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Bestower of All Chapter 7 and new road map soon! Stream later today at 2PM PST.
Why didn't you just wait a few hours and make the roadmap as the OP
Oh shit, didn't realize that's what everyone was waiting for. Well, it'll be just a post or two down then in a couple hours.
Roadmap won’t be around until the tail end of the Tavern Talk anyways.

Can’t believe we only got one hour left until the news drops, and one day left until the update hits.
Less than one day til the update, more like twelve hours.
looks like nephti has gotten tons of buffs
but good I guess cuz more saving for Elrica and Saziroth.
Only got 2k rubies so I gotta skip, but whales are gonna have a blast tomorrow, as usual.
These Nephti buffs look NUTS! Triple cast, introducing magic crits before Detraina or whatever that witch's name is, 6 hit ST and 5 hit AOE, jesus.
and her accessory giving 100% crit, what the hell
Nephti might as well be a new character for global. This is bigger than the Roland/Frederica buffs. Everything is buffed to an insane degree. Even her A4 is buffed to be something nobody's ever had: it now grants permanent Dead Aim (guaranteed crit) in addition to everything else.
Her biggest weakness in JP was it took her too long to ramp up her cheer on points but now global Nephti gets them automatically every turn.
There's even more than what I'm listing. Fuck, she's pretty much top of the game now, I might have to try and pull. But she's like Bargello in that you want her A4 and even U10.
Yeah, she's cracked beyond.
Oh yeah, and reminder that on JP, Nephti, who was infamous for being mediocre, went from shitty to amazing and top tier with her 6* and TP. She's still gonna get skyrocketing buffs in global when she gets that in the future. So now, instead of going from near the bottom of the game to near the top of the game, she's going to go from above the top of the game to...whatever lies above the heavens.
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Road map
RIP to everyone who busted their ruby nut on the previous banner
All in on Nephti and future Castti teams now.
I don't regret going all in on the Bargello banner and am set to get his A4 in 5 months or whenever they add it to the exchange (they're adding Krauser tomorrow) but man, this might be the banner that makes me wish I was a whale the most. Nephti changing the game over night. I have 2k rubies as I said, maybe I should try and rush for another 2.5k with my backlog of traveler stories and lv100 NPC fights. But then I'd be dry and they'll hit us with either Live A Live or Elrica+Alaune EX next month I bet.
Decisions, decisions...
Where's the guy who was saving for Nepthi even when people were telling him she's meh/trash? I can't remember a time where I saw an anon win harder than he did today.
What is the nature of the buffs? I'm hurting on apothecaries so may throw a pull at her.
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It's a lot so I put everything in one pic, the red are the buffs
Any word on the guidestone bug or is it still fucked indefinitely?
That is pretty nice. Does JP have any more of the stack build supporters/DPS like her and Tatloch?
They still have no idea how to fix it lol
Assuming Nephti's later buffs that JP got from TP and 6* aren't changed for global when they arrive, you can look forward to following:
>her second passive that gives party buffs will also buff party damage by +15% passively at 5 support points
This is at 6 star and will make passive damage capping a breeze.
>she gains 1 support point when switching rows
This was given to her so in JP she could actually function, as she relied on her ultimate to get support points over there. This means on global she'll be able to get two points per turn with ease, not counting using her ultimate for an extra 2 (only 1 in JP) in the same turn, so 4 points in a turn for extreme ramp up, cutting out the only thing balancing her even further.
>TP Skill: 3-hit axe aoe, 55 potency, upgrades to six hits at 9 support points
Considering Global Nephti already had her 1 hit axe aoe changed to a 5 hit axe aoe at only 5 support points, this skill is just a slight upgrade that takes longer to reach, meaning you might wanna just bring her GLEX aoe. I should note, I say "axe" but all these skills are axe/staff/tome.
>EX Skill: 8 hit axe ST hits staff and tome too and lowers enemy axe/staff/tome res by 15%
She needs 6 support points to use this which'll be much easier on global when she gets this skill.

Bow before your new queen.
Everyone in the discord seething cause they were planning on skipping her lmao
fucking kek
global going for that money grab
I'm going for Solon first, if I get him early that's still a skip.
yeah nephti sounds cool, but where am i gonna use her?
when castti comes out
I feel like this applies to most characters. There just isn't that much actual content in the game.
i think i'll spend the full 6k and finally pick up rinyuu as well
Nice, you'll be set for supports then. Good on ya finally making it to 6k, that shit takes forever.
why couldn't they hit EX tressa with sudden global buffs...
Does she have 6* on JP yet? Maybe there's still hope, Tressabro.
she does, but i'm not sure how to gauge its efficacy because it's a long time away and what sounds good now might not be that great by then
Bro...she already has it and she's still mid, Hujheb basically murders her.
It's over...
Now that they can just buff characters out the ass our JP foresight is kinda useless, I'm kinda spooked
heh i have less than 100 rubies, nothing scares me
I may actually roll for Nephti holy shit. I slept on Leon and I massively regret sleeping on Roland. On one hand, I've already got a ton of supports like Bargello, PrimEX, Rinyuu, Tat and Tithi. I can slot in any of them.
On the other hand, magic crit so Cyrus can do fuckoff damage and a source of Staff + Tome damage that isn't Cecily. Plus the foresight of her great 6* upgrades. I just hope she doesn't bankrupt me before Elrica and an actual hint comes out for LaL collab so I don't miss the man who did nothing wrong.
>an actual hint comes out for LaL collab
I'd bet it is version 2.12.0 in June as "special story and characters" reads crossover to me
Reads as side solistia to me.
I believe they fixed it unannounced, I tried increasing the level cal and it worked
I really regret wasting 1.2k rubies on the new year banner for ONE fucking prim ex.
That aside, is there any benefits of doing adversary fights except for hammy's? Like feat rubies or good rewards?
Won't be til the anniversary.
One Prim EX for 1.2k rubies is actually good bro...
Equitable allies you can summon without having worry about limited uses. Other than that upgrade mats and 40 gems/adversary.
>spend 900 stones to get a character to help you beat two lvl 100 NPCs for 400 stones
Still a better investment than 90% of gacha rolls I guess
>15 million leave evasion taking accesory
holy shit
Where's this?
Agapea. Trade/Barter NPC in the item shop. Looks like I gotta clear an Elite Floor (totally broke)
Haggle, not barter.
Had location wrong. She's in the NW most house in Agapea, not the item shop.
>A4 and U10 Nephti in 100 pulls
it was meant to be
>40 gems/adversary
Do I have to clear all levels of the adversary?
>the shop actually has nephti/solon awakening stones
holy shit i thought they'd never do this again
Rank 4/6 is a 10, rank 6/6 is 30.
having linde + hagen + ma'afa is pretty cool
now i can pretend h'aanit lent tressa linde
>galdera's origins as trial of truth
That was nice
>Happy architect and Bargello in 90 pulls
My decision to skip Bargello's banner paid off. Problem is whether or not I wanna gamble on getting Solon before pity because apparently his U10 adds great value.
Fucking hell, these rates are always brutal. Only had enough to do 80 pulls, got one 5 star, Yukes (new!). It was my first 10 pull too, so if that had of actually been the rate up traveler, I'd be golden. I've got 3 weeks, now I gotta do traveler stories all day every day to get more rubies, the new main story will have to wait.
I was actually thinking of buying the Nephti one if I could get her in this afternoon's pulls. I foolishly assumed awakening packs would be somewhere in the $15 to $25 range but nope, $69.99 plus another 15% tax, my country's economy is fucked.
NephtiGOD, what the actual fuck? Were they paid step ups? Because on normal banners, I don't think I've ever gotten anyone event to A2 in 100 pulls before (been playing since launch, used all my free rubies since then).
How long does it take for her to get set up w/ her Cheer points? Is it only 1/turn with her support skill?
One point per turn and her ultimate gives her 2 points every time you use it. Same passive also fills her ult gauge by 50% each turn. Wiki says her ultimate goes from 2 uses to 10 at level 10, can anyone here who pulled her confirm if it's just 2 uses for level 1 to 9 and then you need a dupe for it to go straight to 10 uses, or does it get more uses as you level it up?
Ultimate uses start at 2, increases by 1 every level until you get to 10 at U10. U4 has 5 uses, U5 has 6 uses, etc.
So caps out at 9 for U9? Bretty gud. Now to figure out how to beat these last lv100 NPCs for more rubies. How hard is the top floor of Master Training where you fight the last two lv100s at the same time?
>went back to clear hammy in adversary log
>the special task literally just left
Also she starts at a much higher ult gauge than anyone else (bar Nona). At U9 it starts at 90.
So let's see, just spitballin' here 'cause I don't have her yet to test. You generally want to get around 6 cheer points asap
>turn 1, use 1 BP to fill ult and get 1 cheer point at end of turn
>turn 2, use ult to get 2 points and another at end of turn, up to 4 cheer points now
>turn 3, use some BP to charge ult at least 50%, finish fully charging it at end of turn from passive and get up to 5 cheer points
>turn 4, ult for the second time, getting 2 cheer points and a third at end of turn
>start turn 5 with 8 cheer points
So her entire kit is fully online by the start of turn 5, because the most points she needs for her skills and passives is 8. Does she have a cap on cheer points? Her ultimate can actually benefit from having more than 8, since it buffs by 1% more per point.
Dear God... these Holy Caits have the highest Exp turnout I’ve ever seen! 650,000! Add the 50% bonus you get from equipment and that adds up to 975,000 Exp! Goddamn!
Fucking sweet. Are there any guaranteed daily ones, or just random encounters? Hell Caits were pretty darn common, how about these ones?
Pretty sure the cap is nine points like all buffs.
i should catch up to story....
>looking at the hammy race tweets to figure out what I'm doing wrong
>every single team is the same
i guess i must be a masochist, for not following meta
yeah, races are bullshit and i generally don't like to play that way. i wish they had other challenges but i can't even think of any
I forgot I hadn't read any of the bookmark memoirs and turns out most are worth 20 rubies each. Skipped through them all, I'll properly read them later, and ended up with 360 rubies. Did another ten pull (bringing me up to 90 pulls total counting the 80 I did this morning) and I got her!
Wild to think she wasn't even on my radar until yesterday, then I dumped it all to snag one precious copy of the cutest builder. I think Live A Live will be the thing at the end of the current road map, but Elrica could drop any week now so I'll have to keep looking for old sources of rubies to collect.
congrats bro, she's a ton of fun to use
Thanks! Don't have enough guidestones to max her 'cause Tatloch, Bargello and Sonia ate a lot, so it's off to the hunts we go!
Pretty sure Live a Live is the special chapter in June. If it was Side Solistia, it would be a 3.0.0 update.
4 months away? looking at it now, we shouldn't even have enough travelers before when JP got live a live nor solistia to fill in the time until then
>Every single team is the same
Not even remotely the case, it's just that Bargello and Sonia are the most convenient to pull and someone did an EX Tier with only gen pools.

The one before this asked you to clear Dancer Tower or Thief Tower EX5.
what the fuck i was not EVER going to expect canon pregnancy to start off the newest chapter
really wish i could play this on my PC
On the way to getting Nephti yesterday, I got Yukes. Today, I looked at his kit while leveling him up and wondered: why/where the hell would I ever use this guy? Even Millard would be more useful in Cleric Tower. I guess if someone just started their account and had zero other 5 star clerics they'd use him.
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This is it, I will drop this game if I can't get nephti before the banner ends REEEEEEEEEEEE
>why/where the hell would I ever use this guy?
To boost Aedel.
Has the JP version explained what the fuck Vide is in Octopath 2? I hope they will, given we've gotten a lot more info about Octopath 1's mythology in this game.
I got her too recently (Bargello's banner), is she good enough to warrant using a party slot on Yukes? Feels like this lil guy overinvested on boosting one character.
Best of luck bro, at least you have 3 weeks instead of 2. Have you cleared all content and read all stories yet?
>new chapter boss removes tressa ex's arrow buffs every turn
>my team usually relies on vim and vigor too
why don't i just lay down and die
still made it though
>Have you cleared all content
No, that's why I am not dropping this right now. But it's not much, barely reaches the pity even all the content rewards+dailies+hammy reward combined
They probably just reused the gods for the conveniency lol.
boy this shrine guardian is fat as hell
Barely still counts, good luck! And who knows you might luck out like I did last night and get her before pity.
is the sheep tied to solon or something?
i honestly can't find somewhere in-game that says something
What sheep?
it's a new keeper, a gold variant is in the premium shop but i don't see the normal version, so i assume it's tied to someone like hagen/linde/ma'afa/lolo
Yeah, you have to have Solon for the (non-paid) sheep to become exchangeable.
My blind run:
>Brought Tat, Nephti and Rinyuu so dumbass can't kill me.
>A2 isn't carrying weakness skill so Sarisa is breaking while she just sits there and does 4x Attack on break
>Lars is useless so Bargello is plinking away while conserving SP
>Tat has her 2x multitype, Cyrus is as bad as Lars
>Nephti in front of Rinyuu can't do anything but 7-hit ~900 plinks.
I had 2.5 effective rows. But I got him to red. Then he revives and the next two phases go well until he kills A2 with his 3x random all targeting her while on his last 5% of health and proceeds to wipe the rest of my team because I tried to revive with Rinyuu instead of maintaining the Gracious Prayer. 57 tediois turns for that. Almost as bad as my Largi attempts
I'm starting to understand why people look this shit up beforehand.
Well, this was an exciting run,

>Alaune (A2)
>EX Tressa (A4)
>Scarecrow (Recycled)
>W’ludai (Recycled)
>Z’aanta (Recycled)
>Olberic (Recycled)
>and of course...Nephti (A4)
>go in blind with a scholar or two with analyze
>reveal all weaknesses
>die and return
i've done this more times than i want to admit
i always do first run blind
if it doesn't work, then i readjust my team according to weaknesses
if it does work, then even if it's a pain, it's a lot more memorable so i find the experience worth it. sure, it can be frustrating, but if i used a guide then i don't feel like i really did anything
Cyrus ends up being useful in his last health bar. Faggot just wiped me because I missed a debuff turn. Should be able to beat him but fuck the fight is long. Last phase also drops the EOT buff removal.
are the elite wolf accessories even worth it
the second one seems nice but it needs the first one equipped too
i might just take whatever clear i can get to continue towards the elite kraken's first accessory instead, and the second kraken accesssory seems redundant due to buff caps
interesting, JP cotc is putting out a survey specifically targeted at cotc players, regarding a new game project square is working on that somehow involves the other similar rpg titles too
The dungeon crawler is the only one that doesn't look like total trash.
Tried to do it. Even with an account I can’t do the survey. I have to have an account AND I need the Square Enix app on my phone.
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Damn, that Heaven OST is very similar to picrel. I wonder if it was from the same composer.
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What is the optimal nurturing distribution for each available keeper?
EATK on healers, PATK on sharpen cat, the rest get Spd or an offensive stat of your choice
>therion (7th), primrose (4th), soleil (2nd), and a fucking new rondo in 80 pulls
>but not nephti
Why so much luck now when I don't have enough to pity the banner character, but not when I do? I came to conclusion that gacha has consciousness and it's sadistic
Which route got the best farming efficiency in TS final board?
They rig it to fuck with your emotions. It's by design. You'll see the same thing happen on the gameboard, but with that you can at least easily see what's being rigged by closing it and rolling a different number of die.
is there any reason to hold onto arena champion tower awakening stones?
or should i trade them in to buy some stuff from the exchange, since i haven't bothered actually farming their fights
secret route if you can beat highest difficulty
but if you want an easy farm, take the route with all those little robots and just spam therion aoe fire
>is there any reason to hold onto arena champion tower awakening stones?
Have you A4'd all of the relevant champs?
yeah, and U10
shard em then
Which of the arena champs are worth grinding for their personal equipment and lvl 100?
Yan Long is the (3rd) best Staff damage unit in the game. His personal gives 150 attack and the A4 is wonderful for breakers.
Gertrude is a solid Axe nuker. Accessory's main bonus is the extra speed.
Glossom is Fan breaker/DPS that isn't limited like Tatoloch or FioreEx. Accessory increases is like Yan.
Tikilen can fill in Wind DPS well. Her 4-hit random wind skill is finicky, but her nuke still makes her worth slotting into wind teams. Accessory is like Yan but for Magic.
Hammy is a wonderful tank backpack. Phys/Ele dodge, granting ANYONE a 2-hit counter (which can proc for each character hit by a single AOE attack, keep in mind for Berecain NPC), and some niche Tome damage/breaking. Passive makes her heal frontrow buddy. Accessory increases Attack and reveals weaknesses. A4 is really powerful for both backpack and attacker roles.
if your team needs a job, they can fill it, especially for the job towers. easy awakenings help them stay competitive too
many of them are also atypical to their job so it's a neat niche to fill
>tikilen is an eatk focused warrior
>glossom, gertrude, yan long, and hammy are patk focused
She got TP and 6-star a while ago and it was the funniest update I've ever seen. The TP skill is just AoE combust kek. And the 6-star upgrade just makes her 3-hit priority skill give her 2 points now.
At least her new EX skill allows her to imitate Z'aanta's 5-hit skill two times a battle, lol.
took nephti along some hodgepodge teams against various arena champs, these overall damage buffs are insane, and she ramps up in no time unlike tatloch
it's also quite fun that she benefits both patk and eatk
the aoe combust also gives her 3 trap points, she gets a passive for 4 trap points on break which is easy thanks to swift triple shot, and her ex 5-hit gives her 5 trap points too
but we just got nephti with like 7 hits forever and even aoe effortlessly, so maybe global will come through again
what's the word on how she's expected to compare to upcoming must-pulls like santanos (sp?) or elrica? I've only got about 5.5K rubies so I've been avoiding this one but the hype seems real
JP is getting Nier round 2 and a guaranteed one of either Nier (twink not papa), Kaine or Emil. All look pretty good but I'd prefer Emil.
Last time it was Nier: Automata.

Tomorrow JP gets its prequel, Nier: Replicant.
Nier - Merchant (Sword/Dark)
Kaine - Thief (None?)
Emil - Cleric (Tome/Dark)
>only got one nephti before 150
u10 isn't a priority right? it'd only save one turn

who knows, global could buff sazantos/elrica however they feel like, or even not at all
Yes, A1 and you can use a pet with BP boost to ult turn 1.
>fiore anecdote
>z'aanta's in it
oh no
>the stupidity music starts playing
>no Papa NieR
Yeah, I know it's because it's Replicant and not Gestalt. Fucking hate Replicant for phasing him out of existence.
But I would still the everloving fuck outta Kaine and my boy Emil.
Now I have something to look forward to after Sazantos, I pray global lasts long enough to get it.
*pull the everloving fuck
>I pray global lasts long enough to get it
Why wouldn't it? COTC is doing a decent job of staying above water compared to others games IIRC
Pretty sure Papa Nier was American only. The Japanese version was Brother Nier.

Weird change though.
SE is a fickle mistress.
Given NieR can extend break buy a turn with one of his skills, this more or less makes him the single best character released up to this point.
ok i am saving for these guys, how long do i have
You’re gonna be saving for a long-ass time then. The Nier Replicant characters won’t be out for another year.
since my pulls have been straight dog shit i got burned out so i am going into just log in bot for a while, this sounds perfect
What is the passive stone income per month anyway? 360?
higher than that since every few update theres like a 100 Rubie feat
Meant just from logins, no campaigns.
Man, this gameboard upgrade has been great. I've never bothered clearing out the monthly stuff from the three gameboard medal exchanges, but I just cleaned Wealth out with a couple good runs. Just have Fame to do now.
Holy shit that's unbelievably busted. I guess I'm gonna be skipping the limited Solistia travelers to save up more rubies, my only targets right now are Elrica+Alaune EX, Live a Live and Sazantos+Signa.
Speaking of Side Solistia though, are there any travelers from over that that are totally busted?
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redpill me on these please. what's their deal and why are they on everyone's list just like bargello? I was going to get him anyway because chosen one turning evil is kino but now I'm curious
Temenos and Hikari stand out.
I just like the characters, but Sazantos is a strong damage dealer and Signa's a good all stats debuffer I think? Pretty sure I heard with H'aanit EX+Signa you can cap all stats down on all enemies.
It's only once per battle and only after 6 turns. You have to actually do the math on how much he's truly brining to the table. I'll compare him to brining morffins instead. Say you have an attacker and the damage they do is represented as 100, they get 3 turns of break damage so the final total is 100+100+100= 300. Say you replace him with Morffins who provides 30% potency up, but doesn't provide an additional break turn so the number would be 100 + 100 + 50 = 250, but then he provides 30% potency up so it's 250 +30% for 325. A gen pool character provides more damage over the course of those three turns and he can do it more than once per battle. If you don't have an ult debuffer then billy would provide 250 +20% for 300 the exact same amount NieR provides. Don't let yourself get swept away by a gimmick there's more than one way to skin a cat in this game.
>you can actually browse the travelers in travelers menu by swiping up down in the status screen without needing to go back to travelers screen everytime
I am a fucking idiot
Signa is a fantastic debuffer with a great ultimate. Probably the best.
Sazantos isn't as much of a priority as Signa because he's "just" a really really good sword (and light and fire) damage dealer... which is to say he's really good but can be replaced by other damage dealers (it's just harder cause he hits so many weaknesses), but they come together with shared pity so might as well. It's just a really high value banner where you can reasonably expect to get both units before pity with average luck.
>really high value banner
until global splits them again hehehehe
This anon's right. People get too excited by the new gimmicks which is why SQEX adds them, to get people to pull.
Personally I'm skeptical. It's not good in speedclears because of the 6-turn requirement, but it can only be used once per battle so it's not great in dragged-out fights either. Making your ultimate buffs/debuffs last through 3 turns of breaks also sounds tricky. What about ultimate buffs that don't increase in duration even at level 10? BP management is also an issue. How are you going to max boost attack with all of your units for all three turns?
Nice, I remember hearing Hikari's OP now that I think of it. Good to hear there's another busted cleric coming too.
>It's just a really high value banner where you can reasonably expect to get both units before pity with average luck.
Yeah, like >>1416028 said, it's gonna be two split banners with a shared pity as the format, so f2p will likely have to dump 4500 to (hopefully) get one and then spend the pity on the other one rather than splitting their rubies chasing them across two separate banners. Unless you get super lucky and pull one in your first ten pull, then swap to the other banner.
We will get hammy reward next wednesday, right?
Am wilbe fukked ifn't mebbe
I finally have enough power fruits to max this lil guy's p.atk, seems like a safe investment since he will always be on someone who wants more p.atk. Still have a few empowers left over and I'll get a few more when he hits level 10 two weeks from now.
Is putting the rest in hp after you've maxed their main stat the best way to build pets? As you can see from my pic, I already put some hp into this guy and several other pets to help with my Hammy clear because I noticed some characters were either just barely surviving or just barely dying.
I believe the stream that announced the Hammy Cup Race said the rewards will be sent out on March 19th, so three Tuesdays from now.
>march 19
I am done, I will not have enough to pity nephti even if I clear all the remaining game content. Sayonara bros.
Fug, RIP. Hopefully I'm wrong about the date then, or you get her from a lucky pull and don't have to complete the pity.
If we’re lucky, we’ll get another new character soon.

Rumor has it we’re getting Ninalina and/or Levina within this update. Both are long overdue so here’s hoping for global buffs!
finally took down elite wolf, and managed 5 turns too despite almost turning out catastrophically wrong
>this last octo weakness
wow what the hell, time for nephti to shine even more
Just thought of something. We have like...SEVEN Chance Encounters left. That’s it.

From Orsterra:
>Ninalina - Scholar (Dark)
>Lemaire - Dancer (Fire/Ice/Thunder/Wind/Light/Dark)
>Ogen - Apothecary (Ice)
>Sertet - Hunter (Wind)

From Solistia
>Grieg - Warrior (Fire)
>Morffins - Apothecary (Ice)
> Neha - Dancer (Ice/Dark)

That’s it. Everything else from here on in is Limited in some capacity.

Got a feeling they might either spread these Chance Encounters out or make new ones because we are now 4 months away from Side Solistia, and Part 5 of Octopath Champions of the Continent.
I recently started this game, and am not sure what I should actually be doing.
I recently beat all the Fame chapters. Should I focus on the Power and Wealth, or the Traveler stories? I feel aimless in the game.
progressing the main stories will unlock more features, so keep pushing as long as you are able. if you hit a wall, then consider working on your team, some equipment maybe, or guiding some new travelers
traveler stories are basically a source of rubies, do them when you need to summon to round out your team, or when you feel like it because they can take a lot of time
nephti is a very good target right now if you haven't gotten her already
I would start by doing as much of the traveler stories as you’re able to. Then focus on the Nameless Town as well as Elvis’s side story.

You’ll also want to do the Emberflame Stories as soon as you can. Getting yourself some Keepers and Divine Beasts will make the game MUCH easier for you.

Do as much of the Ultimate Tower as you can as well as any of the Job Towers as your level permits.

Then focus on the main Story. When you get to Part 2: Master of All, make DAMN SURE you get through the hunt quests and defeat the Battle Tested Veterans as soon as you can.

Oh and make sure that as you travel you find and defeat as many Elite Enemies as you can. They fill up the rooms in the Bonfire Battles.
>nephti is a very good target right now if you haven't gotten her already
Can you remind me how many pulls gets you a 5 star guaranteed? I have 600 free atm
For Travelers of Memory you need 150 fragments. That’s 4500 rubies you’ll be spending for one spark of the featured characters. For the others it’s 200 fragments (6000 rubies).
I know the Hell weapons get the +damage to hallows at rank 4, but does that also apply to any +damage to Hellfiends souls?
>I know the Hell weapons get the +damage to hallows at rank 4
Whoa, what? So, should I bother with the new heaven weapons, or should I just wait until I can get hell weapons to IV and invest in those?
Still feels like fortune weapons are the most relevant, is heaven gonna have content worth minmaxing some heaven weapons for?
no, the substat souls don't change
it's also a smaller bonus than arcane, 30% to both whereas arcane gets 40% to hallow

fortune 3 and arcane 4 are kinda sidegrades imo, pic related
this fortune wep has 53 patk/288 eatk, 131 eatk/-150 hp, 131 eatk/-150 hp
i like the arcane weps on characters who want two skill lines, and don't need damage limit up or the extra crit from fortune
Tonight will be the night.

If there’s a new character coming out, we’ll find out the n Twitter tonight.
wait, I didn't know I could spark her already (at ~5,000 rubies). How does she compare with some of the more anticipated characters like sazantos/signa/elrica, assuming they don't get any global buffs?
Ninalanna on Wednesday.
oh ninalana (or nina-lanna now i guess) is a dark scholar? that's kinda cool
...except i already have zenia, and ditraina will come before long
I guess they'll cycle Levinia and the painter dancer in the next few months?
don't forget that zendaya is meechee
She’s a good damage dealer for Axe, Staff and Tome. The main thing that was holding her back was her gimmick.

Initially you could only get her Cheer-On points by using her Ultimate...which was why you could use it 10 times. This meant you could only get a Cheer-On point every other turn (since her Ultimate Guage automatically filled up 50% every turn).

Now she gets a Cheer-On point every TURN, her Ultimate gives her two Cheer-on points so you’re able to exploit her gimmicks even better than JP could.

This alone keeps her from becoming an easy skip.
So yeah...Tomorrow we get Nina-Lanna. She’s about 10 months late, has no global buffs to her...and she probably has a Paid Step-Up banner...

Anyone gonna pull for her at this point?
Zenia doesn't powercreep Nina-Lanna. Zenia doesn't lower dark res at all. and deals similar damage. Without Nina you'll have to bring Primrose and Paula to cap that res. down which isn't great.
God I hope they don't add LeMAO ever. That one is actually garbage. It's already bad enough that I have to deal with the occasional Yukes and Millard spooks. I actually had Yukes spook me twice with that wealth card during my Bargello pulls.
The one I want is Relicia the Cleric. They better release her during The Ringbearer Chosen 3, even if they have to make her a Global Exclusive.
>Anyone gonna pull for her at this point?
As a poorfag, I must skip all gen pool characters. I doubt I'll be back up to 4500 for Elrica, so I'm hoping she spooks me in the future. Already planning on using my 2nd anni selector on H'aanit EX. I really hope we get two selectors for second anniversary since it's gacha tradition to try and outdo each previous anniversary.
here. This is my current party.
Is it better to focus on Limit Breaks or Awakening characters when I happen to come across guidestones?
I also feel like I have a lot of Exp nuts. Is there any reason why I shouldn't get my current team to their current max lvl?
Definitely do limit breaks with levels. Later on you’ll be hitting the level cap with ease. You wanna max it out as soon as you can, which is why you wanna unlock Hunts as soon as you can.

Normal Hunts
Expert Hunts
Otherworldly Hunts

That’ll get you 15 Character Guidestones a day.
Understood. And judging from the reply to my previous post a few days ago, I unlock hunts by pushing main story to the Master of All point?
Thanks for all the info. Master of Fame quest was great, I thought. Found Auguste surprisingly dastardly.
Yep. When you get to Master of All there’s gonna be subquests that allow you to unlock hunts.

You’ll also have the opportunity to unlock expert hunts when you defeat the Battle-Tested Weapon Veteran in each region. They’re level 80 so don’t fret if you can’t beat them right away. Their battle-tested weapons are CRUCIAL to what’s coming up in Part 3.

Also the more of Elvis’s story you do the more Otherworldly Hunts you unlock (three of them). They also yield materials to upgrade Elvis. It is a pain in the ass, but it feels oh so good once you get him completed. And the Guidestones you get from the hunts don’t hurt either. The thing that sucks is that you don’t get extra promotional Guidestones from doing Otherworldly Hunts, unless you’re dealing with the Bravely Default characters.
>battle-tested weapons are CRUCIAL to what’s coming up in Part 3.
NTA but they are? What do you need them for?
In Part 3 of the game, you begin forging weapons. The weapons Bestower of Wealth/Power/Fame can be made more powerful, but they’re a pain in the ass to forge. Each weapon has like...four levels to them.

Weapon I - Base weapon. Forge with regular materials.
Weapon II - Needs Weapon I plus Polishstones & Refinestones
Weapon III - Needs Weapon II plus Refinestones & Strenghenstones/Softenstones

Now getting the Polishstones, Refinestones, Strengthenstones and Softenstones are a pain in the ass since you need to defeat Elite Enemies to get them. Some respawn every 10 hours, others respawn every 20 hours. Be sure to make use of the Tower of Remembrance to cut down on your time.

However, keep in mind...the Battle-Tested Weapon is stronger than ALL Weapon III’s. You can get Battle-Tested Weapons by defeating the Veterans...or through Historical Fragments. But Battle-Tested Weapons are ESPECIALLY important because...

Weapon IV - Needs Weapon III + Battle-Tested Weapon.

Oh and each chapter has its own weapon set.

Bestower of Wealth 1
Bestower of Power 1
Bestower of Fame 1
Bestower of Wealth 2
Bestower of Power 2
Bestower of Fame 2
I’cirlo Filler
Bestower of Wealth 3
Bestower of Power 3
Bestower of Fame 3
OH, I'm already past all that shit, I thought you meant we'd need them for some upcoming content. I just went straight to fortune weapons instead of wasting my time on the BoW/BoP/BoF grind.
You said you were on Master of All, do I figured Bestower of Wealth/Power/Fame was upcoming in your point of view.

Given that Bestower of All pretty much ends next month and Side Solistia starts in about four months it would be nice to know about the new mechanics coming up.
As I said above, NTA.
Scored Nina-Lianna in 5 10-pulls. Gonna have to stop there.

If my sources are correct, Levina is coming up too. I need to save for her.

Anyone notice that they took the time to make Gofeld in the pic. And that he’s a unique sprite? I mean... I would think nothing of it, but they put in Falco’s sister Canary as a playable character so Gofeld is looking like a high possibility.
So I'm kicking myself, but I blew my load on Haanit Ex and did not get her. These fragments I have will expire, correct?
What's the best use of them? The bronze guidestone shards?
Does Grade apply in the Adversary Log?
>These fragments I have will expire, correct?
Yes, the tab you clicked on gives you the remaining time before they vanish.
Right. Initially it paints the picture as if the ability to spend them expires, as opposed to the currency itself, should the banner ever return.
Get EX H’aanit’s Guidestones. 10 fragments for 30 shards is a big deal. That’ll get you 330 H’aanit Guidestones with four leftover to get you Bronze Shards.

If you’re not going for the spark, or in your case it’s too late to spark, go for Guidestones instead.

>But I didn’t get EX H’aanit!
You will. Eventually. EX H’aanit will be a Chance Encounter so when you get her, you’ll have an extra 330 Guidestones to use on her.
Boost berries become redundant with how many exp nuts you'll get. Nice boost, but it's not worth getting when there are better options.
Bronze shards are barely better than nothing only get them when they're the only option.
Excepting the seal, 5* shards are the best. Even if you want to break them down, 30 gold stones = 150 gold shards = 150 Bronze stones = 750 Bronze shards. Comparing 10 fragments = 750 Bronze to
10 fragments = 100 Bronze, Guides tones are the best investment in all cases.
While I don’t entirely disagree with you, consider this:

The Overclass feature is coming sometime next year. With it, all 3-Stars and 4-Stars will be able to Overclass into 5-Stars. Like Ultimates and Torch Points, you’ll be able to gradually make characters into 6-Stars as well.

>6-Stars cap at level 100 and max out at level 120.
>6-Stars can enhance one of their skills.
>6-Stars also gain an EX Skill which can be activated under certain conditions
>6-Stars can equip three accessories, rather than just two. Including accessories that are level exclusive.

Now consider this: You need over 6,000,000 experience points to go from level 99 to 100. How much experience points are needed to go from 100 to 120?

Those boost berries will definitely start coming in handy at that point.
Heard this in the grapevine, but the next banner is gonna be

Either Levina or W’ludai/Lars. Both will be coming, it’s a matter of which one is first.[\spoiler].
I will OVERCLASS my wife Lucetta
Monday night will determine whether or not it’s a new banner.
Just tried the elite tower for the first time. It was not a pleasant experience.
Yeah the Elite Tower is no joke. I just managed to get Octomamm to half his health before I got wiped out on my first attempt. I probably would’ve been able to do more if not for the fact that bastard knocked out Krauser before he could use his Ultra Spear moves.
Finally got my five free pets to level 10, what are your builds on them bros? Really wish resetting refunded the fruits you spend, it sets you back by like a month if you want to change them around for a specific battle which is shit for tweaking hp or speed.
My black-and-white cat is max p.atk and the rest in hp, seemed like an easy choice.
People keep advising to max e.atk on pets that heal, so I guess the white cat and the brown cat should have maxed e.atk and the rest in hp? Though I noticed the brown (visually orange) cat's p.atk is naturally larger than its e.atk.
The white rabbit has very high speed, so I'm thinking of just maxing its speed so I'll have a SPD pet to make one character definitely be able to go first and the rest of its points will go to hp as usual since some fights I find I need just a silver more hp to not die.
That leaves the black cat...SP maybe for characters that need extra SP or are focused purely on SP, such as Fiore EX and Alaune EX?
There's still a ton of endgame content I haven't cleared, so any advice from you more experienced fellas who've beaten everything would be appreciated, please and thanks.
I see there's a limited time mission for beating Herminia in the codex at rank 1. How high do the missions go?
it's just the rank 1 mission
Oh nice, I can manage that easily enough. Thanks.
can emu work again yet?
After months of waiting, Levina is finally confirmed.

Time to grab this sexy redhead! Only four more Travelers of Memories left!

plus three Caits...
“Gimme back my keys, bitch!”
Guess what guys?

Octopath Champions of the Continent is FINALLY releasing a global exclusive character!


To Levina's rape dungeon with you
What the FUCK? Didn't even know there was a Chinese server.
There will be. This is being done to celebrate the release of the Chinese server which I believe is coming in May.
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no fucking way it's literally ching chong
it's kinda sad that every game needs to do this to get all that playerbase and money, and every time the designs are the same boring stuff
After seeing how run down China is, how fucked up its people are and how catastrophically communist their society is, it makes me wonder how they able to find time to play a mobile game, let alone spend money on it.
>sweep nameless town and collect dailies
>10 rubies from mail
>watch 5 ads
Left out
>0 elite fragments
Batch 1:
+20 Historic Fragments
+30 Bronze Wisdom Orbs
Batch 2:
+20 Bronze Wisdom Orbs
+30 Bronze Guidestones
+10 Memory Shards
+1 Boost Berry
The occasional boost berry if fine, but elite fragments are a once-in a month myth.
hey on the other hand, dailies are like 1% of your actual playtime in the long run
when you feel like playing, you can really sink a lot of time
The Wisdom Orbs are the biggest pain in the ass to get. Especially when you’re trying to level up all your 4-Stars and 3-Stars.
>insane man spouts gibberish
I've been in dire need of gold wisdom orbs forever
Enjoy your 5/week!
Are any of the guaranteed 5 star characters worth it if I pulled Theo as my MC and didn't do reroll shenanigans?
I did buy Promme. Figured a cleric for 3 bucks wasn't offensive.
>Theo as starter
>Didn't reroll
>Bought Promme
You should just start over.
those are all starter characters so they're fairly outdated. you can make em work if you like em, but you can earn a lot of solid characters too
promme's fine because you literally can't get him otherwise at least
I bought Promme and the $7 pass. I'm too far gone
I had read some things about Viola and Lynette being pretty strong, so was wondering if either were worth purchasing. I currently have Theo, Therion, Chloe A1, Ophilia, Kouren, Promme and Sirisa.
At this point? Go ahead and get them. At least you’ll have them in your party. Lynette is an excellent buffer and Viola’s an excellent debuffer.
Scored big on my final Step-Up.

Chloe (A3) and Levina (A1). Also managed to get Primrose (Recycled) too.

Next banner’s not gonna be as exciting...

I already have Lars at A3 and W’ludai is Completed.

...so I’m gonna save for Canary next.
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>wanted to pull 2 paid steps to hopefully get the babe
>instead got this and shat my pants
Now i understand why they call it “spook”
Got Harley on the second step so I stopped, now i have 2 stones for the clown. Use them or shard them for the keepers?
>throw a 10 pull at Levinia
>get her and Olberic (new)
pretty cool
Now at 4.2k so should have enough to pity Elrica/AlruneX next month.
Just use them. Get your clown friend to A2 and beyond. And worry about recycling Awakening Stones into fragments once you’ve completed him.
i have a few regrets from characters i awakened and never actually used, or eventually benched. there's lots of sources for good accessories elsewhere too
imo do his story, and if you really like him then go ahead and awaken him
Are you sure 4.2k will be enough and not 6k
It’s 150 fragments to spark a traveler of Memory on his/her banner which is about 4500 rubies (3600 paid).

If it’s a traveler outside the featured banner, then it’s 200 fragments which is 6000 rubies (4800 paid).

Pic related is Levina’s featured banner but it’ll apply to Elrica/EX Alaune on their banner as well.
I forgot about that, neat. Thanks anon, in that case you're totally right. Too bad I'm at 3.1k after today's couple of rolls
You probably have a month and a half minimum, given it seems likely they'll drop the sisters with BoA8.
Finally finished the latest story chapter. That final fight was one hell of a slug-out. Went in blind with my swiss army knife main story team, realized I was ill-equipped for the second set of weaknesses, built a more specialized team (forget to bring Nephti dammit) and beat it. Great time, now to try and grind up some of the new armor and such until the next chapter. Next main goal: finally get Feintz' sword from the top of the Ultimate tower. Should be a piece of cake these days.
nta but I really hope so, I only have managed to get 900 rubies since Nephti took 'em all.
Is there a way to see when and where you spent rubies? I purchased the Grand Explorer pass, but am not sure if I got the paid rubies.
Just noticed the arcane soul weapons have 4 rainbow slots; that's got to be the best (non-fortune) soul weapon so far, right? Or is there some other reason to choose between them?
Sadly multiples of the same Skill % Up do not stack.
balls, i was hoping there would be at most a 30% cap
Yeah I only found out after spending getting it perfect. Utter travesty, not indicated anywhere in the game despite stacking rules usually being clearly demarcated.
>>Yeah I only found out after spending getting it perfect
*spending an hour getting a single skill boosted twice to almost perfect %
Levina gave me a good run:

>Primrose (Recycled)
>Chloe (A3)
>Lionel (A4)
>Bargello (Completed)
>Solon (A2)
>Alfyn (A4)
and of course...
>Levina (A3)

I hope Canary treats me well too.
I feel like I'm starting to get bodied. I'm at Master of All Ch3, and am not able to beat the Black-Clad Shadow for the Emberflame quest after getting my first divine beast.
I'm not strong enough to attempt the Expert Hunts I just unlocked either.
With a 70, a 60, and the rest early 50s, I feel like it must be my equipment that is hindering me. How do I approach getting better equipment at this point?
If it’s equipment, just grind a bit until your team gets the latest gear.

If you’re still having trouble at that point, do another chapter. I’m pretty sure that the Emberflame boss is level 30 though.

Also, don’t forget to do your daily dose. Exp grind and do your hunts. And make sure you’ve done the Elvis story too.
>I'm not strong enough to attempt the Expert Hunts I just unlocked either.
You absolutely should be, I was killing those in my 50s. Grind the boards and get a Fortune weapon for each of your main DPS and spec their stats to match their skillset.
Damn, this is really good to know thanks
Sorry I had to learn it from such misfortune on your part
>If it’s equipment, just grind a bit until your team gets the latest gear.
Latest gear from the Smithy? I haven't bought any gear, rather just used items I've picked up or gotten from Path actions.
The quest is lvl 50, and he has a pretty high amount of shields. Thinking I might need to change up my party to tackle it, since I've been using a "one team fits all" approach which has worked up until now, but clearly isn't cutting it now.
If it’s Master of All you’re dealing with then Chapter 3 should still be piss easy at this point, even though they ramp up the levels from 20 to 65. Even more so if you have level 50 characters in your party.

Is your one-team-fits all balanced? Does it cover all 14 weaknesses? If not, you might need to start replacing some people. If you have 5-Stars, replace the 4-Stars. Period,

The difficulty starts to get more serious once you reach Master of All chapter 8. Make sure you’ve got ALL your teammates equipped with Meteor Gear and is at least level 65.

As for the boss of Emberflame 1, you really shouldn’t be struggling against her. Not at level 50. But if you still are:

>Make sure your equipment is up to date. And make sure all 8 of your party members are wearing it.
>Re-Evaluate your team. If a well-balanced team doesn’t work, get one that focuses on the boss’s weaknesses.
>Time your breaks. Remember that breaks only last on the turn it happened and the turn afterwards so ideally bring your enemy’s shields to 1 before you execute the break in order to maximize the damage.
>Remember that debuffs are your friend. Lower your enemy’s attack to reduce your damage. Lower his defense to deal more damage to him and end the battle quickly.
>Oh and don’t forget to pull for new travelers. The more you have, the better you can customize them.
Finally getting around to doing all of the "defeat 100 of enemy x" feats. Is there really only one alluring barrette I or are there multiple / a tier II to make this go faster?
i think here is one in the exchanges
There isn't; that's the repellant barrette II.
>need to build another damage cap weapon
the new chapter can't come soon enough, that weapon set's souls are so much better than stalwart
What the FUCK do I do with Bronze/Silver/Gold Guidestones?
Increase level caps for 3/4/5 stars chars respectively and upgrade ultimate abilities.
Is it ever a good idea to spend the silver on awakening 4 stars?
Sure it is. Don’t worry too much about it. Silver and Bronze Guidestones are easy to come by and if you rub short you can always pull a banner for more, use the exchange or a combination of both.
It is best to use your silver stones on awakening 4* characters to awakening III so you can get their awakening IV accessory by buying their Awakening Stone from the exchange (which are in various places, some in the gameboard exchanges, some in memory shard exchanges, some in heroic exchanges, however NOT from the Awakening Shard exchange [yeah I know]).
4-Star Awakening Stones not appearing in the Awakening Stone Exchange is a good thing. If they did, getting them would be painful. I’m just glad I’ve got 52,000 awakening Stone Shards squirreled away.
>I’m just glad I’ve got 52,000 awakening Stone Shards squirreled away.
I've got like 500 but I'm only on day 80.
Did anyone get their Hammy cup race rubies today who made a video submission? I got the community rewards but not my personal ones and that has never happened before. I was worried there was an issue with my form submission all month and I think that might have been the case. I didn't want to try and submit the form twice because they said I could be my submission voided and even be banned if I tried submitting multiple times.
I got mine, you might have to reach out to them.
Fucking hell, I need those 300 rubies desperately. Thanks bro, gonna contact support. Wish I could DM them on twitter where I posted my vid but it says I need to pay for premium X and fuck that.
Best of luck.
Did first step of Lars/W'ludai, got nothing. The bastards at SQEX did it again, they successfully baited me.
Thanks bro. 12 hours ago I got an automated reply from support saying they'd received my inquiry, hope I can hear back from a human being soon. Though it makes me nervous, given the last time I contacted Square Enix support (it was for a different mobile game), they refused to help me and politely told me to go fuck myself. I wish I could just contact Square Enix Limit directly. He's the COTC community manager, the black guy from the streams, who personally handles each of the cup race submissions. Does anyone know how to reach him? Does this game have an official discord, or just a fan one?
Sorry to hear bro, that used to be me. I got burned too many times by the 100 free rubies pull and this time, even though I'm still missing Lars, I resisted. You can resist next time too!

And on a totally unrelated note to those replies, does anyone know if they've fixed the bugged gold guidestones from the codex yet? I still haven't claimed them, but I'm wondering if it's just the gold guidestones that are a reward from completing a certain number of traveler stories, or if it's ALL gold guidestones in the codex. Specifically, pic related. I was clearing some boss fights in the adversary log to get myself more summons, when I noticed some bosses don't give summons and instead reward 100 gold guidestones for beating their rank 3 fight. Has anyone here claimed these guidestones and can you attest that these ones aren't bugged? I'd really like to know, since there are rubies beyond these fights that require you to claim the pictured gold guidestones first.
claimed hammy's guidestones the other day, watched it eat my normal ones still. but I'm at ex1 at least for every adversary, and hammy only ate the equivalent of her 100 log guidestones, so if the normal ones from log were bugged for some reason it should've eaten more than that, but it didn't
i think their interim solution has been all those daily guidestones we've been getting
>does anyone know if they've fixed the bugged gold guidestones from the codex yet?
They're never going to.
>Has anyone here claimed these guidestones and can you attest that these ones aren't bugged?
Those work normally.
So these ones are safe? Nice, thanks guys
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I wish this game had PvP
It's just the band log guidestones that are bugged, the rest is fine.
You really don't
guys you didnt tell me there was a gertrude cup!!
Read your notices bro
Speaking of cup races, Square Enix Customer Support got back to me about my borked Hammy submission and, as I feared, they told me they couldn't help me at all.
>for further assistance regarding the 'Cup Race' rewards, you will need to reach out to the moderators on the respective platform you have posted the video on. We understand that you have sent a message awhile ago but would ask of you to reach out once more. Please note that the moderators on X would be able to assist further with this concern.
So they basically told me to go try screaming into the void. Do they want me to contact twitter mods who have no idea what a cup race is? I think they're trying to tell me to message whoever runs the official COTC twitter for help, but maybe they don't realize you can't DM someone on twitter who isn't following you unless you pay for X Premium. Does anyone know a way to contact SQEX_Limit? I'll try tweeting (Xing? I don't know what you call it on X) at them but considering they completely ignored it last time, I'm likely shit out of luck. Now I'm scared to try submitting my Gertrude clear if this is how they handle any issues related to the cup races.
try on facebook
been working everytime for me
and i am a retard
Thanks, I tried doing my Gertrude submission on X one last time and this time it worked perfectly and I got some screenshot evidence that my "response has been recorded" so this one should work. If it doesn't work out, I'll try facebook next time. Still hope I can get my 300 Hammy rubies though, I'm desperate to restock after Nephti took everything from me. If you guys ever get issues with receiving your Cup Race rewards, remember that contacting customer support will get you nothing and only the guys who handle the X and Facebook accounts matter.
i think this game has completely ruined other turn based RPG gachas for me
the bar is pretty low, to be fair
combat is sweet, but everything else is kinda shit
I never liked the other Gachas to begin with.

By the way, who’s ready for Canary next week?
I just hate how anemic the side content is. There's the main story, character quest and absolutely nothing else. Meanwhile AE, the game it mimics, has fifty billion side episodes, fifty or so free characters, multiple gameplay modes and all on a much smaller budget.
It just isn't that creative.
I honestly think the stingy gacha is part of what makes the combat good, if it were easier to get all the OP characters the combat would be too easy and you wouldn't have to think through the strategy as much.
>if it were easier to get all the OP characters
The problem isn't getting characters, it is getting five fucking dupes.
let someone make combat easy if they want to, not everyone is good at games nor wants the same level of challenge
as long as the lower end of characters are usable, then people can self-impose challenge and use their favorites too
Discord might be your only option.

Funny that you should mention the multiple gameplay modes because a lot of people think that's unnecessary bloat. COTC doesn't have that big a budget allocated to it either but I otherwise agree.
Another Eden, I guess?
Speak for yourself, it's easy to go 80+ pulls without a five star, let alone the featured one on banner or something that isn't a year one dupe.
Tomorrow’s the next Tavern Talk which features the 2.9.0 update (can’t believe there isn’t a 2.8.1 update)

Here’s what we can expect based on the Roadmap:

>Emberflame Story 2: Featuring Dogs
>Another batch of Special Tasks
>Elite Tower 3: Featuring Audrey II
>Another batch of Adversary Battles: Featuring Tytos
>Canary from the Sacred Blaze given the full Nephti treatment is highly likely.

Anything else beyond that point is extra.
how good is that new memory traveler? had about 900 rubies and got her on 300 pull
Levina? She’s serviceable. But she got released too late so there’s others that outclass her.
>Discord might be your only option.
Link? I'm getting desperate here. I noticed the twitter team actually replied to another person's similar issue under the Hammy cup race tweet on March 19 so I thought "oh, they're going down the line because this guy having a problem with his Hammy cup rewards has his post right next to mine and they will actually reply to me next" but no, a week later and they've continued to ignore my attempts to reach out in the manner customer service advised me to.
kek, Canary has received "significant" buffs.
If only this game gave enough rubies to pull for anything other than the occasional OP limited character every few months.
Whales winning as always, that's a shit load of buffs for Canary. Best shield cracker in the game and her ult now also gives Solon's potency up but instead of it being +100% to one ally it's 50%...to all eight party members!
Devs still working on the guidestone bug. No date yet, but they said a notice will come out in game and it'll be fixed in a future update then it'll be safe to use the bugged guidestones.
Did the virtual equivalent of waiting in the parking lot and catching someone on the way to their car as Square Enix continues to ignore my Hammy cup race rewards issue. Managed to convince one of the guys from today's Tavern Talk to whisper me over Twitch. This is what they got back to me with:
>Yes, Unfortunately, it seems the form was not filled out. In order to be fair to players who've had similar issues, we cannot give out the rewards. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you do run into a similar problem, please do reach out during the entry period on our socials (X or FB) and we will be able to take care of the issue in order to avoid it happening again. Thank you for your understanding!
So in other words: fuck you, you get nothing. They're stating that anyone who has this issue is not going to get anything, so they have to make sure to give me nothing and zero assistance so that we're all screwed over fairly. They even had the gall to advise me to reach out on X if this issue happens during the event period in the future, which is exactly what I did back on Feb 14th and was ignored.
I really wish Square Enix didn't have their hooks in so many IPs I love, it sucks giving them money. They aren't getting another dime for this game though.
Wait what, did you not fill out the form?
I did. As explained further up itt, I filled out the form, hit submit, screen changed (more like a refresh like when you don't fill in a mandatory field but everything was filled in fine), and I was wary of mashing the submission button multiple additional times because they warn us that they'll void your rewards and ban your account if you attempt multiple submissions from the same account. I covered that base too though and decided to be safe rather than sorry by immediately leaving them on message on X back on Feb 14 asking them to message me if there turned out to be any issues with my form submission whatsoever. I assumed everything was fine because they never contacted me (which is something I've actually seen them do on X with other players, including on the Hammy cup race post itself). Turns out they had just ignored my message and now it's too late according to them.
Sucks dude but time to let it go.
Yeah, working on that now. Just hope I don't come up 300 rubies shy of getting Elrica in the future.
How big is your pile? I just hit 4.5k after burning some on successful yolo rolls on Hannitex and Nephti. No Solon though.
1500, sadly. Nephti set me down to zero. The stream today showed we have at least 3 weeks, and I think I might have close to 1000 in traveler stories to do. Still have the lv100 Hell NPCs to do too, so there's probably around 1000 in hard content I've yet to beat.
Oh shit, some good news in the end after all. Good enough that it flipped this mess on its head.
Limit himself just messaged me on twitter to say he found my submission for the Hammy cup and my rewards should be coming "soon!". Jeez, then what was up with that twat on Twitch stonewalling me? I could tell from his demeanour on stream that if I could just talk to this guy, the one who personally takes care of all our cup race submissions, he'd be able to handle things. I guess the takeaway is, never try to do things through the main customer service mooks and do whatever you can to get in direct contact with the person who actually handles the matter.
Curious, who was the guy who replied to you earlier? Glad to hear it worked out.
Thanks! They didn't identify themselves, it was the Twitch account simply named "Square Enix". I think any of the community managers can use that account if they want, but they also have their own personal accounts they use like "sqex_dan". I'm actually not sure if it was even one of the two Octopath community managers based on the messages they were sending me. The person spoke much more like a customer service rep with canned lines and replies whereas the messages I just got on X from Limit himself felt more "real" in their conversational tone while still be professional enough. It was someone who had access to the cup race info because they confirmed my Gertrude submission is fine but my Hammy one wasn't there (Limit said he found it though), though they didn't even realize which cup race I was talking about until I mentioned it was the Hammy cup two or three times to them.
Ah, makes sense. I've seen Dan and Limit before and they're absolutely much more personable.
For those who didn’t see the Tavern Talk here’s a quick summary:

3/27 - Canary the Sacred Blaze traveler (and Falco’s sister). Emberflame Story 2(4 Dogs and Divine Beast, Lykaos). Adversary Battles of Tytos, Sonia, Delvecchio, Aide and Lykaos, Elite Tower Floor 3

4/03 - Ophilia/Z’aanta Banner

4/10 - Lemaire. 2 more cats. Adversary Battles of Auguste, Gomel and Judah.

Be sure to complete Master Tower Floor 2 for a Veteran’s Seal and Elite Tower 3 for up to 200 rubies.

Next Tavern Talk is on 4/22. Assuming that the final Chapter of Bestower of All is on 4/25.
>already lost them all by trying to sell them and crashing the game
Glad to know some people will get to use them at least...
Here are a list of Canary’s changes.
Just be sure to replace “Canary Fakes” with “Thief’s Evasion “.
Loving how global buffs are always amazing now as opposed to the early ones with Lional, Nicola and Mulrusso. This are so good. Makes me really wish I had the rubies to spare for this banner, especially since I've had to skip every Sacred Blaze banner other than the very first one with Odette. Maybe I should do a cheeky ten pull...
What sort of catch-up mechanics are in CotC for players who start from the beginning around now?
Also, what is the expected time to go from the creation of a new account to the current place in the main story, either in JP or EN?
Not bad for just 800 rubies.
but i like nicola and molrusso. it is honestly pretty nice that they got 3x shield hit instead of just a normal 3x dagger, and 3x wind instead of a normal wind hit though

they added a weakness to the master of fame/wealth/power bosses but aside from that your catch up mechanic is using new characters which are significantly stronger, and keepers which are another power boost. there's also tons of freebies these days
it's hard to gauge the time because of which but it will honestly a lot of hours
So what are you guys naming your dogs? I've got Barky and Guardy thus far.
>forgot to do Gertrude cup
>300 for canary, nothing of course

How many new pets are there? I still haven’t max level the previous ones yet
4 Keepers at the start of the Emberflame Story, then two more later on.
There are about 4 more in the exchange, but you need awakening stones + their respective traveler to unlock them
Linde - Haanit
Hagen - Zaanta
Lulu - Lolo
Dunno what's the sheep name - Solon
5. Forgot about Maafa , Tatloch pet.
Based Limit, my Hammy cup rewards arrived today with the maintenance compensation in the new update.
My cheeky ten pull for Canary got me nothing, and I failed my Will save to resist trying again...ended up getting 4.5* Canary in 50 pulls! My first Sacred Blaze traveler since Odette way back in the day. Also got a 4.5* Ophilia dupe along the way. I've been shoving her dupes into awakenings instead of U10 like everyone says, so she was already A3 before this dupe. I had to choose between getting her A4 accessory and U10. Went with U10. I made the right choice, right? Probably should've asked before spending it.
>I still haven’t max level the previous ones yet
If you can, try to incorporate killing the following 3 caits into your dailies: the snowy cait east of Flamesgrace, the copy of that snowy cait on the second floor of bonfires of battle in the frostlands section, and the chubby cultured cait (or whatever the highest tier "normal" cait is called) in the Isle of Caits in the Middlesea. That should net you around a million extra exp for your pets a day. By doing that and putting the pets on my hunt team and cait ads, I was able to max out all the free cats and the free rabbit we got from the first pet batch weeks ago, sometime last month iirc.
Don’t forget about the Black Dragon. That’s like 250,000 experience right there.
PSA: once you have the four new doggos, make sure to use "inquire further" on Mist, the little cat sitting next to the cait cleric in the Sacred Spring. This will cause two new collection points to spring (pun unintended) up, effectively tripling your daily stat fruit gains for your pets.
I was surprised to discover today after getting them yesterday that for some reason, the guy in Nameless Town who fetches all your daily stuff did not automatically collect from these two additional collection points, only the first one. It's probably bugged like how when Emberflame Story first got added and he didn't automatically grab the collection point there, so make sure to pop into the spring every day until they fix this.

And on the topic of empowering pets with stat fruits, I was pleasantly surprised to see we can raise their stat caps even higher with each new divine beast we get. I had been wondering why game8's pet raising guide recommends to max all pets' hp to 500, then pick ATK or EATK and raise it to 50, then adjust speed as needed and if there's any room left, give them some SP. We only had enough room to max a single stat and slightly raise one other at first, but now it all makes sense.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it 'cause I already do it every day anyway. The drop rate for that accessory must be crazy low, I've only gotten it twice since the dragon released.
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Pulled ToT
i wasn't expecting the emberflame story so start off so hilariously
i love ditraina, can't fucking wait for her
The end with the divine beast is fantastic too. Really good Emberflame update. I'm looking forward to the cait cleric, I don't know JP even has her yet.
JP has gone isla -> kilns -> rique
dunno why they skipped feintz, but yeah aviete's not there yet either and now we have the mysterious thief cait too
This Sacred Blaze banner has been PURE SEX! I’ve sparked characters to A4, but never have I gotten so far with a character, that they are past the point of Sparking (I ended up sparking Zenia instead)

>Cardona (A3)
>Dorothea (A3)
>Joshua (A4)
>Olberic (Recycled)
>EX H’aanit (A3)
>Tithi (A3)
>Zenia (A4)
>Canary (Completed)

This is by far, the best I’ve ever done on a banner! Bless the Sacred Blaze!
I just used the pile of gold guidestones we've been getting to finish uncapping Nephti and Prim EX and I realized after my current batch of 8 in my hunt team, I only have 7 other 5 stars to uncap and my roster is done.
So I gotta ask: does leveling up to six star cost more of a character's guidestones, or does it use something else? Because if it requires more, than I should probably start accumulating spare guidestones for my best characters, right? And if it doesn't, I guess the best play is to just stick 8 random five stars in the hunt team and break down their spare stones to get generic gold guidestones for future five stars.
Simple answer: No.

It doesn’t matter what Class your character is as 3-Star, 4-Star or 5-Star. You need 2000 Guidestones to break the level cap and you can only do it by 20 levels.

If you class your character up, that cap is raised by another 20 levels.

So let’s say you have a 5-Star. His level caps at 80. But if you use the Guidestones, you’ll be able to max out his level at 100.

When you Overclass that character, he caps out at 100 and the Guidestones you use will have his max level increased to 120.

So it doesn’t matter whether you use the Guidestones now or later.
3-Star: Caps at 40, Max at 60
4-Star: Caps at 60, Max at 80
5-Star: Caps at 80, Max at 100
6-Star: Caps at 100, Max at 120

So let’s say you have a 5-Star and you increase his level cap to 90. When you Overclass him to a 6-Star, that level cap will now be 110. You will still need another 1540 Guidestones to push that cap up another 10 levels to 120.
Ohhh, so it's retroactive like when classing up a 4.5*. So once I've spent those 2k getting them from 80 to 100, they'll already be set to pop right up to 120. Nice, thank you very much. Guess my hunts will just be farming unnecessary stones to break down into universal ones then.
If you’ve maxed out a character’s level you don’t need to put him into hunts anymore. Switch out to another character and get his/her Guidestones so that you can max out that person’s level.
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The Atlasdam bartender is the richest man in all of Orsterra.
The issue I'm talking about is not having anyone's level left to max. I've maxed all 4 stars, all 3 stars and have 15 more 5 stars to go (my current hunt team of 8 plus 7 more). So once everyone's maxed I'll just be farming extra stones to trade in for universal stones to help any future characters I pull.
I regret succeeding on that 1% chance.
Don't forget about Ultimates. 65 guidestones for 5*s to go from U1 -> U9, 115 for 3* & 4*s to go from U1 -> U10. Band log has given me the stones to max ultimates for 90% of my roster, if I actually had the bronze and silver orbs to do them all.
Other than that, 5*s give the most value in the shard economy for gold, silver and bronze shard exchanges.
I wish I had that problem.

The hunts are a slow go with like 15 Guidestones a day for 8 people. It takes a long-ass time to get people to 100, assuming you aren’t using Universal Guidestones to speed up the process a bit.
Is there a recommended way around the debuffs in the 3rd elite tower boss' ultimate? My first thought is that theo might actually be useful again but that just seems too improbable to be true
Break fast so he doesn't ult.
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Just passed 400k power.
What do your band logs look like?
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i should level up more people eventually
Here’s mine. Gonna try to make more of an effort to bust the other level caps.

Getting wisdom orbs for ultimates is the biggest bitch in this game.
lol i had no idea i could get guidestones from this screen and now my entire team is one level cap higher, thx
I want pvp NOW
We'd been talking about a glitch with those guidestones for weeks, how did you not know about them?
Absolutely not. Also fairly impossible, given there is no "player side" break mechanic.
Gonna try elite training floor 2 today to get ready for those limited time missions coming this Wed I think.
Any tips for the kraken? There's no clears online I can follow, they always use 3+ characters I don't have.
if you have some source of dodge and can ensure that person gets hit, it'll immensely help against kraken's row switching shenanigans, which come in both physical and elemental. the fight's not too bad otherwise as long as you have high shield focus, sometimes you need to tank its ult so be sure to heal mid-round just in case
Just recently started playing havent spent any of my rubies yet. Quite confused by the gacha system and which banner/s I should be pulling on?
Nothing huge on banner at the moment, though Canary's useful plus her banner has some other useful, strong travelers like Leon and that chick whose name starts with "Z". Has the most expensive pity in the game though.
I'd avoid the Lars/W'ludai banner.
The Ophilia/Z'aanta banner does look kinda useful for a brand new player as Ophilia covers everything you'd want in a cleric to support your team with heals and defensive buffs, but it's a general pool with no limited travelers so you might grab them by accident while going after the limited travelers, which are the real game changers. Yeah, I'd probably only try for Ophilia if you're rerolling, and it sounds like you're not.

tl;dr current banners are meh, hold tight if you can. It takes a long time to accumulate enough rubies and you want to hit at least 4500 then wait for a good Memory Traveler banner.

Thanks thats the exact info I needed.
Thanks for the tips, this thing seems loads easier than the wolf (which took me over 10 teams). It was always hitting me for peanuts except for the ultimate, which I only saw once per run and even then it was hitting for less than 50% of my guys' hp.
Two runs got me this far, so after the free heal tonight from weekly reset, I'll hopefully kill it on my third and get all the rewards. That last set of weaknesses is scary though, if I don't kill it with spears (which is really just Roland, my spears suck) then I might need a 4th team.
No problem, someone else'll probably give you a breakdown on the types of banners and more in-depth advice if you need it. How far are you in the game? Progressing main story until you unlock hunts is the first thing you wanna rush, 'cause those are a really nice daily boost of power.
Oh wait, durr, dagger weakness is right there. Gonna give that octopus an A2/Bargello/Therion rape train.

Only like 2 hrs in so I could still re roll if I wanted too. I think I did okay though I got the dancer chick starter and then a 5star pirate guy from those 10 novice rolls. So will probably just play through story and save up my resources.
Pirate guy? What's his name?
Scratch all my optimsm from last night, I fucking hate this TENTACLED NIGGER! Elite training continues to the most rage-inducing content they've released for this game. It's the same problem as the wolf, I get him down to a tiny bit of red and now he's unkillable. My dagger team is stacked, but once the final weakness bar appears, everything grinds to a halt. To be so close and yet infinitely far from the three team clear for the 150 rubies is beyond infuriating. Does anyone know the exact pixel he hits 20% at.
4 teams...so close to 3. My shame and rage is immeasurable. At least it's over, I'm not going back for the rubies until 2025 with whatever powercreep next year brings.
>inb4 why didn't you reset if you were so close to killing it in 3
This was by far the closest I came in any of my runs after spending hours of time and sanity on this awful mess of a fight. Better to put it behind me and come back when I'm stronger when the upcoming limited time ruby missions only require a clear no matter how many teams used.
Fuck, the flower is up next and everyone says it's the worst boss in this tower by a country mile.

Joshua .. The sprite was pretty misleading he is not actually a pirate .

Ended up re rolling a couple of times anyway as I just wanted to get some characters I liked the look of more. Feel like I got quite lucky with my pulls.

Starter was Sofia who I hear is not very good but I like her design. On my 10 pull with the novice shards I got. 5 star therion , 5 star hasumi , 4 star haanat, 4 star haanat dancer , 4 star dancer starter chick . Then used 100 rubies on the Ophelia banner and got 4 star tressa hunter version.

Now I can finally start playing ...
When you play through his story, you will not only confirm that he is not a pirate but will learn some surprising things about him by the end of the story that you may not have anticipated
Therion's great, he'll serve you well. Hasumi'll be quite useful to you with defensive buffs and heals. H'aanit EX (dancer)'s also great, really good debuffer and the gen pool character I wish I had the most out of the ones I'm still missing. Lynette's (the dancer starter chick) also still great for offensive buffs. Speaking of Lynette, if you ever get a second copy of her DON'T AWAKEN HER! Instead, use the awakening stone the dupe gives you to bring her ultimate to level 10. Tressa EX (hunter) is sadly quite bad but still better than 4 star hunters even if she's stuck at 4 star for you for now.
Speaking of those 5 stars you pulled at 4 star, once you unlock hunts you will have a tiny chance to pull the gold seal you need to class them up to 5 stars, but the best way to get those is from the job towers. Not sure when you'll unlock those, but they offer a guaranteed source of those gold class up seals.
Joshua's reliant on his RNG passive to be great, but he'll at least serve you well as a 5 star warrior, and him plus Sofia means you should be able to handle any ice weak bosses in the story for a while.
How are you guys handling the 3rd elite tower boss when it gets below 60% health, specifically when it provokes its party into attacking one of your party? Can you override or water down its provoke with a provoke of your own, or do you just stack your front row with exclusively tanky chars?
I did it in three attempts using three different tanks, Hannit ex, then Serenoa then Fiore ex. Both serenoa and Fiore died on me part way through so the key to victory wasn't surviving with a bulky front line it was doing a lot of damage. I had 9 turns left on my third attempt when I got the kill but Fiore died the turn before the break at that point so I was cutting it close.
>vet seal
>got Prim EX (not a dupe)
breddy cool
Incredible get bro, congrats on your luck!
I got my first Aedelgard dupe. She seems to be all about her ultimate, so I guess I'll bring her to U10 instead of A1. Still haven't used her though.
Today I learned while doing the emberflame story quest to get Nyauguste that you can rewatch the credits for the Master storylines and the Bestower storylines by going to the theatre in Theatropolis.
Holy shit, the other cat requires you to complete floor 3 of elite training?! Jesus. Well, that's not happening this week. I guess the strat based on its weaknesses is to use a spear team, a sword team then finish with daggers, but my only really good spear is Roland.
>Holy shit, the other cat requires you to complete floor 3 of elite training?!
Lmao not happening ever for me. That shit is too tedious.
Spear team managed to knock off 25% of the damn plant. Might pick away at it to see if I can hit another threshold before weekly reset, otherwise I'll wait for the free roster heal before heading to the halfway point. Just gotta clear it, number of teams/attempts doesn't matter.
>The day had arrived.
>Read Isla’s mail
>Read the News
>Speak to my pet errand boy
>Pull for Lemaire.
>Pull for Lemaire again.
>Still nothing.
>Why am I not getting Lemaire?
>Oh yeah! I forgot to watch her Intro Memoir
>Watch Lemaire’s Intro.
>Pull for Lemaire.
>That did the trick

Hopefully next week gives us a good banner. But chances are we’ll be waiting for TWO weeks for things to get good.
neat, thanks free seal
I got her from it too, enjoy your SP-hungry princess.
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I got Aedelgard a while ago, but haven't used her. It's a heavy cost for a move that'll just ram cap anyways. Seriously, the damage cap is such a buzzkill I wish they would get rid of it.
Holy shit why do pets require so much exp to level up. How do i get them to level 10 faster.
take em on your hunts and don't worry about it
farming elite caits daily gets old
Yeah. Yasunori doesn't count as an NPC in the info.
Daily dose, man.

Daily dose.
Fuck yeah, managed to whittle down the plant to 60% with a couple more weak teams. Every percent counts, now I can finally use swords. Hope I can get it down to 20% by next Sunday, how are you guys doing with it?
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this game needs pvp
No new banner tonight. Looks like this Wednesday we get a Chosen Union instead. The last ones we got were:


Place your bets on the next pairing.
Shut up you fucktard. pvp would do nothing but takeaway from the actually good parts of the game AND it doesn't even make sense mechanically.
uhhhh is it too early for Falco/Canary?
Yes. Canary was like...three weeks ago.
more atk more atk
>Triangle Strategy rerun
>no free first ten pull on the free rubies banner
The fuck? I hate that they established a precedent with the Bravely Default rerun and then tossed it away once an actually meta traveler, Roland, got a rerun. And did we get a NieR Automata rerun? I think we might've but I don't remember it.
I don’t think the free 10 pull was a precedent.

Also, no we haven’t gotten a Nier Automata rerun. And the fact that we got Triangle Strategy returning unannounced and without any fanfare speaks volumes. What’s that say about Nier?

Also for those who don’t know, the free 9S pull was a one time thing and that ship has already sailed.
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This is Tressa's art from Octopath Traveler
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This is her art in CotC. Why are her thighs so much thiccer/her dress so much tighter in CotC?
Most characters look different in their CotC art. For example Partitio got longer legs in his and Ochette doesn’t look like she’s a 5 year old like some of her art makes her out to be, she’s closer to her cross story art proportions.
this plant is ass and my usual team has a lot of random hits, i think I'm not going to bother for a while
punishing random hit skills like the warrior tower does has always felt really shitty
So she can sit on my face.
Here's Tressa from that old BD gacha that got axed (this is the only image I could find... )
wrong. the game needs pvp.
>punishing random hit skills like the warrior tower does has always felt really shitty
Yeah, I really hate that shit. Got the plant down below 40% so hopefully I can finish it this weekend. If not, we still got one more full heal/refresh before the limited time missions end.
Just admit it, you have a murder boner, don’t you?
Okay. Posting’ some Chinese content that’s coming up for Octopath.

Starting with the most obvious: Tatloch.
Next up is Nina-Lianna and her lovely cleavage.
Camilla, you need to adjust your cloak. Your boobs are showing.
Lucetta, your boobs are too big. Let’s fix that!
Look at that Helga. Dancing with men who aren’t her husband. We can’t have that in modern China, can we?
What is this “Al kee haul” you speak of. That certainly isn’t a thing here. Let’s drink some tea like REAL men!
Tithi is sporting a nice pair of spats under that skirt!
Here. Have a building! Because China!
Cerna’s tiny shirt must be soooo uncomfortable with that belly hanging out. Let Big Brother Chang fix that for you,
And don’t even KNOW what they censored here.
Check out Jorn, chillin’ with his sword. No dead bodies here! Nope! Nope! Nope!
holy fuck this is one of the worst i've seen in a game, tatloch's fucking dead
all those changes that aren't just clothing are hilarious though

apparently her tits were outrageous, gotta go even smaller
Tikilen...your thighs are now green!
China’s such a wonderful country. It was nice enough to clean the blood off of Ri’tu’s daggers.
Silly Yunnie. You can’t fire arrows that have blood on them!
Who needs done wine, when you have a nice tea to drink instead!
Confucius say:
Eyes of Red, please stay dead!
Eyes of Blue, me play with you!
Every day, Therion hangs out at the bar to order his lantern.
Fuck right off. Nobody wants PVP here. Go and get your autism checked.
Fiore’s wearing the EXTRA long boots today!
Lynette, you know you can’t go onstage in a bra! Here, but this shirt on instead!
Whenever Viola goes to the bar, she only orders the finest Earl Grey.
Therion’s feet also got censored... for some reason.
I swear, these women are developing these enormous lumps on their chest. Must be some sorta pandemic goin’ on.
Good thing Chang showed up today, otherwise everyone would see H’aanit’s scandalous V-cut shirt!
Tressa! We can practically see your legs through that dress! There! All better!
This is unbelievable! Women cannot POSSIBLY have boobs this big. They must be destroyed!
Now that you’ve seen Gertrude in her underwear, it’s time to show you her REAL outfit.
Even the glint of a sword gets censored in good ok’ China!
Aslyte sez: No cleavage for you!
Kurtz and the disappearing bottles of booze.
Here’s a double whammy for you: Adelle gets an undershirt, AND a bar is changed to a diner! China’s on double duty to keep the vices of the world away from our vulnerable basement-dwellers everywhere!
Even Eleonora’s boobage must be censored. No matter how subtle.
Chang knows that real women have small demure boobage, and must depict it in every instance.
Edea Lee. Boobs too big. Skirt too small.
Other fun things in China include:
Francesca’s gloves are extra long.
Herminia’s sex slaves are not present
Herminia is now selling “spice” (as in “for food”) instead of “powder.”
Auguste’s journal was changed (the original had a bit about how he force fed a maid coins until she choked because she asked for a higher pay)

60 FPS.
Cool camera effects during combat
2.8.0 update right off the bat. (Which goes up to Bestower of All 7 + Emberflame 2).
A third subscription package exclusive to China
Global Exclusive characters. At least 8 of them, starting with Wuxia the Merchant.
The Elite Eleven as part of the Chance Encounters just like in Japan.
I did it! Fuck this plant! Took 7 teams, but I got my limited time 100 rubies and, more importantly, the Tawny Cat free pet is mine. His pet ability seems extremely good, it boosts his master's physical attack and elemental attack by 30%! Remember, pet effects have their own buff cap separate from the passive, active and ultimate buff caps so that should translate into a hefty boost for a nuker.
Do the Chinese exclusive characters have their own traveler stories too?
Sex with Tressa.
Probably. Why wouldn’t they have Traveler Stories?

I should also add, Chinese has Ultimates right off the bat. The Beta goes up to Master of All 7. Again, China gets the 2.8 update right off the bat
Any more images?
These changes only give me a better appreciation for the current booba and thighs
>These changes only give me a better appreciation for the current booba and thighs
True, some of the girls are bigger than I thought.
Ladies and gentlemen,

Our first look at the Chinese Exclusive Merchant.
The sorry state of chinks
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Shit is beyond fucked, it's all because I did not pull the "right" travelers namely Kruaser, Nephti and Cunnary
It won't be so bad if it wasn't for the fucking limited healing potions
"2nd floor is the easiest' my fucking ass
I am not joking
Okay this is just ridiculous, she was celebrating with the workers inside the mine because the won over a dickhead
This shows they did not even play the fucking game
>Implying China actually gives a shit about context.
Wan Piss? In MY /vmg/?
iirc someone posted this some weeks or months ago
i still fully expect all of their travelers to be the most boring, stereotypical chinese stuff as usual
also, i wonder what they'll possibly do about herminia the huntress' boss sprite, and many other bosses
Managed to get Tier EX on the Merchant/Cleric Tower Race, feels good man. I went for the Merchant Tower and used Tressa/9S/Cardonoa/Roland in the front and four 4 stars in the back, Pia/Devin/Barrad/Cerna. Had to sacrifice Cardona near the end but otherwise pretty smooth.
Is it possible to play the same account between two different devices? Like play on the ipad then use the iphone on the go
Reminder that in 2 hours and 20 minutes from this post, the game will be down for 4 hours, so get your daily ad rewards now if you haven't.
The sisters are finally here, coming with the Wed update. My 1800 rubies are sweating.
Alaune became a dancer after hearing her husbando Richard used to visit Sunshade's taverns for...surveing the enemy's movements.
Special 300 free ruby ten pull with a guaranteed 5 star in slot 10 that you can only do once that has EVERYONE except collab and sacred blaze characters in it. So you could get Bargello. Or Tatloch. Or Millard lol
Ogen coming 2 weeks after Elrica lmao
>Ogen before Solistia
Early. Way too early. What's happening?
That is pretty neat.
Yeah. On the one hand, the odds are stacked against you and chances are you'll get someone you don't want/need. On the other hand, it's too good of a deal to pass up.
I'm a fairly new player so I'll likely get someone I don't have. Only been playing since BoA5ish.
Nice, then it should be great for you. Hope you get a good limited traveler you're missing!
They are on crack, that's what happened
Just finished Paula's story and holy shit
>the wall of flesh repels physical attacks!
What an absolute unit that boss was
So as I understand, all I need is one copy of Alube EX since she has one job
What about Elrica and Ogen? Is it worth going for their A4?
>all I need is one copy of Alube EX since she has one job
Yep, she's just gonna sit in the back forever so she doesn't benefit from awakenings. My understanding is Elrica is one of those characters who doesn't *need* awakenings, but she does benefit from every single one you can get. If you're a whale, max her, if you're not, just get her. Don't know about Ogen, sorry.
Though speaking of Ogen, I had a question about him too. So, he relies on being at critical hp (10% or less) all the time and survives by keeping up an hp shield worth 75% of his max hp. But how do you use him when virtually all teams run some form of regen healing that'll immediately take him out of critical?
Apparently he is busted for a gen unit
Ogen was before Solistia in JP too.

Sertet is the only Chance Encounter left before Side Solistia.
Man, Solistia is gonna be wild. I'm listening to the new episode of the unofficial octopath podcast discussing all the travelers JP has that aren't in global yet and one of the JP whales said they went 16 limited travelers in a row before getting a new gen pool one.
Yup, that's what I've heard too. Definitely gonna use my anniversary gen pool selector on him (hopefully we get 2 because 2nd anniversary).
>But how do you use him when virtually all teams run some form of regen healing that'll immediately take him out of critical?
You do it by running him as your regenc aster, since all of his regen/heals applies to the entire party besides himself.
>Deal damage to Self (effect: 75% of max HP), then grant All Allies (excluding Self) automatic HP recovery and raise Phys. Def. and Elem. Def. by 10% (turns: 2-5 based on Boost Lv.). *Cannot be incapacitated by this skill [65 SP]
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Suck my dick with all your mouths you tentacles spamming fucking vegetable
I don’t think I can 3 attempts it anytime soon
took me 13 attempts
Reminder that because tonight's update is xbox hueg, maintenance starts TWO HOURS EARLIER than normal. Not sure when exactly that is 'cause it's always in the middle of the night for me.
Thanks, that makes sense. Love that it gets the back row too, Prim EX being able to do that was invaluable for my recent Elite Training clears.
Fuck yeah, nicely done bro!
Don't worry about it, a win's a win and that should get you the limited time rubies plus your awesome new cat in Sunshade.
What is the new cat's skill anyway?
I am not even bothering with the elite tower at this point.
I brought it up here >>1453602
Big offensive buff
Congrats bro! It took me 5 attempts but a job done is a job done, also I ought to go collect my new kitty.
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Fell into the bait but... I think it was really worth it? Some tierlists have him up in S for DPS/elemental DPS, so I guess I won
Got Krauser (and Stead) from the 5* guarantee, both new, and then got both sisters in 15 rolls.
Now homeless-tier ruby poor though. Gonna have to do the merchant race.
He's nice, funnily enough he didn't come in the 5* guaranteed pull but I spooked him anyway.
Ramza if he Templar
I like him but Ramza is far more kino than he'll ever be.
So who is the next big unit if you're not going to try for Sazantos/Sigma female? Hikari/Temenos?
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This happened on my third free ruby 10-pull…
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I had to prioritize meta chasing over sentimentality but after reaching pity… the Edoras sisters are reunited once more!!!
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After reuniting the Edoras sisters, I did the paid step-up in order to collect Awakening Stones for Elrica. On the third step, I get spooked twice! And they’re both MTs too!! (Thank goodness I farmed golden cookies from the job towers)
We got the silhouette and we got the picture. Now we final have the name of the Chinese exclusive character :

EX Sigrid (Merchant).
>EX Sigrid
Now that is a surprise.
you know what, it'd be knda cool if the CN ones are alts for the lower rarity characters
...as long as it doesn't take a million years to be released to other servers
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Here’s my haul from the guaranteed 5* 10-pull. Got 1st place in the “At Least You Tried” sweepstakes…
Huh thinking on it, isn't this exactly what Another Eden did with its 4*s?
>herminia from the hope's guide
oh my fuck
Holy fuck, you got my dream pull for the guaranteed 5 star pull. Damn, now I know I won't get it and I'm demoralized. Congrats though, you did awesome.
And you too, jesus this thread is insanely blessed as always. A MT from the guaranteed, an actually great one like Krauser and both sisters? Jeez, you guys are making me nervous since when people get lucky like this it means there's none left for me, but I'm happy for ya.

The pity on the two sister banners is shared so I can swap between pulling on them whenever I want, right? The plan is to try and get Elrica then swap to Alaune EX and try to get her and pray I don't have to go to pity.
Odio-O in the LaL collab in late June. He's arguably better than Elrica. The big three, EOS (heh) or Elrica, Odio-O and Sazantos, are all pretty close and you want one of them to be your big dick damage dealer. Special shout-out to Sazantos' banner because the true prize there is actually Cygna. She's so special with her debuffs that she's still a constant presence in JP on teams for every type of content.
>EX Sigrid (Merchant)
That's...actually pretty cool.
Niiiiice. Jeez, the chances of getting a MT or MC is close to none yet we're sweeping it over here.
Sorry bro, I know how that feels since those are 2 of the tiny handful of characters I have maxed along with Tressa and Gilderoy. I just hope those 2 aren't completely maxed for you too.

If I had to guess, Sigrid was chosen to have a CN EX form for the following reasons:

>long black hair
>modestly dressed as a warrior
>trained in the martial arts (swordsmanship)
>based in a mountainous region
>Traveler Story reads like a wuxia tale
>fights for her master's honor and to be worthy successor
>character appeals to filial piety trope in Chinese culture
PSA: Don't talk to Mist the little cat in the Sacred Springs and don't accept the "Bonds and the Sapling" quest from him, it was meant to be added in the May 8th update and is giving items for an exchange that doesn't exist yet.
Blew my luck on the guaranteed 5 star so couldn't get either of the sisters. How good/usable is Solon without U10? People talk like it's essential for him but I hope I can still get use out of him.

I only had enough rubies for 90 pulls on Elrica's banner and no Elrica. Gonna have to work my ass off to finish the pity over the next three weeks, and I gotta get her within the next 60 pulls or I won't be able to get Alaune EX aka, the nightmare scenario. I got a pretty useless Molrusso and Yukes dupe for my troubles but it wasn't a total loss since I got my first ever Memory Traveler spook: a Nephti dupe, which lets me bring my favourite apothecary to A1 which I hear she needs because of her low offensive stats.
Got Therion on the bait pull :/
Got the two new girls in 3 10 shots
He's great but being able to do his super boost twice is obviously preferable. You'll get it eventually.
Dayuuuum, nice! And even a Therion dupe's much better than say, a Millard dupe. He's still one of the most useful gen pool travelers.

And speaking of back, I'm mostly f2p but I had 15 bucks from an old gift card still on my google account, which was just enough to buy the 100 paid rubies Elrica pack and try the first step on her paid step up.
I just blew all my free rubies on 90 pulls so this makes it an even 100, which means I will be able to pity Alaune EX since I still have at least 1500 rubies in content to collect.
I need your advice though bros: When I get those 1500 rubies, do I spend them on Elrica's free rubies banner hoping to get a dupe of her in those last 50 pulls and then pity Alaune EX, or do I spend the 50 pulls on Alaune EX's banner on the chance I don't have to go to pity and actually save a few hundred rubies?
Thanks, glad to hear he's already great! Sounds like I should save my awakening shards to get one of his stones when it gets added to the awakening exchange.
>300 ruby bait banner
So we got Japan’s next roadmap.

April & May - Cross Stories. One featuring Tiziano with Throne & Pirro, another featuring Primrose & Dolcinea. (There may be more next month)
June - Yet another crossover (Triangle Strategy 2?). Also Merchant Tower EX2 and Dancer Tower EX2.
July - The Ringbearer Chosen 6 (featuring Agnea)

We now have Multi-Phase Adversary battles. You can set the difficulty and add extra restrictions. The harder the battle, the greater the rewards. And some of those rewards include 3-Star Awakening Stones (for A4’s only), and Richard’s disguise.

You’ll also have the ability to skip ahead to Rank EX 3 Adversary battles. There’s also no limit on the Void Souls you can exchange, and you’ll be able to exchange incense materials.
If you have an android phone/tablet you can use scrcpy to play on your PC
>plowing through traveler story backlog
>get enough for another ten pull on Elrica's banner
>4* light on the ring, hit the skip button
>motherfuckin' 4.5* Krauser pops up
Hot damn, a second MT spook on one banner. I may not be getting any Elrica dupes, but this banner's been great for my roster. Guess I'll have to finally learn how to use this guy, I hear spears on godly on JP now that they've moved past their Warriors of the Continent phase. I thought Krauser was all about his ultimate, but he's tiered as a character who wants A4 first, then U10.
i got krauser, hannit, ophilia, and both elrica and ex alaune in 80 pulls
also on the hope's banner i got auguste.
i'm happy but lmao i don't have the resouces to build all of them
Holy fuck what a haul, incredible! And a Memory Champion on the 300 pull too? Really feels like good fortune has (almost) always been concentrated in this thread. You'll get the resources in time, just keep at your daily shit and you'll be aces.
When they start to do EXs of the Solistia characters we'd better get Dancer Partitio.
Is it safe to open the codex of salvation now? That guidestone bug is fixed right?
How long do we think the sisters are going to be part of the meta? I'm barely at 4.5k rubies and want to make sure I have enough for Sazantos, and am thinking about pulling for the emo apothecary next week (though I already have the happy architect apothecary Nephti)
Yep, works fine now.
Alaune EX should be meta for quite a while, a constant extra +1 BP for the party is very strong.
Elrica's measured against Odio-O and Sazantos, both of which are likely coming in around 2 months or so from now. If you had to choose one of those three banners, I'd say Odio-O or Sazantos is a better choice than Elrica, though Elrica hasn't got her upgrades in JP yet so who knows how busted that'll make her. If you want to be absolutely sure you can go all in on Sazantos and Cygna, I'd pass on the sisters but try to get Alaune EX if you can. I'm pulling for Elrica just because I like her that much, it looks like Sazantos and Odio-O pull ahead of her in the long run.
Ultimately though, it doesn't matter too much so your preference is the deciding factor. JP meta's actually looking quite healthy, with every weapon getting busted shit from almost everything coming out being really good, so the big focus on the big three swords is a short term meta thing.
I beat the last boss. Fucking 70 turns counting the ones after the event reset the counter. And that's after 4 or so attempts where I gave up 30 turns in. Utterly fucking ridiculous, but at least now I'm done.
>Sazantos, his Magic Sword, Signa, Finis (ashes in the sword), Orsa, Seven Gods, Aelfric and Galdera's flames
Final boss is literally a weird orgy.
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I’m about to start the finale
One question: is it possible to beat it using the COTC OG characters -with the proper armors and weapons of course-? I find it fitting considering ~2 years ago we used to debate over which one is worthy for reset for.
Or is the final boss too bullshit I need to use my top tier units?
Someone actually did it. It’s very hard but someone actually managed to pull it off.
I can't beat Hammy, it's over
It's okay, you will grow stronger.
Link? Would love to see it after I clear the fight myself.
ok so now the honey moon is over, what do i do with these sisters? i have no more rubies so they gotta carry me for months (entertainment wise)
put Alaune EX on a team with people who get an extra bonus from a max boost (therion moves twice, lars moves quickly, someone i don't remember who gets an hp shield, etc).
Sea part of the final dungeon is cool.
>someone i don't remember who gets an hp shield
That'd be my queen of the high seas, Eltrix. Sonia also gets extra hits on most of her skills at max boost. Prim EX's regen reaches both rows at max boost. Those are the only other ones I can think of off the top of my head right now. It'll become more and more common and then they'll start added characters like Sazantos who can boost beyond max boost by spending more than 3 BP at once. Another reason Alaune EX is great is you no longer have to spend 2 BP on your break turn to have 3 more BP to use on the second turn of break; you can now max boost both on the turn you break and immediately after without relying on Alfyn's panacea.
Tithi too. If you want maximum bp run Tithi as a tank with Hammy. She has a 25% chance of gaining 1 bp when attacked which will constantly be activating if she's tanking and her full boosted general's march gives the front row attack up alongside 1 bp so she can spam that as much as you want. Never need to worry about bp again.
>Elecria: there is a fight with sword, light or dark? pick her up
>Alaune EX: give her a fan with fuck tons of SP and she give you free BP in all battles
>save up rubies for one more must have unit: Evil Cunny T0T. if you carries on in the future content without her you will be miserable. AOE depuff is extremely valuable
so now we got 2 characters that sit in the back channeling kek
Yep, fits how the meta in JP became 7 characters buffing the damage of one huge damage dealer that kills in one break. Saw a clip the other day of some character that can hit for something like seven or eight hits of 399,999 PER HIT and the only reason they weren't doing even more was because that was the highest they could pump the damage cap.
which evil cunny ToT?
the one with the cute witch hat or the one with the sexy white dress?
these new chapter accessories are great
ex fiore is particularly happy about the sp restoration when damaged one
>three cool mini dungeons
fuck yeah this is probably building to an awesome gauntlet of
goddamnit wtf
Guess the octopath "no final dungeon" curse had to strike here too
Cygna, the ring priestess who serves as Sazantos' right hand
She's the only character who I would call a "must have", as like the other anon said, if you don't get her, you're gonna have a bad time from the time of her banner release until the foreseeable future ie current JP and beyond. She and Sazantos should have separate simultaneous banners but share a pity, just like the princess sisters right now. The catch is, you really, really want one dupe of Cygna, almost to the point that if you only pulled only one copy of her on the way to pity, it's worth grabbing a Cygna dupe over Sazantos.
Other than her, you can pretty much pull for whatever you want once we get a ways into Side Solistia. The start of Solistia was a mixed bag so the devs decided to just start adding amazing character after amazing character.
I'm gonna be at zero rubies after I pity Alaune EX, so I'm scared I'll have to skip LaL to save enough for Cygna.
But anon there's no content between now and Solistea. What would Sygna possibly add?
I don't know if I like how this game is becoming all about buffing and then nuking
Isn’t that what most of the game is? Preparing buffs and debuffs, getting the ultimate break and then nuking the shit out of the enemy.

At least, with the boss fights, that is…
I don't understand what you're trying to say. There's content every month, and Cygna's useful for everything that will be released in the future because it looks like they don't want to make other omnidebuffers.
Me neither, but we'll see. One of the most interesting things I heard while listening to the Octopod is when they discussed the second Bravely Default collab, the one that adds Gloria and Ringabel, is that survivability isn't an issue anymore even for f2p. This caused them to go back and forth over where they should tier Gloria because her whole thing is she's REALLY good at keeping your whole party alive, which sounds awesome to me looking at the content we've gotten in global so far, but in JP, she doesn't even have a place or effective purpose. Then they mentioned the devs recognized that even low budget accounts are currently very, very strong in comparison to the JP content so they'd be releasing harder content soon that'll hopefully make characters like Gloria relevant.

tl; dr looks like the meta will be shifting in various ways going forward, which is good and healthy, so if you don't like what it becomes it'll like change to something very different soon enough.
bro, people bringing fucking billy for his ultimate
That's how it's been from the start no? It's like this even in the mainline games. Though ultimate buffs being an entirely different category changed a lot.
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This run was good. But I think it could’ve been better in my opinion.
>Therion (Recycled)
> Molrusso (A4)
>Kersjes (A2)
>Heathcote (Recycled)
>Fiore ( Recycled)
>Z’aanta (Recycled)
>Lynette (Recycled)
>Sarisa (A1)
>Nina-Lanna (A1)
>Elrica (A1)
>EX Alaune (A3)
anon your rubies.....
Rubies replenish over time.
But I’m gonna have to hold off on Ogen when he comes as well as the banner after that.

I’ll be saving for Ditraina. I should have a good amount of rubies by the time she arrives.
the only sacred blazes we have left before ditraina are solon and i think streibough
with how extra unpredictable the release order has been now, i sincerely wish you luck at this point
Weird how hard it is to get rate up characters in this. Probably just my bad/strange luck. I just got a Therion dupe of Elrica's banner (A4 now) which is nice since I like his A4, but that's the fifth offbanner I've gotten in 130 pulls. I've gotten Elrica once which means if rate up did its thing and gave me the most likely character to show up each of those five times, Elrica would be A4 and U10 instead of A0 and U9. Still, can't complain too much 'cause Therion's still immensely useful to me.
Thanks for your well-wishing.

But I gotta correct you on this one. Ditraina’s the only Sacred Blaze left before Side Solistia.

Nivelle and Hujheb are the next Sacred Blazes to follow but they’re in Side Solistia (especially Hujheb).

Solon is a Traveler of Memory and his banner already passed.

Streibough’s part of the Live a Live collab along with Oersted, and that’s coming out in June.

Right now we’re winding down our Orsterran travelers. There’s only 8 left:
One Chance Guidance - Sertet
One Sacred Blaze - Ditraina
Four from the Live a Live collab Oersted, Streibough, Odio-O & Odio-S
And two Travelers of Memory Sazantos & Signa

Unless these guys decide to surprise us, I’d say we’re gonna be able to figure out who’s coming based on Process of Elimination. (though the banner release for Emberflame 3 is still a question mark for me)
Is there anything in Utopia that I should make sure to get begore rejecting it and confronting Sazantos? So far I have a couple savage belts and an anklet of the sands, but I'm not 100% sure I have all the chests from the three heaven dungeons.
All the chests are in the three dungeon zones - the only things you can get in the Utopian cities are respawning random souls/soul crystals.
ah so the dungeons don't go away? very good ty
Yeah, just teleport back to the Gate of Orsa in the top right of The World (Obscured). The Utopia maps are just fluff.
7+ months later and I still can't beat Berecain bitch with all this powercreep. I can't team build to save my life and her mechanics are an enigma to me. Every time she stops all my characters from switching rows and gives herself shield guard while beginning to take multiple turns I get screwed. Most of the vids I've found use poison cheese with Molu but she's the oldest gen pool character I'm still missing. I've found one vid I can maybe copy, but it's very RNG reliant. Gotta keep trying though, I need those rubies to pity Alaune EX.
Finally, after hours, she's dead and with that, the only thing left to kill before I descend to the level 100 NPCs in Hell is the Ruby Dragon. I went and killed her on floor 11 of the Master Training tower, too. For some reason, she was harder there even though she should have the same stats, so I went and got new fortune 3 weapons for all three of my damage dealers and boy, what a difference it made. I think there's RNG involved in the video clear I used because she has different AI scripts, so I had to make sure I went in on a run where she used these exact moves on these exact turns:
That just leaves floor 12. I have no idea how I'll beat Berecain when she has another level 100 with her, so it's time to search youtube for more vids. One more ten pull to hit 150 frags.
Holy shit anon well done. I've been playing for over a year and I still haven't beaten this bitch head-on. To get her rubies I had to cheese her with the master tower over a period of a couple of weeks. What's your plan for the ruby dragon? I gave it a good few attempts not too long ago with the sleep strategy but rage quit because none of the sleep NPCs would fucking proc
This NPC has status resistance so sleeps are less likely to proc
No I meant for the dragon.
Thanks! As for Ruby Dragon, I'm not sure. I remember back when it came out, every vid I saw either used Hayes or Lars and I still don't have either of those guys. I'm hoping it's been long enough that sleep cheese is no longer necessary. I'm hoping the bunch of strong MTs I have now like Rinyuu and Nephti will help a lot, but I got rocked when I tried doing that vs Berecain. Right now I'm focused on doing more traveler stories to get that last ten pull, the Berecain rubies gave me nothing but bronze and silver guidestones.
What is the best way to make endgame cash at once? At the final boss rush and need money for equipment upgrades. Have a billion board tickets, so is buying dice stones the best way to go?
This used to be part of my dailies to farm leaves, though it's a year old now so I'm also curious if anyone knows a modern, faster way to make leaves. I haven't farmed leaves in months as I haven't done much weapon stuff lately.
if you can beat any of the elite tower bosses, turn in their tokens for 10M leaves
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New bug: there is a problem with the backup feature
Fug, good to know. Hope nothing bad happens to my phone before they fix it. As a precaution, a good thing to do is take screenshots of your Settings page with your ID and such, and some pics of your roster.
After looking into Ruby Dragon strats, I've concluded that I am gonna use sleep cheese but only once. After wading through tons of vids using travelers I don't have, I found a really, really good clear that should be easy to replicate for almost any veteran as it doesn't use any A4s and only uses 2 limited travelers, Richard and A2, both of which were very hyped meta characters almost everyone pulled for. No time for it today, but should be able to kill this dragon later this week.
Fuck yeah! Finally got through enough traveler stories (Alfyn's was LONG) to get one more 10 pull and hit the 150 pity to get Alaune EX! And in the final pull, I got exactly what I wanted: an Elrica dupe so she's A1. It was a 4.5* dupe, same as her original copy, which is really weird since 9 times out of 10 when I pull a rate up character, it's a 4.5* version and that's literally half as likely to happen as pulling a full 5*. Whatever though, I never run out of gold cookies. This brings my haul in 150 pulls up to:
>Mulrusso dupe (U10)
>Yukes dupe (A1)
>Nephti dupe (A1)
>Krauser (new)
>Elrica (new)
>Therion dupe (A4)
>Elrica dupe (A1)
>pitied Alaune EX
And my guaranteed 5* 300 free ruby pull was Solon (new) and Kerjes dupe (U10). Very, very happy with this week, hope you guys get/got good stuff too!
>can't trade tower awakening stones for shards
Yeah, it sucks but it is the way it is. Once you've gotten an arena character up to A4+U10, don't both spending tower frags on their stones any more.
you can trade em in for their arena fragments at least
How much +SP do I need on an SP fan so that Alaune EX can keep up her prayer every turn? I'm thinking of maxing SP on a pet to give her too, though I don't know which pet is best to "waste" on that.
Really wish this game had a better UI, keeping track of buffs/debuffs by 3 icons that cycle sucks, I always just open the view info instead
Finally, the dragon is slain. Even with stronger characters, I still somehow did less damage than the video, so it went into turn 6 where the dragon work up but thankfully, paralysis saved my ass. I really hope the Ruby Dragon doesn't have an incredibly rare drop like the black dragon, because I've been killing the black dragon daily for almost two years and only got its rare drop twice. No way am I farming the Ruby Dragon every day from now on unless they powercreep it so hard I don't need to use NPCs each time. I guess my next goal is beating floor 12 of Master Training, but for now I'll focus on clearing the new main story chapter that came out.
Also, I can't believe Yui Ishikawa voices Isla. Damn, that girl has range.
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This is not good
Gacha won't be effected. The writing on the wall is that they cancelled DQ12 after Toriyama died.
You only need 1k SP total, this is easy to do.
even if they needed money, it'd be foolish to abandon gacha that's low effort but prints money
Good, fuck that company. Easily one of my most hated corporations, made all the more worse by them having a controlling interest in so many IPs I love.
The wiki (I know it's not a wiki, but that English character database thing) says she caps out at 577 SP at level 100. So I guess the best way to do it is to get a fortune fan, slot in two of the gold Lovely Anima Souls from the Fame medal exchange into the gold slots and a third one into the rainbow dice slot? They can each give a max of +200 SP so I'd need them to equal 1000-577=+423 SP, which requires an average roll of +141 SP on each of the three dice souls. Fug, I already had an SP fan for Fiore EX, but I only rolled +146/+107/+115, putting me 45 SP shy of the magic number. Guess I'll have to roll up a better one, I can't stand rng equipment substats in games.
Speaking of Alaune EX, if she's going to be in the back row 100% of the time past turn 1, who should I put her behind? It'll be someone who won't be able to swap to the rear to refill their SP and unlike Rinyuu, Alaune EX doesn't have a passive that lowers her partner's SP costs. I'll probably equip her with the Treasured Handmirror and Medicinal Herb Garden Plans accessories, since each of those grant extra SP regen to paired allies when worn by someone in the back row.
You probably want to put someone at level 100 there so their best skills have SP Saver. My fan has SP souls from opening wealth and power boxes and she was already 5 behind 1k even at level 90, lol.
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Oh my God, this fucking boss. This final boss is like… Galdera-level hard. And I didn’t even get through the first part of the battle. That’s saying something because the final boss fight consists of three battles…the third one having FOUR FUCKING PHASES within that battle!

Lemme make a quick account of how fucked up this battle is.

Saint Sazantos: first off let’s go over his weaknesses…
Sword, Bow, Staff, Ice, Thunder & Wind. Thankfully these do not change, BUT Sazantos can block them one by one until there’s like, two left.

Second thing to keep in mind. This fucker can attack FOUR TIMES per turn! Meaning he can barrage you with shit before you can even move.

And oh the attacks he can do… He can regenerate his Shield Points and has Rehabilitation. These are PERMANENT by the way. He can also cancel his own debuffs and cancel out your buffs, so have fun with that.

He also tends to use attacks that blind, attacks that reduce your BP by 1 and attacks that reduce your Ultimate Guage by 10%. Oh and by the way, like most of the bosses he has BP. And speaking of which, if he kills one of your guys, he gets 2 BP.

If you let Sazantos get all six BP before breaking him, he will use his first Ultimate, which combines Sacred Flame and Accursed Flame and bestows PERMANENT buffs on him for the rest of the battle. After that, he will use Dark Fisterlda as his ultimate, which is basically his giant “Fuck You” attack. They weren’t joking when they said you needed three teams to beat him.

Hope this helps you all. Unfortunately, this is all part of the first battle. There’s much more to go! Best of luck everyone!
You only have to do Safer Sazantos and Jenova-Sazantos in a row, right?
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Bit of an update. When you get Saint Sazantos’s HP low enough, he will say “I will relieve you of these things…”. He will then lock all his weaknesses and fill his BP up. Basically, he’ll FORCE his first ultimate to happen, making his Sacred and Accursed Flame become one.

By the way, just beat Saint Sazantos. Nephti’s a fucking superstar.
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Okay. Got to the second battle.

Creator Or’sazantos:
Surprisingly I had an easier time here than with the previous battle. I’m gonna give you a rundown of some key moves. I don’t think I got everything as I was able to Blaze through good chunks of this battle.

First off, Or’sazantos uses Repel Weakness. Hit its weakness and it will counter with Reveal thy Sins which damages SP.

Some key moves here:
Trial of Greed: Domination- Silences all
Trial of Greed: Possession - Takes 3 BP from front row.
Trial of Greed: Validation - Attacks all, Switches front row to back row (This will be the move that fucks you up)

Light of Night: Some sort of self augment. Not sure what it did.

Her weaknesses are: Sword, Spear, Axe, Bow, Tome

After getting her HP to the yellow, Or’sazantos will open her arms to give you a hug. She also uses Dark of Night which changes her weaknesses.

New weaknesses:
Spear, Dagger, Staff, Ice, Dark
Ifyou get her to red a halo will form around her. She’ll get more aggressive with each passing phase.

During the red phase she uses The Nature of Yin and Yang and changed her weaknesses again:
Axe, Bow, Tome, Fire, Light

Two major things to watch out for that will guarantee a team kill.

First is One’s True Nature, which immediately makes her Boost. Followed by Selfless Spirit which reduces the SP of the entire front row to 0.

The second is her Ultimate. Let Or’sazantos’s BP fill all the way and she’ll use Grand Creator’s Guidance which serves as her ultimate kill beam.

Best of luck to you all. I actually managed to beat her in the first try.

And lucky for you guys, beating Or’sazantos will allow you to take a break. Good thing too, because the next fight is the real kick in the nuts. Four whole phases of bullshit to deal with.
Ummm....We still pretending the wiki doesnt exist?
too many ads
unusable and looks like horseshit
The reddit wiki? They havent updated it yet.
and soon the game wont exist
eos soon
shit game
shit series
shit enix
cocktoshit trannyler lmao

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