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Lissandra is here!
Funny how the elder dragon gained a second skin
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>Got the lissandra encounter with
>Double the power of the first unit and grant it fearsome
>And let it capture the strongest
>On the second node
What the fuck
Aren't those Asol's skins? He looks like too much of a tube for ED, looks more like storm Asol.
At least I have something else to grind for, everything's 3*.
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Seems like this confirms Galio and possibly Hecarim/Sera. We had Hec in a previous version and I remember him being one of the worst champs in the game mode.
And why does Norra get a Norra only relic? She doesn't even need the mana.
Maybe its a precedent. Like, everyone will get their "own" epic relic
He is a bit more feral looking, has the mane and vestigial wings.
Unironically dead game
Killed by the devs on multiple occasions.
>the majority of player time is spent in this mode that has long daily quests that matter and something to grind out? Let's shift the entire game into that mode
Fucking retarded decision, and I only play poc.
> Azirelia is still unnerfed and still the best Eternal deck after 3 months

You know what? Maybe that game deserved to die
lmao did they balance Lissandra for Asol?
The extra cost is giga bullshit but Asol doesn't care so it works out
Its over brehs...
>absolutely refuse to balance the game
>add in literal whos intead of the champs people want to see
>monetize in the most retarded ways possible
>forcefully shelf half the cards because you're incapable of balancing shit
>shelf cards that are perfectly fine while keeping broken bullshit on eternal
Norra is surprisingly good in PoC. I expected her to be rough since her deck's super expensive but I've pretty much never bricked.
I also didn't expect her powers to be so consistently good, both her 1* (when you summon a created ally, grant it +1/+1) and 2* (game start and when you play a card with a base cost of 4+: plant a portal) looked mediocre but the 1* gets constant use (particularly with husks) and makes early portals more valuable, and the 2* makes sure you don't run out of portals and gives you a reason to use expensive cards.
Her only weakness I've seen so far is she takes a while to win because your units aren't particularly high value and the enemy usually has a lot of chump blockers, I'm sure that'll change a little once you get 3* (+3/+1 instead of +1/+1) or if I slap an overwhelm aura relic on her.
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Trying some PoC and managed to beat Asol on my first attempt by highrolling into shared keywords on Neeko.
Oh yeah double attack is cracked
Surprising you managed to make it to when asol starts dropping
In that topic, its so fucked how they turned him into the champions champion
He should have been celestial summoning ffs
Oh this was turn 2 which is why the only bonus champ is Jarvan, I got the burst speed clone emperor's deck card with copy onto same targets and force a discard then Garen had the 1/1 poro item.
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Woo 2 for 2 on Asol attempts. Triple start of round stun and on play strike with Janna and Ornn.
>fight before asol
>azir with copy
>turn 1, double azir
>turn 2, double landmark
>now every attack is a board full of sand soldiers
Well I'd been rolling like garbage the whole adventure anyway, 1 good power, useless support champ, and 2 good cards, so there's no way I was beating asol.
How come Asol got out then?
He ramps slower than that, unless they changed it with the patch (they changed a bunch of nodes, and most notably, thresh is not THAT much of a pushover now)
Double copy azir is an easy run killer
Oh wait yeah Asol was levelled so this was turn 3, he dropped three mana golems on turn 1 which let him get Asol turn 2 and then I blocked them so he'd waste all his mana playing asol instead of clearing my board so the open attack on 3 would win the game.
Just did Lissandra with Asol, what the fuck. How are you expected to reach Lissandra, let alone beat her, with other champs? I had a fucking Katarina on Asol and I still almost lost. Nigger was dropping 9/9's with tough every turn while limiting you to 3 cards per turn until he drops a 80/138 Watcher and puts you on a "hope you don't draw 3 times :^)" clock. You don't even get many chances to shop/buy powers/buy items for your champs. That's not even mentioning the 99 nexus health + tough.
Meanwhile every fight up to her is "Enemies have +1 mana, btw if they hit 10 mana you probably lose".
Getting into Path of Champions and whoever decided to shove in the retarded punishment for rerolling is a cunt. I don't want to be forced to play through Galio for 20 minutes with a shit power so I can restart with good ones just because I accidentally clicked play with the wrong character.
You can reroll after 2 wins, but most powers are usable so it's not worth it unless you roll really badly.
And it was done for a reason, people used to reroll until they got a really good power because it took no time.
from the champs i tried, easiest to hardest are asol, elder, yasuo, anne, and illaoi and the only run I'd say i was tryharding is illaoi. artrox probably as good as elder due to chunky unit and cost reduction, champs with cheap/free removal like yasuo and anne is really good, veigar probably would perform nicely as well.
Champ update when. I have nothing to spend fragments on.
WR just got Viego, Kalista and Maokai.
I wonder if we will receive the rest of the SI champions.
There are 3 SI champs left, Karthus, Vex and Yorick, I can't see them only dishing out SI champs even if the game's moved to PoC.
How do I play Pyke in PoC without losing my mind? I've got him up to 2 stars and it still feels like I need to get a godly set of powers and items to even stand a chance.
I feel that was about Yuumi. Two star and level 16 but half the time I get rolled over by enemies because mass Fated is useless when I have to constantly go wide instead of attaching so I don't get run over.
His nerf really hurt his PoC performance. But he's not that hard to play, though he does benefit a lot from his 3* and lurk requires you cut spells a lot of the time.

Yuumi's Pretty good, free chump blockers and she's the only champ that can use galeforce. You want that 2 mana unit to attach with, then things get easy.
Patch notes.
>adjusted PoC deck upgrades
>adjusted PoC star powers
>reviving is buffed, 50%->100%
>the early loss mentioned >>1423120 has been changed to 1 loss rather than 2
>fragment cap is now 200
>daily fragments buffed 4->5
>cosmic pearls nerfed to shit

Changes no one cares about:
>straight buff to his 2*
>odd change from a 3 cost unit that gets his powers instantly to a 3 cost unit that makes great use of his chimes

>actually looks like a nerf, an odd nerf at that

>straight buff to his 2*

>her spell is now burst

>straight buff to his 2*
>wounded whiteflame is replaced with shadowflame fanatic for some reason

Lee Sin
>Arguably a nerf, a cheap flow enabler is turned into an expensive flow user (albeit a better card in general, and if you have flow it's only +1 cost)

>2* arguably got nerfed, arguably buffed
>deck was also arguably nerfed too

>2* changed, it'll help prevent deck outs but if it stacks you're going to be drawing tons of cards every round start

>Nice buff to his 1* and 3*

It's nice they're making some of the worse decks a little more viable. Saying that, I still have nothing to spend fragments on but now I can buy 2 3* champs because I have a cap of 200.
Oh and also
>no event pass
It's over.
Man bard's power is still neutered but I guess it helps quite literally being more than twice as strong
The revival buff was so necesary, for anything that wasn't a dumb/bullshit loss against a regular node, you might as well just concede
The loss won is really good, for those bullshit like how galio/asol/lissandra can get, you need something
The fragments makes me think we will get much more champs (about time). 200 cap and 5 daily is big. Or maybe 4 star champs finally

Bard had NO REASON to have a ballader. It sucked hard. Now? He can get a kill minion on play. Big change. Also the chimes
Evelynn, I suspect cause you stat max anyway and regen works better. Also for that you DONT want to kill your mooks in droves but rather just enoguh to level evelynn up

Nasus change is weird, it was flavorful but weak and now its just the common power. Weird.

Ornn finally got more space to play his shit. Landmark's n1 issue was always the already limited board space and they took that away.
They can't monetize what people actually play kek
Gotta add every fucking champ out there and make fragment buying much more attractive
Get lucky. Seriously. There's no helping it-
Naturally of course you get your saber to do at least "some" damage. The collector isn't bad either
But either way, he's gonna suck early
Oveprepared is your friend.
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Goddamn just let me beat Asol with Diana already. Had a great deck/power setup to just be aggro as shit but then I get a dead opener vs Zed with double play so I get rolled over by 4 10/9's that then strike my Nexus for another 10 end of turn.
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>No troll king's crown
Holy shit nigger what are you doing?
Also Zed and in general Duplicate is a known run ender. Its why even dumb shit like poros on round start can be so valuable

>fastes 30m with Neeko
Damn, guess you will never join the Teemo abusers club
Teemo was nerfed pretty hard anon. But fastests assume you're trying again and again with the same champ anyway, iirc my fastest is only 24 minutes.
I know, the point is, nothing will be as fast as pre-nerf teemo
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God Liss just feels like a bunch of pointless bullshit. Trying Neeko with double star to just drop a super expensive champ that costs 6 less on turn 2 but then I get to the final fight and get rolled by Thralls.
Yeah Liss doesn't feel balanced for the current level of champs, maybe she's balanced for 4+ stars they're introducing later on.
I enjoy the fact the Lissandra quest can put me on my ass even with level 30 characters.
>trifarian might
>first encounter frostbites all units that enter the battlefield
>log in LoR
>rub my man boobies while I wait for the queue
>boy it sure is taking long today huh?
>get matched against a Darius deck
>giggle epically as I know my HECKING PORO KING deck counters him
>first hand has 0 poro kingos
>reroll my whole hand
>all expensive cards
>can't do anything but watch his units hit my nexus
>lost on turn 3
>get ANGRY and start slamming my keyboard
>jerome kicks my door open because I disturbed his fun timey with le wifey again
>he stops
>"ayo, he dissin my man Poro nigga?"
>nod softly
>"Nah bro, that ain't right. Let's get that muthafucka."
>enter Jerome's car and we drive towards the AGROCHUD's house
>gee thanks for helping me out Jerome, I know you were busy blacking le wifey
>"ayo don't sweat it cracka, poro nigga is my brutha."
>aggrochud is rubbing his hands facistically as he scores yet another win
>"Mwahahaha, yes, every win with my BASED deck means one less minority in this world!"
>jerome kicks the door open
>"What in Heil Hitler 1488 pepe milk okaysign's name???"
>jerome pulls out his glock and holds it sideways
>"You ded, fucka! You don't mess with the poro nigga!"
>aggrochud grits his teeth
>"We'll see about that, you n-word!"
>he pulls out his MG42 and opens fire
>me and jerome dive for cover
>but it's too late, he hit jerome
>he smiles, coughing blood
>"y'alright cracka... Thanks for... Da white bitch."
>he goes limp on my arms
>sob uncontrollably, the MG42 still firing because the aggrochud bought high capacity magazines from walmart
>sense something above me
>look up
>it's the spirits of the red army
>"Don't worry comrade, you can beat that facist pig!"
>he throws me a PPSh-41
>grit my teeth and run back inside the room, firing
>miss every shot
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>aggrichud's eyes go wide as plates
>"n-no! The superior soviet army! I'm doomed!"
>he just drops dead from fear
>fall down on my knees, panting
>clutch at my chest
>I overexerted too much and my major arteries exploded
>fall down on the floor, everything feeling numb
>look at the aggrochud's computer screen
>see EoS announcement from riot
>a soft smile grows on my lips
>mfw when at least, I played LE HECKING PORO KING one last time...
Few things are as painful as a Darius boss fight with hemorrage, vicious enemy and blade of the darkness.
It's virtually impossible to avoid getting your face punched against this fucking bitch.
And "keep searching" doesn't help, my enemy getting its premade perfect hand while I have to play wildcard hands every turn.
You will address him as AURELION SOL.
I struggled a bit with the weekly myself (fuck the hexcore foundry node in particular), but Darius isn't too bad imo - the end of turn damage from his power doesn't proc Blade in the Darkness from what I saw.
I just don't like how, again, nothing is close to the final boss powerlevel.
Its way better distributed than Asol though.
That's when you plan what to do before
You can either try to gigaclear the board, rush, or survive and lifesteal bullshit to max
I took Janna, every turn reduced the cost of the first 2 cards I drew and those "when you draw me, reduce my cost this round' cards were never their full cost.
What's with the 1gb update with no patch?
bugfixes, apparently
All they had to do was have some LoL skins be rewards for playing LoR and it'd boom.
Too late now though.
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who do i use next? liss is pretty brutal between frozen thrall turbo and only letting you play three cards a round
Asol's the obvious one.
Yasuo should be decent.
Norra might be good, probably won't be.
>doing asol on nid
>go to use the clever camouflage she creates
>the enemy's follower is selectable (card says allied follower)
>the enemy follower transformed into my selection
So what's going on with LoR? PotC focus until the internal restructuring is over?
No. They never made a profit, literally ever, in some cases some monetization attempts actually cost more to make than made back let alone all the other costs. The PotC focus is an attempt to monetize a different aspect of the game that is very popular (according to internal data), it might be that it's the most profitable part of the game because there's a long grind and a way to skip that grind.
If there's an until then it's until Riot pulls the plug.
elder is really good if you have him. probably the best after asol
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Huh the AI advanced my monument for me.
I very much liked the Hearthstone arena-like game mode during the beta test but haven't played the game since then. What am I in for?
Pretty sure that mode was removed because no one played it. But a lot has been added since, and the game is on its deathbed as development has shifted towards the PvE mode rather than PvP.
I'm just hoping it stays on life support long enough that Riot decides to do another side-title push and finally gives me the Rengar or Skarner or Syndra deck I was dreaming of.
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Woo turn 1 kill on Anivia and turn 1 level up on Nilah, my Slipstreams even cost 4 less to still be free against Liss and both Morde and Vikrash both have the reduce my cost by cards drawn item. I mean I still lost to Liss because I didn't get a single slipstream generator in my opener and that just fucked me but hey at least I theoretically could've won with this.
>draw perfectly for the whole run and roll so well it'd take a massive brick to lose
>draw poorly on the boss and lose
Every damn time.
Rotation list is out, RIP basically everything and welcome back to Vi.
It's funny how they abandoned pvp but since they implemented rotation they have to put a shitload of effort into updating it every once in a while.
For anyone looking, a full list of everything in standard

But this link's probably more useful.
>OUT: Pyke, Rek’Sai, Veigar, Senna, Diana, Nocturne
>IN: Braum, Vladimir
>OUT: Lucian, Jarvan IV, Tryndamere, Darius, Renekton, Kalista, Kayle
>IN: Thresh, Yasuo, Vi
>OUT: Heimerdinger, Quinn, Sejuani, Zed
>IN: Hecarim, Lulu, Gangplank
>OUT: Yuumi, Riven, Bard, Kayn, Varus, Aatrox, Ryze
>IN: Taric, Fiora
>OUT: LeBlanc, Fizz, Nami, Karma, Seraphine, Akshan, Pantheon
>IN: Aphelios, Sivir
So they murdered lurk, darkness, nightfall, daybreak, FTR-target champs (though they need a rework desu, at least Trynd does), scouts, Kayn/Aatrox, Ryze, attached, Fizz (lots of people will be happy about this one), Akshan memes, Nami faggotry, fated faggotry.
From a quick glance, they put in Braum/Vlad (which was unplayable last I checked), Lulu aggro, Hecarim aggro, and potentially Fiora bullshittery.
They also killed Liss by leaving her in but removing all the other Thrall cards.
>New Lux deck is looking like keyword do x to gain stats soup
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>Lux is just the most basic bitch stats up thing
Tbhdesu Im surprised no one fit that role before
you forgot they also killed random-spell fagottry (seraphine and karma). fuck those cunts
A single champion?
Jarro Lightfeather getting a card is all the game was really missing.
So is this the first champ they've made that was balanced around PoC? She doesn't seem very PoC-y, she looks like she'd scale well but this mode wants you to scale fast.
Nah this batch is the last of the stuff they were working on before Riot gutted them so still pvp oriented.
Vex's here
Vex herself looks kinda weak but the rest looks pretty good, polar opposite of Lux. Her level up looks way better though.
Yeah as a unit you can compare her to nocturne and morgana.
The wide AOE gloom sounds funny
There's definitely something wrong with the RNG in this game right?
>get to asol
>deck's not amazing but I could win if I don't brick
>brick 2 games in a row
This happens far more often than it should.
Lillia looks like fun and also absolute cancer
>Ancient Hourglass that can target enemies
Last expansion being
Is a fitting end to pvp, I'm not even going to bother playing this I already know the meta will be cancer
Wheres the husbandos??
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What's the point in removing Poppy and keeping her vaulted when everyone in this expansion is doing the same things Poppy did!?
That's probably why, Lux with Poppy would grow to the moon.
man this expansion is so uninspired, you can tell the studio was gutted midway through development and they just went with the safest, most bland version of everything to not create problems.
it's a real shame.
Could they at least add Graves into the game before it dies? It's criminal how the game completely ignored him.
You're kidding yourself if you think they aren't waiting for pride month.

Are you implying this new batch of champions won't be the last? Because that's just massive copium.
The last that's focused on pvp.
when does rotation start?
24th, probably.
Man I miss draft. They should at least reimplement that before focusing on pve.
Who cares about Graves post-retcon. Gimme Rengar and Kha'Zix already.
Rengar would probably use an equipment that gets buffed by kills. Make him like J4 where he pops out challenging if you attack with enough mana.
Kha'zix would probably have evolve and gains keywords through kills.
Granted it was the 1.5 star adventure bit still funny
Rengar should be some kind of weird Ambush Equip deck. Kha'zix being Evolve and Elusive.
Make him a recall/jarvan deck.
>high power/low health quick attack
>summons himself from hand on attack
>recalls himself at end turn
>make another update
>It's for pvp
What the fuck is the thought process of these fucking devs
If you're going to shelf pvp anyways why the fuck would anyone play pvp knowing it's going to EOS
>Grind for no reason gamer
I swear to fuck I've never seen a more incompetent team
Mobile card games with 100 players have unironically better ideas on the state of their game than any single redditor riot has on its payroll
The mass layoffs happened without warning so of course they are gonna release all the cards that were close to completion.
They probably figure they're easy enough to translate into PvE.
Lux may be difficult because scaling's a problem, but she gives free +1/+1's and she's a cheap champ which is always good. Her 3* is kinda shit though, it makes sense since it benefits more from boost but impact isn't that great. I suppose we'll see.
Vex looks like she'd be fine, any damage is going to whittle away at strong units and any AoE is basically a slow board wipe. Might run into trouble when enemies start getting Spirit keywords though.
Lilia could be alright, sleep should always be useful and she's getting double spirit buffs (unlike Lux, though with a harder condition). It's a pity they gave her an 8 cost unit though. Unless it's given the "I cost 1, I'm a 1/1 poro" item (which I doubt, it's already 1/1) I can't see it being anything other than cutbait.
They might give it Grow to 8/8 or reduce cost by highest cost champ so she's big or 5 cost.
Cards are up
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That's a lotta cards but we all know what the best one is.
Real niggas know 'bout turn 1 with shark and sapling.
Its funny to me how we got all these yeti shit and yet no nunu
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It seems like this expansion is based on dreams.
>Lux is having a dream about Demacia embracing her magic, then a mageseeker hunts her down turning it into a nightmare.
>Vex is having a dream (nightmare) about having a birthday party.
>Lillia is dealing with some corruption in the dream tree's dewdrops (I guess the place dreams are made) that threatens to keep people in their dreams/nightmares forever.
Then there's the side characters
>Mordekaiser may or may not be dreaming about beginning his conquest
>Angel is dreaming of winning big in the fight pits
>Draven's fan is dreaming of becoming like Draven
>Azir's dreaming about bringing Shurima back to its glory days
>Ingvar is dreaming of poros
>Some dragon worshipper is dreaming of dragons
>blacks are dreaming of being relevant (no seriously, almost every humanoid card that didn't have its race spoken for is black)
We finally got the community choice card too and Yone might be in the next pack (Steel Gale is a dual welder that looks like him with a Yone quote).
And I think most importantly, we got LoR incarnated into its own card.
Ok but when are we getting the giga-keyword variants? Boost should help. I want to have my giga tough and giga fearsome
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>Bandle Bright
>"Doesn't everybody dream about being the hero?" - Poppy
Why does Poppy have a dream card?
Who gives a shit about new champions on the PVE
It's bare bones as fuck
I already finish all 5 lissandra fights and Honestly it's just basic grinding for little reward

How are they going to keep retention if the only game mode worth playing has no content and feels incredibly samey
>Just like fight the same boss 50 times
Fuck off
I don't understand why they don't just EOS instead of trying for this barely any effort approach instead

The art department got super fucked in runeterra by absolutely incompetent game designers and programmers
>Who gives a shit about new champions on the PVE
More people care about the PvE than PvP lmao, that's why they're swapping to PvE.
Right but who cares about adding more characters to PVE? It needs a fresh revamp with more content if they want to make it the focus
Not drip feeding new champions into it
>Right but who cares about adding more characters to PVE?
The people who play PvE, the group we just discussed that was larger than the group of people who play PvP.
My man, why the fuck are you here if you don't care about it
Its BOTH. More champs AND new challenges.
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one last deck before rotation
>no event pass
Do they hate money?
We knew this ages ago.
If I were to guess, they make fuck all.
Why though?
Too generous?
Too much money invested?
With an IP like LoL they should've been swimming in money.
Probably just took too much effort for too little amount profit (if any). I think they said there'd still be an event but no battle pass. Don't forget, they were deep in the red, nothing they were doing was making money.
the update is here
>jarro lightfeather
>dream magic
So who's ready for the Marathon crossover?
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Is the buy deck button new? Haven't played constructed in forever.
Well after playing for 5 minutes fuck sleep. It doesn't need the heal on top of the infinite buff loop. Bastards decided to make Brash the worst keyword in the game in the same set that they added a card to let me steal low health enemies.
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>Its BOTH. More champs AND new challenges.
>ZERO new Challenges with the update

HA fuck you
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Spells getting keywords confirmed.
For those wondering, when I drew it the item was gone. I was half expecting it to crash the game so at least they handle it well.
Also, Boost only affects positive keywords for you and negative keywords for enemies, makes it way better.
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My deck is utter dogshit but I am nonstop winning because there is Aphelios in it. What do you call this phenomenon?
Kinda want to figure out a Taric-Vlad deck since reworked Vlad mass targets on play.
i'm sure they just forgot to blacklist spells from that item but lux v1's final spark is overwhelm and lurk has a couple of spells
Why the fuck did they release Lix again?
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so the devs can print revolutionary design like giving your creatures +1/+1....again.
what a bunch of fucking clowns, no wonder this game died. my dog could design more interesting cards.
Spells should be able to have lurk though, it's inconvenient 99% of the time but it lets you trigger lurk if the spell is the top card. Like the Bilge rally card comes with it.
Well that was fun. Why go though all the trouble sleep looping when you can just give the Sprite Mother deathless then soul cleave her.
But anon! This time you can BOOOOOOOOST your +1/+1! It's so exciting and fun!
Anyone else think it's too easy to stack impact? I'm seeing enemies hit 6 impact in one turn and unless you have an immediate answer it just kinda sucks to see.
take the targonpill. the lux player only has enough resources to stack impact on 1 or 2 little fuckers, usually, so if you keep those units permastunned/silenced they can't do anything.
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My Bedtime Stories deck. Thoughts?
>stall with healing, Ionia House Spider, and your champs until your opponent falls asleep
>win with bullshit overpowered Stories and/or a leveled champ
I've been using this to farm Lux decks but I think there is room for improvement.
Guiding Touch is so 2012
woah there, missy
Incidental racism seems to be a thing this month.
>my dog could design more interesting cards
And then you would shit on those designs for being too hearthstone.
Can someone post starpowers of the new chapms please?
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Just so you know, Vex's 2* isn't proc'd by non-skills like the Ravenous Hydra relic. There are only a handful of damaging non-skills so it's easy to forget.
Fuck, why is mister root so suicidal
It was obviously a joke, but I think they accidentally put them on spells instead of units, I don't think I've seen a single unit with it (starting deck units aside).
Now that we are done with the contained format what do we think of the story sets?

>Lux and Vex have dreams that turn into supernaturally corrupted nightmares that Lillia fixes
>Retard Monster hunters like Nilah and Demacian dragonriders keep poking legends and either make friends (Morgana/Janna) or wake up an ancient evil and running away to let it be someone else's problem (Volibear, Mordekaiser, Elder Dragon)
>Sett runs a fighting tournament only for a bunch of Noxian assassins led by Samira to infiltrate and for both sides to have their fun ruined by dumb shark people led by Jack deciding to fight everyone
Could've used more Demacian horrors
Nilah's crew got fucked by Mord so that's pretty cool
Captain Indari (Hot Wheels) blasting Angel in the face will always be funny.
You missed one.
>Poppy is dreaming about being the Hero
the item can show up on units or at least champions, i've had the option to take a garen with one
Yeah I ended up seeing a couple on units after making that post, on champ item drafts, draft drafts and in store.
Wouldn't put it past them though.
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They should have made an Orlon card, then they could've made a Spirit of Orlon card, then make a Dream/Nightmare Orlon card...
Why doesn't Orlon have a card, he's literally one of the founding fathers of Demacia? He should've got at least one or two when Poppy was added...

We already know what he looks like from the unused Wild Rift Lux Storyboard, why not actually show him in lore instead of being rarely mentioned? What's worse is at least Durand and Doran got mention in LoR, but Orlon never got mentioned at all in LoR...

It's obvious that Riot is evading him, because he's part of Poppy's lore and they are still seething about Poppy being the Hero of Demacia and not Lux or Garen or Jarvan, they're so mad at a Yordle having lore that outright canonly says she's Stronger than all of the Demacian Champs put together that they have to rely on this Smol Cootie Patootie Yordle to save them from total destruction that Riot lore writers just try to pussyfoot around from advancing Poppy's lore in Demacia that they just put her right dab in the middle of the Bandlewoods hanging out with a bunch of random dudes doing nothing lore relate besides maybe bringing back Blomgrun back into her lore and introducing an younger sibling..
*Even the Mageseeker game they tried to make Sylas the Hero of Demacia by having Morgana bestow that on him, but good thing that game isn't considered canon, because that was just a dick move in trying to remove Poppy from Demacian lore
What are the Mageseekers exactly? Did something happen in Demacian history that made them fearful of mages? Are Demacians magically inept so they hate mages?
Demacia founders were refugees from the rune wars which were caused by super powerful mages using super powerful magical artifacts to be silly
Their whole country is built upon escaping from magic that's why they have the mageseekers
Kind if happy Support came back. Wouldn't mind if they went back to the Foundations era of mechanics. An Ephemeral champ would be nice to have in PotC
Also, when the refugees aka Orlon and his band plus Poppy built the first settlement in what will be known as the Capital of Ancient Demacia called Zeffira, Kayle and Morgana had a huge fight that destroyed it that resulted in Kayle killing her Dad in the process which she left afterwards, and Morgana went into hiding to feeling ashamed and wanting to be forgotten.

This left an expression on the people that magical beings can't be trusted and thus the Mageseekers were commissioned.

Also, the reason why Ryze wants to seal away the Runes which he uses Demacia's petricite forest as a vault, he's trying to prevent another Rune War and to prevent people from being corrupted by it like what happened to Brand.

Note: Poppy probably met the Twin Sisters in the flesh and she most likely can end the Mageseeker vs Rebel Mages Civil War and bring back the Real Demacia Tradition as she was around when it was meant to be an ambitious new nation, where all were welcome, regardless of station or background, so long as they contributed to the good of the whole.
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>TFW Riot treats Poppy like she's a Minor Character in the lore when she's actually a Major Character in it
Really you just have to look at the shitshow that is Shurima to justify the Mageseekers.
The more I read about Demacia, Petricite, and he Mageseekers the more I like. I know Demacia in LoR is supposed to be about weenies and buffing them but a Mageseeker spell that counters either abilities or spells would be fun. The LoL mmo better have them as a faction or class I could join. There's also the fact there are literal shit logs of Petricite from imprisoned mages makes it funnier
Actually, now that I think about it, if they keep releasing new-old champs like Lux do you think there'll be region switching? Like if Jarro was a champ instead of a follower, EZ would be in both Demacia and P&Z.
It's odd that there are no mageseeker champions, they're all normalfag knights or some form of mage themselves.
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Hey, you're on to something there, champs having alternate versions that are in a different region with new keywords/effects/abilities could be interesting for example Noxus Poppy will be a Bandle/Noxus champ with a different keyword/effects/abilities from her Bandle/Demacia version, because Noxus Poppy is supposed to be an alternate universe where she joined Noxus instead of Demacia.

Don't other cards games already do that? I think Senna count as she has a Demacia and a Shadow Isles versions of herself.
There's gotta be some. From the top of my head I snow variants (particularly Swain), tons have Hextech versions (would be stuck in P&Z though), and hell even if we're not restricting to skin lines you can always just go with their past adventures, most of them are pretty well traveled.
Again, assuming they keep adding champs.
Who the fuck is Jarro
A dashing hero and beloved member of the Sentinels of Light.
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His Demacian persona to try to get closer to Lux and hangout with Lucian
Ezreal larping as a sentinel of light (special demacian military force that deals with monster threats) with a different name
Apparently he actually DID manage to get a real role there
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Is Lillia the worst champ in the game? My Lillia decks get better when I remove her from them. She's just a 3 mana 3/2 really, Sleep isn't that impactful.
Vex is by far the most fun champ of the 3
The funny stuff you can make with enfeebeling strike to become a better ashe is so fucking funny
Her not having a line for Nocturne entering is lame though
>The Yordle Champs is funnier than the non-Yordle Champs
Often happens
Mr.Bloom reminds me of the muffin from asdfmovies
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Jack Braum is fun, liking the new prize fight into 3 coins landmark.
Im on a nonstop winstreak with this Vex deck
Do people really...?
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LoR started as a PvP game and always will be a PvP game. Path of Champions is a minigame added halfway through the games lifespan. If you don't PvP, that means you didn't play the beta and aren't a true LoR fan, just a poser.
solid contender but samira exists
Did they really not post card changes? I remember thinking Brightsteel Protector was still 2/1 (saw it as 3/2), and now I just saw that Inspiring Light is grant all allies spirit (instead of +1/+1).
are you a time traveler ? Brightsteel protector was nerfed 2 years ago
Yeah and now it's at 3/2 again.
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it's not thoughbeit
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I swear I saw it as 3/2, no items or buffs (PoC).
At bare minimum Inspiring Light was updated to be "Grant allies Spirit" instead of "Grant allies +1/+1".
it's the only change of the sort I noticed too
Yeah I saw Brightsteel as a 3/2, thought it was weird but didn't think much of it, it's entirely possible I was mistaken, but when I saw the Inspiring Light change too I thought there must've been a hidden balance patch.
The fun part about Jack Braum is that people don't see the wins coming.
I hope you named the deck Bold and Brash
>expansion with edgy woodland creatures giving you -1/-1 counters and cute critters and aryans giving you +1/+1
When the devs are so addicted to mtg they can’t stop copying it
Samira doesn’t count. She was the best champion in the game
Why even print new demacian cards when they’re all just
>curve units=win
Nah it's "The Brak Deck"
To be fair, OG Lux didn't really match the Demacian archetype as Demacia isn't really a spell-oriented region while New Lux took a page from Poppy and Shen making fit what Demacia really roll with
jewwww white Chinese, the shit hole racist pedo American white pigs, experience Pearl Harbor again and be slaughtered and exterminated!

from japan
What a shame what they did with this game, a betrayal of the community, just because it wasnt the gold mine that tft and lol are with their shitty skins.

I was season after season in masters.

They abandoned the community that is why I dont play anymore.

Shoutout to the guys staying on purpose in low diamond with your shitty meme decks you are (were) the MVPs of this once great game.
>just because it wasnt the gold mine
It made no profit at all. There was not a single time in its history where it made money, in many cases it was multiple times in the red. It was so non-profitable that some attempts at monetizing actually cost more to make than it made back. If it didn't have riot backing it would've been shut down years ago.
nah, she was carried by fizz and shelly and only existed as a cheap spell generator for them
rito broke her legs because apparently fizz must never be nerfed and any other card will take the fall for him
same happened to TF
boy I sure love another meta of elder dragon decks, what a great champion with such an interesting origin that isn't broken at all and for sure doesn't make the game worse just by existing
Sex with Vex
Sex with Gnar
reminder that powder kegs are still fun and effective
Gnar is cuter though.
what the fuck is this abomination
Fuck your Gloom.

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Every single game I have played today has been against Elder Dragon Shyvana. Nice fucking game Riottards, no wonder this dogshit died.
What no games against Vex Norra with a single copy of Eddie for overpowered buffs.
I know it's not happening because of the team getting gutted but the entire fucking dragon archetype needs to be gutted for constructed to be decent. Who the fuck thought cards like 2/3 draw a dragon were a good idea. The entire archetype is just slightly overtuned with a ton of cards that punch above their weight for their cost that get pushed to absurd levels by bullshit like Form Up, Single Combat, and Elder Dragon.
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This game is trash
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>7 months working on an expansion
>only 3 new champs
>1 of them is fucking lux again
>their entire gimmick is "give +1/+1" and "give -1/-1"
Holy fucking shit
What a fucking joke
How is my favorite dead card game doing
wait they are killing the game?

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