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>"Its in a bigger scale therefore its better!"
Nobody says this. 6 inch is the perfect scale.
I blame Neca and Mcfarlane for creating this kind of retarded logic.
I look like and say this.
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>6 inch is the perfect scale.
>muh heft
>One of the few times it's been warranted
Who's this post directed at? 1/6 and 1/4 would be way more popular here if that was the general consensus. Even 1/10 a lot of people collect more because they're the only option for characters they want rather than because they like the scale better. 1/18 has a lot of appeal with dioramas, playsets, vehicles, and stuff, but the prices have increased to the point where they're not far off from 1/12, which the majority of lines are at this point.
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For me it's 1/64
>batman should be bigger cuz he's more popular

Fuck Todd
Imagine having an actual scale instead of just doing random sizes so your motorcycle is bigger than your space shuttle
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I actually like big toys if I really like the character
fuck you i had one of them stuffed power rangers with the plastic hands that was like 2 ft and that shit was balla, fuck your action figures
Yea Master Grades are better, but Bandai seems to refuse to make them. Now I'm stuck collecting High Grade kits to get my weird mono eye fix
If import companies did 1/18 then you might’ve had a point
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>"Its in a bigger scale therefore its better!"
I say stuff like that and i buy toys of big scale.
bigger is better (and no im not american so "small penis joke/overcompensating" wont work here)
t. FucMarlane collector
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>1/18 enjoyer
Large character>large scaled figure of a character
Waste of a fucking thread
Meh. 1/24 is where it is at.
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I genuinely don't understand these scale arguments. What's your dog in the fight? Why do you care if someone buys bigger or smaller toys? Frankly, it seems insane. I totally get not mixing scales, though, that shit is disgusting,
3.75 figures just look better to me
>I totally get not mixing scales, though, that shit is disgusting,
Depends really on what exactly is being mixed. 6 and 7 inch stuff can feasibly work if you blur the lines a bit in my experience but sometimes there'll have to be some concessions made simply due to what does and doesn't exist. Imports and Domestics especially.
It was a joke
I would love a 1/1 scale Gundam
>Being a scaly
>1/18 betar cuz it smol!
>*Nobody makes cool vehicles or playsets to accompany the figures thereby making it pointless*
1:10 is a bit nicer than 1:12 though
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Each scale has its draws, but bluntly:
What is the Focus of your scale?
If it is a City or generally macro item, you want it to be small in scale, probably 1:2000-ish. If you want it to be a Roleplay item, be it a transformation device or similar, you want it roughly 1:1. This, however, depends primarily on what you can work with, space-wise.

Tried to put it simply as I could, but:
City < Faceless Army < Large Building < Small building/large vehicles < Team/Squad < Character/Small Vehicle < Single Character < Roleplay item

There's obviously odds and ends that don't fit this, like a single/multiple planets, roleplay items that are non-scale(like the weapon of a mecha or similar).

Scale is useful, it makes things more believable, but remember to collect in ways that are healthy for you and that toys should be fun.
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Can't get more interactive than this
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>Nobody makes cool vehicles or playsets to accompany the figures thereby making it pointless
are you talking about 1/12? Because Mattel, Toy Alliance, and Joytoy pump out vehicles and playsets regularly for 1/18 while no one does regular 1/12 vehicle and playset releases. Even Hasbro who does 1/12 vehicles for their Joes releases more 1/18 vehicles for TVC
Clean your floor.
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That's my backyard
I rarely ever see anyone here post 1/18 vehicles. It's always focused on figures and nothing else.
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how often do you actually go into the 1/18 general cause there are multiple vehicle and playset/dioramas posted in the thread?
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They exist whether people post it or not. You just need to know a little give 1:18 a quick search and you're inundated with a ton of stuff.
Then you realize there's a lot of adjacent stuff out there too. Stuff that isn't called 1:18, but it's basically the same size. Stuff like Calico Critters, Playmobil, and other german toylines.

Personally, it's a bit of a pain to tak eout oversized stuff out, since they take up so much space and i can't have them out on display most of the time. I tend to lose stuff that's over 8", because they don't go into my normal boxes, shelves, and closets.
This Lost Planet mech is who knows where and i have two Bradleys (one Unimax, the other 21st Century) that i haven't seen in two or three years.
There are zero good IPs that release figures in 1/18 scale. Sorry.
>I genuinely don't understand these scale arguments. What's your dog in the fight?
It's not actually an argument. The industry is absolutely dominated by 1:12/6-inch scale. It's an inferiority complex thing. Very loud contrarians are mad that a scale they don't like is the standard and that 99% of franchises and meaningful figure lines release in that scale, so they fabricate arguments about it on 4chan and pretend it's a matter of taste and not just them seething because their scale is relegated to generic lego army men.
Oh no I'm stuck with Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Star Trek, Alien, Predator, Warhammer, Judge Dredd, Robocop, The Walking Dead, and G.I. Joe. I'm not sure I'll be able to survive without my favorite capeshit our generic anime girl number 57.
Like anon said, not a single good IP
Thats why i hate 6 inch, because it absolutely sidelined every other scale within the industry because losers and retards need everything to fit within their marlel legends soicuck MCU figures. Black series for instance has been a disaster for star wars since it sidelined and as a result lessened the budget for superior 3.75 figures which shouldve always have stayed the main scale for star wars
>He thinks people want 6 inch because of the MCU
You're funny, anon.
1:18 is good for vehicles and stuff, but the problem is for the actual figures, 1:12 is just better. You will ALWAYS be able to fit more articulation engineering into a figure and have it look better at 1:12 than 1:18 by simple virtue of size. The reason JoyToy's 40K line is so good is probably because Space Marines are bigger than regular humans and so have more room for jointing. The regular-sized guys are fine, but definitely more limited in posing.

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