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A thread about all things Heaven Burns Red!
https://hbr.quest/schedule (English database for event schedules, styles & enemy stats etc.)
All SheIsLegend songs full versions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIr2ayXySvD5RjLRZORDzg

Main Story subbed: https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
U140 event subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0
Angel Beats collaborations subbed:
AB1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByYXX6Mgtjk
AB2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVZkTeZsqqI

Previous thread >>4168347
Welcome back to a thread about all things Heaven Burns Red, where we give every pairing a picture for the thread.
The content draught is about to end with the new Miya event story. Devs claimed it will be real special, so let's all get our hopes up!
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The next thread can probably restart the loop and will be RukaYukki again.
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I love HBR artists. This picture perfectly encapsulate Higumin's backstory from chapter 5 without actually spoiling anything. If you know you know.
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Ohh they share their fetish experiences now.
don't forget MiyaYui, they're one of the strongest ships outside of 31A, they deserve a nice thread.
This would've been the perfect timing for it too considering Miya's event tomorrow.
Also OP, I think it's totally ok if we repeat certain couples/ships if it suits their timing
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Actually the thread before last had both YuiMiya and RukaYui in one picture. It compounded all Ruka ships too. That might have been considered a cop-out though.
I'll consider it if the event actually throws us some crumbs.
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Have some YanasShiki. This artist really loves them.
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Does this game have a translation patch/overlay or is youtube subbed the only option for english? Is there a good new player guide somewhere?
As far as I knon you have 2 options.
1) Text hookers/recognition tools + Steam. Personally I'm using the one called "game2text".
2) Youtubers. As far as I know the most productive and dedicated one is FLEreverse. But even they didn't catch up to the latest chapter yet. It's ALOT of work after all .

As for new players guide... Don't think there is any. I guess ask questions here whenever issues appear. For starters focus on the main story and then your main goal is beating weekly Score Attack for free stuff. But gameplay is the weakest part of HBR anyway. It kinda works for the main story, especially chapter climaxes but..
>is there a translation patch
>is there a translation overlay
I think most anons use a translation OCR, which is basically a software that translates what's on screen into a text box. The one I use has an automatic function, so it's not like you need to copypaste it manually.
>player guide
You don't really need one, the game is extremely good at explaining its mechanics, systems and progression.
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Here is my universal guide to all content:
Follow. The. Release. Order.

It solves all migraines. No newcomer will ever get confused or spoil themselves or miss context that way. Though while this is very easy to do with story chapters and monthly events, I can't really say whether there are any lists that archived which memory episodes came out when.
It's difficult to translate this game due to the sheer amount of content it has. Personally, I rely on my very limited Japanese skills (just hiragana, katakana, and some basic kanji) coupled with game2text. It's been enjoyable so far.
Story and music are the heart and soul of this game, they're all that matters. Gameplay is not great but you need to know what you're doing so you can progress through the story. Tutorials are enough but if the translation tools you're using aren't enough to wrap your head around the game system you can always come and ask for help here or in the HBR thread on /vmg/
Here, you might find this website useful https://hbr.quest/ they have an active discord, I personally don't like it but I've seen new players get lots of help over there.

Anyway, don't let the lack of translations or game guides stop you from playing this game. The whole thing is quite the experience.
ShikiYana is great. I am now reminded of that one time I checked Shiki's VA Xitter account likes out of boredom only to find her liking a great amount of ShikiYana art some of which were porn-tier
Thanks for the help, I know a little bit of Japanese so the text hooker actually looks like a cool option to help me learn some more while I play.
I rerolled a few times and managed to get 3 SS styles from the gacha(Fall in Love Ichigo, Maid Hisame, and Bunny Tsukasa) plus the free tutorial one(also Tsukasa) so hopefully that's enough to carry me through the main story.
Oh yeah Shiki's VA is really deeply into the yuri swamp. She enjoys playing a ladykiller character.
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I'd still recommend the VN translation OCR by MingShiba (pic related) over that kind of stuff, because you can actually handpick what you want translated and really customize it.
He posts free versions of it every month and I'm sure you can get it somewhere other than his page too if you want.
I don't think you need intimate knowledge of Japanese if you use it.

>bunny Tsukasa
It pains me that all newcomers right now start out with the Slutkasa style and probably think this is normal for HBR. Now a bunch of newbies will play with that for their entire game experience. Sigh....
Anyway, yeah, the game gives you so much free currency and tickets that you will be having 6 SS styles by the time you reach the end of chapter 2, guaranteed. There is also Free SS Rukas which you get by clering specific missions.

How did you process the Prologue? It's important after all and that might tell you how good you understand things with that text hooker whatever thing.
>How did you process the Prologue?
I haven't actually started reading yet. When I have more free time I'm gonna try going through it with a few different translation methods I've been recommended and see what I like best.
>bunny Tsukasa
If it makes you feel better I'm aware it's controversial and out of the norm for this game and it has nothing to do with why I'm picking this up now. If I feel like it's detracting from my experience I'll just start over and get whatever is on the next banner or stop using her depending on how much progress I've made.
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You... you havent read it yet but you skipped through it to get to the gacha? Not to rag on your priorities or anything, but... It might be better to make sure you actually care about the main content of the game before you get your head into the whole gacha and gameplay salad.
I was worried I wouldn't have enough time today to get to a decent stopping point in the story since I'm a pretty slow reader so I decided to get used to the game systems instead.
Maybe you'd like to compare it to the youtube translation videos of the prologue too, because if you see how it stacks up to an actual human translator it may be more clear.
Either way it's best to experience it properly, because the prologue is actually an incredibly well made representation of most of the game, barring its emotional story-telling of course. That will only really start hitting by the end of chapter 1.
New stream is starting soon. Let's see what they have cooked up for us. Both on the event and the style department that is. They have a lot to make up for.
So the event is about Miya and 31A. That is kinda weird. That certainly eliminates a YuiMiya focus.
The title seems to be about the distance to an archery range target. Now that we see the archery focus it makes sense.
>Miya x 31A event
Called it. They won't just give a special event to some random unit.
It didnt have to be random, but a 30G focus would probably have been better. I thought we were past the phase where events needed to shove 31A into everything for no reason.
Ohhh Lolita-senpai get her Sadistic mistress style. And Hisame S style.
>This Chie
Yeah, I have no idea what is happening with art design in this game.
Nothingburger after all.
The real golden week gacha is next week.
Go-lita really went into space, from her previous style.
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Suganyan is always aggressive and this kind of mistress lolita makes sense for her personality.
Miya is pretty much in line for her usual style.
These are both sort of in the "sexy" category, but in the tasteful way unlike Slutkasa, so I'm fine with it.

Seems 30G is going for Ice styles now.
Miya is ice suit Megumi and she too got 1 fucking use on her ult for the reason unknown to anyone.
You can raise it to two uses, just like Megumin.
These perma debuffs are good ass abilities. It's not their fault that Lightning Sharo exists.
I don't see why it's limited to 1(2) instead of 4(5). It's not like it can stack beyond two or there are any encounters where you need to use heal removal 4 times, why exactly is it limited like that?
I don't know. The fact that resistance removal skills like Lightning Sharo and bunny tsukasa get 4 uses is what throws me off. If they were consistent about this on both I'd understand it somewhat.
These ults are really only good for boss battles because of that.
I see they continue to make Suganyan the designated healer of 30G while still being broken in attack. Lolitas cant be underestimated.
Well at the very least Miya's is AoE. That is better than suit Megumi's. She can debuff all enemies.
Maybe I misheard, but when they were talking about chapter requirements, they said something like chapter 1, but recommended a specific day of 4.2, this could be an event like swimsuit 2.
We may not have a golden week here, but we still get the free SS ticket and quartz, so that's nice.
I love Myaa-san as a character and I love her even more when she gay panicks over Yuina, I was really looking forward to her event. This was the perfect opportunity for YuiMiya and more 30G squad bonding, why can't we have nice things...

oh well, I'm sure we'll get at least some breadcrumbs... Maeda can't be that cruel don't know why I feel like he's the one writing this event
Wow, they revealed top 30 of the suit voting, you can see where swimsuit Tama and suit Megumi were and both A-sans too
>still no Yuki even in top30
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Here's the top 30. Suit Megumin was in the top 20 at least.
Is this the first time they used dome Megumi for promo like that?
When will they grow a spine and show us the top 30 in the character popularity?
then you get wedding ring item like to boost your fav character, you only get one they said.
Boost in what way...? And if that is true I need to throw up for a second. This is AzurLane levels of waifufaggy.
All Status + 10% and open one skill slot.
Next week styles will have a big one, I think. Either another resist removal or unison or something like that. This banner feels exactly like it's good enough to bait, but not good enough to overshadow.
A permanent stat boost? And do they get a slot regardless of how many awakening they had?Like if I'm at the point where I need 20 to unlock another slot would it work the same as if I was still at the point where I need 1 for a new slot?

Either way fuck this wedding ring garbage. Fuck yourself WFS. It didn't take a single bit of effort to just turn it into a neutral item, but you had to charge it with waifufaggotry...
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They didn't say it was a wedding ring, it's just flowers, it's up to you how you interpret it. You can just treat it as "my favorite character" symbol.
Sorry read it wrong a bit, you get that item from Ijishou battle but it's really hard to get they said. You can only use it once per style. The positive thing is they're not using wedding ring as the image because it doesn't make any sense but still...
Alright, I embarrassed myself for jumping at the devs throat here. I won't apologize to them though, because we are at a point where I would fully believe they would do that and that's their fault.

As for the actual symbol, looks like a laurel crown. The thing that emperors and victors would wear in ancient Rome. It's generally a symbol for high accomplishments regardless or to show someone's special. That is not even an ounce as waifufaggy as a ring. Totally fine.
>once per style
Which means you can get it repeatedly which even negates the "fav character" part. It is a rare ressource you would use for gameplay reasons then. Good.
Oh, I just remembered
>Megumi's VA said she had a 4 hour recording session recently, so either they're still recording for 5.1 in January or she'll appear in one of the events after that, like a movie squad event or something like that.
It was for this event. The VAs talking about recordings is probably one of the strongest confirmations that they will appear in future events, every time one of them slips it, it happens.
If anything the flowers make it gayer since it shows lilies and after using it the character "blooms"
Yukki being the only 31A not in the top 30 despite having way more styles than half of them. Waifufags and metafag bias haunts me in every game I play.
New event trailer. Am I disappointed in the fact that 31A got shoved in here? Yes. But Miya has strong potential for character work and I dont believe it will stay that isolated to just 31A + Miya.
The song is good and it's the final one from the second album, so after this we are in a brave new world again.

I havent really paid much attention, but at some point they showed a strange map with Miya's event symbol on it. This must be something special to this event I assume.
How do you figure it was for this event? Did someone say that? Just like I said back then when you claimed it was for 5.1 there are many things that a main character would record for.
Those recordings might as well be for next month's event which might be a Megumin focused one. I havent heard any other 31A member say they recorded 4 hours of content for this event and Megumin didnt seem to have any special role from what the trailer showed. >>4195980
So they did use Shunmin Ryodan there. I guess there aren't any opportunities to use it somewhere else any time soon.
Those aren't any lillies I've ever seen...

Okay anon, but what exactly do you want out of a style ranking? If it's not meta based and not design based what is left...? Yukki is just not that popular and her styles are mid.
It's not lilies, it's daphne. If we suppose they are smart enough it does have an interesting symbolism anyway. Appolo chased the nymph named Daphne to rape her, but her father turned her to plant... And then Appolo uses the plant anyway as his symbol.
I dont think that symbolism is interesting or relevant.
But Yukki is popular, I just hate how biased wfs is by giving Yukki painfully mediocre styles which is something I complain about everytime she gets a new one.
>How do you figure it was for this event?
Occam's razor, you don't need to invent more events if we just got an event with 31A where she will get a bunch of lines like any other event with 31A. Timing wise it fits right in with their usual release cadence of finishing the recordings a few months before the content release, I don't know why you're forcing an argument there.
>Yukki is popular
Ranked 8 in the poll, under basically every 31A member except Megumin.
Yes, WFS is biased... because they keep showering her in styles despite that. You'd think Ruka and Tsukasa would have that many style by now, considering they are more popular than Yukki and one of them is the freaking protagonist.

I don't actually care that much, becaus the characters I care about arent popular enough for that kind of support, but acting like WFS is shitting on Yukki is not reasonable.
...because YOU changed your argument? Back when you made that post you seemed certain it was for 5.1. I was obviously not as 5.1 came out soon after.
And now this event shows no signs of having any particular Megumin focus, making it hard to justify extended recordingh sessions for this.

Maybe it's time you just accept that VAs come in to record a bunch of stuff in bulk. Not for a singular thing.
>Back when you made that post you seemed certain it was for 5.1
I don't know how you interpret it like that, but to say that they were recording in 5.1 "in January" implies that it was an unlikely option, because it should have been done by then, and if it wasn't, then they were in full crunch mode, while recording for an event is more logical, because they always record months before the content is released.
>And now this event shows no signs of having any particular Megumin focus, making it hard to justify extended recordingh sessions for this.
What do you mean? She will still have a bunch of line in this event, compared to being a short cameo, stuff like this is exactly what would justify an extended session. If she was only recording for styles/memory stories, it wouldn't take this long, if it took long, that means the character will actually have a meaningful appearance.
>Maybe it's time you just accept that VAs come in to record a bunch of stuff in bulk.
Of course they record in bulk, she was also probably recording for her next style there, but there's no small content in this game you would record in bulk for this long, that was the the point of that post in the first place.
Just because she placed 8 doesn't mean she's not popular. The style ranking alone is enough to tell there is bias, otherwise she would've gotten an actual good style by now.
>but there's no small content in this game you would record in bulk for this long
Her role in this event is small though. The most likely option is that she recorded stuff for memory stories, event stories and the next story chapter all in one. As every VA does if the come in to record. Especially those who have a tight schedule.
Ruka's poor VA probably has to do like 6 hour sessions every two weeks with how many lines she has.
I don't even pretend to understand your logic. Whatever you say.
Says the one who thinks Yukki isn't popular.
Comparatively you numbskull.
>Her role in this event is small though.
Anon, a small role in an event, is when a character appears in a background and gets 2 lines. Being the part of the event's squad is a decent supporting role, she'll have a bunch of random lines, regardless of how important they are to the plot. 4 hours recording doesn't mean 4 hours of recorded content, the actual output is much lower. This event, lines/story for whatever her new style is, maybe any small cameos in other character memory stories (if she has any) sounds exactly like it.
Compared to what? A lot of those characters in the top 30 styles aren't even in the top 10 popularity poll which you brought up. You're the moron here.
You have long since completely lost track of the conversation and you aren't worth trying to force back on track. Have fun being dumb.
It's true. Play condition is chapter 1.
However it has references to 4.1(not 4.2)
>「メインストーリー第四章前編 Day2」
The comment on 31A was a general observation. My main complaint was Wfs's retarded style balancing. You came out of nowhere starting arguments like always and making a fool of yourself. Get a life.
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>makes unfounded claims
>gets proven wrong in every way
>"y-you made a fool of yourself!"
Aren't you the brightest candle in the shed?

You said straight up that WFS is biased against Yukki because of your mindless observation that her styles are not popular. But the reality is that despite not being as popular as the top 7 characters, she has more styles than ANY of the Top 7 except Tama.
Ergo, WFS is POSITIVELY biased towards a less popular character, Yukki. They don't need to give her so many styles, yet they do. The fact that people would rather pick meta styles or the really popular characters, which applies to everyone in the top 10 styles, is obvious. 11-30 are less predictable, but even in those it's mostly meta and waifu styles.

Yukki is simply never people's first choice. She is not that popular, she is just popular enough due to having a major role. So a mid character who gets mid styles will not appear in the top. Simple as that.
They scaled Miya's def down even lower because it's aoe, it's 20~30% elemental and 10~20% normal. Still decent because it's aoe, but it feels even more like a minmax toy than dark Megumi was, and Megumi was already pretty much a minmax toy kind of style.
Ugh... let's hope this isnt some Swimsuit 2 situation. I don't remember any particular Miya scene on Day 2 in 4.1. Isn't that the day where 31A goes to save 31C in the burning forest?
Even if it is minor though, there is no reason or justification to put this into chapter 1.
Ah, they finally unlocked the new steam achievements. They were already displayed for weeks, but didn't trigger. 1k quartz for each achievement too. Nice.
As it was just unlocked they are all still at 0.1%. Let's see how the percentages change over GW when people lock in.
I looked at the numbers and I don't fully understand Chie's style, it feels very half-assed and like it will be replaced by another buffer in the future.
>don't know why I feel like he's the one writing this event
It's an event with 31A, Miya is an MC and he recently said he likes to write about her, it's got the new SiL album song integration and they're treating it as a special event with new 3D live and stuff, is most likely is Maeda.
Meta wise there is definitely favoritism or bias at play. Yukki has a lot of styles but none of them are broken or very good for meta. She could easily get in the top 30 if wfs put effort into her. Saying she's not that popular is idiotic though.
It's like your brain is stuck on the loop button or something...
>put effort into Yukki
Enough already. "effort" and "just give her broken abilties" are completely disconnected concepts. Yes, they could just give her resistance removal, super break, sixty buffs and 50 debuffs all in one ult... that doesnt mean they would give her effort.
Her styles have unique elaborate outfits and animations. They have a lot of effort put into them. They are generally more balanced than most styles. Not weak, not OP. She is in the very first unison style. Yukki gets enough damn love from WFS.
Your attitude that she HAS to have a popular style is what's really twisted here.
>saying she's not popular
This is why I said you are on loop. How many damn times do I need to repeat that she is COMPARATIVELY not popular? If everyone voted for Yukki as their 3rd favorite, then she ends up being top 8. But does that means she is actually anyone's favorite? It would be weirder if a main character wasnt in the top 10, but that isn't an endorsement. I'm actually personally offended that Megumin is below Yukki, considering how much more character development and catharsis she had to the story until 5.1.

Anyway, I don't fancy another ride on your merry-go-round. You will never get it.
Then let's hope this is more on the Maeda level of the Yuina event than the Byakko or Survival Island events. I can't imagine it will be Ichigo or Kura level.
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I can't handle Space Fascist Lolita lol
She even has the Gundam space explosion in her ult.
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Funny how an insighess walls of text was born from a complaint about wfs' shitty style balancing. This thread sure attracts people that want to argue over nothing.
For someone who doesnt like people arguing over nothing you sure keep contributing to it.
Here you go again
Kinda smarts when your smarmy comments get thrown back at you, eh? Zero self-awareness. Oh well, toodles~
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Carol and A-san got a good dynamic. Maybe we'll get some more eventually.
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I kind of understand both sides. It is frustrating when your character only gets "normal" styles while others get some tier 0 ultimate meta broken stuff, I also hope my favorites get some broken shit every time they release them. But on the other hand, it is strange to say that Yuki is mistreated out of all the characters. She gets styles off cooldown, she always gets a lot of screen time or attention as a heroine, and if any 31A member other than Ruka has to appear in a random event/story, she's the one who gets to appear the most too. They really love her, if anything.
I think the reason Yukki isn't there is because the Yukki fans I've seen are the type to vote for broken meta rather than for her, especially with the campaigning to vote for meta styles on Twitter. She has less waifu appeal and the people who like her tend to love HBR as a whole so it makes sense why they wouldn't single out a style of hers to vote for when her character is more important to them than her styles. Not to mention how the large number of styles she has could have split the votes if they did throw one in.
It's cool to see people get excited(autistic) about little details that I don't even think about for a second.
Like when Shunmin Ryodan was released, this twitter user was like, "oh, that advanced guitar part is Megumi's and not Ruka's, she must have practiced a lot".
And now they released the PV with the live footage and they're like, "see, it was this her".
There's something endearing about this.
Everyone has designated instruments, so yeah, you can tell apart which character "plays" what. Of course there is no actual improvement, the guitarist just got to do a part they usually don't. Even Maeda probably didn't write the songs with that in mind.
>Even Maeda probably didn't write the songs with that in mind.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, Maeda is hyper-turbo-mega-autistic when it comes to his music.
Artificially instructing his musicians to play easy parts for 2 years so he can gradually make them sound more competent is a level of autism beyond my understanding, but maybe so.
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So I'm not the only one who noticed the easy access design of this outfit. At this point she is just trying to seduce Shirakawa-san.
While people being spoiled is a bad thing, streamers finding the most random unexpected ways to get spoiled on 4.2 before playing it is one of my favorite genres. I've seen them being spoiled by style lines, swimsuit event, official streams etc. Here's a new example:
Randomly plays Yuki's memory, not expecting anything, gets flash realization, then immediately jumps into denial phase.
This was actually on the list of skins I expected her to get at some point, there are no other characters that can do sarashi archer(no idea what the actual term for this outfit is) unless they completely change their seraph.
For once it's not even her fault. Memory episodes are not curated well. They are a true force of chaos.
They kind of screwed it up by adding gameplay equips to them. You can't really expect someone to roll the style while playing ch.1 and then wait until 4.2 to actually get it. But Maeda also refuses to write early chapter status quo for newer stories, so it's hard to solve.
The equips don't make much of a difference though. I'd say they should properly lock memory episodes behind requirements, but they are too lazy to even do that for monthly events now, so what do I know?

By the way, that Vtuber watches the HBR news report streams and also watched the anniversary ones so she totally spoiled herself on 4.2 anyway.
>but they are too lazy to even do that for monthly events now
It's the worst combination because Maeda clearly wants [important] events to actually have story references and maybe even story importance(I wouldn't be surprised if this Miya's event is referenced in 5.2 or 5.3 like Yuina's was), but wfs want to promote these [important] events to the new players, so it becomes just stupid.
I don't want to prematurely complain about the new event, though, maybe it will just be a little wink and not the full pants on head retard behavior.
>By the way, that Vtuber watches the HBR news report streams and also watched the anniversary ones so she totally spoiled herself on 4.2 anyway.
Viewers actually recommend her what parts to skip including even the new stream intro, and she only cleared 4.1 a few weeks ago to actually get the context for such spoilers, so no, this reaction should still be fairly fresh.
We can get annoyed at WFS utter lack of content pyramid comprehension all day, but it will hardly change anything unfortunately.
Please, if they ever do another survey, someone inform me so I can give them a piece of my mind. If we all do it they may even accidentally read some good feedback.
>We can get annoyed at WFS utter lack of content pyramid comprehension all day, but it will hardly change anything unfortunately.
You can also get annoyed by my lack of content pyramid comprehension. Fortunately you can change that. What is this?
Seriously...? Sigh.
The term refers to how you distribute and gate your content. You want players to always have something to look forward to by progression. For example, you encourage players to beat a challenge because there will be more content beyond that. You always build on the last row of the pyramid.

In context of HBR, what WFS doesnt understand is that there is no incentive for a lot of players to progress in the story or engage with most of the game because they are spoonfed monthly events with no real requirements. There is so much content for new players in chapter 1 and 2 that they simply have no incentive to move on.

You aren't supposed to constantly add more content for the nebulous new player. The game has incredible amounts of content for any new player already. Giving them content overload doesn't help in any way. Instead of putting all your eggs into one basket you need to spread out.
They shouldnt be adding any more events to chapter 1 and 2. They need to raise the requirements properly. Chapter 3 events, chapter 4.1 events etc. Stuff that makes people want to advance the story so they can play those events. The same can be applied to memory episodes. Give them requirements so that people want to advance.

This all goes right alongside writer's limitations. It is easier to write something when you set a minimum line of context people should have. This idiotic need to write events that don't confuse new players hurts story-telling potential. On the other end we have Maeda who doesnt care and just writes like people should have played the story, which is the correct approach, but WFS are too stupid to spread out their content to follow suit.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Ugh.
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Yup, this is a Maeda event. He is literally the only one who uses the choice matrix in his events. And we get this 5 minutes in at that.
And just like in all his other events where he uses it you can exhaust every possibility until you pick the correct one.
I literally died when Miya said that she was called to the office with 31A to battle for who gets Yuina lol
They actually put this event as ch.1, huh. 4.1 is recommended, my ass.
I see, makes sense, thank you!

About the event. I'm only on day 2 but what the fuck is it's timing? It feels like it belongs mid 5 chapter, in a very narrow gap between "Higumin rescue" and "Bracken Knot bossfight".
>what the fuck is it's timing?
I'm on Day 3 and from what I can tell it's between chapter 4.2 and 5.1. The dynamics are not post 5.1 at all and I would be shocked if Maeda did that so early after the chapter came out anyway.

I find the idea that 30G needs to readjust to combat completely absurd after they fought Skullfeather alongside 31A, so it's hard to imagine this is actually post 4.2. But Megumin is around so it has to be.
So the 'special' part of the event was that it's just a joke? You're a month too late then Maeda... Between this and the Byakko event, he's really in a weird headspace during this time huh
Megumi gets to tsukkomi a lot in this one, it reminds me of this year's anniversary skit, the same dynamic. Maybe Yuki will finally be able to relax a bit in the future content after being overworked as the main tsukkomi of 31A for 2 years straight.
Miya... is definitely abnormal. There are several things that are really unusual about her and I don't think it's all flavor text.

I think that final day is really quite important. When she met Miu she immediately realized that this is her actual sister and in response her mind was trying to shut down and get her out of there... and the way she described it this almost felt like a COMPULSION. Like she is programmed to want to return to the status quo. This is something I considered for a while. Maybe the military brainwashing has that kind of failsafe in case of realizations. Obviously not being allowed to meet dome citizens is specifically for scenarios like this. But an extra step wouldn't hurt.
Iroha didn't have that when she figured out the narvy thing, but I think that's a different kind of trigger. And they were about to erase her memories over it too. So basically I think seraph members have a compulsion to return to the base when they feel a discrepancy in their inner clock and then get brainwashed to fix them.

But Miya resisted that urge. And she immediately figured out that this is a problem and that the military is observing and recording her through her military notebook. So she decides not to reveal her identity or engage with Miu directly, but still try to "save" her indirectly.

But this is not something you can just ignore and treat as a one-off thing. There is no way Miya is not going to investigate this and follow up on it. The fact that she immediately suspected foul play by the military is playing into that.
This will 100% come up in the story down the line, probably in combination with the reveal who Yuina really is. Now I understand why this event is considered "special" at least from a narrative standpoint. Misarin's event purposely avoided this exact scenario, but this one just crossed the line you can't come back from.

The really abrupt ending is painful though. It needed an epilogue.
PS: This is not an event a newcomer should play. This is not as extreme as Swimsuit 2, but that ending twist 100% spoils the narvy thing for anyone with a brain. Not to mention the bring up Aegis Tower, awakened Tsukasa and the fact that 30G was out of combat for a while. The only thing they somehow managed to avoid talking about is Megumin's time at the dome. So the chapter 4.1 DAY 2 requirement is 100% correct.
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Plot aside... Miya is without a doubt the biggest disaster lesbian at the entire base. This isn't even comparable anymore.

She is the kind of woman who freaks out about indirect kisses with other girls and feels like she cheated on Yuina for doing it.
While I find it a bit weird that Maeda now pairs her up with Ruka as well like this is some kind of insane threeway triangle (despite the fact that 5.1 just cemented RukaYukki)...
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...can we just acknowledge that she was straight up, no joke going to kiss Ruka just because she is hot?
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>and the way she described it this almost felt like a COMPULSION. Like she is programmed to want to return to the status quo. This is something I considered for a while. Maybe the military brainwashing has that kind of failsafe in case of realizations.
Couldn't this just be the general narby stuff? I remember Tezuka saying that in order to assimilate properly, their brains are wired to ignore and not question inconsistencies in the world around them. So maybe it's trying to preserve the worldview when it feels like it's not too late to salvage everything.
>The only thing they somehow managed to avoid talking about is Megumin's time at the dome.
I feel like if this event was properly 4.2-locked, they would actually have parts where Megumi talks to Miya about dome stuff in a very roundabout way a few times. But because they're keep doing this early chapter shit, they just can't do it.
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My favorite part was definitely driving Yuina absolutely insane with those responses. Miyalel world lmao
The parts where she openly talked about imagining doing dirty stuff with Yuina in her mind and everyone just acting like that's normal is quite something.

Hisame was super interested in Miya x Ruka for some reason.
>Couldn't this just be the general narby stuff?
That is a possibility, yes. But that instinct alone wouldn't actually manage to restore her to normal. Just like Iroha didn't manage to forget. I think the military's brainwashing is still essential to keeping seraph members docile.

And whichever it is, Miya actively resisted the urge, which is pretty amazing. Her quick thinking definitely spared her a brainwashing session too.
I don't understand why Ruka and Yuki are the only ones in 31A who keep getting this kind of side pairing content. Why not throw a curveball and give a side crack pair to, I don't know, Tsukasa for once? Or Megumi? Karen might not work because of Karen-chan, I guess, and Tama is Tama, but the other two definitely can get something going.
I honestly just liked how Yukki described TsuKaren's insane verbal abuse battles as a "lover's spat". 31A is at the point where they take TsuKaren for granted the same way they do RukaYukki. I dunno if I really want to interfere with that when they already get too little ship time.

Unlike Yukki, Karerin is HYPER possessive and will in fact cause a shitstorm if someone tried to hit on Tsukasa, so I think that would at least be an interesting scenario.
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Oh one more thing. This is like the 5th time Megumin has had a strong reaction to someone being beautiful. At the dome she was acting like a clueless moron about why breasts would appeal to other women, but I think she is just an aesthetic slut.
Ok I dont know if this is just interpreting too much into it but I think Maeda wants to support the triangle for fans. I know it sounds weird but look at it he now made it so that both Miya and Yuina are attracted to Ruka and vice versa. Ruka and Yuki is canon that's obvious but when it comes to fanworks and stuff this is basically the most fertile alternate pairing so this smoothes over all of that opposition between YuiMiya and RukaYui fans.
Or maybe the truth is actually that Maeda is still stuck in his romance VN roots and has to pair up every girl he likes with his MC (lol)
While watching a japanese stream, someone mentioned in the chat that Higumi is eating with Ichigo which means it takes place after chapter 5.1
I saw that, but this isn't actually hard proof. Higumin occasionally very rarely hangs out with 31B members at the base even before 5.1. Ichigo dragging her out of her lab isn't actually exclusive to post 5.1 necessarily.
Most of all you have to remember that Maeda is very inconsistent about this stuff. This even also had awakened Tsukasa yelling, which is a trait introduced in 5.1, but he also did that for the AB2 event. He just inserts his current 31A dynamic into whatever event he writes, which could also be applicable to HiguIchi there (if he even did it himself, because I doubt he writes all these minor things and cameos at the base).

I kinda just dont want to believe that RukaYukki returned to this status quo after chapter 5. Especially in an event where Ruka is more or less flirting and seducing another girl right in front of her.
To be honest, the way it's worded in Japanese(and the other line where she says she likes her pretty face) combined with her tone sounds like she's casually stealth hitting on her. She doesn't, but it really gives that vibe. Even since 4.2, she has this massive untapped "ikemen joshi" appeal that they never really bothered to touch, I hope Maeda will find the time to explore it one day, in between inventing the silliest gag about psychics he can think of.
This is gold
Unless I'm remembering wrong, the trees in the base are still the ones from summer and not the autumn ones so it should be before 5.1.

But yeah, I also don't want to believe that absolutely nothing has changed between RukaYuki after all that when they've been getting slow but steady development with every new chapter. Though Maeda suddenly making RukaMiya a thing without having Miya acknowledge Yukki's presence (the way Yuina/Sharo do) makes me little anxious if he's indeed committed to RukaYuki being canon.
The RukaMiya interactions are obviously there for comedy, it's like getting scarred at Ruka asking Nanami to marry her in chapter 5.1.
>without having Miya acknowledge Yukki's presence (the way Yuina/Sharo do)
Yuina and Sharo acknowledging Yukki as someone to be jealous about makes sense because they have been crushing on Ruka for a while and are aware of 31A's dynamics. Miya has absolutely zero interaction with 31A outside of that one time in chapter 3 where she followed them around and her bonding episodes with Ruka. Her main connection to Ruka was always through mutual adoraton for Yuina. So I think it is entirely plausible that she has no idea about RukaYukki... and RukaYukki in this event were basically the least flirty they have been in ages, so Miya had no chance to find out.

I don't think Maeda is entertaining RukaMiya as a serious option at all and in fact the event carefully makes it look like Ruka is not intentionally flirting with her and Miya is just so hyper gay that she feels seduced by Ruka just being nice.

My issue was entirely with how RukaYukki act like they did pre-5.1 with Yukki not caring about Ruka being close to someone else and completely coldly denying that her and Ruka have any kind of close relationship.
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I think the most important fact from this event is that Miya went to an all-girls school. Of fucking course she has an Onee-sama thing going on with Yuina. She is yuri incarnate.
This event really replicated what I loved about the early chapters and choices. If you always exhaust all options in the three option matrixes Yuina will have different mental breakdowns than if you only pick a few each time.
For example if you do most of the first matrixes Miya will introduce the term "Miyalel World" to Yuina, so Yuina will bring it up on her own in the second and third matrix segment.

Maeda did the same thing in 5.q with the Cancer quiz. It has different outcomes depending on whether you get all questions right, wrong or if you get some right and some wrong. It's peak Maeda comedy and shows that he still knows best how to use a VN style dialogue system for humor. It's kinda sad how the other writers never utilize this stuff.
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just finished the event.

I don't know how to feel about this... that RukaMiya thing is so sudden and unnecessary. I personally don't really like it when a character that already has an established ship gets thrown around in love triangles for the sake of comedy or drama. It seemed humorous in this case but still... I feel like Maeda went a bit too far with this one, and I ended up developing a case of Ruka fatigue because of this. Maybe it's just me but I'm personally not really a fan of this whole "Ruka is so cool and hot and prefect she can get any girl at the base!". I don't like how strongly established relationships like RukaYuki get cheapened out for no reason. And Yukki telling RukaMiya "why don't you two get married" like... really sis? that's a lame thing to say even if she didn't mean it. Seraph lesbians need to learn from Karerin, she would never share Tsukasa, not even with her (second) self.

Anyway, RukaMiya wasn't really that upsetting, it was just bizarre and somewhat forced. I get why some of you may find no problem with it since yuri is yuri but it's personally not my cup of tea.
The best thing about this whole event is how it further confirms that Miya is a turbo-dyke. That scene where she refused to share a drink with Ruka because Yuina might hear about it made me laugh. Oh and I absolutely loved that last scene, it was beautiful. Why is Maeda so good at portraying sisterhood?

On another note, I noticed that Nanamin is becoming more and more expressive not just with 31A but with other girls as well. Her telling Bungo that her ult is cool in the previous event was kino. And now she tells Miya that she's pretty. It's nice to see her slowly come out of her shell and being more involved outside of her professional duty.

Oh and I hope you all noticed what Muua said about Niina going out somewhere lately. Who would've thought that out of the Ohshimas Niina would be the one to secretely go out at night like a slut to get some teacher pussy?
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>And Yukki telling RukaMiya "why don't you two get married" like... really sis? that's a lame thing to say even if she didn't mean it
That's why I said I don't think this is post chapter 5. This self-sabotaging cuck personality is how she was for most of the story, so it's not that odd, but I hope she will change now.
>I personally don't really like it when a character that already has an established ship gets thrown around in love triangles for the sake of comedy or drama. It seemed humorous in this case but still...
I think such "obviously not a thing" side meme ships are fine in moderation. But when Ruka has the Yuina thing and the Sharo thing, and then she gets Miya, it becomes a bit too much. That's why I wrote >>4197019 I feel like it was a different character, it would just flow better.
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Might as well do a roundup for all the base related stuff this event.
>Wakki asks Mari why she is just walking around and not at the shop as usual. Mari says she's also taking care of the shops right now.
She is still magic.
>Isuzu wonders if there are any "locks" that would feel nice to open
Considering it's this event, that is definitely innuendo. Oshima girls are getting kinky.
>Kanata triggers Yanagi with talk about breasts as usual
Kanata will never grow up to get as stacked as her mom, but what's Yanagi's excuse?
>Ichigo and Higumin have a dinner date where Ichigo shyly asks if the food tastes bad with her as company and Higumin actually replies that her tastebuds are just dead and she enjoys the outing anyway
Uh... HiguIchi is getting a bit too real.
>Muua is wondering where Niina is disappearing to lately
>Vrittika is trying to solve the equation of how to motivate Yotsuha
This is such a cute baby ship. It has real staying power.
>Fubuki is flabbergasted that someone as beautiful as Miya was around the base
They have literally opposite aesthetics, but goths often date prim and proper girls.
>Koju is trying to find a ghost that ran off late at night
Her work never ends.
>Maki is hanging out to watch the night sky
Reference to her memory episode.

>Oh and I hope you all noticed what Muua said about Niina going out somewhere lately
I think this is the second time it was implied Niina keeps meeting Asamin behind the scenes (the other time was in chapter 5 iirc). Even if we leave aside the Idol AU where they literally run a spa together like a married couple, the writers are clearly shipping them lowkey.
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Wow. This event was indeed made special by the ending. But it's hard to judge if it's good or bad yet. First how do you interpret the last line?
1) If this was a joke and not entirely real, then it sucks and what's the point.
2) If it wasn't then maybe Miya was telling her discoveries to her unit "as a joke" so that voyeuristic military fuckers didn't know that she knows.
The second is more interesting option. It is definitely something that to come up again in the main story or open up a line of events that as crucial to the story as the chapters, unlike any other (aside from glue like RftB) it is not self-contained. Hell, another possibility is that it wasn't actually all the event, maybe there is part 2 that opens 1 or 2 weeks later. But it's probably me being too optimistic.
The other things. I'd prefer if it was 30G event or Miya + say 31F or maybe B, D(not X). 31A has enough screen time as is. On the other hand Maeda has a knack for 31A gags that works partly because of established dynamics, partly because of the squad vibe. Anyway the biggest achievement of the event is Miya's overwhelming gayness. It's not even subtext.
Gags are nice, especially Yuina having a stroke.
>First how do you interpret the last line?
I am surprised that last line is so confusing to people. I guess Maeda's quirky writing strikes again.
Miya says she got an idea for the "It's not that important, but it makes me curious" line championchip.

"If I had been born 30 years ago I think we would have gotten along"

That is the line she is refering to. The significane of it being that it's something absurd and deeply troubling that you can't help but want to know more about. It's indicative of her mindset.
The second layer is Maeda's usual development through repetition. During the entire event Miya refused to take part in the Champtionchip game with 31A because she considered it bad behaviour for a senpai who has to abide by the rules and act like a good soldier. At first she outright refuses, then she starts to join in reactions and by DAY 3 she makes a promise with Ruka to play games like that when they win the war.
But now, in the final moment of the even, Miya found the will to join in with 31A, to shed her military connection. She has found a reason to end this war as fast as possible so she can return to Miu's side.

Also you don't send off a joke with Shunmin Ryodan.
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>I noticed that Nanamin is becoming more and more expressive
She actually chuckled! Seeing proper senpai Miya in gay nuclear meltdown, made her legit break her poker face and chuckle. She even clear her throat and pretends it didn't happen, meaning she's aware of it. The most we got until now was a smile, but a chuckle is next level.

I agree with you, there is definite change in Nanami. She used to just talk in monotone and to the point, but on several occasions now she has started smiling and she sort of played along with a joke one time (I think in 5.1).
Ruka's influence no doubt.
It's 100% a joke event imo. The whole point of the last line refers back to the contest, but not in the sense of her 30 years line. Rather her entry to the contest was the entire scenario itself. The point of the contest is to create a hook and then leave the listener hanging. This is exactly what happens at the end. You don't just create a development where Miya finds out about the time leap and meets with her long lost sister just to end it abruptly at a reference back to the line contest if it's to be taken seriously. And especially not at an image of Miya with the smuggest grin on her face like she just pranked millions. Hell she even uses 'neta' in the final line, which can be taken as 'punchline' in certain contexts. The line was unpausable too which made me do a double take just to see it again

Personally I'm split on my feelings towards the event. On one hand, it's a 10/10 joke. If this event came out on April fools it would've been the chef's kiss (though I understand why it's great that it came out now too). The meta context behind the joke elevates it too
>released on around the same date as 4.2 which had the exact same long lost family member development
>released at around the same time as Byakko which can be seen as Maeda getting back at players
>makes the whole comment about liking writing Miya make way too much sense
>also makes the event blurb? Or what kakinuma described the event as a miraculous meeting even funnier
It's a great subversion imo, but I can see how it can put people off. Personally I think everything up to day 3 was real, but the meeing itself was the joke. Honestly it being a joke actually completes Miya's arc in an awesome meta fashion. She finally stops being so serious due to her time with 31A and pulls the ultimate prank. A really bold move from Maeda. I wouldn't mind something like this once in a blue moon as long as the character gets time to shine in the main story
>It's a joke event
Nope. There are too many inconsistencies for that to be applicable. In the first place there was no need for all the set up that only makes sense if you know the narvy twist. It all lines up too well.

It's impressive how much you deluded yourself into thinking this literal set up for story plot is a joke though. 10/10
I'm not saying that the whole thing was a joke. Like I said days 1-3 up to the meeting was real - including Miya's backstory. It really must've gone over your head if you think the last minute reunion was supposed to be taken literally. Also all of 5ch and jp twitter thinks it's a joke too so who's the deluded one here?
Fine, let me explain to you all the layers on which you are wrong.
>it was all a set up for the punchline for the championship
Did you see anyone else tell an entire story as a set up for the championship that is literally about getting someone curious with ONE line? Did you even pay attention to the event?
>Day 1-3 were real
If they were, then that means all of Miya's backstory and inner thoughts about the Inner vs. Outer God dichotomy and philosophy are real. And the entire final stretch with Miu was about challenging Miya's philosophy. As a Kyudo master Miya has to be steadfast and follow her "inner" god, but Miu had lost everything and is relying on an "outer" god.
>the entire thing was a meta joke
Maybe you think you are super clever and deep, but you actually are more shallow by believing this.
Day 4 went into a lot of details that are consistent only with the truth of the story, like military observation, the 29 year time gap and the way domes work. All things Miya had no way of knowing and couldn't incorporate in the first place.
If you believe the emotional flashback to her traditional doll and how that factors into how she coped with loss vs. how Miu did and how this self-satisfcation she gave herself is proof she was never the perfect Kyudo master her father and sister expected her to be is all just some lame set-up for a joke I think you don't get story-telling.
>people on 5ch think it's a joke
Oh no, you have convinced me now. Obviously if 5ch says so it must be true! Are you serious? lmao

You can believe whatever you want of course, but Maeda's writing has certain quirks that are consistent and all of this is very much in line with what he would use to convey a point.
I guess we will only know when this inevitably comes up in the story later on. Or in the imaginary paralel world where they announce it was all a joke.
>It's 100% a joke event imo.
I can now understand why Maeda stepped down from writing regular events. You do something beyond the usual "the girl had a troubled past, but now she realizes she's actually in a good place with her life, feels good man" routine for once and the media illiteracy completion immediately begins.
That or when they spill the beans on a future event recap. The beautiful? part of it is that it can be interpreted either way. I still 100% believe it's Maeda taking a jab at readers taking things way too seriously and there's no way to convince me otherwise since something like this is exactly what Maeda would do. I'm going to even fathom the possibility that he meant it literally because if he did, I would have so much more to say...
>Maeda would do that
Okay, let me ask you, when has Maeda ever compromised his own writing to "get back" at someone irl? People here sure love acting like they understand him, but the man is dedicated to his craft and knows where to use humor and where not to use it.
>get back at people who take it too seriously
Yes of course, in this game where literally everything he writes is just a comedy that shouldn't be taken seriously. He is getting back at people who took the Byakko event too seriously, right? The event where he killed off a cat to make people cry. Sigh...
>he meant it literally
Could you elaborate what you mean by this?
I'm not going to lie, I'm super fucking confused right now. I read a very serious story with massive plot implications yesterday and thought, "Let's wait and see where it goes." Today I wake up and see people talking about meta jokes and Maeda getting back at readers, and I have no idea what the fuck they are even talking about. Like, I really don't understand how it can even be interpreted that way.
People can't cope with the final line. It is delivered like a joke and too smug for them and it doesn't help that the event cuts off right there.
Basically, something irregular happens, therefore it must be something meta. That's more or less where the "logic" ends.
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The only ones Maeda is trolling are the waifufags and the Chinese censors, by making every event gayer than the last.
>The only ones Maeda is trolling are the waifufags
I actually had that kind of thought. If we're talking about Maeda getting back at someone in this event's writing, I can see him using this event to show WFS that he doesn't give a fuck about their recent attempts at wafufag pandering.
They're begging for social media engagement again, promising 10 pulls. I'm not sure I understand the point of doing this, but whatever, I guess.
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Well one thing you can't deny is that the Key writers are pushing yuri in every event too. It seems the writing team overall is very pro-yuri and everything outside of the writing is becoming more waifufaggy thanks to WFS execs.
But while I obviously love AkaMisa(+Fubuki) teasing in the Akarin event or the YanaShiki moment in Yanagi's event and Amari moments in general, nobody does it quite so in your face as Maeda. Both in the story and his recent events he just goes for the jugular. RukaYukki basically canon now, Higumin telling Yuki that heteronormavity is stupid and Miya undeniably being 100% gay mess are not as easy to downplay as the subtexty other stuff.
I'd say they're obviously fans of yuri elements. I enjoy all the things you listed as well, but I'm also very pessimistic that we'll get any of the dozen or so pairings so far confirmed as actual couples by the time the story ends. I get that it's not a romance game, but do they honestly think that they would alienate any player at this point if they moved beyond interactions that are "easy to downplay"?
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It's an interesting balance. There are a lot of unapologetically gay girls in that cast (Shiki, Isuzu, Ruka, Miya etc.) and then there are girls that are in clearly supported ships, but don't go beyond a subtext line (Amari, AkaMisa, NiinAsami etc.). The third category is stuff like IchiAoi which is sort of implied, but they wouldn't dare push because waifufags are too obssessed.

In the end the only pairing that is guaranteed to be canon by the end is RukaYukki of course, but I trust KareTsuka too. KuraMona was basically tragic yuri, but also confirmed in its own way.
3 more.
I mean even if Miya is a flaming dyke, her main ship is with Yuina and I don't see that going anywhere. It's sort of similar to Isuzu's situation. Clearly a lesbian, lots of potential, but her main ship is with her own sister which is not gonna work out.
On top of my own playthrough I have watched 5 streamers play this event now and not a single one of them thought it was a joke. Neither did their chats. So even if some people who are caught in some meta narrative may think so, normal players take the event at face value.
They're being generous to Maeda and coping that he'll never do a third act reveal as dogass as this; Even though these rushed conclusions are a Maeda trademark at this point, but this one was just especially unsatisfactory. There's also nothing special about the event if it was to be taken at face value - is what the general consensus is
I love how your blindly declare a general consensus ons something people can apparently not even agree what the ending means.
Never push your opinions as fact again. It's too obvious.
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Another one
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Some RukaYui to offset all that Miya content.
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I just remembered something, has anyone else noticed that She is Legend's Twitter account was following Crunchyroll? I don't remember exactly when but I saw it sometime this year, then they quickly unfollowed. I wonder what that was about...
Wake me up when they follow Studio Bones or Gainax.
What Bones did for yuri again?
That's not the point. If they anime HBR it will at least look nice. Not like any half-assed gacha based anime will ever deliver on the yuri anyway. They would make it up to the end of chapter at the most and cut out all the interactions that make the game good.
Like it or not, most of the yuri HBR has is in its side-content.
*chapter 2
Specifically so they can get all the Aoi bucks. And then never a season 2.
Anon, I
I'm going by portfolio not realism. I dunno if you noticed but it was a deprecating joke.
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Suganyan's new memory episode proves why she is the strongest Golita. Crossing over what I dubbed as the Terror Squad with WakkiBungo play time is pretty funny. It's good to see they continue the plot point of Bungo being her Lolita Goddess.
I have never heard someone count to 10 so menacingly...
So they haven't learned from the summer event at all and locked Miya's super spoilery event behind chapter 1 only. At this point why even have unlock conditions when pretty much all of them are attainable after chapters 1 and 2
Yeah, just like Swimsuit 2 the event is also balanced around chapter 1 difficulty. 4000. Absolutely idiotic. Honestly, even new players who beat chapter 1 tend to be far above 4000 by now.
I mean the dungeon sections in this event already felt tagged on because Maeda clearly only cared about the character interactions and gave the most flimsy reasons to go into battle, but even if I reduce my squad to A styles I beat every enemy in one hit, even the bosses. The BGM cant even get to the vocals.

Why would you make an event that spoils at very least Chapter 3, if not chapter 4 if you are a little bit smart, behind a chapter 1 requirement? If you combine it with the low difficulty it's clear. They want new players to be able to play this. The excuse I saw used many times on Swimsuit 2 was that they warn you that the event requires you to be 4.1 Day 4, but they still made the event so easy that you can beat even Flathand with a chapter 1 party. That speaks volumes for itself, doesn't it? They literally don't give a shit, they are giving new players the option to ignore the warning and succeed.

And for what? Well there was a one month break and surely new players can't bear that there is no content for them as well, right? Whether they put it into chapter 1 or 2 is arbitrary as fuck as we already know, because they put stuff in chapter 1 that requires to play an event from chapter 2. It's 100% just in chapter 1 because the chapter 2 list is getting way too long.

Honestly... even if they had somehow avoided all spoilers, the dynamic between 30G makes no sense if you didnt play chapter 3 and Yuina's event. I ask again, who is this event for? What is the point of letting newcomers play this if they can not enjoy it the way someone who even did the minimal thing and beat chapter 3 does?

It's not as bad as Swimsuit 2, but not by much. At least it doesnt spoil the entire climax of a chapter...
>So they haven't learned from the summer event at all and locked Miya's super spoilery event behind chapter 1 only.
I can't wait for swimsuit 3 now. If many people's predictions are correct and it is based on chapter 4, then how insane the spoilers are going to be. Like, are they going to show Narashino dome in a chapter 1 event or some shit.
I am 100% convinced that the current management would have made Yuina's original event a chapter 1 event just because. Even though it literally spoils chapter 2's conclusion, it's no different from what Swimsuit 2 did. If they could they would make all events available right away.
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I think they are fine making events ch.2 locked, it's when it goes to 3 and beyond that their retard mode activates. Which is quite ironic, because Aoi's fate is spoiled in the game's fucking trailer, yet they protect every event related to it, while the actual spoiler content is out in the open for everyone to see.
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Is Miya going to be Higuchi of 5.2? There have been predictions that 5.2/5.3 will be G and C, if so it would make sense for him to set the arc for her there.
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If we believe that every part of chapter 5 will follow a similar formula of the first half focusing on another squad while having 31A's plot in parallel, then this is a possibility.
But what exactly is the reasoning that it will be 30G and 31C? I can gather that the final part when facing the Mother Cancer may well be an appropiate time to focus on Yuina's death flag, so if anything I'd expect 5.3 to be a 30G chapter.
31C on the other hand... admittedly the Bungo situation has still not been resolved but I don't really know what could and how it would be integrated in the Shikuko campaign.

Still Maeda doesn't do events that don't get referenced (outside of Byakko because why would it) and if Swimsuit 2 is anything to go by he really wants them to matter. This must come back in some way.
>But what exactly is the reasoning that it will be 30G and 31C
B, C, and G are Maeda's original units, so there's a good chance that whatever story Maeda had in mind will continue to involve them.
>so if anything I'd expect 5.3 to be a 30G chapter.
You can swap them around, it's just a guess, it's not like we know shit.
>you can swap them around
Did you just completely ignore my reasoning...?
Unless Yuina gets solo focus in 5.3 alongside whatever you think 31C can get, it would only make sense for 30G to be the central focus as a side-squad. 30G has been vital in every single operation except the one from chapter 1. They are more or less the deuteragonist squad of this story. If they don't appear in the "finale" of the Japan reclamation it would be very odd.
I'm saying, you can swap it to 5.2 31C and 5.3 30G if you want, it's complete guesswork right now anyway.
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ai trash...
Ruka had one hell of a growth spurt, huh?
Fuck off to your containment thread
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The Muua x Sadolita fanfics write themselves.
If Ruka really wasn't trying to seduce Miya, then what was that entire deal about being embarrassed to move her bangs and show off her left eye? I thought she originally said she just did it for style reasons.
Of course that isn't really enough to call it seduction, but Miya is so unbelievably gay she will kiss a girl just for being pretty and within smooching range I guess.
Even her tone kinda made it clear that she was playing with Miya by flirting with her, so I don't think it's as unintentional as people are saying it is.
Well, that's why I'm personally not a fan of RukaMiya suddenly being a thing, even as a joke. Miya being so gay was funny but in the end, it's just Maeda making his MC flirt with the girl he currently likes. It was Yuina before. It's Miya now.
Well unlike RukaYui which at least seems somewhat plausible for Ruka, I think this one really wasn't meant to be taken that seriously anyway, even if Ruka intentionally messed with her. Ruka tends to hit on girls she has no chance with from her perspective I suppose. Karerin, Yuina, Miya, Nanami, Yunyun etc. From a lot of memory/bond events you can tell that Ruka enjoys flirting for the sake of it too. Not to mention she really loves cute reactions and flustered girls.

And it's not like he dropped Miya's main ship, she is still a mess for Yuina at all times. I don't know if it's great that Yuina is so aware of Miya's feelings and just pushes them aside though. Misunderstanding comedy is really tedious and usually never goes anywhere, so this approach is marginally better at least. As long as she's aware of it and Miya keeps getting closer it may actually go somewhere. Too bad Yuina's on a doom clock... Miya is running out of time.
>Maeda making his MC flirt with the girl he currently likes. It was Yuina before. It's Miya now.
I think it's more of his Key roots awakening in him. He sees both Yuina and Miya as "heroines" who could have their own routes and Ruka is the "MC", so when he starts to focus on writing about them, it naturally ends up that way. Megumi, for example, is the "MC's bro" archetype in the framework of his older works, so Ruka will never seriously start hitting on her.
Then what is Tama? She actually did flirt with her back in chapter 1 and a bit into chapter 2. Seems Ruka gave up on a lot of her initial flirting targets quickly before it got too serious.
If we're talking about just dynamics, I actually like RukaMiya quite a bit. It's precisely because it's "out no nowhere" and "not meant to be taken seriously" that I don't like how canon went about it. Now if they had drawn some direct parallels between Miu and Ruka and explicitly made it seem like Miya was trying to replace Miu's warmth with Ruka's while harbouring romantic affections for her, that would have been more for me. Of course you can interpret it that way but it was more vague and the forefront was the same old pattern of Ruka being flirty and making someone fall for her.

That's pretty much what I'm trying to say. But he clearly only does it with the girls he likes, so it reminds me more of... Tomoyo After. Now if they were all separate routes, that's one thing, but everything's in one timeline, so I don't like how it seems like every girl is in love with the super amazing, super perfect and cool Ruka. I think he should be writing the ships more like how he writes his anime ones.
And Ruka does flirt with Megumi too. The only one she doesn't flirt with in 31A is probably Tsukasa. Though Maeda's MCs do get flirty moments with their bros so it's not surprising.
>And Ruka does flirt with Megumi too. The only one she doesn't flirt with in 31A is probably Tsukasa.
Yeah, she doesn't do it much, but she at the very least is physically attracted enough to Megumin to sexually harrass her.
With Tsukasa it's absolutely nothing, which is weird in and of itself considering what a beauty she is and how they are both kind of dumbasses. I wonder if Ruka instinctively sensed awakened Tsukasa below the ditzy front... or maybe she relates to her because very early on Tsukasa brought up her dead mother and Ruka's entire early story behaviour was informed by being depressed after her mother's death, which we only got to understand after 5.1.
She does show physical attraction towards Tsukasa too. Not surprising since she likes the female body in general. But on top of the mom thing, I don't think Tsukasa is Ruka's type at all so it makes sense. I think she prefers playing with people she can be the boke with and mess with rather than the ones she has to tsukkomi. But in Tsukasa's early bond stories, she's more of an airhead than Ruka... And later on, the thing with Karerin/Karenchan happens and she has fun teasing her about that.

I see flirting as just Ruka's hobby, an ice-breaker thing and a coping mechanism since she loves teasing someone for whatever reason to relax, so I don't take any of it seriously except the game she's playing with Yukki... Where again, I think she's enjoying the thrill of playing with her too much to end the slowburn anytime soon. She needs to consciously realize and acknowledge how much she likes Yukki for that.
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The thing with RukaYukki is that their relationship has never been static. In chapter 1 they were almost antagonistic.
In chapter 2 she learned to trust in Yukki and tried to get closer without really seriously hitting on her.
In chapter 3 they have their big fight which ends in them becoming much closer and that moment where Kura asks Ruka about Yukki and there is only ONE choice, meaning Ruka has absolutely no other thoughts about it was pretty much defining.
In 4.1 they are literally each other's supports and that's where things really start to get serious in the feelings department in my opinion.
In 4.2 their relationship sort of stagnates, because they are too busy holding the squad together after Megumin left, but there are many moments where Ruka distinctly takes Yukki's presence for granted and vice versa.
5.1 is Yukki's BIG realization moment that she literally can't live without Ruka and just how deeply her feelings run.

So as you say, Ruka still needs to realize how much Yukki matter beyond being her emotional support and friend. She enjoys flirting with her, but she also plays dumb when everyone else ships them. She is acting really slippery, like she never wants to cross a line.
I hope that in 5.2 everyone drills into Ruka just how far Yukki went for her.
Yeah, I agree. I don't mind the slowburn since there's progress and I really like how their relationship has been handled so far. There needs to be more serious Ruka -> Yukki to balance things, but I see Ruka's hesitance as a sign that she really doesn't want to mess this up, even if she's not consciously aware of that feeling. So she seems to take small steps and gauge Yukki's reactions.
And Yukki seems to have reached a stage where she's willing to be more vulnerable instead of lashing out (see how she agreed to the idea of Ruka giving her CPR even when Ruka was clearly just flirting about kissing her). So if Ruka ever decides to make a serious move, I can see Yukki accepting her instead of running away when the defense mechanism kicks in.
They released the 3D live of Shunmin Ryodan.
I gotta say Fender is really upping their game on these animations each time. The details in this are spectacular. I especially love that wave flourish motion Tsukasa does on the keyboard. It conveys how she is actually one of the few in SiL who is already an experienced instrument player.
The cafeteria is barely even recognizable anymore at this point though...
I'm no good with lyrics, but some commenters say that lines in this mirror ones from Burn My Soul.

Lowkey one of the best songs in the game btw. I wouldn't call it a waste or anything, but it's a song you'd expect in something more important.
Fender is only there for the guitar licenses, the studio is Graphinica.
Whoa they put them up there like they were important. I could swear they were credited during some of the animated cutscenes before... must have mixed them up.
All hail Graphinica then.
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This is about the loli trio's relationship's with their girlfriends. On the matter of doing 'it'.
I might get some stuff wrong.

Hisame: "I never seem to be able to get my apprentice into the mood for it..."
Tama: "I understand, Megumi-san always avoids the topic..."
Miko: "Is it really that important??"
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And here are the partner's reactions.

Megumin: "It's still too early for Tama!!"
Inori: "Ugh... The sacred sword is still unsheathed"(no clue what this is about)
Saku: "...I sense a cute love story."
>another great HBR streamer is graduating
fuck no... she's one of my favourites...
Oh Kuga, I liked her too. It's kinda what happens. They either rise up to be reborn in a company or they move on to something else.
Her agency is seemingly dying, I scrolled their twitter a bit and it seems they graduated 3 more earlier this year. Small agencies are always cancer because they own the character rights and then just randomly die all the time, while most people don't really have the power to just start from scratch again. IIRC, Enira is also from the same agency, I wonder if she's okay.
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Stop posting AI garbage already.
In case these are really made with AI I want to remind everyone that /u/ has an AI art containment thread and that posting AI art anywhere else is not generally acceptable.
>In case these are really made with AI
I can tell it's AI just by the art style alone, because I've seen this model too many times. But if you take a closer look, check the hair around Yuki's ear or the strings on her pajamas melt.
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This ain't AI at least, guaranteed.
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Twincest... we were so close to greatness.
The world's first age gap twincest.
Randomly discovered someone compiling chapter 5 final fight lines, they only did Yuki and Megumi so far.
Neat. I wish the game itself had the option to switch between voice line types in the character menu. You'd think that's one of the most useful applications of that section.
Seriously can someone tell me where you can contact support with this game? I really would like to tell these chucklefucks that they need to raise the requirements for these events because they ruined the experiences of so many new players by now.
Trying to get attention on Twitter would be pointless and the game's actual website gives you zero way to contact them.
They have this on their website, never tried it though.
>"Please note that we will not respond to anything you send."
I know they just mean they won't message anyone back, but from the way that entire thing is set up it sounds more like they will ignore me. It's basically a forced questionaire after that. Why do I need to answer all these points just to send my "opinion"?
I can already tell this is a dead end, but at least I tried.
FYI, got a problem with subs rewards not being toggle on even though I paid. They replied to my message within 3 hours. Solve the problem within one day.
That's different. That's a technical problem that affects money too. They would be crazy not to deal with that.
What I send them is labeled under "opinions/suggestions". That means it can basically be ignored. But I can't pretend this is an actual system issue.
>no new styles
Wow, their golden week offering was super weak this year, Miya's gacha was it.
>forgetting about the strongest lolita in the universe
If they haven't prepared anything special for the occasion, it means they plan to strike somewhere else instead. Maybe next month's cursed bride banner will have a big character like Yuina or Aoi.
I'd rather have no banner than that.
Am I seeing this right, they now have tickets for fighting Alternate Time Layer (hard mode) bosses? Or is this just a boss rush mode?
It's a little bit boss rush and collection of boss for people who miss the weekly timing, it's using tickets and limited to 10. It also has new feature to make it easier to beat by farming certain item from prism boss.
So this is literally a way to let non-numberfags feel like they can beat Hard Mode? That's hilarious and I am all for it.
So you'll get 5 Daphne from beating Boss (4) and trade premium medal for it (1).
Oh my favorite upgrade to the game... a wider home screen!
>doing it with thunder sharo team
You lazy fuck.
Go meta or go home, amirite?
I don't want to whine, but this stream could have been replaced by a few twitter posts.
They are more or less back to the normal style schedule now. Something like
5/17 > 5/31(event) > 6/14(brides?) > 6/28(event) > 7/12 > half-anni stuff
Of course they can change any of this or add more at any moment, it's just a basic prediction.
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No unison till August at least? Not sure if I'm happy or not. On one hand I'll have like 600 pulls by that time. On the other it tempts a compulsion to gacha. Though admittedly, nothing interesting came out for awhile.
>No unison till August at least?
Feels like it. They can do it similar to last year's swimsuit > suit KareTsuka banners. Release Megumi or Karen swimsuit with an event, then release the other girl as an anniversary unison style later. However, it's wfs, they can just make up a reason to release unison at any time.
To be honest, I thought they were going to announce Karen today, it's been a while since her last style. Then Megumi would have gotten swimsuit, then Karen would have gotten unison with the 5.2 release, whenever that is. This seems reasonable to me from a timing perspective. But, well, they didn't announce anything.
There's still time to do it if they want to, like the next gacha, but double anni release feels more likely now.
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Alright, so the new hard mode boss rush. This is exactly what I originally asked for, a way to just access these bosses whenever in a separate mode. The reward and ticket system is a nice bonus.
A pro and at the same time con is that now you immediately go into the boss fight. That means Deathslug, RotaryMole and RedCrimson cheese by stacking OD/tokens on weak enemies first is gone.
They didn't make these bosses their Score Attack versions, so no out of story abilities either.

What I don't get is how to get more tickets for the mode.
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Neat. They even use a voiceline for it.
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>Ichigo x Muua
Sometimes I can't even comprehend the thought process behind artist pairings.
Some artists just want to draw their own OC pairing dynamic, but don't have the courage to see their OC characters get 4 likes from their followers, so they substitute the closer character from the franchise they follow instead. Another version of this is when the pairing is popular, but both characters are acting completely ooc, it's because the artist was only concerned with the specific dynamic and just used the popular pairing for it.
Every Monday you get I'd assume 1. And yes, the first 3 are actually fights now, which is funny. Especially the giga stun of rotary mole is something I didn't know about.

At least it's a one and done deal, as you'd not refight them time and time again anymore with this system. Feeler onwards is the same and a lot faster/less RNG.

You seem to also be able to stack tickets, so it's probably ending up a once per month thing due to the refreshing shop. Not sure I wanna deal with the worm once per month though. Too lazy to do any of the reruns so far. Once was really enough.
The main reason to do them is for the loot of course. The rare upgrade items and the quartz especially. I wonder if those also reset after a while... After all you could previously get new skill up items every week.

And you have to beat each boss once to unlock the next, so it will still take a while until Dendron comes back. Not that I could beat it anyway. I still just about fail on Flathand 2, though I'm getting close.
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The Miyalel world drove her into Tsukishiro's arms...
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>Release Megumi or Karen swimsuit with an event, then release the other girl as an anniversary unison style later
I'm still waiting...
>substitute the closer character from the franchise they follow instead

To be honest sis, I never heard of anyone doing this. Are you sure this isn't something you project onto others? No judgment.
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This is another one that was paywalled on gs site before, I think, I remember seeing a frame from it.
Turning lolita-senpai into an actual lolicon by circumstance is kind of funny. But I can also see this escalate negatively. The only reason she likes lolis is because they are perfect for her fashion.
Bungo has like 100-lita so she is the lolita goddess.
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So what did Sharo mean with this?
I didn't even recognize the heart until I saw this line..
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Did you just notice that voiceline? It's a continuation of her line on her lightning style where she said Yunyun's outfit would look good on Ruka (the highest praise).
I like this artist's take on it.
I still had Kozue on my homescreen till yesterday, and figured it's time to change.
Also poor Yunyun.
Oh I didnt mean you have to pick it as your homescreen to know, it's not like everyone has every style. But we did talk about that line when the style came out a few weeks ago.
>poor Yunyun
SharoYunyun shippers certainly have a weird sense of humor.
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Mangaka need to relax a little.
Yeah... this is some heavy flanderization for Chie. Not that a 4koma tends to have nuance, but still. Like the distinction between lolita fashion and being a lolicon was pretty important until now.
Now it's Tsukasa's VA's turn.
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I love how much of a gossip group 30G actually became. 31A had positive effect on them.
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>continues to post AI shit from the same one pixiv user
What is this mental illness called?
I'm sorry anon, I'm trying to be polite here, but I'll only say it one more time. AI art has it's own thread and doesn't belong anywhere else. If you just stop post it there it's fine. If you don't we will have to report it. Can we at least avoid this kind of stuff outside the autistic threads?

Calm down. If it keeps happening just report and move on.
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Sharo's bday means ShaRuka art.
You could argue that Light Ruka is also a pair style with vampire Sharo!
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So in the true ending of chapter 5 Tezuka gives Ruka the hairpins from her mother, but that confuses me. I think she said they found them in a locker the base or whatever, but what really makes no sense is that Tezuka knows they are from Ruka's mother to begin with? Doesn't this imply the military is aware of Ruka's family in much more detail than normal? And they don't even question where these hairpins came from.

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