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Thread #046 - John Ward Edition

Welcome to /horg/, the place to discuss anything horror games-related, such as:
- AAA series: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Alan Wake, Alien Isolation, Dying Light, The Evil Within, etc.
- Current indie games and hidden gems: Alisa, Amnesia, Conscript, Darkwood, Faith, Pathologic, Penumbra, Signalis, Soma, Song Of Horror, Tormented Souls, Voices of the Void, World of Horror, Yume Nikki, etc.
- Retro classics: Alone in the Dark, Clock Tower, Dino Crisis, Eternal Darkness, Fatal Frame, Parasite Eve, Sweet Home, System Shock, etc.
- Free mods: HL1's Afraid of Monsters and Cry Of Fear, Doom's MyHouse.wad and Total Chaos, fan-made games like Blood: Death Wish, Penumbra: Necrologue, Resident Evil REVisited, stand-alone free games like SCP Containment Breach, etc.

>Horror games lists, guides, and resources:

>Question for the thread:
Favourite religious horror game/media?

>Quick game recommendations
FAITH: The Unholy Trilogy, Chitin Creek, The Binding of Isaac

>Previous threads:
going as religious as possible is the funniest way to counter the coomer shit, not gonna lie

FAITH kicks ass though, are the later parts as good as the first? haven't got around them yet
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remember, this is the real thread
don't engage with the other thread, and have a nice day
>real thread
You're not the one who decides that. Every new thread of any general is just as valid as the rest no matter who makes it and what OP image they use.
You don't own this general.
chapter 3 begins brilliantly and keeps up that pace but it does start to drag a little bit towards the end but if you manage to do the true ending, you're going to be hit with some pure kino
you don't own the general either and a thread that uses shitty coomer bait as its OP is objectively less valid than a normal one
now stop malding and start talking about horror vidya
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Have you ever actually been on any general other than /horg/? "shitty coomer bait" is the norm on /vg/.
Funny how apparently slightly NSFW images is what people on this general really fear the most.
nta but nah slightly nsfw images are the norm, i just fucking loathe your garten of banban content farm bullshit
i'm sorry that you got upset that your choice for an OP got rejected by two separate anons
the thread you made is invalid anyways since you fucked up the title of it because of the piss poor rushjob you did
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wait what? they forgot the "edition" sure but the title's there, the thread just fuckin sucks
oh sorry yeah, edition was what i meant to have said there
point still stands, it's an invalid thread that required a more suitable replacement
We've been over this, the image isn't content farm.
Except i didn't fuck up the title, i literally copy/pasted the last OP with edits to update it.
I didn't forget it, i intentionally left it out.
Also the thread doesn't suck. Just because you don't like the OP image doesn't mean the thread itself is bad.
>It's not valid because it doesn't have an "edition" part to it
>Despite the fact that it doesn't need one to be valid as not every general uses that
You don't make the rules here.
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ngl it is really funny they suggested it & the only responses were "please fucking don't" so they rushed to do it anyway lmao

their logic isn't flawed, i'll confess to being as horny as anyone else, they just have the worst fucking taste imaginable
Reminder vending machines kill 2.18 people per year in the United States. Do not be like Dr Kel and die to a vending machine.
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I didn't even suggest it for any "coomer" reasons, i suggested it because the image is funny, not because it's sexy. And it's also unique and stands out, especially compared to all the dark images this general usually uses.
That image wasn't even my first choice for an image recommendation, i just noticed it in my folder and decided to use it as a good laugh. I thought you guys would find it funny.
If you guys wanna know, pic related was the image i originally intended on suggesting.
>We've been over this, the image isn't content farm.
your shit taste in pornography doesn't make your choice of OP any better
>Except i didn't fuck up the title, i literally copy/pasted the last OP with edits to update it.
i'll admit to have used the wrong term but you still did a shitty rushjob because you were told no
>I didn't forget it, i intentionally left it out.
if you don't know why this is even worse than forgetting it, you shouldn't hold the responsibility of making threads
>Also the thread doesn't suck.
it does even without the shitty OP because you're necrobumping it now, even as we speak
>You don't make the rules here.
and neither do you, don't take the highground when we're both on the same playing field
it's a fine image but /5n@f/ already exists
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is there no hope for silent hill fans anymore?
I didn't even save the image for pornography, like i said, i only use it for humor, that anything sexual.
I actually didn't rush it. Believe it or not but i took my time with it.
I do know why, i just also know that not every thread needs it.
I'm keeping the thread alive with nice images, this thread is only being kept alive due to our feud.
Exactly, so don't try to take the high ground yourself.
Just because FNAF has it's own general doesn't mean we can't use FNAF related images as the OP (Especially crossover images) like how Tekken and Street Fighter have their own generals yet the fighting game general still uses Tekken and Street Fighter images.
All in all you're views are pretty strict and i assume that it's rooted in paranoia over /horg/ getting banned to /trash/, something that's just a silly idea and i assure you will never happen.
the thread sucks, anon


just stop, anon. you have that shit saved because you think it's hot & nobody's judgements here are worth degrading yourself over like this. but if you wanna jack off to animatronics go to the threads dedicated to fnaf/fnaf-like games, the point of /horg/ is for all the games that don't have their own generals already.

there hasn't been for ages
once again, I'm sorry that you got so incensed by being told no for your choice in OP
you should know from your time on being on other threads in /vg/ that if your choice for an OP gets rejected by other anons, then it doesn't get used
this isn't about getting kicked to /trash/, this is about you being butthurt and not having the mental capacity to accept that you were wrong
>there hasn't been for ages
I know...At this point I'm clamouring onto the hope that they don't fuck up silent hill f
I'm series, that version of the puppet just isn't my thing.
If i really wanted to do it out of any sexual desire then i would have used Cally3D's Chica.
Honestly, it's really Bendy that made me use that image. His face there is just funny.
Except i'm not wrong. The only reason why two people rejected it was because they were under the assumption that it was content farm BS, but i proved it to not be. The image only got reject due to a false narrative.
>The only reason why two people rejected it was because they were under the assumption that it was content farm BS
they rejected it because it was a shit choice for an OP, as has been said many times over
this has turned into some shitty bait at this point and it doesn't deserve a (You)
The reason given was because they assumed it to be content farm stuff, the guy even called it content farm in this very thread.
>doesn't deserve a (You)
Oh come on, don't be cowardly.
no anon, i rejected it because i fucking hate it, "content farm bs" is just more concise than going onto a screed about why i fucking despise poppy playtime/garten of banban/bendy/all the other recent "horror" games that contain no tension & the only "scares" (read: jumpscares or something chasing you) can be predicted down to the fucking nanosecond, minutes in advance, when playing. they suck ass and contain nothing of the horror games that actually know how to freak someone out like Silent Hill or anything else. Hell, even Signalis manages to be more tense despite having a way more detached POV & being more obsessed with making references to Evangelion than much else.
they said it was content farm bullshit AND a shit choice for an OP, regardless of whether or not you "proved" anything doesn't matter because of the second reason that those anons gave
i refuse to believe anyone can be so incredibly dense
Faith is fucked man, none of the other things managed to get me but for some reason the bed scene managed to make my blood run cold back in the day (i was 25 & it still got me lmao)
i finally managed to do a complete playthrough of it yesterday, made me want to choose it as the OP image
the camera flash sequence in chapter 3 gave me some real fucking jumps
So you admit that you reject it out of your own personal bias.
It's not because it's "coomer" or "content farm" but because you have a personal vendetta against such style of horror.
Like it or not but FNAF, Bendy, etc, have become an integral part of the horror genre, not every horror game has to have as deep and complex horror as Silent Hill.
Good to know that the image wasn't rejected because of anything to do with the image itself but because this general has been taken over by a pretentious tyrant.
Seriously, with what you just revealed here /horg/ has now become the worst parts of the Oscars in general form.
When given an explanation for the second reason it being "content farm bullshit" was the explanation given.
The second reason is fueled by the first reason.
And as the guy just said, the reason for rejecting it, for writing it off as "content farm" is due to personal bias against mascot horror.
So everything you try to tell me to make the decision seem reasonable is thrown out the window now that it has been admitted that bias is the only reason why the image, and i safely assume other images associated with such horror series, got rejected.
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Say something nice about this man
I want to fuck his sister
Is that you Chris?
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>Chris Redfield has hit the point of posting in /horg/ samefagging, desperately trying to drum up fake interest in someone, anyone, fucking his sister
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>Damn it...wait
>I'll drum up a fake competition, and turn my sister into a highly wanted vessel for sperm!
it was near enough genius until it failed at the first step
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what are your best times /horg/? just got mine to 9 seconds, my mouse is always offscreen when i start so it's hard to get much faster
you can use the numpad
i think the longer I played votv and did those repairs, the slower I got at doing because math is stupid
I think someone mentioned that before, too, but I have my stability maxed so I always forget by the time a server goes down.

Sometimes they're insanely easy, like every answer alternates between 3 & 5 or whatever, & other times there's no pattern and you're slowed down trying to find said nonexistent pattern. At least once you're no longer desperate for money there's no incentive to speed up beyond personal pride, it would be really irritating if there was a hard time limit or if you didn't get the base 5 points if you were like 5 seconds longer than your best or anything.
once I get around to upgrading the laptop I've got right now, I'll get back to playing votv and try to earn a healthy living in the spooky woods
just waiting on a paycheck to come by before i get my hands on a new ram stick since this shitty thing has 8GB as a base
I really shouldn't stick my dick in that, however.
I either am at just about breaking 3 seconds or stuck at 4 something.
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Daily dose
ah that sucks, yeah the game definitely needs some optimization despite how simple the textures and models are. i think the shaders are even worse than the physics, tons of people can be fine with millions of props lying around but have problems due to lights. even for me my framerate drops from 100+ to 20 if i do drugs since those are so shader-heavy.

holy shit anon, i readily admit i'm nowhere near that good at math, even if it's embarrassingly basic

was it worth it anon
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look at this funny guy
if there's anyone in this thread who's really ambitious i will suck your dick for a VotV edit
show me where /egg/'s shitty coomer bait is
100% needs optimization yeah, i enjoyed the time i had spent playing on it but the huge and consistent dips in frames set off a bit of motion sickness in me surprisingly enough so it's on the backlog again for now until the upgrade
Unless you're a grill, no thanks.
you might be able to mitigate that a bit by disabling the default mouse smoothing & headbob shit, the frame dips aren't as painful when your movement isn't so floaty. with the headbob on by default it can be downright disorienting how it skips from one position to the other like your camera is jumping around
so you'll do it for free? thank fuck, i wasn't looking forward to learning what dick tastes like
/egg/ YOU SAY!?!?!
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should i pilot my kerf (top right) to go say hi to abby or should i leave them alone
i..... i'll be honest idk what i'm looking at here

but /egg/'s coomer bait is just factories running smoothly and swiftly, it's hard to parse for anyone who doesn't play those games
era games general or /egg/, I don't go there anymore because it depresses me, like the rest of /jp/
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hey since i'm guaranteed to get a bad sun event in a couple days, what's the best way to shore this up? can i just stick posters over the glass or will i need to invest in pallets & curtains & wooden boards to cover it up?
is it true the welding mask helps or is that just bs

ah, my bad for assuming it was engineering games lmao
Like i said that image isn't supposed to be coomer bait but that aside.
Comparing /horg/ to /egg/ is disingenuos as horror games are more character focused while enginering games are more gameplay focused.
It'd be a more fair comparison to bring up generals for more character focused games such as these.
Even other horror oriented generals have their fair share of coomer bait OPs.
Oh, and here's an /egg/ OP using coomer bait waifu characters.
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You asked. You're welcome for providing.
I lack any thumbs up images so here's an Ada.
i wasn't the guy that asked, i was just wondering what the point of doing that was beyond a sense of needing to be right
Well then apologies for assuming you're the guy who asked and to answer your question, i just have fun doing research digging and i get joy from sharing info with others.
could you do that kind of stuff with something that's on-topic then please?
OK. I only did it because the guy asked and i even added some horror stuff to keep it horror related but OK.
If you have something you'd like for me to dig for i'll go do it. Just give the request of whatever horror info you want and i'll go searching.
Even if i don't manage to find exactly what you're looking for i will guarantee that i'll at least come back with a fun fact related to what you originally requested.
Find me Alice
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OK so i got an American McGee Alice.
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An Alice Angel.
I'll level with you, I wasn't expecting you to take my dumb counterexample all that seriously. at most I was expecting something like what >>474656975, maybe spoilered for laughs.
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And a Black Souls Alice.
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I'm going to kill God's fish that motherfucker is in my way
Ah. Guess i just have nothing better to do so much that i'm at the point of taking anything seriously.
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So anyway, now that that's all over, i feel like i should apologies for screwing around too much and causing any unwanted negativity.
So i apologies for what i have done. Although i still feel like there's a bias i'll put that aside.
So back on track, Library of Ruina is coming out on Switch and PS4 in three days!
I hope my Switch doesn't break down again before and/or during me playing it.
>buy coffeemaker in VotV
>for some reason the plug is completely bugged and phasing through the floor
>even if i put it at the top of the stairs it keeps phasing through the entire floor
What the fuck am i supposed to do???? And why the fuck can't i screenshot in this game??
I forgive you
Kill yourself.
all pluggables have a "toggle" option at the base of the cord that resets the plug's position, use that
nose really needs to fix the plugs' initial spawn point issue though, that shit didn't happen back in 0.6 with the old map.
...instead you'd have the plug randomly phase through the floor days later while trying to move the fridge or something

I've still no idea why people can't screenshot the game, windows+prnt screen works fine for me, and so did print screen and ctrl+v to paint before I discovered the win+print combo, from what I recall
Chris, this is just sad.
i just use the snipping tool for screenshots, win + shift + s by default. it's slow but w/e. you can also add it to steam to enable steam's screenshot features, just be careful not to tab out while the overlay is open or shit gets fucky

as for the coffeemaker, yeah you need to constantly look at the back & hit the "reset" button to summon the plug to the device while moving it, but then once you get your coffeemaker about where you intend to keep it the plug should be fine once plugged in.
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god damn it am i really gonna have to block off half of the hallway in order to cover this window from the inside? why is there invisible collision here?
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Thank you.
Chill bro, we have gotten past the storm. Peace be to /horg/.
Here have a catgirl Elster.
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So, now that that's over with.
It's me again, the guy working on the concept for an indie horror platform fighter. I am open to any and all questions and suggestions.
Here's the updated pastebin: https://pastebin.com/NHhtYe3W
He sure knows how to crack BOW skulls
absolutely mogged that rock
You're safe behind the computer for the most part.
Just don't go up there.
Oh and also I forgot to mention - the sun will only be shining towards your front windows near the end of the day. You are basically safe all day as long as you don't go outside
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What did she draw /horg/?
i thought it was like the green fire where letting it enter line of sight for even a second locked you onto it til you died, but that's good to know

so is the welding mask just placebo then
Fuck wrong image.
In fact i think i lost the correct image.
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his bloodline has good genetics, perfect for reproducing with
I haven't tried out the welding mask. I have no idea if it works or not. Don't know about the suit either. Didn't have enough shekels when the sun appeared and couldn't test. Maybe that's a good thing to test with the bad sun mode.
guess i'll test it when it happens, then. do you know if the event will re-trigger if you die & reload or is it one and done?
As far as I know if you die it does trigger again. especially if you saved right before it. I save scummed after I lost Kerfur to the scouts and have repeated that event many times now
he looks really chubby here
don't make fun he's just big boned >:(
which horror game filtered you?
withering rooms ng+ with book of burdens active
Visage, but I came back to it a couple of years later and liked it.
it'd probably be a shorter list to name ones that haven't, all the shit ones will do something to piss me off like i predict too many jumpscares in a row & good ones hit a point where it's just like "alright fuck this i need to take a break & chill" and then i never come back because i rarely finish any game
>deep and complex horror as Silent Hill.
You could say that about the second and *maybe* the first game at best
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what's outside my window /horg/?
looks like a bunch of bright green is outside lmao
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>Come back after last night
>See the thread has been split in two for the first time since I started posting here
>One is filled with images and the other at 100 posts
What the FUCK happened here
That number probably skyrockets when you factor in China but for different reasons.
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Silent Hill 2 is the only Silent Hill that /horg/ cares about anyway.
Shame, this place could use more Heather posting.
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right, shouldn't have expected anyone to do any chroma keying, fine

just leave it be please before you unintentionally start it again
Correct. It’s over for them.
How's Black Souls? I like games where I can explore the full map without even progressing the game so I'm interested in it
I have no clue what “Faith” is btw
Some infighting happened but it's all OK now.
Would sex her
He’d win in a fight against a decent amount of fictional characters - including many that wouldn’t be thought possible
before the last thread died someone asked if Tunnet counts as a horror game and I didn't get a reply as to what the fuck is a tunnet before it died, please spoonfeed me my family is dying

google "faith game", click steam link, decide whether or not to play or pirate based on whether it looks like you'd like it or not. imo it manages to be shockingly creepy despite the fucking commodore 64 aesthetics
sure, chris. i don't think superman's quite made of stone just because he's hard, buddy.
This is no place for your lust Grimm.
Well, for the most part nothing prevents you from exploring the map in whichever way and order you choose, even the high level areas, but walking around and clearing fog gates would inadvertedly cause you to gain progress points. And with enough of those you trigger new events and changes in the world.
would fuck this girl whoever she is
my engorged cock
Coom posting is not only off topic but it is also low quality.
If you aren't going to make any posts that actually adds to the thread then i suggest you at least start playing actual horror games.
cmon anon, I like talking about stuff that turns me on, it’s on topic if the subject is horror related, don’t backseat janny
>make any posts that actually adds to the thread
Ehh, let’s not start drawing that line, way too ambiguous and just asking for trouble down the line, I could probably point to a 100 posts per thread that fall under that criteria, as long as it doesn’t become spam it’s fine.
I tried adding a cat but it didn't work out
>click steam link
I don’t have a PC :(
Guess I’ll never know
i made a transparent version >>474690484 but its ok anon ty for trying

shame :(
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if you could add any 1 event or entity to VotV, what would it be? no points for fucking the aliens, everyone wants that. no points for an entity that exists solely to fuck either
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Very well, but if you're going to do such a thing i might as well post some more horrifying girls that are attractive.
I'll post some horror women that really puts horror into their attractiveness.
Here we have the Spirit from Dead By Daylight.
As you can see she's almost entirely exposed with her blue skin out in the open as well as glass shards stuck in her flesh and you can even see exposed bone and meat, an appearance given to her due to how she died and as you can tell from the look on her face she's is very, very angry making her a crazed killer, more than she was before she died.
when you say fuck do you mean intercourse? cause id love for the greys to fuck with you directly in a way that goes beyond the kitties playful nonsense. Like somehow they just break your computer or the signal relay and you have to climb onto one of the dishes to fix it. I love the roz and cats but i'd just generally love for a more like inherently "we fucking hate you" alien race, which i assume the greys will be later
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>Shame, this place could use more Heather posting
i'm doing my part
New Once Human beta started.
yeah i mean no banging the aliens. aliens messing up your shit is fine though, i totally agree with the greys being more malicious about it. i want more signals like the virus that do different things, like one that'll siphon your mining rigs til you unplug them, or one that'll force your playback console to spew noise nonstop til you reset it, etc

i also want the cats to follow through with either helping you when the greys start their bullshit/ making things worse if they hate you, i'd love to see like a stereotypical grey abduction event & either the cats help you out by firing at them or they decide to troll all of you by tossing explosives into the tractor beam to kill you all, shit like that
What that?
man loyal cats like actual going to bat with the greys over you actually sounds cool. Be killer if that was the model (in game) reveal if you had one save you from the greys.

But yea given the dumping even the greys just feel like fucking bastards.
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well i completed system shock.
it was fun, but the combat really broke down in security and bridge
security's problem was the sheer amount of stuff thrown at you in the main room.
>multiple drones, mutant cyborgs, and assassin cyborgs right out the gate in the main room.
effectively forced to dash through the whole room before too much could aggro, dip into a side area and then pick things off one by one. couldnt actually take the room head on because shits fucking everywhere.
>the security 3 bot that had a fuck ton of health.
>the room with 5 security 2 bots
neither of these felt like actual tests of skill and more "how willing are you to do the boring and painful "stay at range" strategy?"
the rest of the floor was alright except for the diego fight and the following ambush. the diego fight was just a "high powered weapon's check", and the ambush was annoying.

then this is what it took with me going on to the bridge, and i was right to do so.
>the 7(?) security bots guarding the hardlight maze
>the five elite guards thrown at you at once in the leadup to shodan's cyberspace
completely ridiculous to expect the player to fight fair against either of these. the former was just a "hang above and grenade the bigger chunk of bots" deal, the latter felt like a check for if you saved some railgun ammo and nothing more
not to mention the cortex reavers, their fights never felt fair. even with boots the gun attack hits you, and if you get caught on anything (which is very easy to do in the bridge fights) the bombs will practically one shot you.
they felt like "how many grenades do you have?" checks more than anything else.

and a random nitpick: energy weapons all felt somewhat useless in the late game due to the fact that if you run out of energy mid combat you'll turn into a sitting duck thanks to regular running speed. so the plasma rifle that was teased since early on felt like a massive let down.
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yeah if the arirals at least uncloaked while suited up to save your ass from grey fuckery could be kino

i'd like if greys had an inverse rep system, like you try to give them gifts like the rirals & it just pisses them off if you ever stop, & taking pics makes them hostile instead of adding rep. could also have shit like where the rirals feed you in your sleep, the greys will hit you with a beam that makes your sleep decrease super fast so they can observe you interacting with the insomnia demon, etc
i think they expected you to fall back & use up your trip mines & grenades you might've been hoarding since that was a problem in the original, they want you to actually use your stash

but yeah energy weapons have always been kinda mid due to the charging stations unless you have a ton of batteries on you, but even then you still wanna be conservative since it's a single shared resource for a bunch of shit instead of just "oh i'm out of teflon rounds, time to swap"
god anon i just got the visual of that one meme of "i beat you till you fall asleep (asmr)" but its a little grey with a metal pipe caving kel's skull in. but i love the idea of them forcing the insomnia demon and reverse rep
lmao like the feeding event but instead you suddenly hear CLANG and fall out of bed bleeding, then CLANG again & it jumps back into the sleep camera angle, i would piss myself laughing
rin was one of my favorite dbd girls, her backstory was pretty simple and her power was neat, shame she’s kind of neglected now
yeah, what i used my "limited stash" stuff on:
prox mine'd the security repair bay and the post-diego ambush
spent my EMP grenades on the last diego fight and first+second cortex reaver
fragged the last cortex reaver, and spend the last of my prox mines on it as well
also fragged the hardlight maze security bots
and then finally spent most of my railgun charges on the pre-third cortex arena.
its just annoying to be forced to use your stash since you never know if its a good place for it, you dont really know if you're at the end until you see that final cyberspace terminal.
i mean i get the urge to save everything for "the right time" & maybe the devs didn't handle it perfectly but i appreciate the overall theme of "shit is getting REALLY dicey here, now is *probably* 'the time' " & as long as you don't blow through everything immediately or via extreme overkill like wasting explosives on basic mutants or some shit there's really no harm to it aside from the inner uncertainty of "but what if that (whatever) would've been more useful *later*?", although that mostly just adds to the tension in a way that fits well with the game's overall vibe
I already said this once but
>black fog event repeats but is actually dangerous

>Eyes surrounding you if you are in your base

>Suddenly banging on the glass, walls, and ceiling

>You better have locked your doors

funny, in the same way i want a "red sky" event that's more like a "seeing red" event
>sky goes red, you think it's normal & carry on as usual
>as soon as you get near a mannequin or a paper alien or whatever you forcibly attack it (maybe equip a weapon without your consent?) & the mannequin will instantly become an active chaser & smack you when you're not looking
>if you get near kerfus it will panic and flee until the event is over & you need to chase it down afterward to calm it down
>if you chase it down during the event it will flee to the cave or something & cower there like it's deactivated, & getting close enough makes you destroy it
>if abby is active during the event it will also be incredibly hostile to you
>even the fucking trees move right in front of you since you can barely see them & some will shit grenades at you or whatever

just pure pandemonium
ssorry if stupid question but is there a way to have multiple custom posters? in Votv
a prolonged stalker type event.
>after the event starts a somewhat tall figure can be seen in the distance from time to time.
>the event itself doesnt jam pausing and saves, only the figure does.
>has specific spawn locations, usually ontop of hills around the base or within LoS of a transformer or satellite door
>attempting to approach the figure will cause it to run away before despawning
>staring at the figure without approaching will cause it to move forward a little bit, examine you, and then run away. moves closer the longer the event goes on
>looking away from it will only despawn the entity if you've been staring at it for 5 seconds.
>it can also spawn across the river while the sleeping view is active. it'll stare directly at the camera (you) before running off.
>draws the camera like certain other things, the longer the event goes on the stronger the camera draw.
>has 11 sightings before the event ends
>the 11th sighting will always happen outside the front window, and can only happen after the yellow wisps are taken
>it'll start on top of the hill visible from the front window and across the river.
>when you look at it from in front of the desk it'll hardlock your camera & movement controls before it starts to move
>it'll stop over the bridge for a few seconds, and then continue moving towards the warning monolith.
>it'll stop at the monolith for about 15 seconds while staring at you, giving you a good view of its appearance
>it'll then take the monolith and launch into the sky. it'll very clearly not be a rozital.
>when you turn back around, red eye graffiti will be painted above the desk. it cannot be removed.
interacting with the poster (or any decal item like paintings) will cycle through images in the folder.
thanks anon you're the best
I had to replay the game and stopped once I got to security because there's some part of security percentage I'm missing for exploration, but I had gotten to the bridge and the game fucking softlocked me because I killed a security robot on the switch that triggered one of those holographic barriers after jumping past it, and it just deactivated the barrier. This was on the very last room that i needed to clear out before getting access to shodan.
damn, that sucks. i'd've hoped with how fucking long the game was in development they'd have smoothed out those kinks
I was hoping I'd at least be able to lure an enemy to one of the doors you're meant to come through so they opened it, but they just kind of walked towards the wall and stood there. I was so mad.
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i've been wondering for a while if this is a quote from a story or if the dev is just pulling shit out of his ass to manually make the people who built the place seem as fucking insane as possible
It's from the HP Lovecraft story The Color Out of Space
>It was just a colour out of space—a frightful messenger from unformed realms of infinity beyond all Nature as we know it; from realms whose mere existence stuns the brain and numbs us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes
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ah, thanks. been over a decade since i read any lovecraft so the only reference i caught immediately was from The Festival
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>try out the paper & pencil feature in VotV
>export pic
>it adds a bunch of random scribbly lines in odd places & completely undoes a bunch of erased bits
how hard is it to just export what's on the page as it's actually presented man? how did nose fuck that up? i really wanted to start using it to draw more fanart for the game
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forgotten skeleton event
>somewhere on the map, hunched up against a tree or rock, is a full skeleton covered in moss
>if you do some fuckin devilmajjyks ritual or something next to him (maybe involving the old rifle? skeleton soldier sounds cool) he will reanimate
>can patrol your base and hold stuff like an o-kerf, can't fix anything or get hashes though
>can get got by all the things an o-kerf can, but will reassemble himself shortly after like dry bones
>if he's around at the same time as the greys, they will abduct him, corrupt him, and put him in some form of armor suit (maybe also give him a melee weapon? i was thinking a strong-ass hammer with stupid knockback) before releasing him back onto you for you to defeat
>if you defeat him he goes back to being loyal to you (idk right now if he should keep the armor or not, and maybe you get to have the hammer for yourself?)
people would try to use him for the hell portal event lol
i like it though, but maybe the armor part's a bit much
i'll just steal the idea for my own eventual fantasy-based votv knockoff lol
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does /horg/ consider subnautica to be a horror game? i personally don't find it scary but a lot of people seem to be utterly terrified of open water
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>all of the carpets float
>can't use them to fly around
game fucking ruined, the aliens can have this stupid place
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I loved this game but I must admit I never fully completed it as it just felt repetitive but I loved the animations and how they presented it in a unique rotoscopy way , 2d games aren't my thing to be honest I prefer FPS games cus I grew up on hl horror mods.
Give toilet furfur a newspaper which he looks up from annoyed when you invoke him at 3:33 AM. Maybe also change the event to trigger when you open the door instead of use the toilet.

But in actuality, I'd like to see a version of the insomnia demon appear if you artificially keep yourself awake via caffeine or shrooms for too long. Maybe you could make it so that, unlike the normal sleep demon, multiple eyes will spawn, but only appear for a second or two and disappear upon being observed, with the longer you stave off proper sleeping, the more will appear and will stay visible for longer to the point where you can have many sets of eyes visible at once. At its climax, a set of eyeless sockets will spawn and draw your view towards it, at which point the eyeless demon will give chase.
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Lakeview Cabin games are kino indie horror. Lakeview Cabin 2 has couch co op as well.
>Favourite religious horror game/media?
It's been years and no AAA studio has made a horror game better than Outlast 1 or 2.
I mean, how old is he in that pic?
thinking about it after having a coffee and i think i agree with you on the armor being a bit much, especially considering that i'm pretty sure the grey models in the files don't even have full body armor
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subnautica is a horror game
i thought the eyeless demon already was used for that? like it's so rare because players can only see it if they go too long without sleeping & even touching a bed resets it? would be cool to make it more of an event though

now i'm imagining the greys dressed up like little knights, tilting at satellite towers & kicking kel's ass for colluding with the evil domed dragons
fuck you mean goofy that's adorable
I'm fairly certain that the eyeless demon being due to caffeine is fake news, mostly because it was I who spread it. From what is known, it seems to be an incredibly rare replacement of the regular sleep demon whenever it would normally spawn. But there's VERY little information and only one actual video of it on Leddit, and even then the clip is only of it chasing.
Open world online survival horror game that's actually shockingly good and has a TON of shit in it. Like, it's so big that even with only two major areas available so far (since last I checked out the previous betas) nobody has managed to cover everything so far.
wow what the fuck anon
i'm the one who keeps going on and on about praising the mighty mushroom partly because i'm trying to summon the fucker & now you're telling me my entire belief system is a lie?
The Greys are explicitly the "they're coming to fucking kill you" group of aliens. Also, based on their models, they are horrendously gigantic.
Whats exactly wrong with SH1, 3&4?
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whats wrong with origins, homecoming and downpour?
Well, technically those last three were made by western developers who had nothing to do with Team Silent (whomever they may be), iirc.

That, and Homecoming being quite bad story and mechnics wise
why do people like this game so much? isn't it just about killing homeless people?
I'm afraid so, anon. It seems to be no more than a rare variant that replaces the regular one under the same conditions. But it's presumably VERY rare, so much so that no one knows if it spawns in the same way as the regular demon.
this is coming out today https://store.steampowered.com/app/2240790/Sucker_for_Love_Date_to_Die_For/
have you played the first one?
you answered your own question
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Trust no one, not even your plush.
only desert carpets can fly bro
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which character is this and what the fuck is that weapon
It's the result of some capeshit artist winging it based on rough concepts for the game's characters and weapons. I think it was retroactively made into the protag of the tie-in comic about the STARS team that gets killed in the mansion before the start of the game.
A wild animal, maybe a bear or wolf, possibly multiple start poking around the base, attracted by all the trash. They only spawn when you’re asleep and don’t disable the escape key. You’ll be able to see them milling about the base as you sleep. If your doors are unlocked, they’ll let themselves in and beeline for any food you left out, knocking over objects as they go about. Once they’ve had their fill or once you’ve hit them enough times they’ll run away into the woods, possibly toward the cave where you’ll find them butchered a couple days later.
That's what happens when a G3 and a Shotgun mate. A creature denied by God is born to this world to suffer for eternity. Or maybe a FAL.
I always assumed it was just a super off model Chris and an artist who didn’t really give a shit about guns.
good! has nose shown their model somewhere?

how did people get into the code to figure out how to get the white/black/gold/etc plushes?

seconding this, i also wanna know what they look like. i saw the stupid cats before i ever even heard of the game so spoilers be damned
man you know how kerf-o is way slower than wheeled kerfus, basically limited to basic human run speed? he still fucking *blasts* into the base while you're sleeping, a bear appearing would be a total jumpscare out of nowhere

i like finally having something to actually lock your doors for where it actually keeps them out, but i think it'd be better if they spawned like a timed story event while you're awake. maybe over the course of a few days have them knock shit around at all of the transformers to steal organic trash & MREs if you haven't cleaned them up yet, then move to the base once they're empty
I figure it could be an early event, and a sudden one at that. Establish that there are good reasons to keep your door locked, that can can get hurt and die, and put the idea in the players head to watch their back out in woods; give them a bit of The Fear. It can also point people in the direction of the cave stuff. All this assuming there’s anyone left who’d be interested in the game that hasn’t already played it.
The consensus seems to be no, it just has tense moments here and there
There’s a lot of neat obscure Lovecraft monsters like this, makes me wish we got an actual high effort Lovecraft game
Quite a brave thing to say. Most people regard the first as easily the best. I myself have taken a liking to Trials.
As far as I know it’s supposed to be Richard, the weapon is the rare assault rifle-sniper-lmg-shotgun that was cut last minute.
based redhead breeder planting his seed
I remember seeing this game all the time in a local store that didn’t even sell video games as its main thing and just staring and being paralyzed by the cover art because I thought it had something to do with Saw for some reason
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Here you go anons. They are big.
oh man theyre nasty looking im so excited for these cunts to fuck with me. Thanks buddy!
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Also, size comparison with an Ariral. Note that Tall Arirals are like 6ft tall.
Arirals will need an art pass, this looks like two different games.
we live
Sucker For Love: Date To Die For has released.

tall arirals are supposed to be like 8ft tall though, SHORT arirals are supposed to be 6ft tall wtf

9-10ft tall greys is awesome though, are the little guys a variant or subspecies or what?

the suited arirals look fine (if anyone has a model) but the nude ones look fuckin ridiculous

i'm glad the modeler is improving over time bc at first they couldn't do anything remotely organic looking, only their machinery models looked right
>horror game

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oh boy, it's the 24th! is everyone ready to have some fun in the sun?
I'm curious to see if it will play again on my save. I had it happen to me last 24th.
Why is the sun kinda censored?
i think it should? i think it checks for the date when you launch the game, not in the save file itself. should start at 6am on the first new day of any session, people get it on day 2 if they start playing on the 24th. i think the only info that gets written to the save might be the month, so like if you play save A on feb 24, close the game & relaunch, it won't happen again in save A, but it will on save B. something like that, at least

it's very, very, very naughty
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Grow up.

No idea what happened the sun just stopped doing damage to me after some point in the day.
weird but cool

take some pics from the top of the radio tower for posterity

lemme guess you're not wearing the welding mask & every rumor about it was completely bullshit/placebo due to this exact bug
anyone know the proper aspect ratios for the various picture frames? i don't think even the "square" one is perfectly square & i'm tired of putting in images & thinking they'll be alright & they end up squashed or stretched, shit's ugly

if i'm going to be raped by aliens i'm going to do it surrounded by pretty pictures god damn it
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I'm too lazy to do it myself and by too lazy I mean I am NOT touching the Epic Games Launcher with a 10 foot pole just to download UE5 just so I can check these uassets out that I extracted from the pak but someone could theoretically grab the models from the game and measure them in Blender.

In any case, the best I could measure from in-game is
135:100 for Horizontal painting (very close to 4:3)
61:100 for Vertical Painting (very close to 3:5)
71:100 (may very well be ISO 216 paper size, or sqrt(2):2)
and I'm pretty certain that the square painting is 1:1.
Posters are 1:1 with transparency, so you can technically make them any aspect ratio so long as you add transparent borders.

I didn't even know there was a welding mask.
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thanks anon! this should help me get at least pretty close to the correct sizes. & as for the posters, one anon made a couple of guide images for common dimensions you might want to use for posters of various in-game sizes

also yeah, there are 2 welding masks by the hole, & instead of equipping them on kerfus like the dog tags & jackets that are there. you can equip them yourself. doesn't distort your vision like the hazmat suit or anything. shit, now i'm wondering if the hazmat suit will save you, that one darkens your vision too....
71:100 is for the table painting? that's weird, i could've sworn it seemed wider than the vertical painting
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71:100 IS wider than 61:100.

Also, I stopped being lazy and found a tool to export the UASSETs into something Blender can import, so now we have exact values.

I was correct about the Vertical Painting being 61:100 (0.609375)
I was also correct about the Horizontal Painting being 135:100 (1.352114)
The Table Painting is actually closer to 72:100 (0.722822)
And the Square painting is, in fact, 1:1.
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thanks anon, sorry for being retarded lol

here, i've compiled your findings into a more easily shareable image should anyone ask in the future, thanks!
>should start at 6am on the first new day of any session
Hmm, it didn't trigger for me. Loaded the save and in-game it was 6PM, slept until the new day, and waited for my skin to melt, but it was just the boring old sun.
So it may very well be only one Bad Sun per save.
well, shit. there goes another piece of faulty info i've obtained over various threads. thanks for confirming
Iunno, maybe it needs a full day to cycle around.
skimming leddit there are reports of people having it happen not just twice, but 2 uninterrupted days in a row, so maybe it's just more random than expected
Yeah after reloading the save, and playing though a complete day and waiting until sunrise the next day, I still did not get the event in my save where it had already occurred one month prior.
It's possible that the predetermined Bad Sun event that explicitly occurs on the 24th is guaranteed to occur only once per playthrough. But you could also get a random-chance Bad Sun a potentially unlimited number of times.
>Also, I stopped being lazy and found a tool to export the UASSETs into something Blender can import, so now we have exact values.
what's the name?
UnrealPak to unpack the game data, UEViewer to view the models. You can export them as gITF files and import them directly into Blender.
thank you immensely, maybe now i'll have enough motivation to make that thing i wanted to make
>what is Death Mark
>are the little guys a variant or subspecies or what?
I think it's just a very downscaled model of the big ones.
i was asking genuinely anon, i just don't really get it

like you could count stuff like chaos;head if that was the case couldn't you
they better scale 'em the fuck up then, that model is way cooler than the blobby big one

i guess the big one matches the arirals in how bad it looks but still, hopefully they'll get the greys right & then go back to unfuck the arirals
What file formats does the television allow you to play in VotV? MP4 and AVI files are stuck at permanent loading mode for me at least.
MP4, make sure it's properly encoded
>smiling Elster
This makes my heart feel funny
the tv only supports mp4 but it's hard to find info on proper formats, not sure if it has to be h.264 or something else entirely but i think i saw someone confirm that h.265 definitely doesn't, so i'd assume the same with 10-bit & all that shit as well. skimming leddit there's no real info there either but apparently vlc conversions can have issues so you might need to use handbrake. unverified claims also say avi works too so if desperate give it a shot i guess

if you're having trouble with the "online" shit it's bc you need a link to an mp4 still, youtube links and whatnot don't work. (allegedly discord embeds of mp4s etc work as well, no clue)
proper format is like
>Title of Show
& it can mess up if you do it differently (skipping the title & just pasting the url for example, it'll assume the url is the title & try/fail to load whatever is on the next line)
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>Mortuary Assistant
Why the fuck is this a game.
I would wager the video has to be in the MP4 container, with the H.264 codec, with YUV420p Pixel Encoding, with either AAC or MP3 audio encoding.

The pixel encoding is bound to throw a lot of people off. I know that when encoding webms, desktop computers could handle 422 and 444 encodings while mobile devices could not. VLC, for some reason, does not display what the pixel encoding is, despite being autistic about everything else. I could've sworn that it did at one point. I know that MPC-HC is a media player that will display that info, so that could be something worth downloading.
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>editing poster images so they're not fucked up and stretched or take up the whole wall
>get random idea
>works better than expected
i'm glad this game lets me find new shit to do while i'm stuck inside waiting for the streaker to fuck off
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decided to start gutting notebooks in between alien harassment campaigns, what should i draw first?
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Something grew and rotted in a place that I can't see. I can hear the flies buzzing around it very clearly and loudly when I'm standing in the middle of the signal terminals, but I can't find the god damned thing. It's not inside the signal processing room, it's not in the overhead vents as far as I can see, and it's not on the roof. Is there some kind of space underneath signal processing where fucking death caps can grow?
Potentially. Check in the corner by the outside door between the window and it.
go out the front door & turn right toward the window, you'll see a little oddly-textured triangle on the concrete. it's a secret hole you can drop down into for funsies or to recover a glitched kerfus or whatever. i don't think mushrooms are supposed to grow down there but anything can happen really

then again there are literal corpses inside the terminals so either a bad physics glitch could've forced something in there irrecoverably or the dev could've added a small chance for the corpses to rot solely to fuck with players, i know i've had roaches spawn from basically inside the terminal before & not be able to climb out of it & it was a fuckin nightmare to get rid of them due to clipping issues
one of my friends had a death cap grow stuck in the fucking office chair and couldn't interact with it, so it wouldn't surprise me if they could grow in the terminal too
anyone have experience with mods in VotV

fucking thunderstore has no goddamn reviews or anything so if a dev is too retarded to explain how their mod actually works your only option is to go fuck yourself

picrel, idk if i'm somehow misreading this single sentence but using the mod does absolutely fucking nothing, none of the outlets are changed and there's nothing to buy on the pc or anything like that

i know from other mods you can actually add/modify shit so is this just a lie or what? i really wanted to set up my break room with some actual amenities but there aren't enough goddamn plugs
Took me about halfway into your post to realize it wasn't schizobabble
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Thank you guys. I found the hole and jumped down to explore it, but doing that was kind of pointless. Whatever was rotting was there when I was playing earlier this morning (in addition to three mushrooms that grew and rotted in the vent over the hallway and made figuring out the source of the flies even more of a confusing pain in my ass). After I completed Bad Sunday, I shut down and got some sleep and I decided to ask about it here before I started up VotV again. Lo and behold, the flies were gone when I loaded my fucking save.

I don't know what's more frustrating: hearing flies and not being able to deal with them for hours on end or the problem just fucking dissolving of its own accord with no explanation of why it started or why it stopped.
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lmao, that's infuriating, i totally get it. like i said about the surprise in the console though, the dev's general sense of humor/hostility towards the player at times makes me think it's entirely intentional to make the console randomly have unfixable problems like that. i think that's why he just said fuck it and let death cap mushrooms grow everywhere too, just to see people be driven nuts by it. i had one grow inside the big vent in the staircase & knock it out on my old save, the sound scared the shit out of me & it's too heavy to move so i had to get really creative with the hooks in order to sorta slingshot it back up inside to at least be out of the way lol. i bet someone has had one grow up on top of the ladder on the radio tower & prevent climbing up & shit like that before. one anon in the last thread apparently had one grow inside one of the lockers inside the main room, & since he had it closed the mushroom rotted & turned into a roach nest so the locker absolutely FILLED with roaches, you could see all their legs poking out the back like a mass of tentacles or some equally awful thing, shit was disgusting
The vent that you're talking about is where those three mushrooms I mentioned were growing. I got into it by tossing a pile of trash onto the little sliver of ledge in front of the grating to wedge it up (which I'm not sure was actually necessary), then grabbing the broom and using it to push the grating back into the vent.

I'm finding that the broom is useful for a lot of physics engine problems. When the roaches made a nest between my fridge and my wall where there isn't even room to fit a sheet of paper, which physics bugged my fridge and caused an absolutely unfuckingholy noise spam problem, I couldn't move the fridge with my hands and even attempting to do it just made the noise spam worse. Pushing it with the broom dislodged it from the cockroach barnacle relatively easily.
the broom is great for unfucking broken things with its insane push strength but every time i see someone ask something like "how do i move (basic heavy thing that isn't even stuck)" & someone says to use the broom i die a little inside, like just hold shift when you grab it & you can slide basically anything along without risking sending it flying, learning the hotkeys makes the game way smoother to play & some people just refuse for some reason
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who do i need to pay to get this modeled & added to the game as a replacer

hey animal crossing model anon, wanna try something more ambitious?
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had some spare time during the event so i invited my wife to watch with me
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she got a better look at it than i did
that's flattering of you to draw my wife Shuten
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yeah, i love drawing *my* wife Shuten
grammar tip, when you say it it's "your wife Shuten" but i appreciate your enthusiasm nonetheless

i draw her in every game that has a drawing mechanic as a way to evaluate how good it is, votv's sucks imo lol
>i draw her in every game that has a drawing mechanic
holy based
let's see your other renditions of _my_ wife
no, no anon, we just went over this, you say "your wife"
if you play ac6, code in filename
don't wanna go too offtopic even if the thread's almost entirely dead, sorry
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my shitposting aside, you seem like you have pretty goddamn good artistry skills, anon. have you considered drawfagging some shit for our beloved w/horg/es?
she's yours; i never played any of those games and just think the her design is superb
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not that i'm against it but i pretty much only draw in games to amuse myself lol

find me a horror game i can draw horror things in & we should be golden

i played fgo for like a month trying to get her when she was available just because somehow a character with every single thing i liked materialized out of thin air one day; didn't succeed & never touched a gacha again lmao
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one of my favorite horrors is 811
>find me a horror game i can draw horror things in & we should be golden
silent hill shattered memories. yeah no pressure or anything; i just know we'd all appreciate a skilled anon representing our budding /horg/
good on you for not going back to gachaslop lmao
drop a request and i'll see what i can do next time i'm conscious in probably 2 hours with my luck
have a good one fellow shutenfag
draw my wife cheryl mason if you're going into silent hill
>over three hours
god damn
Draw a Rozital (the mech things)
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Library of Ruina is now out on PS4 and Switch.
How are you all enjoying the game?
I just started this mourning and so far it's great.
I took a break once i got to the Floor of History.
Stellar Blade is (technically) out.
congrats you stunlocked me for longer than i'd like to admit within a few minutes of waking up
i'll assume you mean 3 cheryl not 1 lol

>the mech things
okay but which mech things
you just want more art of that soltomia molesting the atv don't you

i never even beat limbus because trying to run it on an ultrawide monitor caused a ton of graphical errors because you can't even make it take up the full screen, do you need to beat it to understand ruina or are they disconnected enough it doesn't matter? i know they're in the same world or w/e
yeah of course 3 lolol
Looks nothing like her
Still would doe
Some people have weird fetishes
>there are other shuten lovers here
you guys are so cool…
/horg/ - shuten douji appreciation general
protip: yesterday i learned that in votv curtains do not, in fact, block sunlight. nor the welding mask, nor the hazmat suit. so that's a few mysteries solved. i guess i should be glad that bad sun just turns you into meat chunks instead of meat blobs or i'd be cleaning the base for days
That’s very cute anon I’d like to see more if you have
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i don't have much, anything that i didn't upload to steam or wherever is long gone after losing my pc a few years ago & i haven't done a whole lot to replace it ever since
you said you didn't like votv's art mechanic; how do you rate rust's?
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i haven't played rust since 2016 but i remember it being fun due to its surprising complexity, didn't like having to stack a bunch of signs together to make a bigger image but i'm sure they've changed that since

postal 4's art mechanics on the other hand are fuckin dogshit since you gotta fight perspective to reach the top of the billboards lol
You’re very talented making do with such shitty systems and still bringing about cute girls
Are there some nightmares that you just can't escape no matter what?
all but 2 of them are winnable to completely fill your sleep meter, those 2 being the shed dream & wendigo dream
How do you escape the walls closing in with the desk?
hide under the desk
My shit must have bugged.
very possible, sometimes dreams seem like you'll be fine and then fuck you regardless but you're supposed to be safe from the walls as long as you stay under the desk
I tried both under and on top of the desk and when I woke back up with 20 sleep I just presumed it was impossible.
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alright i compromised so nobody is happy
1000 hours in (literally) mspaint etc etc

cheers anon but it wasn't really my intention to attention whore here lol, thank you though
Beautiful. Thank you.
still accepting requests but as you can see quality varies wildly >>475104928
Play RE6 again, but learn and utilize all the controls instead of just standing and shooting. I recommend hitting the floor, shooting from the floor, roll and drag yourself around the floor, and shoot some more while on your back. No other game does it like this.
probably fucks you if you're too far to any side or some shit & the wall nudges you

start holding a camera in your hands when you go to sleep & it'll come with you into the dream & you can snap pics without the blurry shaders
re6 is a ton of fun, it's too bad that the tone was so ridiculous compared to even the goofy shit like the re4 statue, because if it had just been a new IP co-op shooter i don't think anyone would have anything negative to say
how did i click the wrong fucking post
Limbus takes place after Library of Ruina.
Although it does take place after Lobotomy Corporation, but you don't really need to play that to understand Ruina but it does give context to the characters, stories and world.
draw spooky
>yum glowies
The FBI hated him for this comic. Click here to find out why!
i meant lobcorp, i was half asleep when i wrote that & never noticed til now
there is no explanations nor justifications for the wisps' actions unless they're on a federal payroll
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Can I get Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong ordering at a Wendy's and Ashley Graham is working there please? I'm not sure if it'd be better to do them ordering in the lobby or through the drive thru. Whichever you prefer drawanon
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Awkward interaction with Furfur at 03:33
wow that guy spends a lot of time on his knees in front of more powerful men
no promises

if i do it you're just getting the "she wants to order" meme ada is not the one ordering

and this one will just be "sorry for what?"
>if i do it you're just getting the "she wants to order" meme ada is not the one ordering
nta but absolutely based. i wanna see it
RE6 has some of the best gunplay ever, I just wish the movement/turning was a little tighter and it would be perfection, hope they bring it back for a future game
Yes, that’s the story of his life.
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i thought it was funny at first but then i forgot about it and startled the fuck out of myself
Can't have you leaking these signals, Dr. Kel
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Does anyone know how to destroy a custom wall? Smashing with the crowbar etc does nothing, allegedly the "wall fixer" can tear a wall down but it doesn't do shit either. Accidentally clicked with the placement tool again so now I have TWO walls I can't get rid of. The bricks are ugly as fuck so I wanted to try other building materials since I'd heard stones were an option, do I just need to reload my save?
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...Never mind, I'm so used to there being practically no info in-game that I just immediately turn to google, get no results, and try to ask around instead.
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Bump once more.
>allegedly the "wall fixer" can tear a wall down
first time I'm hearing this, I've only managed to fix walls with it. I've torn down a couple wooden, dirt and stone walls with a crowbar before, and I've definitely seen cracks appear on metal walls due to an overenthusiastic kerfus trying to get out of it's crib, so I can only assume it's the same with bricks. just keep smacking until it breaks

...or that too I guess, I thought it was only meant to delete unfinished walls
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>mfw the signals in votv
Need more signals. Need more spooky. Need more mysterious. Need more event signals. I hope for a signal which will spawn a shadowman who keeps an eye on you in you'll shit bricks kind of way when you see him. the things I want for VOTV are almost endless. I hate using the word potential because you can say that about anything but this game really does have potential.
Need more signals. Need more sexy. Need more robots. Need more event signals. I hope for a signal which will spawn a sexy robot who will accompany you and isn't derpy like the Kerfuses. the things I want for VOTV are almost all horny. I hate using the word potential because you can say that about anything but this game really does have potential to be sexy.
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imagine if kerfus/omega had an expansion port you could slot certain signal drives into for various purposes, like when you get the blue light signal you can slot it into kerfus & she'll lead you to the tp chamber

i feel like it'd add guidance and a feeling of (false) security to the people who are always lost and/or too afraid to leave the base, plus you could do some fun stuff with it

>virus signal
>kerfus explodes / kicks you across the room like an ariral (then explodes)
>new signals that change kerfus' personality (picrel for example)

That would just be evil.
basically everything in the game explodes

there's a molotov in the vent in the main room
the trees drop bombs on you
overcooked food (esp popcorn) nukes the room
tapping a gas can too hard blows it up
accidentally hitting the button twice to erase a drive makes it explode
petting a normal kerfus too much makes it explode
i don't think omega kerf explodes bc the animation limits how fast you can pet it, & it only breaks into pieces for easy repair when getting glowied or encountering something else exploding

therefore it's honestly weirder that it *doesn't* explode, & making it explode is merely correcting a harmful error in reality. a moral good, you might say
dont forget the fake drive bombs.
>accidentally hitting the button twice to erase a drive makes it explode
Oh so that's what that was.
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or the puffball mushrooms
or maxwell/argemwell

hell, i bet cans of soda do too if you smash them (because why reuse the fire extinguisher explosion when you can reuse the grenade explosion instead)
>The Binding of Isaac
u wot?
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>there's a mod to mute the miners now
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>mfw remake Leon
Why'd they make him even hotter?
It's distracting
The miners contribute to the spooky.
having one or two, sure. but 4 in admin is basically the limit because of how deafening they get, since walls don't mute them entirely
Interesting. I don't hear mine until I'm in the room where it's at and sometimes that WHIRRR gets you.
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oh god oh fuck oh no please help
then perish
it is devilish of them
I keep mine in the basement and I can hear it all the way up from the elevator room. it's incredibly faint, but it's there, and the moment I start to notice I just can't get it out of my head
I can't imagine having more than one, it'd be hell
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surprisingly these new ones are nowhere near as loud as the ones in admin are, i didn't think sound actually worked correctly like that but the tiny room seems to make them all way louder, shit's weird
doesn't seem to stack with the 4 in admin either so i guess the muffled sound only stacks for rigs in the same room with each other

hell i only made 4 more bc the mod but i don't think i'll even need it lol

my electric bill is gonna be fucking insane
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who the fuck is carlos and why does everyone say not to let him out of the basement
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Do not ask questions, just trust us.
dogshit meme, carlos doesn't real
>trying to kill anon
don't listen to this guy.
They knew.
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I just watched this movie with this broad I'm banging
need to give the robot a fat ass/fat tits & put the expansion port(s) between either of them so i can input gps coordinates like swiping a credit card
you think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?
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how does a game as goofy as votv manage to be creepy just by drawing a picture where you don't expect one
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>how does a game as goofy as votv manage to be creepy just by drawing a picture where you don't expect one
it's even better when it happens to your porn game
looks very clown core
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wet pussies sell
It manages horror and goofs very well.
i know because i'm inside your house, banging the both of you
Not my first choice of a movie to watch with a chick, age and ‘humor’ is definitely starting to show
What did it mean by this
>votv day 17
>treehouse event starts
>can't pause

are you fucking kidding me? do i really need to play the 3+ days it takes to finish being built without being able to pause or save the entire fucking time?
forgot to add: i had time slowed to 50% beforehand so said 3 days will take almost 4 fucking hours irl to pass

fuck this i'm just going to alt-f4 & change it before i play again

why the actual fuck does the game stop you from pausing when it's not even a haunting/stalking/other danger event?
i'm at least 90% sure the treehouse was not the thing responsible for you being unable to pause
>have max rep with cats so it's not a negative event like rock throwing
>all of the doors in my base but the front door are propped open, so it wasn't a paper alien prank (if that can even still happen with max rep)
>didn't download any signals or anything beforehand
>no pings on radar except (i assume due to location) antibreather, not even a mannequin as i'd mulched the most recent one too recently for it to have respawned
>didn't microwave anything so no aliens or spirits should be pissed at me
>started right at 0:01 as my camera near the campsite went down & a bunch of +rep messages popped because i left shrimp there around noon

now that i'm looking shit up, sure, nobody says anything about it blocking you from pausing, but please tell me what the fuck i'm missing that it could've been then unless furfur just *coincidentally* randomly spawned to haunt me at midnight or some shit
>i had time slowed to 50% beforehand
Treehouse event doesn't disable your pause button either. Something else was doing it.
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i was redecorating & wanted some extra time to finish before getting on cams at midnight to observe the campsite camera getting knocked out (just to see what happens, if anything, & if the first stage of the treehouse would just suddenly appear first)
how did you guys get into horror? ive spent my whole life avoiding horror but recently ive been trying to expand the game genres i play and i just dont know how to improve. i tried playing a game called Aka Manto and every time the monster follows me it feels like my stomach is coming out of my mouth my body feels so disgusting. do you just have to play a ton of games to get used to it?
idk about anyone else but i'm in a similar boat where i generally don't vibe with horror. could handle some stuff like eternal darkness on gamecube because i was only allowed to play games for like an hour at a time in middle school so i didn't even have time to get absorbed into it back then. since then i've been able to do silent hill and the like because you don't typically feel completely helpless in those games, but a ton of newer stuff i can't handle for one reason or another; be it the atmosphere being too tense (amnesia etc) or just me getting too irritable at predictable jumpscares (basically anything on itch)

i typically enjoy more comfortable games but sometimes nothing quite hits like that relief you get after playing something scary (as long as you can get it out of your mind before having nightmares that night lol)

also, i find that a lot of actual horror fans tend to be pretty chill & will just admit when something scared them instead of the usual idiotic competitive dickwaving with other games & dudes who refuse to admit they got scared so they just act like the game is poorly made trash & they just didn't beat it because the controls suck or whatever.
>if the first stage of the treehouse would just suddenly appear first
It does. The two trees are swapped for the first stage of the treehouse. They're all separate models.
"I don't think of myself as a king. I think of myself as a CHRIS!"
I've just beaten Murder house by Puppet combo at it was fairly alright.
The start was way too long and if you see the bunny early an annoying track is played for yeaars.
The house part should've been longer because I only got chased twice.
I hope schnozz will put in aliens that break the windows. And then when the windows are broken spawns things that make noises out there
it's raining which means it's dark which means I'm tired
I miss rainy night and deep sea threads.
i meant like, before the camera went down. so i could record it popping into view if it did

i mean the low rep events already have the ariral campers chucking rocks at it, they're definitely strong enough to break it. he should change it so instead of only throwing rocks when you're hated, they throw rocks when you're unliked & they don't control their strength when hated so the window breaks and you get nailed with a rock
A later game event where the Arirals accidentally break your windows. I don't wish to be too much of a masochist and/or sadist but right now the control room is just a bit too safe. Or at least it needs the illusion of safety being gone.
considering the constant thunderstorms there should be a hurricane or something (possibly demonic in nature but better if the greys dump a weather-control machine you need to go find & turn off) that'll break the window & scatter shit around like the obelisk

needs to be a relatively fast/cheap way to fix/seal any holes or the glowies will jump right through the window though

that's going from safe to actively dangerous too quickly
This would be after the FBI agents get captured by the pyramid walkers
but the glowies spawn randomly regardless after that, pyramid doesn't get them all & the smaller cleanup crew doesn't either
I believe that's a bug. If you save and next time you restart they won't respawn.
id say the vents should be the main target instead of the window,
>event one: over the course of five days all of the base's vent covers will fall off, ariral screwdrivers can be found on the roof.
>event two: a rozital will tear open a path to the server room and TAKE two of the servers, you'll be sent replacement parts and have to construct them yourself.
>event three: a short will use C4 to blast another hole into the vents, this time closer to the bedroom. replaces the "an ariral drops down and kicks you" event, you'll be woken up and tossed around the room as a threat.
>event four: the radio tower will go offline, while you're up there a gray will rip open and remove the venting above the seat of the desk
the vents are already a huge target what with all the knocker events near the start, the riral falling through any sealed vent remaining, the other riral blasting out of the bedroom vent & nailing you in the head with the grate, etc

a short making it there & being as loud as possible doesn't make a ton of sense considering them being there likely means they escaped and want to stay hidden (would add context to the vent knocker events since that's just someone climbing around, if nose changed it so the main room vent wasn't open at the start & only popped open as much as it does after said events that'd be cool just add alien shit in the main vent chamber instead of the current ratman shit)

rozital stealing a server would be interesting but conflicts with them not wanting to interact with you/not caring about anything non-wisp related & only one tiny soltomia feels bad & tries to do a nice gesture after all the recent bullshit

replace 2 & 4 with "while up on the tower a grey ship will appear over the base & rip clean through the ventilation chamber to the server room & steal a few before dropping the torn panels back down haphazardly to (mostly) seal the gap" & that'd be fun, especially with the short hiding in there (good excuse to spawn gore/another set of short legs, & make you wonder if the greys were after the servers or the rare helpless space cat)
oh and the "blue light prank" should be included there which basically confirms the arirals are in the vents, hell it'd be cool to recontextualize that as "wasn't a prank, the power just went out so you finally noticed your flatmate has no normal lights up there"
the links to resident evil 2/3 and their patches in https://rentry.org/horrorgeneral#resident-evil are dead, anyone have backups?
alright, also didnt know about the short hiding in your vents. was that added in a post-base rework update?
>event 1: front door will be unlocked while you're outside. a few of the vent covers will be thrown off. this is when the short "moves in"
>event 2: a vent gets thrown off in the room that you're currently in, then the vent gets thrown at you.
>event 3: all of the base doors get force locked while you're in the main room, this is when the grays tear through the server room ventilation and steal a server. the short will bolt through the vents, knocking around whatever you've got in there.
>if not on positive ariral rep, he'll go to the bedroom and escape that way. you'll be safe in the main room but a gray will look through the front window before leaving.
>if on positive ariral rep the short will somehow recognize you as trustworthy and drop into the main room, he'll uncloak and gesture for you to follow him, pulling out a tool to undo the lockdown on doors. if you choose to follow him you'll be led through the garage and to tr_1. the short will see you as a "friend" if you followed him and you'll occasionally get notes from him, warning you of upcoming gray threats.
>event 4: a gray will tear open the venting near your bedroom.
>event 5: radio tower goes offline, a gray will tear up the vents above the main room while you fix it.
>if not friends with the short, a mess will be made of the main room
>but if you are a friend, you'll hear gunshots that drive the gray off. going back down you'll find a note on your computer, the short says that he made too much noise and has to leave. he also tells you how to hurt the grays
What sick millennial fuck made this?
Wow that’s fucking hot. Would have sex with quite literally everyone there.
idk if it's a short hiding in your vents but definitely an ariral since one pops out on several occasions, it'd just make sense to be a short bc the talls are free & able to do whatever they want whereas a short would be in big fucking trouble if it managed to get away from the hellhole they all live in

there's also evidence of a human in the vents but no confirmation or even implication that that's who's crawling around, esp. since you can find the traces of the human on day 1 but the vent knockers start on like day 8-12 or some shit
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i refuse the only game i have shit to actively discuss instead of make occasional comments on is votv & too much of one thing drives off the rest of the anons
2 days later i realize i was thinking of valtiel & he doesn't even have a goddamn pyramid so the intended joke doesn't even make sense
fuckin moron
Are these homemade or is someone selling them?
i wasn't able to find those ones exactly, but it looks like similar things are available on etsy
looks 3d printed to me so likely homemade. probably for sale but nothing "official"
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you're a monster.
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it's for his own good
he ran off into the woods and made a mess earlier
pic definitely unrelated
Choose your fighter
it's for the greater good
thread dead and so am i
>thread dead and so am i
Could be worse. Thread could be alive and chasing youdon't look behind you
The first Chilla's Art game I tried was Missing Children and I really liked that that it was mostly unsettling mood and more subtle horror rather than just a shitton of loud noises and jumpscares. I figured other Chilla's Art games would be similar so I tried Night Security but it was exactly the opposite: "walk through this spooky hallway ankle-deep in blood", "nonsensical room full of puppets that move when you're not looking", "scary tall long hair women appearing in the corner of your vision" and a ton of loud noises with several jumpscares.

Are any of the other Chilla's Art games worth trying or are most of them like this?
Why do you hate Eddie so much?
>Frictional finally make an okay survival horror game (The Bunker)
>their next game isn’t even going to be a horror game
Why are they like this
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I've only done ffm stuff so idk anon
Maybe you can watch
>Not my first choice of a movie to watch with a chick
Yeah nah she loves the first 2 scary movie movies so I put it on
They're quality movies though, and they spawned an entire subgenre of film
the other ones that come to mind aren't as bad as that but there are still jumpscares bc streamers playing is what brings the money lol

off the top of my head, a *lot* of them are about women dealing with stalkers, like... the vast majority
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Do you have an addon that tells you when a "subscribed" thread reaches page 10? lol
it's honestly really fucking annoying using the site normally because it'll forcefully focus the tab lol

i just turn it on when i'm afk
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leon is infected with the geddan virus & is transported to the postal load screen dimension
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alright the repeated dick grabbing followed by the parasite removal machine got me ngl

also the ultimate "NO WAY FAG"
yeah the mendez cutscene was pretty great
> 7:13
holy shit she really DOES have ballistics
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Resident Evil: RobloX
These are the same people who thought asking Reddit and discord mods for ideas was a good plan so don’t expect much from them in terms of sensible decision making
That’s pretty cool though, good thinking anon, come, give me a kiss
Really though, what in Christ’s name was going on at 5:36??? Looks like it could have been its own fucked up silent hill spin off horror game about night terrors or something
i'm shaving myself for marriage thanks

i'm shocked it didn't crash with that level of corruption lol
yeah that bit alone would have been a decent horror game premise
if someone made a dedicated game d'you think the nonstop "you pervert!" would make the general public like it more or less
it's endearing for a short time if you're familiar with the source material, but long-term no it'd be grating
just needs to be something that happens when you get too close to certain vaguely human-shaped creatures among the others
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>i'm shaving myself for marriage thanks
That's pretty funny
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I see now why Leon is always part of russian Stalker mods
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Best horror game for when you're zooted?
spooky's jumpcare mansion
i can't do horror while high. that being said, the first little while of spooky's would be good. while it's still cute and shit
maybe i could do something like the quarry, where it's basically just a bad movie to make fun of
I don’t get it
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It's a deconstruction of the cyclical nature of the patriarchy's detrimental effect on women's self esteem. Wesker, having played a part in scarring that woman, is also shaming her for having those scars. In that same way, the patriarchy mocks those whom it harms.
They like hurting us.
you want an annual ticket
you want a ring on your finger
you want a rubber hand in yours
chained up and forever
but i want to be
your bicycle saddle
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that was my only tengu
post actual japanese folklore tengu instead of touhou tengu then
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uhhhh this has tengu in it I guess
hey /horg/ a demon just ate my phone recommend me a good replacement that won't attract so much evil please
galaxy a50
samsung too cursed
iphone too evil
i want my old blackberry back ;-;
cursed sounds more interesting to me
I just downloaded VotV, when is there sex?
after you get max rep
you won't be conscious for it but it definitely happens, that's what the vaccine is for & what happens when you mysteriously wake up on their bed at their treehouse
well now it’s gay…
i think it's just that wesker is a dick bro
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how does rep with the ariral work?
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you can turn on popup messages that'll show when you do something they like/dislike
there are certain events where they start showing up, you can gain points by giving them things (they allegedly like shrimp the most but you can max your rep by dumping a stack of cookies at the picnic as long as the physics don't bug out) or lose points by taking shit that they brought (some of which they'll be angry you took but not care much & you can keep it, others will really piss them off and they'll come kick your ass to take it back)

also any event where you see one of their ships in the sky you can get +rep by taking a picture, & sometimes you can just leave shrimp on the porch or whatever & they'll accept the gift if they happen to come by. if they do come by you're gonna get your ass kicked one way or another, though, so i wouldn't recommend giving chase
fantastic, thanks man
just be aware that it's just as easy to piss them off as it is to befriend them, that pic was when i tested the food at the picnic (any food gives +2, hence why cookies are most effective due to cost) & the stack of shrimp i dropped bugged out and exploded over the entire valley & somehow i ended up with less rep than i started with. you'll get pranked no matter what unless you butter them up immediately, but if your rep's low the pranks can become genuinely dangerous to your survival
it's sound fun as hell, how i turn on the popup message? console commande?
iirc it's under the experimental tab in options (just "E" in the far right) but it might be under the "gameplay" tab

in the experimental tab you can also turn off shit like food spoilage but imo that's fine, you might get frustrated with the food tolerance mechanic & nobody will talk shit for disabling it because starving to death because your character is tired of eating your stack of 50 MREs (but willing to eat cockroaches) is fucking retarded

also the "day length" slider is actually day speed, 50% makes time slower. a lot of people go "geez I don't have enough time to do shit", crank it to 150%, and then complain that days aren't long enough to get shit done lol
day length is fine for now, at least for me, this new mechanic of the rep is nice to have
Looking for more light survival games like VotV where actually surviving is easy and not "the point" and ideally where the horror/scary take a backseat to the point where it is actually interesting when something does happen. Slow burn type of games.

Currently my list is:
>Voices of The Void
Good mix of job simulator and spooky shit. Shame the latest update made more shit happen sooner. I liked the idea the first week was a tutorial and just a normal week on the job.
>Dishwasher Simulator
Despite the name it is more of being locked in a stone room to do a boring job OR explore a maze full of horrors and rewards. How scary it is depends on how much you are willing to put up with the maze.
>The Long Drive
Lacking on the spooky as it isn't the intentions of the game. Still a chill game that can offer something to someone who is legit scared of the idea of surviving on their own in a doom-like world. If playing on desert then cactuses can be broken apart and drink from virtually (and ironically) giving you unlimited water making the other biomes much harder.
>The Coin Game
Not intended to be horror whatsoever, even less so than The Long Drive but have a nice survival mode and you are the only living thing aside from a goose on a whole ass island. Robots roam around only existing to serve and make the place more lively but personally it give the opposite effect for me. Just a generally fun game though even if it lacking in horror.
If you can get pass the fact it basically a game about piss being the magical realm it is a game full of monsters and surviving. Yet to play it myself but it been on my todo list. Sadly heard it is much more focus into survival to the point of being a chore which is why I putting off on it for now.
there is a console command to check it (literally the in-game console like in the server room or the satellite towers) with "rep.debug" but for real-time updates go to experimental settings & turn on "rep debug popup"
also my standard warning to new players is that if you ever see a red skull, do NOT send that signal in because that'll let you save your game afterward & fuck your whole save with a death loop
you can add my summer car to that list, you can completely ignore the spooky shit but you gotta deal with a spooky man to get one of the cars & if you're a greedy dick a certain npc will go full axe-murderer on your ass
Urge is fun, but it's the most intense game on that list, even moreso than VOTV. You need a good grasp of PISS ECONOMICS to survive later on.
How are you people building this shit? I can’t even figure out how to attach a spotlight to an upright wall or pin a note onto my schizo cork board without putting it on the floor first and you people are building custom shelves for your drive racks, window shutters, curtains, and functional wooden doors.
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oh boy i get to post it again lol
once you fuck around & fail enough you get really used to the quirks of the building system

it's mostly just patience and thinking outside the box, getting good at holding something in place & hammering the instant you let go of it (so you don't just throw it) & using wall shelves & custom walls as anchors (nailing directly to walls makes things pop off when you load your game)

the wall builder tool is invaluable for making thin frames to hold shit in place while you're working, then you can just smash the unnecessary bits with a crowbar when you're done to get the brick back so you can build as much as you want
as far as the corkboard is concerned, it's all about timing. either get really good at clicking the instant you let go of E so the paper doesn't fall too far (or just bind a macro that does it for you lol)
(i did >>475020313 >>475021464)
luckily in the next update the dev is adding a feature to freeze shit in place while you're near it, like holding it with your left hand while you hammer the nail or whatever, hopefully someone can post the screenshot here bc i didn't think to save it from last thread
wait isn't urge the game where you can literally end the world by pissing too much? nothing i've seen about it seems relaxing at all lol
It can be relaxing but yea pissing too much can end the world. You really need to learn the game for it to have any chance of it though, else it is rest in piss for you. As this anon said >>475722127 it likely the most intense of the bunch.
seems like a bit too much of a weird fetish game to me desu
It even has restrained piss gimps that you use as living toilets
>i'm shaving myself for marriage thanks
How smooth are we talking here?
Must say, I'm enjoying Deadly Premonition/Twin Peaks: The Game, despite the occasional crash (that for some reason gets fixed of you smoke).

Though I'm not quote sure if it qualifies as a horror game.
polishing my head to a mirror sheen rn
if resident evil counts, surely dp does... even if the combat was definitely an afterthought
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It's over, remake is probably going to flop because nobody actually buys Silent Hill games, majority of nu-SHfags are a bunch of shitters who only care about THE DEEP AND MEANINGFUL analysis of SH2 (Which they too didn't played)
Me personally? I hope remakes gives me a possibility to make James x Angela canon, I NEED to save her.
James x Angela to heal my sovl
Oh yeah, combat isn't anything to write home about, but with the infinite 9mm you get by default, plus the infinite flamethrower and magnum you get from two side missions you're good enough.

Despite its flaws they did try their best, and even the goofy bits are endearing
She's already gone, man. She accepted it a long time ago.
on topic but slightly off topic, any of you watched people exploring real life haunted places and have seen all the "tools" and "gadgets" that they use to try to "communicate"? I use quotes because it's questionable at best, but with the cat toy/balls that people like to use randomly going off with no movement, what do you think is causing that? Micro vibrations? Cheap chinkshit from the factory just going off due to bugs or low quality components?
They're faking it and every prop they use has a manual trigger so they can get those perfect spooky oh my god there's a ghost right here in this room moments. It's all staged. The supernatural is real, thoughever.
>The supernatural is real, thoughever.
Based and awakepilled
Nah, those cat toys don't have triggers. They're motion activated only and that's the feature that's supposed to attract the cats. They hit them and then the balls light up sparking their curiosity. However, they're chinkshit so they're expendable and once the battery runs out you buy another. In theory, you should be able to place it down anywhere and it won't light up so that's why they use them. I'm just trying to find the reasoning behind why they light up.
With cat toys it's just a random timer. That's easy and cheap, and it's been easy and cheap for about half a century now.
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ghost blowjob woo woo
Do you have to say that every time?
Yes. Ghost sex woo woo!
Need more spooky sex...
Done. You get raped by vlad dracula.
>finger curls on the monkey's paw
>the finger curls.... around your benis
i see you're gettin weird with it but i won't judge
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alright like the subnautica question before, does The Outer Wilds without dlc count as a horror game? sure it can get a little stressful & there's the spooky fishies but i personally don't find it scary while others do so i'd like to get some other opinions

i personally refuse to play the dlc because the "ooo spooky mans chase u" is the weakest & most annoying form of horror game & feels like a total blunder compared to the tone of the rest of the game
It's absolutely not horror.
why do so many people have nervous breakdowns playing it then
No. Doesn't even vaguely present as one.
if it's just about presentation then does the dlc change your assessment? that's almost entirely presented as horror content
since when does presentation matter
shit like voices of the void doesn't immediately present as a horror game either but people are all over it
outer wilds has a ton of shit that people find absolutely terrifying, from needing to explore the depths of an ocean, to running away from literal giant monsters that eat your ass if they hear you inside a space-warping nightmare dimension where you can't see shit, & the dlc just added even more "stereotypical" horror as if that was just the natural thing to do because the game is already creepy to begin with
zoomers have a nervous breakdown if they're in nature.
>want to build decorative gun wall in votv
>download assorted gun packs from the voicesoftheprinter collection
>they all have a ridiculous amount of tris and are like twice as big as they should be
and here i thought that would be one of the ones people *didn't* fuck up since so many people are obsessed with guns...
Even people obsessed with guns sometimes just have no idea about them. I forget which game was it, Battlefield? Call of duty? that had you charge your M4 by pulling on the forward assist to charge the gun instead of the charging handle.
In ever CoD game with a sten they hold it by the magazine, I'm putting my money on them
same. in my experience, bf games have had relatively realistic gun animations
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Not me doeeverbeit
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>try to open large white box to see what's inside
>get ragdolled and fall off the platform as a car alarm goes off
>panic and pull out the pack of shrimp i brought with me in case i pissed the spacefreaks off by touching their stuff
>"they will remember that. +20"
>get ragdolled again as shimp package levitates and beelines for my head, knocking me over
>before i can get up, i get kicked and knocked 2 meters away
>then again
>and again
>5 times total before i can get up again
>ships are still there but no aliens in sight
you know, considering that shrimp put me at 100 rep, they sure don't act like we're really friends. i just wanted to help them build their treehouse so we could hang out
Does sex count as horror and/or a game
to be fair that "white box" is their cooler.
its where the food is.
if you're stranded on another planet where you cant reveal yourself, its more about teaching the person that touched your food a lesson.
>"i have some shrimp, lemme raid your fridge"
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Did anybody here see the five nights at freddy's movie?
>have shrimp in hand
>extend other hand toward box you can probably store said shrimp in so it doesn't spoil
>the instant your finger brushes the surface, you're jolted with a million volts and flung backward as an alarm blares
>as you begin to regain your bearings after being shocked and flung from on high, you begin to slowly stand up, careful not to crush the package of shrimp you were holding any further
>suddenly, the package is torn from your hands and something begins to beat you, hitting you over and over, flinging you down the hill
>you wake up at the base of a satellite and hobble back toward the base
>when you reach the door you find a box with a note on top: "HUMAN GOOD, LIKE CUTE, COME GET GIFT, TREE HOUSE, BEST LUCK, CARE"
>you're certain that they must be fucking with you on purpose now, and in your frustration you can only begin to cry as you lie down on your shitty, blanketless bed for the night
>you wake up with your pillow stained with tears, your mattress stained with some weird blue shit, and your pants stained with cum. you begin to cry again
i didn't. /5n@f/ or whatever it's called is your best bet for that kind of thing.
Anyone test out the yellow plush on VotV since the base update? Can you still get it the same way? I haven't play the game on an autistic level since like pre-Palworld. Don't want to go for a full run though if I can't even get everything anyway.

Still curious on what exactly the sex syringe will do and if there would be penalties in the future for not taking it regardless of good or bad rep. Currently the bad side effects until those wear off is head tilting/bobbing (regardless if your setting for them is at 0) and blurry vision, noticeable enough that hashes become harder to read. Oh and hunger may increase a bit during but who fucking knows, that might be a placebo and wouldn't even matter if you get the cats to feed you at night.
i haven't tested it yet but allegedly it still works

as for the syringe, yeah, hopefully it's something that will help you withstand grey fuckery & isn't *just* ariral roofies like we've all been joking about for ages

btw how are you playing in windowed mode? i absolutely *cannot* get the game to go into windowed mode, even hitting alt-enter etc to change window mode only pops it out of fullscreen for a split second before it goes back on its own
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I got all the plushies on 0.7, yellow took some messing around with drones, nails and balloons until I just gave up and just dumped mountains of shrimp to ensure there was enough left by the time I got back. just make sure you're dumping the shrimp at the true NW fence corner, the fake fence line that follows along the river can be climbed
As for waiting in the basement, the corner right of the meat locker worked well enough for me, I recall an anon was having trouble waiting in the breakers' corner

Good fucking luck with white though, I still haven't figured out how to get that one on purpose. I had the failed teleport signal help me out by miraculously knocking the plushies into place after a thousand failed attempts, measurements and nudges on my part
...Then again refusing to use the printer and insisting on using the wall builder's ghost walls and measuring tape probably didn't help
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picrel for white
how do you use balloons? it says to just hold them and right click on something to attach a balloon but that does nothing for me
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with how they've been treating me even though my rep is at 100 i genuinely expect this to be explosive or poisonous anyway
i opened it and my fucking power went out irl
i almost had a fucking heart attack dude

power's finally back at least
It's okay, trust us, they will give you something good in the box.
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Ultimate ayy lmao and spacetime dread tunes, go
they basically just politely returned the cookies i gave them at their picnic lol
that motherfucker doesn't even need to throw it, he could just reach over and score
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shit dude why they gotta guilt trip me like that
In the options you have to set it for windows AND disable auto res else it basically undo itself and go back into full anyway. There might be a 3rd option that screw with it as well. Also don't forget to turn on V-sync because the screen tearing will be insane otherwise while in window.

What the fuck are you talking about in terms of the fence? You only have to do the basement bit. The fence shit was some group on discord giving misleading info because they ironically hate dataminers so they datamine in advance to mislead people. The discord drama is fucking stupid but it is full of liars and none can really be trusted. Don't believe in any of the dumb shit riddles as only the blackhole one was the only one with enough truth in it. You are just wasting your time with the fence. The image I posted is literally how you get the white. You spread them out in a hexagon and the plushes get destroy but give a white in return. Blackhole give black.
I wonder if schnozz will allow you to build for them in the future and this is a hint. please remove their 4 extra tits
When I first learned about that and found some footage of it I was a bit disappointed.
might just be an explanation for why they're building the treehouse, would be cool though once the building system is better
You have to attach them to nails

>You are just wasting your time with the fence
Well fuck. I've been thoroughly trolled then
As for white, other than position, you wouldn't happen to know if there's any exact requirements as to distance, order or orientation right? I kept seeing the same "5 meters apart" figure mentioned which did not work for me at all
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Guess I should give how to obtain the plushes in case anyone is out of the loop. Not listing the special ones like the lamb or such, only the space cats.

Red/Green/Blue - Go to sandbox, hit 0 (zero) on the numberpad and teleport to each of the plushes and learn their location if you haven't already. Alternately save the game once collected and edit the file to be in story, put into the mailbox and save the game.
Neon colors (the ones that glow) aren't required for the black/white plushes and only even show up if the save was created and currently in story mode.
Orange - On a dev block high in the sky at the tango corner of the map outside of the main fence area. Last I had checked the dev made it too heavy to knock off with a drone and unsure if there is currently a way to fly like you used to. Heard people have success hooking the invisible out of bound wall but while a pain in the ass balloons and a wooden chair can also work.
Pink - Outright invisible until bump into. Hovering mid-air at 34.8, -36.8, I generally just remember 35, 35 near the tower. Place a drone down while enabled and just fly it straight up. If it jiggle then that means you got it. Should be easy enough to find at night on the ground near the location, never bounce out far from the many times I had obtained it personally.
Cyan - -360, 190 just dig. Should be on a hillside so it may bounce but as long you know generally where it went the glow should help you.
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Now for the good shit:
Yellow - shrimps on the four corners of the basement + 1 on the drain. Look away til it roll over to midnight then the plush should had replaced the middle shrimp pack.
Cyan with the goofy smile - Remove everything from the chemical shower in the main room and fill it with shrimp packs. Exact amount doesn't matter, just a number of them need to explode in a row for it to work so as much as you are willing to spend basically, believe ~13 need to explode but odds are some will bounce out in the process. Microwave the radioactive cap and quickly unplug and dump the whole microwave into the pool. You should hear the error sound you get in sandbox happen a lot but if done correctly it should result in the plush. Depends on physics and luck, if fail just try again. Maybe turn off auto saving and save in advance for this one.
Magenta - The pink crystal signal that results in the alien thing behind of Site X being removed with a purple laser. While downloading (or was it having it ready to be play as level 0 or processing to level 3?) check the alien thing for the plush, it is the only missable one. Once the purple laser hit you had lost your chance.
Save the game with the plushes out and copy that save file for a total of 3 times (2 if you don't care about keeping the plushes you already got) and use all save files to store your plush into the mailbox and save each time. You should have three sets of each plushes.
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Black that always face you - Collect the seven skulls and drop them at the Stonehenge thing, A blackhole should open up. You are on your own for the skull locations. Have it eat the plushes in RGBCMY order. Personally have to use the hooks on both the skulls and plushes or else physics will always fuck it up somehow. Don't fall into the blackhole yourself.
White that floats - Place the plushes in RGBCMY order as a hexagon of decent size. Literally can be done anywhere that is flat. The placement doesn't seem to need to be exact. Just as long you are in the ballpark.

model that you can 3D print ingame, take about 5 of them (not counting the center) for it to work. See image >>475890123
Texture is image related but you can also grab it here.
>Site X
Site U I mean. Uniform. Sorry brain derp. The alien thing I personally call the corncob. Had the community ever gave it a real name?

Beside for the Lamb's fire rune the plushes are easy to collect once you know how to do it.
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>Heard people have success hooking the invisible out of bound wall
That would be me, the guy who got misled about yellow. Half-hooks work best, don't want to accidentally hook your full hook way up high
I'll have to try the basement thing again, though I still refuse to do white with a printer. There has to be some other in-game way
for the hexagon? allegedly you can resize a crushed bottle or soda can (they're all hexagonal) using the grav gun once you get that signal & use that as your guide
>allegedly you can resize
I've heard that before, but I've still no idea how. Can't even figure out how to overcharge it in the microwave
for magenta idk if it waits til you save the lc signal or if it's available the instant you get it at all but i was doing a save as broke as possible & didn't have any processing upgrades & the plush appeared as i was wandering after dling the signal; the corncob doesn't vanish til you process the signal to level 3 iirc. didn't know that the plush vanished though, that's fuckin dumb. thought it was supposed to be a reward for helping out the life crystal by cleaning up its message so its buddies could intercept it
Even playing around with that in sandbox the water bottle like to bounce all over the place and imo isn't reliable. I'm sure if you want to avoid 3D printing you could learn the exact placement by memory and landmarks. Maybe use something like rocks or player-made walls or buy a measuring thing in the item store. Like I personally got extremely good at remembering the exact location of the blue and green plush just by doing it countless times now. If I can remember the non-orange neon plushes and the buried burger location by heart I wouldn't even need the digital map whatsoever. Sadly I'm getting burn out by the game and not willing to put the effort to remember shit that a map update can ruin at any moment anymore.
the impending map update is simultaneously the reason why i'm not committing any of the shit to memory since it'll probably be changed soon, but also why i'm bothering to find it before then bc it will probably be even more complicated afterward
You do know you can break 3d printed items with a hammer right? Though the giant space hog that is the printer itself is a good reason to not want to order it in the first place. The sell gun is nice and if you don't want that you can item box the gun itself away. Massive point investment but with 7.0 basically being the free food update there isn't much to use points on anymore anyway.
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(>>475936976 forgot pic)
>Maybe use something like [...] player-made walls
That's what I was trying with >>475900736. Measured out what size a cylinder gave me a 5m radius, overlapped three of them in a line like picrel and placed the plushies at the right spots, adjusting with measure tape because of course they're not perfect circles and they don't overlap at the right spot

It's not so much about the price as it is about having to rely on external, usermade objects. I admit to it being a silly self-imposed restriction, but I still wanted to stick to it if at all possible.
>having to rely on external, usermade objects. I admit to it being a silly self-imposed restriction
Nah I get that. Hell I refuse to sell the barrel of MREs or rocks just for a quick buck. If there is a game to be autistic about this is a good one. Maybe only something like Rimworld or Morrowind beating it.
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>You are just wasting your time with the fence
>some group on discord giving misleading info because they ironically hate dataminers so they datamine in advance to mislead people
bit more complex than this, but we need a bump first.
alright so, the discord "drama", there's not much to it but its fucking stupid
>nose hates dataminers, secret puzzles have been becoming more complex over time because of this.
>"tard-group" thinks that nose just hates when secrets are discovered "too fast"
>in turn, the tard-group makes it nearly impossible to find said secrets naturally by datamining answers first AND THEN spreading misinformation
>nose and his dev/mod team knows about this group
>nose had one of the helpers make the riddles for cyan, yellow, black, and white.
>the riddles were, for the most part, retarded. we could only figure out cyan. the rest were too vauge and had too much misinfo
>managed to get the real answers for the argems from the group (pretty sure even they thought that the fence was needed for yellow)
>posted improved riddles on /v/'s threads that weren't loaded with misinfo
>they were solved within a week

and a bonus fact:
>both the group and nose think that good secret puzzles can and should take near a decade to solve.
to be fair, half the fun is in discovering stuff, but the problem is that half the shit you can discover is pure nonsense.
>Stand in this specific spot and fly a drone up, you'll bump and invisible object that turns out to be a plush
>do this to be transported to an alternate dimension where you need to then follow clues to sacrifice your guts and then you'll get another plush
half the game needs to be data mined just to know what to do
Are the Resident Evil Outbreak games worth playing solo?
yeah, but ive always said that there is a massive difference between "something a secret hunter can reasonably find on their own" and "something designed for discord circle jerks who do nothing but hunt for secrets"
the latter deserves no respect and the dev(s) deserve to have the secret spoiled.
VOTV is filled with the latter at the moment. I would hope that as it gets developed more and more these secrets are integrated naturally, with hints littered around the map on how to find them.
>Just go out of bounds, climb this specific monitor to this specific spot to find a plush
>attach balloons to random objects and float them up into the sky then wait until they trigger an item change will drop down an elemental rune stone
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votv secret hunting is a clusterfuck

thank god what keeps me coming back is the janky building & general fucking around as opposed to trying to find anything new that i can't just stumble upon naturally
>is a clusterfuck
More like impossible.
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So will any of you be checking out the new Funko game featuring Five Nights at Freddy's?
That just makes it more fun when you stumble across them.
Nope. half of them there is no stumbling upon them.
Well then those secrets are more fun when you discover them.
how do you discover them without out of game resources?
Try experimenting with what you can and can't do?
Honestly this is something that seems to be made with the intent of getting the community together to solve mysteries and i think that's nice.
>put ballons on an object
>floats to the skybox
>didnt put the balloons in a hyper specific spot or object so you dont get a secret
good job!
You're being contrarian just to be contrarian.
The fact that the community have managed to find the solutions prove that this is a big over exaggeration.
>Everyone i disagree with is a contrarian
Nice coping mechanism.
>The fact that the community have managed to find the solutions prove that this is a big over exaggeration.
please see the spoilered text here >>475946083
Please, waste no more time posting, you've only so many decades left to try every conceivable interaction in every coordinate of this physics playground.
Well that one example is weird to say the least but at least it got solved, right?
For one it'd take decades, for a thousand it's take apparently a week.
>Nice coping mechanism
Nah, kill yourself retard. We have explained to you in the simplest fucking means why these secrets are not discoverable without datamining. You're blatantly trolling like faggot, and that's me being generous to you because your other option is being a down syndrome kid.
Have you ever considered that maybe you're just not smart enough to solve any mysteries?
Anyway, you're reaction to me simply disagree prove that you're taking this too seriously to the point of being unhinged over a video game. I unironically suggest going outside and do something with your life that doesn't cause this much blind seethe. Perhaps you need to take a break from games for about a week or two.
>Well that one example is weird to say the least but at least it got solved, right?
the floating argem was probably found as a result of datamining.
the improved riddles for the three secret argems are ultimately the result of datamining.
nose does not have a secret hunter base large enough to find these secrets otherwise within a reasonable amount of time.
its unrealistic to expect a singular person to be able to find any of those secrets, as the hints (or knowledge in general) for all of them are not within the game.
Well maybe he's trying to build up the community and get more people involved.
And like i said, yeah, for one it'd take decades, but for a thousands it'd take less time. I know i used different words but the meaning behind them are the same. There just needs to be more people playing the game.
Nice projection faggot.
Staring at a gold bar for 1 hour in real life is totally something that you can stumble upon by yourself :^)
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>He's now using the "projection" coping mechanism
Slenderman found a new calling
When he started running he looked like a video game character that I don’t remember the name of now
You seriously comparing a video game to real life?
>When he started running he looked like a video game character that I don’t remember the name of now
falconer from DS2?
Good job letting the mask slip retard. That's a "secret" in VOTV.
Only if it’s done clothed
The fuck you're on about? I never said it wasn't a secret, i'm saying comparing it to real life is just silly.
Don’t do drugs.
>Well maybe he's trying to build up the community and get more people involved.
you wont get secret hunters if your secrets are known to be obscure enough to need datamining.
additionally, its not fun if a singular player cant even begin to find the secret without out of game resources.
no, you have to stare at a gold bar for one irl hour for one of the secrets. cant let it leave your sight or else the gold bar resets.
he wasnt comparing it to irl.
the gold bar also has a chance thats lower than 1/58k
Nah I actually think of was some kind of monster enemy lol
It’s a bit dated in graphics and controls but otherwise I think the majority of people who played and liked it played it solo, online play wasn’t the easiest thing back then
nah it looked pretty gay
man what the fuck happened here while i was away lol
To butt in, gold bar which is require for the gold plush is a 1/50,000 chance from the shitty slow digging minigame. Unless a shovel-like item get added with a millisecond dig animation it would be a chore to get and even then that assume you know that you need to stare at it for like a real life hour to get the gold plush. The dev legit don't want most people to even be aware of the secrets much less actually achieve them. You brownnosing a guy who honestly don't even know how low 1/50,000 chance is. I argue even 1/100 is pushing it but far more reasonable. This isn't fucking WoW or Runescape. This is a silly sandbox and should be treated as such. Don't kiss the ass of a moron who likely give zero fucks about you. Even if the game ever get multiplayer it just isn't suitable for the kind of things the dev want people to do completely by accident. Ironically by being such a tryhard retard with the new plush he likely made it that a lot of people just going to datamine in advance now and not even try. He is his own worst enemy. Just give more ingame hints and maybe people will be more willing to keep secrets as secrets. I used to give hints for red/blue/green plushes, skulls and the tiles but completely given up when the dev did. I don't even use spoiler tags unless it is literally within the week new.
You underestimate the video game secret hunting community. Data mining is apart of their gig.
And for the gold bar thing, it would appear that i misconstrued. I thought the anon was implying that staring at gold bars to uncover secrets is something that shouldn't happen in a game because it can't happen in real life.
Apologies for that.
Although i will say that this is also nothing new to the secret hunting communities. Indie horror fans and ARG fans have been finding stuff like this for years now, ever since Five Nights at Freddy's started the secret stuff small and for it to grow bigger with each new indie horror and ARG.
I have been watching MatPat for years so i know all the tricks that have been used and this is no different. Honestly it seems like the problem here is that the people complaining about this are just new to how secrets in indie horror works.
At least you're helping keep the thread bumped by me calling a retarded faggot over and over again. It's one hour of real life time you need to stare at a gold bar to spawn a gold plush. Maybe you're not trolling, maybe you are just this stupid.
Miku is tired of wagecuckery
fuck is that
I really think your opinion of the dev is too harsh and i'm only defending this because i know that this is pretty much normal for these types of mystery games. And when i mention more than one person playing the game i'm not talking about multiplayer, i mean people sharing their discoveries online. The fact that there's a Discord server meant to bring the community together in such a way is enough evidence to me that these secrets were made for the hardcore ARG hunter people and that's not a bad thing.
It's not like this secret is needed to complete the game right? Just optional, and for people who don't want to find it themselves they just watch a video about it or whatever.
This has been a thing in indie horror for years now.
No, i knew that people had to stare at it for a real life hour. But as i mentioned earlier it was just a simple misconstruing on my part, something that seemingly caused you to misconstrue me.
And don't act like this discussion is a good thing for the thread. A general filled with autistic shit flinging over a game like this will only scare people away and i am convinced that this general's obsession with Voices of the Void and hating on it is the reason why this general isn't as big as it could be.
Despite the apparent hatred for the game that people have here you're all sure are determined to keep /horg/ as Voices of the Void general.
Seriously, this is some of the most tsundere behavior i have seen towards a game i have ever seen.
ARGs are, by nature, entirely contained outside of the game. with the exception of initial hints in some cases
things that exist ENTIRELY INGAME shouldnt require 1000 player discords to solve.
if a singular person cant at the very least find a starting hint about the puzzle ingame that isnt misinfo, then the puzzle is fucking shit.
>Despite the apparent hatred for the game that people have here
What logical fallacy is this? strawman? Someone enlighten me. Apparently a game that we regularly talk about is hated because we have stated that the inane means of discovering some secrets are impossible without datamining.

ARG is one thing, often optional even. VotV though only have the job sim, spooks and secrets going for it. The secrets are exclusively what kept me playing personally. Collecting stuff as a physical achievement list of sorts is like one of my favorite things. Sadly it becoming less of an achievement and more of "I assume you cheated or looked it up and just grab it" now. Doesn't help that the game assume you will copy the save file and fuck around with the files themselves making doing everything in a single file "legit" completely impossible. Used to I could judge someone knowledge of the game by the amount of plush, tiles, skulls and burgers they had. If they were missing a tile? Likely the one near Xray. If they got lucky with that then my bet is behind the tree near Site Y. Missing a burger? Yea fucking stupid one of the burgers is fucking buried in the middle of nowhere, trip me up too. The game had reach the point where people either know literally nothing or they know everything. There is no middle ground aside from those who still believe in the misinformation like the fence thing with the yellow plush.

The discord is ass. This is a single player game and the dev community is bound to implode on itself anyway. Love the game for what is done well and right but I have the right to not be braindead and lack any criticism for something I love. The dev is his own worst enemy and shit like the funny option setting when he was the one who added all of that crap in the first place shows that. Thing is he layering fuckups on top of fuckups, streamers now just being told to enable to funny option AND THEN the normal stuff like Maxwell. The dev didn't do shit but make his own game worst. He is fucking retarded sometimes. Amazing game but a dumbshit dev.
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You misunderstand me. I'm not calling the game an ARG, i'm just using ARGs as a comparison. Note how i also brought up indie horrors, and how i described the game as indie horror.
And things being found in game by a Discord of 1000s of people (Or even Reddits with 1000s of people) have been done before and has been done for years now. Like i said, it feels like the problem here is that this is just your first time going through such an experience.
Now more than ever puzzles and secret hunting have started outside of actual games. Voices of the Void is not the first to do this and it won't be the last.
The fact that you're ignoring every other point i made aside.
Yes, despite Voices of the Void being the most discussed on /horg/ it is also the most hated on game on /horg/ that i have ever seen.
>First paragraph
You see, now this is good reasoning.
The dev really does seem to want to lean more into the secrets for the ARG crowd (Perhaps to get a Game Theory video, who knows) despite not being an ARG and you feel like it should stay away from that. I get that.
>Second paragraph
You know what i think the problem here is and what i think would be a more easy to articulate and understand sentence to sum up everything that's going on here?
Voices of the Void is unironically pulling a Hello Neighbor.
You see if people were to just tell me that then i would have instantly gotten the issue here.
i never called the game an arg?
please stop playing defense for nose, you have no idea what you're actually defending.
I never said that you called it one. I'm saying that you're under the impression that i thought it was an ARG. At least that's what i thought, but turns out that was a misunderstanding. But you should really read the rest of my post.
Also, i don't even know who 'nose' is.
>I'm saying that you're under the impression that i thought it was an ARG
where did i event hint at that?
>Also, i don't even know who 'nose' is.
MrDrNose is the dev for VotV.
so like i said, please stop playing defense force for a situation you dont even know anything about.
its like someone from the city going out to farms and trying to tell farmers to change their ways
>that i have ever seen
Now you're just making up bullshit to declare yourself some weird pathetic victim. That won't win you the troll argument kid :^)
>where did i event hint at that?
I assumed you were the first anon i replied to and not the third, but now that i know you're the third i gotta say that, no, i wasn't saying you called it an ARG, i was just saying that the dev is using ARG stuff to sum up and articulate your feelings.
Also, the fact that you're the third anon makes your posts here make even less sense as my replies to you are the exact opposite of defending the guy, i was starting to understand you. I was understanding you and coming to agree with what you were saying and now you're labeling me a defender despite the fact that i'm starting to agree with you? Why should i bother trying to be on your side if you're just going to push me away?
It's the truth. All i did was state that the game is the most hated on in /horg/ that i have ever seen. How is that me trying to make myself a victim?
...man, i had some questions about votv but i feel like i'd be encouraging something i shouldn't at this point...

this particular thread has some sort of bad mojo repeatedly conjuring spergouts over the tiniest things, goddamn.
>I assumed you were the first anon i replied to and not the third, but now that i know you're the third i gotta say that, no, i wasn't saying you called it an ARG
no, im the first
>i was just saying that the dev is using ARG stuff to sum up and articulate your feelings.
OK now this is getting even more confusing.
So you're the first, OK, just know that i wasn't saying that you called the game an ARG.
And when i say that you should read the rest of my post, that means that i have come to agree and understand you now, i am on your side, the third anon has convinced me.
your reading comprehension needs work if you mistook people going "lol that's dumb" over quirks of a pre-alpha game as people loathing it. it keeps getting discussed because it's enjoyable, not because anyone has a hate-boner for it. the only genuine shittalking was directed at the dumbasses in the various discords surrounding the game for being dumbasses and making dumbass decisions.
Finished Deadly Premonition, and Im certain the "Directors Cut" adds some cutscenes at the end.

Fun enough game, though quite difficult to do all side mission. But guess that gives it some charm; makes you explore the whole town
>How is that me trying to make myself a victim?
Because you're using it to try to win some imaginary argument that started with us saying that VOTV's secrets can only be datamined. You slippery sloped it into VOTV being the most hated game ever in the history of this thread. TL:DR you're a faggot.
Don't treat the seething rage as simply "lol that's dumb".
Well yeah, the game has been the most hated on in this general but that's not me victimizing myself and it is in no way as dramatic as what you're trying to make it out to be.
Like i said, take a break, you're being too dramatic over this, and this overly dramatic attitude is not only the reason but also proof that the game has been hated on the most. If you're not hating it then there would be no need for such a dramatic reaction to someone who simply disagreed.
If you have legit questions I'll be up for answering them. Anything Nose (the dev) or discord related will often bring up drama of some kind, type of standard shit you get from a furry dev anyway. Despite all of that accidental or not VotV itself is a good game. You can love the subject but dislike the artist or vice versa but a lot of folks don't seem to understand that well and it doesn't help that VotV seem to attracted random Russians and Poppy Playtime kiddies along with legitimate players. Reach the point where any criticism whatsoever even if it for the betterment of the game often get bashed on, became only worst when the game's page switch to a forum system. Not sure why it is so hard for people to understand that being a demo isn't an excuse to be bad, if anything the demo phase is the perfect time to fix any fundamental issues that may exist but god forbid you try to tell any of those fuckers that.
>Well yeah
Well no, the game is not hated here. Go back to your gay discord you perpetual victim complex trash.
there is no seething rage, dumbass. are you the same autist from last thread who got super butthurt that nobody wanted the OP to be your fucking five nights at freddy's porn or whatever? you type the same way and you're every bit as impossible to effectively communicate with to boot.

are you the one who kept bringing up five nights at freddy's shit shortly before this ridiculous drama started? did you do it because you're still angry that /horg/ isn't the five nights at freddy's general? are you here doing all of this shit because the people in that general got sick of your spergouts too?
If there's no hate for it here then there should be no problem for people to actually be polite about any disagreements being had.
>there is no seething rage
>Precedes to start seething rage along with baseless schizo assumptions
Literally the only reason you're hating me is baseless assumption rooted in something that ended days ago.
Seriously, go outside.
You are only getting what you deserve >>475958698 now fuck off faggot.
All i did was politely disagree with a few people.
Meanwhile you've just been making the general look bad.
Honestly, i say you're to blame for the poor state of /horg/.
seething rage would at least include holding the shift key the whole time, anon. this is exhaustion because this particular thread seems to be cursed to have half of its posts burned by petty autists & the other half wasted by bumps while the thread is dead. the fact you're claiming the *only* game anyone is actually discussing beyond single back-and-forth exchanges is utterly despised & using that as your basis to keep going and going when everyone is all but begging you to please just shut the fuck up, is reaaaally tiring. "go outside" is not something the guy suddenly posting more than anyone else while seemingly being the least informed & least on topic as a result, gets to say
This is 4chan, fucking /vg/ which is basically just a hop and a skip from /v/. If you an ass people will be an ass back. If you are respectful then people will be respectful back. I had both the most friendly people share tips with me and also the biggest assholes just flinging shit at me depending on the mood I ask a question in. Assuming everyone around you is always angry "for no reason" or even worst being a schizo/spreg/shill/whatever is just asking to be jab back. You are talking to people who willing to waste their time on 4chan, do you honestly think they would find proving you wrong when you say dumb ass shit too time consuming? Talk shit get hit.
>VotV itself is a good game
>being a demo isn't an excuse to be bad
Holy contradiction.
And don't say it isn't because if that were true then you would only have made one of those statements and not the other.
I never said that the game is "utterly despised", don't shove words into my mouth, i said that it's the most hated, but that itself isn't mean saying people here downright hate it.
What do you think i meant by calling all this tsundere behavior? Do you not know what a tsundere is?
And no, no matter how much i am told i will not "shut up" because i'm only defending myself here.
Want all this to stop? Then just simply ignore me like that other guy who started this should have done from the start.
Like i said, all i did was disagree with people. You're the one who was being an ass throughout this entire discussion because of you're failure of handling a disagreement, i have been polite throughout the whole thing.
Take your own advice when you're the one who needs it most.
A game can have flaws anon and still be good overall. I personally see Okami as a 10/10 game if one can ever exist for example. The flaws though? Long intro, the voice noises can be annoying and hard to get used to, final blockhead is too hard, final bear ball minigame is too hard for a literal non-existing reward and likely other issues I had forgotten. You can enjoy something and unironically wish it was even better. I argue you don't really love something if you have no interest in seeing it being the best it can be and are willing to put time and effort to make it so. Is the concept of "I like this thing so much I wish it was free from it flaws" so foreign to people? Do I have a weird form of autism that allow me to like something but not be blinded by flaws or a false sense of elitism? Or alternately see the good idea in objectively awful projects? I feel the ability to criticize something is a normal skill but the more I talk to people about it, it seem it isn't as common knowledge as I would had hope.

You assuming everything being said been a single person. Sorry but you have a whole room yelling at you. Think of it like this, what are the odds of 10 people being wrong vs just you being wrong? Sometimes it is better to just take the L man.
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i didn't see shit about tsundere behavior, i saw you say the game is hated and responded to that. i'm not one of the guys you were talking to previously and have no inclination nor obligation to read your previous posts when i can get all the proof i need to think you're a moron with just the first one i saw. believe it or not, you have a bare minimum of 4 people telling you to stop making a fool of yourself currently.

by the way, in case you didn't notice, this is 4chan. you are anonymous. you do not need to defend yourself because just like everyone else, you are just some random asshole that nobody will recognize in a few hours unless you insist on doing the same shit over and over. I said as much to the guy who insisted on "defending himself" over his terrible taste in five night's at freddy's porn too, and he also couldn't take the hint to just shut up because nobody is going to give someone spouting bullshit the last word unless the thread is deleted as it's posted. so, you know, with you acting exactly like another retard, it doesn't seem unreasonable to think you're the same retard still struggling with the same concepts. just saying.
>You assuming everything being said been a single person. Sorry but you have a whole room yelling at you. Think of it like this, what are the odds of 10 people being wrong vs just you being wrong? Sometimes it is better to just take the L man.
Oh please, don't act like it's not just two people who're against me. Not only that but i feel like you don't know just how this all started. You seem reasonable so i am going to go through this with you so you can understand better.
You see, it all started when two Anons expressed their feeling about what they didn't like about the game.
I didn't see a problem with that so i politely disagreed here.
It went back and forth for a few more post until i decided to try reasoning with the Anon here.
But then another Anon, who didn't like me disagreeing with him decided to go after me here.
So i retaliated here.
And that le the feud you see before you.
He wasn't the only Anon i was discussing with, and that lead to this post being made.
And i responded to it by reasoning with it, understanding it and even agree with the mentality that the Anons were having due to it.
And i even restated this here.
But despite this, the guy, along with someone else, was still going after me despite the new agreement with his mentality i got.
Now tell me, how am i the bad guy for not only being the one who was being went after, but also the one who was still being went after even i agreed with them?
Oh come on, you seriously hating on me despite not know the full story? You're hating on me because you decided to jump the gun and not actually read the thread?
And yes, this is 4chan, but even 4chan has standards, especially /vg/ that is more chill than /v/ than you might think.
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Literally what is happening right now
>So i retaliated here.
Apologies, forgot to (You) that one.
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I need a cat alien gf.
this specific thread is cursed. just wait for the next one, the last 125 posts will undoubtedly vanish as quickly as the first 125 did for the same reason (give it like an hour)
let it be known that /horg/s unlucky number is 46
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don't we all?
Permafaggot troll crafts narrative about how he's a victim and we have VOTV.
Ignoring the fact that you're spreading lies about me.
Imagine trying to drag in an innocent Anon into this. Imagine being so cowardly that you can't reply to me directly.
If you want this to end then stop obsessing over me.
idk where the victim complex came from but at this point i'm 99.999% convinced it's definitely the same butthurt retard who got mad that nobody wanted his five nights at freddy's porn as the OP when the thread(s) were created & only eventually quieted down because not a single other person posted in his five nights at freddy's softcore porn thread, so i'd wager he got on the defensive so quickly under the assumption he'd be recognized as an insufferable dumbass. which, ironically, he wouldn't have been if he hadn't done so, but c'est la vie lol
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come on, suggest me some tunes
All i did was disagree with two guys and then eventually came to agree with their mentality. How is that a bad thing?
>it WAS the very same retard
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>Not addressing the point being made
>Dodging the question
>Too cowardly to reply directly
>So mind broken over an event that happened days ago to the point of obsessing over it
you coming around eventually was a good thing. you repeating the process of fighting with all your might to defend non-existent honor because someone disagreed with you is the bad thing.

i'm honestly glad to see that i'm right, though, because at least that gives me hope you'll similarly calm down again soon. i'm sorry dude but we seem to have massive communications breakdowns due to your attempts to defend yourself & double down instead of just calling the other person a faggot or whatever and moving on like everyone else does.
What honor? I just have a strong sense of justice and refuse to let those who go after others in such a way come out on top.
>instead of just calling the other person a faggot or whatever and moving on like everyone else does.
Try telling that to the other guys. Seriously, if this is true then i know i'm not the only one this can apply to.
I'm gonna end this post off on a high note and say that you're the most reasonable to me and actually make attempts to understand me so i thank you for that.
it is now calm
Make love to me (quickly we’re on page 10)
in death
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requesting anyone capable make a votv-relevant version of the format
Somebody just drowned where I work. The horror of heart attacks while you’re out snorkeling?

the horror of doing cpr for almost an hour somewhere remote waiting for medics to arrive, i know that one
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nobody ever told me the break room table could be destroyed
Feel like I seen one already on Twitter at some point. Sadly if there is one you have to look through so much crap. While there are amazing artists out there most of the time it is shitposts or horribly off-model/fanfics/furryshit instead of stuff that is actually in the game. One reason I like the anon that make lewd posters for the game, they always stick on model and that just adds to it. Recently saw fanart that gave the space cats four limbs for some odd reason. No fucking clue where they got that idea from.
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Here's one that was posted before sometime ago that I don't remember
back to lurking like the cryptid I am
page 10 jumpscare
the fear of not knowing when you'll be bumped off the board because you don't know when there will be a sudden burst of new threads, knocing you into the abyss of the archives
you ruined it
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Is it fair to say that modern horror is more "fascinating" to audiences than "scary"? Modern horror games definitely touch on some heavy shit and I love them for it, but the excitement I get comes from processing the story and not from being unnerved by the implications. Maybe I'm a jaded boomer or just mentally fucked up myself? Again there is nothing wrong with these games, I just don't think they're trying to scare you.
>Maybe I'm a jaded boomer
You're in your mid 30s at most lmao
At this point boomer just means anyone who remembers when George Bush was president
Forced meme.
I attribute it to newfag's IQ being room temperature.
i hate how the atv in votv has turbo fucked physics
it makes trees the scariest shit in the game just because you can swerve into one and instantly die at any moment
What's the appeal of votv for you? Is it the exploration and mystery behind the game?
it's probably the second scariest thing in the game but it wouldn't be fun without danger

it's rare to get a game that's simultaneously comfy and fascinating/exciting. sure by playthrough 2 it won't be as scary but it still manages to get me through the ambience alone

it feels like if stardew valley's map that spawned monsters at your house did so 24/7 without warning & you don't get a sword so you gotta coexist til they get bored and leave. and also there's a chance of harvesting a turnip that ends the world
define "modern horror"? because all the mascot horror shit is almost entirely kids going "omg they put a kid in da robot suit" & being freaked out about also being put into a robot suit or whatever, and that's the most popular genre in general.

so yeah if you grew up with silent hill games you're probably more interested in figuring out the lore behind the madness than you are grossed out by the weird flesh monsters since it's all been done before in some shape or form
after replaying re5 i realized its actually a really good game
why were people seething about it when it came out?
ironically everyone was mad because you shoot black people-- like, relatively normal african citizens, just because they're infected by plagas-- and not because immediately afterward you go to the bush to shoot uncontacted tribes that chuck spears while wearing stereotypical ceremonial masks and shit

that's the part that i found funny, at least. i remember all the staff in interviews being like "practically every game is somewhere else in the world, in the last game you go shoot up a tiny starving village of hispanic farmers who similarly had their lives ruined, how is this different" but lol, lmao even
a choice between coop or dogshit AI companion
dogshit turret sections
dogshit gun zombie sections
last vestiges of horror and atmosphere drained out
mechanical retread from last gen, when every contemporary figured out over the shoulder dual stick controls
obnoxious fov, bloom, and color grading
jumping the shark with matrix nonsense
re4 had the lasers from the movie and a giant fucking robot of one of the big bads, if that shit's fine re5 doesn't do anything worse in that vein
being forced to have a buddy definitely drains the tension but w/e, the game isn't tense
>last vestiges of horror and atmosphere drained out
mere drops of blood splashed from the draining corpse of re4 as well, but i understand this being one of the biggest hangups people had
>generally fugly
yeah... i don't miss those times either
The biggest complaint was the usual concerns about it straying from horror and going more action, however, when you look at the sale numbers and even general reception Capcom was giving people what they really thought they wanted, hence why they pulled the plug after RE6 because the complaints about it became really loud and cooked up RE7 in response. Then there was the undercurrent of ‘racism’ crying for obvious reasons but back then it was mostly regarded as bullshit
>dogshit AI companion
Much like the Ashley complaints, I found that this was massively overblown, it’s not perfect but it wasn’t game breaking either
>turret sections
Didn’t care for those so sure
>gun zombie sections
>last vestiges of horror and atmosphere drained out
That was RE6 more than anything, RE5 had its share of tense atmospheric moments
>mechanical retread from last gen
Not sure what you mean
>obnoxious fov, bloom, and color grading
It wasn’t the best but not a deal breaker
>jumping the shark with matrix nonsense
If you’re talking about Jill/Wesker then at best it just got more explicit but otherwise similar stuff was happening in the games before as well
Overall, not near deserving of the label ‘bad’ but I can see why some wouldn’t like it, then there was the fun as fuck multiplayer which everyone loved
fuck is this
That pic is horrific
...is that supposed to be wolfgang?
and you're complaining about being on-model? or was it just an example? i'm having trouble processing the whole... thing you've got going on here
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why does the blue kerf-o have the biggest tits instead of red or pink

also how do i mod the game to make them even bigger
Blue is a girl red is a dfc girl and pink is a boy
pink needs a bulge then

desu horny thoughts (mostly) aside they all need wider hips & larger thighs, their sticklike figures make me sad
lol nice
too bad that's the only one
>Yume Nikki
>how do i mod the game to make them even bigger
this gives blue a slight chest and ass size increase, you could use it as a base
if you can find the autumn /v/ threads on an archive you might be able to glean some more info from the anon that did the mod, but I wouldn't count on it

delicious futa cock
>spend well over an hour trying to find the old /v/ threads with relevant modmaking discussion
>give up, post
>realize someone already beat me to the punch with the link
it's not fair
kerfur sex
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Juli Kidman's high heels.
yeah i don't think i'll be doing any modding because i refuse to touch the egs but i appreciate the enthusiasm
is she a kid or a man
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what the fuck is her problem
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>rozital laser on on an ariral ship
literally everything the catgirls do is white and blue, why would this be different?
joke post some ledditor made
roz laser has the required range so the impact knocks the keycard further into the bunker to trigger the notif or some shit
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Love that stupid little retard.
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quit dyink
Who is this?
I can't, this is horror.
it is the child, the beloved voice of the void itself, kerfo. just with a tail for some reason. see >>476195376 >>476143559 >>474745984 & probably more that i'm too lazy to find for reference

>>474700995 is the real life inspiration for the base model mixed with those chinese cum extraction machines (>>475439474)

>>475014682 is how it should be

very scary character from a very scary game, as you can see.
destroy the child
If Kerfur0 is too top heavy it should fall over every once in a while
Maybe YOU should fall over once in a while.
>implying I don't fat finger the ragdoll button at least once per session
>he doesn't ragdoll regularly for fun and profit
I lost the ATV and vehicle reset is noy working.
Is it not showing up on the radar?
It's not, weirdly enough.
The radar doesn't seem to cover the whole map perfectly. It might be in one of the four corners or along an edge. Unless it's fallen out of the map or something you should be able to track it down with sv.target vehicle.
yeah the vehicle reset option is fucked. use the console & type "sv.target vehicle" & your compass will point at it. luckily if it's underwater or something you can just grab it and swim out; unluckily if you got it clipped into something that shit's done for, i don't think even the broomba trick can fix it.
there's a chance it'll pop back up in a day or two
alright up we get, almost at the end of the thread now
Is VotV supposed to feel like complete dogshit at the start? Like I want to focus on cleaning the base up and I barely have the time to do it with the shitty radar speed and shit breaking down.

I decided to just cheat the shit because I cba to deal with the tedium.
Also VotV dev is a faggot for locking the sandbox mode behind the 30 day achievement. Good devs let you play around with everything from the get go. Shit devs force you into a single playstyle.
Just buy a laptop. All the good games you'll ever need you can play on a laptop.
just change the day speed (labeled day length bc lol esl) in the experimental (e) settings tab to 50% & you'll have plenty of time to do whatever
or if you're just frustrated at the core chores taking so long, turn the difficulty to easy for the first week or whatever until you can buy some upgrades. it slightly affects your food/sleep rates but more notably changes the number of daily hashes and signals you need to submit, easiest setting only has you do 1 of each

i mean on one hand yeah it's kinda lame but i at least agree the player should have a *few* in-game days played (like a week at least) so they at least have a chance to actually experience shit before diving straight into the "hurr spawn all da secrits" mode & spoiling everything for yourself. tons of people already immediately jump into endless/ambient mode & then bitch about the game being boring because they went straight to the modes with no story events/no events whatsoever like the fucking retards they are (ambient doesnt even require sleep & lacks 70% of signals, it's as free & low stress as you can get outside of creative)
jew jabbed
A game about discovering secrets would not be helped in any way by giving players immediate access to the "reveal all content in game" button. Most games wouldn't even do it at all, I'd say offering it up after you've been guaranteed to experience at least half of it the intended way is being pretty generous compared to finding shit out via contextless data dumps from people decompiling the game. Not saying that doesn't happen with votv as well, but at least it gives the people who really care the option to mess around with the stuff themselves eventually. It's kind of like unlocking garry's mod (built-in, for free) once you hit nova prospekt in half-life 2 or something.
Sandbox is less of an actual gamemode and more of an unlockable reward.
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just admit you're scared and/or bad at reading nerd
the dev doesn't lock you into one playstyle, after the tutorial you get endless (no story/timed events so you can focus on the core game loop & other secret hunting) and ambient (no horror content or scary signals at all, just surviving & making your base cozy or whatever) modes to customize your experience if surviving the occasional chaos of story mode is too much for you. sandbox p.much just lets you spawn in props to fuck around as a reward for surviving how panic-inducing the story mode might get toward the end.

next you're gonna complain that the dev is a shitter for hiding secret gamemodes like solar mode behind actually surviving a solar event instead of just letting you boot straight into it, have a fucking miserable time, and then bitch about how miserable the game is because you're too dumb to try out the intended experience lol
Cheers. All I'm just asking is having plenty of time to clean up the base while doing chores. Also food tolerance is such a shitty mechanic like lmao what a fucking bitch that can't eat MRE's 2 days in a row. I get that there needs to be more depth to the food/hunger system but what a shitty way to go about it. Especially since I can't fucking COOK.
>easiest setting only has you do 1 of each
The fuck I'm on easy++ and it's still making me do 4 signals and 3 hashes.

>intended experience
Actual slave mindset. I play the game the way I want to play it because I don't care about what some faggot dev thinks is the "right" way to play his creation.

Also the scares are more annoying than actually scary because I'm too busy doing chores.

I'm not asking for a "reveal all content in game" button.
>literal children
Why are there children plush toys?
the daily tasks are set at midnight and only at midnight, a popular trick for money mid-game is to turn the difficulty to hardest at 23:59 so you get max tasks for max bonus profit, then back to easiest at 0:01 once you got the task so you don't burn stats as fast. obviously you don't wanna do that without your system fully upgraded, or at least without a kerfo to do the legwork for you so you can babysit your slow monitors

also sadly yeah sandbox basically is a "reveal all content" button, at least for the default map, it's just regular-ass endless mode with the spawn menu button enabled. you can't use it to access the test maps or anything iirc, you need to use ue4ss or whatever it is to enable the engine console & tell it to load them directly from the main menu or some shit
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i think it's just a joke based on the fact they grow as you feed them & eventually lay eggs
>a popular trick for money mid-game is to turn the difficulty to hardest at 23:59 so you get max tasks for max bonus profit
God that is so fucking lame holy shit. At that point it's barely different than jumping into sandbox mode with the same save to give yourself a ton of points. I'm glad I do the latter instead of acting like I'm doing the "intended experience" lmao.
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Dev is really a faggot lmao.
>join discord to access nsfw prints
>have to use phone to even access the server
>apparently have to spend at least month and type 1000 messages before talking to a moderator to get access to the nsfw channels
>half of the chat are in Russian
lmao I hope this game fails fucking hard just because of how fucking annoying overall it has been trying to get into this piece of shit game.
why would you interact with a community instead of playing the game?
I'm already doing the latter. but I'm not bothering with discord if they're forcing me to interact.
what the fuck happened in that dicksword to warrant such gatekeeping
the horrors of anonymous interactions?
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i think you're the only votv player in the thread who has even so much as looked at the discord anon

doing your own thing for models and images is pretty easy, if you can find/make a model you're almost guaranteed to be able to import it with just a little tweaking usually. too bad animal crossing anon isn't here to explain better

i don't imagine the discord's nsfw channels are gonna have much you can't find elsewhere aside from votv-specific shit... so basically just arirals except with visible nipples or something? which'd be like 6px difference from the in-game models lol

if anything it's a good thing there's a discord to serve as containment for the russians (& other retards who use discord) so they don't spread out so much imo
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you opened the cardboard box

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