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>wake up
>no Guardian Tales thread
Thoughts on the latest news drops?
>somehow makes an even worse version of op
Worrisome. The dev is not gatekeeping their own game. They do not respect the grind. Hence they will lose players. Its obvious that this is all a stealthy move towards more profit oriented policy. They should put money and resource into marketing, not cash cowing the current player base. Also the fact that Plaque Doctor is the first relatively normal unique hero they've released after 4 years is fucking retarded and show the dev had no idea about marketing and only an "idea" about marketing.
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tinia cute
is shuna better than miya? should i invest on her if i don't have healer or better invest on karina?
Karina's only downside is that dark only buffing. Shuna's a shitty meme. Miya, Sia and Karina are all better. Shuna tries to do what Miya and Craig do, but worse.
The grind is unreasonable. You pull a character and it sits in your box for months before you farm the materials for it. Old players don't care either way, new players get bored of making no progress for ages. It's a good change.
why is vish crying ;_;
Will Eugene ever be useful
>casual LP costume for FP
Bros... *_*
Oops, forgot the pic
I wish we could equip both a super costume+sprite costume
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Guardian bros *wheeze" We're still *hack* in it....
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Is that a Black Souls reference? Who is hag LP?
They'd probably make more money by running a brothel with pinoy and viet whores next to a US military base.
>slorraine ex
Remember to not scrap any copy EX you have for rares starting now even if you have the weapon MLB. You may be able to use it to buff up the weapon once they implement the new system.
>Try to follow elemental advantage in Boss Rush
>Light is that shit I ended up using dark melee on the first boss

Why the hell won't Kong do something about Light?
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Light works fine for boss rush though. It's just shit at getting huge DPS in 1 minute, unless it's melee light.
Melee light strong
>total revenue of over 1 million last month
Boo Gang... rise up!
>completely changes the fabric of reality with a single drawing
She is way too powerful.
Frieren collab soon
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>goes to beach
>gets lighter
why did Lp draw her like this
Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess? Where is the princess?
In the rape dungeon of the time jannies.
>>1440465 >>1440556
>/gtg/ is filled with elitist boomers while zoomers and alphies actually spend on the collab
Revenue might be good for the game but i hate feeling so disconnected
Finally got a hero reset stone. Is Sohee still worth mlb'ing for colosseum. I intend to use her alongside my wife, Beth.
Bitch sohee is still good but she feels a bit less meta currently
For defense or offense do you want to use her?
More so offense. I've got Beth mlb'd and same with Future Princess. The plan with these 2 is to ruin the enemy from the back first.
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Everything on the next update -

Next banners? - Priscilla-sama, Vinette, Rimuru and Milim

Who to roll? Vinette is easily the best in this bunch, brilliant support unit.

TLDR- Is Milim worth rolling for? Arena at best. Not much elsewhere judging from it.

why not both? Shuna-Miya!-Sia-Craig olbiterates anything melee
Depends on how far you're in Colo will be how complex you need to go, the reset stone being so expensive and basically killing an unit is a strong investment
Sohee and Beth going for the same unit when you have a craig around can be kinda a waste of effort and will allow the other team to chain you

FP is a descent tank you need to make a compatible weapon chain, since the tactic with FP is to try to kill the other team with a single weapon chain

Parvarti is currently still meta for disrupting formations, bich sohee/beth going for the ranged unit while parv goes for the healer, making a mess so they can get targeted by the leader of your team

TLDR, you surely can, its not meta, be careful with who you reset
This is exactly what I'm talking about when I said that Kong doesn't respect the grind. Them giving a better LP skin than the one vets received in season achievement is just undeserved. Also the crayon doesn't give euqipment bonus. That sucks.
Only retarded player that doesn't understand how to slip your melee into backlines. Very easy to do against just one frontliner.
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Shuna seems better than miya, but her attack is like Eleanor's one so i'm not sure how strong she actually is
>+30%def, -30WS regen, 50% heal, strong stats
sounds better than miya in paper (haven't tried it)
Karina is an OP healer, still used in all modes

Sia is secretly too strong
I was going to reset Carol. Can't imagine I'll lose much in doing so. Also Parvati sounds interesting. I'll try her. Thanks.

Guardian tales fan kit for anyone interested-

Is it worth it to mlb Miya? Would the resources needed justify the heal increase, or is level 95 fine? I literally have no mlb'd healers.
>Muh unique equipment for being an oldfag
Costumes change nothing, you lose nothing, personally i dropped the limited LP for this one since its cuter
>actual equipment
This will only result in whales and oldfags getting 100% collection bonus, newfags will keep coming and going as always
Dunno how bad will the results of that will be
The director is clearly aiming for quick grabs
Fucking up his 1st year will get compensated if he gives results now
even teams that supposedly counter 3Healers+Craig loses against it

they are done for
Carol's pretty retarded in arena, try her out with Lupina merch and Mad Panda accessory if you haven't. You literally outdamage every unit that isn't Erina.
Thats my exact carol build, only I use the matyr mirror necklace with the def reduction negation.Put her last, and I can often cut down 2 and a half worth of heroes. It fucking suck when you kill 2 hero and almost kill the last just with carol though.
>4.4 million toughness craig
>2 Earth necklace
Gotta say 1st place in colo always uses a meme team carried only by stats

I use 2 humble dusk rings sometimes using a craig with 3.5 million toughness
That team i would try to tackle it with Elvira, Claude, karina, craig
While the chain would hit i'm sure that craig will just tank it, dunno how strong you need to be to go through that
Anyone else skipping banners and saving gems for season 3 drop? I don't care about Rimuru or Milim so I'm taking this time to prepare.
Carol right now seems like a safe unit to reset
The thing is that if one day kong gives her a second ex that makes her useful, maybe for raid melee llight

But if you're not interested in that, she seems a good candidate to reset
i'm 50 milleage away to just buy milim, she seems useless, but i'm tempted to try to roll her
I'll decide when we get news on the fairy
no, I always pull when there's some units/equip that can be remotely useful for me in the future. Collection bonus means better chance in pvp = more gems. Managed to be top 100 despite me being only at 6th trial of expedition.
I'd go with Shuna, Miya has stronger heals but Shuna has perma def + silence and they are giving her weapon for free
I literally have no one for light raid melee. So I'm botching it with that Andras team. Far too much investment now for me to consider light melee.
>>/gtg/ is filled with elitist boomers
It's really not though. We just got one or two extremely vocal doomposters that literally spend hours daily spreading pure negativity and vitriol. All other Guardian Tales communities I frequent on social media are having a good time.
>news on the fairy
The next patch after the collab will not be the 3 season, so no fairy.
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This seems inappropriate
Man they turned my waifu Shapira into Shaniqua, oh hell nah
>different skin tone from BShapira
what did LP mean by this
They are changing the awakening drops?
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Oops, wrong quote.
>We've decided to remove constraints on the growth of existing heroes and significantly increase the resources needed for basic growth.
really bad news, Kong not gatekeeping enough. EoS soon.
>3 of them are the same
They're just making it so you can get your heroes to lv.95/standard awakening quicker, but you'll still have to grind out HC and whatever the new currency is to lv.100 MLB/enhance. Some sort of grind will still be there for weirdos like you.
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nta, Looks like the option will be to grind HC directly i'm guessing it will give a really small amount comparable to any amount of stones that would had been obtained

It seems harder to grind units with that method since its more focused, newfriends will not have spare stones to level up everyone and turn into HC at the same time as we did
>just noticed the 1 day only crayon weapon skin in the shop
Pick it up bros
>didn't level up my weapon skin collection bonus
300 gems flushed down the toilet for a crayon...
Its limited if anything
Maybe someday part of a set
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>192 collab mileage after Rimuru+EX and daily discount singles
>170 rolls ready for Milim
>plan to pull for her then mileage her EX
>start with daily discount pull as usual
>tfw realize still short enough mileage
220 pull for all of them!!
nice nice nice.

Final season of kamazone confirmed. More shitty coop modes. Gacha balls back. Don't roll, we don't know if we're getting good banners next. Wait a day or 2.
Still new to this game. What to do with epic dupes?
70 for rim and ex, 80 for milim, no ex in 30 but I can get it with event mileage. Pulled andras and vishu too so no complaints.
You use them to limit break one and make it stronger. It will increase the level cap of the weapon. That will increase its overall power. A fully limit broken weapon gains an addition 10% in power. Well worth it.
>quit for a month
>come back and play for 2 weeks and get a shit ton of returner rewards
I love this game.
>terrible luck with rimuru
>80 for him/her/whatever
>mileage the EX after throwing 120 draws at it
>prepare myself for disappointment with milim
my luck was redeemed.
expedition is shit, how the fuck am I supposed to progress. Just burn 800 coffee and still can't advance from 6th trial
I forgot how a massive pain in the butt every single enemies are in area 4. It's peak gook gameplay.
>All my mail
>Stuff I never bought from the shop
>Expedition coffee rewards
>Easily 1000 coffee at least
>4 Gold petals

The odds are beyond a joke. I only managed about 8 super arcane stones from this hell.
at least you get some gold petals, I only get one from the FARM.
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>they add gold petal seeds as drops after you're already so deep they don't really matter anymore
Is the HP relic better in colo?
Defense (+healer) is better for colo. HP isn't used for anything.
Got everything from the collab with 34k gems to spare. I got insanely fucking unlucky with Rimuru's weapon, got him in 10, then I got Milim in 10, got Rimuru's weapon after trying for it after doing 40 on her weapon, and just mileaged hers.
Not even sure if I'm gonna level any of them up, since it's either water melee raid, or some other option for arena with Milim, which isn't even that strong.
I cant imagine you get more gems this way
>collab event is at the 50% finished line
>still no rimuru
ok, can i start panicking now?
You don't but it's better than quitting for real.
Another collab in the bag. This time without expending money.
What's next? Sailor Moon or Frieren?
280 summons to get everything. Last 10-pull had 2 Milim so wooo, I guess. Still ended up literally empty and had to buy her ugly weapon, the Dragon dildo or whatever.

At least the nightmare is over. I just wish Erina-chan and Bitch Sohee had their banners after the collab ended instead of before and during it. But whatever, I couldn't mlb them anyway, and at least I still have something to save for.
Any one here did the mortuary in 9th district and can share their team?
Gun Oghma (Skill DMG cards, LPF), Miya, Veronica, Craig
You're pretty much immortal and don't even have to move, so just remember to save your chain for the big attack every time and it's an easy clear.
don't have, will other healers work?
Another hero with a 90% Skill DMG party buff (for LPF) might work. Give it a try and see. Maybe another pure healer could work too.
Just did it. Eunha (Rat version) Craig, Princess and Veronica. Just run like mad. Ratto downs the fucker in 2.
This has to be the deadest update for god knows how long. I can't wait til this collab shit is over and done with.
any code?
They said they have no plans in mind for collabs in some news prior, so it sounds to me they want to move away from it.
The collabs are a fucking waste to time anyway. Slayers was fun, Dragon quest was ok, has a fun minigame, but slime was just sad, the idea of running a town is fun, but the management of it is barebones as fuck, and the story is barely any funny.
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>Bingo gives you enough Shuna's Staff to MLB it
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>>Bingo gives you enough Shuna's Staff to MLB it

Scrap them all but 1, she's shit. It's a free green hammer.
>What's next?
Goblin Slayer
Shuna >>>> Miya
You're evil
Rat costumes on Nari and Euhna give you rat portraits in the April fools portraits btw.
Is there any other hidden ones? Regular Hana looks like she's going awwoooo
Pretty sure every super costume has too
That one isn't really hidden, rather it's to be expected.

Here's all of them.
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Why is pre-ascent Fei a nigger?
I stopped playing this game due to lack of story updates and taxing daily upkeep, how is it nowadays?
World 18 and season 2 just finished. Season 3 has a on paper. World releases are still slow.
>Season 3 has a on paper

What I meant to say was, season 3 has a lot going for it on paper. But I really wouldn't bank on Kong delivering half of it.
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How 2 beat that Lupinor comp in colo? The Beth Karina, Lupiner and Craig setup? (I think it's Craig)
I usually just run full light against them depending on their positioning, but you can still eat shit if they're not in a proper position to eat shit from FP's attack.
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Game bad, guess how many rolls it took to get this thing
Dodge that shit lmao
MLB your own Beth EX
Other than those two options I don't have anything else
>170 pulls so far not counting dailies
>getting a white box with 50HC at least every 30-40 pulls
>still no Rimuru
I reached 222 mileage already and I'm starting to lose hope... how is it that I have had such shit luck on this whole collab so far...
at this point I'll just be content on rolling just one collab thing and mileage the rest even if it leaves me in the red
I didn't even realize Nari and Eunha had normal ones because I always keep the rat costumes on, I just assumed it was part of the joke
So they are not there
Actually, their regular portraits are rats, I thought it was because I placed the costumes on them myself.
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FP(leader), melee, 2 healers
>Melee goes against opponent leader
>FP is located either on the back or to block the melee non leader
>Healers on the back, far(may vary on setup) behind on the horizontal line of the close combat units
>Enjoy... unless AI goes retarded
NEVER use MK99, beth currently just murders her despite the elemental advantage
I dont have them with the costumes yet i have rats for portraits
Coop update. pic related


Next banners - Clara-sama, Fuckma, Trap cat and Sia
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Finishing w18 and the Belial refight is fucking awful. Why does she have more hp than the other refights?
Regarding coop expedition. Helping new players now grants you on of these "sprout" boxes. You can acquire unlimited amounts of these things if you're lucky enough. They have, and I quote
"- The Sprout Knight's Gift Box can obtain a small amount of growth goods or, with a low probability, a legendary awakening stone or summoning controller."

TLDR- Help new players = get box = might have summon controller in it
It's the adds that make it impossible
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1) Camazon Land Finals

Event changes
- You will be able to see familiar faces again in Kamazon Land.
ã„´ You can meet them on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, and 40th floors. Perk changes - Changes will be made so that all perks in all seasons can be used. 2) Camazon Land season begins - The final season of Camazon Land begins. ã„´ Greenhouse-themed artifacts and special events will be reprinted. ã„´ Season period: At the end of update maintenance ~ 2024-05-02 10:10:00 - Events commemorating the final season of Kamazon Land will be added. - 7 types of artifacts will be reprinted.
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Looks like the Chinese still believe in Great Rimuru.
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LP version.
KR forums said Rimuru was fine as well btw
The korean approach is more correct, collab units are ultra limited and sharing team comps that include them is silly.
I'd go with the Korean approach as well. It's insane how many videos on youtube even have position recommendations for raid fights based on these teams. Most people won't use Rimuru because Andras is outright better.
Well I finally finished w18
I wonder if Knight is gonna get the villain treatment if this game dies too
Kamazon bros...
>uoh emoji for co-op
This will help us communicate with our team, right?
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I think Kong wants as many people as possible to reach the highest floor.
Thanks to God, that I was not born in South East Asia.
>- The Camazon Land Random Box, a special reward to commemorate Camazon Land, will be added.

>- Camazon Land Random Box can be used in the Camazon Land lobby, and 10,000 bottle caps are consumed for one use.

>※ The above products are tier 1 products, and tier 1 products already acquired are excluded from the random drawing. In addition to this, various other products are available.

Random? Why? Are they fucking idiots?
You can't suffer with young SEA women all around you. I genuinely wish I was born filipino or thai. Those niggas are winning in life, while I am a 28 year old virgin in Germany.
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>They know
wtf so I need to save bottle caps now?
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>rate up my ass
Can you even get the Aegis Shield any other way? I haven't done Kamazone in months. I still have 3 weapon skins I never bought in the shop and not enough caps for even one(80k caps each). Hopefully whatever easier mode they replace it with brings them back.
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Holy shit bro. Nice.
do i roll for sugma? i have sword but not gun
Fuckma is pretty much useless without his gun. Alright as a tank, but Craig, Pymon and /ourgirl/ are all better. Not too sure if Erina is better mind you.

Seems they're convinced Kamazone will come back. I'd keep an eye out on youtube though.
They already said they would replace it with an improved mode/version that is faster to complete. I'm talking about what happens to what's currently in the bottlecap shop. It is good to know they'll bring back the random box thing they're doing though, thanks. We don't have to worry about permanently missing out on that at least. Looks like someone in the comments asked about the shop items too. Do they reply to comments there? I guess I'll keep an eye on it.
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I don't think they reply to comments there. But, if someone finds out, that person will likely respond. I'd imagine Kong would piss off a lot of people, if they just scraped the bottle cap system and left people dry.
>Most people won't use Rimuru because Andras is outright better.
Yes Andras fits the melee team very well
Showing both is fine, Rimuru deals more damage than White snow if you him him.
wish they would suspend expedition instead
I mean slime is pretty mid anyways I don't get why people love it so fuckin much
I gave it a read, I guess people just like the SOL and seeing the growth of it? It's no different from most of the isekai stuff these days really, dude has everything given to him to make himself into the uber omega hyper duper, and makes a community and has followers who are deadly loyal to his cause.
sex with milim
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Um, doubters?
>No uploader
Please, if you're gonna pretend she's anything but ok at least try.
Wait nevermind I found the video, but her performance isn't any better than any of his other units most of the time, trading and taking around the same damage as anyone else.
Plus he is high stat as hell.
data download?
Is the pink aired oni bitch useful for anything ?
people use it as healer like miya in colo, idk if she is better or not
The thing about her is that she has a free Statue merch with her EX equipped, meaning she functionally has two if she's using Mad Panda merch. That shit fucking hurts man, I kinda want to MLB her after my next raid unit.
DOODLESNOTNOODLES 50 coffe and 100 gems
Thanks bro
Should I start trying to get higher ranks in tdm now before the season 3 update? I've played it maybe twice
How do I join a guild??
Lolibros... am I dreaming? Is this a setup?
I remember playing this for a few months when it came out
Is it still good or you anons recommend I stay away from it
It's actually fun, don't expect to put up a fight vs whales/oldfags because they're stacked with progression
Shame there's no general at vg to talk about the game
Just apply to one. Sometime there are guild doing advertisement on the chat. I don't want to do expe anymore, I already have the atk and crit relic sets maxed anyway.
MK99(Leader),Craig,Gabi and Eleanor
huh should we bring the fight to /vg/ then? Fucking ddlc still got a thread there. This game is 100x better than at least half of the slop there.
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Been a while since we had the last schizo premonition.
So how playable is this on pc?
I see the only way is through emulators shame
My phone heats up too much when I play it for long periods of time
Fuck I can't log in my old account
Guess I'll need to start over
Any recommendations for a "new" returning player
you can assign custom keybinds so at least for me it's a better experience.
Just finished w18
Was it supposed to be comedic when they said Morrian might still be alive but they already showed us her corpse getting eaten?
That death was lackluster as fuck. I highly doubt she's dead.
Well... Alter Knight fell like 100 floors from a high rise building and later it just said
>Yeah, he got arrested
got a job interview for a cushy exec ladder job incoming. I'm dreading it as passing would mean my day NEET-ing to boost my GT acc would be over. Biggest concern is I can no longer grind TDM. And just as I am 30 trophies away from unlockinhg master arena next week. FUCKING DAMN IT
There was no corpse in sight. And if there is no corpse, then the character is alive.
Good luck anon, subbed.
The scene had no corpse. The only thing left was her flower that she kept on her head.
I'm fucking tired of this humiliation ritual pvp
unironically skill issue
it's a whale issue
So what are the big changes coming for Kamazon and Expeditions?
No details yet, but it's supposed to be way faster for you to collect rewards.
So which one of the current banners do you anons recommend a new player to summon
PvE is the most important for me right now
Vinette is a solid support character. Works great with a mono dark team. All the collab characters are either niche or shit. Next banner has Oghma, who pairs well with Vinette and can be used as a tank or skill damage buffer depending on which of his exclusive weapons he has equipped. Probably nothing noteworthy other than these two for the time being.
Vinette's the least bad option, but I'd just hold onto your gems for now as a new player
Both collab units are fine for story I think, but mid in general. There aren't any all-purpose kings featured right now like Eunha, Kamael, Beth, Claude. You might have to focus on the f2p squad of FP, Craig and Miya, and I guess Rimuru, but reroll for him and his weapon instead of spending a bunch of gems.
Just got Vinnete
I think new players have a guaranteed summon because I got her on my 20x summon
Guess I'll hoard a bit for now and wait for another banner then
Is the vampire girl not good anymore?
You're guaranteed a white box within your first 3 multis on hero and weapon. Not necessarily the feature though.
>Is the vampire girl not good anymore?

Priscilla not so much. Get Karina, the girl is insane. Her ascended form can carry you hard if need be.
Thanks for the help again
I played the game back when it wasn't released global yet so I'm trying to learn again how to play
I thought gtg had some recognized guilds?
Can someone give me a QRD on shield choices?
Captain's mirror seems to be the hardest one to roll for but what about the others like mino/goblin/aegis/etc
gtgbros was opened to randoms because there's like only 4 people hitting raid
Well gotta go to tryhard guilds with designated optimised teams for each members to hit against specific boss, tracking of participation, and capos breathing down your neck to remind you to do your dailies. I'm in one with personalised coaching, "mandatory" boss vid tutorial, spreadsheet of each members damage over each season, and you have to type in your entire roasters with stars/level/amount of various ressources/option change for accessories and relics. That's the price to get inside one of the top guilds. We even have players exchange depending on your performance between the guilds of the alliance. Giga tryhard.
Lemme guess, RPS?
Nope, another one. But we're in the EU top 10 (actually top 11, maybe we fucked up this season idk the bosses don't seem that tricky).
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>get spoonfed teams, boss videos, and free reign to hit whatever each guild season as long I get all 21 hits in
comfy t3
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>Meme team
The setup was actually messy and even so the chain was more than enough to get a win over that
It was not the ultra whale of the video but that is exactly the point, a regular Parvati team will surely rekt it too
No changes.
>JP niggas can win a big ass Mayreel
It's not fair bros
mayreel's big ass...
Aegis is shit I think. Goblin is the best for colo due to Crit resist. Captain mirror is best all rounder and I think that's about all that matters. The other shields are rarely mentioned. Even the 1500 one in the boss rush shop.
Anything cool kr niggas can get? I'm in Korea for couple more weeks
Captain mirror for offence, Mino when you need most def
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>it crashes when I use my phone
>can't run this on my laptop since the emulators all end up with a frozen screen after some time
Now what the heck
You buy a better phone, or a gaming PC/Laptop.
I don't play Mahjong so no
Why would I? I don't play BA or Mahjong Souls nor do I want another addiction
/mjg/ still have a general on /vg/
Your game gonna EoS.
um, noxia is 18 now sweety
>Mahjong Soul is getting a Blue Archive collab. Are you jealous, GT pedos ?

Blue Archive are desperate. The anime will flop and there revenue is dropping monthly. End of the line for old John Nexon.
>Blue Archive are desperate
anon... that's cope territory and we all can see it
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I play blue archive directly so i really don't care

You're a year and some months too late to be dooming that
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Not really.
>got Kamael's staff while rerolling
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and this cutie
Gonna save that account and see if I get any other interesting combination of guaranteed summons
Was Kaden a pedo?
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She didn't look like a child when she was the saint. The reason she looks like a child is because Veronica found her, brought back to the cult HQ and started to notice she had holy power. In order to extract it out of her and turn her obedient she got a piece of Pymon's fragment from his old body and uses it to cut her flesh, which obliterates it, her magic then instantly tries to heal the damage, but it can't recover lost tissue, so she eventually started losing so much flesh her body became like that of a loli's, while Veronica collected the energy from her self heal, and she became mindbroken from the torture and not wishing to disobey her to be torture more.
I don't know about Kaden but I would love to suck her toes among other things while she's bonded to the chair
>can't run this on my laptop since the emulators all end up with a frozen screen after some time
If you've checked your virtualization setting then i don't know what's wrong. Works fine on my end.
since I typed that I tried LDPlayer and it has been a success so far
don't know why the other ones were giving me trouble
How did Kaden not find Clara when he was bumming around and being edgy for 500 years anyway
Because he was on the grind to save the world

"My concern is the forest, not trees"

Did you forget how he fucked up the Demon World up to the wazoo?
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She did nothing wrong
She did every fucking thing fucking wrong
Literally the worst character in the entire game, besides MAYBE lily and the time fairies
I don't know who that is
Vanessa. The nutjob who leads the Church of the Chosen One

Evil but in that Zealot believes she is saving the world way than exploitative corrupt church
Do you anon think I'll get more use out of Future Knight or Vinette during the early to mid game?
No exclusive
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Will she be a villain in season 3?
Future Knight is generally more multipurpose, Vinette is garbage without her EX and even with it she only has raid use
Funnily enough I just got Vinette's EX after posting
I'll play a bit more and try to summon her before the banner ends
Do (You) play the game dubbed?
In his boss fight monologue pre-fight he says he betrayed his friends, and in particular he specifies he abandoned the one he cares for most of all, clearly implying Clara.
He became obsessed with ending the loop destruction, so he just left everything else to play out on it's own.

Speaking of, here's what happens if you give him the champion sword:
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>Speaking of, here's what happens if you give him the champion sword:
I thought it'd just be a joke option
Yes the original is in korean so unless you're there you have no other choice.
It's sad that they never added KR voice acting to us.
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>Finally down to the last 15 super arcane stones needed for my final relic

The grind takes months and even then you've got to reroll the fuckers. I'm amazed newfags haven't complained hard enough, that Kong scrap expedition. I love Hana btw
>Want to come back to the game after a while
>Get this game is no longer available to your country when I try the NA server
eos is on the horizon...
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this is so cool
Anyone here run melee in colo? I've got Beth, Sohee, Princess and a healer. Both Miya and Sia with ex weapons. I'm leaning more towards Sia due to her attack and skill damage buffs. Everyone runs Miya and it's getting boring to watch.
For melee colo, I use beth/erina/parvati, sia is a good choice.
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Looking good so far
This image is very disturbing.
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Miya is a very old unit and i guess she can survive well enough to parv

Beth and Parv in anything is the current meta in defense
I havent figured out how to deal with them
Maybe adding shuna with miya but i'm not sure
Well, T100 again. Pretty effortless too, I was either stat-checking the enemy or I was getting stachecked in return. Check it before reset bros.
Just restarted on world 2, who should I pick for this (preferably waifus)? My guaranteeds are Rimuru and Parvati's gloves
If you can pick anyone, Beth and Eunha are both extremely busted (Beth melee, Eunha ranged). Collab heroes are memes at this point. Parvati is extremely good for colosseum.
Euhna or Beth are probably the most self reliable for most content. Kamael is extremely self reliant too, and they have a kusogaki super costume.
I see. I'm leaning more towards Beth since I'm not much of a cute and funny enjoyer. Anyone else worth considering?
Also, this package lets me pick a hero and a EX weapon, so I should pick a pair, right?
Yeah pick a pair. Everyone need their ex weapons. You can't go wrong with - Claude, Euhna, Kamael, Beth and Andras. These people are insanely good. Late game, Ms Chrom is essential for Expedition mode. Most here would agree Eunha and Beth are the most broken characters in this game. From personal experience, I can safely say Beth has carried me through nearly everything. If you go the dark route, get Karina. She is beyond op.
Thanks, couple more questions:
Just got Rimuri's EX from the gacha, does that change the char I should get?
What should I do with my gems?
Is picrel worth it?
Rimuru is super limited, so if you don't get him now, you are unlikely to get him ever and his EX will just collect dust. The character itself is mediocre, only good for water melee raid.
Save gems till a good banner pop up.
Green hammers are important, but not for a new player, you are better spending your gems on draws
I'd say maybe try to get rimuru if you have the ex, since it's a limited exclusive banner very unlikely you'll get him ever again. It's not a priority unit for new player if you're a bit completionist maybe do a few pulls.

I agree with most of the anons recs when it comes to must have units and green hammer are low priority for fresh accounts.

Top Tier must have
Very useful units and worth investing for early player.
What's the strat for scarecrow? Range/Melee damage or crit chance relics? Do you want buffs more than debuffs? I am always the top of guild raids but can't seem to get as much damage ss others when doing scarecrow.
Never bothered with scarecrow. If it's the same concept as raid bosses, just use def down characters. They'll send your score skyrocketing. Kamael, Chun fucker, 1st waifu commander, Nari the rat. People like those.
i finished my statues and replicas, what merch should i concentrate on next?
Mad Panda Trio if you PvP.
Scarecrow is fucking weird
Being at Lv 1, debuffs are useless so attacks must be more focused on timed buffs, i think statue works better since the thing is always on 100% HP
Relics are the same in general the boost is not that noticeable

Still i see records of 400-500 million of damage that are just absurd, in my guild has whales with full collection, and they can do like 250 million to it, so don't mind it too much
is element damage dependent on character or weapon?
Weapon. The character's element is for their weakness.
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>Knight seemingly immune to Labose
>everyone else has to avoid it because instant kill, see Priscilla and Valencia on W18
>even Knight gets people exploding on his face with no aftereffects, at best s/he just gets damaged a little
>nobody ever comments on this
>not even Alter Knight who uses Labose
>still no rimuru
>still no milim
>no more jimmies left
im fading...
I have enough tickets to pity Milim but I still don't have her EX. This shit sucks.
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>Finally beat Expedition
>got 3 full sets of 5 star relics
>a single hp relic

Do I farm for seed packs in the shop now, and just constantly reroll relics for better? Also, Sexmory ascension soon John?
>thought it was 300 to pity milim
>its just 200
hurray, im not bricked
How viable is waifufagging in this game?
doesn't matter late story, they lock you to knight only
Early story, possible but you need to not be a retard
not possible late arena, raid, boss rush. these need specific comps
I'm gonna go against other anons and say that the green hammer is a must, even that early on
They are a pain in the ass to get otherwise and those 5k gems a hammer deals are p.rare - and 5k gems isn't actually that much, even if it might seem like it is now
It will be easier to obtain more and more characters and their weapons over time but farming hammers will always be slow and painful
Yes, you will not need hammers any time soon and you're better saving the ones you have until at least "late mid"/"early late" game but by starting to save them this early you will get a very nice advantage in the future when you will suddenly start needing more and more hammers
I will not buy the hammers.
Do your character awakening collections if you already have good enough relics

John kong is too much of a coward to make meta sex gremory ascension
post more gremammaries to meme it into existence
I buy the 900 MM box every time.
Same, I'm missing a few EXs and I get them from the scam boxes
Even in pixiv there isn't that much attention to her T-T

Do you really get something?
I'm currently only missing 8 EX weps because of it.
I've gotten more than 5 missing EXs from my collection from buying scam boxes
It seems like Veronica is the key to every scarecrow run.
>thought it was arena week
>its coop week
my gems...
What's the best Coco team for expedition? Currently using Coco Garam Veronica and Kamael but it feels off.
I never expected Morrian's exploded body to be shown in 18-14, wtf
GT has done more fucked up stuff to be fair.
Also, finish the entire world first before assuming too much.
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>FP + kamael fucking everywhere in colo
>wrecks my beth
>wrecks my eunha too
What the fuck are you supposed to use against this shit
Honestly I felt Morrian's death had pretty little impact compared to shit like Big Jack's and even Erina's
They need to bring back the feels
your rank? your formation? your collections?
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what the heck is her problem
Is that a pokemon reference ?
What's the next banner after slime?

Ohgma, Sia, Mikke and Clara.

Just started playing, what f2p 1-2* units are must build?
Which one is a must pull? Also is it worth pulling for Vinette. I already have the slime units
Karina, Coco, and Elvira are all-around useful
Craig is the best tank in the game
Note that you need to ascend them first to be useful which means they take as much resources as a 3*
Knight with bow is also an ok unit
How do we buff the best girl?
Oghma rifle, and Vinette for dark raid. Oghma also has some other general uses.
Is Vinette good? She's pretty hot
Raidcore for dark. She's not really needed before you have the other units that buff damage. She's fine in coop but that's getting revamped soon so it doesn't matter
That guild arena thing is the biggest waste of time going. The rewards are all shit. There's literally zero incentive to play.
It has better rewards than meteor mining at least.
Take the do nothing pill like me.
Just focus on the main content and expedition and collect pvp gems every week, it’s comfy.
>bbut whatabout
>It has better rewards than meteor mining at least.

To be fair, the meteorite excavation took like 20 seconds. And no effort.
I love her but she's so shit I didn't mlb her :'(
You can just make a basic team setup once, or load whatever you want then hit play. You don't have to collect pickaxes or time your daily taps. I wouldn't say either requires significantly more effort that the other, but one definitely has better rewards.
I reset her. Such a shame. Those tentacle turrets are nice. Maybe I'll reinvest one day. She did do me wonders in Kamazone, so I'll give her that.
It says you can get the returning guardian bonuses once per season, but how long is a season?
I don't get the hype with beth, she's not even a glass canon, just glass. In colo I smile everytime I saw a Beth team, since it means I'm gonna murder his trophies. Rank 40 colo in Asia 2 btw, and I played less than 4 months. Its a disgrace. Whoever shill beth are doing so maliciously.
Wasted numbers
Mid and low, top 100 colo is different, mono dark teams are easily countered, stat difference also plays a huge role besides dusk rings or earth necklaces
Suddenly that "weak" beth murders your backlines if not halted
i have faced beth+craig that have survived my full light chain or simply killed FP and KAI both equipped with def reduction protection
Rank 10-20 Asia 2
>Less than 4 months
Either a lie or you have spent some good amount of money here
any guide like this for next season raid?
My Milim looks kinda weird
She looks better yes.
>Getting paired with people in colosseum with 10+ million defence

It's beyond over. I can't compete with this.
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>give passport back to elf family
>they instantly fucking dies
I knew I should've been an asshole
Beth tank
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New hero incoming - Forest Sentinel Estelle, Ascended Aoba bros, it's probably over...
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LANA LOVE!!!!!!!!
hmmm I predict she will be generic uninspired trash again like the last dozen heroes that werent main story characters
how have they still not managed to top the og designs yet
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Who do you anons think would make a good team? for early game
claude karina 1cc and future knight
Claude, Karina, 1st Corps Commander and probably Future Knight. They've all got use in end game, so it would be a good idea to invest in all of them. Ascend Karina as soon as you can, she's beyond busted.
Thank you anons
Guess I'll retire Knight earlier than expected then
Is there any gimmick to guild arena? My team always gets nuked about halfway though regardless of setup.
More def/hp and heal
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I gave up
Will try again if they actually make it worth doing instead of giving trash
Shows how busted dark melee is. Try running Beth, Karina, Plague Doctor and a tank. Works well.
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What should I do with an extra 200 collab mileage? I ended up getting Rimuru +EX(x2), and Milim +EX(x1) from pulls already. I use water melee for raid so I'm keeping the extra Rimuru EX for Rey for now. I'm not hurting for regular mileage either so I'd rather use it than let it convert.
>Ascended Aoba bros, it's probably over...
we JUST got an earth healer hero mate
this town sim is making my eyes glaze over. who thought this was fun
I did
I thought it was very cute and fun
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I see
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>4 years old game and there's still spelling mistakes in the dialogues
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Try this suggestion satan >>1448761 with defense focused equipment and you're good to do ~100 points no matter the element

Not like its needed to make more, to get the gems and everything else is pretty cheap
PVP is a huge stat check
Top ranks just do whatever they feel like, don't think about it too much
Anyone actually gotten all the farm animals yet? I've gotten shadow the hedgehog, Nephy, 2 Saturday horses and 3 Kirby slimes quicker than the last 2 star hedgehog I need. I've never gotten the fire Hedgehog.
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I got the last one I needed in early March. Took forever for that single one.
I finished my animal log a few months back , don't remember from the top of my head, what was the last one I needed, but it was one of the 2 stars I think.
I'm only missing 1 2* and I'm sitting on like 500coins
I am still missing the 3* flying slime
Am sitting at nearly 2k coins in case they ever decide to release 4 and 5 star animals
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Gotta love Boss Rush. This isn't me, but I'd pay to see the fights.
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The hack is probably just one button press, if even that.
>30k gems gone
>not a single Slime character
It's a good thing I don't really care for this collab and I'll have 600 mileage after this.
Good for you anon!
Is Shuna the Oni a good substitute for miya, in any mode at all?(including orbital lift)
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Nothing to use them on.
i thought boss rush ended on the 16th... i fucking missed it...
Miya and Craig both do what Shuna does, only far better. I would only use Shuna if you have no other option.
It's physically impossible for them to make a good banner when there's the gachapon event. Is Clara even relevant for the fire raid ?
Clara's only gimmick is the fact she pierces multiple enemies. Great for coop defence. But since Kong are idiots and are scrapping it, she's not much use anywhere.
What about Sia and the cat ? Seem only good for pvp ?
What are you supposed to do with dream evo stones? I know I'm supposed to keep Hero Crystals.
Mikke is basic raid and arena. Pretty shit since Eunha basic ranged is the strongest raid team in the game. Sia is a solid healer. Works great in Kamazone, Colo, Boss Rush and story.
Use them in the shop to buy hero evo stones of specific characters. (Hero Growth tab) I usually save up a few hundred then bulk buy. Don't waste them on 2 star heroes.
I'm currently stuck on level 72, W11. If I were to max limit break my main dps. Is this retroactive, in which I can still get up to level 100?
Holy shit I just went 210 rolls without a single 3* not even dupes
I just wanted Mikke for the collection
Fuck this cat
World clears will increase your level cap. You can mlb a character whenever you want. Once you beat world 17 they will be level 100.
Perfect, one last thing. Which free ex weapon should I prioritize from the Kanterbury Training?
Don't forget to do your kamazone this month
So this is the last kamazone run and I should get rid of all the caps I have?
What are your options? If you can pick any ex, Claude, Chrom are needed for expedition. Beth is a powerhouse and Eunha is the devs daughteru so she's beyond busted.

There's an item coming to the farm that lets you spend 10,000 bottle caps for a random item I believe.
>new uoh icon in dungeon coop
Also holy shit man even these 1st level enemies are overtuned
Yeah, they went too hard into the sweaty tryhard territory with the new balance. It especially sucks if you end with a retarded healer that dies first. And as usual, everyone wants to do dps, every random role match I did was assigned tank.
Rewards in the coop Expedition shop are pretty shit for end game players. I've finished Expedition. All the relics, powder and Arcane stones are fucking useless.
My other options are pretty much the units in that screenshot. Since, they do not have any ex weapons. Other than that, I already have all Slime collab units and their weapons.

I'm doing some comparison between Oghma Rifle and Plague Doctor. But, PD is kinda new so I'm not sure if I should invest on him, Oghma, Mikke or the supports.
Plague Doctor = Ruins healers in colo. Needed for dark melee raid.
Oghma = Dark ranged raid, needed for Claude lead teams in Expedition, and is generally useful as a skill buffer for a team. His sword version is pretty shit. Craig/Princess/Pymon all do better than him as a tank.
Idol Eva= Solid for late game Expedition with Chrom leads. Can heal and is fun to play as.

TLDR- Gun Oghma is your safest bet.
>months to work on coop expo
>still got the can't exit room bug
Fucking gooks
Why the fuck does coop feel ultra fucked this time? It's like everything is on ultra stat bloat even the very first regular fucking stage.
Because last time, normal was braindead easy, so the dumb gooks that can't balance difficulty even if their life depended on it swung way too far in the other direction. It's a fucking chore now, two rounds fornthe clins take like ten times longer than the daily five last time.
What's the next banner
u rike?
We'll know in like a days time. Odds are the new fairy will be on it.
Any strategy for Kamazone? Like reaching really high floors?
Are kamazone capsules farmable now? I want the new frame.
There's events that net you several thousand bottle caps. Dunno if you can farm those. I've been told they happen ever 5 floors. I got one on floor 5-1. So it must be true.
Is it me or co-op expe hits much harder ?
doing challenge mode with randoms is the most unfun thing ive ever done in this game.
well they removed the cheese so...
What happened to the single gacha coins for completing daily activities? Also how fucking bad are these banners on a gacha ball of all things? They fucking suck.
It is
>healer gets hit once it dies and coop is over
>DPS go retarded and either try to tank or just 1 is doing damage
>Tank can't manage the shields
after +2hours of playing i have only completed stage 1 of the normal side
I fucking HATE this
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How bad is coop expedition now, I haven't tried it yet. In game chat was full of people bitching. I just assumed they sucked.
Everyone needs to be actually good, not fooling around with no meme characters or there is no way to complete it, since the coop has a level cap and a time limit, there is no carrying around either
To get 4/4 good players is a rare thing
uooh emoji is fun tho...
Bryos... I can't even clear level 1 of normal coop expedition...
you guys are really making me eant to put this game on hold for a kong time
lol, is expo 3 even possible ?
nevermind it's possible, all you need is for guys to not die constantly
From what I gather. People are unknowingly losing coop because Craig absorbs damage dealt to other players. The main DPS charges into battle and essentially gets Craig killed. Dooming the entire party. If you see a Craig tank, just leave.
Essentially "Devs don't play the fuckin game" moment
They never bother doing a single playtest, right ?
>best mode is back
I’m thinking based
>think everyone was exaggerating about the coop
have Kong really never managed to make coop without being either a slog or hilariously bugged? fuck them and fuck their bootlickers
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It's up:
korean designed elves always have this kind of different aura to them

Next banners - Estelle, Orca, Marina and Nari
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I wonder if they're going to go with Estel or Estelle for global.
Is she coming with the new updates to the gacha system?
>Is she coming with the new updates to the gacha system?

Pretty sure the UI overhaul and the gacha system stuff are coming with season 3. There's a couple of changes with Estelle, but no mention of season 3 starting.

Any of you guys playing in EU and recruiting?
EU- Astrals (Plyt profile pic) , send a message with /gtg/ in it and I'll let you in.
Is there any requirements? I just started playing a week ago.
Nah we prioritise gtg'ers. Just do what you can.
Alright, I'll join tomorrow once my cd is off.
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So how do (You) anons prefer Oghma?
Sword and Shield or Rifle?
You don't "prefer" one, they perform different functions. Sword is a tank and gun is skill buffer.
What do I prioritize in Kama Zone shop as a newfag? Clear out the awakening stones or gamble for the rng box? I got 60k bottle caps
The loot boxes, . I would prioritise them first. Frame, costumes, weapon skins, gems. They're all in there. Stones you can make back whenever.
Is she good
Give it a day or 2 for the translation and videos.
one thing I still don't know is what does the first extra button of the dps does in coop expedition.
The game being made by koreans do explain quite a lot about it.
Ah. I thought it was something like that, but thanks for the confirmation
>new updates to the gacha system
QRD? Haven't been back here in a while.
Yup you did right noob
gacha system will make so, A- You can't instantly mileage a new hero and B- You'll be able to do a select draw of heroes you pick. All this is due for season 3. Not yet, not next update, maybe update after?

It's still rigged as fuck, so you won't get anything regardless. But its the thought that counts.
>can't instantly mileage a new hero
Seriously? That's so shit, guess it's back to quitting. Appreciate the heads up tho anon.
Wasn't it only the selection of the banners? that we couldn't pick the banner of the last hero and we had to wait
Either that or new releases couldn't be mileaged straight away. There were screenshots of the concept somewhere. I can't remember entirely.
>However, new heroes won't be available in selective pick-ups initially, and they won't be purchasable from the mileage shop until a certain period has passed.
So you can get endless jims from kamazone boxes? And there are events that drop 10k coins? Time to make a farm bot?
Sia and Miike any good to roll for?
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>finally reach the final boss in coop
>die because activating my chain skill moved me to one of duncan's balls
i prefer this over braindead coop and all but it's overtuned for random matchmaking. stage 1's difficulty should be as hard as it gets for something you grind every day with randoms.
Stage 1 isn't that bad if the other players (mainly the tank) know the gimmicks, such as the bullets enemies which could wipe out the whole run, or aggroing the two ogres against the boulders to make them lose the invicibility shield. Stage 3 is way overtuned, and did anyone managed to beat the stage 4 boss ???
Stage 3 is easy everyone just needs to do their part. Tank should aggro, healer should keep the tank alive and dmg dealers should kill the priority targets before it spams bullets.
The real problem is that the emojis suck ass. There is no "need heal" or "shield".
Stage 3 is unironically the easiest of the 4 even on challenge if you go tankless. I think Normal mode still enforces 2 DPS/1 Tank/1 Heal though, so I just avoid stage 3 for random dailies.
Where's the damn fairy translation I need to know if I can pull for sugma
>stage 4 boss
Its difficulty is the same as in the first test.
Just google reverse image search the pic with the details and click translate on the bottom. Or use the camera on your phone to translate it on the fly.
It feels more retarded than previously. Or maybe it's just the wheel of fortune of random match-up.
99% sure events happen every 5 floors. 5,10,15,20 and so on. I've tried and never got the events to happen a second time on these floors. I don't think they're farmable. I've gotten like 200 gems from 250,000 caps. The odds are beyond shit.
Sia's great for Colosseum, Boss Rush and Kamazone. Mikke is a melee basic raid character and arena unit only. I'd personally go Sia.
How does Kama-Zone bottle caps work? Are they going to disappear if I do not use them within 4 days? Or do they stack and only disappear until 5/14, which is the end of season?
Does the new auto mode drop caps? I still have some skins missing and I use them for hammers, but I guess I should dump it all on these boxes while I can?
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Use them all for the random 10,000 item box. Any unused will be converted. 1 cap = 45 gold.
I'd go boxes. I'm assuming the stuff there is limited.
Okay, so I still have 2 more weeks. I have 60k at the moment and I'm trying to get my first Aegis shield.
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Next boost is evolution stone dungeon. Save your bingo gacha spins until the next update. You'll get excess coffee you can use then. Don't bother spending balls now, there's no boost to use coffee on.
I've never seen anyone use it and most say it's shit. I've never used mine. Go with the boxes, the skins are quite nice.
Where will the skins go?
I pulled Oghma and it's apparently best in slot?
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You'll just keep them in your inventory until you equip them. I just had a look, the new game mode coming will let you buy an Aegis shield. Scroll about half way down on this-


Fuckma's gun is what you want. He's geared more towards raid now and a dps unit.
No I mean if they're still in the shop
I think they'll be purchasable through the shop with that new game mode they've got coming. I'm not entirely sure though
Is there a free ex weap for Miya, for new account as well?
Estelle friends -

How many Stellar Essence in average do you need for full ascension?
Part of me wants to say 320.
>coop expo
>normal 1
>play as tank
>get to room where thousands of balls hit you
>do the come to me emoji prior so everyone is safe
>set up shield
>everyone comes to me
>one guy runs through the shield and dies

I can't do this much more, people are complete retards.
>do the come to me emoji prior so everyone is safe
the mistake. You don't bother with that, when only two towers remain you go towards the right area, aggro the ball shooters and pop the shield.
Best part is, I was in the middle. All they had to do was not move. Fucker still went for it.
>Attacks like tinia
>No useful anything
Well that is an easy skip
Thanks for the heads up~
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These challenge coop expedition levels are brutal. Just tried the first one and that tower almost killed everyone. God knows what challenge 4 is like.
Estelle seems like nothing special
Challenge 4 is just Pan again, but with no wind towers and his tornados linger permanently now
For DPS and healer not much changes, but tank ideally wants to take those tornados now
She is in fact subpart.

>Regular attack does not pass obstacles
>Easy to dodge
>So is the WS
>Pretty much single target
>Passive requires not getting hit at all for 4 seconds to activate, which is unlikely in most content
welp that's it i'm rolling on oghma
Finally got 300 mileage. I have Oghma, Plague D, FP and Eunha. What order should I prioritize for current and next in line?
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i use clara because she cute
damn, this is lahn (cute) all over again
>Passive requires not getting hit at all for 4 seconds to activate, which is unlikely in most content
Not even colo worthy
Estelle bros......
I just tried Clara in coop expedition and she was shit. I wish John would give her a second ex.
Not gonna lie. I'm already bored of Coop Expedition. Can't even bring myself to do 2 normal matches for the tokens. Anyone else feeling it?
Sort of. Stage 4 has been hp buffed to the point that I really can't be arsed to waste 15-20 minutes to beat the boss (on normal) only to lose close to the end, but the two dailies are pretty quick as most people have learned the stage (it's 99% stage1) and can finish it almost every time.
Didn't received the sprout knight coins from today's coop exp. Is there a reason ?
You only get them if you help a noob complete the stage their first time. Unless you mean the sprout icon was lit up and you still didn't receive them?
No, the exchange shop coin. Got it, I guess I'm not gonna get more of them.
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Queue for Stage 3
Its safe and straightforward
why does everyone spam the cry emote
game full of indogs
eunha is in every room bro
So, we've just been scammed out of the bi-weekly 2.5k gem income, with the coop expedition ?
Probably justified when the healer dies in the first room.
What's wrong with eunha?
She's classed as a healer and by comparison to others, her healing stat is atrocious. Most attempt to use her as dps and get killed. I'd assume anyway.
Nope, her stats have been changed for the mode. That's why she heals a lot.
Eunha is the best slot on the coop expedition.
Must be down to the fact Sia, Aoba, Vinette and regular Loraine have additional healing abilities. Sia's got that thing that lets you launch a bubble at someone and heal them. Aoba's is brilliant because it's heat seeking.
I was making an uoh joke
You're high af
Gabriel is the best healer
>Heals every last attack
>Heals with WS
>Heals with chain
And if you have merch
>Healst every 5 secs
Because uohh tales anon
Not worth the loss of def debuff by any metric, a decent team shouldn't be taking enough damage that Eunha can't heal it off with vending machine
You know, I was kinda annoyed always getting the tank role, bur after playing with an absolute fucking retard of a tank right now, I rather be the tank.
Just wait until you get the healer who decides he's now the dps, mid fight. Some people are insane.
Mistakes will always happen and is better to be ready to heal than having troubles because someone died
>def debuff
It works now?, last season it was worthless
The easiest role to fill is dps, and still people will mess it up
I change roles depending on the day thanks to that
Getting a good party is the ultimate RNG
Personally I prefer not getting to Berserk on Duncan, which is guaranteed with Gab
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Coop Expedition has been nothing but a pain in the ass. On a side note it is funny seeing people in general chat seething, over the fact they can't speed run expedition to get 5 star relics for coop expedition.

How long before Ascended Gremory-sama?
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Current director can't make her justice
so is better if she doesn't get ascended
man, coop is just oo hard
hope they release the skin and stuff later because im not playing it
what do i build for my first expedition team? i have chrom and claude both
Chrom team = Chrom, Idol Eva, Valencia and Rodent Nari. Give Chrom either Sohee's magiton buster or the lnw 2000 rifle.

Claude = Claude, Oghma, Karina and 1CC.

Teaten statue and Weapon skill regen cards for the leads. Attack on kill for everyone else.
>Give Chrom either Sohee's magiton buster or the lnw 2000 rifle

As the second ex I mean. Use her own in the first slot.
People keep saying we can buy Super Costume next update. Aren't they already available for purchase with 300 threads in the shop?
Yeah, it's all a scam. There'll be other stuff in the stuff in the shop like awakening stones or whatever. Better than the current trash. We're also getting less gems because of coop exp.
Can you link the notes?
Actually, they are making team pvp the other gem income after arena week. Cause they're all pvp brain diseased
>play gook game
>get gook'd on
why would the gooks do this ?
Few gook games out there that don't just swap shit on the core of the game. In a way, we may need to play less weekly if you just gun for master. But PVP is still annoying.
>Play coop
>Someone is too low DPS
>Someone keeps dying
I wish I could brutalize the devs who made stat bloat.
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Pic related, prepare to get F'd in the A, bro.


How do you even stack SD high enough to reach over 70% damage reduction?
I'd bet good money that their intention is to counter this in preparation for the Kamazone coming back, more than anything.-


If it's for Colo, I'm sure some whale has found a strategy to cheese wins using LP statues.
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New hero for CN server.
the new cuckqueen
Are we getting this bitch?
Like every other hero, yes
>water ranged when Light is beyond fucked

Fucking KONG
>overdesigned genshin looking bitch
I fucking sleep holy shit
Do the world a favor and make it permanent.
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Well, it was a good run..
Cope and seethe kek
Wait for her ascension bro. She'll solo.
why coop is getting harder and harder..
Skill issue
>Mode designed for end game players
>Shop rewards are shit for end game players
>End game players don't play new mode as a result
>New players forced to compete in end game mode without help from end game players
When is the next maintenance?
gooks fucking shit up, just EoS already
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>Water ranged
>Doesn't reduce def
>When water melee exists
>Boring hero
Kong is really keeping us in maintenance mode aren't they?

I bet the idiots currently making characters and modes don't even know the mechanics and are disconnected with the game itself
LP statue is not even that strong
>1 thread is worth only 60 jimmies
Well shit, at least they give hero crystals and stones
What annoys me is the fact they keep pumping out new shitty characters. Give the old forgotten ones new ex weapons.
GT is only getting better, there will be no eos
I miss the schizos. Being told months in advance what would happen was always very useful.
EoS, here your prediction
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Went back in for one final run.
>try to put Oghma in coop
>gun missing in inventory
>check on normal mode to make sure i didnt somehow accidentally sell it
>no hes actively using it
>check on coop again
>no gun in inventory
>check by rarity to make sure im not blind
>its actually just not there
daily coop, why did gooks thought it was a good idea ?
nvm im fucking retarded, his gun only shows up when hes placed in attacker
but everyone's else guns shows up in only defense
It's because using his own gun alters his kit.
>really good team in coop
>reach boss
>"server connection disconnected"
I've had it even worse
> Finally defeat boss
> characters start to do that winning pose thing
> servers connection disconnected
> It doesn't register
FUCK YOU KONG, if I live in america I would genuinely go to a school and start runnin and gunning in minecraft.
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is there a beginners pastebin or a doc for this game?
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Try that. If not - TLDR - Euhna(Literally known as devs daughteru) , Beth, Kamael, Claude, Karina, Miya, Chrom. Invest in all of them, you'll need them all at some point and all are busted.
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Here a couple of tips, hope it helps!
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Only time I wanted option change stones....
Is it me or did they screwed a bit with the labose speed?
thanks a lot
I think its pretty quick. Just cheese the fuck out of it with mono dark.
amazing how they make so many new characters but still can't top the og waifus it's hilarious
most of them i just tend to forget about soon after
what's the next rotation boost ?
Evo stone boost. Save your Capsule Machine coins until it goes live since you'll get a ton of coffee out of them.
Is Tinia and her ex good? I got spooked
She has symbol def shred on her secondary attack which means she can work in some meta raid teams if you don't have alternates. Earth with her EX obviously, but she can use other elements as well.
Does statue of bravery work in pvp?
Yes. It's actually really annoying
If it does, is Mayreel's Merch still BiS for lead or the statue?
>always buy the 5k hammer
I agree that's more of a thing to do later in the game when you already have a couple of team ready.
>spend gems to get meme metal
Good for ranged light and ranged earth in raid
not op sometimes exchangeable with CC but its good to have units that you can switch with
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Why is a magician so fucking ripped?

As a newfag i farmed A LOT of mirror rings
while bad for raid i have used them in colo, pve, kamazone and arena so i don't regret it
Any tips on how to farm sharpshooter goggles or yellow hammers?
You can't farm yellow hammers. Unless you get real lucky on the gacha balls. As for any weapon, mystery evolving or using the 10/10 daily boost on the item rift.
She's a shrine maiden equivalent with her title I think. Magician is just one of her specialties
the fucking bacteria moves too quickly this week
Are legendary awakening stones always must buy in Caravan Shop? It costs 300 gems
What the fuck is wrong with this matchmaking it keeps putting me in empty rooms when I know there are partial ones
Never bought any, gems are better spent elsewhere
Used to skip them all the time, but tried buying them for a month to see how it is since I have a surplus of gems.

Noticeable drain on gems, not a significant impact on full awaken rate (never really starved for stones). Would not recommend
Alright, we have the blueprint trade in event anyways.
>opened 50x sprout knight's gift box
>i only got 1 fucking controller
this shit is scam man..
Is 150 Co-op expedition coins the max you can get daily for non challenger?
In this beta, yes. You just do 2 random normal matches a day. Challenge coin rewards refresh once per week.
you guys are playing that? queue with retards give me physical pain
The mode is a chore
But the rewards are good
I'm a new player and it gave me access to 4* relics earlier than expected. Already managed to reroll somewhat mid game stats for a 4* book.
2 dailies are fine. Deliberately select healer so you know your team isn't relying on a retard. Other than that it's a chore.
What the hell man
/e7g/ is in another block rabibro
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Kong better drop us a Rat Princess costume.
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I love me some chinese sword girls with ponytails
That shop might work out better. I'm still missing merch because of bad luck. I've had more super costume dupes recently than panda statues.
I ain't getting the rest of the kamazone items before they pull the plug
At least I got the frame
how do you get the little clarinet white snow costume
Can you reset max limit broken weapon or is that not a thing?
Why would you want to reset it? Also, they're making a new system that increases the power of MLB weapons further using more dupes iirc.

here we go...
Not gonna use Shuna and her weapon
No way to reset an mlb'd weapon to get the hammers back.
I hate Eunha so much its unreal
Eunha defence leads are free wins in colo.
For me its Beth, only see Eunha on lower rankings. Once I went pass that a certain rank fill with eunha into the top 100, my 4 month old newbie ass geared towards monolight is like shooting a barrel of fish. Heck, It seems my presence alone have contributed to more people in top 100 using eunha in defense teams.
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I think these skins will be available on our end later too?
> that carol skin
MK.99 enjoyer here. That skin looks like shit.
What is lushitna even supposed to be here ?
>that MK99 skin
Damn I want it
Stella jammies...
Mk skin trash
should i do these event missions just to get the coins? i still haven't got Mikke, Clara and her EX
Only if you have the gems to spare and want to try your luck for what you're missing. The return from the coins won't add up to the gems you'll lose (likely not getting anything).
Mikke is a potential raid DPS for melee basic once they actually get more units for it, and a decent runner for arena, Clara I don't think has anything she's fantastic at, she works in nothing in particular to a decent degree.
thanks for your response. after thinking about it, i decided not to do it. i'm going to be saving my stash for the new Chinese unit Yun
is there a calculator for EvoDungeon/Stamina during boosted event? Or does anyone know how much stamina you need from 3* base to 5*?
I have some old numbers I wrote down. I would get around 95~105 stones using 250 coffee daily (the ten x3 boost, then sweeps of 3 with regular x2 boost).
Some other daily totals:
>430 coffee for 164 stones
>430 coffee for 167 stones
>600 coffee for 194 stones
Am I missing something here? How come the attack power difference is so big? Karina is fully awakened too or is this because PD is a nat 3*?
Oops, forgot pic related
Karina is just abnormally shit in this mode and even lacks her powerful healing because of DPS class
Okay good, I thought my game was bricked
That PD looks kinda different
I saw a Bari do nuclear tier damage on the first challenge. Her and Mayreel rip this one to pieces.I think certain characters are op on certain challenges. Make sure you run an injury negation card for those shifty towers.
Bari has a mode specific buff that makes her top tier for challenge 1, you can see it by clicking "Details" in that screen.
Rosetta is even more busted with Hekate's EX. Mad Panda Trio as well, but I've only seen one in dozens of runs.
There are a bunch of characters who got individual buffs like that, but they're not really relevant in other stages aside from Bianca being serviceable on C2.
>Rosetta is even more busted with Hekate's EX

This might explain why I saw someone straight up running Hekate. If it's her ex, would it also work with Chrom to an extent? Or is it mainly the elemental typing?
Hekate is "good" for a different reason in that she can kind of cheese Duncan by shooting from outside, but a good team can kill him way faster
Chrom sort of works as copium, but Rosetta is good because of the mode specific buff I mentioned
That mk99 skin is so good it should had been a Super Costume
ha! implying the 5 interns doing maintenance have the time for that!! T-T
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Fags on R*ddit already complaining her tits are hanging out lol
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Something wrong with your export settings?
Yeah, I fucked it up trying to get the file size under the limit


TLDR- Next banners - Vishuvac, Ara, Rosetta and Toga. Nightmare world 14 confirmed. Count Chad soon hopefully
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The limit is annoying. Well, we really only needed:
I'm at 260 rolls without a 3*
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So, how much did you get for the Exchange Shop?
close, 200k
>only 2600 yarn
86,000. Not bad considering I don't need a single super costume.
Around 300k or so? I managed to empty out everything that isn't an evo box + two evo box sets.
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The new mode seems more fun than kamazone at least, though they seem to have forgotten to put a counter to keep track of how much of the new currency you have.
Also, isn't "great granny" Elvira's grandmother? Guess we're gonna be seeing more of the crime syndicate.
I forget which part of the game it's in, but there's a scene where Arabelle (I think) Is talking to Granny and she's in a bed so big you could fit 100 people in it. Glad Kong are branching out, feels nice lore wise.
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By the way, some next update news summarized

>Vishu ranged EX buff
>Odille JP voice
>Nightmare 14
>New mode gets a currency counter
>Kamazone temporarily closed, all bottlecaps owned get converted into 45 gold each after the update, so make sure to spin the reward gacha since it's more worthwhile
okay, but is she meta? inb4 sex meta
Bros I recently got every merch at 5*, which dupes should I go for next?
>>Vishu ranged EX buff

Vish bros, we've won.
holy fucking shit, the sex truck has arrived
Where's raid anon?, I'm getting worried.
So how's Estel?
How long has it been since we have an actually sexy character?
2 words. A skip. Really slow for arena, no use in raid. I would save for the super sexo >>1461221
So little that I only had enough for one SC
>How long has it been since we have an actually sexy character?
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At least you bought the right super costume, right anon?
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Of course
>replaced the newfag friendly exploration with a mode that is anti newfag
Why? Are they that desperate to lower retention and EoS
How is it not newfag friendly? There's tiers of difficulty just like kamazone.
why they keep making this shit daily man
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gooks love mindless grind, they want to feel like they're working at samsung on their free time
The new mode is freaking daily too? At least this one has sweep.
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Be honest: are you gonna buy it, anon?
What ? The switch ? No.
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CN version finally went up (for extra options):
Do these stack?
Is PD really that good?
Is now a good time to mlb Aegis shield?
The 20% DEF shred on hit from his EX wep and universal normal attack/skill party buff is why he can round out multiple melee teams that are lacking a complete set.
How often do characters get buff/nerf? Also, was there any instance that they included gear balance?
Sent Dark melee raid from the pits of hell, to being almost as good as dark ranged raid. This guy is no joke.
Thank fuck I held out my 500 mystic thread. Almost got all sc, just missing mayreel, lucy, and nari, all heroes I don't have.
And how many points you think those lower difficulties net you? And let's not forget that it demands a lot more characters to be available to use.
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What's the verdict on this new game mode? Anyone figured out how to unlock the OrcaXMarina sex scenes yet? Also, how'd the monthly meme box go? I'm saving for Toga.
>monthly meme box
A dupe of black mamba, a weapon I already MLB'd the 900 scam box gave me Yuna's EX, so at least that's new
It sucks for new fags like me

I'm netting only 39k points. At least in Kama-zone I can easily do cheese strats thanks to the 4k point benefits
>lvl99 Armada now
When will Marina be useful again
>new shop doesn't show how many coins you have
Nice design, am I supposed to guess how much I have?
Anon, I....
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Next update fixes that
That should have been there from the start, it's not like they don't have half a dozen currencies that ARE shown in their respective shop.
I started playing this game and it's really charming. Never seen a gacha game that could make me smile like this. Puzzles are clever too at times. Only on World 4 ofc it might get bad but for now I like
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>make me smile like this
>Only on World 4
I can't tell if you mean it gets funnier or it gets sadder? There are just a lot of visual gags that are funny. I feel like they're sort of doing a LISA/Mad Max/Scientology thing with World 4 but it should turn out alright.
Don't worry about, just enjoy the ride.
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ok.. any tips? The combat isn't very difficult rn, my party is in my screenshot. I think I might replace the slime because he's getting boring
Not much to work with there, work on Karina and Craig, those two are excellent when ascended. Don't know about Orca, but Win Ling is fire melee raid only and Marina has no use.
Marina's still pretty good as a barrier bot since she can chain from any debuff to injury
Craig will make campaign a breeze. You get him for free after World 7
I have that guy already, he's a massive metal suit or something. I'll try him out since Rimuru is getting boring
Karina was probably the thing that made me fall in love with the game. Her following you, trying to kill you, and immediately freaking out in the sun made me laugh. But then when literally fifteen seconds later she leaps out of the bushes at me and misses, I said hah! hahahahahuhu
It seems that the way the new mode works is, it'll cycle through elements, and give first clear rewards per element, once it loops back, the first clears are gone.
Challenger is a pain in the ass even for end game players.
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Everybody hates it because the AI is garbage and waits in front of slow charging instant-death beams every time.
Stamina is really limited huh. Why the refresh so expensive and it only restores 50.
Do orbital lift for extra. Kong usually chuck us a bone once in a while with a couple of hundred in the mail
I think I'm too dumb to make good progress
Or I can cope and call it a dumb whale mode
>40k gams = gone
>white box count = 0
She is just cute and not even that much thanks to the AI art

lazily doing challenge lv5 i already got what i wanted from it
So... they need to balance these rewards
The mode itself is so-so
Like the slime arena mode you only will make one team to fight most of the elements
>Do several rounds of Tetis hero game mode
>5+ rounds
>change teams and keep failing by the Orca fight
>MFW I had no idea you have to select character faces in the game mode to use their skills

Is there any hope for me at this point?
The gacha experience
I wasted like 50k gems trying to get geh cat and his weapon, got one at least
>I have been just having the ai do everything since i couldn't grasp how to play it manually
You're doing fine
eh? There is an auto skill cast on by default though
And how many 3* you got along the way? Because that's the white box equivalent
LMAO wrong thread?
>Spending 24k gems on an useless unit
Gotta respect that autism
nta, but if you have been playing long enough to have all the important units, why not dickpick?
No unit to pull for until the anniversary. Which is in 3 months so I went all in for the first collab
Is anni after or during Himari banner?
>there is a 4.5 and 5 between himari and anni
uhhh, there is no way I will the pyros for all of that, even if I still have quite a bit of story and missions to do.
Just save all pyros and at least get 400 pulls during anniversary. Pretty sure it's 5% rate for 3* and pray for Himari spook
oh shit!
They are finally giving us makoto!
I'm saving my gems for that, i want my based retard... also blue tank for reasons
Guardian tales mode is... something uh?
>Blue Archive Collab leaked

I fucking knew John Kong was a sellout.
Kong please ascend marvin or make another chad unique character please please please. All this succubi pngs showing off their boobs acting like a 5 year old makes me sick.
Coffee and gems:
Don't forget to claim these manually
Somebody explain the new mode to me I haven't tried it yet
All you need to know is rewards refresh daily so you're already bricked.
Did Toga revive fire raid?
tried to get elf slut in 3 pulls, got pymon instead.
Is he still meta in arena or anything at all?
The first clear rewards are only there per element, once it loops around they're gone. If you beat an element challenge and fuck off, you're fine.
So they exchanged the mode in which you could get a merch without coffee to a mode in which you have to spend a lot of coffee to get a merch?
EOS coming soon
Is there a list of best units for the new mode?
M8, it's just colo but everyone can cast skills.
People run Pymon in colo to fuck up Craig leads.
It's like +4,4k currency per difficult 6 clear, so you end up with +27k points if you do first clear on all of them on that. I think it goes up to around +36k if you bother to do challenger?
Are pure element atk% substat in equipments, better than raw atk%?
>It's like +4,4k currency per difficult 6 clear
So he said that it was
>The first clear rewards are only there per element, once it loops around they're gone.
Really not feeling this trend of making more and more grindy gamemodes that are completely unfun to play and that need constant participation.
It's kind of obvious they're trying to heavily pad playtime to boost their metrics and it's pretty pathetic.
Yeah, which is why I was giving the rough total with 27k from doing first clears with elements, or challenger.
>a gunblade
we ff8 now
The attacks are really slow, but the skills are cool
How come I'm fighting level 100 shitters in Arena while I'm only level 85? I thought the level is adjusted
>I thought the level is adjusted
In TDM, not regular arena
>Ranged for fire raid
While being pure sexo
Not bad
I like my fire melee, since i hate using elvira, but its a nice unit overall
Guess it's time to take a break then. Been trying to push. But, so far 19 out of 20 matches were against a level 100. I just started going afk on round1 to waste time.
...i have been getting 300 gems
Well shit
I'll keep it in mind, thanks anon
Arena pay to win, it's not even worth wasting time on it.
Is she supposed to be a minotaur or a goat?
it's additive so no.
BIGJACKISBACK 50 coffee 100 gems
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