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“There's something out there.
It's calling me... and it's calling you too. Let's go together.”


What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Guide/Product release info found here:

Stickness on your figures?

Nendoroid spreadsheet in Google Docs, compiling info regarding names, # of faces, accessories, etc of all the nendos made so far

Nendoroid guide to bootlegs to prevent people fall for shitty made figures (any correction or improvement that need to be made is welcome)
Also the buyfag wiki about bootlegs

Gallery of nendos with Sylvanian Families or re-ment furniture for scale comparison

>How it's made: GSC edition

Here is a shop that sells loose nendoroid parts for cheap and the inventory updates daily

Reminder: if you want GSC to make or rerelease something you need to tell them you want it.
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my pre order charged from the goodsmile.us store so hopefully best boy is shipping soon
fuck this must have gone under the radar for me, is there anywhere you can still preorder him? I’m not finding anything.
Hoy Fucking Cringe you enjoyed this faggot game?
I think I'll drop ami ami for nendos. They seem to be cheaper overall on the eu shop
goodsmile.eu shop?
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....though for some reason nyagger isn't on there yet. Hopefully it's just not updated
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Got my final haul today. Wanted the Ushio To Tora ones for years, but could never justify the price, dunno if they ever went on sale but ultimately ended up paying to retail in the end.
Is there any nendoroids that would pull you back in?
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That's a good question. I'm trying to avoid characters that either already have 1:12 figures or have a good chance of getting them.

I would definitely get Mikami Reiko from GSM and at this point i'll take any new Toriko figures regardless of format.
Nendos are right around the price point where I could see Shipping+VAT+handling fee beating local seller markups - especially at a distributor level like GSC must be.

One of the few upshots to post-brexit bongland is our piss poor implementation of a very similar import tax policy.
ironically importing something from UK is more expensive than importing from japan for us
it updated btw. Just takes a few hours more I guess
I mean, unless you are talking about domestic products, that's because you've already paid shipping+reseller markup+shipping AGAIN+local tax bullshit, of course that's going to cost out the ass vs buying direct from the source.
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I actually got thse guys from Canada of all places. Cheaper that the Japan aftermarket prices on Mercari and YAJ. They come with a bunch a neat stuff. Just got then in neutral poses until I figure out the display.
ooooh fuck I think I bought the wrong stands
I didn't even notice.... I bookmarked them on amiami I think.
>they come in a pair of 3
>pretty surprising since I expected only 1
>got 6 of them now
>own not a single nendoroid doll body
hope they fit a figma hole or something
Oh that's a neat idea. The bases are a bit ugly, might be nice to do them all with an easel instead and save the base for aerial poses.
Is spring Wonhobby happening or not?
Last year's was at the end of May.
just cut the clear pole off and glue
yeah no they are fundamentally to big. I'll just get the other one once my reimu nendo ships. The pole can be pulled in and out btw. I think the small ones have one too from the pictures.
Anyone with the Guts figma? I'm surprised it's still in stock given Berserks popularity. You think it would sell out soon? Maybe I should jump on it now.

Also cute nendo Zodd when??
I meant nendo obviously kek
I've been thinking about pikcing up sakuna from sakuna of rice and ruin and seeing those extra arms and accessoirs really makes me wish nendoroid would have planned with more foresight like figma did. It would have been nice if these accessoirs would be really interchangable and just switchable hand pieces or something.... you know like those extras they love to give you if you order something during a specific month on the gsc website.
My Omori Nendoroid shipped, so I’ll post pics when he arrives. Weird though because I haven’t seen anyone else talking about him releasing or any reviews yet.
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The clear little stands that generally hold up little characters always tend to snap on me and I’m wondering if it’s because of the weather conditions I experience.
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just got my the dumb robotslut
too lazy to take jill out of my display for now though
the clear plastic they use is really brittle. you can try contacting their customer service and they might replace the part, they did for me once
Richter Belmont nendoroid is probably the first time I was so damn conflicted about potentially buying something. The design itself is good and I've been into Castlevania for 15+ years but at the same time I didn't even bother with watching his Netflix show (didn't watch Trevor one past S2) and his faceplates fucking suck. I didn't have any hesitation about buying Alucard.
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Anyone have him? Hao is he? He’s on sale at BBTS
>Hao is he?
pretty sure he isn't
Yeah, that's Zeke :)
I can't remember if SK 2021 was good, just that the theme song was the jam, along with Digimon Frontier's theme
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Aru Rikuhachima available for pre-order.
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Dragon Gang complete (for now).
They forgot the butler dragon...
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Per twitter, the Kaiji nendo prototype at the exhibition has been replaced with a painted version
They went for the worst outfit.
I'd buy Akagi if they made him
Is the color version better then the monochrome one?

I ask, cuz something about this feels wrong.
Yeah of all his clothes why go for the one set that wasn't his choice
I honestly prefer the monochrome look.
Mickey is that character for me where I don't like when his design becomes more complicated, and that includes colors.
I don't mind his newer looks (image related). My favorite version of his design is something in the middle. The black and white face but with color. But with steamboat Willie, it just doesn't look right. He doesn't have his gloves, which would be fine, but that is this weird navy blue. Not really sure why they decided to make an alternative version anyway. It's not bad or anything, I just think they should have done a 30s styled figure instead.
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Fuck I forgot the image.
This gay faggot game got nendaroids before devilman?
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>gay faggot
Anon, I love Devilman and all but let's not throw stones in gay houses here.
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Does anyone here know what "Nendoroid Light" might mean?
I haven't heard of those before. The name makes me think they might have less articulation or accessories?
Looking at the only Nendo Light that has been released so far (https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1886486), it's just a static figure in the Nendo style.
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no articulation.
you do realize that maybe the company that owns Devilman is demanding too much for the rights to make Nendos right?

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