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Stop liking older women
She fucks pokemon only

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Helldivers 2 is now 77% liberated, are you doing your part /v/?
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is there even a ranking beneath mostly negative? I've never seen it happen
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motherfuckers keep denying my refund request, lets see who gives up first
I'd like to see it fail within a years time and be delisted just so I can say I was there
I was part of videogame history. The example of exactly what not to do and how the good faith of customers can only be stretched so far
its not going to happen, trust me on this. the core game is fun and it sold already to too many people. even if they were to lose 50% of the playerbase, they still have more than 100k active players and thats just on pc.

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Whose advice would you listen to?
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Averi for CEO when?
Her eyes look like paint brushes.
>the one that falls
why did he do it
lurk moar

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Is linux viable for the average gamer yet?
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It's the only viable option for gaming.
Judging by recent Vanguard controversy, average gamer likes taking it in the ass, so no, Linux is too straight for they/them.
playin ff14 and wow just fine
>windows has some minor issue that can be solved within 5 minutes
it's embarrassing, like avoid that nonissue by using linux and instead have to face thousands of issues on every task you could already do fine on windows
Something that amazes me from nu-freedom activists is that they say that games don't need to be free software. In reality, they have all of the ills of proprietary software up to eleven.

I’ve heard some people claim stellar blade is nier but good. I highly doubt it but I wanted to hear what you guys had to say. Nier was an amazing game. SB seemed like it was a game with passable gameplay that was relying on its aesthetics to sell copies. Not actually a game with substance like nier. SB seems like a game that will be forgotten in a year.
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>there is no real emotional attachment to any of the characters
false some side story and character have emotional attachment.
Combat is tight and focused, unlike Stellar Blade's, which is a mish-mash of everything and not being great at anything.
I only remember nier for her ass. She broke her back carrying the game. The story isn't that great 2bh, not lime it's praised to be. Not by a long shot not in a million years

A game is greater than the sum of its parts

If gameplay was all that mattered (and it honestly isnt even that great in this game, the input latency alone in an obnoxious parry focused combat system like this is a mark against the game), if gameplay was all that mattered there would have been no reason for us to ever move beyond the ps2. Themes, story, ost and worldbuilding all matters. Gameplay and graphics is not enough

What would the fromsoft games be without world building, lore, chars and atmosphere? Nothing. A game is not a product, the best games are art, not mcdonalds. Thats why nobody can make a better souls game than from, cuz it cant be copied or emulated. Its not like put these ingredients together and you get xyz superior product, it dont work like that. Its why there has never been a mario killer
>more story shits only trannies give a fuck
remove the story from a game and it can be still be a proper game can't say the same for opposite

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Anthro threads get spammed by bots now. They either post frog images with miniscule ponies in them to samefag the Leebot, baraporn or a stonetoss image.
I will write more Li Li content and attempt to learn more video editing with fun Li Li cuts.
You'll be amazed but it's the same person who spams that shit and he uses ecker for that
Kill it.
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> She's just a kid, you pervert

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Why did he do it?
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OP seems really upset that this thread has actual discussion and isn't just people sucking Rex's cock
Fire and Sparks
This is literally the one manga with the teasing brown bitch and the nerdy guy but the skin colors are reversed.
>Dickson's gun is shown to be able to pierce mechon army.
And does he kill anyone major with it, before shulk? Unless he's killing some big named mechon like Jade Face or Metal Face or Zord face, he's really not showcasing how powerful it is. The problem is how mechons are inconsistent in their plot armor. They're just magically immune to every single weapon unless it's muh nado flavored or ether or whatever. So they can withstand huge artillery fire from that one gun installation in Colony 9, but a slight tap from the monado kills them. It makes them inconsistent. You might as well just say "you can't kill them until the plot says so." I can't remember how many times they pulled a fakeout with a "OH NO, THE MONADO CAN'T HURT THEM ANYMORE" and then were like "haha just kidding, now it can hurt them".

It would've legitimately been less frustrating if they were just strong to begin with, but could be hurt even by non-specialized weaponry. And this leaked into the gameplay too. It was so annoying needing Shulk just so my party mates could hurt mechons. I can't even remember how long they wait to give Dunban's sword the same ability. by that time it just seems like they spent too long diddling their thumbs. And since Dickson is able to make anti-mechon weaponry, what the hell was he waiting for? He couldn't pull it out sooner? That just feels way too convenient to progress the plot along.
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لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ
مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ

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You still get to keep it brown boy.
What's the difference? Commies say we can't have corporations because then all our food will come from one polity then say the solution is to have all our food come from one polity.
I laugh at all of you, because despite your constant entitled bitching, most of you probably already have linked your accounts, and those that haven't, will.

But go on, get your little baby temper tantrum out of your system, throw your rattle around your crib some more and then keep playing.
You aren't seeing the big picture, they want all those poor brown thirdies to move to your country and live next to you, they do still hate them
>Governments are corporations
This is the most jewish thing I've read in quite a while.

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JRPGs are fucking bad because they are too shallow both in a tactical sense (As in the combat itself is too simple) and a strategic sense, builds are too similiar to each other and resource management is non-existent
Add how little character movesets tend to diverge from "Attack, Elemental Attack, Useless debuff, Hit Harder buff, Heal", especially in the early-to-mid game where all the fun strats are still locked off, and you get why standards for the genre are so low
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have you looked in the mirror recently
FF the face of J"RPG"s.
Your mother is the face of whoredom.
>inb4 wow nice really mature
Exactly what you deserve.
>fags that are killable
That's not a western game tbhdesu
oh are you one of those retards who claims dark souls is a wrpg

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police brutality, haha so funny!
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Inversely, by using opposing sexual preferences as a metaphor, she's blatantly admitting she deems most men unfuckable.
I imagine they'd also question why they removed the underboob from sexy bunny-goo goo in bikini death party vii
Sounds like there are bigger issues to me :^)
The problem is that they love that shit.

Can I just have a good MHA game that doesn't suck ass thanks
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is this series over yet?
MHA sucks ass so any game about it is also going to suck ass.
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That would require the source material to also not suck ass, so no, impossible.
All I want is to be crushed by the sexual might of America(stars and stripes)

So war is going to happen & earth is running out of resources no matter what

So Vault-Tec said fuck it let's help the world end a little faster and be the ones to rule in the new world through our corporate structure

>Hmm vault tec & the enclave better have a lot more vaults & bases cause i could get behind them being the new villains of the series TV show & games instead of retarded shit like the institute
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Please explain how he re attached his finger
Because the gang leader that buried him like to dig him back up and torture him. It's no fun torturing a feral.
You can just do that in the Falloutverse, Lucy stitches someone else's finger on too.
Oh so anybody can just smash their severed limbs back onto the stump and they will stick together like magic putty?
The cowboys digging him up said that their boss likes torturing him.

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>Write character with unlikeable tropes
>Ends up to be the most likeable and popular one

Are gamers autistic or what?
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People just want to fuck the snake with tits. It's why the Hist gave Argonians boobs.
The writing and plot was absolutely horrendous, it ruined the game despite me enjoying the gameplay.
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I just woke up,, but that joke flies over my head, can someone zoomzoom me in? Does she mean it as her being cold blooded and fiting with rest of humans because they re cold to offworders like her? If so that joke is a rewrite from aliens, when 2 marines (one latina one white) joke about latina being an alien herself).
Also tfw no xcom like game with multiple alien looking races with some plot between them because this game shat yhe bed
It's basically a second-generation immigrant joke. Her species are aliens, but because she personally was hatched in a facility on Earth she's an "earthling."

>Helldivers 2 now unavailable in countries which PSN is also unavailable


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PS5anon, I know you're here to help Sony buy a new pony, but I'm genuinely curious why the fuck you bought Gollum.
China has an entire separate, state controlled internet.
Every single place you could go to on our internet would be flooded with chinks if that wasn't the case, so their government is actually doing us a favor by making its own containment zone.
Based Sony sticking it to the gaymers and freedom fanatics.
>disband company
>create new company Crossbolt End
>rehire old peeps
Why wouldn't it work?
why was "carried out" edited onto the image?

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i haven't played a video game for over a year. what have i missed? what should i get? memedivers? i don't play really well with others. i miss playing video games.
Another Crab's Adventure will wash your palate so that you can start gaming again.
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>play Snoyim Divers 2
>say "fuck israel"
>money stolen
>fired from job
>blacklisted from ever being employed or studying at a college ever again
idk what any of that stuff means i just know a guy who talks about it sometimes and it sounded like fun. what do you recommend playing?
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ty for posting this

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What is it with Twitter Voice Actors and having the biggest ego you have ever seen?

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>heems you
>makes you question if you were good at video games at all for working out earthworm jim's level design or beating contra
yeah, he based.
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For me in every from game every "hard" boss was easy and every "easy" boss was actually hard. I actually died more to living failures and celestial emissary than Kos or Ludwig.

Still an awesome and based design though.
The Orphan is tough but fair, and fun to actually fight.
Lawrence and Ludwig are bullshit and hard for all the wrong reasons. Fuck these two beasts.
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>celestial emissary
>dying more than 1 or 2 times
>dying to living failures AT ALL

Troll post, I refuse to believe someone could have this experience.
No its not I assure you. When it comes to community agreed hard bosses I just breeze threw them. Sadly I no longer have a ps4 for proof of my unending shit streak against easy bosses but I assure you its true.
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Not that anon, but I died to the witch boss of all things like 4 times. I beat Lawrence on my second try. People's experiences vary which is another cool thing about the game.

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Why is this game so fucking bad?
Terrible bosses, awful levels. Nothing redeeming here. What are your thoughts on fromsoftware's worst game?
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Hope you have fun anon! Even if you don't like it at least you'll have more creditability than most ds2 haters!
Hope your jailbreak is successful!
My thought is you need to git gud.
Jesus fucking Christ, anon. The guy wants to try the game. Is that a sin? Why are you so triggered by that?
Actually, no. I have a better question. Why don't you make a thread about your favorite Souls game and post there?
Have fun. It’s not as good as the previous entries but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good game.

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bridget being a girl is the greatest retcon in vidya history
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>pixelating the balls even though they aren't at all visible
I have to wonder... how often does an artist actually get charged because they didn't cover up quite enough with pixelation or black bars? Doesn't anyone in Japan find it ridiculous that you can be arrested simply for drawing genitalia?
japan is retarded. News at 11
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Bridget if she were literally filled to the brim with my cum
Character development isn't a retcon dipshit.

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how many of you are gooning to eve right this moment?
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Alright now that everyone calmed down PC port when? Need to beat it to Eve's ass with non shit graphics
this is the one.
There are only two. The second one stumped me for like an hour
the special grab just happens to fast, I haven't been able to get a good screenshot.
imagine the sfm with all these tentacle monsters.

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