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I want to plan a trip to Britanny & Normandy and camp around megalithic structure like Dolmens and Minirs. Is there any good spots to do this where I won’t be bothered? I would like to explore around too, but I need to experience a night or two doing this.

I haven't been to the Carnac but the Bretons told me it really isn't that impressive - there's a story recently that the government approved moving one of the stones to make room for a hardware store. There are less dense formations everywhere else that aren't really impressive.

There's a single tall structure in Dol-de-Bretagne around some emptyish fields with St. Malo and Mont St Michel nearby. For a formation of smaller rocks that is more secluded, there's Camaret-sur-Mer with a nice marina and some historical forts/bunkers nearby.

I'd reccomend the Cairn de Barnenez (yeah, not the same) near Morlaix; it has a ok view of the Morlaix bay but theres some refugee panels that ruin the message. If you are public transportation, email the tourism office with your time to double check if you need to reserve a shuttle/bus van and remember that the drop off/return stop are NOT the same place.
>Cairn de Barnenez
Thank you, I’ll give it a look. How does camping in France go? I read that open air camping it isn’t allowed. Not sure how true is this or if it’s one of these things where they’ll just give it a pass and look the other way if you cause no problems.
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I'm not the first guy but I went camping from Granville up to Mont Saint-Michel and was able to find some nice and quiet spots without being bothered. As long as you're respectful and gone early in the morning, nobody should bat an eye. In my experience, people there are pretty lay back. Once, I asked a lady if I could put my tent in her garden because I was out of options and she easily agreed. I think you'll be fine.
Thanks, this is really reassuring. I’ll keep this into consideration when I go. My buddy went up there and said there people are friendly. I’m sure it’ll go well then, I was a bit hesitant because I heard outdoor camping might be a problem. I’ll do as you say then.
there are a few rules to camp in the wild but basically don't be too close to roads/path and don't litter. As long as you don't put your tent too early or leave late in the day people won't bother you.

In the summer it may be more strict because of wildfire but you probably won't have problem in britanny/normandy.

I highly recommend "le cap de la chevre"
French here, been 2 times to Carnac it's shit if you come just for this. Lot of tourist and that's not impressive at all but if you travel Brittany coast and towns (especially in bicycle) it's one of the most beautiful sight of France.

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