa at that point, then he will remove the last debuff applied to him which is probably the damage taken debuff and then even if you reapply all your debuffs you'll be short one.
apk update?
Today seems to ba an out-of-schedule server maint, so probably not.
Actually, we're up
huh? i thought today MT is for new event MT
Normal updates are on Wednesdays, they rarely deviate from the schedule unless it's an emergency or a really big event like anniversary. Todays' downtime notice says server maint.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i don't get this fucking fight
pretty sure i did the mechanics right this time but i still suddenly exploded and my damage isn't high enough anyway
oh wait izuna actually outdamaged sakurako for the anon who posted a video
yeah it's hopeless for me then
im honestly not too optimistic on getting any new major characters if the pv is anything to go by, not until at least the next big fes
Huh, when I borrowed Mizuna she did 1/3 less damage, and I even broke balls with Sakurako too.
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oh hey, that was my video
the reason sIzuna outdamaged sakurako was because sakurako wasn't maxed, looking at her damage stat she probably had T6 hat
here's a 79 clear with almost the same setup, I swapped himari for sShiroko, the sakurako is UE50 maxed everything this time

you have tYuuka on slot #1 instead of #6 too, not sure why
there's big damage incoming at the 2 minute mark, so you want to top everyone up with oShigure before it
stage 49 should definitely be doable with what you have, you just need to get the rotation down
you can copy mine 1:1 by pausing a lot and it should be fine
PV3 didn't foreshadow us getting Ui, Hinata, or Arius within the same year
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izuna died toward the end but i made it after actually writing down the timeline instead of trying to play for myself. thanks again for the vid
57 seems unlikely but who knows, it might actually be easier since the timing for some of set's stuff was off in 49
thank god hoshino will hard carry the next one finding a built yoshimi is going to be miserable though
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nice anon, grats
if you invest a bit more into sIzuna you can do 57 too
Do I really have to do torment greg or is triple ins fine
The only thing you get from clearing torment is a few extra coins and the fun of the challenging gameplay if you're into that
Do I really have to do torment greg for plat or is triple ins fine
Any insane UE50 Reisa enjoyers here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ua5dLysaHM

I could theoretically pull off this Greg Torment strategy, but literally no one has Reisa in my borrows
Triple insane should be safe for plat if you 1T every color
This torment looks insane
Guy is really hardcore to mald this for ages because it looks very hard
After doing yellow Insane and seeing this formation in play, while I don't think I'd bother with getting all the crits needed to 1T I'd definitely try this out and settle for 2. It doesn't look THAT bad. Looks about as trying as Kurokage Torment, maybe
I didn't think Koharu's UE40 would actually be useful for something until this raid
What are some good non-maldy strats? Been late to do greg because life happens and want to get it out

Koharu was ultra core last time we had greg so it was expected
isnt this ins
I have a reisa but she's 3* so not worth borrowing
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Ah, it is

But for the record there IS a Torment 1T Reisa clear. In fact that's rank 1 and the vid here >>1455065

But yeah, she probably needs UE50
Torment yellow Greg with 3* Reisa:
We had way less reruns/archivals back then however
Any good yellow insanes if I dont want to suffer tor
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1T ins for everything seems to be fairly safe
ehh blue ins was really easy but I did >>1455063
Natsu+Mine means i'm never really in any risk of dying

Red was somewhat more annoying because my Dhina doesnt get the fat crits and I need 1 more rota to kill
Yellow aoe and BLUE single target seems to be the worst things in the game to do
We'll probably get a blue version of Mika/D.Hina for 4th anni to complete the overpowered DPS trinity
Wakamo's just powercreeped next to Hina and Mika's big dick damage

Kinda funny Hina is st but fucks Kaiten and Greg without giving a shit
You'd think Toki's beam, being wider and louder and being fired from a power armor would be more effective against something like Gregorius but nope, she gets completely outclassed by a little girl in a party dress.
And before that she got outclassed by a girl with a megaphone
2 INS is currently just within plat
4* Mine isn't cutting it, does anyone have a strong Mine I can borrow? friend id is ALFEZPJS
alternatively, is there a /vmg/ circle?
>is there a /vmg/ circle?
We just use the /bag/ circles: https://rentry.org/holdingthebag
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I'm getting fucked by aoi and I'm not enjoying it
I'll have a look, thanks
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have you been going for all the third items? i did for the first round but started skipping after that (except for ones i'd already partially uncovered) and i just barely made it.
i did use pvp coins for like two days as well
no, at board #1 after finding 4 pens I realized I wouldn't make it so I tried skipping all pens after that
but on board#4 when looking for the other stuff I found all the pens before the last note so I just opened those too
total opened tiles on each board was 31, 27, 19, 30, 25
I would've just barely gotten both umbrellas and the magazine on board#6 if I had only missed once or twice, but now I'm going to miss out on one umbrella
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Today's the last day of Gregorius grand assault. Remember to do your hits if you haven't already, and burn your tickets if you have. Best of luck reaching your personal goal(s) this GA.
>no story update for another 3 weeks at best
>several reruns on the horizon, most of which will have alts
>very little leeway for new characters to be added (unless a miracle happens and Akira and/or Kisaki + Reijo get added)
>likely no streams until July for the Summer units
It hurts
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damn, the ticket is only usable until May 22nd... Doubt there's any banner I want to roll on until then so the recruitment points will go to waste
>literally just got umika
>obviously getting reijo
>the former doesn't count at all and the latter isn't good enough, needs to have kisaki too to count
these are the people who want seia and rio banners to randomly be thrown out in the middle of nowhere instead of having them saved for a moment which would actually be appropriate and hype
Thing is, even with Umika and Reijo the NPC jail is still growing, and there's only so many opportunities in a year to release big names like Rio with the fanfare you'd expect. I like the ASS club and am hoping this next event is fun but it does feel a little weird to make them the non-anniversary limiteds for this semester.
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Takane is virtually guaranteed this year and that makes me happy
>it does feel a little weird to make them the non-anniversary limiteds for this semester.
I imagine they were picked by process of elimination. Nexon didn't want to make PS68 limited again, and Umika isn't a major enough character to get a limited non-alt. Whatever the end-of-May banners will be, they were probably eliminated in a similar way.
they could be limited because nexon has bigger things planned for them. there's a lot of merch potential for a band compared to some random event.
Big doubt since only Kazusa is any popular out of the four
yeah and she's the vocalist, the only one that actually matters
Can someone let me borrow an invested Makoto please? My code is ARXAUTSY
Hey would it be funny if next batch of new units are for Yellow Set ahaha
Fuck set such an awful fucking mode
I still need to do 75 but I really dont want to at all
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At least we already have Maki, Utaha, Pina, and S.Ayane for DPS, and B.Kazusa can buff any color's attack speed.
Wait, crap. I keep forgetting Set does red damage, and none of those have blue armor. It really is going to come down to the new units if you need to get by.
kek, now you realize the dilemma. such a fucking awful game mode
>sir how are going to make this new boss more difficult and challenging
>give it a different armor without rebalancing its skills

i swear if yellow set does indeed come without switching up it's attack type at least i'm going to forget about this game mode altogether
Then you lose Kokona, D.Ako, C.Serina. At least if it goes blue attack we could use Koharu but then we'd still lose aoe buffers.
I still think they're gonna rebalance Set, or at least its rewards, eventually, like they did for GA
Running a survey could probably help them
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set floor 57 update: my 4* serina isn't good enough to heal the obelisk. it's over.
kokona should work for the next run but idk what a full comp would look like
s.hosh, d.ako, sugar rush leaves only one striker slot left for kokona, leaving me with nobody to kill the red ball. also no room for t.yuuka either.
i guess my best bet is pray i pull s.shiroko. i could try dropping airi but i don't exactly have anyone red/blue who can replace her.
I don't think full sugar rush will even be good for exactly this reason, there's just not enough room to run everyone you need to run. Need healers, buffers and someone who can actually break the ball. The only thing I could potentially see is if Yoshimi/Airi are somehow strong enough that you can boot an aoe buffer and still be ok.
>Ako rerun out of nowhere
oh nice i have a backup spark if i pull both sugars by 200
Probably throwing any newfags lured in by the anime/shupogakis a bone
I started on 2.5 anniversary and I need that bone
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guess i should have skip the pens, thought i would have at least enough to clear everything up to 6
band banner looked like it was going to flop so they threw in ako to make it look good
>set floor 57 update: my 4* serina isn't good enough to heal the obelisk. it's over
I don't believe that for one moment. Maybe the first heal since the obelisk starts at half hp. But then you just sacrifice a small bit of damage and use her earlier in the rotation.
GA is to this day in a worse place than set is now at launch, I would much rather they rework or at least try to fix it instead.
I KNEW Ako was a loud bitch
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I'm missing these students from the permanent pool
Should I roll for Ako or wait for the selector in 3 months? I only have 33k pyros and 22k more in unread momos
Yes. You can use the selector on Cherino or Kokona
Meant to say yes, you should roll for Ako
yeah obviously i tried that. set's attack more than doubles between 49 and 50. it does 235% damage to obelisks, so 35250 at floor 50. my serina has 12401 healing power and her ex is maxed for 228% heal, or 28724 healing. her passive skill is also maxed, i'm not sure if that's already factored into her displayed healing power or not, but assuming it isn't it brings her up to 35795. that's above 50's damage but it's realistically possible 57 is slightly above her healing.
serina gets over 10k more final healing from 4* to ue40 so it's not surprising she can't cut it.
New minigame. Now do I believe in nexon to finish the maintenance on time or no
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forgot my pic
have you actually tried it or are you just mathing it out?
serina should heal for 33k at 4* with everything else maxed
obelisk should take 28.5k dmg on stage 57
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tried to recreate it and realized i might be retarded
I'll have to think...
The JP site is expecting sleepover Yuuka and Noa before Arius summer and I might want them too.
Hmmm yeah, I think the last bit should be doable easily enough.
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I guess greg's grand assault is not really that competitive
>band banner looked like it was going to flop
Doubt + source: my ass
it's true that there's a lot of discussion about how they're skippable, but i imagine the people who spend the most money on the game(whether pulling for meta or love) aren't the same people talking about skipping them.
Yoshimi, maybe, but Kazusa should be good in any Set
Besides, we don't know their full numbers and UE effects
Cant flop if BA revenue is literally a flat line
Adding Ako was such an obvious last-minute bandaid solution to encourage people to roll for the band units it's hilarious.
More like she hasn't had a banner in 1 and a half years and it's gotten to the point where global just added her banner where it wasn't originally, so they realized they fucked up.
Railgun girls sold super well despite being terrible units who still haven't found a niche. D.Ako and Makoto performed well despite being half a spark free, not seeming particularly meta at the time (or at least not D.Ako) and Makoto not being that popular. Limited FOMO is real.
yeah to clarify i'm not the one saying they're going to flop, i'm just saying i can see why one might think that.

Aaaalright. I'm gonna plat probably (rank ~13500 atm) and Torment is doable, but only if I critfish and I'm too tired for that shit.

A 2T seems legitimately impossible if I leave about 250 bars of health left, because holy fucking shit are powerful AOE yellow options scarce. I have Makoto, but only 4*. And, since I'm borrowing a Reisa, I can't double borrow Iori (who likely would finish off 250 bars of health with ease). I've tried quite a few comps and basically, the Swimsuit Rabbits suck absolute ass at 4* on Torment, which fucking blows. I keep thinking "surely there are more good yellow armored debuffers I could use" and there really aren't. The best I managed was shaving off about 40 bars with this team. I tried other healers like Ayane or ONodoka and for whatever reason OShigure provided the most consistent survival rate (but we still all die all the time). I think if I had the means to keep Nonomi alive until the very end of the fight I could 2T, but Saki and SHanako die a lot, and even Hoshino can die because Nonomi and SHanako can't actually defeat any of the choir members. It's kinda frustrating how restricted it feels, since usually I can whip up 2 or 3 or even 4 teams for Torment that are definitely viable. Not this time.

Also yes I tested out red damage yellow armored girls for a bit, and even at UE50 their damage was garbage by comparison and they still had survival issues
Either way, I hope they don't flop. I'm sure there are more than enough Kazusafags for that.
When is set ending? Tonight at maint?
What's the Wakamo nerf?
Fell to 25k. I could maybe barely make it to plat if I 1T INS all colors using the recommended teams but it looks like too much of a pain in the butt for resets especially since I don't have UE50 Iori or D.Hina so I'll just eat the gold trophy.
How does it feel to be on the same level as triple extreme?
>4 raids to run
Yeah this shit sucks
I've never had a single plat in 15 months of playing so feels like business as usual
bro why did you skip dhina
I didn't, she's just at UE40
Shanako/DHina teams are really easy since they kill before last phase so theres a lot of room for error

Iori looks like she'd be the easiest given that she can 1t torment but its actually the hardest and tightest
>currently rank 17375
go the fuck to sleep, nips
what do I miss if I cant clear 50~100 in set
am I going to be fucked forever
title from 50 and 100
some stat upgrade material
doesn't matter too much honestly, stat bonus isn't important at all
Fixed some animation bug
Good bug fix
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You miss out on two thirds of the workbook rewards. Maxing out one potential is 70 books, so you're technically leaving a lot of those levels on the table, but given how insignificant those stat bonuses are it's not going to be an acount-damaging issue or anything like that.
If devs keep creeping the amount of ancillary stuff to keep track of, I fully expect most players would just be running 49 on the last day after a few months.
Thank you so much for this.
If I don't log in until after maint can the ASSes show up in schedule?
>people complaining 10 cost makes Yoshimi unusable when her buff lasts for almost a minute
Why are we pretending Ui doesn't exist again?
apk update this time?
Kindly look at ui armor type and set damage type
I meant outside of Set
Why would you use her in anywhere else when dHina exists
I have a bad feeling about this update.
In other news, new minigame is called DreamMaker
▼Defective content
■ In the double speed setting, when EXSKILL is activated of students "Kazusa( Band)", "Yoshimi( Band)", and "Iri( Band)", the background music of the production cut scene will also be doubled
■ When moving the section, some students use EX skill, the enemy appears late

▼ fix progress
It takes time to identify the cause of this problem and verify it, and we will report on the timing of correction as soon as progress is made, so thank you for your understanding.
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hopefully we get another 5h emergency maintenance
10 o.shigure dupe
20 yukari
40 b.kazusa
waiting for daikessen ticket before continuing for yoshimi but this is a big win so far. even the dupe is a good one.
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Been hanging liek this for minutes. My doodle vanished. Arona?!...
Let's hope it's someone new
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the cat's face looks retarded
how do I play the new minigame? I don't want to brick myself
Damn I already did my whole schedule before maint. -50 stamina
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did the top most schedule
someone need to find a formula to minmax this...
Is this a thing that I get limited daily shit from or can I ignore it for a few days until someone figures it out for me?
If I'm understanding things correctly you can wait
Basically you start a new "game" and have 7 days until the performance, each lesson you do moves you closer to the performance day
There's also different endings, so I'm going to wait until I know what stats to max before proceeding
alright how do i unlock secret ending
inb4 2k each stat
140 rolls, 8 3* - got Minori, nyAkari and double Ako most importantly (in one 10roll, lmao), plus some dupes. Do I keep rolling till spark? I only got 12k left
We have a limited grand assault 10-roll ticket in 3.5 hours
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>can't check how many I already own anymore when buying from the credit shop
They also removed the ability to change the option for EX animations during battle. The game QoL is actively getting worse...
did they fuck up daikessen shop and accidentally refresh it?
I can buy 50 more nySerika and Sena elephs
Looks the same to me. I could buy 12 x5 Yuzu elephs before maint and it's still 12 now.
Actually nevermind this post, I remembered that you can't purchase elephs for UE50 students so it's just showing me how many more I'm allowed to buy before Yuzu reaches UE50.
Yuzu and Serika were not refreshed for me, but Sena was.
maybe I thought I bought them before but didn't...
weird though because I have 100 nySerika elephs and can buy 50 more now, did we get those from an event too?
Why is the game suddenly doubling daily/weekly mission rewards?
trinity mats are still sold out for me
it's not like b.asuna is in the shop yet so idk why only elephs would reset
any leaks?
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Audio will come later, media resources got moved somewhere.
There's a really weird Yukari placeholder set to release in two weeks.
thx bro
Gee mom, how come Iroha gets 2 banners in 3 months
So the ??? banner in the ninja rerun is Yukari, and not a new character? Bummer.
>maid twins dodged the orange set curse
sucks to suck, reijo
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there doesn't seems to have dailies for this event minigame, so probably gonna wait for optimal strats
Gear added.

Note that some weapons also got Healing tacked on in their stats
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people on discord are saying 1340 AP for one mini game run which gives 8 bAiri elephs
no idea if it's correct or not
should I roll? I don't really care about set
50 shun
60 b.yoshimi
i don't have ako but i'm not doing 140 pulls for her.
>300 rolls before a single rateup
at least it's not 400
Yes you are
>roll for ako
>get himari dupe
>sparked himari last time
I feel trolled
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Got Kazusa (both versions) and got some amazing drops on the way to sparking Yoshimi. I'm very happy with this result.
if you need to ask, don't roll
they're literally fucking useless outside of set
only roll if the penis in your heart tells you to do so
Have they addressed the thing with the dailies?
the double rewards? yeah it was announced
is the event daygated like hinarpg or can I clear it at my own pace?
Doesn't seem like it. Minigame has internal timer, you unlock multiplier later on to speed things up
neat, thanks!

Basic event info and furniture set are up. If someone feels like it, take a crack at writing an explanation of the minigame, I'm too tired to do it today.
thought the same during koharu's event but i hate how these minigames are too important to be enjoyed naturally, they have to be played with guides to minmax elephs
Oh no the 3 missed ligmalephs
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I'm having fun trying to optimize it
so far my theory is to do the following:
>round 1
>max out condition first
>then get the other 2 as far as possible while ending with maxed out teamwork

for round 2, you can get 1650+ on all with condition 100+ for the secret ending but I don't know if it's optimal because you still need to max out the other 2 for the missions
I'm also not sure if 1650+ on all with 100+ condition is enough

what I did for round 2 was completely ignore condition and ending with both performance and sense maxed with teamwork at 1492
for round 3 I'll keep performance above 100 while getting everything else as high as possible evenly spread out to get the hidden ending but I don't have the calendars for it just yet
>for round 2, you can get 1650+ on all with condition 100+ for the secret ending
also this is dependant on luck I think, looking at my own numbers I'd have 1660 each, and I think I got kinda lucky with quite a few +140 bonuses
so safest is definitely to just max out the other 2 before unlocking the secret ending in round 3
Wait, so is the ??? banner on the 8th Yukari, or a new student? I saw on /bag/ that the datamine had Kirara elephs so there's a chance it could be her, not sure if that was true though.
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look at them hanging pyros in front of our noses
yeah it's Kirara
she has Yukari's data as a placeholder, that's standard, Ibuki had Koyuki's data back in November
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Sorry guys, I banged Yoshimi so hard I fixed her posture.
Would it be worthwhile to raise BAiri for Set or in general if I don't intend to roll any of her bandmates?
>ass band is probably the best event since TTT
>now we're getting Kirara too
We are so fucking back
The main festival should be good too since it's a big multi-school event.
Then surely we'll be due for more Vol1
Then it'll be time for swimsuits(maybe introducing a named Odyssey student?) and half-anni
Kino is on the menu
But are we getting the Trinity Festival that soon? I think it's more likely to take place around October to fill in for the Halo Fes slot. There's also the Venice-like place from the new PV with the masks and gamers, not to mention all of the reruns we need to get to. These months up until swimsuit season are gonna be weird imo.
So are they going to add Highlander, Wild Hunt and Oddysey all at once? Since the school mats are divided into three groups in bounties and in certain selectors
"Halo Fes slot" is something you're imagining. There's no rule we need to have a two part event around October, and we didn't have one in 2021 or 2023.
Meanwhile the current event ends right when the Trinity Festival starts, and in this game release order is (generally) chronological order. It'd be extremely strange for the main event not to be next.
Also if we want to get meta, either of Idol Serika or Idol Sakurako could work as the main DPS for next month's Set
The only thing that puzzles me is that the main event banners will most likely be permanent which means Nexon decided the current banners were more worthy of being limited bait than whatever we're getting in May.
Eh, the reception to this event is extremely positive and it clearly had a lot of work put into it, so they might be right about that.
Especially if next month's event chars are just Setbait again of a different element.
Surely they're not gonna make Sakurako core for Set in both her forms
Christianity destroyed and neutered/absorbed lots of pagan religions and cultures throughout history, so it makes poetic sense that a practitioner of Christ would be strong against a pagan god.
But the real question is, are we getting the new event right after the China rerun, or are we getting a story drop first? And will the festival's banner characters also be limited?
Is red Set confirmed to work the exact same way, with he same rewards?
you will find out in an hour or so
true ending guide?
Gather all Fairy Tales. You MUST have revived Jeanne.
Remember to put up borrows for Set. A lot of people don't notice the option there
i don't get the reference, sorry
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Beat floor 49. I don't know what I'm doing other than "heal pillars when Set attacks them" and "attack ball with EX".
I think it's Black Souls.
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I'm going to Aris
So what's the verdict on the new girls?
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they're very cute!
They're going to put through the grinder of minor idolhood and spat out an early-twinties burnt-out husks incapable of forming human connections.
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1800 for each stat for true end?
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Maybe the band members are limited because the planned new banners are new units instead of alts and they don't want the base unit to be limited
they fucked up daikessen shop and they're resetting it at reset today, and then again on may 1st
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hate having to yt the base momos because I only have the alts
even more so when the base is limited
it's definitely above 1601 and below 1800
rumor says 1650
i should have tried to do insane, i don't have coins for this
Use spoilers
Just did first Set and it honestly feels a lot worse than blue, because you have to keep checking if Yoshimi has already used up all her buffs and it's only visible half the time.
don't they just decay at a rate of 1 stack per 10 sec?
I refresh her EX at the same time as S.Hoshino's EX since they last just as long
Oh I already forgot it since the announcement... Thought she'd use them up with her normal skill.
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It's 1650 everything and 100 condition
idk, sounds like using Sakurako
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completed third round now, got the hidden ending
also the minigame page has vocals now
>all the winning teams for the ex challenge just fucking ignored the mechanics
I don't blame them, since trying to figure out how to incorporate CC into this sucked fucking ass. I couldn't even get close to winning.

No clue how to do this without DHina
what do the adds even do? I just beat her up with dhina
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>checking comps for floor 74
haven't seen those 2 for a very long time, does misaki floor EX not count as EX or something or is her autoattacks that good after the buff
We love Kaede now?
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just threw in whatever I had on 49 and it worked out
hopefully I can clear 77 this time again, not looking too good though
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they said there were going to refresh it at reset but it already reset just now for me
is it going to refresh yet again on reset?
they heal her and maybe other stuff (I think buffs)
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Cat is gone from the shop and I bought queen. I'm getting banned.
Aodama, save a spot for me. I'm currently in the 24-hour cooldown period.
Gimme your name just in case, bro
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still on mine, guess i will have her at UE50 after the next reset
There's an ex portion that deals 14.3% per tick which will get reduced and also the damage from her sub which is up to 10.3% per tick that won't be reduced.
I wish we got credits from limit break assault borrows
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this face gets me hard
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Nuts love.
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>roll Band Yoshimi
>don't raise her and just borrow someone else's UE50 Band Yoshimi
She'll save me in some attack speed JFD/challenge someday for sure haha...
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I really hate that too. I got Malice way back and even though I got her leveled I never use her because she needs all those elephs to compete with my other units.
Wish we got a better system or way to farm them.
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I'm going to get bAiri to 4* and that's it
as long as i get welfares to 5* by the time they go permanent i'm happy
i will never read s.izumi's bond gear momo because she's stuck at 2* for eternity
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Floor 85 is my limit. The damage is brutal in higher floors, and Yoshimi, Hoshino, and Hina were the only ones left alive in the last minute or so.

I finally have enough of these workbooks to max limit break a single student. (Those ooparts requirements are stupid though.)
Frankly I'm more glad I have most units there. How much does Shigure need those UEs?
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As someone who just got her the night before last and raised her stars according to Set's difficulty, 3* was enough for floor 49, 5*/UE30 got me through floors 74 and 75 (floor 74 might be possible at 3* if you use her with another healer), and I needed her to be UE40 beyond that.
Chocomint pantie stain
>have everyone but shiroko
>would have to ue50 yoshimi to borrow shiroko
Is there some way or a list to know which ID is the character I'm looking for in the assetbundles when trying to extract a model?
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Mouseover the character name
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I guess 6x refill with 150 stamina daily and 90% ticket bonus is not enough for 5* Band Airi?
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red set is saved
that's definitely enough for 5*
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another 8 hour maintenance
Why have there been so many lately
It can't be a good thing
We've been getting a lot of new gameplay modes and features lately, plus sizable internal changes to the client.
I'd bet their codebase is a horrible mess full of technical debt by now.
It is a good thing because we get the blue shit.
Looks like the next JFD is going to be the "I hope you raised your Karin" JFD
reminds me of when i first started at the end of 2nd anni and every event had a fucked up release
i assume it reminds you guys of launch too
What are they fixing for that long during a limited banner and event? That's really risky. It's on Saturday too/
You shouldn't be using DHina, right? Set takes less damage from ex skills AND it's not DHina's environment. You want autoattackers/attack speed DPS girls
The point is to have someone breaking the ball with an EX skill when it circles near to your team. You can use S.Nonomi for that and a lot of the top clears do use her, but the timing is tighter than using D.Hina and not everyone has S.Nonomi.
Could use Megu or Saori.
Already applied
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predictions for the new pvp season?
Shun, sHanako, ?, ?
sShiroko, ?
can I just replace Kazusa with Airi here and be gucci?
well, launch was far far worse. If we get launch-levels again something will have gone horribly wrong.
I'm just worried it might finally be where I have to bench Kirino because she's :| about Urban environments, so her cover and damage bonuses won't apply.

I'll still try, though. The map looked... sort of basic, from the little preview we saw. I wonder if anyone will bring out Renge.
you're in
Stack cost skill acquire/recovery/reduction + sHanako + pierce coverage if needed.
Basically like all the other terrains.
Maybe. There are clear teams that don't use B.Kazusa. It helps to buff B.Yoshimi more though.
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Darn it Leisa I told you to stop picking fights at Dukkun' Donuts
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UE40 D.Hina wasn't dealing damage fast enough and I lacked Cherino so I tried shredding Rabu's defense with Maki/Akane and it worked extremely well.
74 clear

not having a good SNonomi has me worried.

Saori here was also not always destroying the red orb in one shot, despite my Saori being completely maxed out.

I might replace OShigure with Nagisa for 99, since in this Atsuko was doing well, and I can use Kaede instead. I mean, I guess I could use Nagisa instead of Kaede but... come on, I wanna use Kaede.
...I might replace Kaede. OShigure has crit damage up.
You have saori at the pillar which reduces her damage my dude. kazusa too while we're at it
The pillars have such an effect? I actually just outright wasn't aware of that.

The vast majority of damage was just from BYosh anyway.
who is your fourth support? do you heal the pillars with oshigure?
Yes... Any time a thunder strikes a pillar the units near it get like 80% damage reduction or something brutal like that
For 74, on occasion, but honestly Atsuko kept the pillars healed most of the fight
I see it now obviously on 99. A borrowed maxed SNonomi's damage dropped to next to nothing. For 74 I simply had no trouble.
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>3* bands on floor 100
maybe i should build yoshimi and borrow a support
I was going at 99 earlier with a 3* BKaz and it looked like I was genuinely going to win. I stopped because that fucker Set killed both band members from full health in a single attack. Not the big flashy boom attack, but one of the lightning strikes near the end. I was pissed, and decided to turn the game off.
Feels bad that I can't even practice once I do my one borrow of the day because no one else has Yosh
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This looks incredibly sweaty
>forgot to buy shop ap
I am once again asking why the FUCK they don't let me refresh the shop a minute before reset
i would have had time
*shop stamina
3x refill with 4x pvp every day is enough with 90%. I'm missing 200 now and math adds up to like 220ish while spending 120 stam on hards even.
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no one in my friendslist or circle has bYosh for borrow
Why did you correct yourself? AP is our stamina
lvl 24 looks better, aruji-dono
if it is i have no clue where it says that, i assumed i mixed it up with another game
Man this event really was great, the writing and presentation were spot on and they've noticeably put almost as much effort into this as they did for the 3rd anni. I don't know how they're gonna top it anytime soon.
Gonna be weird to go back to the usual "low effort" events after this.
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The writing was far better than 3rd anni's event though. It had a satisfying narrative arc and it felt like the writers respected their characters and did their best to write something that felt both interesting and meaningful. A huge improvement over "Hina is the best, everyone either worships or fears her, and Gehenna can't function without her fixing everything". In terms of technical achievements though I agree that the 3rd anni event was top notch, it's just a shame that that cool tech was wasted on such a terrible story.
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alright, what did i miss? and how do i get it?
>Maint again
That's exactly what I'd meant.
Still, my point still stands, it's gonna be weird to go back to the usual event quality, unless they start really putting the elbow grease like this more often.
alright, thanks. I probably need to farm stage 9 a little bit to get mats before fully focusing on bAiri
pony tail supremacy
We're up
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we just got 1k cookies and candies
the other stats that you did not reach the max of
fuck you john nexon, I farmed the shops already, give me my AP back
so i need to reach 2k each stat?
yea, as long as each reached it at some point it will do, no need to end day7 with max stat
2850 event points per mini-game playthrough...
can probably reach 2930 if you skip the good ending and lose out on 250k credit and 20 equipment boxes
People keep praising the event but what about アロプラちゃんねる? What a great episode
don't you see the achievements?
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Added some minigame numbers. Still a ways to to, should probably be able to finish that before end of week.
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>not sugar
am I going schizophrenic? it feels like they added serika to the raid shop like week or two ago but I bought her eleps three times already
How do you reach the minigame endings? (yes, I am too lazy to think for myself)
You are HURTING me

They've reset shop a couple times this week due to fuckups, it's what one of the maintenances was for.
NTA, but that link doesn't work? there's no Endings section on the page
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Worked for me
I love to jerk off wiki admin dick but it's not on the public page
Work on my machine
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for anyone else looking >>1459445
this is what it should look like
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>Added some minigame numbers
no, i never check event achievements
bAiri has worse DPS than Serika
Serika is a 2* with a UE, and bAiri is just a 1* welfare so that's not a huge surprise.
Doesn't seem like a great comparison. Serika is a pure auto-attacker. All she has is damage. bAiri has a Sugar Rush buff, so if you're running her with her bandmates you'll get more out of them. bAiri also has a 24.4% crit damage resist debuff. Debuffs are amazing in Set, arguably better than buffs, because they boost the damage of every character on your team, and in Set it's hard to position everyone to keep everyone buffed at all time. In Set, bAiri's debuff alone probably brings more damage than Serika would be able to put out over the course of the raid.

So if you just want an auto-attacker who doesn't do anything else, Serika is better. If you're running Sugar Rush characters, bAiri is better. If you're running Set, bAiri is absolutely better. If you're running other content, bAiri might be better, or worse, depending on how valuable her debuff is.
Not disagreeing with you about bAiri usage but just wanted to point out that cdmg shred is actually not very useful in Set as he only has 10% cdmg resist to begin with. The biggest consideration of course is that Serika can't even play in Set past f49 due to being the wrong armor.
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is bKazusa going to be a staple in set for all colors?
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You are stuck. Go towards the light. likely something to do with MH having a maintenance today
they are actually equal in the test. Both are 4* 3/4/4/4 but Serika has bond gear
In other gachas it is standard for units to have higher or lover stats at the same upgrade level corresponding to their original rarity, that anon must have forgotten that BA has no balance whatsoever
>lover stats
Both are my lover/students
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Sirs why are these here
coding very hard please understand
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Cheevos are meh. Collection conditions in an hour-ish
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minigame prepped for one final run with whatever multiplier I'll be able to pull off at the end of the event
anyone knows if japanese subs of the anime floating around somewhere, for studying purposes
they're at the only place Japanese subtitles ever are, kitsunekko
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nice, havent watched an anime for like decade
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I lack a good way to describe story scenarios beyond their IDs, but figure it's better to still have them up since some have kinda funky stat combinations.

This should be everything strictly needed for the event, report any issues.
Now I can finally play.
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second try on stage 74 with my old comp except with red damage dealers
will probably be able to clear 79 with this, have to wait until tomorrow for the borrow timer
this event doesn't have time gating right?
so in the end what the FUCK did they mean by the title?
I have a live
Can this pos stop stealth updating random stuffs every 2 fucking days fucking antarctica has better internet than where im going
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They were just flipping the store expiration back to 1st.
Please play our minigame
Does the minigame multiplier also multiply the ending rewards?
yes, why else would you use it then
if you're lazy and just want the event points
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My Miyu just joined my Neru and S.Izumi in the "3*s with maxed out bond gear" club.
Is it true next banner Kirara ?
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thanks game
>Blue Hiero Urban GA
No i will not use maris fuck maris fuck fuck fuck
healer lineup doesn't change though? speedrun would still be using solo kokona
Everything is subject to change until an official announcement comes out, but the data strongly suggests so
Seiyuu: Amekawa Shino
>literal nobody
How do you know this anyway?
You dumb? She's voiced like 50 VNs
You didn't answer my question though
My personal wish
Fuck I missed the first 3 tickets I'm so dumb. I really needed those coins too
The amount of RNG involved in determining whether your students are standing near enough to Hod to target it without killing the pillars is really silly
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I might not be able to get Airi to UE1 even with x6 refreshes and the weekly stamina pack
How long until they make limit break values visible when you're in the menu to pick a support to borrow?
I'm expecting to make it with 3x + full pvp without a stam pack, even spending ap on a couple hard nodes. I'm like 20/120 toward 5* and getting roughly 15 shards per run and maybe 1.3+ runs a day. How's your pace?
Could this do Hod Insane anons? I have Ako now

Standard Mika/Ui/SChise/SUi/Ako/Himari team.
Is there some trick to make Swimsuit Chise apply the whole CC stack by herself? I have the affection equipment 1 but it's just barely enough to fill it, do I have to level her further?
Nevermind it's in the EX skill
>no sChise
>no cKotama
>Kayoko still UE30
who do I raise for insane between Suzumi, Miyako, Hoshino, Fubuki (2*) and Chihiro?
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good enough
How is this guy reaching the boss with Mika?
Figured out Swimsuit Ui can just push her but I don't have enough damage with UE40 apparently
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O.Shigure is truly the best student for comfy safe clears
>still only thursday
>already reached the weekly expert permit cap
when are they going to increase this
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do you have sWakamo? you can pair her with Tsubaki
is 27.7m going to be enough for plat?
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>Sacrifice yourself for me again!
I don't, but I managed it borrowing sChise
what are the banners after the ASS club?
probably not, just gonna do torment instead of malding in ins
1 week of Kirara + Tsukuyo + Kaede + Kaho + Iroha
1 week of Reijo + Rumi + Mina
alright thanks
Using 2 of the same student is kinda cringe not gonna lie.
If you think they're going to let you UE50 all limited students just by buying stamina packs, you're very wrong, whaleanon
they give fuckall from the event and shop
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I hope I don't need to clear torment for plat
Please god don't let them be Set merchants
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oh nice, somehow this isn't that hard to copy
>5k rank
yup, time for torment plat clear
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I'm a moron. I just realized that I hadn't bought any Airi elephs in the shop for the past few days. I should be able to make it at this pace, if not it'll be very close at least.
You get 15 a day without any refreshing
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Can someone explain this
If you spend a ticket on TOR entry and can't clear it, you'll still get INS-level reward coins (once a day).
It's a good QoL feature, basically you can now mald TOR for an hour per day now and still get same raid coins as if you swiped INS x3
Let's say I'm a newbie, will I still get gems from achievement by just trying a high difficulty the the raid?
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I believe all the achievements for this are "Fight X at Y difficulty", and always counted even if you lose the fight, so yes.
With my own units I'm 300k damage short, borrowing a UE50 Ako I'm 200k damage short
is this due to accuracy RNG or just bond levels and limit break?
is your mika UE40?
my mika is bond 26 and UE40 and I was 117k short
Nope, UE50
Guess it must be a missed shot, even though I retried a bunch of times
bond 50 + the new stat boost? probably that + highrolling on the stability
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nah, you probably did low roll crit dmg. That's strange, my Mika with bond 50+ and maxed lb stats easily killed hod by copying that video. Too bad I don't think it's safe enough for plat
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I did that strat with UE40/28affection/0pot Mika. Granted, I probably rolled well on stab, but there's no way imaginable this gets to be plat

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