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Why didn't this genre take off?
mordhau took off. the devs killed it because they thought appealing to the 50 chiv duelfags was a much higher priority than the million people who just wanted to have fun in team objective gamemodes. so instead of making new maps or gamemodes that don't just devolve into TDM because the objectives are so uncompelling, they removed all the goofy shit that gave even bad players ways to have fun, reworked the combat that was already functioning fine dozens of times, added ranked matchmaking, and spent the rest of their time finding new ways to spend years developing features that don't actually make the game any better.
its does pretty well......not sure what you mean OP?
mordhau is inferior in game/ population
>Join a server
>Pick the bow and arrow guy
>Use my bow to shoot someone with an arrow
>Get kicked from the server
It is a mystery.
Extremely high skill ceiling makes it difficult for low skill players to be effective against better enemies. Even if a noob gets the drop on a high level player, they'll still lose the 1v1 fight 9/10 times.
over 200 hours of game time.........this never happens.
this sucked, mordhau had a ton of potential.
At launch I did nothing but horse+spear faggotry and raged the shit out of every chiv vet duel faggot who would come to objective servers to dunk on random noobs. This is really why horses were nerfed, because it gave you power over the discord faggots in a way I haven't seen since Battlefield 2 jets.
>entirely different game
>still seething about Chivfags
As someone who only really played For Honor, it's odd seeing people cry about an entirely different game and claim their oversaturated meta was fun and the rebalance wasn't.
They arent that different.
Probably the only game I've played where the anti-cheat is practically non-existent, but the methods of cheating don't do much.
>makes arrows more likely to hit but not guaranteed anyway
>same aimbot allows character to swing faster
>but aims for "bone", so either has to be super abusive obvious or pointless
They appeal too much to duel/sweat fags and not enough to the casual audience. I don't wanna have to try my ass off every multiplayer game. I have a lot of fun in Napoleonic wars. Black wake was fun for casuals.
What does this even mean? Why do you have to try unless you get butthurt about losing? If you lose you lose.
nta but devs catered to no more than 40 spergs on discord that were ultra autistic duel vets from Chiv because they thought it would be the next huge esport
They neglected the part of the game that the vast majority of their players actually played and didn't appreciably improve anything about dueling. This was even before whoever forced them to hire tranny sex pests as chat mods to bury the game on purpose.
>he never got kicked simply cose a tranny felt like opening a votekick on you
pics or it didnt happen
A game catered to tryhards isn't fun if you aren't also tryharding, getting massively steamrolled isn't fun. Mordhau died for a reason so idk what you're coping about. The only reason it was ever popular was because it was casual chaotic fun.
when mordhau released, there were a lot of ways to have fun that didn't just involve being good at 1v1s. you could fuck around with the toolbox. you could cuck toolbox users with firebombs. you could shoot people with ranged weapons. you could get on a horse. you could cuck horses with a billhook. you could be annoying with smoke bombs. these were all ways that you could have some casual fun even if you were bad at the game or felt like just doing something else. duelfags wanting to club seals in pubs would fill their pants when people weren't le playing the game right so all of these playstyles were nerfed to the point of uselessness.
It released as an epic exclusive, took a year to get even halfway working cross play, controller is hugely disadvantaged to kbm, devs fucked the servers with every update, rdm is still rampant in duel servers, objective games favor attacking team so all the people who know what they're doing (>lvl 100) use a bug to team switch and stack leaving lower levels fucked. The dev team is steaming shit to the point that we caused their hired community manager to step down. I only play 64s now, the game had so much potential and it got ruined by the development team.

>t. 1800 hour duelfag
You probably joined a duel server without realizing it bro.
>Why didn't this genre take off?
Because the tryhard fags all went overboard with "mastering" the glitchy mechanics to cheese out combat.
Then they insisted it was a feature and not a bug.
So when Mordhau and CHIV2 came out the no fun autists chased off the "lol sword go brr" nerd scrubs (like myself).
Yep. Similar issue with For Honor.
They focused on the dueling over any kind of objective based modes as even the obj modes are so shallow its just less good sweats dunking on casuals.
Shooters work much better on a screen. All melee games are super janky and feel like shit.
Great post. Competitive faggots are a cancer upon gaming. Literally every developer that balances for them ends up killing their game, big or small. Who could have guessed that pandering specifically to the extremely vocal 1% of your playerbase is going to piss the other 99% of casual players off?
100% facts. Competitive fags are like the kids on the playground who want to make rules for how to play cops and robbers, or cowboys and Indians that directly benefit themselves.
So many games suffer from this these days too.
There is something to be said about having some element of "balance", but their balance isn't a healthy balance.
Good balance takes the game as a whole and tries to make ALL elements of gameplay competitive with each other; or at least offer a rock paper scissors style of counters balance.
For the competitive fag tho, its not about having a wide variety ways to play/strategies, its about narrowing down the gameplay to a small niche strategy in which "technical skill" dominates and no other forms of gameplay can disrupt their circle jerk.

The Finals is a great example of a game going through a similar struggle.
One side supports crazy explosives, equipment and level/building destruction, while the other side (the "competitives") all want most shit nerfed to uselessness so that mid range aim duels with rifles and smgs are the only valid form of "competitive" gameplay.
I think the devs are finally pumping the breaks as the community as a whole are beginning to reject those players and their demands for that kind of balance, but for a while it seemed the balance was focusing around that sort of mindset
>mid range aim duels with rifles and smgs are the only valid form of "competitive" gameplay.
arent there tons of other games for this already
>mordhau is popular
>devs decide to cater to esports niggers like >>1220708 says
>spend months with radio silence between updates
>updates are always dogshit
>maps are terrible, they made them for looks instead of gameplay
>devs hire 50+ moderators to police the servers
>mod just abuse their powers to spawn shit, ban people for playing how they dont like, etc.
>game is already on life support and they are banning what little players they have left
i don't see a game like this having mass appeal, but both chiv and mordhau could have more active players if the devs weren't so retarded

>they made them for looks
what fucking looks? all of the maps are terribly made. every time i hop into a server i cant stop noticing how the assets are clipping, and how retardedly everything is laid. chivalry 2 completely blows this game without even trying. the only thing going on for mordhau is the combat and the animations (def not from an artistic standpoint though, they are just clearer to read)
Yeah, you'd think so.
This is why CODfags are so cancerous. It's not enough they have a million games to cater to their preferred play style of fps, but they also have to metastasize into every other game in the fps genre and make them as close to theirs as they can; as if other games with different skill priorities diminish their status.
And if they cant change it, they seethe at the game's existence.
Yea you want bullshit instant kill thrown objects. Nothing creative about it, actually it shuts down all other gameplay.
No. Chivalry and Mordhau are two of a kind, not too many other pvp games where team based melee is this focal.
Yeah nobody is interested in that tryhard garbage. Its only a tiny amount of people. Then they rage and come to my archer videos to complain at me. I would just catapult everyone, ballista them, kill them on the horse, throw javs at them, or just pick random nonsense off the ground and chuck it at them and still be top 1-3 of the scoreboard. Nobody has time to learn some micromanagement spin adjustment nonsense to cheese people in ways that abuse some nonsensical game engine mechanics. The majority of people just want to play video games. Then they get mad when I 2 tap them by headshotting them at a distance with my bow 3 times or throwing a jav into their head and body because they cant 1-tap me with their totally fair 4x longer sword with more stamina etc. Maybe if it had some perfect parry thing but even then in reality all that happens is that you still lose because 2 guys swing at you from different directions so that your parry lands outside of your reach range to hit them and they kill you or OOS you, so then the only thing you can do is also play the tryhard 2h weapons and then you just lose because you havent spent 500 hours to abuse mechanics in a weird way and I dont want to make the game my full time job, just so i can compete in one specific way.

Its the same shit that killed battlefield. Every class just became AR medic and if you werent medic and using the AR you would grief yourself. Then they took knife 1 hit away from me. Then they took pistol dmg away from me. Then they made sniper rifle headshot require 3 headshots to kill someone. Then they took c4 on cars away from me. Then they took at-mines on cars away from me. Then all I had left was rpgs and manual guided rockets. Fucking all the fun is removed for this sake of fucking being an esports tryhard when the realtiy is that 99.99% of people are all utter garbage. I can beat them while doing stupid meme things. If I tryhard, I can get top rank or top 100 usa, but its not fun.
>and still be top 1-3 of the scoreboard
nice aprils first joke
>This is really why horses were nerfed, because it gave you power over the discord faggots in a way I haven't seen since Battlefield 2 jets.
Horses were never nerfed. Applying higher damage to the rider at high speed. Thats pretty much the only change they got. Which doesnt matter because if the horse even brushes against you, it will bump you and interrupt your attack while the rider still swings at you.
If anything horses were buffed since toolboxes got constantly nerfed and gutted with every single patch
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why did this get made? what is it trying to fix/improve?
great post, mordhau was fun but like so many multiplayer games the tryhards ruined all the fun
Too hyper realistic to be exciting for zoomers with low attention spam. They need epic, fast, short attention.
fpbp, I want to siege a castle and be part of Mount and Blade fight populated with real players, not 1v1 some sperg spinning wildly into a 1-tap
I quite liked Mordhau.
comp teamplay.
its for sweatlords
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Another Horde mode overhaul coming to Snorehau on the 29th, the 5 year anniversary since release.
Changing horde mode gameplay, inventory, enemy spawning other shit like that. Also making the enemies demons. Demon Horde.

webm unrelated. Just a fun role they removed from Feitoria for no fucking reason
pic related, from their announcement.
Also triple xp gold that weekend if, as well as getting a 5 year anniversary emblem if you log in during that time
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still play chiv2 all the time what do you mean
played 200 hours of mordhau and honestly did love it but got very bored eventually, cuz 1v1s got so brainless and there were no full lobbies in the high player count modes.

chiv2 has been a lot more fun for me personally
I almost wish chiv 2 and mordhau never came out. they are inferior to chiv 1 and destroyed its population
Things that were a step down from Chiv1 to Mordhau
>javelin play
>map design
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As far as maps go, it's:
Age of Chiv < Mordhau < Chiv 2 <<< Chiv 1

The TO was what made Chiv 1 so special, not the combat system. Chiv 1's maps had the best atmosphere, best aesthetic, best storyline, and most fun objectives. It didn't so heavily favor the attackers either, encouraging team stacking like Chiv 2.
Attackers are way more fun. Defense is snoresville and frustration. Don't blame me for joining offense every round, blame the game.
I only play offense, I hate playing defense because most of the maps were designed to be pushed by offense so playing as defense you just kept falling back which is no fun to me. And sometimes they have this 27 second spawn times for defense which is just ridiculous, if I quit the game and join a new one it might even be faster than just waiting that 27 sec
Mordhau has well and truly jumped the shark.
How I a true 4channer plays these games:

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Flashback to the hayday of 2012. Chivalry 1 has just released. Its a bold and genuinely innovative new game type that skyrockets in popularity. Then one day, someone discovers like a caveman discovering fire, that you can, with an absurdly high DPI and abit of timing, swing essentially 360 degrees and cause the hitbox to bug out, guaranteeing a hit.

This spreads like a plague, rapidly dominating all modes at all levels of gameplay

>*Game dies* Oct 2012 - Sep 2014

Mordhau: Boldy strolls onto the scene proclaiming a definitive end to Bey-Blading and various other shenanigagery. "Fights that look like fights!" they cry to the downtrodden masses.

Bey-Bladeing is not only not gone, but is now worse than ever.

Every fight devolves into some dude staring at the sky, spinning in place so fast the engine can barely render him. It reaches such apocalyptic levels that absolutely NO new players can hope to enjoy the game they just purchased due being drowned in oceans of sweat.

>*Goodnight sweep prince* April 2019-June 2020

Chivalry 2: Genuinely does stop bey-blades, is casual and fun, and takes legitimate steps to finally, at long last give you a game where you can JUST have good medieval fun.

>I miss Mordhau
they say.
>Mordhau was a better game, I wish it was still around
they whine.

Then someone found out you can crouch while walking backwards into your windup and defeat a block, and that you can juke the autobalance system by joining spectator, then picking offense.

>*We get what we deserve* June 2022 - ?????

You people, yes, you posting in this very thread, are literally why we can't have nice things.
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based, and he says he browses here too. good hacks actually look pretty badass as well like webm related.
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daily reminder that torn banner killed a man IRL
Context since people will ask
>guy is Chiv fanatic
>massively involved in Chiv 2, fucking addicted to it and always trying to help everyone in the community
>he makes a video showing how easy it is to cheat on the console version of the game, because the devs ignore people saying "hey its easy as fuck to cheat in this"
>gets banned from the game
>kills himself less than a month later
is my connection being poopy as usual or did they make this mode laggy as fuck? my framerate also suffers, and i'm playing on low
it died because they catered to casual retards that drop the game after 2 days instead of fostering a proper competitive scene
Does that dev/mod actually have dwarfism or are they using that name to be funny?
Seems fairly ableist to me
>Every fight devolves into some dude staring at the sky, spinning in place so fast the engine can barely render him.
this just isn’t true thovgh
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ITT: why NOBODY plays pvp shit, also why every pvp shit fails
The skill ceiling is too high. I have to nerf myself 90% of the time even in Bannerlord otherwise I'll bully the entire enemy team, and I don't get off to that. I want to struggle against something that can conceivably defeat me, not pub stomp literally ALL my games. So from the opposite view, when players like me 1vx it feels like they are getting pub stomped every game, and they never get those "good" games where they do pretty well like in other genres. They either perform mediocre or they're stomped for dozens of matches, and that's no fun.

The only conceivable solution is similar to what Dark and Darker pulled off by introducing all sorts of new elements around it. If you want a ceiling as high as Mordhau, you'll need PvE with actually good NPCs that a non-hardcore and mediocre community can still have fun with, and of course even hardcore players would actually enjoy since the point is that the PvE needs to actually be fun. I don't think PvP can ever really be fixed, since they nerfed the skill ceiling with Chiv 2 and it just made the game anti-long term because of the lack of depth. If you just keep it Mordhau but add long CD bullshit abilities whose CD persists even after death like rage mode attacks that damage players even if they block/parry or temporary super armor regardless of your actions, that might make it more tolerable for less skilled players.
I do think this is a step in the right direction, though obviously at this point a new game would need to be made for the next attempt at the genre. There is real merit in those LOTR horde mods I played, the good maps anyway like Helm's Deep. You get the atmosphere down, a solid PvE experience, some story mode and general singleplayer stuff with bots that aren't retards and that's a fine game on its own. Even if the PvP was unchanged and abilities were kept PvE/solo only, many players would forgive getting their asses handed to them if the rest of the game had real meat to enjoy.
mordhau is fun for a while at first but you quickly notice all the weird shit in the game, the way decels and accels work, hitboxes and overall strange animations. things that good players know how to take advantage of. it does raise the skill ceiling but it's not fun or particularly interesting to play against

got chiv 2 for free recently and i've put a decent amount of hours into it, doesn't have nearly the same cancerous shit as mordhau, so far the most annoying thing about the game is how scared teammates seem to be of pushing and how easily they always seem to die, you'll have a bunch of teammates beside you one second and a few seconds later they're all dead, I don't recall this happening in mordhau as often. also playing defence is kind of boring to me, and when you join a server it'll usually be defence because players are more likely to leave that side.
it's funny the difference in kicking players in mordhau vs chiv 2

in mordhau people will pretty much always vote yes to every kick vote, whereas in chiv 2 it seems very hard to get kicked (combination of people often voting no and a high-vote requirement for kicks)
jesus this guys voice is annoying as fuck
for the record this stuff is all mind-game bullshit and doesnt do much
i had plenty of competitive fun without retarded chiv-1 esque gameplay ever having to take place.
can we play chiv2 together?
but youre wrong about mordhau if you ask me.
i play mordhau like this and say those things
Many anons already said it: the top 10% will eventually "bully" the rest out of the game. This is also the reason why these games are only ever fun during the first few months, when everyone is still new and the exploits are not fully discovered yet.
Chivalry is a bit better than Mordhau in this regard, but the developers are complete retards, so it cancels itself out.
>the exploits
name 1 mordhau exploit
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>the shreck
>double reverse rainbow
Why do pro techniques/exploits in Mord have such weird names?
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High level Mordhau duels are a thing of beauty.
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From the noob's perspective.
i bet that noob refunded the game after this one
the entire combat system is one big exploit
god that webm is so fucking retarded

i prefer the weighty feel of combat in mordhau over the somewhat floaty feel of chiv 2 but shit like that ruins it

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