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News about any upcoming Events? Bleck.
Dead and dated memes you gotta pay like $8 for? Now we're talking.
the devs are so retarded they didn't give older gas mask cosmetics the new sound effect they have on the new smoke-filter one.
anyways the only acceptable outfits you can buy are the ones that are sponsor-spam shit.
Business idea: Drones since maps are too small for vehicles
tranny game
yeah the urban warrior packs are always ass idk why people spend 20 buck per bundle on that shit
I wish the Finals had the same level of support as early fortnite or minecraft. I don't think the main game mode is as standalone as conquest+tdm, nor do I think the limited amount of guns + nerfed mirrors edge movement is enough to satisfy when you often play in shorter bursts and very rarely have drawn out parkour offs.
I'm disabling crossplay, the only reason I had it on before was because the game would simply never find a match without it
cope harder tranny
enjoy your hideous art style faggot
even doe ruZZians play this
>fire is still useless
>smoke is still useless
>invis still unfun to fight
>75% of the weapons are still useless
>devs still trying to push for a comp scene
>light is still the weakest class
>devs still nerfing weapons instead of buffing the garbage ones
>map events still have no impact on matches
>devs still have no idea what the game is supposed to be
>devs still don't realize that any game that requires teamwork and coordination with strangers and you get punished with a 30s respawn timer won't be popular
>melee aim "assist" still in game
>matches are still stomps or being stomped
>fog variations still exist just so you disconnect
Man, I just don't understand how this game lost 80% of its playerbase!
Pretty much this desu
>>devs still trying to push for a comp scene
It's the only thing that would ever shoot them into relevancy, the game has too much of a competitive and restricted meta to be fun for casual to to add with the fact that
>Basically all casual modes suck and they even replaced the unranked tournament with cashout

>>map events still have no impact on matches
half of the events do nothing and the only one that does is low grav because it makes jump pads unusable unless you want to be the enemy clay pigeon with no chance to retaliate. I'm just glad Dead Go Boom was removed

you also forget that most map variants are ass and that the current map roster is pretty garbage
Different genres, but No Mans Sky and Fallout 76 kind of prove this wrong. Both games lost a majority of its playerbase, but seemed to have steadily brought them back.

>most map variants are ass
Oh yeah. I think the only unique ones are sandy Vegas and the Seoul one that adds the construction area in the center of the map.
Smoke + Evasive Dash + Sword is really good and fun. You should experiment more often before you start saying things are useless or bad.
in ranked?
>Different genres, but No Mans Sky and Fallout 76 kind of prove this wrong. Both games lost a majority of its playerbase, but seemed to have steadily brought them back.

Not even in the same universe, let alone genre. Those games failed to deliver at launch with their deceptive marketing and half baked... everything. Fallout 76 is "back" only because of the recent Fallout show and NMS is simply buyer's remorse and the fact that it took them like 4 years to implement what they announced would be at launch. They're also both novel concepts in a market that was/is lacking entries (coop/solo exploration RPGs) while The Finals is competing against a VERY oversaturated market. Couple that with it's nonexistent marketing and a falloff of players during S1 due to the lack of gamemodes, very poor balancing and no new content for months.

Also, your cases apply to NONE of my points, so I don't even know why would you pull those 2 games out of your ass for discussion's sake, given that The Finals and those 2 other games are VASTLY different games with vastly different problems that plauge them.
Yeah, although I keep a different gun and nade in reserve for Monaco. The outside cashboxes on there can really hurt the strat, even more than the ones on Horizon.
>get shot once in smoke
>healthbar UI element now follows me and completely negating smoke
Smoke is only good when fighting against genuine idiots. It's too small, it's extremely easy to find people in smoke, and it does fuck all for everyone else on your team.

The entire point is that a game can come back from losing its players. It doesn't matter the type of game, it could be fucking super chess for all I care. It just seems like they're doing what most of these dying F2P games do, focusing on microtransactions instead of the actual game. Popular games like Path of Exile lost 70% of its entire playerbase from one update, and got it all back + more the next one.
>get shot once in smoke
>getting shot at all in the smoke
Skill Issue
>it does fuck all for everyone else on your team
>he doesn't use sonar and shoutouts to mark enemies so his teammates can shoot fish in a barrel
Skill Issue, Team Player Edition
nta but smoke does still suck
also who the fuck uses sonar anymore since they removed it from medium
>>>devs still trying to push for a comp scene
>It's the only thing that would ever shoot them into relevancy
I'm not expert on fpses but I know for a fact appealing to compfags ideas (ensure meta is airtight and remains the same forever by nerfing everything else) is what killed TF2.
I'll be damned if I lose the only other multiplayer shooter I play casually.
sandy vegas is unique I find that really cool, and anyone who complains is a loser who can't adapt
The balance is just fucked man, it has been since CB2 but now everything gets nerfed into the ground

sandstorm vegas is cool visually, but annoying to play because it blocks off some of the areas plus it relies a lot more on open space traversal which means you're always open to getting attacked by everyone
vegas' lack of cover on the street sort of hinders it, the (darude -) sandstorm variant isn't helping it either, but i don't really care about it because i would still get ass raped by any other class on any other map in the same way as i do on vegas.

Attack Defend gamemode incoming
it is kinda baffling that they use the ex-battlefield dev marketing and then don't ship a rush game mode
I like how it's Vaiiya vs CNS
it will probably have to do with those wierd 60's terminals they teased in the game cutscenes. Anyways, can't wait to see a MMMHH and MMHHH stack again, especially since it's attack/defend
I predict barely any balance changes and the new gamemode will keep players interest for a week max.
We'll get the stun gun nerf, lightoids will cry about it and another nerf to Heavy, I don't make the rules
>Destroy /vg/ general by being such a whiny faggot that no one wants to be around you
>Destroy /vm/ general the same way
>inb4 jenny
I just think the game is loosing steam and playerwide interest really, not exactly a fault of the resident schizos
I already don't like the new gamemode.
Ok so
>it's literally defuse from CSGO

what the fuck?
What were they smoking??
This is very likely Nexon pushing le search and destroy mode they put it in every shooter they publish.
this doesn't fit The Finals at all, not to mention that it will only reinforce the Medium and Heavy meta. Turrets, APS, Demat, Goo, Barricades, Domes will be king as usual.

Also, why the fuck are they calling it a "new" game mode when Search and Destory has been a staple of every game since like CS 1.6? What's exactly new about this? And why would anyone wanna play the paperweight that is light if a single gust of wind means you'll be out of the round for MINUTES and you won't contribute nothing??? Did they simply forget about this shit?? This game already has punishing respawn times and now you wanna add even more punishment to dying????

Can't wait for Terminal Attack to become a ranked gamemode too, ffs
Funny story, Dirty Bomb made the exact same mistake with a dumb counter strike/search and destroy mode that no one liked.
Discord trannies deserve the fucking rope, the official discord is chockfull of total faggots holy shit
New sitepage is up

>we want the CS2/R6S audience
the site also completley glosses over Tournament mode, which should be the main game mode of the game but apparently not
tourney cucks can't stop sucking down fat Ls
it's the best gamemode and it gets no love
He's talking about the guy who calls people jenny
Explain why this won't just be heavy tarpitting: the gamemode
Basically shields will be the only thing that can recover health.
Here's how every match will be

Heavies will place down enough barricades to rival the great wall of china. If they brought Goo, they will close down every door and window, otherwise they'll spam mesh and dome at the first sight of the enemy

All the mediums will place enough APS turrets to block any incoming granade and will place turrets everywhere

Lights are non existant since there's no reason to play a total deadweight that dies in the first 2 seconds of a firefight

Mediums will go for demat and nadespam, while heavies will push with charge and domes

light MAY have some use with glitch nades, but APS will invalidate all their efforts

this is IF they even allow you to select your loadout which they probably won't, they'll have presets to avoid this (especially since healbeams and defibs are not usable)

I legit don't understand who thought this game mode was a good idea, it's baffling.
I'm pretty sure it's just going to be who's best at coordinating their heavies to RPG the enemy together. You may use something like a jump pad or a gateway to get the drop on them and then hit as many as you can with 2-3 RPGs, take out a couple of enemies, GG.
They probably will have restrictions for gadgets/specs, maybe not for weapons though. Either way, a "tactical" gamemode in a game like this is just plain retarded
Does "no healing" also imply no passive regen? If so, then time for lights to spend the whole match taking extremely distant potshots with the sniper/LH1 before disappearing.
They're avoiding the question on the discord, so it's uknown. If they go full R6S, the damage will be permanent
>the one time they announce something ahead of time mid-season
>it's something pretty much nobody was wanting
Great, now they're gonna clam up even further, all because they found a way to make a race war unfun.
>We want the CS2 audience
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>We want the CS2 audience
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would you stop with the drama? we're in the middle of gathering hype for the new CS2
>one of the main mechanics is that you can revive teammates
>what if we... removed it?
I don't think these devs realize they're at the downward spiral where the current audience realistically only cares about actual gameplay changes. Nobody I know of who plays this game actually recommends it to anyone, they only play it because they like a hyper specific loadout or gun.
>friend loves using riot shield
>even spent money to get cardboard skin
>simultaneously tells everyone not to play when asked if the games fun
Not only just revive, but literally grab their statue and chuck it somewhere safe for revives

Man, I like the game, but it's hard to recommend to people without puting a planet sized asterisk near it.
I like using the AK because I got the diamond skin for it.
He sounds like a fag
delusional retard.
I am still enjoying The Finals. Hope it can stay afloat
no chance. this new snd mode is the most tone deaf mode they could've added. Just even adding this mode proves they don't know what they're doing.

Screenshot this post:
People will try it and then it will be the least played mode of all within a week (two weeks at most).
People will absolutely leave matches in the first or second round as well.
This is gonna be a major failure and it will cause a lot of anger because this mode will very much highlight the cheating issue more than any other mode and will also highlight the hit registration issues this game suffers with.
just got an ad for the new gamemode on youtube

why are they hyping this shit as if it's something to get excited about
is this their new attempt at regaining popularity?
>csgo but it's beholden to one of the least fun metas known to mankind
This game already requires a lot of coordination, how is that gonna be a thing with randos in a 5v5 with no text chat and an opt-in VC that either nobody uses or is filled with consoligger mouthbreathers that don't know how to turn off their mic. Add that to the plenty of bullshit damage sources and no healing, and I can see this being a very unpopular game mode. But dickriders will dick ride it, they're already claiming that "it's just to diversify dude, stop yapping, stop being so toxic" or my favourite "this will bring in R6S players" really?? Are you fucking retarded?
Giving medium demat was a mistake, said this on day one

It's the strongest destruction tool in the game on the no destruction class
It's opt out now.
All the more reason to have hotmicing retards that don't realize their mic is on. Nobody ever uses VC to relay team info, atleast not on EU servers. Everyone mostly just uses pings anyways
didn't tribes 3 die because they focused on 5v5 and nobody liked that'
I'd say it's because surfing is the main gimmick of the game but they neutered the speed.
Do you think 5v5 is fun in the finals, there's nothing magical about the number 5 that makes it bad.
5v5 is fine in The Finals in game modes that require little coordination and fast respawns (even Power shift requires atleast 2 teammates pulling their weight and actually placing barricades and APS turrets). Immagine the same thing but in a game mode where it's one life and you get to instead watch the match happen while you can't do anything. Suddenly, it's not so fun.
Plus it simply does not fit the tone of the game, period.
I simply think that copying other games with a game mode that's been around since Counter Strike isn't exactly what I want out of this game.
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Wish my machine could run The Finals without bursting into flame so I can goon to it (dress my female characters in faceless goon outfits)
geee i hope the new game mode doesn't attract the cheaters that have been decimating CS2 recently
Isn't that a 20 dollar skinpack mate
From what little I played it seemed like you could slowly grind up to getting it, but it's not like my shit rig can play it at all for me to really care right now.
You could, but it'd take multiple seasons to get that many coins for free
Not in one season
I'm bored with SYS$HORIZON already
yeah, it's just not very interesting to look at. having different sections of the map be a different colour entirely helps, but it's still barebones-as-a-feature
Turrets are going to be complete cancer in the new mode if you can't even regen health.
>Power shift
>If people are using APS turrets, it's not fun
>If people aren't using APS turrets, it's really fun.
>Power Shift
>if you have APS and barricades, you win
>if you don't have APS and barricades, you loose

maybe if those fucking sniper lights would be of any use and snipe the APS turrets from afar..
Doesn't have unique variants and it's not fun to fight in. Plus the destruction really sucks
>play heavy
>jump out 3rd story window
>rocket a light
>he beams me through the entire thing with the starter uzi and kills me with all headshots
>His name is literally "LIGHT-100MMR"

Oh boy. Hackers in my first fucking match.
You are retarded
You are a high-end on the bell curve
retard thinks the destruction is different compared to other maps. No he definitely is not.
Not them, but yeah, destruction does suck on Horizon. You're just projecting your own tardtastic qualities onto other people, because when someone says "destruction sucks on this map," the only way your 2D brain can process that is "oh they must think destruction as a mechanic by itself works different and is worse."
what machine do you have that can't run finals
I got Finals running a busted up Lenovo Yoga i was using for college so I wouldnt keep missing events.
The resolution was lowered to the point where anything 20ft away was pixels and the game stuttered hard at the start of matches, but it ran pretty damn smooth afterwards even with buildings exploding and all
lack of rubble was a real boner killer.
Is the new game mode out yet? It's supposed to launch today
It's live
>Up to 100 HP regen
what the fuck
The destruction is the exact same retard.
Those patch notes are pretty great. Literally every time I have an issue with something they seem to address it. I've never played a game like that.
But the places to destroy aren't intresting or fun to destroy. Plus the rubble automatically despawns
Rubble automatically despawns on every map.
on horizon, it's almost instant though
>another throwing knife reskin
>for 8 bucks
>Throwing knife has the coolest skins
>Sucks to use
many such cases.
I can already tell that this gamemode is too complicated for this retarded playbase to understand.
go back to r6s
>call you retarded
>you respond with something retarded
No it's this >>1274566 Horizon's design leaves it worse off for destruction, both in its general layout and in smaller things, like what counts as a single surface/object to be destroyed. The cubes in the sand garden are extremely divisive due to that last bit.
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>wow, a bundle which i can buy multiple parts of without having to buy the whole thing?
>is actually just an amalgamation of regular cosmetics thrown into a bundle to make it seem like it's an actual bundle
>past bundles are not broken apart like this (devs are too retarded and wouldn't think people would buy cosmetics separately)

>lol defuse from cs
>play 2x7x3 rounds for shit cosmetics
>ontop of that, play 4 additional matches
>win once on both teams
>lol get shitty retextures as per usual
It's actually fun.
Most cosmetic bundles are just reskins anyways, so this tracks.

I'm getting the exclusive cosmetics and then I'm never touching terminal attack ever again
Well, it's only available for 20 days.
I'm playing this game specifically for the high ttk.
Finally, they fucking fixed the ping and revive icon scale
took em long enough
WTF why is my team actually competent in Terminal Attack?
It's so weird for them to be so adamant about not doing gamemodes that other games are doing, only for them to directly copy counter strike. It's actually fun though.
I don't play f2p shooters for yet another terrible iteration of search and destroy.
>glitch now goes through shields
I thought it was neat that shields could still protect you from being glitched, but alright. Guess that's another APS buff.
>barricades are larger
strange choice to make, they felt fine.
>SCAR damage nerfed
fucking finally, they actually noticed that the gun was all powerful
These are the same anon
It's allright but explain to me why heavy isn't the best class for this game mode? Stomping lights is a cakewalk
The barricades are now ridiculously large. I don't think you can peek out of them anymore, even if you're a heavy. They look so goofy though.
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got you now
They should shuffle the ranked game mode every season. Cashout in one season and maybe Power Shift in the next.
Are you insane?
No, absolutley not, i'd stop playing after that
>The game mode is all about stacking heavies and mediums, again
I usually suck with light but since the enemy team had a melee heavy and an useless med, it wasn't so bad
The encription key got stuck and we couldn't pick it up again lol
btw have you guys seen the new battle pass rewards post the CNS fag?
>5 vaiiya cosmetics
>5 ospuze cosmetics
Monaco is the worst map for this game mode, too open and it always boils down to rooftop firefights that whittle down a considerable ammount of health before even managing to reach the terminal. Not to mention fighting in the very small houses.
>Weapon reskins but white for vaiiya and orange for ospuze
>yet another M11 skin (this time a reskin of the halloween one with no smoke effect) despite the battlepass already giving you an unique M11 skin
I like the tacky gold jacket but that's it
How shit is the new Fcar?
Sniper is insanely good in this mode.
It's fine.
I've noticed, it's all due to the fact that you can't heal, so every bit of damage matters. Kinda bullshit that a spec 200 meters away from me can reduce my health to half and I just have to deal with it.
anyways, I got my cosmetics, so I doubt I'll go back often to this game mode
Honestly maybe its because the barricades are silly when used as intended inside the Power Shift mobile, you had to lip the rim with the shield to stop getting headshot before.
>Last match of 5v5 elimination
>I get tagged by an RPG and then a round or two while escaping after getting a few kills
>last guy alive is a cloak light
>skittishly walks back and forth in place for 30 seconds before fucking mantling up to the next floor and getting firing lined by the heavy and turret upstairs

god i hate that casuals are convinced cloak is fucking good
this gamemode favours ratty light behaviour i've noticed. When you can't heal, death by a thousand cuts is always viable.
Zamn the stun gun nerf is HUGE fr
I feel bad for those who main it
I don't.
What's the point of this new game mode? To snatch some CS/Valorant players?
Free items or something.
They want to seem hip with the comp crowd
That and the recent changes to comp + the devblog abour the ranking system. They may put terminal attack as a permanent mode, doesn't make sense to market it as a limited time mode and then parade it on their official site, with a dedicated sitepage. They may even decide to make it a ranked mode once they do which would suck ass.
I hope it's permanent. It's really fun.
It's borderline ok, but it really strips the game of any character. Plus some maps play kinda bad on it.
I don't know... Seems like Nexon forced the devs to add this...
That's the takeaway I'm getting too, it's just too out of character for the game
Hope nexxon pays well
It seems off to me for some reason... Maybe CNS is an allegory for Nexon? CNS' additions seems really off...
Reducing tournament rounds by 1 was a good move because it was ridiculous to count on always being able to have 48 people queuing.
They need to bring back unranked tournament after reducing ranked's rounds by 1 though
Gotta be careful with too many queues. IMO they should cut down on queueable modes and relegate them to custom matches only, then give us a custom lobby browser. That way you can keep niche modes like bank it available if people want to play it but avoid queue splitting too much.
There's even no Events in this game mode
Fuck Nexon!
The 5v5 attack defend doesn't work in this game because the maps aren't designed for it at all. Really stupid of the devs to think the maps are "one size fits all" for some reason.
>custom lobby browser
Woah buddy that almost sounds like a good idea, can't have that. You'll get matchmaking EOMM hell and you'll enjoy it
Pretty much the primary reason you used it was to deny defibs and rocket usage on heavies. being able to deny caps is still good but it seems way worse now- like, Light would often lose gunfights after opening with stun even without ADS, so this is pretty bad.

Light has a ton of good equipment options Now. Sonar nade, teleporter, frags, goo, glitch, breaching charge- stun gun might be a little too situational now.
I think kinda the whole point of the game is to be an experimental sandbox they can try a bunch of different shit with. That's why their update schedule is so constant.
So how does the new mode actually work?

t. not home from work yet
>Split your team in 2 groups that divide for 2 terminals
>the terminal that you're not defending always gets attacked
>pack up your deployables (since they don't recharge) and haul ass over there before you loose
>enemy sniper dinks you for 150 hp that you can't heal
>get there and blast a few fools with your rpg
>defuse the terminal and win
as usual, stack heavies and mediums and your chances to win increase

I hate how destruction is penalized here. You'll wanna avoid wasting your gadgets to open up site sightlines so either you go around looking for a red canister (not always closeby) or you just have to deal with it. Some maps work better than others, Horizion works suprisingly well in this mode, while monaco might be the worst.
Does that mean that deathballing might be better than splitting up to defend?
Deathballing is just the better option in every gamemode in The Finals. Splitting up and staying alone always gets you picked off and remember, No Revives. You'll almost always have to play on the retake since "planting the bomb" is relativley easy and risk free since they don't even have to get physically close to the terminal.

This game mode makes you a lot more concious of your gadgets since they're single use. Effectivley, your only regenerating item is your spec, so keep that in mind.
I honestly wonder what this game would look like if they didn't instapatch everything the second people don't like it.

Don't get me wrong, I hated a lot of the formerly strong stuff, but in a game about providing an adaptive sandbox that wants you to be creative it would've been interesting to see if people would adapt to shit like nukes
I mean, the adaptation was to have APS up all the time wherever you are
I feel like a better move would have been to make the beeping louder and to have barrels explode faster when you shoot them, but eh.
Nukes had no counterplay, that was the problem.
How do you adapt to a massive source of damage that has no way to countered in the first place

>inb4 APS
Not always reliable, not to mention that you could never expect where the nuke came from.

It was hilarious though, I really miss double C4 on cashout
I had adapted to nukes by playing other games at the time because that shit was really getting on my nerves. They shouldn't have nerfed C4 so much though, killing nukes alone was enough.
I still often miss planted explosives on carriables just for destruction. Throwing a carriable on its own at something to blow it up isn't as reliable and never was. Not to mention Double C4 to blow up approaches you don't like. I think Heavy really ought to get something that works like that even if it does pitiful damage, bring back demolition
You kinda need to do the double throw thing to get the carriable destruction right but sometimes the canister just goes wherever it fucking wants.
Double C4 was so funny though, i'd be on the VC with friends and they'd scream "They're capping!" and I'd go "No they're not" and get 2 kills from it. Good times..
They were a lot, but I dunno, in games like Street Fighter or Dota that also have a lot of shit going on in them it can sometimes take months or years before people realize strong counters to common situations.
Nukes weren't just strong, they were an instant kill in a game that has a fairly high TTK. Your shitty gun fires 3-4 shots that barely even tickle the heavy in the time it takes him to turn around, lob the barrel at you and detonate it mid air.
Has such a ridiculously tiny radius that you could literally aim the barrel outside, detonate and still easily kill anyone next to the APS. A lot of people don't realize how fuckhuge explosive AOE is in this game, for instance the CL-40 can easily destroy an APS with just 2 shots outside of the radius.
To add, for the longest time (before they patched it out) C4 explosive damage stacked per charge. That meant that nukes did a ridiculous ammount of damage near instantly
Probably will drop quick cash for terminal attack, if its successful.
doing the random quick cash daily quest is seeing longer queue times vs powershift and cashout.

for queuing it is a good change. If they had mixed up the teams across brackets each round i think the 48 players wouldve made more sense and it'd force more match diversity.
As it was, 4 rounds vs a team with a cheater was rough.
And I'm sure the other bracket had a cheater too, but thats why randomizing and mixing it up wouldve been a useful element, sometimes the cheaters match vs each other and eliminate one another.
The static bracket concept would only work if they added actual leagues that lasted the entire season with teams who had to register and play together.
This mode doesn't fit this game, everyone dies way too fast, sometimes the match ends before even inserting the key in the box, who the fuck says that this game has longer TTK?
I usually carried the APS around on a potted plant or something specifically ready for the bomb to throw it and intercept it mid-flight, which was effective, but the issue was that the APS would break anything you planted it on if you set it down once.

getting the drop on them and shooting the nuke was also an instant kill on them and potentially their squad, which was nice. It did definitely contort the rest of the game to exist around it.
>who the fuck says that this game has longer TTK?
Anyone who has player other FPS? In Counter Strike people die if you sneeze at them.
It's more about the fact that there are plenty of ways to deliver a lot of damage in a short span of time. The TTK is still higher than most FPS though
It doesnt feel that different on this game to be honest, barely noticeable
See that's the problem, it's like you're playing fucking Dungeons & Dragons and having to cast pre-buffs before combat just in case you run into a heavy with a nuke. Shooting their nuke was nice, except extremely hard to pull off consistently unless you had a CL-40 or a perfect line of sight.
Now throwing a barrel at someone and detonating it in their face could be a fine mechanic if C4 did 0 damage in that scenario, because then it would be functionally a gadget that can be a makeshift grenade if you can find a barrel.
OK but have you tried actually measuring instead of going by feels? Unloading an AK on a medium's chest takes 1.2 seconds to kill them. In CS it takes 0.3 seconds for the AK to kill someone with chest shots. Literally 1/4 of the time.
I don't mind doing a little thinking ahead and pre-planning, myself.

I definitely think we should get gadgets back that offer destruction and airburst canisters back in exchange for lower damage on the charges themselves so point blank nukes aren't feasible, in any case
I miss when RPGs oneshot lights
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it's games like these that remind me that silent skill/engagement matchmaking has been disastrous for online videogame discourse.
people can't understand each other because blatantly obvious things in higher skill lobbies don't appear in lower skill ones. And vice versa. People arguing about balancing problems yell past each other because they've physically never seen it themselves.

a week after launch i played with people from /v/ in quick cash and they were dragged up to my MMR - for reference I grinded out to diamond twice in the closed betas. They had zero kills, were yelling over voip how everyone was cheating, and ended up never playing Finals ever again.
>i played with people from /v/
>They had zero kills, were yelling over voip how everyone was cheating
That's just a given.
show diamond hammer and M11 or gay and fake
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there wasn't any matchmaking back then so you got it for playing 12 hours in three days
Yeah, ranking was also much easier too, managed to snag the diamond AK from Open beta. I don't play enough consecutevly to grind out for S1. I may try to get S2 diamond but it's a longshot
>you can't peek over barricades anymore
what's the fucking point then
>not using goo as a step stool
Gooners can't stop winning. Best specialization in the game.
barricading things, it's an indestructible wall

you can also just use a single goo ball as a stool like >>1275331 said
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It's not that it can't run it, but with my shitty internet, it takes longer than I'd like to have things run smoothly even on the lowest settings, not to mention my computer's internals are starting to beep for help so I'd rather not test its limits at this point
Man you fags are so whiny.
>2020 + 4
Anon I...
>implying there was a ranked sbmm.
yeah, no. there is no sbmm in this.
I hit diamond for S1 with friends and we still ran into full bronze/silver teams.
Also, the cheating is rampant, the devs literally admitted it today in their update post.
what does "sbmm" mean, anon?
Impressions after playing the event:
-Lights matter more due to no revives and hit and run tactics; I see more LLMMH than LMMHH teams as a result
-Heavy has more presence and is both more fun to fight and to fight as than usual, mainly due to the health mechanics
-2 Terminals and the map size means that Defenders are often really the Attackers, but I kinda dig it
-APS is more cancer here than in Power Shift
-It's overall kinda fun, but brought down by the downtime between rounds. If they smoothed things out and brought it back in Season 3 with the proper system changes to make it work, I'd play it occasionally as a casual side mode.
That being said, I think this is more of a test to see if people would enjoy 5v5 Quick Cash, which is something people have been asking for a while, and this format gives them a large number of small-scale tests without spoiling the idea of 5v5 Quick Cash, because if it sucked now then people would forever associate that.
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>light hesitates on stealing the enemy team's cash out while we have one in our hands
>get horribly split up and raped from rear to head
>of course he steps on a mine and dies
>another vault in our hands but these 2 fuckwads just wander off on their own without any care in the world
>get flanked all by myself and lose the vault yet again
>last cashbox in my hand
>unsuspecting retard from the enemy team all by himself who just set up a guardian turret expecting to snatch the last vault
>be lucky enough that the rest of the teams are fighting over 1 (one) cash out
>still end up on second place
This game needs text chat so i can call these people words... oh wait no we need more communicative features instead of just mouthbreather ESL simulator and "what the fuck is the middle mouse button?"
could you retards stop stacking light
I'm sorry... Sword dash is just so addicting.
whenever i play non-light i hate my life. I need control over my engagements
man I hate that almost every round on defence you have to play on the retake. That and how most rounds are a 4-0 steamroll or a total stomp, hardly ever had a "close" match that went on for more than 5 rounds total
>only 1k views on twitch
dead fackin game... what went wrong?
>load up some power shift
>the sweatiest fucking liggers, clan tag and everything on the opposite team
cmon man, I just wanna play some payload
It never had a twitch viewerbase. Pair that with the fact that ranked is too complex for the average streamer (plus you needed 60 matches to access it). The game also didn't have any marketing
It's the only gamemode where they're marignally useful, so they tend to gravite towards it
Yeah nah fuck SYS$HORIZON unfinished shit cunt
>we admit there is a major issue with cheaters
Also Embark:
>here is a new mode that rewards cheaters cheating more than any other mode

The best thing about this game is that you can outplay cheaters in every other mode with good teamwork and strategy.
The problem with this mode is 1 life, no healing, limited equipment all rewards aim botting, no-recoil scripts, wallhacks, etc
It hyper focuses the narrow skill set of left clicking heads, and diminishes every other skill set.

I will finish the quests and never touch this trash again. I'll play CS2 or Valorant if I want a game mode like this.
there's not a single cheater in your little casual meme seasonal modes
>game all about destruction and demolition
>gamemode that punishes you for demolishing shit because of the no item regen
great idea
building damage lasts between rounds.
But the sites rotate and no game lasts longer than 4-5 rounds, so it really doesn't matter
I miss when double barrel two shot heavies
I miss when sledge didn't feel like absoluteshit to use because RPG picked up its slack

You could bring the KS
not hammer though lol
too bad the KS isn't that good
it does break barricades rather quickly though, I'll give it that
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you're boring
> devs still don't realize that any game that requires teamwork and coordination with strangers and you get punished with a 30s respawn timer won't be popular
This is its main killer, I wonder how much of that mentality was carried over from old Dice. "They'll surely play this, we're great devs with great ideas"
He wanted to invoke fo76 because he's a bethestard todd cocksucker shill. >>1269253
Stupid negro
They expected their name to carry them. It worked though, too bad they never figured out how to balance the fucking game
They should've made a competitor to battlefield, now they're unconfidently chasing scraps.
A competitor to battlefield would probably be very welcome now since every BF clone shot itself in the foot

>BF2042 is ending support
>Battlebit fucked itself over
>Phantom Forces is on Roblox

however since they are Nexxon backed, it's very likley that they told them they wanted a competitive game to cash in on that easy e-sport bait money and sweet sweet fomo MTX. The new S&D mode is proof of that.
I like this game more than I probably would've liked not-battlefield
That's hardly punishment
He's right though. Cheating is rampant in ranked but extremely rare in casual modes.
Battlefield is slop. Made for vehicle mains and retards with stockholm syndrome.
>He's right though
you're still boring even when you samefag
>Ree new game modes are bad becase I don't want it because it resembles something from another game ree
more is better, especially if its not splitting the base
>more is better
for 2 days so you can get the challenge cosmetics, then its another shitty game mode you won't play instead of normal cashout.
Not really. I mixed in a lot of Solo Bank It in with Quick Cash, and I find this to be a good way to swap up the pace from doing Power Shift and Cashout, although I am somewhat cheesed that they bumped up the pass with this lower rate of XP but then run an event that doesn't really do well to complete challenges.

Normally I'd be on the side of more is splitting the playerbase, but like he said >>1277833 it's not really, as it is ultimately only going to be time limited.
dude, its all you. stop samefagging
as if we don't all know how to hide (You) in screens
This thread is dead. You killed it.
Nta but shut up retard.
Like any other LTM, i get my cosmetics and then gtfo
Liggers should get the fucking rope
>30s timer respawn bad
>cba to work with strangers
Settle down codbabies, do we have to bring out the steamcharts again to compare to fucking DOTA and LoL?
Fcar nerf didn't really take it out of the meta, but it made the 1887 also feel more viable now.
It still hasn't brought the FAMAS into viable territory either kek
When are they adding input based matchmaking, I'm tired of spectating my teammates that are using a controller. Or they're braindead. Usually both
>going negative as the most overpowered class in the game
>when there are two lights on the other team
bro just shoot them. They have 150hp, they die in half a second from all your weapons. Your RPG does 140 already. You just shoot them, it's that easy.
Why aren't you shooting them?
>anime poster
>is a retard
who could have seen this coming
>Battlebit fucked itself over
That faggot dev had everything handed to him and he STILL fucked it up. Literally every problem stemmed from him not being able to work with anybody, it has to be autism.
>Phantom Forces
I would be having more fun at this point, but last I played was probably ~2018 so I'm going to assume they fucked that up as well.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to make a competent FPS nowadays. You would think it would be the easiest thing to create since decades of these games exist. I don't notice this in other game genres, but maybe I'm just lucky with my choice of games.
Keep samefagging, you just prove my point.
Wow you suck
Zoomers can even begin to understand
I Like the new tracks but they lack their usual leitmotiv
only one that sorta does is this one
You tard just play UT2K4 Onslaught
They removed nukes, nerfed Lewis, C4, RPG, SA1216, mesh and dome shields, and heavy is still the strongest class in the game lol.
those objective scores say a lot
>Open Beta and Release
>RPG 1 shot light and had ridiculous splash area
>Mesh had 1125 HP
>Dome had 600 HP
>SA did 8 DPS per pellet
>Flamethrower melted people
>Lewis was a laser
>Double stack on C4, plus everyone always fell for C4 on cashout and you'd get easy as fuck kills

Man that brings me back. C4 and RPG nerfs are the ones that saddened me, I could get behind the rest.
*FCARs you from the next ZIP code*
Lewis can easily take on the nerfed Fcar, also mesh and barricade stop it entirely.
The new lewis recoil is kinda bad at long ranges. It's ok at medium ranges though
True but the massive ammo and HP combined with the low DPS on the Fcar make it fairly capable of fighting back until the range is so damn long that it doesn't matter anyway because you can just get behind cover.
>get behind cover
>he hasn't upgraded his CPU for this game yet
What are you waiting for?
My performance is good in this game though, it has always run well.
I'm wondering if the entire concept of the class is simply flawed and impossible to balance.
From a lot of the breakpoints and stuff i get the impression that embark thought light would be the impossible to balance class.
The problem is tank abilities. Tanks and healing are incredibly strong in every FPS game- it's why defib has gotten gutted in every patch, and I'm thinking it's why a lot of the LTMs have conspicuously not had defib or healing in them.

Tanks in hero shooters offset their ability to tank by fucking sucking in almost every other way. Heavies are not like that, which is good, because hero shooter tanks suck ass to play. The issue is that Heavy still has strengths on top of shields
The game ran fine even before I upgraded from an old quad core CPU.
>Nerf fcar
>There's now absolutely nothing that can reign heavy in, even from long range
There's also a bug with the glitch grenade sometimes not disabling shields.
Teams with 2x mesh shield 2x dome are absolute cancer to fight, they just rotate the shields over and over and you never get to actually kill them.
>acting like the fcar nerf changed anything
Double heavy has been dominant for ages, but now it feels genuinely unbeatable.
I'd be down for a not-battlefield with the strain system in place. It would have to be a whole separate game though, I dont think the current playerbase cares for it
Dome Shield has, is, and will forever be little more than a way to briefly discourage singular long-range attackers unless they up the HP to 500. Mesh Shield is kinda just whatever. It works better for quickly covering your teammates, but it's in the same camp as the Healing Beam, where if you're in an engagement that lasts longer than a couple seconds, then continuing to use it instead of firing back quickly turns you into a liability.
everyone still uses it or the AKM
the other weapons might as well not even exist
false. 1887 is the best pick.
But none of it can contest heavy. Medium is now a pure support.
Wish my soloq teammates would get the memo and go MHH but alas, no.
1887 is like playing the lottery. Either it one shots a dude from 50 meters in hipfire or it does a whopping 4 DMG point blank. That and the reload is awful

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