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>Admin files

What is she doing!?
Flaunting her ass ofc. Don't let that screen distracts you.
We're truly a dead game
It's up
That's why they got for playing with fire (males in waifu collection gacha game).
so that's why there's no fire ... tyr
PC client doko...
S vidar when
>Jinei don't have Heart Link story.
>you can't even put her in dorm.
>but Bastet can.
she sleeps in admin dorm
Chapter 12 was actually a really good read. Put it off for so long, but it was an actually interesting story. Chapter 13 on the other hand is just boring as hell.
and we're gonna have to deal with Fantasy China for the next few months too, cherish those creative stories before this cause it's gonna be a while to sift through all the faux-Wuxia
It's already half way done since they are rushing patches. At least we didn't have to spend over half a year in China town.
Does gengchen sigil usable in any other capacity in the near future? Such as other modifier can utilize it better or not?
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What is Aether Gazer's biggest problem?
not enough lolis
Not enough coomskins.
No PC client and gengchen destroys emu with her particles.
Gengchen skin hurt my emulator
Mainly my dick but yeah
All good answers but none hit the mark. It's the existence of male playable characters. Without them AG could be of the best gachas out there.
The days already passed and the future looks bright for m*leschizobros. Just accept that your account is bricked if you get spooked by them.
Yostar is not gonna like that...
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In case someone is having the same issue.
Game was crashing after about one minute on every emulator ever since last week.
Disabling real time protection on windows 10's antivirus somehow fixed it.
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Sisters won
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Yingzhao soon?
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>Still no 1.7
>Fire Tyr gets a rerun with edgy Kagu patch.
At this rate I am sure they will combine 1.7 and edgy Kagu into one patch.
>lost another potential +10k stars because they skipped Flame Tyr patch
Thanks Yostar, you're so generous.
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They are going to skip 2.5 too since it was a filler patch with Hera rerun as the only banner.
I will wait for Yingzhao rerun instead since there's no way I can get enough to roll for Mitsuha and Izanami with how little shit they are giving us while skipping all the padding patches so we don't have time to build up anything.
Yostar treats this game like the red-headed stepchild in terms of attention and Genshin killed Honkai clones (keep in mind the OG wasn't all that popular outside of China to begin with). And honestly...the art direction just feels uninspired and lacking, even regarding the coomskins.
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I hope I get her with soft pity. I won't do hard pity with how rushed they are now.
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Sup, i'm an AL fag, i am midly interested in AG since its from Yongshi.
What are your opinions on the game right now?
Beginner tips?
it's fine for a casual sidegame, emphasis on just fine
they are moving towards coombait after failing their genshin gambit
I see, is manjuu involved at all in this for the art at least?
don't think so, they are not listed in the credits
Wait for pc client
>seething sea
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big tit
Being inferior to pgr
where is her banner i want to rooooooooolllll
Needs to distance itself more from Genshin's clothing style to stand out, also PC client
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Bastet skin rerun
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Old event skins rerun
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Nah, PGR's story and UI are a mess and even the character designs are lacking. The only thing it has over AG is Nanami.
It also has Ayla. I don't think I've ever seen the proportions get nearly as nutty as this in AG
this slut >>1423163 gets close
Her playstyle looks like meele to me
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While you are waiting, you can unlock the 120fps mode on emulator by setting the model string to that redmagic phone they collabed with.
Her punches create shockwave so I guess that qualifies as range attack, just as dumb as Asrua being a range character.
>just as dumb as Asrua being a range character.
I'll never get over it.
Aether dogshit.
Aether lov
But pls, a bit slower sweetie
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Sorry but i refuse to take your money to fuel my gacha anime girls addiction
How do you play as Uber girl?
New slut incoming
>that bright white light covering her chest
ah there we go, that's the China censors at work
>S Shu combo
man I hope she gets a syncro cause otherwise that's not going anywhere
You know it's good when you see the white mist censor
Is there a lore reason for reusing the sasanami visbanized retainers or just being cheap?
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Countdown: https://timee.io/48v
Luliang looks like she smells good
What is Ying Zhao for?
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Can't say I care about the next event
wtf I was thinking the same thing
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Give me 2 reasons why I should waste my time on this.
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>finished this last week just casually doing a run every few day
I wish this reset faster, I need more syncro mats
Kuni's synchro...
Damn. The only reason why I played PGR was Ayla, it's also why I dropped it. I didn't want anyone else particularly and guys were spooks. AHHHH GET OFF YOUR ASS JAPAN COME ON MAKE A COOMER COPY OF CN AND KR GAMES
I doubt that's even possible with the current state of JP gaming industry, even panty shots had become a luxury.
Nornium is coom as fuck but it's chinese so guess I'm waiting for that one.
Aether Gazer was close to reaching its full potential but it might be too late at this point.
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Unlimited combo Athena with Poseidon sig was worth buying one bp just for the fun.
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it's time to merge into sister
I wouldn't put much faith in JP devs, especially the gacha ones. Their tech is just too far behind compared to CN/KR and they struggle just to find an overseas publisher. Plus they have the Hollywood problem where they have a billion IPs they can leech off of as a substitute for quality, and most new IPs these days aren't particularly horny...
They could, and have been outsourcing their stuff to CN/KR nowadays so tech issue isn't their crippling weakness. The problem is that they still treat mobage as some kind of low budget projects which they would shutdown at a drop of a hat, and their insane obsession toward those multi media projects where they just waste their money for a bunch of irrelevant crap instead of spending it on the games.
Honestly I have zero hope for JP companies to be able to recover from the current CN/KR onslaught with their shitty mindset. Even fucking Cygames have been dabbing into the console games to expand their market.
>outsourcing their stuff to CN/KR nowadays so tech issue isn't their crippling weakness.
Yeah, until they decide to stop lending their services (not like I expect that to happen)
Real talk, none of the games I know of that resulted from such a arrangement led to Honkai-tier stuff. The Date-a-Live gacha? Crossing Void? That Blazblue Gacha? That one shitty Gurren Lagann gacha form a while back? Hell, not even Action Taimanin comes close. Though I guess it's because it's like you say, Japs don't treat these kinds of games like major investments.
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yea no, i putting her on ai
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Seggsss...Finally I can get 3rd sync for Ausar
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omg this chasm 6.
another 1 min fight.
i used most of my built up mods to beat that boss and have no one left to complete the other stages.
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60 seconds DEF boost is bullshit.
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any f2p that clears this round gets double the respect.
i did a few attempts but i know i ain't gonna beat it. good luck fellow f2p bros!
Despair, joy, disbelief. Fine, I will buy your packs.
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>Roughly 80 rolls worth of shifted star left.
>Should be able to get the rest for Mitsuha from this patch.
>Afterward things would be much more manageable with 90 rolls banners, and they also finally run out of shit to rush.
I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I only have 40 rolls. I need to save.
kuni is powercrept by Yingzhao right
So does Wind boobs need her Functor?
I don't think they even have the same role in the team.
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Aiee I'm rich
lmao bricked
PC when? I wanna take some 4K screenshots.
just saw the art any news for PC ?
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guide on bilibili recommend it if you take her right codes
>Right S
>Left A
She wants her functor regardless of which codes you pick for her.
I love Ver!
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Half related but Manjuu finally revealed their new project.
Another open world game, and seems like there are only playable female characters.
>open world
I might play for cute girls
Manjew/Yostar rarely do simultaneous release so I doubt we'll see it soon.
hol up this is just anime palworld
>China flavor
>Actual cute characters.
>Decent combat system, at least from the look of it.
Would you take it?
No because I have mental illness and play already 6 gachas. Genshin ruined me and I just can't be bothered play open world gachas anymore. It's sad because maybe I would've tried it if I wasn't burnt out from exploring big open maps.
Since their website already has JP/EN region switch it's probably a simultaneous release.
Nice, but idk. I probably pass. Never fancy the open world slop that started from recently. I guess I'll still take a dip.
Not really a fan of open world mobage myself either. I prefer explore stuff at my own pace but these games always force you to rush the exploration as fast as possible, or else you won't be able to catch up with the daily and event grinding, which would get really tiresome after the honeymoon period is over, and is the main reason people feel burnt out after a while.
For me it's more like I'm getting insulted since usually you need to get around to open chest and more than often it only contains 1 or 2 jims. My dignity isn't that low to dig around for that amount.
What's with the weird pokemons?
Monster companion/taming seems to be weirdly popular in chink open world games for whatever reason, I have seen a few ones with that concept, they just look more pokemons like in this game.
Seems like they are going for safe designs + monster catching, Chinks love this shit probably will be popular in china, they aren't burnt out of genshin clones like the west is
>they aren't burnt out of genshin clones like the west is
It's pretty funny since the only "genshin clone" that actually got released so far is Tower of Fantasy while the rest is still in cooking phase.
I guess Aether Gazer is going down now that they're making another game.
The new game is by Manjuu, while AG is by Yongshi. Those 2 aren't the same company so I don't think they would have anything to do with each other.
If anything Aether Gazer will only improve
Its been doing great recently, right? Especially after Izanami
Wait this is the """S""" Ver patch
>S Ver
If only.
We should get the last Xu Heng story update next week and can finally say goodbye to the China town.
I'm really fucking tired of Kagutsuchi. I only need one more copy to SSS the fucker. At least my next rolls are both guaranteed unless 90 rolls hit first.
Keep rolling
They probably introduce 90 rolls on annis. So we only got mitsuha left for this 50/50 bullshit.
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90 rolls are separated banners from the usual 50/50 rolls banners so your current progress will stay the same regardless.
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do you think its better to chase after new characters or sig functors, cause I was on a sig functor binge recently and I'm low on funds, and I wasn't sure if it was better to pour more funds towards S.Hera's sig, or wait to pick up an entirely new character instead, I guess I'm just not sure what the priority is
Depends on your box, but chinks dps rarely need sign functor to function and S Hera gap between signlet or with sign is insane. I reckon if you got enough dps for 3 teams, you probably want S.Hera sign functor.
at this point I have
>Jinwu+Lingguang with an Asura (w/ functor, that came almost by accident at this point)
>Thor+Ausar (both with functor) and a rotating third slot (usually Heimdall)
>Hades+Oneroi+Bastet (none with functor)
>Oceanus+Enil+SLevi (none with functor)
The bottom two feels substantially weaker than the top, but they still clear weekly fights well enough, so I guess I'm just thinking about whether anything in the future is worth really breaking this core, or if things will get hard enough where I'll NEED to break this just to clear (and fuck chasm I clear up to stage 4 every week, I'm no whale), if I got Hera's functor she'd probably end up with Thor+Ausar at this rate
2 next banner(Mitsuha+Izanami) will shakes the games core. But Mitsuha need sign functor, so if you're confident you can grab all of them instead.
You can wait for the functor so it's not that difficult
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co-op mode this patch?
>co-op mode
There should be a tower defence mode coming you can play with others, like actually playing in the same game room.
>you can play with others
Why would anyone want that
rateup return are slow, functor is always there, so always prioritize on mods
so just keep buying the monthly pass thing that give 10 functor rolls and get a functor every 7months?
Will they add Bastet's functor to the co-op shop eventually? If not, I think I might just get B-Ver's functor.
All A functors get added to the BP shop eventually, but the way they are cutting and merging patches make it really hard to predict when they will hit the shop.
Ugh I don't really know whether I should grab YingZhao functor or not. It doesn't seems to simplify enough for retarded player like me.
If you use her blue code build I don't think it matters much, but if you use her yellow codes build then it simplifies her rotation by a ton, since you can stack all of her derivative skills instead of being limited to 1 only.
Blue is basically spam enhanced right? Mainly skill 2, but then again I don't understand how to proc the spam on godly mode or some shit. It always on cooldown for me.
Who is the third member for Thor main team?
Blue requires you to cast a skill after a normal dodge without directional input, this kinda requires strict timing.
Yellow is about stacking then spamming her derivative skills.
>Thor main team
Hera or Lingguang.
Do you need the perfect dodge timing for the normal dodge? I can't really understand what to do at the start because of 5 DG requirement.
The window for her dodge is pretty huge, there is a small slowmo and screen blur effect whenever you manage to dodge successfully, and there is a yellow aura around her when she uses her enhanced skills so you can tell if it's working or not.
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New code: YingzhaoTrade
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They could at least give us this form as B Vert skin.
Great news!
I hope they do the same for AG.
How? Genderbending all the males? Removing the males from all accounts?
Same, as what? They aren't going to remove male characters out of the game at this state, that would create more problems than just simply pretend they don't exist, and probably release one or two new male characters per year as they have been doing.
i am hoping for no more m*le banners in the future.
faggots, trannies, fujos and other mentally ill subhumans already have genshin and they can stay there. plz no infect other games.
getting a m*le spook when rolling is a terrible disaster.
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Losing the 50/50 to fucking Ryugiri when I don't have Linguang, Osiris, Thor, Hades, Jinwu feels fucking terrible and I'm on the cusp of dropping this dedge.
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Have faith anon they still have time!!
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>Imagine if instead of WW they made a Armored Nanami Core game about girls in plugsuits riding cool mechs
All things considered I haven't played PGR all that long but what kept me there was staring at Nanami doing her cute, little animations on the main screen and not just that, the entire character concept in gameplay and design is cool as fuck too. I'll never get how they went from characters like that to
>hey let's do genshin too! but it's all not!chinese this time!
despite that even the not!chinese androids in pgr have way better designs than whatever they were thinking with the characters in ww.
I don't like mechs, I like Nanami. Anyway the WuWa thread is this one >>1394207
So what's the efficient way of enchanting? Find a red bottom stat and lock it or just use blues and purples to find a red stat and roll from there?
For me, it's do gold one until red stat, lock red stat for another red.
Anyone know the answer?
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I kneel
This >>1430573 but only the top 3 red stags (attack, crits % drits dmg) keep rolling if you get elem damage or anything else.
Is this the best design this game can release? No wonder is EoSing in a few months, lol
Why not? Tower of Fantasy did it with the revamp. Not like it saved them.
Funny how only now are retarded devs realizing that pandering to the male gaze was the answer all along. It's too late for snow break and brown dust, and it's too late for this game too.
Yongshi should honestly just bend the knee and genderbend the males. It isn't like the game is gonna grow unless they do something huge and unexpected.
Honestly yeah. Legally speaking, they aren't allowed to remove or change an unit aspect, but they can simply stop releasing males and ignore that they ever happened (not even mention them in the story or events), and go full pandering.
They could also remove them from the gacha and add them to an archive that you can farm if you really want them. They are well in their way to EoS anyways, and not attracting any new players.
Rebranding like this will attract new blood, the amount of fags players lost would be worth it.
>Tower of Fantasy did it with the revamp. Not like it saved them.
As a Genshin clone, it was doomed the moment it was branded as actually P2W by many.
>Funny how only now are retarded devs realizing that pandering to the male gaze was the answer all along.
That's because early chink/korean gachas were just copying mmos, specifically the P2W part. The fanservice was there, but very few mmos relied SOLELY on it
>It's too late for snow break and brown dust
I think Snoggers still have a chance, but BD2 will probably be forgotten just like every other gook gacha that isn't Blue Archive or Nikke
So there's still a chance?!
i was looking for a thread of a chink 3d mechamusume (艾塔纪元, sadly nothing) and then i noticed this one
whats the difference with project gotham racing? they basically look the same from the outside
It's a sibling afterall. The noticeable difference is the party(no switch) system with decent AI and lack of match 3 so its kinda smoother.
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>New phys supporter got released
>Is still not enough to bump Athena out of the bottom tier 2.
It's over.
I guess we will finally get a new phys DPS next patch.
so what's Sekmet's deal, I heard she's a phys support, is that what makes her so good, is she the reason B Ver is still at T1 somehow
B Vert is still at tier 1 because they don't release any new B-A mods, so there is no reason to shuffle the top rankers around.
oh, and here I thought it was relative to the rest of the S rank mods, my bad
>light chink boyfaggot spear is T2 already
She dropped to T2 like 2 patches ago.
glad to see tsukuyomi t1.
i missed all her banners and want her badly.
are we getting any s rank selectors soon?
if not i will roll during her next banner.
You need ss, functor and buzenbo forma vergil for that T1 though.
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You also have to do the same for Kuni, it's a fixed 3 man team to get the best output.
Kuni has farmable shard and gen-zone actually works for her since her codes give her crit damage and gen-zone crit rates complements her kit but Buzenbwo wants it too I suppose.
>140 scans to get Yingzhao

My stars...
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Just imagine the yingzhao swimsuit bro. It's worth it.
I don't know if I should get Wind Eula or not. I already have Wind Seele! with Functor.
so far i'm not really impressed with yingzhao+luliang damage wise
Coom factor was the main reason people rolled for her, team wise you have to transfer Lingguang from Jinwu team to her team, which is already a demerit since Jinwu is a far superior DPSer than her, and later Izanami simply leaves her in the dust. And her gameplay could be either fun or annoying depend on how braindead you are.
Hey at least we got a preview of S Ver.
I agree that the fact you must use 2 hands to play her is so fucking annoying.
Is better to read the main story or side story first? If they're related at all.
PRG exists and game is not fast enough, can kill shit just spamming attack button
The new side stories don't connect directly to the current story arc so you can just read whenever you feel like it.
Stop playing just let /it/ die
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>the two CNFbwos that came back to roll for gengsex are gone again
Time to Sister sis
>Male characters
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Azur Promolia is 2 steps down.
oh wait, multiplayer mode
>laggy and massive fps drops
Worst event so far.
and it's an unplayable mess, feels like not picking gengchen is just griefing, game isn't balanced for this
Yups, that shit is unplayable. The stars aint worth for the pain in the ass it gives.
Their attempts at "multiplayers" have been fucking awful so far, remember matrix crusade?
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Join lummies.
>matrix crusade
it wasn't that bad, since it's basically just conquering nodes up to the bosses and killing them, sure competent guilds can clear them much faster compared to dead / casual guilds
the problem is you can't remove any inactives during the entire duration of the event which is beyond retarded
the random guild i join had like 50% inactives by the time the event ended and thankfully after purging it managed to get new members to fill the slots
I've tried it twice now, first time was super laggy until the other players disconnected.

Second time had no noticeable lag except for when you dodged.

Anyway a co-op mode is kind of weird when you are expected to sit solo defending a tower rather than fighting as a group.
I can't even enter the stages. What a clusterfuck.
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100 kilos Jinwu...
Did my first Jokurr Normal.

Some lag here and there.

One player didn't do anything at all.

I don't want to try Hard...
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Never ever. Gay yongshi
She needs correction!
>That hair and outfit.
Looks neither cute or sexy. What do you even want it for?
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>One player didn't do anything at all
multiboxbros, we won
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He's coming sisters!...sisters?...
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Finally! I can save my stars!
I guess I can grab YingZhao functor now. Who's need it more, her or Luliang?
Bros… are we back?
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CN anni stream in 3 days.
Thoth's confirmed to be next playable mod, more or less.
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>T2 shitter
Good for a retard who want to bricked their account i guess.
Just did 2 Jokurr Normal with Gengchen, lag is so bad I don't want to play this mode anymore...
Just keep mashing a buttons. This mode is piss easy.
Fulfilling the class objective to get the jims while being clueless at what you're doing is annoying though.
Yes, I'm a retard. I'll roll for male because they look cool.
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Nice, which one should I give the other to, Gengchen or Luliang?
Save for Zhiming. Those 2 can just run the purple functor with armor break skill
I haven't redeem the 2.0 event functor so I probably save that for Zhiming since 2nd annis seems like finally they'll focusing on Nile.
Go with Gengchen then, Luliang usage is much more limited than her.
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sisters when we co-oping
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The poem confirmed this is Skuld, unless they want to pull people leg.
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how do you level up assist/builder in co-op?
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CN hates males. We might not get any more male mods if this trend continues.
Finally the evil is vanquished.
Based chink
Did this really all start because of gfl2?
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Countdown: https://timee.io/49N
Probably, but Snowbreak itself was a special case since it was taking in the refugees from GFL2, and their devs even mocked GFL2 in one of their stream, either it was a good thing or not, now they basically have to keep up with those demands unless they also want their game to explode.
Why can't Yongshi do the same with AG? This month is literally going to be dead
>keep up with those demands unless they also want their game to explode.
Not a hard thing to do unless you're running a company of retarded ideologues like mica.
Because it's easy to change those logistics officers since they are literally just pictures with no impact to story or gameplay. It's the equivalent of AG changing all functor character arts into female, which is simply pointless.
They must remove the playable dudes too
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anyone got the link to CN anniversary livestream?
also seems like global is 8 mods away from catching up to CN
Not sure if this is the correct link but oh well
I like how they have to put Thoth to replace Urd in the three Norns line up.
seems like from the stream comments it will start in around 3.5h
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>Thoth strips her clothes after ult.
Coom skins doko?
>boob collision ult skillchain
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The future is so bright...
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Now it makes sense why her default custom looks like that with the transparent skirt.
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>This skin actually has a belly dance motion.
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Sweet Jesus
all out coombait is the future, except for vert having safe designs, no sex for vert
character models seems to be more bouncy in idle/selection
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Probably missing a few tiny bits.
UI revamp, update for character models resolution, PC client coming soon, maybe.
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>PC client coming soon
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Maybe they should just let people set these character bond arts as homepage background.
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So this is why they delayed Gengchen OL skin.
Damn...I don't think I can wait for the PC version. This is some quality coom, if only Yongshi didn't try to go the omnipander route at first.
full uncensored stream
Holy fucking moly
Ult with S Hera
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My schizo wife...
>"game" is dogshit and as barebones as it gets
>activate le coomer mode bait

A tale as old as time. I cannot believe I wasted time and money on this dogshit company.
Fuck off to genshit then, homolover
Seething faggot lmao
No m*le charcter for you from now on
Good. Yongshi finally saw the light.
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So is a PC version actually confirmed for global or is just "gee I hope this happens"
Beta client planned for 3.0.
>confirmed for global
Nope, earliest we may hear something about it is from 1st anniversary in May.
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>she got thunder vert parry mechanic and unga bunga B version
Who cares about sex when you got styles?
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What!? I wonder if they gonna mention this in her dialogues....
It's better if they just pretend it's the most normal thing in the world
She fights with strings, probably the clothes she wears are all created through her power
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must obtain MMD model......
This excited me. I'm new and am looking for a coomer gacha with fun gameplay but iirc this game has dudes like genshin, no? Are they on a separate banner at least? Like, males in a different one altogether so you don't accidentally pull one? Then again if this screenshot is a big deal doesn't that mean the rest of the game is pretty tame?
>Are they on a separate banner at least?
>the rest of the game is pretty tame?
Not really but it's been getting more lewd lately (which I really appreciate)
Thanks thanks. I'll tune out then, but I hope this game excels for everyone who likes it. BTW, has anyone ripped the models (of particularly the coomer ones) I'd like to study em in blender. It's mostly older games that get their assets cataloged in that one site I can't remember the name of...

MMD models if anyone wants.
There's only 4 males and 1 of them are basically transitioned. Just accept that your account is bricked if you get spooked by ratio of like 1:4. Seems like they already looking at the right side long ago.
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Oh shit thanks dude, I wonder how accurate/usable these are.
Maybe they'll pull a Snowbreak and change all the guys into hoes lol
When are we going full snowbreak?
soon i hope
Not anytime soon, if ever, otherwise they would already mention it on the livestream.
Beside all Snowbreak changed was just few item PNGs with zero relevant to anything else in the game, people just overreacted to it.
Not soon enough. If ToF could do it then they must do it too.
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Vert is a chubby girl...
Interesting. I wonder if they'll use this chance to re-launch the game again.
They rewrote a characters personal story because she was interacting too much with another character instead of the mc and made every playable character a lot more for (you) in the main story. Don't see how that's not relevant to anything else in the game.
That's somehow more pathetic than the average poster in the Azur Promilia thread
Nah being a homo is more pathetic.
When did discover this board exactly tourist?
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There's no reason to completely sacrifice artistic integrity just because you're developing gachashit.
What's the difference >>1440301
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Wrong date. Sowwy
nta but
>artistic integrity for gacha trash
KEK pathetic fag hipster
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Roughly 25GB for installation and 3GB voice patch for PC version.
It;s out already?
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Slow download speed and I lost my CN account so I don't have much interest in testing it, maybe someone else here would want to take a look at it.
Hopefully we don't need to wait a year for Global version.
the launcher won't even start for me.
Probably need to change some of my settings to chinese but i don't want to do that.
Well if they don't release it for our 1st anniversary then we will have to wait till we catch up to 3.0, with the current speed it will be another 6-7 months.
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So it's on beta. Looks good so far but the UI still needs some improvements.
It's unironically over
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CN revenue is estimated as iOS+(1.75*iOS) as ST doesnt have CN android data, better post them separated since at least the global one is reliable.
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Everything in the PC version looks crisp and smooth. 120 fps option too.
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>120 fps option
I was afraid they would do like genshin and keep the 120fps for the collab phone only, actually looking forward to the pc client now.
UI really needs tweaking. Kinda untuitive to be honest.
HD Hera. peropero
This makes it look worse, stop it
would it be extended yet again? also i noticed the maint time are now the same as jp
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Still not up?
best AG boss theme
How is this still alive.
this being yongshi's only other revenue stream aside for AL
They better remove the male characters soon then. Genderbending then would be an easy option I guess, one of them would only need a voice change lol.
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Not like this...
>remember AG anniv is coming up soon
>thoth looks good (looks like you can get her the same way you did with jinwu's spending event)
>s vert
>new UI
>skins look good
>PC client
Please let it work with bilibili sign in Please let it work with bilibili sign in Please let it work with bilibili sign in Please let it work with bilibili sign in
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEEE I'll fucking swipe with my phone if you want me to but just let me use a pc client in one of my chinese slop games for once.
Can you just bind it to Yostar ID?
You can't if it's already made in bili unless something changed recently.
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Oh unfortunate, yongshi login only
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>part 3 story of chink event finally opens
>a major single fight at the end is split into 3 (three) stages just to show how major it is
>after the ending i remember CN 3.0 event preview has vert going back to the past (?)
>i still have 0 idea whats the story is about past osiris event because i'm stuck in JP server
>vert going back to the past (?)
She already did that in the part 2 of the current chapter.
So I was doing 15-3-1 stage and what was I supposed to be doing here? Am I supposed to fight? The game did not spawn any enemies.
The true enemy is yourself
Restart the stage till it works, it was bugged that way when I did it earlier.
new player here
I am willing to reroll, who should I target?
or should I wait for the next banner?
Just reroll jinwu with your yellow ticket and save your jims for the next banner.
If you started a few days ago, Jinwu was on rate up so it would be much easier to reroll for her, the current rate up banner is Shu, who is awful and should be avoid at all cost.
Save your gems and blue tickets for Mitsuha/Izanami combo next 2 patches and stockpile for 3.0 update.
guess I'll wait until next banners then and then start, thanks
Restarted 5 times with the same team, didn't work.

Change leader and using only 1 modifier, didn't work.

With my 2nd team and 3rd team, still didn't work.

Use 3 trial modifiers, it works.

After seeing it works, I quit the stage and go back to my 1st team, it doesn't work.

Tried using 3 trial modifiers again, it works.

I beat the stage using trial modifiers.

What the hell, Yongshi?
Please understand anon, our 2.2 is a hack job of 2.2, 2.3 and 1.7 clobbered together. They probably fucked their codes while doing that.
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Hi, can you guys pls help me get 10 billion likes? Thanks for helping!
Is Gengchen actually dead, or will she actually still alive somehow
Dead, and still is in the latest story chapter
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I want to see Gengchen tits bounce in 1080p. I want PC client
Okay going what the private mail is discussing. I'm pretty sure it's about restoring Skuld. Also about Red Fox, who the hell doesn't keep tabs on their employees? First is Khnum's situation then that little project of Paracaesar involving mods and adding to that you got someone with godlike powers like Odin breathing down your neck adding to the problems your little not-UN club is dealing with.
Well not even the primes realized Khnum had been replaced so it's not fair to blame them on that one.
Thoth has been around since the beginning of the story is another thing I didn't expect.
People actually read the story?
>he didn't read chapter 12
It's pretty much standalone, just read that.
It's way better than the rest
It's not bad especially when Odin involved.
It's started to improve now that the antagonist isn't a pushover or pussy ass niggas. Also it's pretty nice that the background changes while you scroll over the chapter 15.
Odin a shit she hurt my beloved
fuck kushrfang
Chapter 12 was just a very good read. The villain was honestly kind of lame, but Skuld's struggle to reach a good ending made it interesting.
this dogshit game didn't give me returner rewards because i was only level 20 when i stopped playing
seems like there's a bug with the access key boost event
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CNF, HRE... its time to join Sister
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It's time to join /vmg/...oh wait...
Does Izanami require her signature if I plan to have Mitsuha at S+sig?
Nope, but she at least needs a level 5 universal Shinou functor.
Which I have, so thank the heavens for the small blessings.
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You know I just thought about it but I was under the impression my favorite mod will be Gengchen because she hits all of my preferences (hag, dragon themed, platinum hair etc.). I joined this game because of Buzenbo which I still love by the way but the more I stay with the game, the more I realize that there is a mod that I actually prefer. It's Tsukuyomi. I think it's her demeanor. her design (mainly) and preference for some kind of underdog? Also I've seen that she will have a huge jump to her damage via synchro but that's not what I really wanted. I've been one of the posters here(how sparse those posts are) that wanted to give her a skill tweaking. Anyway I've been playing with Tsuku a lot with runs on grudges and hazard zones.
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Thot's ass mole
Maybe I'll give yongshi some money so I don't have to skip vert
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Also a selector up to Lu Wu
I'm skiping her to get S Vert to SS.
Why are the brunettes so sad the greys smug and the whites mad? Well at least Cruela de Vil over there at the first portrait seems to be happy.
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>tfw I'm such a chink readlet I've never known what going past base S does
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>Thoth knocking down Izanami
>All chink DPS except Jinwu got knocked down one tier.
>Luwu is already fucking T3
>Sync Poseidon is T1 now
They set up some high bar for S Vert.
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i seen this earlier randomly appearing despite i never checked any AG cosplays
game tries to convince me to go for SSS thoth and that i will like her less cloth=bigger dps mechanic
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Probably S Oneiroi
>S Vert
>S Buzen
>S Oneiroi
man I hope they keep doing this, S Zenkibo one day
Hades buff????????????????
Huh she has Hades' claws on her left hand
I can't believe Hades is fucking dead
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PC client is officially released today. Requirements spec :

Operating system: windows7/8/10/11
Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent
Memory: 16GB RAM
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or higher
DirectX version: 11
Storage space: 30GB of free space.

Operating system: windows7/8/10/11
Processor: Intel Core i3-6100 or equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or higher
DirectX version: 11
Storage space: 30GB of free space.
>Intel Core i7 or equivalent
This means literally nothing

Seems like it can pretty much run on a potato, nice.
well it could run 120fps on a phone (sd 8g2) so i would expect it to run on anything for pc
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Is there a way to quick buy and place all items in a set?
Doing it all manually will take hours.
In china right? Global webpage links to an emulator.
looks much better than HI3 and PGR PC clients
CN only for now, they may announce it for global for 1st anniversary update next month but don't hold your breath
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>Beside all Snowbreak changed was just few item PNGs with zero relevant to anything else in the game, people just overreacted to it.
Snowbreak added sex to the game. Now you can molest your characters.
just got back did Ying's banner just end?
Ended like 1 week ago.
I think they did that because of Girl Frontline 2. Now we need detailed feet
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post upcoming characters roadmap/guides please, or did they stop updating it?
there is >>1447657
god please yostar add this feature so i can shove my head into leviathans soft butt
sometimes i regret quitting snowbreak
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Izanami for anniversary, soon.
I'm going to SS and get a functor for both of this cutes.
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>the next 5 S rank characters are flattie
I hate it
You think global is going to get this any time soon
>I hate it
Yes, they have always been quick at porting QoL stuff way ahead of time.
Compared to other hags, yeah she is a flattie.
>shit tier
Dead on arrival
S Vert will save light, can't let some bozo chink hogged the spotlight before she can make her real debut.
>on debut, was at least tier one
>has been dropping tiers every patch
>now sitting at t3
what the fuck happened to this character
They keep dropping better DPS than her, while she gets no proper supporter, and she has ult chain with Yingzhao who is a fucking wind DPS so she gets no optimal team build either.
I do follow the meta, however, my waifus come first. I refuse to play a game like a Robot. T3, hell, T4, I don't give a shit, my wife will always have a spot on my Roster. I'll even go as far as doing solo runs on my T3 wife and become "that guy" since everyone else skipped her. I can always just throw T0 support with them and they'll clear anything and everything.
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lol just waifu a meta bro ez
do you think she'll jump up a tier or two if they put out a new Light character she skill chains with or is it just too late for her
Probably would need synchro buff plus dedicated supporter to move up now with 3,0 powercreep coming, so she will be a tier 3 shittier for a long time.
Is jinwu gameplay really just 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> mash?

I'm going to make her usable i swear...
It's 3 -> mash x9 -> 2 -> mash x3~9 -> 1 anon.
I'm absolutely retarded and downloaded the wrong PC client, we're so back bilibilibros
Post screenshots
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zhiming toes in 1080p
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pretty nice
Not loggin in until they release the EN PC version
>quick buy and place all items in a set?


You have to do it manually.
Post some Leviathan PC screenshots
I don't have S Levi bro sorry
How about Zenki?
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I always forget how much I want to mating press zenkibo
Thanks anon. She's pretty cute in HD.
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It's begun in Snowbreak. We're still one time, we must let Yongshi know.
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>10 hours maintenance
I have a bad feeling about this.
yeah the client is pretty well made and it's actually got me interested in taking the game a bit more seriously, I've just been playing it on and off to collect bitches to be honest.
>mitsuha coming up
>really want Izanami but want Mitsuha too to make Izanami better
>but Mitsuha is supposedly the last banner to not make use of the anchor setup
>which means she'll theoretically cost way more to pull
>and Izanami could be directly after Mitsuha, so if I get unlucky I might not pull Izanami
can I play Izanami without Mitsuha or are they a package deal to do anything worth noting, she's the one I really want but the timing of these two really fucks me
>Izanami could be directly after Mitsuha,
She is directly after Mitsuha, there's no other way.
>can I play Izanami without Mitsuha
Yes you could, but instead of being a T0 monster she will be around T1 at best.
man that fucking sucks, guess I have to try for Mitsuha, I see people saying to skip because "oh they gave out a selector for anniversary!" but with how fucked our schedule is who knows when that's going to be, could be a year from now for all we know
If our 1st anniversary just follows CN 1.5 anniversary then we won't get any selector, they may change it but even if they give out one it would just feature 1.0 and early 2.0 modifiers, Mitsuha being the latest modifier won't be included for sure.
>missed the flame Bitches and the Granny
it's over. my account is officially bricked
just assume the selector is a free dupe for early chinks and below instead
don't bet on 50:50 chance that either you can get free mitsuha ot permanent account damage
You can aim for Mitsuha and Izanami.
I hate Mitsuha though. I hate gyarus and delinquents!
fuck, it's matrix crusade again
You can always cope with Hera at least.
Hera and Mitsuha are the optimal comp for Izanami anon, the cope option is synchro Skadi.
So how much behind is Global now?
Around 8 banners behind.
So Thoth is just Hades 2.0?
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I haven't beat my meat to Hades so no
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I missed Lingguang and it fucking sucks bros don't be me.
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Don't forget to finish your DV.
>not maxing out the rewards in the first week so you don't have to deal with it at the very end
DV's where I go to have fun, watching super overpowered characters stomp through the difficulty with no issue, and then get sad when I realize I've gotten all the rewards already and I have no point in doing more
I don't want to do extra works for the same amount of rewards as the guys who do it later after all the missions are unlocked.
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>finish your DV
funny how everyone avoided dv like a plague when the game release
because the old DV system was clunky and slow and annoying as fuck to deal with
it's gotten so much better since they reworked it but they still insist on throwing the old one into events for no goddamn reason
When are they overhauling the dorms? I want to have sex with Vert
DO NOT have sex with your Vert anon!!!!
She was literally made for it. It's her sole purpose.
She was built for marriage first
It's a virtual world bro, you can do whatever you want
Jokurr will be over soon...
Just did. Zenki A is the easiest way to beat this I swear. Somehow she actually does damage right from the getgo when compared to other starts.
Her S3 with the correct buff gives her long ass Iframe while constantly shitting out damage. She's literally the most braindead char in this mode.
zenki or vidar should be the easiest, they just reliant on a single upgrade at the start to have an ez mode
I didn't even start the Tyr event
I stopped caring about "Fight shit for 3 minutes straight for 50 stars :^)" missions several events ago, the effort needed to fully clear an event exceeds what I'm willing to do for this game at this point.
You can cut those short I found out and still get the reward. Usually just stop once I got the 3 strong enemies dead.
the game is already up but they didn't tweet about it, the fuck
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>only show up after i refresh the page
i blame twitter
What's Mitsuha build?
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>spooked by Ausar on second ten roll (happy, lets me SS her)
>Mitsuha on the next 10
I won
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Her new set and ice support set is whatever slot since they have same skills effect.
Is there anywhere that shows the CN banner history?
I wish I could read.
>sig functor A
Shouldn't it be human right?
It was S until 2.11 but they put it at A in 3.0. It's still very good I guess.
i checked there doesn't seems to be any description different for her between the last list and 3.0, i assume physical (thoth) comp perform better than ice comp, but izanami is still at tier 0
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Finally the last banner with 50/50. Soon we don't need to worry about it anymore. A new age is upon us.
Too bad if you missed some mods and have to wait for their rerun though.
All I want are Zhiming, S Vert and Thoth.

Gonna skip everything else, gotta save my stars!
>skipping Buzenbo
I still have one more 50/50 to beat, since I actually want Mitsuha. Just one more, and I never have to think about this awful banner format ever again.
Just to be clear, this new girl IS the one that makes ice characters broken, right? Haven't really touched the game since getting Skadi on debut, but I remember hearing before that she got bumped to T0 thanks to a single character
Mandatory for ice team, yes.
But for Skadi case it was only half the reason, Skadi synchro buff is other half.
Skadi needs her synchro buff to be that busted, but Mitsuha basically Ice S Hera.
How to play Mitsuha anyway? Her tutorial just confuses me.
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Buzenbo won...
Her main mechanic is her S3 which has several derivative forms depends on your combo chain. You can chain her S1, S2, backstep dodge and normal attacks with her S3. When you perform her normal attack combo there were a few instances when she glows blue which will triggers different forms of S3 if you chain it.
Yeah, the red codes has something where the shred lies on dodge held and her sign functor wants that code too I presume.
Red code is for resist shredding and buffing, so basically her main role. Her combo chain system is fun but unfortunately she doesn't do much damage on her own, and eventually would just be AI bot while you main Izanami.
>maybe I can just wait for Mitsuha to make a rerun, since I don't know if I can win the 50/50 and still get Izanami
>she has literally never gotten a rerun ever
man this is backing me into a corner, I have to win the 50/50 or abandon both at this rate
I will give priority to Izanami, she's strong enough on her own while Mitsuha herself isn't great without a strong ice DPS to benefit from her stuff.
And one word of warning though, reruns don't have 90 guaranteed banners so you still have to deal with the 50/50 later.
>had to go full pity
>but won the 50/50 and came with a +1
alright we're locked in for Izanami, if it happened this way does this mean I lost the 50/50 for Kagatsuchi and then immediately won it for her or am I set for guaranteed after?
Assuming you didn't skip the roll results, who showed up first during your roll animation ? If it was Kagu first then you lost the 50/50 to him.
when I see gold I try not to skip, Mitsuha was first followed by Kagatsuchi
Then next one should be the guaranteed rate up.
You can just check your scan log. If kagutsuchi is below mitsuha you lost the 50/50 otherwise you're set. Not that being set does matter if Izanami arrives on anni as 90 pity.
Yeah, 1 month of waiting is kinda long and iirc next patch begin with kagutsuchi too unless they swap it up.
He can simply roll the normal 70 rolls banner and save 20 rolls if he already had Izanami confirmed.
Had to go 2 pities but lost it to Osiris which as very good. Can't wait for 90 flat though.
wtf i keep getting the homos in the waifu banner. fuck this. how do i reroll?
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>oh nice i got mitsuha early lets roll her sig
>forgot to switch the sig banner
>hold the fuck up thats a chink sig i just pulled
so uhh any op chink chars in future or do i just feed this to jinwu/linguang sigs? i'm just metachasing since i already pulled my wife ages ago
There's one more water one upcoming that works with geng that's supposed to be pretty good
this imago is filtering me bros
S or SS Mitsuha? I still have Buzenbo to take pull for.
The 2 ice sigils are the Mitsu support standard right?
this ruins the game for me, i'm in the process of rerolling, got 2 S modifiers in a row, both dudes. Why i hate dudes in gachas, i've gotten nothing but lolis and dudes. You'll probably need to use an emulator if you are not rooted, you have to wait 15 days to delete the guest account, but can do it quickly if you have root and delete the shared prefs folder, and reset your advertising id.
Damn i got mitsuha + anubis in a 10 roll which guarantees my next pity. But since we're getting guaranteed banners from now on is it just wasted? Do i roll for SS?
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It's over fellow Admins...
Uh... Kuni bros am I seeing and hearing things or did they update her attack effects, attack sound, and even a few animations? Or.... is it bound to the new content?
>is it just wasted
>powercrept already
Better put it on lingguang if he didn't own it already.
What Sigils are you running with Mitsuha?
1 3 5 - sigil from the new event
2 4 6 - spartan or iceberg, iceberg res debuff stacks with the new sigil but i read that spartan is better
Event set + ice support. >>1455974
Roll rage recharge/reduce on skill effect.
Bros... she said Kuni smells
Sorry. That was my semen.
What Izanami is for?
Hand holding.
Izanami looks like she lives in Canada.
i'm interested in giving this game a go
how necessary are weapons (I guess they're called functors here?) and character dupes? Is it just some mild to medium damage boosts or do the characters lack parts of their kits or are even unplayably bad without them?
>how necessary are weapons (I guess they're called functors here?)
Depend on the characters but for most of them it's not necessary.
>and character dupes?
A nice boost but not important.
>Is it just some mild to medium damage boosts or do the characters lack parts of their kits or are even unplayably bad without them?
There is only one character who need Functor to function properly and that is Asura. Most of the Functor give you some ability that is nice to have or damage boost or buff or more resources to spam skill. Like for example, Ausar's functor give you pseudo immortality. There is also characters that don't need functor at all like Hades.
The functor isn't limited and it ranged from nice to essential per character. Mainly support needs it more as more than often their improvement is very good as free functor more than often are just there.
It's a shame Snowbreak buck broke this game so hard.
I mean Yongshi still has the option of removing male playable characters...
Mitsuha HEAD PAT-TO!
>one of the quests in the cooking thingy from event needs chaos abyss floor 5 clear
>lets test mitsuha as AI
>deals more than twice of manual bastet where i only get hit once just before the boss dies
>mitsuha's main role is an ice support
bwos they will release bastet mod because they still care about A ranks r-right?
Do you need her Functor? If so, how many copies?
just 1, more copies does let help support better but it's for whales, just base S modifier + 1 functor will do, or SS first if you want to spend more
Nyoo!! I like Sobek!
They can wipe out the males for all I care but only if they keep Marduk. I like Marduk.
Serious question; how the hell do some of you have 20k - 40k Gems while having SS+ or higher characters+functor???

How many crystals can you even farm per week?
Around 1k8~ per week from dailies and weeklies.
Low pity celling and relatively decent rate (not sub 1% garbage) plus characters aren't gated behind some trashy limited bullshit let you accumulate their dupes one way to other, so having a bunch of SS+ isn't hard. Functor gacha is straight forward without being another coin flip shit. And most important, not getting constantly fucked by 50/50 help a lot.
f2pass and skipping m*les will easily do that. Some luck helps but pass basically half of your monthly incomes(event and content aside). Since you can get to 50/50 with pass on one patch instead of two so that immensely helps
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i had like 100k before mitsuha banner despite 5$ monthly is all i bought. i forgot the math but income is decent because event always happens then add gems from various modes. its mainly the combination of people here are players from early days+knowing which banner to skip from CN server.
speaking of banners there was very few important banners so only little pulls are spent if you are chasing meta. it went like this, launch day reroll for tsukuyomi > (insert iirc 2 months here) > pull S hera and hades > (insert MUCH more months here) > pull 2.0 chinks so having 60k++ is normal if you didn't start too late or pulling dupes
If it takes more than a month to get the PC version I'm quitting
It's nyover for Sisters...
Bwos if everyone saves and doesn't buy... how will the game go on?
They're gonna add ads in-game!
When there's only waifus nobody is able to save
Bwo, saving with being f2pass is still fine. They're still paid customer. Also >>1457755. Those stash are started to depleted soon.
Now you understand why the game crash and burn be in CN and global?
Waifufags, Gameplayfags and Casuals are forced to save due to male characters, powercreep and complex playstyle mechanics.
S Shu needs complete overhaul.
Does Yongshi have what it takes to fix the game? Or are they too afraid of the (minimal) backlash they'd get?
dead game dead thread
>S Shu needs complete overhaul
As an S Shu enjoyed with an SSS Shu.... how do I say this.... I'm afraid increasing her damage isn't the only thing they'll do. Shu is the most combat deep character in the game, I'm afraid they will remove that aspect from her and turn her into a braindead ultra high damage machine. And if they are going to that then they might as well not overhaul her. They could just make a new character instead, which they have!
What do they need to "fix" in Aether Gazer? The gameplay is good, the gacha is super generous even with 50/50, the costumes aren't at an absurd price like what Nikke is dealing with right now. We are getting a 10/10 well optimize PC port soon. honestly, I don't know what you can do to "save" this game. And by "save" I'm pretty sure you mean to make it a popular gacha game.

Aether Gazer is one of those games that fills a niche void like Honkai Impact, PGR, and console characters action game - DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, etc - they aren't that big, everyone knows they exist, and everyone doesnt bother playing them. Aether Gazer can get all the Katana Iaido stance, I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING, waifus and DMC will never ever sell more than a casual walking Sim action game like God of War.

So, I think the problem with Aether Gazer starts with its promotional marketing material. PGR isn't a big game, WuWa's promotional campaign influenced people to check out PGR, a game they would not have looked at had it not been for WuWa. There was a temporary gain in income for PGR thanks to WuWa. Once that period ended, PGR went back to its niche state, although PGR is praised as the best mobile action game on the mobile market.

It's a bit of both. Poor marketing + a genre no one has any interest in, but also the fact Genshin pushed the quality of mobile games into a new generation - Stylized open world exploration with casualized gameplay.
There's just no point rolling, nothing really exciting like the big gachas manage to do. There's no character you NEED to roll, there's no character that looks so good you're so excited and want to roll them at any cost, you just cruise along.
>nothing really exciting
Because we're on clairvoyance. Take that clairvoyance and you'll feel the fomo. Speaking of which, it's nice that they introduce Sekhmet on this chapter.
Remove the playable male characters
Pretty much the same reason I don't feel any exciting about whatever AK churning out since I already knew everything 6 months in advance.
Another thing is that those "big gachas" always pour shit ton of marketing stuff to hype up their big banners which this game obviously has no budget to do so.
so your argument is they need to add more power creep like flame bitches that power creeps the flame bitches?
>flame bitches that power creeps the flame bitches
It's Egyptian strippers now anon.
My argument is that they should remove the playable male characters. I'm the original poster btw.
did CN get a new male character or something? last I checked the upcoming banner are back to back to back bitches
It's a m*leschizo that somehow latches since snowbreak changing their functor-like illustration to all-female.
Don't mind that retard, he thinks changing a bunch of PNGs is the same as removing characters people already owned out of their accounts.
I'm seeing that post
>What do they need to "fix" in Aether Gazer?
they can start by firing whoever in charge of unit design because that guy forgot there are more than two hair colors, then release more interesting looking units. mitsuha looks nice with that fun intro but looking at the rest of future units i can only think of "which one is tier 0?" because they look rather vanilla except maybe thoth
its not like they can't make interesting looking ones, they did skadi and hermes before (both suffers from shit numbers though) or fuck it just steal some ideas from PGR or something it has a centaur girl, trio idol girls who kills shit with dark element somehow and a girl riding big ass mecha showing her ass
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>mitsuha looks nice
She's cute but her design feels more SR than SSR.
A setting to remove them from the gacha pool would be a good start, rolling 70 times and losing the coinflip to menzang just feels like adding insult to injury.
Toggle/free skin to turn them female would be even better but that would require investment, specially if voiced.
The coinflip will be ended after mitsuha probably so if you still get spooked on 90 rolls by m*les it doesn't matter.
More like they need to stop following PGR step with white hair.
All these combo characters confuse me. I just want to mash.
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no pc version for global yet i take it
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>after mitsuha
aiee now I have to roll her to not waste 113 rolls
>No Skadi Synchro because her rerun was tied the summer event.
>Izanami will get released before that
They really did her dirty.
Yubin looked better as a male btw
Might as well since you need her anyway if the next one is izanami.
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>Gengchen OL skin, Lingguang dancer skin, Hel band skin are getting removed from the store. You can still use the skins if you already owned them.
Yeah it's the same CCP crackdown bullshit as AL again, did someone report them to CCP? hope global will be free from those faglords and get these skins as intended.
Yongshi should stick to males mods and skins. Can't get males censored
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Damn you guys can't go one week without taking a beating. I'm sorry for your loss.
If this carries over to Global I can drop this deadge forever. Who am I kidding, global having something china doesn't will be considered treason by the chinks and will never happen.
>global having something china doesn't will be considered treason by the chinks and will never happen.
It's literally the same shit that happened all the time with AL, and they do have it, it just won't be available for purchase anymore so suck for latefags.
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>Gengchen OL skin
I'm assuming if the swimsuit one was on the store it'd be removed as well but they just won't rerun it instead.
what the fuck, if I can't get these it's fucking over
>Hel's skin
but fucking why?
>remove males from game
>replace them with female versions
>fujos leave
>problem solved no more complaints to the CCP
>completing the event in 3.1 gives you a free copy of S Ver
>her Sig Functor is available in the event shop
Didn't you hear anon? That's literally impossible according to the schizos itt!
>and a bride skin
it's canon, you cannot refute it now
yawn. i'll be waiting for S Nuadha instead
Vert owes me sex
I literally started playing the game after the trailer for those skins popped up on my youtube feed. I ignored aether gazer for so long for being boring looking, but decided to give it a shot after see the trailer with OL skin and lingguang dancing. What the actual fuck, they better still release that on global, I will quit if this is going to be their direction.
Sorry anon but you're in the minority
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fuck the coomers
>Lingguang dancer skin

But seriously I hope we get those outfits on our client at least once
>B Vert - Physical
>A Vert - Thunder
What's S Vert element?
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what the fuck
can you buy her shards in RD shop like jinwu?
probably light, she has an ult skillchain with s hera
Unless they put her into the yellow ticket pool, nope. Giving one free copy doesn't mean anything if she is still treated as limited character.
god I hope it's light, I don't have any good DPS characters in that
who would be the best 3rd wheel here, if they combo with each other? Heimdall?
This game seriously should stop the DPS creep and start releasing more useful supporters.
Sekmet was a step in the right direction as a support, Physical's been wanting a character like that for ages. But I agree, we need more.
Man, fujos always ruining everything.
Heimdall is fine for light.
>dps creep
I mean all of them are different element so it really depends.
He asked for best so literally only Lingguang applies here. We really don't have much choice when it comes to support.
>Chinks on weibo just laughed at this, saying it's another sales pitch attempt since it happens way too many time with AL, and apparently the skins that got removed in AL would show up again during anni with discount.
This must feel like daily occurrence for them at this point.
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cooking 1 meal for vert
so? zhiming's negligee is see through and I didn't see it getting removed
Flame Bitches have been tier 0 since CN release. And Granny is Tier 1. The Three together make them The Three Kingdom Dynasty Warriors Sisters.

How do we make these Chinese bitches less unstoppable?
And? Egyptians are the new hotness now.
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Nile needs another S rank to be toe on toe with Tianyun as Osiris is outdated and Shu isn't that good for manual in team and the AI can't use her well.
tl;dr, S Bastet when?
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I can see how a garter on a more child-like character could bother them more.
But seeing how only paid outfits are affected and not base models that are clearly worse, like Mitsuha's, really makes it seem like a marketing ploy, as >>1459250 mentioned.
Yongshi should make 4* chink AI buff slut mod. I want another chink mod for Jinwu and Lingguang team.
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Meanwhile in Nikke
Like, what's even the point of removing Gengchen skin? Because of the somewhat transparent shirt that doesn't even show her full cleavage? The whole thing is just too fucking random while we have way worse offenders out there.
>not published in china
eating good
PC client in the works for CN right? I may come back if Global gets a PC client.
>in the works
Already released week ago.
But Global still needs to wait right?
I was going to do the same thing once PC Global launches, but we've missed all the meta chinks so it's going to suck.
Those chinks get reruns eventually right?
If we get PC client for 1st anniversary next month, you can get Izanami, if they wait for the 3.0 patch to release the PC client, you can get Thoth, both are currently the most OP DPS characters in game, so you frankly don't need the chinks characters to carry you through 99% of the game.
That's cool, I'm a returning whale anyways so even in case they fell out of meta SS Hera and Hades with maxed functors should still be pretty good... right?
Hera is still a T0 char simply because they refuse to release anyone that could completely replace her in the support role.
Hades, well she still works I guess.
Might as well still ask but has Tsukuyomi fallen off to shit tier yet? I still have an Omega one from launch.
still the best, SS plus functor will probably carry you to EoS at this rate, especially since S Ver has a chain with her now
she functions, at that level of investment she will still likely keep up but she's starting to fall behind, could eventually get a module update and it might bring her back up but no plans on that yet
she's been up and down but on the upswing, she's about to get her module update and that fixes some of her mechanics and ups her damage by a lot, later on S Buzen comes and they become the second triple chain in the entire game with her, Tsuku and Kuni and actually become really strong, definitely look into that if you're wanting to keep Tsuku relevant
Fell off to shit tier, swung back to meh tier after synchro update, then got back to T1 after S Buzenbo release. Quite an achievement since Thoth dunked almost every DPS down a tier a patch later.
S Buzenbwo hasn't released on Global yet right? How does she play compared to her A version? I actually enjoyed playing her manually at launch.
Global probably gets her in 4-5 months at this speed.
Kinda hard to hell how the characters feel like without playing them yourself, but one thing for certain is that she's way flashier than her A ver.
You're not one to talk Aetherbro
reroll guide?
also. any difference between JP and Global? which is closer to eosing?
The fuck are you rerolling for? We're into 2.0. Every single banner from here on out is basically a must grab starting with the one currently live. Flame bitches are coming back in the upcoming banners so you had better get them too. skip A-Buzenbo and wait for S-Buzenbo investment unless you really fucking like that team. Tsuki coming back and Kuni you can get from shop. other than that get Ling as soon as possible and invest into her MAX INVEST. MAXX!!!!!


From there you can just curse along like everyone else
I'm still downloading the game but the chick with the glaive is who caught my eyes.
Reroll for Mitsuha, the current rate up banner, then grab Izanami next patch, done, you are set.
Both are the same shit, play on CN if you are afraid of eos.
Ah the current banner is core? Guess I'll go for at least SS and functor then.
How's the content been? I remember having fun with the game at launch but got bored a few months in.
What are the prices in store in terms of yen? 10k yen for the highest pack or 12k?
Are there any S rank selector for anniversary?
How's the player population by the way? I don't expect it to be high but no danger of eos right?
how many times did tsuki banner rerun? dunno if i should get her next week if she is going to rerun again before s buzenbo banner
We don't follow CN rerun schedules since they keep combining and skipping patches, so there's no way to know.
i guess that's true, when ausar got her synchro update her banner didn't rerun like in CN
Just finished rolling rate up SS and lv 1 functor, this is good enough?
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Alright give it to me straight how bwicked am i and will these get reruns
by the way does anyone still have the character build worksheet?
not worth it unless you pulled ausar and both their functor
>lingguang and gengchen
probably when they release their new skins, prioritize them
would her functor and the chink midget to do well
I do have SS Ausar + lv 1 Functor, I remember rolling her for that reason since I remember hearing Thor was the new giga DPS in CN at the time during Global launch
If the chinks get reruns then I'll probably roll SS+functor at the very least on them. They're also hot as fuck so I'd roll them anyways...
Real brick is no Lingguang, the rest is whatever.
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I was referring to the "anything below lobby/modifier screen level of light and you get an eyeful of zhiming crotch" skin, but I don't know if people even rolled for her anyways
are all the CN resources just dead or something, trying to find what Sigils are BiS on the rateup character and the CN Wiki appears to be outdated and the Biligame Wiki is also dying?
EoS this month don't worry.
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dont worry ive bought the server another half-week
Not to shill the guy or anything but this is the guide I'm currently using and it's up to Sekhmet (2.11). The other sigils I base it on the current existing recommended.
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This is stupid I forgot the link:
Thank you, the last two links are especially helpful.
Am I seeing this correctly or are some modifiers' BiS functors the generic 5* instead of the specified one?
And are some characters running 5 of the same sigil? I'm assuming 3.0 just works way differently from our version of the game?
I'll check out >>1460034 since it seems more suited for current patch.
>hades, leviathan, marduk and oceanus sitting near the very bottom
there's still hope for them to get module updates, right?
synchro update would help but they mainly need to have new skillchain with other S modifiers
>has synchro
>has new ult chain with Sekmet
>only managed to move from absolutely bottom to shit tier
Some characters are just beyond saving. Leviathan will probably have the same fate since healers are just worthless for endgame.
I don't care what team she's in, Asura is not better than Hades.
as a returner, wtf is a synchro
i only know the yugioh term
It's like "retrofit" if you played Azur Lane.
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Which modifiers currently have Synchro in Global?
Asura got synchro, Hades doesn't
B Vert
A Buzenbo
A Osiris
S Osiris
S Kagutsuchi
S Light Tyr
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Anyone know where to farm this sigil? Do I need to catch up with story to unlock it? It's not available for selection in the Sigil stages nor do I see it in the shop
It's from the event limited farming stages, you can buy the sigil with the event drops in the event shop, or farm it from the 2 special stages that require the event token for entry.
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you get it in the event farm stage and can also buy in event shop
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Ah okay thanks, guess I'll farm up the icebergs first then hit the event after.
Only available from the swig dump in the current event, swig portion drops currency to buy it from the reward shop or the farm-only portion can drop it directly
>Play a game to only play meta and skip everyone else
Do you guys really have this mindset in a game with zero PvP/competition? Are Mobile gamers really just slopbrains who can't play a game unless daddy tells them how to play?
I just don't want to be bricked bro...
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when there is no more cunny release after S levi only tier 0 metas worth to use for me
the chink with skaterboard thing is kinda fun but not enough to make me pull her
has story normal mode always made you use preset teams
Bros how do I play Hades effectively I'm doing less damage playing her manually than my Hera AI...
Is there a way to boost my resource to 40-60 consistently? I feel like I spend too much time sub 40 normally but using the cat that gives 20 resource on ally dodge ends up usually shooting me over 60.
Change cat, use either red or pink cat. Spam skill to keep between 40-75.
Mitsuha is super cute and chunni and her gameplay is fun, how can you not like her? I keep seeing a bunch of idiots say she's support. Stupid fucking meta players who can't play a character unless big daddy tells them
Later chapters do so they can force you to play new characters they release to try and entice you into rolling for them
>gameplay is fun,
> she's support.
And? Those things aren't mutually exclusive, do you think support must have braindead gameplay like Hera?
Use the divine grace warp so you start at 45. Now learn how to maintain that shit. Usually you spend most of your time in the skill that spend your divine grace tho.
Reading comprehension or esl?
The gap is like insane tho. I'm clearing hazard zone with mitsuha and it takes 2 minutes meanwhile chinks does it for 40 secs and that's with pinalty applied to chinks.
They cucked Skadi out of her synchro so we don't have any characters that can take advantage of Mitsuha's kits.
Flame Bitches... how do we cool them off bwos?
With your ice team next patch.
>chapter 12 is split into 3 subchapters each one as long as a regular chapter
Bros... there's so much story to clear... too much...... content..................
So lemme get this straight. If you go Skadi w/ investment you can't go Izanami, Mitsuha, Skadi? That fucking sucks. The chinks really ruined the meta
You can but you have to wait for skadi synchro and you need SS Skadi anyway. It's pretty hefty investment. Yet Hera is better anyway for 3rd char.
With Hera being busy babysitting S Vert soon, you will need a replacement anyway.
Thank god she's FREE.
Bro your SS3 Vert wife with functor?
You know what that reminds me, weren't there a 2nd and 3rd and I think even 4th /vg/ guild outside of Lummies? How's everyone else doing?
Probably one guild for everyone is enough now.
aieee sistersgoddesses i kneel
even funnier when you consider sisters were the 4th or 5th guild created. everyone had a headstart on them and for some reason their players were always the most active
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ano... wtf are these normal chapter 14 stages with mobs that have hundreds of millions of HP...
There's trial characters right? Use them if your own characters are underleveled.
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I've borrowed a Lingguang and am barely making these 3-min cutoffs, think I just need to group the mobs together better but feels like there was a huge powerspike in the enemies' HP from last chapter to this one.

Really need that PC client, emulator is just not right. No idea why Lingguang's Ultimate is consistently at like, 30 FPS or something. Her fat ass really chugging those frames.
It feels that way since you are rapidly advancing through chapters but there were months gap between these chapters during CN patch cycles, they probably expected people already built up their teams, especially with the chink characters that were just released who massively powercreeped everyone else.
Yeah it feels I am pretty behind on certain stats and the chinks do feel like they are playing a nearly different game. At least Izanami is apparently the best DPS in 2.x according to that one YT video posted yesterday and I'm prepping Mitsuha for her whenever she comes.
So realistically speaking, do you think the game will make a modest comeback on global once the PC client comes? I saw the test video and am glad they implemented a UW 1440P option, looking very forward to that and true 120 FPS. UI changes also look neat and the 3.0 beginner banner, S selector, and selective banner all seem like great additions to help new and returning players to catch up.
With their unflinching determination to put zero effort into marketing? Nope. Word of mouth alone can hardly attract much attention.
Would marketing in the West do anything for this game? I feel like 99.9999% of Westerners ignore mobile game ads.
With JP and Global sharing the same client and update schedules, if Yostar bothers pushing for better marketing in Japan, which is considered to be their home turf, at least everyone could benefit something from it, but nah, they can't be ass to even have something as simple as half anniversary stream.
Games that aren't AL, AK or BA may as well not exist in their marketing budget.
Post your dorms (you did make nice rooms for your favorite mods right?)
maybe yes if they put PC cilent on steam (many japs uses steam too) and do something like steam launch celebration rewards with something like 1.0 unit selector as bait
but we both know its not gonna happen lmao, what will happen is they do the lazy ass retweet X times about its release and unironically surprised why revenue doesn't go up at all
glad to be wrong though
The problem with putting the average gacha on steam is that there's a high chance the game will get mostly negative reviews purely based on the fact that it is gachashit. The only gacha I've seen on steam that has mainly positive reviews and isn't complete eos bait is Limbus and that's because it's barely a gacha and is supported by the cult of PMfags
mahjong souls is recently released on windows, yostar don't want to pay gabe
I'm not seeing it
>countdown anon isn't there since Mitsuha
It's nyover for Gazer...
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I can't log in. It's OVER.

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In all honesty I forgot this game runs maintenance during primetime West Coast US hours... I wanted to catch up on story tonight.
Tsookoo sure has big boobs.
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planning pranks with goki
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I decided to roll for SSS Mitsuha for fun after getting a S after 20 rolls and got baited. It took 242 rolls to take her from SS to SSS... Lost the 50-50 twice to Tyr and Hel and had to go to pity maybe like 3 times overall.
Anon...I...better prepare your wallet for Izanami now.
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Was planning on taking Izanami to SSS anyways. I'll probably never Omega another base S in one banner though.
>300 bars HP
>their attacks can decrease +30% HP in one hit
Who the hell designed the current raid event, it's so unfriendly towards the new players/guilds.
Time to join Sisters!
Busy playing snowbreak sowwy
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wow,the boss beat my ass.
you need a built team to contribute,scuffed teams will die fast.
better hope your guildmates built their mods if u wanna clear.......
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1st boss is hard already.
The later ones will probably be tougher.
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sisters won
Eww... chuddies are in the 40k with us sisters. We need to break into 50k.
I didn't know that Tsuku's synchro just got released.
>need to SS her for it
Meh, not really worth it with Izanami coming so soon
You don't need SS for the first two ranks though
yeah but the 3rd is the most powerful one
PC client better come with sex update or I will the game for real this time.
Is there a way to switch to the other side of your starting point in Matrix?
Too many people started on the right in our map.
Dunno but keep going. Let Sister prez and vice-prez carry left side
>worst boss in the game is the first one
Yeah no that's Ladon
Lummies is making a revival
Jyoin today
OST in this game has gotten a lot better, I remember launch didn't have any noteworthy songs at all but playing through the recent chapters and looking through the more recent BGM tracks there's better stuff.
Wait is DV actually worth doing now? I'm basically in >>1455529 pic related during first few months after launch
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mods are much different / powerful, each run is shorter, you have like 50 days to get to max rewards. it's worth trying again
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You pretty much have to it's the best source of these
Thanks I'll start doing them
Protip is to use AZenki. She's unironically broken as fuck and easy to use.
There are plenty of insanely broken combos.
Bunny girl they just added is broken as fuck too, you can just spam auto attacks to trigger her S3 for free with the right upgrade.
a few sisters returned too (including our old big sister)
nyooo Lummiesbros we can't win against Sisters
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>JP server
>oh fuck its another guild coop event its so over
>only 6 people on the left and 4 people on the right fighting the boss
>me and one other guy are the only ones doing above 16k on left side
i know the reward isn't worth the headache but i want to clear it..
SS req to get the final synchro upgrade is bull but in tsuku's case its not that important compared to first 2
>SS req
It also requires her functor, otherwise that upgrade basically does nothing.
I bought tsukus school outfit, no need to thank me.
Any way to know when you reach 16k score on the boss so you can quit early?
Right side sisters are giving the boss a severe beating.
Left is safe because the people there are really strong.
>You need to put Mimir to get your stone
Bros...I'm ngmi...
The current Sasanami arc sounds like Megaman in the best way.
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>left side boss 40%HP
>while right side already on 2nd boss
It's over
Does it matter as long as the boss dies?
Don't worry, left side boss will be killed eventually.
We have plenty of time for this event.
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we get a different ending if we kill the last boss in phase 1 though
get to work sisters
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let's do it!
guess you can get a higher score per run if you kill it fast enough
nyes. I got 17.6k with boss kill around 60-70s
I think we can cross over to help the left side once we kill the 2nd boss.
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In dimensional variable what kind of buffs should I aim for during each run? There's skill boosts, stat boosts, dodge, moneyshit...I'm confused
Depends on what your character gimmick does. But the special boost(vacuum opponent, FREE zero time, plain damage boosts) is always good. The moneyshit is fine too if you already got the team that you want early.
Sisters... these battles are tough without a 2.0 team. Go...g-go-NO I refuse to give up, I'll keep going until the end. I will insure the big sisters reach their goal!!!!!
Moneyshit is the highest dps if you have a very spammy character like A/B Zenki
Mitsuha so chunni and cute
No need. Just beat the final boss at the middle so we can move to another floor.
For the final boss it says to beat every node on the map to unlock
I thought Mitsuha would take us into the 500k range. sisters why did we drop in revenue this month
Everyone is saving for Izanami
Trust the plan
>Most of the month was Tyr banner.
Take a guess anon.
M*les were a mistake
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I just wasted my stamina doing right nodes before I read this
We still need to clear the right side bosses
How do I get end game materials? like for warps and for unlock sigil to 60?
Then do 2nd right side boss first, reach final boss on right side, wait for left side to finish first boss then help with 2nd boss.
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It's not rocket science
Maybe you should stop being an incel virgin
Maybe you should stop being a faggot
There's coop?
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There was an event recently, but no the coop shop is not related to it, it's from the monthly battlepass
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The homoless future looks bright
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More than me by about $1000, I kneel.
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I just tried Ookuni with this build. She is more broken than both Zenkis

I one-phased Halphas. Beat final boss Athena in 30 sec. Fastest DV I ever did
It's fast but she's way more vulnerable since you need to stay close and you need to actually play the game.
Zenki is braindead spam S3 until the next round
>finally reaches second guild boss
>500 hp bars from 300+
what the fuck
it still melts using chink team but my hades+hera took ages to kill it might as well just suicide with them for participation points
my guess is not that many players knows anything about cn server other than fire sluts always broken
they see ice support when pre izanami ice element is meme tier so little incentive to pull her
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>Incoming buffs
Finally my wife is getting what she deserves. My loyalty, my SSS investment wasn't for not.
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People have time to save with Tyr so no wonder. Also it's not like omega mitsuha is a necessary so whales don't really push it.
Anyone who actually pays attention to this game knows Izanami is broken and Mitsuha is required to run with her.
The thing is that people could roll and save functors several patches in advance so the game won't have that huge spike in revenue unlike other games where the weapons are limited and must be rolled at the same time as the new characters. Lack of 50/50 for functor also doesn't help them in this case. Also no reason to invest a lot in Mitsuha aside from the functor maybe one more dupe for SS.
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>no point difference between killing it completely and shaving 300 bars on 2nd boss
What a gay bullshit. I don't have the heart to job my character too.
This shit event is godawful and I really want to punch the faggot who came up with it. They didn't learn shit from the first one.
I just drop it to 400 bars then kill myself for 16k, takes a minute
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Amaterasu when.
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The reward, the task, and the effort are so unbalanced. Anyway, sex with Hel
>dead Lingguang
Bro, your pink mimir?
The rewards being shit makes sense, they fully expected most people to just skip it so putting good rewards would just agitate more people.
Should have make it simpler and lighter if they already have that mindset, giving damage cap to bosses is just pants on head retarded.
So I can stop playing the event sisters?
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You made me think I was in Veda thread for a moment anon.
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aieeeeee wrong tab
She should be adequate enough by the time I got to rank 2.
im going to do it!
How much longer for Izanami?
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Right side 2nd boss dead.
Calvary is coming bwos,we will fight the 2nd left side boss together once we cross over!
less than 3 weeks.
Seems like you can jump to the left side already starting from the beaten boss
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I just discovered you can go above Lv 5 Affinity with Tsukuyomi.
>red heart

When will they go full Snowbreak already.
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Marriage with Mitsy!
Literally impossible
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based on the description. I think we need to kill the final boss in second map during phase 1. That's gonna be tight unless we scale hard with the Rating and Module upgrades.
Why are you always talking about snowbreak nigger? just go play snowbreak already
Snowbreak went to relatively tame to full coom, to the point where they are changing all male modules? (i.e. basically our functors) to female ones.
It's basically a case study.
Retarded question; what are "Tier 3 Aether Code"? The game never explained what that is, or I'm super fucking retarded.
3rd Aether code in a colour. So you have to invest totally in one colour.
Why do you type like a faggot?

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