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This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Mafia: https://mafia.baseddpt.com/
Secret Hitler: https://secrethitler.io/
Skribbl: https://skribbl.io/
Monopoly: https://richup.io/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Worms: >>1003047
Gartic: https://garticphone.com
Bunny: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/
Risk of Rain: https://store.steampowered.com/app/632360/Risk_of_Rain_2/
Risk of Rain Returns: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1337520/Risk_of_Rain_Returns/
DJMAX RESPECT V: https://store.steampowered.com/app/960170/DJMAX_RESPECT_V/
Melty Blood: https://play.meltyblood.club/

>/oj/ booru
>/mjg/ booru:
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>/vm/ thread again
I thought someone was going to make a /vg/ one this time...
Not enough confidence with recent lull in activity to reliably pull it off.
I can run an experiment next Sat to see how bad it will be, but it'll probably die late US hours.
I can see them
post poko
play poko
It's okay, that's not a girl
i will host some more MJG TCG tomorrow
DJMAX x BA collab when
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They already have a song in.
I mean a full-fledged collab, with a lot more songs
Maplestory got to have their own collab as well even though the Nexon collab already had 4 (3 if you exclude the one Maplestory 2 song) songs from them already
And BA songs are mostly kawaii bass stuff that would fit a lot better in these games than Maplestory BGMs anyway
Hosting as promised.
feedback on new cards while i wait:
>Fate stay Noten
spell effect is way too good. the 3 cups are all the best cards to get from the faith deck, absolute cream of the crop faith cards. strawberry is a free active reset which is very powerful, vanilla is a search any card, and chocolate is also a free active reset that can also function as a big infinitely scaling beat stick. getting to pick one of the 3 is way too powerful, its to the point where the active even though its good never sees play. i suggest a full rework/significant nerf. dont touch the cups tho, they improve the game.
absolute kino card. creates an extremely fun game state where anyone can win because there are ways to get rid of TWT and ways to negate those ways. no need for changes.
U-next pirates: no complaints, a very nice card using cool mechanics. if you want to emphasize the plunder theme, maybe banish a card from the opponents hand, so you can use the active on your turn to special summon it.
team flow: quite weak, condition too situational, generic special summon card for set making. a filler card if anything.
damafia: kino. its a cool negate and playing it as floodgate is situationally good too.
team 6: atleast give it 6 attack to make it the strongest generic...
purest team of love: kino, but sometimes causes problems with what is defined as a male. (ie. cute boy)
keikaku: currently in 4 games hasnt been played, no feedback. on paper a strong effect though. set making is quite strong so its hard to get lots of floodgates on the board when enemy can make 3 sets in a turn.
doragon slayer: removal is always good but this one is like the worst one of the bunch. the passive is pointless unless you can summon discard pile cards. suggest partial rework on passive.
ebola bois: pretty much exclusively used for sets. there arent ways for opponents to special summon cards from your hand other than kokodoko, or pull it from the deck with ichihime. active just sucks unless he has 0 card
other feedback:
>look at this hag
likely the strongest normal card in the game right now. as one example, hag--> make set-->chocolate-->hag-->make set-->strawberry-->hag-->make set-->make normal set is a OTK. redeem is also an enabler here, and vanilla can SS it from the deck. i suggest adding the line >do not draw from the faith deck
way too good. you play your good cards, then shuffle the bad ones out. you could even topdeck nanodesu again.
game breaking, both active and spell effect. should just draw 1 faith card, and you should have to discard 1 to use spell effect
>sakurai schizo
too hard to summon, not much payoff when any generic * would be good enough
>vanilla cup
bring back the generic requirement. not enough cards use the no active/passive/etc. requirements, so generics are all kinda shit.
way too weak currently, faith cards mostly win the game on their own right now, pizza hut summon is too hard now, and you dont necessarily draw both zero and pizzahut from faith deck. even if you can search, why not search a way to make 4 sets instead.
>blue eyes white ultimate dragon
hilarious bad because theres only 1 blue eyes white dragon in the deck.
suggestion: change spell to passive:
so long as this is on the board, control all dragon cards. this card can only be removed by battle or [Doragon Slayer's] effect
>Big Ichihime
her spell should add the effect:
"If you revealed this card succesfully, reveal this card again." so it creats a loop ending the game immedietely.
If the game follows yugioh rules, the loop won't end the game. Currently it's rules that if there's an infinite recurring loop than the problem card is destroyed and the game continues and if it's a controlled loop, the player that makes it only has to successfully do it once and then declare how many times he wants to do the loop
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Agree with pretty much everything here.
for Vanilla do you mean the non-effect card requirement?
I'll keep an eye on Hag. she's definitely one of the best card, but I feel like if you have enough cards to pull off 2+ Special melds then you deserve it. That OTK is kino though.
yep, i mean the non-effect card requirement.
as for hag, you'd be surprised. its shockingly easy, the hardest part of the combo is to draw hag.
even normal set-->play hag-->make special set alone is draw 2 from faith deck, and in faith deck you have 4 valid extenders. 4/17+4/16 =49% chance to top deck a third set.
(strawberry, chocolate, vanilla search for redeem use effect, june 4th search for any of them).
adding to this, the recent reinterpretation on negates has made them feel quite bad.
i suggest making all negates destroy the negated card. negates have become more of a end-game clutch card than a card you use for value.
it really sucks if enemy uses tempraire and you negate with lalatano, then they just keep tempraire and end their turn, doing it again next turn with even more materials for their combo in hand. it ends up being more important to keep lalatano and let opponents combo just so you can prevent the combo on which they could win the game on.
i see, that's good point, i'll test a few variations
yeah, i was thinking maybe just adding the discard effect to every negate as well
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i'm just going to slap on a hard (Once per turn) to keep it in line with all the other Special Meld cards.
correct me if I'm wrong, but you need a specific wording so that cards like Good Morning Sirs! Don't bypass the restriction, right?
yeah, I think the new hard/soft once per turns should be clear enough now
and even better it'll help clear up cases when you play with dupe cards
Just make sure not to copy any of the bad designs of yugioh, like having a shit ton of words instead of keywords. If in the future you plan on having more hard and soft once per turns, I believe keywords would be better then putting stuff like "You can only activate this effect once per turn" and "You can only activate this effect of 'Look at this hag' once per turn"
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how's this?
Honestly, I think just (Once per turn) is enough information to convey that its hard once per turn.
the strict once per turn can be misinterpreted to mean all special sets making.
hmm... I think that's a bit of a stretch, and there should still be a difference to Once per turn (per card).
This is just going to go into the extended FAQ clarifications.
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I think anything is fine, it just needs to be explained in the rules
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Speaking of, new mjg tcg update game doko?
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I just want to thank you anon for all the work you are putting into the game months after the A&C tourney
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hard to say, i want to polish the base set again before adding more cards
Maybe can finish that by Sunday
I'm surprised people like it enough to go out of their way to play, so that's made it even more fun working on it.
now that the anniversary stream is over, mjg tcg doko
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TTS Hosto
i will join after i eat, so 30 min.
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gg, thanks for hosting and thank you for your work CO, fun game as always
nyaaa i dcd again at the end
but thanks for hosting, these games were a lot slower than the ones we end up usually playing.
gweilo changes honestly felt good, put the card more in line.
waiting for some new faith cards/changes on the current weaker faith cards.
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Sorry i got dced on my end too
gg guys, good session and definitely showed some more of what changes and clarifications were needed too
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anyone wanna play melty TL sometime
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Can't at the bar, maybe when i get back though
i thought you didnt have lumina
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I picked it up last month during the spring sale, kinda sad that it doesn't have Ryugi Shiki though
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i hope we can play sometime then
If anyone wants to play Catan, hit me a (You).
actually nvm i can in like an hour
Cool I'll wait for you then
Wait, we can't just play with 2 people...
actually we can, but 1v1 catan is just who rolls the best with usually someone winning after a long drought of 7
I'll join
oops sorry, didn't realize you (You)'d me. I don't think playing with only 2 players is fun, so maybe next time. If there are even anons here who wants to play...
3 we have 3 now tho
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Oops I sent before your post loaded. Sure let's play then.
>missed the room
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I restarted another room just for you.
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Oh no, catan...
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GG Catanbros. That was a good 2 matches!
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Catan is fun.
If it is so much fun, why don't you go kill yourself?
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i just want to play a fun board game with friends
Don't die yet
It's /vm/, we're not dying
melt doko...
22 hours
But that is my scheduled bar time
Right, we're already dead
It's been a while since the last time I've played so I would have to set it up again, but maybe this week...
We could also try playing Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, played it with /v/ some weeks ago and it was fun.
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i can play type lumina during burger hours
It looks quite fun, i would actually like to try it out.
How about thursday/friday we play it?
I'll be at the bar on friday, thursday sounds good
How do you play that without a ps3?
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download this: https://mega.nz/file/8ecHiKBR#yVC9QAyXH8d5vyd3MJvOeMBHfssMk5sZKEe-0cCmNRc
>JConfigFC.exe to set up the keybindings/settings
>RingGame.exe to launch the "base" game for offline play
>transmission.exe if you want to play online instead
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that looks like a virus
i can play
Since i'm eurohours, please set up a time tomorrow. I think we're 3 people though.
uhh I don't know, around this time maybe? I'm free in EU afternoons so I don't really mind if it's a bit earlier or later
okay sounds good
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>euro hours
But i will be at the bar at that time, why can't you do it at a more reasonable hour
What better place to play animu girl fightan with your friends is there?
Ready, but for some reason offline mode seems to run at 3x speed for me lmao
give me 10 minutes or so and I'll be ready
ok, room koko: trm128ad01c
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I need to get something from the bar real quick(10mins), but after that i will join if still going.
Man, i figured out how to super but it seems there are complex inputs for characters for extra moves which i just need to realize.
Are you gonna rehost now?
sure, trm0f44cdd2
just let us know once you are ready and we can swap, sadly the lobby can have more than 2 players so no spectator mode
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I will do just a few matches before i gotta get back to the bar. Can't wait to lose and have no fun
alright, I'll let the other anon join you, I'm going to take a break for now
nya, idk what to do vs the bat move.
its not low block or high block. cant seem to mash through it either
idk either, it was my first time using taiga but she's fun
yeah, no
well that was fast...
i was honestly just going through the buttons combos to figure out my moves...
ill host one i guess
connection timed out
try this, it seems H isnt working for me to copy the id
this game sucks, i keep closing it when i am trying to open the menus or back out.
game froze and then I got dc'd
for the willing
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Is this a doko game? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The_Planet_Crafter/
nya, my net is a bit unstable, i guess ill have to stop for now then. really fun game though. i really enjoy playing the balling girl.
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GGs anon! she seems fun, some of her aerial combos looked cool
GGs, whoever that was.
Every button i press played the windows error noise
I was right this is a virus
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no fucking way, they won't steal my hard earned Majsoul skins
ok I don't have much time left but will host one last time in case there's anyone else lurking here who wants to play, will wait 10 minutes max, Bo5
I will join if you tell me how to change usernames
sorry anon my controller just had an aneurysm
Is it even possible to change it?
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I got another DC... but at least we could play 3 rounds.That's it for me today, GGs!
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So, for those who tried it today, did you like it? I might try to host again this weekend, although I can't make any promises because I'm going to be a bit busy for a couple of weeks
I liked it a lot.
I will be balling. I might even prepare for this weekend to make sure that I dominate.
I wouldn't mind playing again, but I don't see myself doing serious labbing or anything like that. juggling 2 fightans is already tough
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Why is everyone talking about Etohana in /mjg/ instead of here
what is that and how do i play? the trailer on their webpage didn't tell me shit.
It's hanafuda
You collect cards and complete hands
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You slap cards from your hand onto other cards on the table to take them to your side and form values
I practiced a bit, i didnt really go hard into learning combos but i figured out how to use bar.
gimme a minute, my controls aren't working for some reason
ok, host when you are ready
I think I DC'd, i'm up for more though
Guess we weren't as lucky the second time.
few more matches
thanks for playing.
alot of really kino close matches.
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>go to bar
>miss koko
GGs, was fun
I keep forgetting to reinstall it. Let me know when you have time to play, it's been a long time since the last time I played.
will someone be hosting mjg tcg later today?
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I'll do it
pass: rage
p-please join...
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I'm coming
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ggs, thanks for hosting, 2 very rigged games
Dengeki Bunko koko:
give me 10 min and ill join
sorry, this is too laggy for me. thanks for the games though!
yeah thanks for playing
hello pls link me the cards for the mjg board game
thank you
Honestly feels like this should be added to the OP
thanks time to check if any of my oc made it into the cards
Anyone up for anything? I can do OJ or DJ or koiJ
I can koikoi
Sorry, took a long time to download shit
Wanna try a 6 round game? Not sure if you have to remake the room or not
Don't think I can make a 6round friendly?
Ah okay then. Let's continue
Let's try this, 172037
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That is some high-quality bullshit right there
Sorry something came up. GGs.
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Koikoi is all about bullshitting your way to victory. Sorry again for the abrupt end
Cute girls with animal ears

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total /doko/ death
Tabletop MJGTCG. Open atleast 1 hour
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If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow...
What's the point of releasing a "compilation album" of a rhythm game but filling it up mostly with songs that aren't even in the game
I'll take any BEXTER song I can get.
2% Pineapple Juice

2 more
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>missed the weekly oj koko
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Is Christ-chan still here?
Majsoul Friends Room 84150(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=84150
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melty doko...
Looks like it's finally coming out lads
what am i looking at? anime dominion?
What's the difference between that and https://store.steampowered.com/app/476420/Heart_of_Crown_PC/?
Unrelated question, why is there a demon girl on the cover of comic LO?
I thought that publication was supposed to be the down to earth/fucking my middle schooler sister type mag.
One anon and I played the previous version a long time ago literally just once or twice and somehow that warranted it getting listed in the OP for all this time
It's in 3D this time...?
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Whoops scratch that didn't realize it was cut out of the OP
Hopefully it's better network-wise though.

Yeah, I want to keep it mostly relevant to what games are actually being played. TCG should go in, mafia/hitler/RoR are probably on the way out.

What do you mean, she's an ordinary kid with horns, like Hanyuu.
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I wonder if the native mafia players miss us...
Wanna try getting PC to run again?
I actually am interested in playing this.
I didnt want to buy the PC version, but if its this version if its 5 euros ill get it just for doko
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one more
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Also i didn't fully read till the end.

"The game is coming out in the first half of May. The next post will be the release trailer! It will have an exact release date in it. After that the game will be out!


till i decide to kill it again
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looking forward to it
Bunnychihime is a thing I didn't know I needed in my life.
When are we playing mafia again?
Once i get back from the bar
i hate doko
but do you like koko?
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I'm in the love with the koko (koko)
I'm in the love with the koko (koko)
I got it for the /doko/
I'm in the love with the koko (koko)
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Etohana x Kemono Friends collab is live, for the 2 other koikoibros in this thread.
/doko/ collabing with /kfg/!
It's like /mjg/ collabing with /bag/ except both of the threads are dead
Just started playing. This game is somehow more tilting than mahjong
It's because it's even more luck-based than mahjong. Almost everything is decided from the first draw. Really the only thing that's in your hand to decide is if you want to take the measly 2 points or koikoi to try and get that big 14 points.
>room not found
Also, anyone care to explain to this dekinai how the event works? Do you just collect medals after every match for the event missions? Is it ever worth to use pearls to triple the medals?
Sorry left to do something. If you put up a room I'll join. You get collab metals from matches and winning versus the blue robot guy. Using collab characters doubles the amount of collab medals you get. I think you should just save the pearls for rolling
Oh and at 1500 medals you unlock the penguin girl
Thanks for the explanation.
GGs wish you were able to set longer games for friend rooms
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GGs. Sorry only able to play 2 games. Yeah I wish we could play 6 round games.
No English version at all?
Japs are autistic like that.
I would like to try it out, but sadly, I will just screw something up so badly with the menus all in JP.
Goddamn this monster horse
I only show my winning scores. I get dunked on a lot too.
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Honestly I miss playing some of the OG doko games like worms, bgo, mafia, skribbl/gartic, but it feels like it's impossible to fill a lobby with more than 3 people nowadays. Hopefully one day the /vg/ glory days will return
I have been wanting to try Worms Ultimate Mayhem online. Anyone have that?
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Early May I will be hosting a lot of bnuuy
it's gonna be rough for a while. the best bet is post-league when people are coming down. bunny game will only have like 5-6 people in very occasional rooms.
alternatively, just run a movie night again, doko was a meme until the movie night where we agreed to play some mafia.
Huh, it's... actually popular?
Anything that collabs with Kemono Friends ought to be popular. Mayhaps.

Anyway, I forgot about the character level lock at level 20. What do you mean I need 50 gajillion bond to unlock the next level??
You can stilll derank or go for idoru?
I'm flattered that you think I can tier up to the top 2 tiers
But I've wasted so, so much time trying to rank up to Plat already
i wish i had the skill and attention span to really get anywhere in rank but it is just way too sweaty for me right from the first match.
oh well, new season coming. a reason to play again for cosmetics i don't care about in the long run.
Apparently the big update coming in May will add in a shop where you can purchase past season cosmetics
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Anyone play osu (normal mode)? I played after the first time in a few years and was thinking maybe some anons from here would like to play a little. I'm just talking about the main point and click mode not the other modes. I'd like to host a room if anyone is interested. Any difficulty is fine, my upper limit looks to be about 5.5 but I'll happily play much lower, it's just a good way to share songs with other anons and just listen to nice things, which is the main reason I like it anyway. I used to play in frid/a/y threads years ago but it's been a while, if anyone is interested in a room around 1700-2100 UTC then reply and we can set one up!
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I only play mania and can't really play at that time, but if you got other anons to play and I happen to be online I might join
Yeah, i'd like to
Okay I'll make a lobby tomorrow at around 1700 UTC
I'm up for it today aswell, if you want to play.
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Sorry today is no good, tomorrow I'll have a clean schedule
shouldn't it be around 2 hours from now? 17 utc I mean
i am talking about a fun doko, not that non-fun koko somone is going to host.
sorry, i am going to the bar.
tomorrow 1500 utc mjg tcg?
Lobby up! The old rules I remember is you just play a song and then pass the post down for the next person to pick and that's really it! There's a chat in game as well. I don't mind any difficulty but if what I'm playing is too hard we can do easier ones, or I might job hard too!

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All my songs are my taste from about 2013-2018 with a couple newer things. I wish I had a drink right now
all welcome
I'll join later after I finish my scrabble game
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Thanks for coming to Osu! room everyone. We got 4 people which was great and played mostly standard with a side of some mania. Everyone stuck around despite skill levels being a bit askew, but jobbing is fun in it's own way! Nice songs as well everyone. Until next time.
>missed the osu room
it's over...
i thought you guys were talking about DJMAX not osu...
It might still be going with 2 people. I left 5 mins ago.
it's been ages since I lasted played osu, I'm ngmi anyways
>last played November 2016
Next DJMAX room when Glory MAX finally gets updated
GGs was super fun
tomorrow, MJG TCG on tabletop at 1500 utc
GGs everyone. That was really fun. I'll make sure not to die next time.
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>I'll be at work when it starts
It's gonna be open for a long time.
>"We're scrapping the entire scoring system because it clashes with the powerflex feature we're implementing"
What the fuck?
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it's time to come home
more like jongniggerko
>we are resetting all the leaderboards because fuck you
lmao, imagine being the dude who's top 1 in almost everything. i forgot his name.
Especially since the new score just seems to be your percentage times 10,000. No more sweaty optimizing FEVER.
REMILIA? He's already the best there is so I doubt he cares
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>Fish-a-Fish banned
Fuck off you square
I'm not that against it. FEVER is already on auto mode by default, and there being cases where it is better for scoring to manually trigger it without any visual indication of where that is kind of clashes with it being a rhythm game.
But yeah, sucks for anyone aspiring to be top at everything.
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Version 2.0s for one game that's been released for like 4 years now and one game that's not even been out for a quarter of a year
do you guys pay enough attention to this thread to actually get people to join your lobbies in a reasonable amount of time?
I have it in my Thread Watcher and check for every new post when I see one.
actually, generally yeah, i have it on my thread watcher too
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I'm ready
Just for you ill open it ahead of time.
its gonna be open for a long time.
holy kino new cards
holy shit bunny bros. It's coming in 8 days.
We shall live again.
Ahhhhhh i am going to be at the bar then
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GGs. Still trying to learn both navigating TTS and the TCG, but that was a lot of fun. Thanks for showing the way.
Miko ruling time...
Here's what happened.
Player makes a set and draws miko then was forced to use its faith effect, which special summoned miko.
One player discarded 3 for the ante. Because a player discarded, Akochan's effect activated, letting the player make a set using miko, one of the discarded cards and akochan.
However, miko was also the 2nd special summon of the turn, activating grinch chads which forcefully returned miko to hand.
We decided the final ruling is
1) miko SSed, player discarded 3 for effect
2) ako chan activated, making a set using miko and a discarded card
3) grinch chads returns miko to hand, negating the set, however, because akochan already activated, the player who discarded, already discarded for miko ante, so those 3 cards do not return to hand
4)because akochan cannot make a set anymore, she returns to the hand.
5)because grinch chads prevents more SSs, miko is not resummoned to the board via miko effect.
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>just got home from work
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anon promised me an oj koko, it's been 3 days
OJ is /mjg/ now
I'm lazy...
Faith Miko should enter the stack as an effect and isn't summoned. I should probably make it a 'reveal' Spell and add a clause about no responses during the effect too, for simplicity.

But in that situation where miko was played as if with Special Summon, I would rule the same.
Reason being: You can "take back" ako and miko due to the effects not stating discard (just reveal, so technically they haven't left your hand yet) - whereas the discards themselves have already resoled.

Also point 5) miko would not be resummoned anyway as it's on draw.
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Was on a very long losing streak, like 7+ games, until finally hitting the jackpot.
I'm still at work...
Thanks for playing, kino games
Feedback for TO:
miko consistently creates uncertain interactions, in this case it wasnt clear if you have to discard 3 or your entire hand for the ante. (atleast 3, more if you are able to vs 3 or as many as able if less than 3).
Grinchchads causes grinchchads to return to hand every time, because it special summons itself first, then returns all face up cards to their owners hands, making it a permanent threat.
It's unclear what order effects resolve in, ie. Purest team of love causes all males to be discarded, however grinchchads is a spell-at-any-time effect. I would think the effect would go like this:
1)grinchchads activates
2)he gets discarded via purest team of love passive
3)grinchchads returns all face up cards to their owners hand (excluding grinchchads as he's discarded).
in this case:
passive-->spell at any time-->other

in addition, some of the new cards lack tags, especially the BA cards lack the cunny tag for flow book 1.

cute boy is a bit overnerfed. at a 0-0 stat line it can only function as a combo piece (no board presence) but most of the good cards you'd want to draw with her also compete with the normal summon of cute boy. she is too slow, on top of having the condition of having an existing triplet that you are able to kan. she goes -1 and uses a normal summon to tutor a normal deck card, which is just too slow in this game in most bakyous. especially at 2-3 sets at which point you'd rather already be done with it than do a slow tutor. it only has use in the specific case you made an early pon, then normal summoned and had a useless 1 cost to kan away. in which case its -1 for any normal card which is okay, but not that OP.
divegrass jannie is currently a bit OP, its spell effect is too much of a game swing, going +1 and making set and drawing a faith card (making it closer to +4/+5 if you consider you'd have to pay the set price otherwise)
faith deck has a few too many duds now aswell causing very swingy games.
order of operations is becoming kind of relevant in all the games, and the chains are becoming really complex more often since theres more negates and passives that affect those negates now. as an example, say grinchchads did get discarded by purest team of love after effect, could you chain akochan to make a set assuming you have a 1 or 4 value card before grinchchads returns it to hand? answer is probably yeah, but only if purest team of love activates before grinchchads, and the cards gets returned to hand after the set. it is a also unclear if overlayed cards are considered face up on their owners field for grinchchads.
hacker known as 4chan has recently also been quite oppressive, as a even larger portion of cards reveal cards, and its 5 defense is nearly unbreakable. its super hard to remove from your board.
there are not enough upper value cards (6789) and there arent really ways to get the ones that are in that cost range on board. this is causing the upper value cards to feel really underwhelming compared to the low values.
the stats on cards in general also feel rather off now. its hard to explain in words but battling is super unappealing too often. there are not enough cards with "premium" stats. this is causing battles to be 1-1 or 0-0 too often. some of the weaker cards need stat buffs across the board to balance out their effects being weaker.
Maybe i should play the tcg again, sounds like there is a lot more stuff since the first time it came out.
Once i get back from the bar i might host one
theres also a bit too much hard removal for battling to be relevant.
a big 4-5 body on board in the past had a fairly big impact, but now it's a bit too easy to hard remove, or play around. its also alot harder to justify normal summoning a beatstick when its almolst better to fish for a card that cares about handsize, ie. drunk or some of the faith cards or nanodesu
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>Now, to prevent boredom while waiting for other players to join your OPEN MATCH room, you can play on your own in FREE MATCH mode.
great feedback as always

- i will definitely reword mikomiko
- Grinchchads only bounces the opponent board. If purest love is in play it prevents the Special Summon entirely, so the bounce doesn't happen
- will add tags for cunny archive
- will review cute boy
- i was wondering when someone would complain about divegrass kek, it's been on my radar for a while
- i'll keep an eye on the faith deck ratio, but will focus more on the main deck right now

- order of operations is a good part i feel, however i do get that it's starting to have complexity creep (every new card makes it worse). I think most of the problem is a select few cards which keep popping up, like ako.
- i think i've already ruled overlaid cards are discarded if the top card is removed from play
- will keep hacker for now, but keep an eye on it
- i've got no solution to the lack of upper values right now. the game becomes unplayable it it's evenly spread 1-9
- for stats what environment were you playing in? (singles/dupes/wip cards), or do you feel its just a general thing. I haven't adjust that many stats in the last couple of patches

- ill keep an eye on this too. It's a fine balance between having overwhelming boards and removal-creep. I agree it would be best if vanillas kept their niche as a normal summon beatstick.
regarding stats, we played in both a 1v1 and a sanma. i had not played since the patch where you did sweeping stat changes on cards like shamiko & cute boy.
enviroment was adding WIP cards, and in sanma case we added dupes aswell.

there was also a little bit of unclearness regarding divegrass jannie and dork. both of their effects state "when this card initiates battle", and it's not exactly clear if this means all battles involving the card, or only when the card attacks. this is quite relevant as in dork case it means dork is not removable by battle, and for jannie it means if he's attacked he would draw cards and potentially prevent fighting back, which makes both of these cards hard to remove. suggest adding the line "if this card attacks", replacing the previous line.

it's not exactly just akochan, its responses and board passives/card effects in general. it can be super unclear which parts of cards do get negated and which do not.
in akochan case, whenever discards happen via card effects, its unclear if akochan is a negate. ie. opponent discards 3 cards to get 7 def for anons mom.

for shamiko, when sets are made from discard pile in a way that would interfere with special summoning the card, or the set was made illegal later in the chain.

for grinchchads its the order in which things happen, and the interactions with passives.

for all of them in common, its can be confusing when the negate gets discarded by other effect.

also for divegrass, since the effect is at any time, it is actually a way to negate a normal set using it up. because you announce what cards you are using to make the set before making the set, if the set includes a 1 or 3 cost and divegrass meets the requirement, you can just target the same card the opponent used to make the set. even if opponent has a different legal set, he cannot make it because he already announced the set he's using, and it was an illegal set as divegrass removed one of the cards. probably unintended.
as for upper values, i think its good to give them more stats/board removal defense.
since theres less of them, if they're on the board for longer with (relatively) weaker effects, they'll get setted away eventually anyway, so long as the faith deck has cards worth fishing for.
especially their defense stat is relevant.
for example team 6 is surprisingly getting normal summoned fairly often for set making, since its a good bridge between 4, 5 and 7, right at the top of the max set value (its mostly comboing as setup for purest team of love-->active-->5cost/8cost-->make set). on a dry board its unlikely it gets targetted by hard removal. the only problem is that there are cards that care about your hand size. it is more efficient in general to keep useless cards so you have a bigger hand for effects.
also MJG-C11, that lets you pick a card to reveal and whoever revealed smaller discards 1 is too oppressive now. its too consistent if you have a brick or other high cost card to reveal in the early stages of the game. it also sets up something like a yatagarasu lock, except you can still top deck looking for exactly adeptchads, at which point you've lost regardless.
and if it has battle protection it can stay on the board nearly forever, as only spell removal works then.
also for at any time effects in general,
theres cases like mahjong enemies room and grinchchads where mahjong enemies room special summons itself after the opponent resolves an effect. at any time implies you can special summon grinchchads between the special summon and the negate taking effect, since mahjong enemy room in the text special summons itself first. this creates a lot of confusion in cases where the card has relevant effects in general. the card should say, "after 2 special summons", not "if 2 special summons", since after implies that any effects that come with the special summon resolve fully before grinchchads.
this would resolve confusions like if fujonshi's passive activates before returning to the hand, since it can be relevant to know the bottom card of the deck. if it's after, then it will clearly be active. if its during the special summon action itself, then its not clear.
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You can't just have all this fun discussion without making a koko
mjg tcg
I'm watching 4CC...
i layed out every normal card and sorted them by defense. I knew i wasn't imagining the combat feeling bad.
Only 39% of cards can beat 2 defense.
About 70% of cards are 2 defense or more.
closed, thanks for playing.
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thanks for hosting, pretty fun games as always, it's a joy seeing this game continuing to expand and improve
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Who wants to join me for this? https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2132850/view/4172098731870362253
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i will, but i don't think we'll get a consistent 4p team
- i'll change the wording of "initiates battle" to "when this attacks"
- this is good, i'll focus on the interaction of negate cards
- the divegrass interaction is unintended yeah, but it sounds like a cool tech (but too powerful of course). I'm most likely reworking the entire card.

- haven't though about the decision of dropping stats on board vs keeping fodder in hand for hand-effects. I think I want to encourage dropping cards on board when possible.
- have an idea of how to fix white kakek, i'll tinker with it

- which card is enemies room?
regardless, if the card says something like "Special Summon, then ____", you can only respond to the first bit, per yugioh.
- for fujoshi, i'm not sure. I think I'd rule that the deck gets flipped as soon as it leaves the board, but not sure if that breaks something.
- i will reword grinchchads a bit

great, these were my thoughts about stats in general, see if you agree
- high ATK, (0/1) DEF: priority targets to remove, however will probably end up trading 1 for 1
- high ATK, 2+ DEF: beatsticks (not too op effects if any, like goth and drunk)
- low ATK, (0/1) DEF: free design space
- low ATK, 2 DEF: standard statline for a good effect
- low ATK, 3+ DEF: sticky card with an ok effect. opponents need to find a solution to remove it

I want the board to be relevant, but also have ways to come back/reset. So taking a 2/2 baseline what do you think about the number of 4/1 vs 1/3 cards
i wasn't that good at the demo but i am down to be the handicap of the team.
Also i have thursday and friday off which seems perfect for this.
nevermind, that's 1AM for me. I am old and boring and in bed by then.
They expect it to take a while. So if it is still going on when you wake up come join us
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nta, but btw CO, how does the fox hag passive work?
Not CO but I assume it's just an effect you can use once every turn.
I think that was the idea and maybe CO wanted it just to be an ability that didn't tap, but being a passive means that it's active at any time and without a once per turn clause you can do it infinitively, also passives are mandatory so the way it works right now is that you target all cards that you are able to, including your own ones, gain control of them and all of them get discarded next turn
TCG today, perchance?
Or bunny and steel? I played only a bit and would like to git gud before the full game releases
Go without me, been too long since I last played it I will job so hard
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>TCG today, perchance?
What time so I know how to schedule
there was atleast one other card which was formerly an active and now became a passive causing same issue. cant remember name on the spot.
i'd say priorirty and beatsticks are correctly statted, so are the 0/1 cards. problems start at 2, 3 def and low atk.
theres a lot of card draw in that range, like both chioris, i'm at the bar, mating, frank.
if you don't have removal for them and you don't draw it for several turns you have more or less lost. and if you do have it, they cycle at worst, and you have to use one of the few cards that can stop 2-3 def cards.
try out restatting some of the weaker effects to.
i suggest:
ohohojousama (4-0)
catan bullies (4-2)
cute boys (prolly 3-4)
shamiko (2-1)
russian (4-0)
copebots (4-2) (so its more tempting to summon it and not hold it in hand forever)
look at this hag (2-1)
id say aim for something like this. def 2=50% of cards can remove the card via battle. then you add atk if you want it to trade favorably/fight the bottom end of cards.
-also mahjong enemies room is old name of MJG-C04
I don't know, I'm available for the next 9 hours or so, so just whenever there are more people around
i could host in 1 hour 30 mini.
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But i am going to be asleep then
If you won't be at the bar in 9 hours we could play some bunny and steel.
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But i am going to eat lunch then
it's up
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give me a minute
wait for me!
wtf yonma time
Sorry I had to leave but I wasn't going to be able to stay for the whole game, ggs
my game crashed, please wait for me if you're still playing
I'll be frank... everyone left already... sorry
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Though it ended up abruptly, I had fun playing "yonma" for the first time. Thanks for the game everyone who joined, even if you didn't get to play
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My laptop overheated, sorry about that... The games were extremely fun regardless. One question for CO, does ya boi only stop on field effects, or does it stop spells from activating as well
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I have a question about Friendly Only Bnuuy. It says "when added to your hand (during your turn)" so it shouldn't proc when it gets added to hand during turns other than yours right?
also for some reason a lot of previous passives are now actives. for example damafia being an active means if you activate it, all special sets are permanently blocked since the effect persists even after the card leaves the field. (it has no stop condition).
i don't think this is intended.
shit that should be an active


actually that's a good question, probably negating just on board is more balanced

yep, not a quick effect

yeah, they are probably misprints. ill try and correct them tomorrow
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thank you CO
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I am also in a mahjong room, so depending on what starts might delay the other
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Sorry anon, can't join at this time.
2/4 If anyone else wants to hop in
Thanks for joining, i hope yall are ready for release thursday
It better be a midnight release or I am gonna be really mad staring at the store page all day in anticipation.
I remember someone posted some charts months ago for the fights of rabbit & steel, does anyone still have them?
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HOSTING some rabbit and steel
reply if you join, ill play some vns in the background while i wait for (You)
joined, please be patient I only played a couple of hours months ago
sorry, the game's definitely not for me
still open
nice playing with you, to be honest this is a bit of a game of pattern recognition. and you were seeing these patterns for the first time. the tp gimmicks are pretty much memorization.
are you still koko?
we are playing now
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gg, I am too tired to play more atm
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Oh I think I dced,
Well I will head off now anyway, thanks for the runs it was fun
GGs i cant believe we played for 5 hours and even got a 4/4 at some point
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Rabbit bros, we are back
late GGs from me. can't for wait for Thursday after reigniting the hype a bit further today replaying the demo a bit.
I feel like with only dabbling in extremes and a couple savages in XIV hard is gonna be an enjoyable and easy ride or at least one people can carry me through but I'll definitely have to get my shit together for Lunar.
Or who knows, maybe 3p and 4p hard is already to chaotic for me.
funnily enough i just started FF XIV (trial)
to be honest the main issue is that some of the patterns have so much going on. its super hard to figure out what exactly is your responsibility and whats the next guys responsibility.
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Entire TP fight looks like it meant to be done with a person in each corner
yeah its clearly meant to be symmetrical since theres no other way to have everyone dodge, but notice how the tps match up to the old locations of the people. i suppose its-
light blue: top or bottom (opposite)
red: left or right side
blue: doesnt matter
I was thinking towards the end of it, that since this isn't like ffxiv with roles and everyone is just dps, there has to be a way to designate who does what. The problem is there are a lot of moves that randomize their target. Maybe if we just pick quadrants of the screen for each person to favor.
And yeah, once you get to 3 and 4 people the amount of transparencies are out the wazoo

Yeah, I like to view that as a picture frame.

Also do you guys want to attempt for world first lunar?
I'd be willing to try but man does it release at a bad time for me. middle of the night when tomorrow is a work day.
Yeah, It starts at 6pm for me and i will be at work till like 10pm. Then there is a chance i work saturday so i wouldn't get to do anything till 10pm then as well.
It leaves me hope that the dev said it took beta testers 2 weeks to beat it, so i believe it will probably take till monday. So by sunday there should be videos and strats to help me catch back up.
It's coming
What is it?
ough I missed it
i need to practice for the real game in two days
Doko? I'm free in ~15 hours from now.
see you in 15 hours
wait what game is this? i love kemono friends
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Etohana. The mobile koikoi game. Download it on QooApp. The banner changed though, so it's now Fennec and Racoon on rate up instead of Serval and Fox.
is it fun? ive never played koikoi
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Wait nevermind, the Serval and Fox banner is still there, they only just added the second banner some days ago.
It's just cardflip. Way more luck based than mahjong, and quicker games. Gacha is very forgiving and they give lots of pearls for new players, I only rolled 30 times for Fox.
thanks ill download it. i just am interested in the kemono friends mostly but itll be fun to try a new game for it anyways
Fucking finally!
Good news is that there's also Emperor Penguin and she is a freebie so you'll be able to get her if you play enough games
that is exciting. i just got off so ill be able to start working towards it now. the characters look pretty, im glad kemono friends is still being featured in anything
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any koko?
1day 2 hours remain
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Rabbit and steel, Mahjong rage.
i gotta go to the bar...mgd4p
shit im in a game
Lunatic 2p win
lets go bros, but the real goal is 4p.
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i was making some for lunar solo but lost interest before i could finish.
might have made some for multiplayer too, but i'm not sure if i saved them still
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found them, but they're a bit hard to follow and might be outdated for official release.
ill dump em anyway
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if you know a pattern is fucked up, use your defensive. if you dont have it, hide behind someone who does, ideally a heavyblade rabbit, since she has 3 invuls and will most likely use them. if you know someone doesnt have defensive, use your defensive and run into a few bullets for them, so they are less likely to get hit. for tp gimmicks, save defensive until final tp. focus on surviving until final tp since after final tp you have some rest time for cooldown.
for 2-2, there are 2 versions.
if you get the color match version, make sure your chain never goes through the boss and that you dont hit anyone with your spread out.
if you get the other version, half of you spread out the other half stand still. if you have spread out, move as far as you can, but not so far that you cant get back to the meeting point. try to move towards the outside if you can when spreading out. the reason for this is that after you spread out, the boss will spawn a pool of death at the location where you were when you spread out, and if you give yourself more space noone will run into it.
for hard 2-1 with spinning wheel + color match, if you have tp just go to the quadrant for which the tp direction matches. ie. if your tp goes up go to the top. other guy, doesnt matter just defensive if you arent in the right quadrant at last sec. dont worry about aiming your tp to help the other guy, just aim it to a safe spot in the quadrant and let him figure it out. if he cant, both of you just defensive.
for 2-3 triple circle tp gimmick, light blue and red decide your position. if its up + left then you position down + right. opposite to your tp directions. aim your light blue tp at the other players location before TPs. finally, you have a bit of time to adjust red tp if you arent in perfect spot already (first 2 tps are lenient). make sure your red tp hits center, cause otherwise your bullets will hit everyone who didnt invul for the phase.
Hat edit, just replace the same file in the animation folder in rabbit and steel. Work with demo i assume will with full game
Had to upload to imgur. Rename file to "wizard_rabbit_0005"
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I couldn't think of any other edits, but on full release i will edit more and make emote edits as well
yuzu druid (replace butterfly with racoon)
I'm so excited for rabbit and steel even though I don't have any friends
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Stupid faggot little friend
Is this going to be the rabbit and steel general? Is it finally time to go back home? Is /doko/ alive?
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Goodnight /doko/
Lets koko in 14 hours.

Also cool fun fact
nice nice, can you add the little face on the hat as well?
agree with yuzu druid
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so far for modding we can only change the rabbit color.
But mods in general would be cool. I saw the dev in their discord mention an undertale mod tool in reference to modding R&S.
replace "wizard_rabbit_0004"
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Wait, does the demo save carry over to the full game or are you just doing it for fun?
your skils carry over
finally did it... kill me
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grats anon!
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I couldn't get any sleep anons, i am just too excited. Like a kid on Christmas eve.
2 hours until release.
lets finish demo lunatic 4p
im in
we'll start doing runs once 3rd joins.
we're doing 3/4 runs for now, reply if you want in
bunny bros... i am out for dinner at the bar and won't even be here on release.
Go on without me...
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closed, we did 1 3p run, then we won a 2p run on lunatic since third anon only had time for one.
see you guys at release.
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hosting soon
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Hosting NOW
im in
we're doing a run in normal now, soon open.
jesus theres a lot of stages
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gg, absolute kino game
Thanks for the matches

Remember, there is a story if you play offline
as a quick theory craft. dancer heavyblade druid all with ruby specials + harp is 100% uptime invul if timed right.
5+3+2 and harp resets all defensive cds every 10 sec.
If you do this, kys
My rooms will have a 500 friendlies requirement.
how do you unlock the extra classes from the trailer in rabbit and steel?
beating stages on hard, or beating X amount of bosses
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played a couple runs with friends.
Holy crap we are getting our ass kicked even on normal.
Got to the last boss 3 times and only cleared it then.
I might not have enough skill for a serious lunar attempt on saturday. But it is everything i hoped it would be. Hope i get to play with you nerds tomorrow.
surprised there isn't a thread on /v/. thought it was popular during the next fest the demo dropped.
bnnuy doko?
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bnuuy koko
ill be here a while. reply to join and ill back out to the lobby
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Even the host doesn't have 500 friendlies
GG. Sorry, only able to play one game. I still have problems keeping up with all the stuff going on but that was fun, we even finished a Normal run! Will play again later.
gg buns, thanks all who came
I keep getting fucked by wolves on hard. Fucking cube spam...
The Red Dragon boss on hard is making me want to quit this game so much.
I can't even finish a Normal run by myself... Is it over for me?
There's a decently high skill floor.
Try to main 1 character and completely memorize their skill rotation so you can focus solely on dodging.
I started off struggling with normal, then hard, now lunatic. It's a natural progression.
the hardest part about this boss is just how absurdly long and hard to solve the phases are.
dont worry about it too much, once you learn the gimmicks its gonna play itself. also get a potion at every shop until you can beat that stage more or less no-hit
also anyone up for some rabbit the moment my work meeting ends?
i will joino the koko

also, i'm thinking of making a bunny guidebook googlesheet, anyone want to help?
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I will contribute some
request editor access and i will add you
OH is lunar locked till the world first run?
i think it's locked until you clear all hard bosses
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done with druid guide, ill make some tea and then host a koko. see you in 15 min!
room up
3/4, started
I need a lot more practice on rabbit game, but at the same time multi is a lot different with all the spread outs and stuff...
Yes I found the RnS talk
we're still doing runs btw
dc anon... room open again. we'll start 2p in 3 min.
I both want to know which characters (besides the 10th one the dev didn't announce) correspond to which zones, ,but I also don't want to know and be surprised as I go through each one on hard
1/4, open, afk
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im sorry, my net just died for an hour for some reason
can i request editing access without doxxing myself or should i make a new account if i am paranoid about that?
i don't know how you can edit without your name being shown
I've had my eye on Rabbit and Steel for a while but was waiting for the release. Anyone around that wants to play? I just beat the game quickly on Normal to unlock Hard and did 1 co-op run to see what it was like/how it differed from playing solo.
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anon you nigger
it's up :^)
wait my client is actually bugged
>cute difficulty
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not as cute as you
3/4 started
Getting something going that turns you into a 1 button playstyle is just silly fun.
Oh, bruiser is supposed to charge primary and then use all of them when going berserk? Not anymore. Secondary go brrrrrrrr.
still going? Don't see it but I don't know if that's because you are currently in a run.
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More hints
just finished come in
rabbit game would be 8/10 for me if the visual clarity and sound cues were better designed. it's like a 6/10 for me right now. nice music and cute art though.
you can improve visibility by going into settings and changing preset.
i use bright and white preset
GGs. I feel like all hard mode bosses are not created equally. or i just have enough practice with the bird from the demo, idk.
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gg buns, some nice 4p action
>try to do it the easy way and get the second one on cute
>every single fight heals you back to full
fuck. guess it also means you can't open the chest before the boss since it gives you always 2 health from what I've seen.
Or get the thing that sets your max health to 1 i guess.
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this dropped from a boss, goes directly below floof ball.
I could write some more than you have for dancer, but my only google accounts are my real name and a spam account that was hacked by russians.

I did that first one accidentally on a bathroom break. I haven't gotten an equivalent for any other area yet.
are these just cosmetic?
technically the floof has the mechanical effect of proving you did a no-hit run.
Is bright and white not too garish (NTA btw). I just set it to saturated since I did Arsenal first and the cleaves were hard to see sometimes. I had switched it to magenta in the demo because of playing the demo so much I knew how everything (originally) looked

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Should I buy the bnuuy game?
Played the demo, it seems fun but i have no friends to play with
you have some right here
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b-but i just started and anons will bully me for being bad
we all suck and can't even make it through hard consistently lmao.
Solo is more mechanic focused (and less bullet hell) than the demo, so you can learn mechanics for multiplayer at the very least
The game just came out yesterday
Still open?
ah ill just go to sleep. see you guys tomrrow.
>cant get past streets or red zone with my friends
im getting FUCKED by druid's lack of an invuln
anon just use the druid guide in the sheet
>theres a guide
this is why i havent joined any of this thread's games, dont wanna embarrass myself
Does Druid's defensive not give invuln anymore? If it is the same as the demo, flutterstep isn't needed most of the time. Pretty much a 'I need to move NOW' which the invuln alone can take care of most of those types of situation.
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>it gives an invuln
oh.. im retarded. i thought it was just movement speed
the big thing is that it gives allies invul too. so defensive buffs on druid give benefits for basically everyone.
>rat boss with sniper
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just nuke her
Yeah flutterstep CAN be pretty useful sometimes, but the invuln is way more important. I mean you could use flutterstep with movement down stuff too. I used Heavyblade more (in the demo) for party wide invuln (with I think ruby defensive upgrade. I don't know if it still works that way), but Druid works too especially if what you are trying to avoid is damage from stacking improperly
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Played with my friend and the game bugged right as we were about to kill the mouse boss.
blade drops a 2second invuln zone at base. I think only one upgrade removes that.
There are multiple upgrades that removes the invuln field. I'm talking about one of those that instead does a screen wide invuln. I can't 100% say without seeing it if it has changed or not. I don't think it did though when I saw the upgrade last night.
Yes, sapphire is "field is much larger, but only lasts a brief moment," "brief" seemingly being the same length as the other invulns.
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I'm pretty sure ruby is the one I'm talking about. No field, but 3 seconds invuln on everyone
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Just watched the rabbit and steel trailer and had no idea what was going on. The gameplay just left me even more confused.
You learn to process it as you play. If you want to play, just start on normal (or cute if you really are struggling learning what indicators mean.... even though unlike ffxiv you actually get text telling you what a lot of the less straightforward mechanics are)
the dev should have really foreseen invlun stacking
>dancer with darkglass spear and emerald special
well that was silly.
Top to bottom the screen is 5 rabbitleaps. I will make an image later of it with more math stuff
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how's the /doko/ lunar world first team doing?

>darkglass spear
i can't find it in the collection right now but is that the thing that sets your primary or secondary to special CD * 30 / number of hits or some shit? Yeah, those are incredibly stupid. wanted to get it going with dancer emerald special once.
I had a run on bruiser with emerald special and the item that does that for primary. was also the point where finally i read Emerald fury correctly and realized abyssal rage is 100% uptime after the initial CD. throwing out 500 attack primaries (* 1.4 from abyssal rage and whatever other multipliers i had) on a 0.8 GCD was absurd.
i still can't even enter lunar
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What class are (You) playing?
Heavyblade. Avy feels impossible if I don't get speed increases. The timers in some of the transformed parts just become too fast for me to get into position even if I just stop attacking. Probably skill issue. I should just not attack during those phases. The fucking enrage better be in such a way where I can do that. I don't see any other way
cute floof.
I want to get good at the ranger
Maining assassin and testing defender and spellsword.

I was thinking of hosting a /doko/ world first stream this weekend. We clearly can't get it from the general public, but we can make it an event. We should not play lunar at all till we do the stream, and just see how long it takes us, we can take breaks and come back.

Reply if you are interested and i might make a quick questionnaire when i am not playing R&S?
im keen
>We should not play lunar at all till we do the stream
Good news, i can't even get it unlocked.
We can practice in the meantime to unlock it for everyone. Here is a survey
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I don't really get it but I would like to play, haven't had the chance to play since the demo though, so I'm not sure if I would qualify for this...
The qualifier is getting lunar unlocked.
I was thinking if we don't get it by tuesday, my last free day, i will just stream first time solo or with friends.
rabbit koko doko?
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First time I felt like I was doing well but still couldn't finish a Normal run... it was fun as heck spamming primary and Bleeding and Sparking everything though
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i just did my first normal solo too, keep at it bro. Frog really was annoying since my primary and special slowed me down too much so there was a lot of times i didn't deal damage.
also missing an item since i went for the "start a boss with 2 or less health and win" so couldn't open the chest.
Turning defenders special into a single charge big dick nuke and secondary to have a chance to reset and supercharge special is pretty fun.
also just noticed final screen doesn't show potions you had at the end. weird.
So I'm playing solo and one of the bosses seems to make your movements in "ticks" instead of them being smooth. Is it the boss' gimmick or is my game just lagging on it?
Yeah that's the wolf boss' gimmick. It's kinda annoying but you'll get used to it
Open again,
4/4 started
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i did it, left with 1hp at the end
If you had to watch someone playing would you rather stage contrast or bright & white wouldn't bother you?
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thanks for hosting
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Thanks for the boko
Thanks for playing, we did pretty good learning the hard patterns.
Don't be discouraged if we didnt get a win this time, hard is super difficult for the first time.
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Now we just need a qoko to complete the mirror quartet
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lol, critting for 900s with this. then I jobbed to the boss because FUCKING HARD MODE DRAGONS REEE
I don't see a single benefit in buying Emerald upgrade for Dancer Secondary
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It was for the purple spear thing, for its MATHS. Also it was more like 800s oops.
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With /doko/ being a bit more alive now thanks to bunny, would anyone be interested in playing bgo or worms later today?
For me it's probably going to be grinding rabbit and steel until we can beat lunatic...
Finished defender guide.
I meant the upgrade that makes your secondary an auto, sorry if it looked like I was talking about your set.
It feels great when you're able to pull those big numbers though.
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Hello doko
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MJG TCG open on tabletop.
Room name: Mahjong
Password: rage
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Die /doko/!
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I didn't know about this thread now I'm scared. Used to like playing Mafia now and then including the SC2 mod way back. Etohana played a bit and some games on bga.
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Oh, my bad actually since you did say secondary. I'm tired as FUCK.
Same. Didn't think clicking on buttons would be so tiring. Actually it might be the looking at all the shenanigans on screen. Don't know how anon >>1285305
here is still up for a different game.
Most of the autofire upgrades are actually op
It's a saturday, i have all day to pass.
Why is it called Rabbit & Steel anyway.
rabbit & seal
You play rabbits and you 'steel yourself' for the fights. I forget if it actually says 'steel yourself'. I'm pretty sure I remember it popping, but I can't remember where it shows
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gg, it was very fun playing a full yonma game for the first time, the game really shines with more players
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ggs, fun game close at the end
hosting rabbit in like 1 hour
Why is cut suji inside a house
he's raiding it for loli doujins
The final boss charges unavoidable attacks that you have to iframe and the background turns into a wall of STEEL YOURSELF with a timer. It's kino. Too bad I've only done it on normal since I only managed to finish a single hard stage once...
FUCK I meme arrowed instead of spoiling. I'm so sorry...
And then I forgot to re-reply. God damn I need to sleep.
Rabbit and steel
Mahjong rage
the retard tax in rabbits is too high
wtf my game crashed with an error
open still
Thanks for the bunny. I feel like I'm gettin where I make my mistakes but I still need to memorize the safe places
PSA. if you go to the encyclopedia and click a class you can see all the upgrades for each character you have gotten. Little tip for those who were working on the doc if you needed a quick reference
did i totally miss the bnuuy
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Update on the few responses to the Lunar First survey.
Looks like people are aiming for sunday with time being early morning EU time. Since i am a burger i will try to accommodate you guys so reply to this if we do 09:00 GMT sunday. If i am not timezone retarded that should be noon 12:00 GMT+3 for the guy who wanted 11am.

Reply to this with feedback on the times, if no one responds i will assume it is no good and sleep for 3 more hours till noon 12:00 GMT then check the thread
closed, thanks for playing.
we've definitely started to get the hang of the hard patterns.
This means start the fight with 77 gold and win
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I wonder what the adjustments are
Druid ruby one used to be 5 sec of invul at 30 sec cd. now it's a mediocre damage nuke
>you can hold Shift to graze and target the middle between two targets
I didn't even realize you could Shift... Was it even in the tutorial?
There was a tutorial?
Was it skipped because i played the demo?
I was joking. But it would be nice to have one. Though I guess roguelikes don't really do tutorials and just lets you dive into the game straight up, and you'll learn along the way.
>there's an empty slot next to the golden puffball, implying there's a trinket that you get only after beating lunar without getting hit once
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looks like its a cheevo too
I'm a bit worried about the minmax types (in the discord) ruining the funny busted shit too much.
There are hints about doing other solo lunar runs
Non hit runs not solo*
Having not touched online yet, do bosses have more HP with more players or is the same?
I want to play co-op, but I want to keep goin on hard. Still need to beat mice, but still have dragons/crows left to play. Crows I played in the demo on lunar, but I'm sure they are a bit different since some of them were super bullet hell with no mechanics attached/indicators
>With 1 player, an enemy has 90% of their 'base' HP. With 2 players, it's 170%. With 3, it's 240%, and with 4 it's 300%.
No one responded so i am waking up at 7am my time. But starting then i will be free for the next 3 days, so i will unlock Lunar and just wait till people are available to start the run.
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>got a not as good machine gun build going again
>jobbed again
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math in my bnuuy game?
so how will this work? You'll start streaming and running at 9 GMT?
Those are such a pain to consider on the fly but they can do funny stuff in the right situations.
Just beat churchmouse streets on hard. I'm pretty sure my problem was heavyblade being so slow I have to do some patterns perfectly. That and I kind of got lucky with the boxe lasers in the first phase. One hp left. Got scholar nest. I may be able to beat this if it is similar enough to the demo. If not I'll probably hop over to dargons since I fought the crows a lot in the demo
Yeah, the timing is quite tight.
The real HB filter is frog, that shit is impossible without a speed boost
Yeah Avy is bullshit with Heavyblade. I won't feel bad playing someone else mainly after getting all the characters unlocked using her. Died on Twili (second area after mice). Almost beat her first try, but I didn't play her hard much. Namely lunar and things are a bit different now. I might go do crows before dragons since it seems my knowledge mostly carried over. I did take most of my damage against Twili from not being fast enough in her first phase to get in position.
classes who get higher damage
>darkglass spear (primary = {special*30 - secondary} / hits), max 500
dancer, spellsword, sniper is equal, bruiser, ancient
with some upgrades (that I have seen): wizard, heavyblade, sniper
>timespace dagger (secondary = 10{special + defensive} / hits), max 500
wizard, heavyblade, dancer, spellsword, sniper, bruiser, defender, ancient
>obsidian rod (special = 10*all cooldowns / hits), max 800
spellsword, bruiser (skill damage isn't the focus of the special),
with certain upgrade combos: wizard, heavyblade, dancer, sniper, defender

special note are dancer's 99sec and bruiser's 25sec emerald specials, and the fact that druid's skills have too high hitcounts to bother ever.
spellsword is in increase even if it's always calculated as being 2 hits.
I do not have all skills revealed.
Any bruiser players yet to pick up the section in the spreadsheet?
Else i finally get my ass up to make a throwaway and give my 100% scientific and objective bruiser opinion.

obsidian rod on spellsword with ruby special is probably the highest level of silly I've seen so far.
Three tries for hard scholar nest. Demo experience helped for sure. Those timestops are harder than I remember though I think... or them being different threw me off enough. I thought it would take longer because of HB's lumbering ass
Go ahead, anyone can add anything - it's not like 1 person can discover everything about a class themselves
>cheesed hard dragon boss
>now I can start at lakeside
>blush, the frog before the boss has a billion HP even as the first stage
holy FUCK brusier is fun at least
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Just read through the guide and am ready to put it in some practice. Koko doko
Actually timed out, what the fuck? This can't be right.
lobby 3/4
>missed it
anyone want to join another lobby?
d o k o
mahjong 2
>steam crashed
3/4 waiting like 5 min
>pc downloaded 2 tb of horse porn
4/4 started
gonna make some tea and eat breakfast then host mahjong 3 if there won't be a slot in either or the lobbies
any slots, before i host?
starting with 2/4
we're 2/4 disbanded
we're doing a run now, ill reply when we're done
we're done
Bruiser with emerald primary (1k damage, can't charge, huge cooldown) and Firststrike Bracelet was amusing, but it happened on normal so I dunno if it would hold up in hard.
The next run on hard I had Crane Katana and Tornado Staff (flows for primary and special), and had the garnet primary (chance to reset special when using charged attack). It felt like it worked pretty well but was extremely lucky. And then I couldn't keep up with all the crap on screen...
waiting 2 more min 3/4
Finally. All hard bosses beaten. All rabbits unlocked. I hope I learned enough to make proper run attempts now. But heavyblade was probably a poor choice for learning due to her speed necessitating invuln cheese for a lot of mechanics. I guess I'll just bash my head against actual attempts while trying the other rabbits. I wonder how hard co-op is. I want to play some co-op, but I'm worried about me fucking shit up randomly which happens for me even if I know how to deal with stuff
just join our room now?
3/4 mahjong 3 pass rage
Assassin is even more invuln cheesier!
Oh yeah, co-op is practically a different game with how the patterns change and the spread out stuff.
man, i get a small blip in connectivity and it just kicks me out every time
gg I still feel bad I sandbag in every hard boss. trying out slower classes doesn't help
Mahjong 3
rabbit game
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Do you reckon the thread is active enough for it to come back to /vg/
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>/doko/ comes back to /vg/
>it's all bunny talk
>thread splits again into /bunny/
>doko is dead again
>/doko/ is banished back to /vm/
The ultimate way to kill /doko/.
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S-sorry for bunny talk
It's fine, bunny and soul is a /doko/ game after all.
we tried out some lunatic. Honestly, it's not that much harder than hard. If you can do gimmicks on hard you can do gimmicks on lunatic, they're the same but slightly more tight
I'll jump on trying lunar after I familiarize myself with hard more (obviously also beating a run at least if not a few). It is hard to know how well I can resolve mechanics because of how you have to play heavyblade due to her speed
nothing soulful about bunnies
i'm sure more people would buy DJMAX some day
NTA. I'm here for bunny game, but I do have DJMAX Respect. I wonder if I deleted it because of its size or not. I suck at rhythm games, but man do I love the music. DJMAX portable (one of them i forget which one) on my psp. I loved to play that shit back in high school
2.0 next week i believe? time to reinstall that.
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hosting rabbit game AGAIN.
Lunatic time, but if you havent beaten hard, i'll run hards until 2 wins.
Kinda kino sheet lmao
4/4, we'll be running hards.
Probably not, and I know I won't be able to bump it for another two days, but we could try.
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Don't you just hate when this happens
This thread hit bump limit way faster than the first one so it does give me some hope
I just beat hard mode, every area beat before lunar released, but lunar didn't unlock. Is there another requirement?
right now lunar only unlocks with the password. after the after-race-patch it's gonna be unlocked by defeating a single boss on hard to unlock, similar to how hard was unlocked.
Extras->credits then type in RABBITSTOTHEMOON
Thank you

I slept in a bit too much so, give me 1 hour and i will host and start trying to run lunar to beat it. The rules of the "race" are the same, beat all 5 bosses then beat the boss.
I opened the lobby if anyone wanted to run lunar. I still need probably 15 or so minutes but just feel free to join whenever.
Might stream, depends if people want it
>anons already doing lunar when I can barely beat one hard stage
it's over
I could join if you need players, but so far I've only beaten hard once and haven't played lunar yet
Feel free, it is open atm.
I am not super good either at hard, I just want to beat Lunar this weekend.
>I just want to beat Lunar this weekend.
that's a big goal, the weekend isn't that long anymore.
mahjong lunar
Don't worry, my weekend just started so i got it. ez pz
File deleted.
Is there a way to revisit the story art without resetting progress?
ill join after my mahjong game.
Spoiler please, I still can't beat Normal.
i thought you were doing this at 9 lemme in
they're still playing
It's in the games files
Man seeing anons streaming makes me want to stream the game again. It is so good
I want to make friends here
bnnuy doko?
if you wanted to do lunar
mahjong lunar
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vod review, what do for this
So the trinkets on the botttom are all
>normal solo area
>lunar solo area or hard drop
>normal multiplayer area
>lunar multiplayer with 3-4 area
Looks like it
haven't tried lunar yet but if you need a slot filled I'll come in whenever there's an opening
>still not comfortable on hard
>everyone is already moving on to lunar
we're not comfortable on hard either
maybe cleared once or twice
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What's the recommended controls for bunny game? Can I just stick with keyboard for higher difficulties or do I need to get a controller?
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Only took about 7 hours
As an ex-Touhou player I always play on keyboard, if you need finer movement you can always press Shift and move more slowly
Why is your screenshot an oval?
The difference between slightly tilting a stick and full tilt doesn't feel that large, and slight tilt feels only slightly faster than holding shift on keyboard.
Anon you missed a name
uh idk
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That golden circle is a 5% chance
rabbitluck activado
I use a controller for ffxiv, so I just defaulted to using one for this. I don't see why you would need to get one though if you want to use keyboard/mouse
I am using mouse and keyboard and i am doing lunar just fine.
>it happened again when trying to join the lunar lobby
what the FUCK
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ggs thanks for hosting!
Thanks for joining, what a long day. 11 hours
I have no idea what to do with sniper still
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I just went full into primary and lined enemies up in aoe fights
hitting multiple targets with a 4k crit feels great
Shopkeeper kawaii
Single player is really easy after basically doing nothing but playing co-op here
t. normal mode player
shut the fuck up KAAAAAN you nigger anytime you join rooms we cant complete runs because you're on the fucking floor 24/7
make the lobby you homo
Is it still Sunday where you guys are? That's a really long session
I actually think rabbit single player is very unbalanced
Classes either have too low base speed to do gimmicks or can't do damage while doing gimmicks because their damage doesn't auto-target onto the boss
I spent all day yesterday trying to solo the mouse stage and timed out on the third room more than a few times on like three classes. Too much fucking ping pong.
Hard mode of course. Oops.
Sniper feels fine. Just dealing with mechanics and not having my dps tank to insane levels dodging unless I get special spam stuff hurts.
I get how the 'indicator' works for the box lasers, but I can't see myself being able to figure out what sets off when with Matti reliably. It is just that little bit too subtle
Rabbit game.
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It is monday but i am off again, so i will host Lunar again in about an hour or so
assassin kind of sucks dick (in terms of DPS)
even if you use your defensive on cooldown to boost your special assassin has fucking garbage DPS
Assassin is ass, ngl.

Very dependent on items and having a perfect rotation of refreshing the def with secondary but even then it is less that 300 without items.
Only reason i main it is the Vanish
What classes would struggle with mice of the round do you think (lets assume nothing super powerful with it being the first place you go)? Sniper really feels like she needs spicy damage even when lining up targets for the second and onward dps checks. Probably would be easier later in a run due to potential of aoe loot making up for such a deficit
Would this game be good on a drawing tablet?
Maybe one with an actual screen?
Thanks for playing, lets reconvene in an hour for the lunar lobby
We beat scholars area on lunatic, its basically same as demo, just a tight dps check and doing the tp gimmicks right. We might have gotten all the way to a win in a 2nd run since we found some busted combo, and there was chance for exodia, but failed the dps check by like 1% hp.
We did learn how to do 2/4 bosses in white area and 3/4 bosses in red area aswell. As sad as it is, I think red area is easier than white area
Assassin, Druid without the Decay Secondary, everyone else is fine.
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I only have music, trinkets, and skins to unlock. I have all the items and characters
You can hold shift with druid to direct the secondary a little bit in front of you ignoring enemies, this way you can hit 3-4 mice at the same time (and boss)
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This is easy to get if you just get him low then stop attacking till he dashes, then you can hit him even if he is off screen while the slowdown is in in effect
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I just had a great build, i needed more special refresh but this is just a less distracting version of >>1287604

Finished up a run then getting a snack, Lobby is open but will be a few more till start
mahjong lunar

starting with Scholar's Nest because we beat it and if we can get it down pat it would be a more guaranteed way to get items.
>missed the room
I think the game had an update, restarted and should be visible. Online version 203
Assassin's special feels broken. In the bad way.
I can crit a backstab for 230, then immediately crit from the front for 600. What????
I kinda stopped going for backstab most of the time. It just puts you in a shit location for most mechanics
how do you even see that cg? i thought it was playing beating the game in singleplayer but I got nothing
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New nerf

I would like to give an example,
You play as assassin use your primary then use your vanish asap. Is the vanish casted after the 700 millisecond or is it instant?
I think 'cooldowns' means you can't use the same ability until .7 seconds have passed, not that it all ogcds now have a .7 second gcd.
Did you enable story events in the options or advanced options?
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There are skins you can unlock, i think it is beating normal and hard with the same character. But in the files i also see another one so i think there is also a lunar color
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Keep visiting the areas with a question mark and talk to the npcs near the shopkeeper until something happens after you defeat the area boss
you start with six. adept palette is for hard and master palette is for lunar.
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do you have to reset every time you don't get a shop event?
Pretty sure you just need to keep visiting the zone
If you are in an area with a question mark and there is no npc then you just need to beat the area boss
I think
mahjong lunar
I cleared king's arsenal on normal which had a ? on it around 4 times and there were no npcs or boss events
Sometimes you have to do other to go back to a place for new story events
koko doko
Ah. Well I'll be hard for sure on my more played characters (and maybe others when just playing for variety sake) solo anyhow. Sucks about lunar though
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Rabbits die when they're lonely
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Erm sorry but I only play rabbits with people who have actually cleared.
koko in 3 hours
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Cleared what? Caches? Browsing history?
Good thing I cleared normal mode
i unironically feel like you have to restart if you don't get an item that synergizes with your character on the first chest
First? Not second? I've gotten combos by just picking whatever since nothing worked with heavyblade, then the second chest made it a sick ass combo. That is before you enter any of the areas too
I'll finish up my cute run soon don't you worry
I'm not the only one that thinks the wolf is the worst, most annoying boss in the first "area" right? Talking about solo specifically
Lunar solo you just lose to dps check if your chests and shop are bricked
Wolves are basically a guaranteed win (at least on hard) for me personally
[dancing intensifies]
koko doko?
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just like real life
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>want to practice lunar
>no one hosts public lunars
>cant pass the single player dps check
owari da...
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>want to play with /doko/
>everyone is hosting lunar
>can't even pass the tutorial on lunar
Well well well looks like someone's getting her arm smashed into smithereens
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where's the majsoul mod
rabbit game dead already...
i was stuck grinding out the golden floof ball but now i need to do the same with hard mode
I was thinking of coloring some more palettes and combining them to a zip
It's Tuesday
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Vanish gets rid of turbulent winds
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I finally cleared Normal! I can join the /doko/ Discord now!
Of course I forgot >name
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>DJMAX is 80% off
Should I buy?
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Want to farm the hard mode one?
Is there going to be a rabbit team for league? Anyone a captain? I will buy you Rabbit if you don't have it but are a captain.
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mahjong mahjong mahjong passwordrage
It's fun!
Wait I can unlock the hard palettes in co-op? I guess I'm going through all the characters then. Will I use said palettes? Look I'm just collecting the things I have the patience for alright?
rabbit and steel
I have to do my XIV dailies before the reset...
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wake up anon, a new hint just dropped
shid i went to bed by the time this appeared
hard mode one is gonna be a bitch
noticed that hard solo was like lunar coop lol
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Me and the gang
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Is the story just Eva if you don't become Tang when instrumentality happens
>pick up mountain staff on defender
>while starting with frogs
what a mistake
I can't believe we spent 5 hours grinding emerald lake on lunar...
Atleast now we can autopilot the stage and just need to meet DPS checks.
I would have checked for slots if I knew you guys were going at it for so long.
Wait, did any of you get memory leaks leading to a crash/stuttering in all that time?
Clear's a nigger...
solo hard is like lunar coop wtf man
just quit if you're unironically filtered by lunar
refund the game
you hold everyone else back
I haven't even tried Lunar Coop but Solo Hard seems about the same as Coop Hard was on the demo. It's a major bummer being unable to take out even one boss on Solo Hard even if you prog for an hour, the time investment alone means you'd be better off grinding out Normal runs to get your boss kills up and unlocking things the hard way. Maybe that'll change now that I have more than just the demo classes?
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i like ancient a lot
lunar mice...
Loving the rabbit game.
I need to get back to finishing Tevi.
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If you could create an item what would you add? I had this idea after seeing the spiked shield
I plan to try it last, but it looks interesting. Struggling understanding defender right now (then spellsword is next). Like I can do the no-modifications rotation fine, but man having leap to offset your slow speed on heavyblade is nice even if it doesn't save you in the full game as much as the demo. The option for invuln if you save leaps is a really good option to have. Bullet erase can be really nice in and of itself, but most of the stuff that speed will cause me to have to take aren't bullet walls
Inverse royal staff, gives .1% damage buff for every gold piece you spend
Defender feels really flexible when it comes to making funny item+gem combos. But yeah the speed and 15s defensive suck.
Heavyblade feels more focused on survivability/uptime flexibility, while Defender feels more focused on builds/positioning. Probably not explaining it the way I mean, but close enough
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more items with downsides
increase all items and ability cooldowns by 2 seconds and for each ability and item on cooldown deal 10% increased damage or makes you unluckier and whenever a % chance fails to proc deal 25 damage to all targets
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Finally I can stop playing normal
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Charm is pretty good potential damage later due to money gain. Being able to buy two upgrades in the first shop can be busted alone
I wish you can buy the same upgrade to upupgrade it
how many times do you need to clear stages to get all the story achievements
a lot, i recommend using a speedhack like in CE and doing it on cute
did you do full runs every time or reset after a certain point
You can reset right after you talk with them, if you talk with a boss and they seem like they want to give up, you have to fight them
bnnuy doko?
Assassin is so fucking shit, it is literally making me want to find the dev and give him a Swift Cut. only 1 upgrade is good, every item is shit on him unless you get the 1 upgrade, your dps is shit unless you get the 1 upgrade and the 5 exact items needed to get past the church.
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normal is too easy now but hard is too difficult
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>this thread is going to die on the same day as the draft
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I'm grinching anyway.
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Can you draft me on the rabbit team?

Also the discord has a channel for mods. It has the .clip files so i will do some easy color swaps
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>he thinks league is happening
I don't really care about getting the floof balls past the normal one (unless I just get familiar enough with hard). Everything else I'll just get from playing except the lunar party/solo crowns. I may eventually go to solo lunar if I get comfortable enough with hard. I might try lunar parties after I get a little more comfortable with hard (and try all the classes well enough). I like the lunar party crown. I hope you actually wear it like the others
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I am close to telling myself that but i will fucking 100% this game goddamnit
>but i will fucking 100% this game goddamnit
He. Hehe. do you plan to get every difficulty check on every item and skill upgrade or are we just saying 100% achievements?
the easiest two on lunar co-op seem like king's arsenal and scholar's nest
hardest two is debatable but i think it's dragons and churchmouse
Mino_dev posted a breakdown of numbers and stuff, so i am copying them to the doc/glossary at the bottom
"-Proc chances, boosted by luck-boosting items, are capped at double their base amount." no fun allowed
>30% crit rate for 1.75x damage
So that's like +22.5% damage from crits on average right? Youkai Bracelet (+40% dmg but no crits or dmg variance) means you'd only get 17.5% damage then, or less if you have sources of crit damage (queen's crown), luck, or crit rate (?)
koko >>1283922
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hard mode, wish me luck
just invuln spam sis
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and do no damage, fucking hate this shit. 1000 fucking attempts and nothing fucking nothing i will fucking juggle knives right into the devs asshole
at least i got on unlock
what was your assassin build?
Shit, I don't remember exactly didn't take a picture and nothing really synergized with eachother. best was i have a 2 second cooldown on my vanish but i never broke it. So only time i was visible was when i was casting my second to refresh because my fucking luck is shit and i never proc shit. and in that 700 milliseconds it takes to refresh my fucking ability and cast, damage taken.
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and my hud doesn't show items so the vod is useless...
i run a minimal hud too :(
>91 FPS
I limited to 90fps, it must not be perfect
Rabbit and steel
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damn nice
Only took like 100 resets to get a decent starting build.
8 hours koko
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now for lunar haha
Is the room still up?
Just closed....
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the music room animation scales with the tempo of the song...
What's heavyblade-chan like irl?
Is there really 'perma invuln' builds?
yes, they're not impossibly rare either. you just need to know the items to look out for (they're not all obvious)
the unassuming pidgeon bow can get you into unlimited specials or defensives really easy iirc with another item or two
I'll check my item sets. I'm missing three sets I think still
Assumed so. I can imagine assassin getting it with specific setups. I've seen people say they've done so with dancer too
found an easy invuln just now as well
this was also an invuln if you got the invuln potion in the shop for wizard rabbit
bnnuy doko?
there's a lot of builds that get you there
the most common ones are:
loot shield (resets defensive every time a loot cd ends) + 3 sec cd bow
debuffs + ribbon
40 instances of damage = 5 sec invul (good on druid, ancient and some others)
random buff bonanza (desert amulet, 12 sec cd get 1 random buff for 10 sec, buff ribbon, etc., you can get basically perma super/stone this way)
spec resets with spec staff that gives invul/cooldown reduction
it's easiest to become perma invul as heavyblade since all you have to do is bring CD down, and all the other options are still possible.
there's also a hilarious combo between timewarp cap and the boots that make you vanish if you stand still. you can become permanently vanished and keep resetting special so long as you don't move.
theres also the -2 loot cd item which can kinda break the game with some loots in general.
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>see bosses turn into animals during their second phases
>can't stop thinking about /d/ stuff
If I ever care about the floofballs, I'll keep that stuff in mind
Assassin has a few inf vanish, but you need the exact items and upgrades or else you fail. So basically none because you will never fucking get them
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>only cleared mice, wolves and crows before
>get them all in a run
>1.2k+ dps with pretty good item luck, first time on last boss
>choke it up
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My most embarrassing choke was this. Wasn't remembering that super made you ignore attack slowdowns...
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>doing lunar without fellow buns
aka me...
Patch time https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2132850/view/4152959702328380207
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mahjong unlock run

I will be trying to run normal without opening any chest to unlock that music.
If anyone wants to join feel free but this is what will be happening.
tell me when you're open
i quit
It's a disaster
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I can't believe this was the run ender
ya hate to see it
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I usually have pretty good luck with the white ones...
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Do you ever just want to die?
DFO flashbacks playing male priest...
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i did this in your name, anon
How long did that run take?
pretty long cause no boosted dps sadly
was almost a no-hit as well but I goofed
can you unlock it for me as well?
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It'll probably never even get a chance, but I kind of what to conceptualize out an idea I had if mods every become a thing
i guess i'll remake the lobby (rabbit and steel) since i can't see it
>get to pale keep on normal no hit with an amazing ancient setup
>get hit by the dual swords dual vertical line thing
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Now do it on Lunar
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i don't want to do lunar anymore
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thanks emerald chest plate
come play hard
what version is your online, I don't see your lobby
we just started...
Literally not even a second for me to join after you replied to me. I hate you guys, i am going home
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there's a small discount on 100% oj if some anons don't have it yet
But then you'll only get 0% OJ...
All items now added to the doc.
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ggs buns
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Will you do it?
please no, literally the worst mechanic in the game also I think it would be literally mostly impossible on lunar on attacks that don't have turbulent winds in mind
hold shift to move almolst same as normal
Just focus bro. You can do more fine movements if you hold down the "change target" button. Default is shift or left click
jesus nice work
Once i get more time to get the item icons, i was thinking of making a tiermaker for them.
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Should we get a booru up for doko?
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>Glory Max finally has an MV
it... it is beautiful. i never thought I'd see the day.
There better be a DJMAX lobby on the weekend. Or i just end up making one. Season 12 baby!

Also, somthing's borked. i got a bunch of chievos on startup i am pretty sure i did not earn.
Depending how muchyou have played, it is normal for after an update if achievos werent worki g to get them all at once.
I also think stram achievements are messed up, Bnuuy achievements are wack interms of their %
Also should i buy the dlcs?
It is unlikely to get 50 missions as it is a separate gamemode (that no one plays).

Unfortunately I'm off on weekends except Sunday late UTC.
Nah, I only did 11 missions. Also pretty sure i never got to gold due to skill issues and 999999 is too much of a grind.
Looking at the steam discussions others also seem to get random achievements. mostly from those 6.

also for bunny new games achievement rates are always fucked. takes some time for them to update and look more realistic.

The Deluxe plus edition with all the I - V extensions is probably a steal while on sale with all the songs that's coming with.
For the smaller packs I'd say buy what you are interested in. Why buy something you don't like to listen to?
also an option is to only buy the base game and the clear pass season ticket and just leech online since it lets you play whatever the host of a lobby owns and see what you like. it lasts for the entire season.
The new update also added ability to play solo in online mode so I'm making a room anyway
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Oh man are the bunny threads dead for good on /v/?
i see one with a good amount of posts?
any bnuuys want to farm hard or above for palettes?
ok good because i give up on solo hard for now
lobby: bnuuy
descr: many bnuy
pw: rage
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I am cursed to miss every bunny dokos
lobby died
I want my first lunar win to be a no-hit
rabbit doko?
gomen gotta sleep so i can wake up early to go to the bar.
I guess this short trip can get me used to the stem deck 'feel'. Works great for rabbit
Does your rabbit's process memory keep growing as you play until it eventually starts to stutter? It takes at least an hour to reach that point though...
Memory leak?
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Oops, forgot to quote the deck post.
For me the game starts around 400MiB but after over an hour of runs it will be up to 700MiB+ and will start stuttering at any point.
Not sure if it's proton or just the game not discarding memory like it should but it sure is annoying.
I didn't play the game when testing it on my steam deck much. Just a few short lived runs to make sure it runs fine. On my desktop though, I get stutters sometimes. I am pretty sure most were after at least 1+ hours of gametime. Probably closer to 2 hours. I can try to report back in two days (when I get home). I guess I could get on here on my deck though
Oh there was a live event happening
Yeah probably just the game not discarding stuff over time. I posted in a thread on the steam forums but it has been buried since there's no bug report subforum and I don't use d*scord.
Ya'll talk about DJMax Respect yeah? I guess specifically about lobbies. I love El Clear bros. I need to play the game more if I can spare the space. No matter how shit I am
Not even sure there's been a single djmax lobby since the move to /vm/, but it would be nice to get back into it some time.
Why would I show a lobby my shittiness?
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Don't worry, i am a shitter too. everyone can set mode and difficulty for the selected song individually. Just bee yourself and have fun.
And spam emotes.

I was mostly just hibernating until new season. I am down to play though.
I didn't know there were emotes
We did have quite a few lobbies, there was one with like six people playing when Extension V dropped
Nobody joined my lobby yesterday though >>1291807
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You've got 15 threads until pruning, I assume you'll survive until next day but if you want to try /vg/ you might want to do it now in case thread dies early and you need to coordinate a new one.
Don't forget to include tcg.

Forgot to reply, but yeah, that would be nice.
Anon it's been a month
Regardless, you still there?
I would at least wait for burger hours to be over
I really doubt we would survive, even with the recent rabbit surge.
Besides, it's quite comfy here
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I'd rather have a slower thread than one that needs constant filler just to stay alive
slow in the general slow in the head
fast in the general fast in bed
Don't forget to include the bunny doc in the OP too
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New meta just dropped
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>just get 50.000 PP in 15 days bro
>also there's only 100 in stock
Am i missing something? i seem to get 1 per song. once i got 3 and thought it was because i max combo'd it but that wasn't consistent. only got 1 on another max combo afterwards.
Even buying normal items from previous seasons seems absurdly expensive. 200 for an emote?
idk. maybe online and ranked showers you with more play points than freestyle.
Ranked gives you like 8 points
yeah, just now i got 10 each for winning my 2 unranked ladder matches and then it put me in Silver IV where i lost and got 7PP.
Don't know if it gives more the higher you get. time to git gud. or just don't care. fuck cosmetics. And screw some fancy acryllic stand.
rabbit koko?
Draft me for the doko team
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Busy or I would host. Might play some after doing shit tonight maybe? Questionable connections being out of town
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I've been waiting for this moment. It's time to die, /doko/.
the only way to save /doko/ is to join mumble and shill it live on the draft
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>didnt get drafted to the /doko/ team
Not even fairbros
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Next year dokobros...
>drafted for the doko team
I won.
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now that the draft is over, can someone make a new thread, it doesn't matter if it's on /vg/ or here, I'm getting anxious already...
If there really is a /doko/ team and i was not invited, i will personally end all of you in mjgtcg
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I'll make a DJMAX Respect lobby somewhere today(in the next 15 hours or so).
Give me a (you) if and when you are interested.

oh wait, i just found out the dumbest part. there's a daily limit of 100. what? Either that exchange thing and price is a placeholder since "coming soon" or there's another way to get PP. or the season goes on for 500 days.

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