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Ulti blesses this thread!
gee willikers I sure hope no power hungry janny ends up deleting this while leaving every other gacha thread up for no reason at all!
Infos for tm when? And fuck gp
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fuck gp
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>There is a blitz this weekend
Congrats anon, got hard stuck on 12 wins this time but I still won't change my teams.
which teams do you use
Ulti is my wife
mine too
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TM planner:
G5 6+ as lead in a classic psy team
Ragtag dex team with no pvprr
Str team to destroy dex teams without super fake G5 and the last Kaido. I also have my slasher team that I use instead of the dex or str team
as usual blitz is pretty easy if you have at least 2 of the 3 new legends
unless you have specifically Roger/Oden and Yamato, then you're kind of horsefucked
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Just an observation, but the new PKA gives you an odd amount of Whitebeards compared to the ones before it.
Theres really no reason to give out 28 copies... unless you had to max out 2 of them.
So I would hang onto the extra copies until we see the evo form from TM.
Took me a total of 22 multis to get all three new SS Legends, but now I can glide through the Blitz easy.
I only got young Kin from the banners, which is why I'm straight up skipping the blitz. It's a bummer that I won't get the rewards, but the devs can't really expect me to get to 100k points when the highest difficulty with the highest drop rate I can manage only gives me... 100
And this in what, less than 2 days? I wouldn't be able to get to HALF of that even if I were to play all day
We already know the 2 WBs are different, hang onto your extra copies anon
Congrats :3c did you also get the RRs?
Ye, I got none of the new batch and even the 20 stam is way too much of a pain in the ass to bother. I am scared of the it news though.
>New anime arc incoming
Wouldn’t be surprised if we already get egghead legends before the end of this month
>did you also get the RRs?
Yeah, Toki's up to lvl. 120, Kin's "just" 105. It's beyond the point, but I've also max llb'd some non-dual unit with Ace's crew guys, not that it matters since they'll never see use.
But speaking of max llb, since people have/will pull on the SS banners a lot and will most likely get a bunch of red dupes, reminder to level up your maxed legends to 150, since that's one of the categories in the Collection. I got like extra 15 gems just by doing that.
>25 gems for the anime reaching a new arc
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Carrot blesses this thread
>reread notices
you're right
the notices are so wordy and often don't have relevant info I don't bother reading them
I don't blame you one bit anon, in fact truth to be told: I never actually read anything about WB in the notices. I just trusted >>1369311 because it made sense that giving us so many copies = 2 different potential abilities
>bathtime Luffy legend
I swear to god
How the fuck did we still not have a legend for the onsen chapers with Nami and Robin alone?
>A tm batch when we have all these ny legends
Holy fuck what a bunch of apes.
Anon, I…
you can't honestly have thought they wouldn't have had the typical TM banner after literally every single TM has since its inception
>Anon, I…
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I'm with you, at the very least it should've been the original's 6+
>Hit 230M bounty
>No more gems for 60 million more
I don't think I will reach that before the year ends even IF I don't drop the game like everybody else.
Someone who gets it, thank you anon.
>New tm legend Luffy has 12 turns of special bind debuff between special and super type, even 18 with ca automatic activation
I don’t wanna do tm
At least it's not another part of the Super Sugo like every other time.
the devs will chicken out like they always do
Coby could swap captains with his special and was completely unnecessary for TM
100% they won't do 18 turns, and honestly 95% they won't have 12 turns
they know their whales are smoothbrains
Ye, I guess. Also I will do 3 multis here because the ny legends are only 1.4 boosters and I got none lol
Shouldn't be wasting all my gems since by the end of february/early march they should do something about global anni
>invasion boss slaps you with 6 turns special bind
>regular boss slaps you with 6 turns special bind stage 2 and then 3(why 3?) on boss revive
yep thats about what I expected
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Looks like this will be the teams for this tm. Hope I have a lot of Luffy friends, I need to get back some gems for egghead
>pull on discount
>New Legend Luffy
I can't believe the "just be lucky" strat worked.
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And I am like a retard five pulls in and not even a RR.
You didnt pay for those pulls. Heres your 4* multi
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either you're lying or you pulled one of the off legends on your recommended unit on the 3rd multi
unless you're doing singles
... you're not doing singles are you?
you're going too be taking a lot of damage on the healing reverse and pain on invasion aren't you?
Maybe he did all three discounts and then went two multis deep on two parts? Dunno why anyone would do that though.
not lying I got gimped on 3rd on part 1 with sanji.
and I done two more because I wanted to try for nami/carina.
It’s over
Oh shit, it's Tuesday already, I should work on my teams.
Shouldn't be an issue since I am not supposed to use pka Luffy before the boss
I dont want to do TM
Wew I got auto kill on the invasion by the automatic special activation from the new legend Luffy. How are you even supposed to pass that. Like, I think only one of the latest rr can reduce these debuffs
try to run a captain with a fat hp modifyer
I have 20000+ hp on my invasion which is more then enough to tank the damage from Luffy's special, the pain and even the poison (although I'm using a support to clear it)
I meant 200000+ miss a zero
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>land on the bonus map super chest twice already
>Ink bottles both times
why is this even in here
Never happening, but I did it with a hp boosting boat thanks
I tried leveling up that new buy-only Ace, but not only is his XP requirements ridiculously high (50 red hime turtles weren't even enough to reach lvl. 99), but he requires 50 Large LB potions and five times the usual amount of LB mats to LB max.
Did the devs intend for players to get a clear shot of Luffy's ass when skipping his animation?
To make you feel gay for pulling
So what will be the next legend?
Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji sitting at the cliff?
All the samurai fighting Greenbull?
Jimbei eating food by himself?
Will Wano ever stop?
We will have Egghead for glb anni.
>That new support rr
It's looks so fucking busted holy shit. It can only be used by 3 characters but at least one of them is the pka Wb. And no kizuna legend thank god
FemLaw will be in the next episode, so I'd expect that to show up. Other then that, I suspect Global/9.75 Anni will deal with the Amazon Lily raid.
>qck Kaido 6+ isn't drunk fight kaido
feels like this was legit the last chance to reference it
>Super Bonus Map
Is that a new thing?
I just started today, any tips you would give for starting?
Just quit while you can, the game is as dead as this thread
Play modded, never turn on one wave win. There, you can now leisurely play with your favorites
Just use a xp lead for everything in the beginning, stuff should be easy. Do the chopperman missions to get the psy straw hats, they are all good and can still be useful late game.
For legends you should focus on, there are some staples but honestly you can just use resources on the latest batch. I am becoming like>>1385885 but you still have a lot of stuff to do and clear for a newbie so the game can still ne fun I think
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crew name?
gotta make sure you aren't in my alliance and therefore a liability
if your cheating anyway you have no reason to worry not being in an alliance right?
Im not in any alliance, I play the game for fun, sorry.
blackmod or platinmod, google is your friend.
then you can tell us your crew name
you wouldn't join the long list of cheaters who refuse to relay that information right?
Father Figure, hopefully you and your imaginary list can sleep soundly now. I install, play for a week maybe, and uninstall to try again months later. Reinstalled afew days ago to do all those free multis, got Momo and Naomi/Carina new pulls, did a run of TM to see the new improvements, and nothing else to do now.
>Lilith and Bonney announced for the first egghead batch
I sleep, call me when Kuma is here and I am still waiting for my Morgans legend Bamco
I havent made my kizuna teams
do we even know the stage info yet?
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wow look at that the devs broke something with the new kizuna crew setup
do these fuckers test anything before rolling them out because I have no friend captains to select besides 6+ story Luffy
Working as intended. Just pull the entire new batch and you’ll beat it just fine :^)
shit keeps crashing
You can’t switch to normal teams? Not like I care since I only do clears on the weekend haha
that doesn't make sense
if the friend list is crippled even whales won't be able to get the correct off captain to slap the super bosses with maximum meme damage
I can't believe they finally ruined kizuna the last good mode
>I'll have uhhh...
>regular sugo with 2 legends
>how original
>with Chopper and Ussop RR
>daring today aren't we?
did anyone pull?
I wonder if there will be some meme TND team with all 6 Vegapunks
I'm looking at the NY Legends from a pvp standpoint, and I'm wondering how easy it would be to build synergistic teams around them. I know, I know,
>nobody cares about pvp
The easiest ones, you could pretty much throw them into any Slasher team and they'd work fine, maybe add one of the other Straw Hats as a benchwarmer to unlock their conditionals, preferably Brook since he's a Slasher too.
A little tricky, since to get all the boons, you'd need to build a team of nothing but QCK Slashers, and that could prove difficult depending on one's box.
That's the one I'm most wary of. I don't know if a mixed DEX/QCK team is even viable in the first place, and since as a dual unit Yamato won't be getting type boosts anyway, the rest of the team would have to primarily boost based on classes.
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did they change how burn worked recently?
I could have sworn if you tapped while burned it would stack the damage and then your would take it after your taps complete.
But on the qck super boss your take the damage midtap and can die while the tap animations are still playing out
I literally do not have a team for DEX regular boss
For me, it was str. Don't know which level you're at but under 30, I have no issue with mine.
LT Law x2
Nami/Carina pka 5+Wb
Kin/Den and dex 6 Hiyori
I start on Nami, second stage swap to Carina and special. On boss, Wb then swap Den and special, Hiyori and Law.
The less important is Law, then Hiyori if you have someone that can give Wano/rainbow orbs or a slot changing super swap. For Nami/Carina, I think there are other units that can deal with both atk down and threshold debuff. Or use supports like Chopper ani to deal with threshold.
So hey, Firechads, how's your Alliance doing?
pretty good I'd say, I personally got enough to clear box 7 once and a bit with 40ish clears and 20some assists and some super boss damage, I'm always missing some key unit or two
how's yours?
Simper Pol did a big push on the last day, we've hit I think 15 Super levels. Dunno about the others, but with also about 40 regular clears I too have enough tickets to comfortably clear all 7 Boxes. The real issue was assists, we've barely managed to scrounge up the 30 needed for the King skull literally at the last minute.
a lot of work put in the last day by everyone
fuuuuuuuuuuuck the new kizuna team builder though
Not only did I have next to no Marco friends, but I had a friend with a level 150 Yamato with max last tap that would come up on the regular boss but never on the super boss where I really needed it
super fucking frustrating
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It went pretty well, at first the STR boss had me stumped but then I remembered that legend Izo basically countered both stage 2 and 3 by itself so it was smooth sailing after that. I also manage to get Boni extremely early, she should be able to carry me through this month's content easily, here's hoping I manage to get Lilith too
>lilith deals damage for 3 turns at start of quest
>mostly useless and serves no purpose
>unless you were trying to clear new stages without boosted units of course ;p
the devs are getting crafty
you get get to level 79 with just friend Lilith and the login Luffy and a crew of boosters pretty easily as long as one of your crew can give lilith a matching orb on the final stage
I'm using 6+ Kaido to KO stage 3
Wait out stage 4
Use Lilith and Luffy and clear
I'm using Zoro/Sanji swap effect for orb control. their extra attack boost doesnt matter
Kizuna King and TM Whitebeard sit on my crew doing literally nothing
I don’t want to do gp. Fuck you Bamco I will still play g5 6+ with my dex and str team even though you nerfed them heavily this season
I pulled Kuma recently and was wondering about making STR team but I have literally never ever seen him used
Watch some videos from Stump, he gives some base to build teams with options. I also have him but I don’t use him in my team.
Kuma was already pretty mediocre but now I think the film red Luffy has completely outshined him on str teams
honestly all the rumble legends kind of suck when super sugo legends always blow them out of the water for that cost
>tfw no Coby
>tfw no G4.5 Luffy
>tfw no Fire Kaido
My STR team was never even close to whatever "meta" the type had, but now it's getting ridiculous. The only DEX teams I can clear are the "three buffed units surrounded by fodder" type, and I don't even use STR to beat them, just overpower them with my PSY+FS team.
>3 PvP discounts
shame PvP legends are apparently shit and I cant even fit him into my already mediocre slasher team
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Here's a pretty accessible and easy team for PKA.
As far as Sabo/Ace are considered accessible anyway.
AnniZoro support is probably optional, you could just use a hp cut on the map to make up the difference.
2 extra notes
as long as you get enough hp you can also use the moby dick, you need a little more then 100k hp to live the double nuke
if you picked up barto from the support sugo a while ago you can use probably any ship, I can confirm the whales sharks with only 85000 hp
>support PSY Nami
every fucking time I swear to god
For me it's Support Vivi
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literally replaceable with any para reducer on Luffy, you can just stall a few extra turns on the penguins on stage 1 and 2 for the cooldown
or maybe waiting 1 extra turn on stage 3?
unless the stage 3 debuffs you on turn 6 specifically
Put in The Peak thanks.
>Awakened Form Kaido didn't get a unit
Dead game
blame the devs for being weirdly autistic about super sugo legends
like, after kaido had 3 super sugo characters in a row it kind of barred him off from getting regular legends and they busted the nut on flaming kaido to go along with g5 and kind of boxed themselves into a corner on releasing another super sugo kaido before egghead started
should have just made 6+ qck kaido his awakened form
Which one's Kaido's Awakened Form again?
>TM discount
better than usual
Say, is there a reason for me to keep the login Luffy dupes after I maxed him out? Like was there a sidegrade announced like with the last few PKA units?
Shit, I forgot about the new Rumble block starting. The one week when I'm actually around for the very start and I slept right through it.
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This is what I came up with for TM
Only one I'm worried about is the regular boss since I really couldn't work out a way around the despair and had to use stampede Luffy
The sub bosses are pretty easy this TM so I've just jammed my highest boosters into them
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Can you bypass it with supports? I also use the Merry lv12 with the -1 despair/bind reduction on boss and inva.
Here are mine. For the Bonney fight, I put a lot of supports but they all are doing the same job.
Reminder to use up your kizuna tickets if you haven't yet.
I dont want to do TM
Now that is a bait sugo, a very good one at that. With this shit announced now, and an update coming, we should get something new for glb anni.
Will do 2 multis on this, it looks so worth it. Super limited and the straw hats limited pool looks trash though
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its not a big deal since you can just keep a wano orb on Kaido but I think the devs probably intended for Ussop/Frankys 20000 damage on revive to trigger Kaido's captain gimmick but messed something up because I only take 9500
I assume it has to do with how damage reduction sockets interact with % damage reduction?
what are we expecting for anni really
too soon for Saturn/another G5
another Wano batch? Law vs BB and Kid vs Shanks? another Marineford batch? some Vegapunks?
dont know what units they can release that would make people hyped
If I'm counting chapters right, the Luffy/Lucci fight would still be pretty fresh in the anime at the start of May, so maybe a new Vs. unit? Maybe Legend Stussy as well if her betrayal takes place before the Anni?
Then again, this will probably be one of those two-months-long Super Sugos, so stuff that happens later on might still be used.
Although Kid vs. Shanks won't take place until late June if the anime adapts things mostly in order.
I'd say we're getting Law vs. BB and maybe a little bit of the Amazon Lily raid for 9.75 Anni, a trinkle of Vegapunks, Seraphim and future-dressed SHs in March/April, CP0 for Anni (although since it's the big 10th Anni, they might do something like "the best of the best moments, mostly Wano" instead), and Kid's Elbaf Wipeout and possibly Fullalead Raid for 10.25 Anni in August.
I'm trying to build my teams, but what exactly is that "Intimidate"? Is it the Eyes thing?
the eyes yeah
it reduces effects length or power
so if you only have a 1 turn orb boost it gets removed, you need 2 turns or more
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hear me out
Nah this is for jp anni
Enjoy your RR or forced duo with miniMihawk
how do you get around that retarded status effect that looks like a red paralysis and hurts you for every special you launch? Just slap a healer on the team and hope for the best?
Pull the entire new batch and it’s not a problem anymore lmao.
>hope for the best
... or you could confirm how much hp you have with the team you plan to use and calculate how much hp you will have on the boss stage after the 50% hp cut and hence how many specials you can use
Krieg ship is a universal 1.5 hp boost that will handle the resilience on the boss and save a special launch if you can manage not having a ship attack multiplier
Bonnie friend clears the bind on boss a refunds you the pain damage
>they dont play in east blue
I have no idea how much damage each special inflicts on my crew. I don't know if it's a set number or a percentage.
I don't need the dreadnought, I run Bonnie captain and Lilith FC, it's pain that kills me every time because I don't know whether my specials are enough to kill the boss or if my last special will wipe my team out
So anni is 3D2Y? Fuckers put the kizuna sugo as an anni one so it seems we won’t get a discount and also no anni legends kek
That legend Boa looks good, and she is a regular legend so that’s that
it's exactly 18000 per special
it's literally written in the stage description
devs being pedantic again and trying to bait people into throwing away their gems before the real anni
this is just a regular kizuna sugo
>it's literally written in the stage description
I had no idea
>Not enough PKA Jinbe dupes to max out two
Guess I should've checked earlier.
Between work and guests I never had time to even start the TM outside of Expeditions, and now that it's weekend, turns out the Pain on Lilith fucks me over no matter what I do. I guess I could ignore Intrusion, but with 19 hours remaining I most likely won't get those 2.5M I need to get all the Jinbe skulls anyway.
you don't need two, jimbe Evo is a straight upgrade
whitebeard was an anomaly not the norm
looks like the devs finally wised up to how awful rumble legends were at their cost and bumped them all down to 20
wonder if that will shake up much
probably? most are better than PvP RRs people already use anyway
statwise sure, but some of them are still pretty bad
I'm skeptical Kuma or Pageone are going to see use even with buffs
Psy is so stacked Eneru might not have a place in anything
where do you farm the PSY SHs? I can only see the quest to farm Zoro, Sanji, Robin and Brook
can you only buy them from PKA shop?
You used to be able to get the rest from Rookie Missions and nowhere else. So yeah, PKA shop only.
>Legend Blackbeard and legend Burgess
They look so shit damn
They’re just shitting out anything.
I was today years old when I learned that you can forcibly reset a pirate rumble match by closing the app and opening it again.
to be fair I remember trying that a couple of years ago and I think it just gave me the loss so maybe they changed it just recently
Man, I do NOT want to so Kizuna.
I think I don't really want to play at all anymore. I just saw that new GP and PKA are starting at the same time and my first thought was that it's too much.
I wish they would stop giving blackbeard meme legends
BB isnt allowed to have good legends

just farm shit on auto
Kizuna is the only game mode where you actually have to do something, and its still also the only one where you can use all units
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>driven gets def and spd buffed by 10
>str gets atk buffed by 15
that seems excessive
I still have no idea what speed does in rumble
>tfw no current meta STR units
The closest thing I have is v1 Jack, probably.
I tried my first battles with my usual g5+ lead with psy and dex/str/slasher and I am thinking of switching for a driven oriented setup this gp. Using Uta 6++ or vs Kaido as lead. For the teams I am thinking
>My old int/driven team
>keeping my str/striker team
>Dex team with Blackbeard and Kid 6+ and maybe add 6+ Doffy as dd
>Still use slasher?
>Another driven team
Does anybody use lots of driven units in pvp and has Anny advices for this kind of teams? I was thinking of units like Ulti/Paypay and Doffy/Croc since I just got them. I have the pvp rr Fuji but I use him on my int team. May lack some other key pvp rr like Kanjuro so another full driven team may not be the best option
>FS/PSY gets absolutely huge debuff
>people still use G5+
G5's captain Nuke is no joke
especially at level 150
I know im not contributing and just repeating shit everyone knows but holy fuck this game is dead. In the MUD. The general averages like 7 posts a DAY so thats fitting at least. But the fault lies with bandai and yoshi those greedy fucks. Producing what 30 legends a god damn year with 0 longevity. This game was so good man. Take me back...
>The general averages like 7 posts a DAY
Try 3.
>Thread started on January 3rd
>150 posts on February 26th
>150 posts in 54 days = 2.77777... posts per day
And that's because sometimes there's still discussion happening, or at least synchronized complaining. Other times, there's no posts for several days.
Unfortunately, the game is still making profits on the charts. People need to grow a brain and stop to put this game out of its misery because they're just getting played hard.
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Yeah sorry anon-kun I'm one of the retards still fueling this game.
>when hard for g5 with and depleted a lot of my gems savings going 20 pulls deep for g5
>start saving again but go about 5/6 deep for namrina still get shafted.
>go super frugal not a single gem spend til new years a lot of gems so start of slow but getting nothing.
>getting annoyed so I start buying achievement packs end up going about 20 deep get none of the legends.
>now I've brought 3 of the 63 gems backs over two months.
I think I might actually have an addiction but I can't stop.
My friend, this is no good. You are not a big whale but you should get help if you think you can't control yourself. And I say this as someone that plays this shit since the first year without spending anything on it. This may be worse
>S-Hawk pvp rr
I love watching as my team gets shredded into nothing by the enemy team specials as it stands around, twiddling their dicks instead of using their own. Very cool.
I dont want to do the blitz battle
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>Free multi actually delivered
Oh shit nigga
>get complete garbage from literally 2015 as usual
give me the "I didnt pull any new units at all" team
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The blitz started?
>It's over
>have low 4x multiplier
>whales are literally farming points 6 times faster than me
I know this is how it goes but I miss early blitzes without point boosters
Doffy blitz was my peak
>go into Box 6 with 351 tickets
>No skull
Fuck. And I'm betting every single no-pulls team for the Blitz will have both 6+ Rayleigh and 5+ Jinbe. Maybe I should sit this one out.
I'm using this which has neither but only 3.49x boost
should have pulled
>that team
heres another if you snagged some of the RR
>Yama Vs. Kaido
Yeah, next Super Sugo I will have to focus on getting them.
Maybe this one will work, if Jinbe's 5+ isn't necessary.
>if Jinbe's 5+ isn't necessary.
It isn't, but I barely have enough ppwer to kill Mari, if I accidentally hit a Great instead of a Perfect with Tesoro, she'll survive and the whole run is bust.
So it's a good thing I have so many BB FCs.
>31000 points
>still top 5000
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I've been trying to find a team for the higher levels of PKA that didn't absolutely require a maxed out level 12 ship to reduce bind and came across this gigachad
Only problem is BB getting blown away on stage 4 so you would need to be fast on the reset otherwise lose the run
also it takes a while
but compared to when people would sit and wait out 99 turn enemy buffs its pretty tame
>Random blow away again
Awwww fuck.
maybe the devs altered how blow away works because after testing it seems like you can't reset targets anymore
either that or I just lost five 25% chances in a row
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After looking at it
It looks like it should work fine with qck Kizuna King in place of BB and then replace the friend Eneru with burning Kaido
One Eneru is enough to keep you alive
You miss out on BB's stat buff but gain increase damage boosts and str super type which is just straight up superior damage
And it makes your entire crew immune to blow away
>double Enel
holy based
If you’re interested, I have this 6+ Brook team from a based individual. If you don’t have Nami/Carina, I highly recommend to focus on tm sugo parts where the unit is in the pool
Better with the link https://youtu.be/zikExtnE2RY?si=VBoy_cu72i3dCB12
>arlong ship
lemme guess
level 12 5/5/5?
cleared level 150 with this today
don't even need any stat boosts to do it
with dex damage reducing supports Coby hits for 22000 a turn but I heal 25000 so its literally impossible to die
>TM blacked out
is it finally over
>crossguild legend

notice says something about maintenance or whatever
>This special
Unit looking good though
wait why is this rumble championship only 3 days long?
Because you didnt spend enough.
They probably did the long qualification stages and then realized it would mess up their calendar for whatever.
Or maybe they wanted to set up the end of Championship for Sunday, they just forgot there's a Sunday between now and the Sunday they meant.
Either way, the answer is probably incompetence.
>missing half the legends on the TM banner since I play and pull so little
>maybe it’s worth
>get zero legends
Back to not playing
>pvp Championship only lasts a few days for whatever reason
>"Oh boy, maybe if enough people fail to realize, I'll be able to get into the top 5000 for a change, get some extra gems"
>Proceed to lose three fights in two days, all three my DEX team vs. QCK teams
It's been like three major meta changes since it was the top dog, now I can't even clear anything with it.
This game is just
>40% CONNECTING screen
>40% Boss applying 30 debuffs and buffs animation
>19% banners as content
>1% other
Anyone else notice how green bull doesn't seem to have been available since his debet sugo?
I mean, he's not particularly good so its not a big deal but like, what the fuck are they doing?
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>arlongcrew rumble
>6+ incoming
prepare yourselves PUmans
maybe they'll finally get a time to shine and not just live under the shadow of Shanks' crew like on release
>like on release
I remember when they released, there was a part of the playerbase sure that Arlong Crew was the better of the two and that it would be Shanks Crew that gets forgotten. It lasted about a month, I think.
Hody was pretty cool and Carrot and speedrun legends but yeah
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Heres what I'm going to try on TM
obviously "just pull the new legend" isn't that useful, I'm hoping I can get the alternate EX condition on turn 1
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Didn’t get the cross guild legend. But at least I got S-Hawk. So I can use a team like this now in pvp. Wonder if I should replace Shanks with shit like Cracker for more spd or not.
And now it’s time to hoard for S-Snake
>TM centered around the raid on Kuja island
>all bosses reflect this
>BB is just there recently released and could easily be the highest booster and be thematic
>lolno here's cross guild just because we have to release more legends
old optc would have made the raid on kuja the whole months worth of events
but as usual we find ourselves on fast forward wildly leaping between key events because we're shackled to whatever the anime is hyping up
is shankscrew even worth running anymore?
used him here and there, which is more that can be said for even 1 month old legends
disregard >>1422395 I was thinking pve
pvp he's good if you have nothing better
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I can't believe I actually have to do this
why though
I think I might just keep them, maybe bamco gets extra greedy and decides to expand llb even further
jesus christ give me one copy
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Thinking this will be the starting teams for this tm. Only question is about all the despair on boss and inva, hope Cross guild takes care of it with their lead
I would send them to you in a heartbeat anon, I love them a lot and I wish to spread that love
I've always hated how they're not voiced actually, at least use Nami's voicelines or something
I dont want to do TM
So only tried inva, all I can say is that the team work if I stall. It’s better than nothing I guess
>getting the rare "bonus" stage skips stage 1
what a great fucking mechanic
>Drake Kizuna
>With Tobi Roppo KRR batch
>Squirrel Smile chick support
Oh, you thought you could escape Wano?
Not a poltard by any means but I just remembered tandem orbs and how they would say TND and for the first time the "total nigger death" "meme" entered my mind in relation to that and i had to laugh so bad. Also fuck yoshi for ruining this game.
>Finally get around to building TM teams
>Fucking Attack Down Jamboree
maybe I'm imagining it but it feels like Drake is constantly associated with kizuna
isn't this his 2nd kizuna unit, his legend is on the kizuna banner and he has at least 1 other kizuna rr
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Man why are like all the kizuna banner legends so bad besides Toki and maybe SaboAce?
Because literally their only reason for existing is to boost drops and stats, dangle them infront of whales and idiots that dont want to suffer with the grind, they flock it like flies, get rid of their boost, rinse and repeat 2 weeks later with a new kizuna legend. This game is incredibly scummy and doesnt even try to hide it.
>do 5 autosails
>top 40% of east blue on JP
>East Blue
Who fucking cares, it's not even Grand Line
You want numbers anybody would actually care about, only about 8600 people went for NW league on Global this time. Isn't the limit 10k? Or maybe even 12k?
>setting up kizuna teams
>build jankiest shit for str to get past damage null
>misread boss and it has a gimmick to remove it
I'm an idiot
well before I stopped playing I was autosailing NW on JP and not demoting, wonder what it's like now
>few months ago
>every kizuna team under the sun uses YamatoVSKaido
>pull them recently
>now they're not used
>now every team has Nami/Carina which I dont have
and there's that guy above that has a max LLB one with extra copies
fuck me
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Either I'm misreading its effect or the Tesoro ship is bugged because I'm getting the chain lock extension without the crew requirements
Abuse it while you can
>literally ever super kizuna
>superboss requires yamato/ace and demon Robin
I'm super grateful I have both
>go do an assist that just popped up
>adventure period has expired
>assist is gone
literally first time this has happened to me
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>str super boss makes you immune to putting up certain buffs
>this mechanic conflicts with some of the old debuff immunity units (like legend Smoker)
>this is 100% not intended and just the devs being a buncha hacks
I mean, its not that useful because you're essentially limit yourself to only 5 specials for all the shit thrown at you but is interesting to see weird interactions like this
They pull anything out of their ass to make the new legend/unit look better than everyone, they could care less about any release before it.
the new kizuna legend is trash though
the super bosses are always a showcase for supersugo legends
their shilling legends from 2 months ago that aren't even availble
one of these kizunas I'll be able to do more than 3-4b damage to superbosses
sorry bro, I did some damage just as you were clearing it and are clearly better than me
maybe I can find a STR team
>Don't care to do Kizuna
>Finally start autoing the lowest diff with a double Buggy team
>Took 15 clears to get a ticket drop
>Even with a 2:3 chance don't get a Buggy copy
I wonder if I'll need to make type-specific teams when I hit lvl. 30.
>Sugo with only pvp legends announced
>Oh, but no S-Hawk though
Kek, it is still interesting but damn, he will never appear again in a sugo thank god I got him already
>I wonder if I'll need to make type-specific teams when I hit lvl. 30.
Couldn't clear lvl.41 so probably, but with only half an hour remaining I can't be really fucked to try.
isnt Hawk a rare recruit and not a legend
S-hawk will appear again, their just not letting people double dip while the other rumble banner is up
if you wanted tickets and were autoing the low difficulty you should have been running one of the new units as a friend captain
>if you wanted tickets and were autoing the low difficulty you should have been running one of the new units as a friend captain
And what should I have done after the first five clears (at most), after I've ran out of boosted FCs?
i've been slacking (only doing dailys) for almost a year but i've been trying to clean up the colliseum
that fight Vs Sasaki +12 (purple one)
any support that can make me use specials on the last round?
i'm just using Shiryu special and praying it hits to get shit done
>any support that can make me use specials on the last round?
There's only one unit with support that takes off five turns of special bind, and that's v2 (PSY) Uta. Or you could try to assemble a bunch of supports that lower Special Bind for the whole crew until it's five turns, I guess.
problem is that special bind that makes me unable to use specials i guess
>those specials and CAs on the new units
jesus christ what a novel
also are they going to stop giving everything NAO? otherwise the unit is pointless as fuck
the new PKA looks like their going to be NAO free for the sake of the new units
Can't you just cheese it with a captain immune to special bind?
Like just run shankscrew or something
It's interesting reading these old bosses and trying to remember what new batch it was tailored to be beaten by
guess i could try that, i believe i got them , i can manage to survive without using g5 revive thing i believe
i prefer when i could just pick double BM/kaido/ace&akainu and just blow their shit . too bad that never works anymore for anything worthwhile
I love how they made CP0 essentially impossible to auto, even at level 40
>kill the fodder
>get hit for over 300k damage
save 2 copies of CP0, its another WB situation where they give you enough copies to max 2
And it's not even a special month.
whats the point of maxin 2?
5+ is probably a sidegrade
i hate those units
like uta and i dont know if g5 luffy also go that crap
>Finally get to clearing Kizuna boxes
>Somehow get all Arlong Crew Skulls
>Think I might be able to use them as Captains for PKA
>Turns out they only boost ATK if all five types are present
>The only boosted DEX units are in the lowest tier
Would it even be worth it to get one more guaranteed treasure clone?
just use him as sub
Is Log Luffy still the strongest?
heres a team that clears up to level 99 that fulfils arlongs captain if you have a doffy/sugar friend
yeah its mostly small boosters but its f2p crew at least
On the modded version, sure yeah
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Anyone here looking for an active alliance?
The FIRECHAD TANKS have an open space, and looking to fill it with an active player.
Theres an upcoming reward program in May that is based on the total alliance bounty as well so its a win win.
if you don't find anyone i'll join . saying this because i just afk-auto everything lately
>Luffy (age 70)
>77 turn special charge
I appreciate the meme unit but isnt this the highest ever? after the impel down animals
>cost 70
>Yearly Free April Fools Usopp Sugo
>It's all Kaku
Okay, that was funny.
Maybe, I don't play a lot in kizuna but it's starting to getting tiring being the only active player on simper pol, aside from a guy that probably isn't from the thread and only clears 3*
so I've gotten like 7 requests but if none of them have posted their crew name here I have no frame of reference if their just random leeches
>roll on kaku free banner
>get usop
guess thats the joke besides getting only shit units i already own like always
Oh shit, I forgot the new Block started.
cleared level 150 with this team easy
their Sugar is LLB max but I cleared it fine with raid shiki support
I took another swing at it without the mr1/doublefinger support and you can swap out eneru for dex raid jinbe and still clear easy, just attack with sugar first on stage 4 to be safe
f2p chads are eating a little for once
S-Snake soon
I’ve been rerolling for g5 for the last 4 days. Someone give me an account lol fuck this
is G5 even in any of the current banners
Beginner banner
forgot this is a thing
get some faggot in the smile server to give you a botted account
>Get 4th win
>Wall of G5s after every refresh
I don't even care to use my last try.
>they put Luffy (forma old) is in the PKA shop for 30 tickets each
I remember when meme units were free
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>s-shark is yet another dex defense buffing tool in rumble
why are the devs so braindead when designing this mode
>immune to half stats
>provides 15 DEF by himself
>attacking him can almost one shot your units

There’s a trend here. S-Hawk one shots units with his special, S-Shark has units one shot themselves if they attack him after he uses his special, which means S-Snake will most likely make units one shot themselves with their specials.
Doesn't one of the Hancock units have some sorta Confusion debuff? Maybe she'll make enemy units one-shot their own crewmates.
>3 teams with two gear 5s
yea cbf
S-snake will probably like, petrify in rumble, and its just bind+special bind at the same time
feels pointless since bind already special binds
Units have immunities.
fair point
I expect confusion though, to make people want to kill themselves
why the fuck i'm dying randomly vs GP shit on lucci while its my fucking turn
They've changed how Burn works, now it takes off HP immediately after you hit a Perfect.
thats fucking retarded but ok
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Man I really hope they don't waste the 10th anni on another Luffy and another Lucci
I'm hoping for vegapunk the most at this point since it seems odd they haven't yet since he's been in the anime for weeks now
Here’s your v3 toon Luffy (or is it 4?) and v28 Lucci, and Vegapunk crew legend
i've been playing long time but i never bother to read shit, been a year since i stopped pulling on shit and just do dailys and little more
7000 candys, 2000 gems,
i hate GP every time its up its worse
the only saving grace to GP right now is that the devs seem to have not figured out how to fix the captain swap exploit so at least you can luck into easier fights without a G5 team nuke breathing down your neck
but even with that new rumble units are becoming so high tuned it can be hard to break through even with no leader
I think the cardinal sin of the pvp modes is that it seems like game balance or ways to maintain it, was never considered when designing it. It soon became an arms race, and when the numbers started getting too ridiculously high, they've introduced a gamebreaking ability after gamebreaking ability. Is there even a way to defeat a fully stacked STR team (by which I mean STR RED Luffy, Flaming Kaido and I guess RED Coby)? Maybe only by building a team around QCK debuffers to make sure Luffy is always either bound, special-bound or special-reversed so that he never has a chance to unleash his "fuck all of you at the same time" monster of a special. And even then you need to have rng on your side, AND have also enough heavy hitters to not lose by time-out.
str blackbeard is also pretty common, maybe moreso they coby
>Koala/Robin (new)
Good on you man, get those barriers down.
Damn, I can't clear even the Master difficulty on the new pvp solo match. Doesn't help that my STR is pure shit due to the lack of meme meta units.
could you try one of those meme hp cutting teams?
since you can keep retrying you don't really have to worry about the inconsistency weakness
>could you try one of those meme hp cutting teams?
If they're heavy on pvp RRs, then no.
I forgot about the new block starting, didn't do the three clears before daily reset. Guess I'm not advancing with Block A, lol.
I'm not really 100% but like, Jack, OG whitebeard, Raid mihawk, Tesoro and what, like rumble Ussop and any other fixed damage units you can squeeze in or something?
no pvp rr required
just bang your head on it until the ai borks like it usually does
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Once again, a bit late but here are my teams I think. Nothing much to say, except I fucking hate kizunas, the Zoro fight would be so much easier with 5+ Drake.
Also thinking of using Lucci/Kaku/Stussy qck on the Luffy fight once I have a 5+
Im' not sure the exact math but after the 80% hp cut, the reverse heal from Coby and then the 100k deathblow will you really survive the invasion?
I'm also planning to do the same thing so I'm hoping its enough
I dont want to do TM
Just tried it and it went smoothly. Don’t know if the reduced healing debuff helped or not. Carina threshold reduction did the work against the post death damage
There should be a reward for doing well in the bounty ranking. Like every month on the 1st, when the ranking's updated, you'd get a bunch of gems, equal to the number of months you've kept up an upward trajectory (plus I guess something for the people in the top spots since you know they'd be bitching about not having anywhere upwards to go and therefore not getting a handful of free gems despite buying them by the thousands anyway). Not enough to threaten "the game economy", but at least something to make the players go "nice" when they get it, and maybe motivating them to do better on bounty-dropping events, other than "number go up"-flavored endorphins.
I must be misunderstanding what they expect you to do on S-Shark
How are you supposed to get around his orb damage reduction?
aren't there literally vomiting legends on players for combined alliance bounty next month?
I mean something regular.
>don't feel like clearing March TM, only to expeditions, get demoted to GL league
>still don't feel like clearing April TM, only do expeditions
>after three I'm at 52%
Could it e possible to get back to NW just by doing Expeditions?
>new coop special gems that you can use on new coop sugos that also have a ranking and you need level 150 characters as coop captains or a coop tome which we will get once every 15 months
I want to kill myself already
the only way this can be good is if you can somehow clear on your own despite your partner being shit
>Coop gems
>Coop sugo
>Another ranking based on rng
Yep gotta love this. Can’t wait to have Coop legends that give you more points.
Guess you can avoid retards with the room creation. Or just create another account on an emulator just for this haha
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>wasted vegapunk on a kizuna legend
welp guess its 100% we're getting another Luffy for anni
Honestly, with that new mechanic, guess we will really get Lucci vs Luffy where you get the awakened form with the good timing. I secretly hope it's drunk Kaido because this mechanic would fit perfectly for this
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Good grief, has it really been that long? It's been roughly a year since I stopped actually playing, just doing dailies and coasting by on free gems from giveaways, PR, and a dead alliance. Only bother spending to get mai waifu. Don't think I ever did a PKA or GP rumble. Still feels like yesterday that GPU Usopp was meta, or that double units were the new hotness. I wonder if I could actually get back into the game somehow. Don't have any of the latest crazy legends but comfortable enough with shit like Film Red Shanks, both versions of Nika, Robin/Koala and the like.

That anni video was something else. Has any other gacha even made it to 10 fucking years? The coop shit looks like pure cancer.
>hey people are complaining about too many sugos every week
>so we'll add a new sugo, but you cant pull on it unless you get a new separate currency
>AND we'll put a PVP ranking that completely depends on how much you pull, how good your pull results are, and how lucky you are LMAOOOO
Holy shit, these devs have completely lost it.
Hit 1900 today myself. Didn't even notice until I checked the mail.
In the end, I barely got to around 40%. I could probably squeeze in a few normal runs to get promoted, but I can't be bothered to build teams and even the "accessible" ones on youtube use Nami/Carrina or like two other TM Legends I don't own. So fuck it.
still open if anyone wants to jump on for kizuna
I'm getting bombarded by sub PL 100 players looking for the legends next month so if you're interested you'll want to post crew name here
>3 multis
>2 Shakas
>some old Kizuna units
eh cool I guess
Shaka is my favourite anyway
what are the good coop captains then?
who do I wanna unlock?
>devs moved regular legends into one of the specialty banners
it's almost fascinating how completely tone deaf and clueless these idiots are
I mean, Akainu and Aokiji were pretty bad at this point in both regular play and rumble so unless they give them both some busted LLB upgrades you really aren't missing anything, but good god what they need to do is just dump every unit under the ID number 2000 into the friend recruitment not shuffle legends across banners
I wish this game was good again. I miss the old days.
let me guess . this new co-op crap they added to replace grand party or whatever is worse than grand party
its not even available yet
at the very least it looks like it will only be once every 3 months
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looks like dex Lucci's "random" action is just putting up different intimidation effects to shill vegapunks special
its a non issue to be honest
It will always be on, it's each "sugo season" that goes for 3 months
>gorillion level 2 assists at max HP
people sure are getting filtered by Kaku's poison
Is this game any good? What is the point of the game even? I've tried playing it once and got overwhelmed and kinda turned off by how much the game offers you from the start while not really giving any goal to achieve.

In short, why do you play this game?
And is it worth it to get into it?
>Is this game any good?
Not really. The actual game mechanics are pretty cool, but the devs seem to be of the opinion that the main game mechanic is the gacha.
>What is the point of the game even?
PNG collection.
>In short, why do you play this game?
Sunken cost fallacy.
>And is it worth it to get into it?
No, you should run.
I'm just riding it out until EoS, which seems like it will never come at this rate
>why do you play this game?
Luv One Piece
Luv collecting
Luv Vivi and Shirahoshi

Simple as

>What is the point of the game even?
Lol. Being overwhelmed is normal, the only goal is collecting characters so you get to farm to collect more characters.
>And is it worth it to get into it?
It depends on you. If you like One Piece, can play casually without caring about all the stuff that might be blocked because you miss x character/can't farm enough/aren't lucky enough, it's ok.
Dokkan is better on this aspect, because optc is way more complex
>Is this game any good?
No. If you play modded, you at least get to play without the bullshit but its still literal of hours spent doing the same thing every week, the same exact content cycle.
>In short, why do you play this game?
Because i play modded and only reinstall the game for anni or milestone events. Uninstall it right after spending whatever free gems
>And is it worth it to get into it?
Not in the slightest, even modded.
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>super obvious bait sugo right before anni
who would ever even pull on this?
Megawhales addicted to spending money.
Couldnt even give us a free multi for femLaw? Nice anni.
It's not the anni yet, just the pre-anni bait banner.
They should at least be counting down with a free multi, whether its on a new banner or just a outdated trash banner.
Units this shit don't deserve any pull, not even for free
farm chaos colos with 10th anni ship and double PSY Marco for ridiculous exp gains
Do they give out more exp per stamina point than those shitty character recruitment quests?
Also: lol, exp.
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honestly grinding your pirate level at this point will probably just hamper your friendlist
increasing your stamina doesn't really matter much anymore now that every mode has its own separate resource to play
>new rumble RR Chopper has a shit special
I'm really curious why the recent Rumble Zoro and Brook both have like, actual specials only for them to back step into having a garbage special with Chopper.
It almost seems like Brook and Zoro were created as regular RR before getting pushed into the rumble banner
maybe I'm just overthinking it

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