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Why are Steam jannies such massive cheato dust covered humorless reddit faggots? I swear, you can't even make a light-hearted, benign joke on that shithole of a site without getting banned for a few days.
Both are faggots, but which one made a thread on an anonymous imageboard about it? You made a trite, throwaway post as a joke on a discussion forum and it got flushed down the shitter where it belongs.

What a whiny faggot, unironically kill yourself OP. Nobody except equally retarded faggots would ever care about a forum interaction so going somewhere else for validation makes you look like a manchild.
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Holy melty, janny. Lay off the fent.
nobody cares, cry about it
I got banned from a community tab for daring to mention someone's nationaltiy who kept spouting the most nonsensical bullshit because he was an Iranian subhuman, which in itself makes no sense because i was straight up clarifying who i am referring to in my sentence. Jannies are soulless.
>posts on literal steam community forums
how the fuck am i supposed to relate to this and feel anything explain
>how the fuck am i supposed to relate
Not everything in this world is about you, stupid retard. Did mommy never explain that to you? Oh no! Little baby is in for a huge shocker.
>racist against Italians
proof Italians aren't white
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What the fuck did you just say to me you little paisano bitch
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>using steam
It really sucks that steam ended up giving up the community features to those fucking dipshit trannies.
Kek seething
it depends on the mods that the game chooses since some people will pack the mods with their discord mods and stuff who ban all dissent but some a lot cant be assed so all the threads will just be full of people angrily shitting on the game
kinda wacky with tyloo
Wouldn't get banned from that on Epic Games.
Wouldn't get the chance to make a joke on Timmy's platform.
>make shit post
>get flushed
>cry about it on mongolian image board
maybe if you were funny this wouldnt happen anon!
What he is saying is that people with a sense of quality control and taste tend to avoid posting on the cesspool that is the Steam Community Forums. Yes, not everything in the world is about him, but in this case it is hard to have compassion for you when you are in the realm of absolute thirdworlders. If anything, kind of seems like a good riddance. Sort of reminds me of the times me and my friends would say racist things on R6S to log off for the night via getting banned.
i think it's less that it's offensive than that it just isn't funny in any way
really you should thank the janny for deleting your cringe
Hating Italians isn't really in right now. You should have gone with the bandwagon and hated on blacks, Chinese, or gay people. That's always the trick, gotta express the same thoughts as one of the two majorities that exist in your time. No mixing and matching either, you have to pick one. Why? Don't ask questions.
you actually got b& for that? holy shit is steam that pozzed now???
You can literally get banned for telling some uppity cunt "you must have been bullied as a kid", because nerd faggots who got bullied as kids and who now moderate steam forums to exert power over others the only way they can interpret that as an insult, and not a simple observation.

>steam that pozzed now
It's been for quite a while. Fanboys will defend it to the death, but it's actually an SJW ridden shithole and has been for ages. Valve is made up of all kinds of queers, furries, horse fuckers, tranny groomers and other freaks.
They have to ruthlessly silence you to make sure Hitler 2 doesn't get elected or something. They ruined the internet.
"I played with normies and got burnt ohh nooo"
Easily avoidable.
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silence faggot
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>silence fa- COUGH COUGH COUGH
>Why are Steam jannies such massive cheato dust covered humorless reddit faggots? I swear, you can't even make a light-hearted, benign joke on that shithole of a site without getting banned for a few days.

/vm/ is the same. All slow boards on 4chan are likely run by a handful of reddit trannies
far too easy for one or two dickless trannies to get accepted into a slow board
thats just because on a slow board its more likely that a thread will just be a handful of dickless trannies who will report spam you if you go outside their designated circlejerk, its especially prevalent on this board
>Every post itt reads like a whiny bitter manbaby wrote it
Steam forums are for some form of discussion, not fellating yourself because you convinced yourself you are funny.

As far as these subhuman niggers whining about getting threads and posts deleted... lmao, I see doubleposter minecraft and shartblox threads stay up for days/weeks. How retarded and off-topic do you have to be to get removed from /vm/ of all fucking places.
cs2 thread normies live in fear and let their thread get to >1000 posts because of how afraid they are of reportfagging neets
All those troonpills you take have made you incapable of forming together a coherent line of thinking.
dont worry i wont push your little 2 person discord thread where you tell each other 'good night' every day off of page 10
A me fa ridere quando fanno battute su di noi
Steam forums are an afterthought and unofficial to publishers that be and just hand off the keys of moderation to whomever applies for it.
I got permabanned from the Halo MCC community for this post.
I'm not sure how I show courtesy and respect when I'm permabanned though.
I also got perma banned from mcc over the race baiting name plates. I got banned for racism because I called 343 racist
Be funny right now. Your post reeks of tranny energy. You can not be funny, at any point. Ever.
They also remove negative reviews on games.
>you were being racist
No it was a critical review of a shitty gamergate game.
Literally happened to me on the Company of Heroes 3 steam forum.
I was discussing with others about the poor state of the game and offering suggestions.
They banned me and said it was for racism. Lol.
Found out later that Relic head developer for the game is a literal tranny.
It was public knowledge thru the LinkedIn.
Found out cuz a community map developer and mod maker for previous titles on coh2org was hard banned for mentioning it, the devs went so hard they pressured the website that hosts the map challenges and tournaments to strip him of all titles and deperson him on the site. The site mods refused to explain why, but he posted later and explain he was hard banned from all company of heroes games and his relic account was banned.
Unironically, he wasn't even being extreme, he just kind of joked that he couldn't tell if the lead dev was a he/she, while kind of generally shitting on the low quality of the entire dev team and how no one from company of heroes 1 or 2 was even still around.

Anyway I digress but its unironically dickless trannies doing this shit. Its fucking wild how relentlessly obsessed they can get.
>listen, I'm offering suggestions, but doesn't this trannoid freak look like a dude?
>haha oh no why was i banned!?! free speech!
i can tell by the blogpost you're terminally /pol/tarded. we all hate trannies. we don't bitch about trannies in places where they're obviously going to ban you for it and then whine on the 4chan about it.

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