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The First Person, Second Biggest Hero Shooter.

FACT: /palg/ hosts custom matches and pubs together every weekend! All new players are welcome!
FACT: You'll be playing against bots until account level 5.

Onslaught is the best mode in the game.

>Free Download

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>Original Content Links, Movies & Guides

>Previous Thread
Maeve 1
more like paladins troons of the realm because only trannies and furries still play the most embarrassing and buggy FPS on the market lmao
Maeve 2
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How this game hold up, I saw a lot of it back when overwatch was "good". Did it get as ruined by the devs as ow? t. 4400 ow shitr
You'd be more likely to get an answer in the /vg/ general
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>/palg/ is kil
maeve 77
So how long until someone makes a new /vg/ thread?
I was thinking to return playing Paladins should i? (i got the itch again) (Maokao main btw)
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damn I thought this game got killed by overwatch years ago
Went back recently, game still feels like most players are bots. 1/5 games has a troll player, 1/10 is against a team that plays perfectly and 2/3 games you lose last round 3/4 v 3/4.
i stopped playing because at least 1 in 3 games has someone "disconnect" from a team.
If it is your team, you get steamrolled.
This could be EASILY fixed by just buffing the damage of the remaining players in a team if they have someone disconnect to make it a even playing field.
But they refuse to do anything to address this.
So at least 33% of the time the games are just ridiculously unbalanced because it is 4v5.
This game basically did nothing but add chars and skins while overwatch committed suicide over and over
this game is so fucking awesome
i am trans btw
you dont need to say you're trans btw its implied by you playing this shit game

hope your dps and tank players keep you safe though
ai slop
>”Now that the dust has settled and we don't redirect traffic to /vm/, splitting withe the 3 smite players was a genius idea.”
>thread literally dies 3 posts later

lmao even
fuck...it's so over...
fuck /vg/
We have Koga, why does Skye exist?
koga has never had a move that would give ptsd in early revisions and hit you 90 miles away
/vm/ is a board for dead generals, but your cope is cute
>/vm/ is a board for dead generals
Then it's perfect for /palg/
you're already dead
>pick healer
>either get no tank, or we do get a tank but everyone else picks healer too

>pick tank
>4 flanks

>pick damage/flank
>no tank or healer

who the fuck can I play to defeat this vicious cycle
Seris can tank.
Seris can flank.
Seris can even heal.

Play Seris.
she's unironically my main for years now. just uninstalled though, can't take this any more. I genuinely cannot comprehend how braindead people are.
>times ticking
>run away 2000 light years away
>still get hit
Rise and shine Anons

dead post
The new Marvel hero shooter is going to kill Paladins once and for all.
The only thing I can say is that Paladins will at least be supported for a while longer, while Overwatch 2 is ramping down.

Paladins is Hirez second more profitable games after Smite, so they're focusing on Smite 1 and Paladins until Smite 2 drops at least.
The Overwatch 2 team is running on a skeleton crew now, since most of the team is working on a new unannounced game (probably not Overwatch 2).
give me a champ that can just have fun even if your team is a bunch of braindead NIGGERS
No such thing.

Closest would be a healer that can still fight and kill people, while also keeping your team alive.
So Furia, or maybe Jenos, Mal'Damba and Lillith.
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>It died again
It's because I'm not bumping the /vg/ thread anymore.
They killed switch which was my comfy casual platform of choice. I enjoyed laying in bed playing series
>Onslaught is the best mode in the game.
are you fucking retarded
OP is a faggot
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I will always be upset that Vora's cutest skin was locked behind a fucking $40 paywall. I know I can use the Honor Guard skin but it's not the same.
I agree, fuckin fag using ai slop
Heh faggot I paypigged and got it while you dont have it hahahaha
maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve
Bump, this thread does suck
Go back to circlingjerking on d*scord you fucking troons,your dead game is irrelevant and has been for the last 5 years.
The majority of discussion is in the /vg/ thread you dumbass
i just played the other night for the first time in a long while and my team was very mad i didn't ban Lian
i was like lolwut
Our thread keeps dying on EU hours, bros. What do we actually do? Do we stay here? What's the benefit of Term ulting in /vg/ forever?
Migrate to official /palg/-/vm/ refugee thread



now we just have two dead threads on vm are u niggas retarded
Ying better
How was she nerfed? You mean the aim assist shit they hit her, Talus and Koga with?
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this guy's artstyle is always ugly
i love this guys art style!
ai slop
So are we just not going to talk about anything?
There is nothing to talk about dude
There's an update coming next month, at least.
Does it add pve because I'm tired of bothering with randoms and pestering friends to login to this game.

The only thing that brings me fun is pip flank, buck and ulting round start with talus for fun when I get my sights set
Sounds like you might be burnt out on the game.
Everyone is
True. Maybe that's why the general died...
It died because of fucking end of times patch coming back. why the FUCK would they revive one of the most disliked states of the game next to ob64?
The Maeve plushie arrives tomorrow
>200 crystals chest sale
>want erebos fernando
>would be happy with stellar io black or red and the lian skimpy skin
>actually roll erebos
nice, now all this game needs to do is not die
they are slop plushies and some reandom on redbubble could do better
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I miss /palg/...
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So do I but just look at this thread. There's nothing to talk about nor any new content.
ai slop
Once we receive Paladins 2 we will be revived.
We found things to talk about back on /vg/, we just couldn't survive in EU hours, most of those threads didn't migrate.
>another support
hoping for some ash buffs
I'm actually suspecting it to be a Moji rework. They mentioned wanting to make her a support a few years ago.
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wasn't it supposed to be valera's daughter
but also what's going on now. expecting a "nature abhors a vacuum" post soon
That was just some guy /here/ saying they heard something, might be true, probably bullshit, there hasn't been a new champion in the files for a long time, "Valera's daughter" is a pretty solid lore concept compared to what most champions get until right before release, like "bunny mage" or "tiger with a sword".

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