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prev: >>1127865
>What is Project Zomboid?
>Hardcore Sandbox Zombie Survival Game with a focus on realistic survival.
>Online multiplayer survival with persistent player run servers.
>Hundreds of zombies with swarm mechanics and in-depth visual and hearing systems.
>Full line of sight system and real-time lighting, sound and visibility mechanics. Hide in the shadows, keep quiet and keep the lights off at night, or at least hang sheets over the windows.
Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. It asks one simple question – how will you die?
In the towns of Muldraugh and West Point, survivors must loot houses, build defenses and do their utmost to delay their inevitable death day by day. No help is coming – their continued survival relies on their own cunning, luck and ability to evade a relentless horde.
>Build 42 early 2024 (yeah right)
>Late-game crafting update
>Basements and bunkers
>Better map chunk loading
>Lighting update
>Animals and hunting
>Improved farming system
>Additional towns added
>QoL improvements
Can't wait to see how they fuck it up!
If you want to play with people from this board, I recommend you play on the official /vm/ server, because others advertising on here are reddit trannies
>port: 16261
what mods does it have?
Dead boring abandonware game with literally nothing to do in it.
nothing game-breaking. just things like a couple of additional towns on the map, rainwater rinsing dirty clothes, snow melting as a water source, and additional traits. We have True Music but it doesn't work so I wouldn't really count it.
Maybe change the mod order, unless your server has that interior/camper mod. I believe that clashes somehow.
it's because we added it after we already launched the map, so the CDs don't spawn anywhere. so next wipe we'll have it working.
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Well the cassettes should spawn in unexplored chunks. If you can't find them in the admin menu, they won't spawn for sure. You need 2 extra mods for it to work too. A song list mod and a framework mod alongside the true music mod.
>Dude, bro, Zomboid is like super fucking realistic
>You're lucky to find a single teabag or coffee tin in each house
>Instead of packets of 50 teabags and fuckhuge jars that make like 100 cups of coffee
>In fucking Rural America
>Home of the coffee addict
People who shill realism in this game should be mutilated.
The rarity of firearms is also somewhat concering. Yes, this is set in 1993 but I should be tripping over AR's
Now if this was set in ENGERLAND I would understand the poverty of firepower.
Luckily you can tweak loot spawn rates in this game. My biggest problem with that though is that I end up with way too many guns, food, ammo, building materials and shit like that and the game quickly becomes boring as I kill everything in my path and survival turns into hoarding.
Someone needs to make a medieval map/mod for zomboid with zombie knights, peasants, etc. No guns, no cars. Only horses, spears, swords. You'll have to grow your own food and gather herbs to make medicine to survive and fend off zombies with melee weapons.
whats a good balance of zombie pop to ammo? I want to be able to use guns but still have a reason to use melee, without having to resort to balling up zombies and burning them every single time I want to clear a horde
but its all retarded, even with max gun loot, they still mostly spawn in gun stores and police departments, its still hard to find pistols or shotguns in homes.
man winter is comfy as shit in this game
I always start in december and have a mod that makes it colder (and hotter in summer)
my headcanon is that all the residents took their guns and either evacuated or died with em elsewhere
either way, zombie survival games are always shit with too many guns / ammo
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Can you shoot the person who is inside the car with you? If that's not possible, how do you get someone out of your car? If i step out and start aiming my gun, he may get in the driver seat and drive off (my car is hotwired). What options do I have?
level mechanic, take the battery out while he's in the car and call a horde to the car
Any good alternatives to the britas weapon pack?
I got bored pretty quick, I recommend to add more zombies and less lot

I have like a hundred of ammo boxes and there are barely any zombies to kill, also disable multi hit
are you sure you played the /vm/ server? because we made weapons more scarce than normal. but i can check the settings again.
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tried joining but I'm getting "workshop item version is different than the server's". Uninstalling the workshop mods and reinstalling them didn't seem to work
yeah, I was going to post a screen cap but some mod decided to update and I cant join anymore
NTA but it's probably on the servers end if that didn't fix it. AKA one of the mods the server uses recently updated and the server has an old version of it.
fixed it
also updated server settings to be a little less easy mode. multi-hit is off.
I wonder if march ridge is gonna get anything new with them touching up the world for basements
march ridge really got overshadowed and is now pointless, all the population of Louisville with none of the loot
isn't it supposed to have a military base?
The loot distribution is a serious problem as well, not just the spawn rates.
the other server may be an obsessed redditranny group but this server is just dead, you should do a wipe and set everything to extremely low and make it so every single car has to be repaired to be usable. also add kingsmouth.
It's a good place to find a home vhs and colored light bulbs, but that's just because the houses are so small and plentiful. I think expanding on it was mentioned some time ago, but they say a lot of things.
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there's no military base, but the Knox Military Apartments has a potential gun case in every single closet meaning you can come away with a good amount of weapons and ammo, the screenshot is from just ONE of the four floors on vanilla sandbox loot settings. There's also a specific annotated map that turns the entire apartment complex into a massive survivor house. The main problem is that looting it is a pain in the ass, I'd only consider it if I had a friend or two to help me clear it
March ridge is fun, you can abuse the doors a lot when playing with "too many" sprinters. I thought with normal loot settingsvyou could still find guns often in up stairs closets, but what sane person plays with normal loot?
>sub zero temperatures consistently
>food outside/inside after power failure doesn't refrigerate/freeze
anyone got a mod that fixes this?
we're wiping tonight
I tried out the server for a bit, the crippled zombie speed seems a bit odd, I could just walk around without a weapon, pushing over zombies and stomping everything to death. If I had to suggest anything, it would be these two mods:
having a few sprinters mixed in means you're always at risk, even if you load up on guns and ammo and the No Mo Culling seems to fix the desync issues regarding sprinters (or at least, it did on another server I played on). Its not very 'vanilla' but its pretty fun to watch your teammate running in circles begging you to kill the sprinters on his ass
no, sorry. there isn't crippled zombie speed, that's how the game is.
This ain't Left 4 Dead nigger
I think the server uses shamblers instead of the default, fast shamblers.
fair enough, but I'd recommend giving it a go in single player. Its a nice change of pace from the vanilla experience without being as tedious as full sprinters
that's what I thought, seemed slower than usual
soz mate, please do check out the new updated server settings though. we increased the zombie count by a lot this wipe.
Remember when lemmy was supposed to be a hero and save /pzg/ and release b42 during 2023
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>lemmy was supposed to be a hero
true oldfags know he was always evil
his sense of entitlement, his desperate insecurity to be seen as a AAA game studio, his batshit insane PR
you couldn't ask for a worse human
he just seems like a skitzo
which makes me like Zomboid more
That's not evil though. Just sad and pathetic.
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should've made something of an announcement when you wiped, that's usually when most people want to join
I'm still pretty sure the burglary never happened.
well the wipe was last night, so hop in!
next wipe won't be until build 42 probably.
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Post the actual population settings, there are hardly any zombies and they still move slow as fuck. I think there are even less zombies than before.
do you understand what a fresh wipe is? the peak population of zombies doesn't come on day 1
it's like you don't even know the lore of the game. Louisville is the last town to get overrun. Muldragh and West Point is where all of the zombies are.
Well oke you are right, there are more zombies in muldraugh and not a lot at that spot in louisville. I just walked around in debug with the default apocalypse settings. I thought the default settings had a lot more zombies on day 1 overall.
But the zombies in the server are slower.
Looking at my sandbox settings i always play with more than the 1.0 start multiplier and usually have a later start day.
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>mfw it's been in early access for over 10 years
this guy should team up with the Star Citizen devs
I have ignored this game for a while... does it have NPCs yet?
next update
thirteen fucking years and they're showing off shit like ramps and basic lighting as if its revolutionary
just use unity next time lemmy
Where are the new/rebalanced traits ffs?
when people say NPCs they dont mean brainless farm animals. they mean humans.
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dead server
if outdoorsman is still basically free for what you get im gonna shart my fart
Vanilla Firearms Expansion. It's had a decent update recently, added a couple of new guns, including a couple they didn't mention in the changelog - M1 garand is in there for example, ping and all. It does significantly increase the spawn rate of firearms, but has settings to adjust that.
Look you motherfucker, every god damned fucking thread we get some entitled prick like yourself demanding us to 'rebalance' the traits, even though they're just about perfect.
I play the game on a weekly basis and I cannot think of a single trait that is unbalanced, fucking TRY listing a single one.
We're adding new traits in the next update, but I can't reveal them yet as some might be cut, or added later. NDA shit.
if theres anything that bothers me the most about guns in default zomboid its the complete lack of us ww2 firearms
there should be garands, 1903s and m1 carbines present
Terrbile bait.
why should there be? how many ww2 guns do you see today? when was the last time you've even seen an M16 in someone's garage?
the 90s weren't that long ago, zoomer
alot? Most of my friends have a couple milsurp guns
also everyone and their mother had a surplus m1 carbine back then, and its crazy that in game you find an ass ton of m14s but no ww2 surplus
You realize we basically read every single 4chan thread about Zomboid? This site is one of our largest customer bases.
It's why I had to take a break for a while, there was just too much pessimism here.
Post 10 pages of your most salient lines of code written in the past 12 months or bait.
You do realize I don't write the code for the game right? I moderate the subreddit, youtube channel, and PR stuff.
We're all too busy working on the game to post proprietary code for our game on this site.
You assholes stole our multiplayer code in Build 41 and we're not making that mistake again.
I'm ceo of project zomboid. B42 is delayed now cause you're all fucking around on here talking shit and it's making me cry. Maybe you will get it in 2025 if you act nicer.
Fuck animals and high-rises, are you lot going to fix it so that I get a jar and a lid back when I eat jam or what?

Surplus WW2 firearms were cheap and everywhere in the period of the game. If a military used it, and it wasn't full auto, you'd be bound to find one in the back of every other wardrobe.
There's mods that already fix that issue, why the hell should we jeopardize the development of our project over that?
>Fuck animals
Bestiality mod when?
Shoutout to whoever admins the bang server: You're an absolute niggerfaggot with skin as thick as a piece of tissue paper. Genuinely, and I mean this with the utmost disrespect, kill yourself. Faggots like you are the reason Zomboid servers are unplayable.
I'm retarded and forgot to include context- absolutely do NOT under any circumstances criticize the admin's retarded mod choices. That's all.
>no ZombOP
It's over
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whats the bang server?

>>After all the fussing here lately, and all over seemingly our server has been taking off. We started Season 2 this morning (1/29 7am est), and we have a nice group just in our faction, we normally don't play until later.
>PvP, 2hr Days, Map and Vehicle Mods, Britas, Faction Bases.|
>We had 37 players vote on the mods and settings; will be tweaking the settings as time goes if necessary.

Kentucky Fried Zombies - Season 2
oh look, the tranny server changed its name
>whats the bang server?
Are you seriously so retarded that you can't infer the context of what that could possibly mean?

Fuck off back to discord and reddit, faggot.
Kill lemmy. Behead lemmy. Roundhouse kick lemmy into the concrete. Slam dunk a lemmy baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy lemmy. Defecate in lemmys food. Launch lemmy into the sun. Stir fry lemmy in a wok. Toss lemmy into active volcanoes. Urinate into lemmys gas tank. Judo throw lemmy into a wood chipper. Twist lemmys heads off. Report lemmy to the IRS. Karate chop lemmy in half. Curb stomp pregnant black lemmy. Trap lemmy in quicksand. Crush lemmy in the trash compactor. Liquefy lemmy in a vat of acid. Eat lemmy. Dissect lemmy. Exterminate lemmy in the gas chamber. Stomp lemmys skull with steel toed boots. Cremate lemmy in the oven. Lobotomize lemmy. Mandatory abortions for lemmy. Grind lemmy fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown lemmy in fried chicken grease. Vaporize lemmy with a ray gun. Kick old lemmy down the stairs. Feed lemmy to alligators. Slice lemmy with a katana.
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i dont get it
why arent they throwing money at the game after its huge boom in players and purchases? they're so fucking stupid, they hired all those modders and have done jack shit
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86 post best post
>no coomer pic
we're so back
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Have any of you guys touched mods that make the game similar to "The Last of Us"? I started playing with a few mods
>cordeceypts zones
>TLOU zombies
>Bloater re-skin
>Infected noises
and its absurdly hard. The game spawns in 4-ish different varieties of zombies, each with their own unique stats. Recently infected will sprint at you and are fairly weak, while others that are blooming are slow but stupidly tanky. Oh, and they also have really good hearing too.
Its so fucking rough having to fight these bastards and I haven't lived longer than a few days sitting in my house, reading and watching TV while exercising. They always hear me, and end up smashing through the windows at mach speed to come eat my ass.
It is frustrating, but it added tension back into the game. I think it would be great for a multiplayer romp because its stupidly hard without friends to help you.
Yes, just try to make the start more enjoyable. Just teleport yourself to the top of some apartment building. Fighting your way down the floors is more fun than almost instantly sitting watching tv and reading books
so whos taking bets on when 42 drops
for me its 2025
I can't seem to get over the initial hump of the first few days. I usually spawn in a residential area that is crawling with them, and because they are sprinters I can't get away. Even when I draw one or two at a time away from a crowd to start making my way out of town to a safer area in a more rural setting, I still get absolutely boned.
Loot runs are absurdly hard as well. Even when I am equipped with a long weapon and make it over the initial hump I still can't seem to do much. IMO, it seems that its meant more for multiplayer as compared to single player just due to how difficult it is.
2026 Q4
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Such a nice day to go looting.
beta in may
full release on december 31st 2024
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woah mr optimist over here, im going to screencap this
march or april for beta
mid 2025 for full release
Sorry to burst your racist doomer bubbles but we are planned and scheduled for full release of B42 in November of this year. But projections look pretty good and we might be able to push it to early October.
It really just depends on if we can sort out the current issues with the lighting in fringe cases.
>how many ww2 guns do you see today?
Like if I open my safe?
I've done that before, it is a lot of fun.
Nigger where do you live? In 1993 every grandfather living near Knox would have some form of WW2 bolt action rifle. Not to mention the endless surplus pre-1984 SMG's and shit that were around.
Statistically there should be at least one MG42 somewhere in there too.
nice toes
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the dread dawn demo just dropped lads
Whenever I think about the MG42 (or other non-american/uncommon calibered weapons) I think about the ammo type bloat that would come if you actually properly represented milsurp weapons in KY. You already have (popular) mods doing shit like having you switch between .308 and x51 to keep ammo bloat down and that annoys me, but imagine if you had shit like .30-40 krag floating around for a single rifle you may never find
You wouldn't have to bloat the ammo types at all, just assume the weapons were rechambered in the states for civilian ammo types.
AKA, WW2 weapons rechambered for .308.
but that triggers my autism too
Does rainwater being filled with anthrax trigger your autism too?
Fair enough, it pisses me off too.
>But anon its REALISTIC
Bitch please normalfag.
Is there a mod that can disable zombies falling over by showing them with bare hands, and also significantly nerfs the curbstomping ability? I feel as if its too easy to survive early game zomboid, and also quite unrealistic in how easily zombies fall over by showing them with bare hands and curbstomping their already dead and hardy human skull.
its just one of the many half-assed implementations of stuff. Im fine with collected rain water going bad but its retarded even when its the first drop of rain as soon as you built the barrel it goes bad and theres no way to use bleach or anything(and double retarded how pipes somehow make it not aids-water). A rain collector that actually is somewhat sealed and doesn't get cancered would also be nice
Looks cool
Play with less strength.
Thats faggot shit and I'm not gonna do that.
>I feel as if its too easy to survive early game zomboid
doesn't answer the curbstomping issue but try (partial) sprinters? definitely slows the pace of zombie killing, preventing you from just walking past everything for free. I think its a better alternative than just increasing the number of zombies since it ends up becoming a chore of rounding up zombies and burning them over and over again
The CDDA zombie mod has a zombie type that cannot be pushed over.
are any of you going to try dread dawn? it doesn't look bad at all
i've been playing it, i keep getting eaten lmao

PvP losers in shambles.
its over for all 3 of the people that have fun with pvp
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I tried the demo, the fuck am I even playing? The first 20 minutes just has you running around a nonsensical map that's just weird mash of assets and AI generated textures and the dialogue is incomprehensible ESL babble. Its a shame because the game looks decent at first glance but its pretty clearly made by some Chinese company with absolutely no fucking idea what they're doing
This is malware.
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honestly I wouldn't be surprised. Also while I'm hesitant to call people shills considering this would be the worst fucking place to advertise on, where the hell did this even come from?
call me a schizo but this shit looks inorganic as fuck
If a friend downloads a big mod like a music library from the workshop, does that help joining a server with that same mod, or does it need to redownload it anyway?
someone spam him to ask lemmy about en pee seas
or maybe people are interested in other zombie games
but yeah it turned out to be crap
I'm far too autistic to believe such a reasonable explanation
>>1170382 (me)
Ok forget that question, the download was pretty quick.
But holy shit, any way to turn down the spawnrate of cassettes and vinyl's? We have loot set to extremely rare, but each bookcase has like 10-12 music objects in it, its everywhere.
Any standard or old music mod has this problem, because each of the hundreds of cassettes have a spawn chance, so multiple can show up on a shelf. There are a couple of modern cassette mods that solve that issue.
playing with randomised zombies and 30% slower sprinters truly makes the game interesting at all times

I use this.
How many more decades is this shit going to be in early access? The modders have done all they can to keep the game alive, and now the devs want to make dumb minecraft crafting a thing with ingots and shit?
A few alternatives have popped up, but they're all largely shit. BUT... Unlike Zomboid, they usually have animals and hostile NPCs right on release which makes Indiestone look even worse. Which convinces me that Zomboid was just the first of it's kind. I doubt 42 will ever be released, Lemmy was never a programmer and I suspect his friends weren't either.
zed zone now has fishing.
the one important thing the other games are missing is that they dont have large hordes of zombies. the only other game ive seen do large hordes is the malware game mentioned above.
Like it or not. PZ is one of a kind. Zed Zone seems promising but it's still jank.
>one chinese dev limited to two hours of screen time a day and 100 yen manages to implement a fishing minigame faster than a westoid team of 20+ people and millions in funding
any way to remove fog of war when playing single player? looking for a more comfy experience
ehh. as soon as another game figures out large hordes plus customizability via modding and sanbdox options, its literally over for zomboid. all the other zombie games dont have large hordes or nearly as much customization.
this maybe
Let us say I played a few years ago, is the game appreciably better now?
not really besides 3d animations. still the same problem of the game being boring a week into your character start which wont be fixed either with the new update.
Thank you. I guess I'll check back in a few more years!
>no shills edition
so does this mean anything or is this just another case of a some fraud faggot parroting words to try and fit in?
it means this thread wasn't made by the east coast tranny that spammed the catalog with 5 threads shilling his shitty game server and discord server
is there a mod that removes the ugly lunge animation that zombies do when they get close to you? so they just go from walking straight to the bite animation
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i cant wait to play with npcs in 2026
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is there a server hosted by anons? there used to be one on a /vg/ general but that general is long dead.
>reasonable amount of time
>expecting a relatively simple java game to be finished after 12 years in early access is unreasonable
Can you guys quit with the hate when it comes to survival mechanics? We've done survey after survey and test after test and it's the most wanted feature aside from NPC's, which we're still working on.
Chris was just joking with that post, can't you guys recognize satire?
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merely an act
We joke all the time, our fanbase on reddit appreciates it.
a tripfag pretending to be the dev
>he doesnt know
b42 is delayed another month since you dont trust the plan
We browse these threads often because you guys come up with some nifty ideas, and so we can get more analytics for what we should work on.
No clue what a 'tripfag' is either, but please don't use language like that on our subreddit if you ever go there.
Right, because to avoid hurting reddit's feelings is our number one priority.
Having fun on a no journal server atm on the lost province Canada map.
HumanitZ is also pretty good
It's always a major red flag when a company takes 'analytics' from Reddit seriously.
He's been in these threads for a while, just ignore him.
What do you mean? We get great information from our Subreddit, all sorts of ideas, bugfixes and so on.
They're very helpful.
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>on reddit
That is our largest community, of course we would cater to them.
You’re anti tranny? You won me over. I will download it.
the worst thing about this game is that you mod it so much that you forget the devs are fucking retards
i fuck gay nigger trannies in the ass also heil hitler sneed
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imagine what this game could have been like if the developers gave a shit
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wtf my wholesome lemmy small chungus would never
I should note that impersonating a developer is a breach of our EULA and you will be banned from our forum and subreddit if you make an account on either of those two websites with the intention of impersonating a developer.
This sounds cool.
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kind of fucked up that mods have already gotten npc implementation in the game, even if pretty buggy, meanwhile...
Imagine needing 3 builds/stages just to add NPCs to your game.
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this picture is 2 years old and B42 still isn't out
To be fair, what exactly they have in mind with NPC's is questionable, so maybe it really would be necessary for relatively sophisticated NPC's
that's the only way that makes sense
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Meds, anon kun
It's shit though. It seems to be developed and published by an amateur group called Kloop, and this is their first title, so that's really not shocking.
>how many ww2 guns do you see today?
This game is set in 1993, and when I was growing up, you could literally buy WW2 battle rifles like garands and SKS's for a hundred bucks or two. There were literally hundreds of them at every gunshow in my town that my dad would take me to, and I grew up in the fucking aughts.
people giving their antiques to the state for some pocket change so that the government can destroy them is a relatively new phenomenon. Even so I can drive down to any pawn shop in the town I live at now and see a few dozen WW2 era firearms for sale at any given time, they're just substantially more expensive than they used to be.
For example just the other day I was somewhat interested in a beat to shit SKS, but the shop wanted 1200$ for it and the lowest I could get him to go was 900$. Not fucking worth it.
So tl;dr yes, Project Zomboid SHOULD have way more WW2 and Cold War era firearms.
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An AK-47 would be hilarious in Zomboid. You could roleplay as an Islamic terrorist, crafting bombs and molotov's, doing attacks on "civilians" and specific buildings like police stations or city hall.
You can't reuse jar lids in canning dumbass
gonna give yourself food poisoning
desu in the 90s you'd be far more likely to have an AK than an AR platform
AKs used to be the cheap beater rifle, and ARs were like 1000$
it kinda swapped when obama put sanctions on russian arms imports
Would be very KINOge
there was also the fact that AK's were exempted from the NFA due to their age, so all you needed was a tax stamp (or a semi-auto conversion, which many imports were) vs the then brand new and unproven polymer Armalite pattern. That's the real reason there was an "obsession" with wood furnished firearms at the time; its because they contained no polymer parts, only metal and wood, and were therefore seen as being more reliable. It's the same reason fudds of the day preferred 1911's or some brands of revolvers to glocks (in addition to the magazine ban for handguns that was implemented at the time requiring you to serve law enforcement and have a LOICENSE for high capacity mags)
all of these things and more contributed to the ludicrous cost of AR's, and the cheap ease of access to AK's, SKS's, and other milsurps and imports like the M1, or the lee enfield
sorry bro NPCmodder-kun is serving hard time in the fishing minigame mines...
he could at least get like, an empty jar and lid out of it to become a drinking glass, i guess?
>does it have NPCs yet?
They were supposed to be in B42, which is the next big patch
...but, according to the most recent devblog, they've been shoved forward to B43...
>Hyman Painter
what did he mean by this?
Stop lying, NPCs phase are coming in build 59
wheres the fucking monthdoid
Why do you guys cling to this game when it's going nowhere?
i cling to the thread not the game, i find it very entertaining, unlike this half baked game that's cooking in an almost burned candle
Unironcally b42 will make the game playable. I know crafting and animal husbandry shit might not be what everyone wants, but it at least gives the incentive to play on a server indefinitely and I dont think it'll be as shit as other survival games desu.
I've decided whether or not I'll abandon the game is entirely dependent on whether or not they fuck up the animal husbandry in b42.
It opens a lot of avenues to change up how you play. As is, there's virtually no value in playing project zomboid past a week or two in game, tops. At least with animal husbandry you have things to do and you could theoretically just use a map like The Forest and just play it like a survival sim.
i'm hoping they mix the new lighting with the 3d mesh stuff and give us actual shadows
and that someone makes a new npc mod with the animal AI
5cows seems to have implied he'll be working on it, which is why he stopped working on PZNS and Superb Survivors.
i knew one modder mentioned it but i couldn't remember which one
>Right now, one virtual animal is a group of animals that’s been defined in a lua file. Our current group, for example, consists of one buck, several doe and some fawns. Though clearly once they are fully implemented the variation will be greater, and also dependent on stuff like the time of year.
>Once players get close to this coded ‘virtual animal’ these deer will then spawn into the world as real animals – and once you retreat away they’ll revert to their virtual status so the game can take over their movement and activities once more. If the group has become separated meanwhile, they’ll team back up again when their paths next cross.
>In their virtual form the animals will move over the map, doing potential set activities at set different places. They are timetabled to have several ‘sleeping’ and ‘eating’ periods – currently sleeping for a period of half an hour at some point between 12pm and 4pm, eating at some point between 5am and 7am, and eating again for an hour at some point before 4pm and 6pm.
so a little bit of the 'metagame' stuff is coming in 42, hopefully modders can use it for persistent npcs, would be awesome to send out a npc to loot something a town over and be able to talk to him on a walkietalkie at home base
Yeah, would be dope
The main problem with superb survivors that PZNS "sort of" addressed was how to get the NPC's working as persistent entities, the game couldn't remove them ever, even after they'd died. So the game would eventually just become unplayable from the compound script spam.
PZNS has its own problems though; mainly in how fuckin' dumb the AI is, and how little it can do; all the AI it spawns just kind of stands around and either dies or despawns and rarely wanders around a little bit. Hopefully with the new AI for the animals as a basis we can see some more sophisticated behavior from NPC mods going forward.
>At least with animal husbandry you have things to do and you could theoretically just use a map like The Forest and just play it like a survival sim.
but this is wrong. its literally more recipes and being bored two weeks in the game had nothing to do with a lack of recipes. imagine the forest but no cannibals or caves, thats what this update is. a boring survival game with nothing of interest. no interesting events or engaging survival mechanics, more of the same shit watch green bar fill up. and if you want to roleplay farmer john then good for you but this update doesnt address the issue with the gameworld being boring and static.
The only thing I hope for this update is that we can fight normalfags in their servers until we get exterminated by admins/butthurt players.
i meant the steam map, not the game The Forest
>imagine the forest but no cannibals or caves, thats what this update is.
i know you were talking about an empty map. its literally the forest but with nothing interesting in it. the same uninteresting survival mechanics too.
PZ has some of the most robust roleplaying and survival sim mechanics without going into full spreadsheet autism
The worst thing about the game currently is that there is precisely 0 reason to interact with any of it unless you make canned food extremely rare and just decide you're not going to make stews/soups to clean rotten food.
Fishing and animal husbandry would be fantastic but it needs to go hand in hand with fixing the food problem of PZ, and the easiest way to do that is to make rotten food unfixable. That way the first long term goal for players should be figuring out renewable food and water while the electricity is still on. Expanded canning mechanics too.
>its literally the forest but with nothing interesting in it
i-i liked clearing out the zombies and reclaiming the landscape....
Yeah, the only thing I think you can't really "fix" when it goes rotten is melted ice cream, but I've never tried to put it into a stew or freeze it again to see if that's true. Oh, and bread, I guess
I think I understand why, which is that iirc farming wasn't a feature at launch and therefore players needed a way to have sustainable food sources but it's strange that it's never been addressed
it's so fuckin stupid that i can put a rotten steak into some boiled water and cook it for a little bit to make fresh beef stew
Ive seen devs comment on this before and how OP they think high cooking is
hopefully they slap it with a nerf
>PZ has some of the most robust roleplaying and survival sim mechanics
nope. they are simplistic and downright laughable. there arent even any diseases in this game. Green Hell mogs it and even in that game, the survival mechanics are rather basic but still better than zomboid. the update does nothing to solve zomboids issue of the gameworld being, i dont want to say hard because it gives people the wrong impression that the game needs to be hard to be interesting, it doesnt. zomboid is still boring once you see everything the game has to offer within two weeks. more recipes does nothing for the average player.
>man this is boring
no the fuck i dont. great. 3 years for this update and now i gotta wait for all the mods on the workshop to update.

the devs say this update is futureproofing their game but you know what really needs to be futureproofed? the fucking dogshit combat. clay pot is not endgame content. let me say that again. clay pot is not endgame content.
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>Adding in new AI modules for farm animals and woodland creatures
>animal husbandry and more survival mechanics
>ALSO THE COMBAT SUCKS (even though the only real "problem" with it is that melee builds are pretty much dogshit compared to shooting unless you turn on multi-hit and/or tune ammo spawns way down
>>Adding in new AI modules for farm animals and woodland creatures
The dumb farm animals they showcased and deer migration they already showcased as seen in>>1184770
yea explain to me how this gives me as a player more reason to play beyond two weeks. because MAYBE modders can use it to create super duper AI?
>>animal husbandry
farm animals. which is yes, more green bar fill up literally.
>more survival mechanics
which ones? the reworked farming which is actually one of the few good things about this update but which ones? are they reworking diseases? reworking the nutritional system? weather systems? the weather effects on the player character? no?

ok which survival mechanics are they working on that will actually be interesting to the player is a better question. because if its some bullshit about how i can now construct a bow or jar pickles then you can fuck off.
>even though the only real "problem"
go play pvp and tell me the only problem with combat is that melee is underpowered. you dumbass. can you imagine getting NPCs and you have no way of defending yourself or dodging, no punching, no grappling, only shoving and stunlocking? i cant target legs or the arm or the eyes or hands or neck, nope just gotta stand there and hit each other hoping for a crit. shooting is even worse, you have to download a mod that makes it not complete shit.

not to mention things like sneaking being left in a sorry state, but we can now craft wooden spoons! great survival mechanics! awesome stuff.

you sound like the devs who keep repeating the lie that somehow making clay bricks solves the issue after the early game. remember, we got deer horde migration before zombie horde migration. the good thing about the update is that they are upgrading their engine to allow for more performance improvements and basements. still doesnt solve the fact that we are gonna watch green bar fill up but with animals!
>ITT: a retard who hates the game because he wants it to be something else entirely seethes for hours on end
I am looking forward to burning down all your farms, slaughtering your cattle and stealing your stuff when b42 drops
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fuck lemmy and fuck the indie stone
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Modder who blindly defended Zomboid and shut down any criticism has seemed to turn his fag review into a negative one. Even the shills are waking up.
Won't be long until Lemmy the Libfag adds LGBT+ flags into his "game".
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>one troonmodder just got buckbroked by lemmy
>he doesn't know about the gender options list on the Indiestone forums
>Oh its almost been a month since last news lemme go check the thread to see what people are talking about
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China cunny mod is out!
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>Leaving comments open
I miss superb survivors. As long as you didn't intend your game world to exist for more than two weeks it was kino.
Why are we ten years into development and still no humanoid NPC's in sight when the tech demo for the game had one?
because lemmy the retard cannot properly manage the project so everything takes 10x as much time as it would normally take
it took them 5 years just to make the 3D animations for characters and zombies for fucks sake
not a fan of VFE. the balance is very fucky. it makes most guns useful but out of the box they break way too quickly, and theres some absurdly rare weapons. some guns like the sks and spas12 have weird magazines (sks only holds 9+1, spas 12 7+1. i find britas to be better, because its automatic is actually automatic.
theyre shit at their jobs simple as that
I prefer Firearms B41 and the Resident Evil firearms expansions
though i also have my game modified to basically be a raccoon city simulator
because they rolled their own engine instead of just using unreal or unity, or literally any fucking other 3d engine
to add on to this, there are forum posts from 2013 that lemmy made that discuss the current "technology update" that they are currently writing
thats 2 years after the game came out!
they could have switched to a dedicated 3d engine, rewrote the shitty zombie AI and the barebones survival crafting shit, and pomf we have the equivalent of build42
instead they took a decade writing a fucking java engine. they wasted ten years and said "ITS A COMPLETE GAME ALREADY".
lemmy is a goddamned incompetent retard, thats why he's so obsessed with PR and the "image" of the company. he thinks standing around shitting your pants at a construction site equals building a house
Between late 2019
>instead of one developer working on them
to 2022
Lemmy was mostly working on npcs by himself most of the time before 2020 it seems.

I dont know how long it takes to make up ai behaviours like in this https://www.gamedeveloper.com/programming/behavior-trees-for-ai-how-they-work

and to implement them for everything they want to do here https://pastebin.com/2pbWNvta
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>While people's estimates here may be close for 1.0 final NPCs (tho I think 5 years is pushing it to the extreme, our team is a lot bigger now and if it weren't for anims being such a goliath rewrite, I think you'd find our rate of pushing content out would have improved since vehicles)

Jesus fucking christ, and they wonder why people get upset about them taking too long.
>4 years ago
LMAO NPCs are still 5 years out
what the FUCK lemmy
ummm, akchually, you can't complain about the extremely slow development because they could be selling you the unfinished parts as DLC but they choose not to out of the kindness of their heart, you're actually an asshole for even pointing out any issues with the game since it's uhhh a big project and they worked really hard on it and uhhh they're really passionate and you're getting updates for free so shut the fuck up
i really like this argument because it implies that they would actually make something and that i wouldn't just pirate it
i really like this argument because it implies people would buy shitty dlc stolen from modde-oh wait paradox does the same thing, nvm
oh yeah, they recently released a full game that's just Stellaris but with a shitty Star Trek reskin that is also worse in every way than the original Star Trek mod
Cuckdoid today, are we hyped? definitely not
i hope zomboid has modded skyrim levels of character creation some day
Watch them post it at the last possible minute of the last possible hour of the last possible day of the month, because they care so much about developing the game after all.
Im curious to see what the hell the skill menus gonna look like for B42
They havent said explicitly whats getting a dedicated skill and whats not but it seems like its gonna be pretty bloated to me
It seems like they are splitting it up into pre apocalypse and post apocalypse skills, as well as splitting up careers like that. They make it seem like they are adding a lot of skills and changing the skill system so that there is more specialization, you can't be an expert in everything, so you need to group up with other survivors. That is their expressed vision. Now, how much of that will be implemented considering that on single player we won't have NPC's for years to come, if ever, IDK.
Here's a list of the professions they have said they are adding: Butcher, Leatherworker, Herbalist, Brewer, Stoneworker, Potter, Occupation, Tinkerer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Occupation, Fisher, Hunter, Scavenger, and Militia. Gives you some idea of the skills they are adding.
i guess you'd need to modify your gameworld settings in solo to have high XP multipliers/bonus trait points to make up for the deficit the new system might make?
I guess, they just haven't revealed exactly how they will implement. Like, will an engineer just be completely unable to get more than a few levels in farming, will an engineer still start at such a low skill level? What's worrying is that their stated intention is to have people play in a save for in-game years, so are they scaling skill gain to that time scale?
Also, Thursdoid out.
>so are they scaling skill gain to that time scale?
i fucking hope not
what i'd like to see are options for like, more nuanced helicopter events
like being able to say make a helicopter or horde event or something every 7 or 14 or 1 day or whatever the fuck
this would allow short term repeated survival goals for preparing for horde night and setting up a powerful stronghold to resist the oncoming waves of the dead
>Activities like preparing a sandwich or making a nailed baseball bat logically require a handy surface to perform the work. The way it’s being implemented – any logical surface will do (tables, counters etc) but this sort of crafting will no longer be possible while standing in the middle of the street with zombies approaching.
>ProfMobius, he of Minecraft heritage who we brought on board towards the end of last year, has been working on the procedurally generated wilderness to exist outside the map borders to allow for a not quite infinite but huge world outside the main map.
This is such a dogshit priority dude, oh my god
>nothing new about NPC's
i cant believe that the objective best weapons in the game are now trash tier
what is yfw you cannot travel between kingsmouth and knox without a mod, yet they want to add procedurally generated map extensions?
It seems like it wont be out for a minimum of 2-3 months.

Also I hope the majority of npc dialogue isnt stuck in behaviour trees.
I don't get why you can't just sit down and make it on the floor, or on the hood of your car, why does there have to be a surface to use?
>sitting on the ground creates a "surface" at the player for crafting purposes
>vehicles serve a similar purpose
ez fix
i understand the problem they want to address (why would you EVER use something other than a two handed weapon with reach? spears and baseball bats are the best weapons in the game simply because you can make them ad infinitum, on your feet, in the middle of a fight, and have no cooldown between attacks + one shot chance - for the spear - and crazy good knockback for the bat)
but naturally lemmy seems to be implementing the most retarded solution to the problem in question
another feature that will be abandoned and never continued
no thursdoid will be good from now on. i just want them to hurry up and release this terrible update so we can get to NPCs quicker.
It's taken 3 years for what was supposed to be a short, intermediate update. Don't expect even the earliest stages of NPC's for at least five years, very likely more.
>melee weapons about to get hit with the biggest nerf of the games entire lifespan
yup, feels good to be a gunchad!
I still don't understand why we don't have bayonets. Just make it so that the bayonet jab replaces with push action on the spacebar key when you have a rifle equipped with it in both hands.
>i still dont understand why they don't combine the best melee weapon class with firearms
realistic game btw
M16 still breaks in like 200 shots
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>a scoop of ice cream requires defrosting the ice cream before crafting
There is a bayonet in the game, it is just rare, and not very good.
>tried the CDDA challenge
>the only tile not set on fire was the one where my character spawned
>proceeded to die the moment the fire touched my character as it instantly set him ablaze
>when a zombie just spawned next to a burnt wall and gave chase in less that 5 seconds after spawning
>kept spawning surrounded by flames 5 more times in a row
It does suck to have perpetual skill issues
Cute Spiffo. I hope that bottle is full of cum.
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Memories make me want to go back there, back there
All the memories make me want to go back there, back there
All the memories, how can we make it back there, back there?
I want to be there again
the unrealistic part is being able to do burpees for longer than a minute if you didn't pick any fitness perks
is this a good time to try this game or is there a big update coming soonish?
wait for unstable b42
or you can play now to practice for it.
it's a shitty unfinished game, not an olympic sport
>is this a good time to try this game
meh, if u don't have nothing better to play sure
>is there a big update coming soonish?
no, devs are lazy retards, expect the new update to be ready in X years
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>take 6 month break
>get zomboid itch
>check blog
>take 6 month break
>get zomboid itch
>check blog
>take 6 month break
>get zomboid itch
>check blog
>take 6 month break
>get zomboid itch
>check blog
>take 6 month break
>get zomboid itch
>check blog

This is hell.
Any time estimates for when anything b42 related will be out?
if you believe them indie stone says unstable first half of the year and full release by the end of this year
so Id say july 2nd unstable and december 31st full release
What the fuck is wrong with them? Who is cheering them on? Why do they feel the need to focus on this shit?
its out
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still alive, still around, just play on RP servers now
why do you wish for him to drink cum?
Because he looks like he fucks human men
does it work with a pirated gog version of the game?
i miss the spiffo porn posting
it's a fact that he does
im pretty sure this game uses P2P instead of dedicated servers, so it should
NTA tho
iirc you can't play on steam servers but otherwise yes
it failed to connect for some reason.

interesting. good to know. ill try in a bit.
still failing to connect, and i cant join the server in the first post after the thread start, unless its dedi. so i guess no multiplayer for me, boys
hahahahahahaha youre really a tranny hahahahaah awe shit too good
Advertising your server in this thread is foolish. I'm saying that as someone who runs a decently sized roleplay server and regularly posts on 4chan. The tranny who runs Kentucky Fried Zombies is going to be lucky if he nets a single player that isn't there to grief his small poopsocking autistic audience that he already has on his server.
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with this kind of ass i'm not surprised he does
He deserves to be hatefucked so hard...
Whats the highest weight you got a female character to in project zomboid?
asking for a friend..
>RP servers now
this shit for real? how serious are those servers?
current female character is 105 lbs, guess thats fat for end of the world standards.
>starts off with talking to zoomer buddies on discord
Disliked, reported, and closed
Yeah, cause they're the only people who can fucking have a server up with population longer than 2 weeks irl. The one I'm on is RP, they get mad if you chat non to in RP chat channels, so you don't piss off the RP tards they want to attract but there's nothing stopping you from making your own group or channel and playing on your own. It's fun, admins are more like a DM / GM as long as your not a retard in chat and draw attention to yourself
browsing the /pzg/ archives makes me realize that a chan pzg server can't survive longterm no matter what. Even back then when mp was at its peak popularity servers would last only about a week or two before wiping and starting over.

Which gives me an idea.

Why not instead of trying to make a longterm survival pve server. Make it a yearly event anarchy fest? make it like a anniversary thing that would last from dec to january, Each event would be slightly different we could make arbitrary goals and scoreboards for each year.
PvP is dogshit and people get really salty when you kill them
just face it, the game is only fun if you are playing with friends or on an RP server with a bunch of no-life spergs
I suspect /pzg/ will get revived after b42 finally comes out only to suffer a slow and painful death over the next couple of months as people realize that the biggest issues the game has have not been resolved and won't be until b43 comes out in 2030
>just face it, the game is only fun if you are playing with friends or on an RP server with a bunch of no-life spergs
Actually the only fun I had while playing mp was during the pzg su/v/ivor era
>I suspect /pzg/ will get revived after b42 finally comes out
God I hope so
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>Actually the only fun I had while playing mp was during the pzg su/v/ivor era
so did I, but /pzg/ at that time was a very unique thing that I don't think we'll ever get again, now it's just disappointment
>but /pzg/ at that time was a very unique thing that I don't think we'll ever get again
I'm pretty optimistic about b42 dropping this fall and bringing even more people to it than last time since the game is more popular now than it was then.
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I don't understand how we can't get a decent pve server going, we could do it. The problem is everyone here is experienced as fuck. So we'd have to challenge people accordingly.
>Forced spawn in a town like raven creek
>30 years later mod
>Barricaded world mod
>75% or whatever less food mod
>Shit cars / vehicles condition mod
>Some kinda mod to prevent players from "instantly leaving" the city until XX days pass - gas, spores, etc
>Rare as fuck guns / other loot / insentivize craft faggotry
>The usual qol mods, skill journal / rp mods, and music mod.
>Sprinters exist in the city center / mil base / loot autism areas
>Loot respawn: 1.5 years
I'm not masochistic enough, but the cryogenic winter mod with heaters would be sick as well, but would definitely drive some people fucking nuts, as it would mean coop is needed, indoor farming, sustaining heat, etc etc.
Either way you'd need a zombie horde mod to shake things up as a gm (no, not horde night), shitty weather happens frequently, and fucking BRIGHTER NIGHTS, fuck dark.
I wouldn't have pvp on cause as >>1204361 pvp in this game sucks dick cause of stun lock.
>descriptive traits/moodles/skills
>obvious recipe chipped stone
>obvious collecting
>immersive solar arrays
>mo crops
>snow is water
>alcohol factory/craftable alcohol
>renewable food resources
>craftable jar lids
>added vehicles

what are some other "should be vanilla" vanilla+ mods?
tried many times. It mostly boils down to 3 to 5 of the same people playing co op for a few weeks then after getting their fix they stop playing and the serb dies
just wait for b42, it's supposed to add endgame so maybe it will motivate people to stay on a serb longer than 2 weeks
let me repeat this for everyone
wooden spoons is not endgame
/vm/ is a slow board so it's naturally hard to get a stable playerbase going here. This is especially true with a game like Project Zomboid, where 90% of the people still playing are veterans who have very strong and diverse opinions on mods and server settings and quickly get bored with a lot of servers because they have gone through nearly all content the game and most popular mods have to offer. See >>1204477

For a 4chan server to maintain a stable playerbase we will need actual content. B42 is the only way to get an active 4chan server going without doing shit like making the server public like that one Reddit tranny did, at that point it's not a 4chan server anymore. So yeah people like >>1204517 are completely correct. I don't think B42 will give us endgame but it will give us actual content which is why the old /vg/ servers were so fun, since everybody was having a blast with the new update.
i assume not but will our saves be able to be played on b42?
why would it you fucking idiot?
How fetid do you imagine Nurse's tooth-gaped boilswampish slopgrease pocket is? How much phlegm-packed masticated hair, semen, and marinated slurry must scab over before the burst of feculent film, boiling from the infectious seepage of goat-cheese smelling meaty chunks of mucusy sewage, must be swirling and swimming around in his smeg-encrusted laceration that slowly rips, tears, chafes, and fistulates deep in the bowels of Nurse's writhing tracts... I bet it's cringe lmao.
relax you nigger
Anyone ever roleplayed on one of the roleplay servers before? I tried but people approached and I spilled spaghetti and then I spied on two people smoking weed
This is why I can't play on roleplay servers, I always end up spilling my spaghetti and feeling super awkward.
I roleplayed with your mom last night, she sucked (literally)
The problem is that theres really nothing to do late game. With b42 you can at least do a bunch of various crafting, take care of livestock and make an actual base. Also the fact that you can theoretically base anywhere on the map in b42 and not be locked out of crafting options will make multiplayer more bearable.
will they ever fix the ultra megamind zombie pathfinding?
Probably not, not unless they substantially overhaul the zombie packages, maybe even the AI core. but that is unlikely to be anytime in our lifetime.
damn. thats one of my biggest irks with the game
When is B42 coming out? I'm just getting Lemmy spamming bullshit instead of working on his damn game.
sometime this year. expect a 6 month minimum ETA.
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>install some mods for really trivial things that should already be in the game (true actions,tsarlib,OutTheWindow,More Description for traits,MapLegendUI is the list of mods i downloaded)
>game starts running like dogshit and lagging when i interact with any inventory
>disable all of them and game runs like normal
What is the cause of this?
disable one by one until you find it
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who was there?
I was there, Gandalf
3000 years ago
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Do it you fucking bug!
i was there think i was outside in that screenshot if i remember correctly
I came there sometime after this. If I remember correctly I saw this screenshot in the thread so I started collecting pantsu while traveling to where it was taken.
What happens if you run the NPC mod on a coop server?
Play infection free zone until b42 drops
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>City builder
has anyone modded this piece of shit into a horror game? i think it would work better than whatever garbage it is at the moment, turning the atmosphere into something like fear and hunger or old re.
I once played it with a dozen horror mods (dead space zombies, very dark atmosphere, hordes and some other shit i can't remember) and it felt more like a chore with all the bugs and waiting. Biggest issue is the general combat and gameplay remain the same so in the end it didn't change a thing, it was just a cheap reskin, maybe if you do it before you have over 20 hours you'll enjoy.
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No amount of horror mods fix the dog shit combat.
Some mods, like REmod and Kendo's mod which adds things like gunpowder and herb mechanics, and some basic enemy variety in the form of hunters, lickers and ivies can make the game more fun but fundamentally the problems with the combat and core gameplay loop have not and probably will not ever be fixed
It's a shame the Zomboid clones have failed to produce a true successor. I tried Humanitz and it was really bad. I mean, I hate Lemmy too and want Indiestone to get sacked, but that game had issues.
>I tried Humanitz and it was really bad
Humanitz wasn't bad, faggot
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>true successor
true successor just dropped, so sick of people calling it incomplete, will drop npcs later as DLC
Humanitz was shit and you know it. And the procedural generation was bad even for the genre, I mean what kind of a suburban house lacks a backdoor (and that's one of the tamer examples)?
Which one?
Yes it is. You have dogshit taste.
>procedurally generated houses
You didn't play the game

Kill yourself contrarian
Zombie survival is truly a cursed genre
>You didn't play the game
He's right anon. The lack of a back door is only the start, the vast majority of buildings are literal copy-paste strewn around the map with the same furniture placements and gear. It's really uncanny. Plus the combat sucked.
Are you me? Some of the buildings in that game were so bizarre it reminded me of fucking Backrooms. I still remember finding an apartment bathroom without said bath and a dryer. Zomboid has shitty developers but I never felt like I was in the Backrooms.
why are you so dishonest?
I find the combat to be somewhat realistic and ok
if you are in peak condition you can kill a zombie with blunt in 6-7 hits
lower with higher skill
maybe don't fight when you are tired as fuck?
and if you hate it so much just turn on multi hit, it's basically a cheat
Alright Lemmy, wanna know why your combat's shit?
>No block button. Melee combat 101: ALWAYS HAVE A BLOCK BUTTON!
>Dodging. The player should be able to roll.
>A light attack and a heavy attack. You should never be locked to one shitty power attack.
>The weapons should have weight. A saw has the same impact appearance as a pipe. The player needs to feel like they have an impact.
>The ability to actually punch the zombie instead of a light shove.
These zombie combat games always fail at having decent combat.
Zomboid's combat is such dogshit and yet you still managed to mention nothing but non-issues. Thank god you're not in charge of anything.
Every melee game needs a block button, from King's Field to fucking Lunacid. Kill yourself, Lemmy.
Man, that shut him up. Yeah, if you have a melee-oriented combat system you better have either:
a.) A block button.
b.) A dodging mechanic.
Before Lemmy cries 'It's too hard,' need I remind you that the Callisto Protocol, a shitty game by every definition, even had both. Hell, if you want to go 'hardcore' and simulate the average redditor who can only wobble around as he carries his mass of funko pops, lock blocking or dodging behind a skill wall.
They probably should add it since the mechanic is already there somewhat, but I don't really see what its applications would be. A block would still get you grappled and against a horde thats death.
t. nta
its for human combat for if npcs ever get added
that won't fix combat with zombies though which is what people are complaining about in the reply chain
This imply that only Lemmy is coding right ?
Is there anyone else able to do some 10 year old java stuff ?
Can understand that maintaining the game in this state is quite discouraging
And already saw in 4chan a leaked video of PZ in 3D by lemmy so maybe he's just refactoring everything on another engine and will throw b42 just to calm the community?
not really, the original post lamblasts combat without specifically saying only for zombies, the only point where zombies are mentioned is for punching zombies. but its very easy to assume stuff like dodging and blocking would apply for humans since thats the entire endgame of zomboid.
anon if theyre lambasting combat at the current moment and the only thing present at the current moment is zombies it stands to reason they're purporting blocking as one of the features that will improve the game in its current state (no humans)
he also says zombie combat games which somewhat implies fighting zombies
NTA but a block button would not solve anything in zomboid. In its place you have the shove command, which is arguably more useful with zomboid's combat system. Having light and heavy attacks would also be pointless without a more complex damage formula, for zombies particularly; which only exists in as far as being able to strike the head of a downed zombie for significantly more damage, and for players you randomly deal damage to different body parts, removing overall HP pool and inflicting status conditions.
Being able to strike more quickly but do less damage is pointless in such a system, which is way spears are currently the best weapon, possessing a relatively likely instant kill against zombies while having long reach and high attack speed.
How would you dodge being pinned down and mauled by a group of zombies? Or block? But what you can do is shove them down without letting them bite you, if your character is specced into Strength and Fitness for power and stamina.
Blocking, dodging, and light/heavy attacks would solve precisely 0 of the core gameplay loop issues zomboid has.
What the game needs is a dash mechanic. Double tap a WASD key and the player moves a set distance slightly faster than normal. That would actually allow you to reposition yourself in combat. Make it use stamina for balance
the entire movement system is just garbage
you need the ability to run around and hit zombies quickly, push them over/hit them while running/dodging etc
but they fucked that up with the weighted movement controls
is boring, you just hold a movement key and the attack button, sometimes looking back to ensure that no zombies flank you if you don't have keen hearing, and maybe running a bit if your nimble is really low
Yo is there a discord for the server? No admin ever on when I'm on and the chat seems to refer to one (mentions ticket) but can't find shit
Just throw yourself out there as everyone starts somewhere, and that feeling of awkwardness will always be there even if you roleplay somewhere else like Neverwinter Nights then come over to PZ roleplay. My pro tip is to exude seggs and fuck your way into the community, its a good way to get a massive stockpile of peaches and beans!
what is the meaningful difference between this and holding SHIFT while holding a WSAD key to dash, which as long as you desire, and then releasing the SHIFT key to return to normal movement, which is what we have now? Which yes, does use up stamina.
Do you not know how to play the game?
Dash means you dash out of the way, like a quick jump behind you or moving to the side, Lemmy. Slowly turning around and running away isn't that.
Nigger, you blast off like usain bolt if your Fitness stat isn't hot trash.
>the retard advocating for all these retarded fix-nothing melee tweaks is actually a fitlet
let me guess, overweight too?
why do i have to tiptoe in order to hit someone? does lemmy not know about mma fighters? boxers? fencers?
why cannot i, armed with a baseball bat, shove away two zombies that are right beside each other?
why can't i run, clothesline a zombie at full speed, then just keep on running?
why is there a magical delay after each swing?
death to lemmy
>why cannot i, armed with a baseball bat, shove away two zombies that are right beside each other?
you can, STRlet
>why can't i run, clothesline a zombie at full speed, then just keep on running?
you can, but the game performs a formula check that factors in STR and fitness vs the strength of zombies and number of zombies you're trying to run through. if you win the dice roll you automatically knock them back or down by sprinting into them. most multiplayer servers don't let you do this easily though because they set zombie strength high
>why is there a magical delay after each swing?
what the fuck are you talking about? the only two things i can think of this could be mentioning would either be latency, which is a shit net issue, or you - again - being a STR and FITlet who is trying to swing his baseball bat while in heavy encumbrance and/or exhaustion status.
>you can, STRlet
pressing space armed with a baseball bat, you will only shove one zombie
>you can
no, i can bump into them and risk a fall, i cannot attack while running, or even jogging
>what the fuck are you talking about
attack delay after swinging a weapon. have you ever been in a fight? IRL, people do not punch, wait a full second, then punch again
they just fucking swing. honestly surprised this also isnt a green bar situation
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A dash would allow for mobility within the combat stance, and adds depth to both offensive and defensive movement.
In PvE, it allows you to peek a corner quick if you want, instead of only just slow walking around corners. It also allows you to reposition yourself mid-fight in a way that is faster than the current slow walk, but not as drastic as the full on shift-run retreat.
But where I think it would help most is PvP. Closing the distance on another player during a fight is very 1-dimensional at the moment. They might run around each other, then at some point decide to run towards each other and then just swing away.
There's no way to punished attacks that miss. Or to surprise them opponent with a dash + attack. Or to dodge an attack you know is coming. Once you're in stance, you're locked into that slow walk and that's it. It's very limiting.
You can even put in PZ-realism-mechanics to it like if the player dashes over a corpse, there is a stumble chance. Or if they string together too many in row, it increases the stumble chance.
I just really feel it would open up so many possibilities in combat. The combat stance needs a mobility option and dash makes so much sense.
>he also says zombie combat games which somewhat implies fighting zombies
zombie games are famous for having humans to fight too though. or some sort of humanoid monster that has special attacks other than scratching and biting.
>Blocking, dodging, and light/heavy attacks would solve precisely 0 of the core gameplay loop issues zomboid has.
but the problems are really shown when fighting other players in PVP. there is no way to defend yourself or even choose what part to attack. you just run around trying to stumble each other or awkwardly hit and run. when NPCs drop, and you cant block or dodge it will absolutely become a problem. the combat is barely passing right now because zombies cant fight back with weapons. imagine wanting to engage in combat with a human and your only option is to stand there like a retard trading swings hoping you roll a crit. its a problem now that needs to be solved.
meant to also tag>>1225640
and dont even get me started on the shitty ass shooting. fucking hell, imagine trying to fight NPCs with guns. but no combat is fine you guys! lets waste 6 years on adding cows!!!!!!!
I'd be genuinely surprised if any of the changes you guys want will make it into the game in less than 10 years
At this rate, I doubt they'll ever release B42. Or if they do, it'll only have clay pots or some shit because 'the stresses of game development.' Complete incompetence across the board.
>only one
>no, i can bump into them and risk a fall, i cannot attack while running, or even jogging
I already explained to you how it works. You are complaining about a mechanic you have no idea how to work while most probably having a dogshit character build
>attack delay after swinging a weapon.
weapon swing speed is influenced by both weapon type and your current stamina level, if your attack speed with a light weapon is so slow you are either trying to fight while exhausted or over encumbered, which means you are retarded
You can already do most of these things unless you are saying you should be able to dash while in attack stance. Which is fucking retarded and defeats the point of what little balance zomboid's combat currently has. If you want to reposition then have a high fitness stat and release the right mouse button while holding shift and the direction you want to dash, your character instantly breaks out into a dash to reposition.
based retard
wow its fucking nothing.jpg
>others are waiting for a core code update
LMAOO still not even remotely finished
2026 at the earliest
>armor section
>thought they were gonna talk about reworking armor so its not pants on retarded
>just talking about the various styles of armor and NO you cant find knights armor! you have to spend 5 years smelting iron ore and crafting it yourself.
I like the new grass.
Lemmy, log off and actually code your game.
I accept your concession
And here I thought it would release next month, looks like june or july
>still no info about professions, exp gain and traits rework
not worried at all, grass looks nice though
I like the fence stuff
I wasn't the asshole. But I stand by my statement: get off the internet and code.
retarded chomo
Hats used to block a single hit and fall off or is that ingame? I read about it on the Pseudonymous Code Views blog a while ago. It had some interesting stuff still.
This is going to take another year to come out.
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Nah, it will come out soon enough. It will take a year to fix the unfinished parts of it though.
Any place besides steam where I could find the "tile, man" mod? rushing to hardware store/self storage/industrial area to then having to restart every time I fail to find one is eating my sanity, maybe with this mod I can just take it easy
what the fuck is "tile, man" supposed to mean?
I'm not the mod creator, but it's that one mod where you unlock a tile per zombie kill
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Won't lie some of this stuff was cool but how does any of this solve the issue of the game having essentially no middle or late game content?
uhm, smelting iron ore IS endgame content you retard.
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they are absolutely gonna delay the next update to 2025, there's no way the majority of the update is done when they're still showing the same pointless garbage in every turdsdoid
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Add NPCs so I dont have to play on this dogshit multiplayer anymore
I fucking hate guns with magazines
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i fucking hate lemmy
its so jejworthy that lemmys latest meltdown was over this garbage
he hasn't posted in a month, kek
Link me the meltdown, I hate how the new moodles look
I wonder how much they will nerf NPC's, a lot of people will cry if they get bonked once with a hammer by npc and suffer an arm fracture.
it was on reddit
scroll down a bit
Lemmy shilling for Paradox... Wonder if those swedes will turn out to be the reason we get NPCs.
Why? they're massively superior to hand loaded firearms in this game.
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lmao this guy is a fucking joke
>tried cryogenic winter hard mode with constant storm
>just found clothes to suit up and now I'm permanently at 37 degrees
>food only gets cold and freezes in refrigerators
So... the hardest winter mod is just a minor inconvenience, huh?
the burglary and the flood really happened
the flood was way more unfortunate - it was before off-site backup was a thing for a lot of small businesses and they lost all of their old builds to where it was just better to start from scratch
Indiestone never had a flood, that was Hello Studios (the fags that made No Man's Sky)
also they only lost like a month of progress because of the burglary
i don't understand this at all
it's a zombie survival game
the goal is to survival as long as possible
it will become time-cost prohibitive to seek out every chip bag on the map for food eventually
plus cataclysm dda has a lot of features that zomboid is currently trying to reach parity with (late game crafting, late game base building, more in-depth farming, animal NPCs for late-game meat sources, gear crafting outside of stick spears)
slow zombies on their own are fucking boring, and most of the fun comes with exploiting the remnants of civilization and rebuilding new order from chaos
romero got this with DotD, Capcom understood this with Dead Rising 1, Kirkman got this with the Walking Dead comics and their focus on the human stories in the apocalypse
L4D is fun, but its an arcade shooter - PZ and CDDA have fundamentally different gameplay loops and goals
you might be right on this
starting to realize age comes with phantom memories
don't blame your memory for that one, the truth gets convoluted every time someone brings it up
Nah, the burglary never happened. And even if it did, it's been well over ten years since. You shouldn't see the shadow hanging over the game.
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anon we have transcripts of lemmy's breakdown on twitter the night it happened
Yes you can, at least for short term canned goods like jellies and whole meals. You can also clearly see when something has gone off and is no longer edible.
That does not mean anything at all. My guess is that Indiestone couldn't program for the life of them and needed an excuse to indefinitely postpone the game so they came up with this little cover story.
Yes and they are going to do it again.
TIS do not code anything
Read the blogs everything is outsourced
General Arcade works on MP/Vehicle
Formosa Interactive on sound
TEA on animation and MP

Everything else is done by hired modders/mappers with nearly no dev background
Normally i'd call you a schizo but I hate TIS so much that this theory does sound plausible to me
Two kind of responses to futa cock sliding in
TIS is so incompetent I wouldn't put it past them to pull a Starbound and fail to pay their workers.
It might seem that way, but a lot of people really are just that retarded. My college educated, master degree holding coworker at a state U lost months of work on one of her projects because of the Google rollback error last year that affected many businesses that relied on the cloud.
All because she refused to keep any kind of local back up of any of her text documents and slide shows and just put all of her eggs in one basket, on the shared google drive.
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Does anybody know any multiplayer servers that use the Copper State map?
Had a dumb thought the other day.
With that future update adding in 'generic' crafting
it would make it easier to have a much wider variety of mods including total conversion mods.
on that line of thinking would a Space Station 13 mod be more desirable than the old ass Byond client?
No, the world does not need a 589th abandoned Space Station 13 remake
>the goal is to survival as long as possible
the issue is that the game gets boring far too fast and far too easily. there should be a new set of challenges for when you set up your base, not game over and please continue playing just so you can create a brick house. surviving just alone should be oregon trail tier levels of difficulty but its not. not to mention a lack of world events that might throw you off your game, or nature itself being rather static and never throws a wrench in your plans like flooding, or fires, or really bad storms being able to knock out power or snow being nothing more than a png texture on the ground.
Most RP seems so ERP focused these days, like you gotta have a DTF coomer character to be "in"
Anyone try https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2793385743

It's a quest mod, did anyone here have fun with it.?
whats the name of these servers and do they have the sex mod
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Anyone here try the Lost Province map? It's crazy good. Feels like a whole new game
I dont believe in the Maritimes
I dont believe in Canada
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>thread is dying on the one of the deadest boards on the site
it's over
im bored of zomboid until b42 comes up
Release b42, Lemmy.
where is the happy one ?
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I see this said all the time in defense of PZ yet I don't understand how you can just casually ignore how comedically easy it is to survive. Survival games universally all have ways to stop or hamper you from surviving. The only things that hamper survival in zomboid are stairs or glitches. Food is plentiful, zombies are extremely weak even in hordes, setting up a base is comically easy. They could easily solve this by making urban areas not be full of supplies since everyone else got to it first, but for some reason the player is treated as the only survivor loot wise. The game doesn't even have the most basic text intro to explain it:
>character got airborne version and was sick
>wakes up days later
Fucking pay me lemmy

The only times I've died where it felt natural was when first learning how the game worked. Every single other time I always get so bored I just quit or kms. I can confidently say fucking Minecraft of all things is more difficult.

I genuinely believe the only reason this game is successful is because its so easy to get into and doesn't take a grater to your eyes compared to other games in this field.
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Hey kings, I'm looking for two things.
A mod that makes sure that things taken apart like furniture, actually respawn over time.
And a mod that makes it possible to earn and lose every basegame trait. The best I can find is Evolving Traits World and it's a shitload of bloat just to get rid of his custom traits.
I'd love suggestions for this.
>things taken apart like furniture, actually respawn over time
i've never seen a mod like this, but if you're after more opportunities to grind metalworking i can recommend 'bulk metal' and 'the workshop'
>possible to earn and lose every basegame trait
this one lets you learn a bunch via magazines
but i dunno about losing them. dynamic traits maybe? i never used it myself
It's more that I don't want to turn my world empty.
But to be fair, I don't even understand all of the game yet since I only started a few days ago.
I'd also like to know what happens in singleplayer if I start dumping stuff in a building and don't visit it in a while. Will stuff despawn ? Will stuff spawn over it if I used the original containers ?
Thanks for the magazine mod by the way, I was checking out an alternative of Dynamic Traits but it came with a few non-vanilla traits as well and no mod config options.
>, I don't even understand all of the game yet since I only started a few days ago.
And you are already asking for furniture to respawn for some imaginary reason of "the world will be empty"
You will get bored of the game long before the world is empty.
>I'd also like to know what happens in singleplayer if I start dumping stuff in a building and don't visit it in a while. Will stuff despawn ? Will stuff spawn over it if I used the original containers ?
Both controlled by your world settings I believe. Loot respawn is off by default but I forgot about loot despawn
It's not entirely about the world being empty, I phrased that wrong entirely. It's more about me making it ugly.
that's completely irrelevant, you'll never have to revisit the houses you looted and there are probably 500 if not more of them on the whole map
go play The Sims if you're this obsessed with aesthetics
im bored, any good servs? with free spech preferably but im willing to lose my god given right if the serv is gud enuff
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I have personally been playing in publics, going through their little events grinding and helping noobs, its relaxing and fun. especially since bloat is not too much of an issue when you are looking for something new to grind. gave up trying to host or get something going, Its really not soo bad if you can interact with others like a normal person, but if your personality is nigger nigger nigger. You are in for a bad time.
I think the thing holding them back is their insistence on a "perfect" NPC release. They could have added simple NPCs that spawn in and despawn when you leave their site as a placeholder but they want living breathing NPCs that exist in the world. In reality most players just want another enemy to fight. I'd take generic bandits at this point.
the only things holding this game back are the absolute garbage engine and lemmy's disastrous project management skills
They are embarrassed by modders on a regular basis. They knew that if they released basic NPCs, modders would have fully fleshed out NPC mods within a year which would make people say "hey how did a modder get this working so quick"
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B42 was just supposed to be a short, intermediate update before they started work on B43.
It's a short update time compared to the animation update that took like 5 years
i think the pace of the game update are okay since it gives modders time to flourish while preparing for next update even though it took fucking centuries, each update are at least meaningful changes and additions. unlike mojangfag that shit on their own updates while also using java like a retard (and their bedrock version also a pile of crap)
>i think the pace of the game update are okay
It's not fucking okay to release an update every three years for an early access title that still feels blatantly unfinished holy shit
>but muh mods
Mods can't fix this fucking game on a fundamental level, they can put bandaids on everything deemed insufficient but they cannot fix them, only the devs can and they fucking won't because larping as cavemen is more important to them than adding anything fucking meaningful to the extremely basic gameplay loop that everyone gets bored of, not to mention that you can say bye bye to all the mods for b41 as none will be compatible with b42
>unlike mojangfag
Minecraft is a finished game you fucking twat, all updates mojang is releasing now are just a bonus, they are not expected to keep working on additions to the game and I sincerely believe most people would accept them stopping working on it since their new features have been very lackluster and divisive

It's genuinely embarrassing to see people like you attempting these mental gymnastics to delude yourself that this sort of development is in any way acceptable, even solo developers can shit out content at a faster pace than these entitled cunts, and with less whining on reddit anytime someone dares to criticize something
>each update are at least meaningful changes and additions
okay lemmy
What's the point of not revisiting old places ?
If I enjoy the way a neighborhood looks, I want to go back there after some time and I can pretend there was something going on while I was away when I shuffle around looking for loot again.
i gotta rewatch dawn 78 just to rectify my anger
just to clean my palette
lemmy is worse than a real life zombie
Just get the skill book mod thst gives exp for reading carpentry and electricity.
>rip off a bunch of mods
>only now just got all the liquids to work with the liquid mixing system (how long does it take to fucking copy and paste code?)
>caveman crafting shit
I didn't think they'd keep magazines with all the new recipes, but I suppose im okay with it. Im very glad that generator usage is getting moved from a magazine to electrical 3 instead, always found that kinda stupid
I wonder if theyll remove the welding recipes for non-weapons too, seems weird that carpenters know every recipe but welders don't and it seems like they want to remove annoying "bottlenecks" from the blog
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>Power goes out the moment I realize I fucked reloading my gun
It's like pottery
wow more pointless shit to work on to delay the NPCS
quads of thruth, TLD in 2 more thursdoids
i hope their laptop with all their source code on it gets stolen again
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>check zomboid blog for news after 2 years
>still nothing
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Anon, did you miss the grapple mechanics ? That's a framework for sex animations.

>gives modders time to flourish while preparing for next update
I will never understand how retards like you exist who can somehow comprehend how to mod games, yet fail to comprehend that even the slightest of updates breaks almost every single mod. Not to mention all those modders have probably moved on since its been years at this point.
>still no fixing of the traits or class system
>or the medical system
>or fixing the early mid game
remember when this update was supposed to be "quick" and focused on fleshing out existing mechanics? i remember. instead we get bloated crafting thats going to take 3-4 years to finish up. and so many areas of the game will still be left untouched and unfinished, areas more important than sims medieval.
whats wrong with the traits and class system?
i'm cautiously optimistic that with the new masking system and the improved modder access to the code we will see a pregnancy mod
not even for coomer purposes, just to give me something to do in-game
maybe they'll even release AnimZed, ive been craving a zombie animation replacement mod forever
So kings, I have a floating hole at groin level that's active with standard clothing I spawn in. Is this a known bug from certain mods ? Because I'm having trouble pinpointing the culprit.
Nvm it's original TED skin shittery. Gotta find something else without crotch void.
why there no mod to remove utilities shutoff?
you can change that in settings
I'm glad your character died, degenerate.
They are rudimentary and unbalanced, they said that they were going to work out the kinks this update, early on any way. Instead, they decided to add useless Medieval professions that no one is going to use. I highly suspect you are a Lemmy apologist.
Not going to disagree with that,, just your phrasing implied to me they should change the entire class and trait system as opposed to rebalancing it
from the blogs theyre rebalancing the on world start professions at least alittle bit, whether itll be worth a damn or will still be unbalanced as fuck who knows, but heres hoping
they haven't shown a single screenshot or mentioned any specifics regarding the rebalance, they may as well be empty promises at this point
good thing they show off new clothing and weapons in every single blogpost though, real important stuff..
I will not be suprised in the slightest when b42 comes out and everything in it is broken and unfinished, then it's gonna take them another 3 years to get it into a stable state before they just leave everything unfinished as is and start working on the next batch of shitty features no one has asked for
god I hate this fucking game
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this was in one of the boids
isnt renaming a couple of the classes enough for you?
Based furchad making normies seethe
i wish some fucking publisher would buyout this game and finish it
original poster, i feel like aside from the retarded godawful balancing of the traits, they just arent really unique. lots of them are simply percentage based modifiers that dont feel like a real change in how your character is played aside from drastic ones like deafness. then on top of that you have the retarded grinding system that they still insist on grinding by breaking a million chairs an excellent way to get levels. imagine if in any single player RPG to get to the cool endgame stuff you had to spend 20 hours of farming little pigs. its insane. most games you can get to the endgame stuff just by regularly playing the game for the most part. korean tier mmo grind is fucking aids in a SP game. i realize that most of the exp grind can be taken away by putting 20x in the sandbox settings but id rather that whatever profession you choose, youre max level and you learn new recipes reading magazines or books or watching videos on stuff. i would also like for traits to be tied to bad traits. so no more points. if you pick a good trait, it has to be paired with an equal bad trait. so if you wanna pick strong, you have to pick a tier like deaf or illiterate or something to that nature, where its a genuine hamper on your character and not just a minor nuisance like the smoker trait.
>i would also like for traits to be tied to bad traits. so no more points. if you pick a good trait, it has to be paired with an equal bad trait. so if you wanna pick strong, you have to pick a tier like deaf or illiterate or something to that nature, where its a genuine hamper on your character and not just a minor nuisance like the smoker trait.
Thats what the point system is supposed to do in theory, it just doesn't in practice because of how many free negative traits there are. It's the same reason any mod that adds more traits makes the game super easy, because they always add more negative traits and theres always some that are free. To make it a hard choice of what to pick indie stone need to make so many of the traits worth way less (like 1 or 2 point) or make them actually do something more than a minor nuisance. I wouldn't throw out the entire system just because indie stone is shit, because whatever they replace it with would also be just as shit.
I have a feeling that might be why they have so many free trait points, because as soon as you take a trait that affects a skill it levels up like instantly. The difference between 1 trait point in carpentry and 0 is night and day and its why I never play without 1 level in carpentry. its supposed to encourage build diversity (or maybe its supposed to encourage collecting NPCs when they're added in 2085) depending on what you aim to do but since so many of the skills are niche (or useless) and not worth trait points it just means when you finally wanna grind metalworking (for whatever reason) or mechanics it takes forever.
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>grinding by breaking a million chairs
i really feel like this is the worst thing in the game, aside from the combat and the heatseaker wigglyworm zombies
no one wants to grind mechanics and carpentry and metalworking the first week, which is like 3-4 hours IRL, then lose their character to some buggy shit or to boredom
but you SHOULD want to lose your character, because its a zombie game, and you should want cool situations and stories to happen that involve characters dying. it the same way its fucking cool to die in GTA in a shootout with the cops
but instead of cool risky exciting shit they give us "sit in your base and right click through our shitty UI, to watch chickens shit eggs and some green bars fill! then you can live even LONGER and watch green bars fill for even longer!!!!! oh whats that? you found eight axes in rosewood fire department?! TIME TO FORGE BRO"
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you'd think the development would get faster since they hired a bunch of modders to help but it has instead remained the exact same, what the hell is going on with that company
they dont hire modders, they silence them and suppress them
why would they work hard when the original devs don't even work at all?
>be russian modder
>making massive progress on NPC mod
>have working factions that fight/ally with eachother, make bases, individual survivors that have their own personality and also make their own bases
>they all stockpile food
>he is in the middle of working on getting NPC followers fleshed out and working
>has plans for a multiplayer server and multiplayer support
>gets "hired" by the devs
>immediately takes down his NPC and stops working on it at the request of his new employer
>we finally get to see what progress he has been doing for the dev team after he drops all of his mods
>they are making him work on a fucking fishing minigame
and he's probably still working on it to this day
How long should it take for an experienced coder to make a fishing mini game?
as long as the guy holding the gun to his head deems it necessary
damn that screenshot looks super comfy
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making screenshots of comfy lived-in safehouses is one of my favourite things about the game
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I like this game. Is 200 hours considered good enough to try multiplayer? I've lasted to winter on apocalypse a couple times but never hit spring without dying. The server browser is kinda shitty and looks like the couple servers posted ITT are dead.
Is my best bet waiting for build 42 to come out to find a decent server? I don't really mind since modded maps have been keeping me interested so far playing solo but eventually I wanna try multiplayer survival.
>Is 200 hours considered good enough to try multiplayer?
Yes. If you're picky with mods it might take you a while to find a server you're comfortable with though.
>The server browser is kinda shitty
Yes. I suggest you look on other sites for Zomboid servers. I don't know which sites but I know there's one that lists the most popular Zomboid servers.
>the couple servers posted ITT are dead.
Yes, the hype from Zomboid has died off and /vm/ does not have a large enough population to sustain an active server. We used to be on /vg/ but after a year we got too slow to keep up.
>Is my best bet waiting for build 42 to come out to find a decent server?
Depends. Back in 2021 when multiplayer was re-added it was so fun because nearly everybody was new to the game/last played a decade ago and didn't know what the fuck they were doing. I'm waiting until build 42 to start playing again precisely for that reason.
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b41 is so boring ive resorted to making shit for npcs that wont be out for years
Go play other games you autist
they suck and theyre boring
motherfucker go play Vintage Story or something, your fellow pony autists are even making mods for it
Quit wasting your creative talent on this unfinished shitheap of garbage made by entitled redditors
I actually helped that guy animate his stuff
But vintage story had the same problem of b41 of mid/late game being boring as shit
Ha, it's a small world
But you're not wrong, VS does lack proper mid and endgame, though I still think it's in a far better state than PZ and the updates at least come out at a relatively steady pace
plus it has far more replayability thanks to chiseling
Peanut, milk, meat allergy trait?
Unique items to treat boredom and you get certain toys you like to keep you happy? I'll just play sims

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